path: root/chrome
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1 files changed, 30 insertions, 38 deletions
diff --git a/chrome/browser/geolocation/ b/chrome/browser/geolocation/
index 3f43281..8fc280a 100644
--- a/chrome/browser/geolocation/
+++ b/chrome/browser/geolocation/
@@ -6,19 +6,19 @@
#include "chrome/browser/geolocation/wifi_data_provider_mac.h"
+#include <dlfcn.h>
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#include "base/scoped_nsautorelease_pool.h"
#include "base/scoped_nsobject.h"
#include "base/utf_string_conversions.h"
-// If building on 10.6 we can include the framework header directly.
-#import <CoreWLAN/CoreWLAN.h>
-// Otherwise just define the interfaces we require. Class definitions required
-// as we treat warnings as errors so we can't pass message to an untyped id.
+// Define a subset of the CoreWLAN interfaces we require. We can't depend on
+// CoreWLAN.h existing as we need to build on 10.5 SDKs. We can't just send
+// messages to an untyped id due to the build treating warnings as errors,
+// hence the reason we need class definitions.
+// TODO(joth): When we build all 10.6 code exclusively 10.6 SDK (or later)
+// tidy this up to use the framework directly. See
@interface CWInterface : NSObject
+ (CWInterface*)interface;
@@ -40,36 +40,6 @@
- (BOOL)isEqualToNetwork:(CWNetwork*)network;
-// String literals derived empirically on an OSX 10.6 machine (XCode 3.2.1).
-// Commented out to avoid unused variables warnings; comment back in as needed.
-// static const NSString* kCWAssocKey8021XProfile = @"ASSOC_KEY_8021X_PROFILE";
-// static const NSString* kCWAssocKeyPassphrase = @"ASSOC_KEY_PASSPHRASE";
-// static const NSString* kCWBSSIDDidChangeNotification =
-// static const NSString* kCWCountryCodeDidChangeNotification =
-// static const NSString* kCWErrorDomain = @"APPLE80211_ERROR_DOMAIN";
-// static const NSString* kCWIBSSKeyChannel = @"IBSS_KEY_CHANNEL";
-// static const NSString* kCWIBSSKeyPassphrase = @"IBSS_KEY_PASSPHRASE";
-// static const NSString* kCWIBSSKeySSID = @"IBSS_KEY_SSID";
-// static const NSString* kCWLinkDidChangeNotification =
-// static const NSString* kCWModeDidChangeNotification =
-// static const NSString* kCWPowerDidChangeNotification =
-// static const NSString* kCWScanKeyBSSID = @"BSSID";
-// static const NSString* kCWScanKeyDwellTime = @"SCAN_DWELL_TIME";
-static const NSString* kCWScanKeyMerge = @"SCAN_MERGE";
-// static const NSString* kCWScanKeyRestTime = @"SCAN_REST_TIME";
-// static const NSString* kCWScanKeyScanType = @"SCAN_TYPE";
-// static const NSString* kCWScanKeySSID = @"SSID_STR";
-// static const NSString* kCWSSIDDidChangeNotification =
-#endif // MAC_OS_X_VERSION_MAX_ALLOWED >= 1060
class CoreWlanApi : public WifiDataProviderCommon::WlanApiInterface {
CoreWlanApi() {}
