path: root/chrome/views/controls/tree/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'chrome/views/controls/tree/')
1 files changed, 742 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/chrome/views/controls/tree/ b/chrome/views/controls/tree/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cf4f147
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chrome/views/controls/tree/
@@ -0,0 +1,742 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2006-2008 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "chrome/views/controls/tree/tree_view.h"
+#include <shellapi.h>
+#include "base/win_util.h"
+#include "chrome/common/gfx/chrome_canvas.h"
+#include "chrome/common/gfx/icon_util.h"
+#include "chrome/common/l10n_util.h"
+#include "chrome/common/resource_bundle.h"
+#include "chrome/common/stl_util-inl.h"
+#include "chrome/views/focus/focus_manager.h"
+#include "chrome/views/widget/widget.h"
+#include "grit/theme_resources.h"
+namespace views {
+ : tree_view_(NULL),
+ model_(NULL),
+ editable_(true),
+ next_id_(0),
+ controller_(NULL),
+ editing_node_(NULL),
+ root_shown_(true),
+ process_enter_(false),
+ show_context_menu_only_when_node_selected_(true),
+ select_on_right_mouse_down_(true),
+ wrapper_(this),
+ original_handler_(NULL),
+ drag_enabled_(false),
+ has_custom_icons_(false),
+ image_list_(NULL) {
+TreeView::~TreeView() {
+ if (model_)
+ model_->SetObserver(NULL);
+ // Both param_to_details_map_ and node_to_details_map_ have the same value,
+ // as such only need to delete from one.
+ STLDeleteContainerPairSecondPointers(id_to_details_map_.begin(),
+ id_to_details_map_.end());
+ if (image_list_)
+ ImageList_Destroy(image_list_);
+void TreeView::SetModel(TreeModel* model) {
+ if (model == model_)
+ return;
+ if(model_ && tree_view_)
+ DeleteRootItems();
+ if (model_)
+ model_->SetObserver(NULL);
+ model_ = model;
+ if (tree_view_ && model_) {
+ CreateRootItems();
+ model_->SetObserver(this);
+ HIMAGELIST last_image_list = image_list_;
+ image_list_ = CreateImageList();
+ TreeView_SetImageList(tree_view_, image_list_, TVSIL_NORMAL);
+ if (last_image_list)
+ ImageList_Destroy(last_image_list);
+ }
+// Sets whether the user can edit the nodes. The default is true.
+void TreeView::SetEditable(bool editable) {
+ if (editable == editable_)
+ return;
+ editable_ = editable;
+ if (!tree_view_)
+ return;
+ LONG_PTR style = GetWindowLongPtr(tree_view_, GWL_STYLE);
+ style &= ~TVS_EDITLABELS;
+ SetWindowLongPtr(tree_view_, GWL_STYLE, style);
+void TreeView::StartEditing(TreeModelNode* node) {
+ DCHECK(node && tree_view_);
+ // Cancel the current edit.
+ CancelEdit();
+ // Make sure all ancestors are expanded.
+ if (model_->GetParent(node))
+ Expand(model_->GetParent(node));
+ const NodeDetails* details = GetNodeDetails(node);
+ // Tree needs focus for editing to work.
+ SetFocus(tree_view_);
+ // Select the node, else if the user commits the edit the selection reverts.
+ SetSelectedNode(node);
+ TreeView_EditLabel(tree_view_, details->tree_item);
+void TreeView::CancelEdit() {
+ DCHECK(tree_view_);
+ TreeView_EndEditLabelNow(tree_view_, TRUE);
+void TreeView::CommitEdit() {
+ DCHECK(tree_view_);
+ TreeView_EndEditLabelNow(tree_view_, FALSE);
+TreeModelNode* TreeView::GetEditingNode() {
+ // I couldn't find a way to dynamically query for this, so it is cached.
+ return editing_node_;
+void TreeView::SetSelectedNode(TreeModelNode* node) {
+ DCHECK(tree_view_);
+ if (!node) {
+ TreeView_SelectItem(tree_view_, NULL);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (node != model_->GetRoot())
+ Expand(model_->GetParent(node));
+ if (!root_shown_ && node == model_->GetRoot()) {
+ // If the root isn't shown, we can't select it, clear out the selection
+ // instead.
+ TreeView_SelectItem(tree_view_, NULL);
+ } else {
+ // Select the node and make sure it is visible.
+ TreeView_SelectItem(tree_view_, GetNodeDetails(node)->tree_item);
+ }
+TreeModelNode* TreeView::GetSelectedNode() {
+ if (!tree_view_)
+ return NULL;
+ HTREEITEM selected_item = TreeView_GetSelection(tree_view_);
+ if (!selected_item)
+ return NULL;
+ NodeDetails* details = GetNodeDetailsByTreeItem(selected_item);
+ DCHECK(details);
+ return details->node;
+void TreeView::Expand(TreeModelNode* node) {
+ DCHECK(model_ && node);
+ if (!root_shown_ && model_->GetRoot() == node) {
+ // Can only expand the root if it is showing.
+ return;
+ }
+ TreeModelNode* parent = model_->GetParent(node);
+ if (parent) {
+ // Make sure all the parents are expanded.
+ Expand(parent);
+ }
+ // And expand this item.
+ TreeView_Expand(tree_view_, GetNodeDetails(node)->tree_item, TVE_EXPAND);
+void TreeView::ExpandAll() {
+ DCHECK(model_);
+ ExpandAll(model_->GetRoot());
+void TreeView::ExpandAll(TreeModelNode* node) {
+ DCHECK(node);
+ // Expand the node.
+ if (node != model_->GetRoot() || root_shown_)
+ TreeView_Expand(tree_view_, GetNodeDetails(node)->tree_item, TVE_EXPAND);
+ // And recursively expand all the children.
+ for (int i = model_->GetChildCount(node) - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
+ TreeModelNode* child = model_->GetChild(node, i);
+ ExpandAll(child);
+ }
+bool TreeView::IsExpanded(TreeModelNode* node) {
+ TreeModelNode* parent = model_->GetParent(node);
+ if (!parent)
+ return true;
+ if (!IsExpanded(parent))
+ return false;
+ NodeDetails* details = GetNodeDetails(node);
+ return (TreeView_GetItemState(tree_view_, details->tree_item, TVIS_EXPANDED) &
+void TreeView::SetRootShown(bool root_shown) {
+ if (root_shown_ == root_shown)
+ return;
+ root_shown_ = root_shown;
+ if (!model_)
+ return;
+ // Repopulate the tree.
+ DeleteRootItems();
+ CreateRootItems();
+void TreeView::TreeNodesAdded(TreeModel* model,
+ TreeModelNode* parent,
+ int start,
+ int count) {
+ DCHECK(parent && start >= 0 && count > 0);
+ if (node_to_details_map_.find(parent) == node_to_details_map_.end()) {
+ // User hasn't navigated to this entry yet. Ignore the change.
+ return;
+ }
+ HTREEITEM parent_tree_item = NULL;
+ if (root_shown_ || parent != model_->GetRoot()) {
+ const NodeDetails* details = GetNodeDetails(parent);
+ if (!details->loaded_children) {
+ if (count == model_->GetChildCount(parent)) {
+ // Reset the treeviews child count. This triggers the treeview to call
+ // us back.
+ TV_ITEM tv_item = {0};
+ tv_item.mask = TVIF_CHILDREN;
+ tv_item.cChildren = count;
+ tv_item.hItem = details->tree_item;
+ TreeView_SetItem(tree_view_, &tv_item);
+ }
+ // Ignore the change, we haven't actually created entries in the tree
+ // for the children.
+ return;
+ }
+ parent_tree_item = details->tree_item;
+ }
+ // The user has expanded this node, add the items to it.
+ for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
+ if (i == 0 && start == 0) {
+ CreateItem(parent_tree_item, TVI_FIRST, model_->GetChild(parent, 0));
+ } else {
+ TreeModelNode* previous_sibling = model_->GetChild(parent, i + start - 1);
+ CreateItem(parent_tree_item,
+ GetNodeDetails(previous_sibling)->tree_item,
+ model_->GetChild(parent, i + start));
+ }
+ }
+void TreeView::TreeNodesRemoved(TreeModel* model,
+ TreeModelNode* parent,
+ int start,
+ int count) {
+ DCHECK(parent && start >= 0 && count > 0);
+ HTREEITEM parent_tree_item = GetTreeItemForNodeDuringMutation(parent);
+ if (!parent_tree_item)
+ return;
+ // Find the last item. Windows doesn't offer a convenient way to get the
+ // TREEITEM at a particular index, so we iterate.
+ HTREEITEM tree_item = TreeView_GetChild(tree_view_, parent_tree_item);
+ for (int i = 0; i < (start + count - 1); ++i) {
+ tree_item = TreeView_GetNextSibling(tree_view_, tree_item);
+ }
+ // NOTE: the direction doesn't matter here. I've made it backwards to
+ // reinforce we're deleting from the end forward.
+ for (int i = count - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
+ HTREEITEM previous = (start + i) > 0 ?
+ TreeView_GetPrevSibling(tree_view_, tree_item) : NULL;
+ RecursivelyDelete(GetNodeDetailsByTreeItem(tree_item));
+ tree_item = previous;
+ }
+namespace {
+// Callback function used to compare two items. The first two args are the
+// LPARAMs of the HTREEITEMs being compared. The last arg maps from LPARAM
+// to order. This is invoked from TreeNodeChildrenReordered.
+int CALLBACK CompareTreeItems(LPARAM item1_lparam,
+ LPARAM item2_lparam,
+ LPARAM map_as_lparam) {
+ std::map<int, int>& mapping =
+ *reinterpret_cast<std::map<int, int>*>(map_as_lparam);
+ return mapping[static_cast<int>(item1_lparam)] -
+ mapping[static_cast<int>(item2_lparam)];
+} // namespace
+void TreeView::TreeNodeChildrenReordered(TreeModel* model,
+ TreeModelNode* parent) {
+ DCHECK(parent);
+ if (model_->GetChildCount(parent) <= 1)
+ return;
+ TVSORTCB sort_details;
+ sort_details.hParent = GetTreeItemForNodeDuringMutation(parent);
+ if (!sort_details.hParent)
+ return;
+ std::map<int, int> lparam_to_order_map;
+ for (int i = 0; i < model_->GetChildCount(parent); ++i) {
+ TreeModelNode* node = model_->GetChild(parent, i);
+ lparam_to_order_map[GetNodeDetails(node)->id] = i;
+ }
+ sort_details.lpfnCompare = &CompareTreeItems;
+ sort_details.lParam = reinterpret_cast<LPARAM>(&lparam_to_order_map);
+ TreeView_SortChildrenCB(tree_view_, &sort_details, 0);
+void TreeView::TreeNodeChanged(TreeModel* model, TreeModelNode* node) {
+ if (node_to_details_map_.find(node) == node_to_details_map_.end()) {
+ // User hasn't navigated to this entry yet. Ignore the change.
+ return;
+ }
+ const NodeDetails* details = GetNodeDetails(node);
+ TV_ITEM tv_item = {0};
+ tv_item.mask = TVIF_TEXT;
+ tv_item.hItem = details->tree_item;
+ tv_item.pszText = LPSTR_TEXTCALLBACK;
+ TreeView_SetItem(tree_view_, &tv_item);
+gfx::Point TreeView::GetKeyboardContextMenuLocation() {
+ int y = height() / 2;
+ if (GetSelectedNode()) {
+ RECT bounds;
+ RECT client_rect;
+ if (TreeView_GetItemRect(tree_view_,
+ GetNodeDetails(GetSelectedNode())->tree_item,
+ &bounds, TRUE) &&
+ GetClientRect(tree_view_, &client_rect) &&
+ bounds.bottom >= 0 && bounds.bottom < client_rect.bottom) {
+ y = bounds.bottom;
+ }
+ }
+ gfx::Point screen_loc(0, y);
+ if (UILayoutIsRightToLeft())
+ screen_loc.set_x(width());
+ ConvertPointToScreen(this, &screen_loc);
+ return screen_loc;
+HWND TreeView::CreateNativeControl(HWND parent_container) {
+ if (!drag_enabled_)
+ if (editable_)
+ style |= TVS_EDITLABELS;
+ tree_view_ = ::CreateWindowEx(WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE | GetAdditionalExStyle(),
+ L"",
+ style,
+ 0, 0, width(), height(),
+ parent_container, NULL, NULL, NULL);
+ SetWindowLongPtr(tree_view_, GWLP_USERDATA,
+ reinterpret_cast<LONG_PTR>(&wrapper_));
+ original_handler_ = win_util::SetWindowProc(tree_view_,
+ &TreeWndProc);
+ if (model_) {
+ CreateRootItems();
+ model_->SetObserver(this);
+ image_list_ = CreateImageList();
+ TreeView_SetImageList(tree_view_, image_list_, TVSIL_NORMAL);
+ }
+ // Bug 964884: detach the IME attached to this window.
+ // We should attach IMEs only when we need to input CJK strings.
+ ::ImmAssociateContextEx(tree_view_, NULL, 0);
+ return tree_view_;
+LRESULT TreeView::OnNotify(int w_param, LPNMHDR l_param) {
+ switch (l_param->code) {
+ // Windows is requesting more information about an item.
+ // WARNING: At the time this is called the tree_item of the NodeDetails
+ // in the maps is NULL.
+ DCHECK(model_);
+ NMTVDISPINFO* info = reinterpret_cast<NMTVDISPINFO*>(l_param);
+ const NodeDetails* details =
+ GetNodeDetailsByID(static_cast<int>(info->item.lParam));
+ if (info->item.mask & TVIF_CHILDREN)
+ info->item.cChildren = model_->GetChildCount(details->node);
+ if (info->item.mask & TVIF_TEXT) {
+ std::wstring text = details->node->GetTitle();
+ DCHECK(info->item.cchTextMax);
+ // Adjust the string direction if such adjustment is required.
+ std::wstring localized_text;
+ if (l10n_util::AdjustStringForLocaleDirection(text, &localized_text))
+ text.swap(localized_text);
+ wcsncpy_s(info->item.pszText, info->item.cchTextMax, text.c_str(),
+ }
+ // Instructs windows to cache the values for this node.
+ info->item.mask |= TVIF_DI_SETITEM;
+ // Return value ignored.
+ return 0;
+ }
+ // Notification that a node is expanding. If we haven't populated the
+ // tree view with the contents of the model, we do it here.
+ DCHECK(model_);
+ NMTREEVIEW* info = reinterpret_cast<NMTREEVIEW*>(l_param);
+ NodeDetails* details =
+ GetNodeDetailsByID(static_cast<int>(info->itemNew.lParam));
+ if (!details->loaded_children) {
+ details->loaded_children = true;
+ for (int i = 0; i < model_->GetChildCount(details->node); ++i)
+ CreateItem(details->tree_item, TVI_LAST,
+ model_->GetChild(details->node, i));
+ }
+ // Return FALSE to allow the item to be expanded.
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ if (controller_)
+ controller_->OnTreeViewSelectionChanged(this);
+ break;
+ NMTVDISPINFO* info = reinterpret_cast<NMTVDISPINFO*>(l_param);
+ NodeDetails* details =
+ GetNodeDetailsByID(static_cast<int>(info->item.lParam));
+ // Return FALSE to allow editing.
+ if (!controller_ || controller_->CanEdit(this, details->node)) {
+ editing_node_ = details->node;
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ NMTVDISPINFO* info = reinterpret_cast<NMTVDISPINFO*>(l_param);
+ if (info->item.pszText) {
+ // User accepted edit.
+ NodeDetails* details =
+ GetNodeDetailsByID(static_cast<int>(info->item.lParam));
+ model_->SetTitle(details->node, info->item.pszText);
+ editing_node_ = NULL;
+ // Return FALSE so that the tree item doesn't change its text (if the
+ // model changed the value, it should have sent out notification which
+ // will have updated the value).
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ editing_node_ = NULL;
+ // Return value ignored.
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (controller_) {
+ NMTVKEYDOWN* key_down_message =
+ reinterpret_cast<NMTVKEYDOWN*>(l_param);
+ controller_->OnTreeViewKeyDown(key_down_message->wVKey);
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ return 0;
+bool TreeView::OnKeyDown(int virtual_key_code) {
+ if (virtual_key_code == VK_F2) {
+ if (!GetEditingNode()) {
+ TreeModelNode* selected_node = GetSelectedNode();
+ if (selected_node)
+ StartEditing(selected_node);
+ }
+ return true;
+ } else if (virtual_key_code == VK_RETURN && !process_enter_) {
+ Widget* widget = GetWidget();
+ DCHECK(widget);
+ FocusManager* fm = FocusManager::GetFocusManager(widget->GetNativeView());
+ DCHECK(fm);
+ Accelerator accelerator(Accelerator(static_cast<int>(virtual_key_code),
+ win_util::IsShiftPressed(),
+ win_util::IsCtrlPressed(),
+ win_util::IsAltPressed()));
+ fm->ProcessAccelerator(accelerator, true);
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+void TreeView::OnContextMenu(const CPoint& location) {
+ if (!GetContextMenuController())
+ return;
+ if (location.x == -1 && location.y == -1) {
+ // Let NativeControl's implementation handle keyboard gesture.
+ NativeControl::OnContextMenu(location);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (show_context_menu_only_when_node_selected_) {
+ if (!GetSelectedNode())
+ return;
+ // Make sure the mouse is over the selected node.
+ gfx::Point local_loc(location);
+ ConvertPointToView(NULL, this, &local_loc);
+ = local_loc.x();
+ = local_loc.y();
+ HTREEITEM hit_item = TreeView_HitTest(tree_view_, &hit_info);
+ if (!hit_item ||
+ GetNodeDetails(GetSelectedNode())->tree_item != hit_item ||
+ (hit_info.flags & (TVHT_ONITEM | TVHT_ONITEMRIGHT |
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ ShowContextMenu(location.x, location.y, true);
+TreeModelNode* TreeView::GetNodeForTreeItem(HTREEITEM tree_item) {
+ NodeDetails* details = GetNodeDetailsByTreeItem(tree_item);
+ return details ? details->node : NULL;
+HTREEITEM TreeView::GetTreeItemForNode(TreeModelNode* node) {
+ NodeDetails* details = GetNodeDetails(node);
+ return details ? details->tree_item : NULL;
+void TreeView::DeleteRootItems() {
+ HTREEITEM root = TreeView_GetRoot(tree_view_);
+ if (root) {
+ if (root_shown_) {
+ RecursivelyDelete(GetNodeDetailsByTreeItem(root));
+ } else {
+ do {
+ RecursivelyDelete(GetNodeDetailsByTreeItem(root));
+ } while ((root = TreeView_GetRoot(tree_view_)));
+ }
+ }
+void TreeView::CreateRootItems() {
+ DCHECK(model_);
+ TreeModelNode* root = model_->GetRoot();
+ if (root_shown_) {
+ CreateItem(NULL, TVI_LAST, root);
+ } else {
+ for (int i = 0; i < model_->GetChildCount(root); ++i)
+ CreateItem(NULL, TVI_LAST, model_->GetChild(root, i));
+ }
+void TreeView::CreateItem(HTREEITEM parent_item,
+ HTREEITEM after,
+ TreeModelNode* node) {
+ DCHECK(node);
+ TVINSERTSTRUCT insert_struct = {0};
+ insert_struct.hParent = parent_item;
+ insert_struct.hInsertAfter = after;
+ insert_struct.itemex.mask = TVIF_PARAM | TVIF_CHILDREN | TVIF_TEXT |
+ // Call us back for the text.
+ insert_struct.itemex.pszText = LPSTR_TEXTCALLBACK;
+ // And the number of children.
+ insert_struct.itemex.cChildren = I_CHILDRENCALLBACK;
+ // Set the index of the icons to use. These are relative to the imagelist
+ // created in CreateImageList.
+ int icon_index = model_->GetIconIndex(node);
+ if (icon_index == -1) {
+ insert_struct.itemex.iImage = 0;
+ insert_struct.itemex.iSelectedImage = 1;
+ } else {
+ // The first two images are the default ones.
+ insert_struct.itemex.iImage = icon_index + 2;
+ insert_struct.itemex.iSelectedImage = icon_index + 2;
+ }
+ int node_id = next_id_++;
+ insert_struct.itemex.lParam = node_id;
+ // Invoking TreeView_InsertItem triggers OnNotify to be called. As such,
+ // we set the map entries before adding the item.
+ NodeDetails* node_details = new NodeDetails(node_id, node);
+ node_to_details_map_[node] = node_details;
+ id_to_details_map_[node_id] = node_details;
+ node_details->tree_item = TreeView_InsertItem(tree_view_, &insert_struct);
+void TreeView::RecursivelyDelete(NodeDetails* node) {
+ DCHECK(node);
+ HTREEITEM item = node->tree_item;
+ DCHECK(item);
+ // Recurse through children.
+ for (HTREEITEM child = TreeView_GetChild(tree_view_, item);
+ child ; child = TreeView_GetNextSibling(tree_view_, child)) {
+ RecursivelyDelete(GetNodeDetailsByTreeItem(child));
+ }
+ TreeView_DeleteItem(tree_view_, item);
+ // finally, it is safe to delete the data for this node.
+ id_to_details_map_.erase(node->id);
+ node_to_details_map_.erase(node->node);
+ delete node;
+TreeView::NodeDetails* TreeView::GetNodeDetailsByTreeItem(HTREEITEM tree_item) {
+ DCHECK(tree_view_ && tree_item);
+ TV_ITEM tv_item = {0};
+ tv_item.hItem = tree_item;
+ tv_item.mask = TVIF_PARAM;
+ if (TreeView_GetItem(tree_view_, &tv_item))
+ return GetNodeDetailsByID(static_cast<int>(tv_item.lParam));
+ return NULL;
+HIMAGELIST TreeView::CreateImageList() {
+ std::vector<SkBitmap> model_images;
+ model_->GetIcons(&model_images);
+ bool rtl = UILayoutIsRightToLeft();
+ // Creates the default image list used for trees.
+ SkBitmap* closed_icon =
+ ResourceBundle::GetSharedInstance().GetBitmapNamed(
+ SkBitmap* opened_icon =
+ ResourceBundle::GetSharedInstance().GetBitmapNamed(
+ int width = closed_icon->width();
+ int height = closed_icon->height();
+ DCHECK(opened_icon->width() == width && opened_icon->height() == height);
+ HIMAGELIST image_list =
+ ImageList_Create(width, height, ILC_COLOR32, model_images.size() + 2,
+ model_images.size() + 2);
+ if (image_list) {
+ // NOTE: the order the images are added in effects the selected
+ // image index when adding items to the tree. If you change the
+ // order you'll undoubtedly need to update itemex.iSelectedImage
+ // when the item is added.
+ HICON h_closed_icon = IconUtil::CreateHICONFromSkBitmap(*closed_icon);
+ HICON h_opened_icon = IconUtil::CreateHICONFromSkBitmap(*opened_icon);
+ ImageList_AddIcon(image_list, h_closed_icon);
+ ImageList_AddIcon(image_list, h_opened_icon);
+ DestroyIcon(h_closed_icon);
+ DestroyIcon(h_opened_icon);
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < model_images.size(); ++i) {
+ HICON model_icon = IconUtil::CreateHICONFromSkBitmap(model_images[i]);
+ ImageList_AddIcon(image_list, model_icon);
+ DestroyIcon(model_icon);
+ }
+ }
+ return image_list;
+HTREEITEM TreeView::GetTreeItemForNodeDuringMutation(TreeModelNode* node) {
+ if (node_to_details_map_.find(node) == node_to_details_map_.end()) {
+ // User hasn't navigated to this entry yet. Ignore the change.
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ if (!root_shown_ || node != model_->GetRoot()) {
+ const NodeDetails* details = GetNodeDetails(node);
+ if (!details->loaded_children)
+ return NULL;
+ return details->tree_item;
+ }
+ return TreeView_GetRoot(tree_view_);
+LRESULT CALLBACK TreeView::TreeWndProc(HWND window,
+ UINT message,
+ WPARAM w_param,
+ LPARAM l_param) {
+ TreeViewWrapper* wrapper = reinterpret_cast<TreeViewWrapper*>(
+ GetWindowLongPtr(window, GWLP_USERDATA));
+ DCHECK(wrapper);
+ TreeView* tree = wrapper->tree_view;
+ // We handle the messages WM_ERASEBKGND and WM_PAINT such that we paint into
+ // a DIB first and then perform a BitBlt from the DIB into the underlying
+ // window's DC. This double buffering code prevents the tree view from
+ // flickering during resize.
+ switch (message) {
+ return 1;
+ case WM_PAINT: {
+ ChromeCanvasPaint canvas(window);
+ if (canvas.isEmpty())
+ return 0;
+ HDC dc = canvas.beginPlatformPaint();
+ if (l10n_util::GetTextDirection() == l10n_util::RIGHT_TO_LEFT) {
+ // ChromeCanvas ends up configuring the DC with a mode of GM_ADVANCED.
+ // For some reason a graphics mode of ADVANCED triggers all the text
+ // to be mirrored when RTL. Set the mode back to COMPATIBLE and
+ // explicitly set the layout. Additionally SetWorldTransform and
+ // COMPATIBLE don't play nicely together. We need to use
+ // SetViewportOrgEx when using a mode of COMPATIBLE.
+ //
+ // Reset the transform to the identify transform. Even though
+ // SetWorldTransform and COMPATIBLE don't play nicely, bits of the
+ // transform still carry over when we set the mode.
+ XFORM xform = {0};
+ xform.eM11 = xform.eM22 = 1;
+ SetWorldTransform(dc, &xform);
+ // Set the mode and layout.
+ SetGraphicsMode(dc, GM_COMPATIBLE);
+ SetLayout(dc, LAYOUT_RTL);
+ // Transform the viewport such that the origin of the dc is that of
+ // the dirty region. This way when we invoke WM_PRINTCLIENT tree-view
+ // draws the dirty region at the origin of the DC so that when we
+ // copy the bits everything lines up nicely. Without this we end up
+ // copying the upper-left corner to the redraw region.
+ SetViewportOrgEx(dc, -canvas.paintStruct().rcPaint.left,
+ -canvas.paintStruct(), NULL);
+ }
+ SendMessage(window, WM_PRINTCLIENT, reinterpret_cast<WPARAM>(dc), 0);
+ if (l10n_util::GetTextDirection() == l10n_util::RIGHT_TO_LEFT) {
+ // Reset the origin of the dc back to 0. This way when we copy the bits
+ // over we copy the right bits.
+ SetViewportOrgEx(dc, 0, 0, NULL);
+ }
+ canvas.endPlatformPaint();
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (tree->select_on_right_mouse_down_) {
+ = GET_X_LPARAM(l_param);
+ = GET_Y_LPARAM(l_param);
+ HTREEITEM hit_item = TreeView_HitTest(window, &hit_info);
+ if (hit_item && (hit_info.flags & (TVHT_ONITEM | TVHT_ONITEMRIGHT |
+ TreeView_SelectItem(tree->tree_view_, hit_item);
+ }
+ // Fall through and let the default handler process as well.
+ break;
+ }
+ WNDPROC handler = tree->original_handler_;
+ DCHECK(handler);
+ return CallWindowProc(handler, window, message, w_param, l_param);
+} // namespace views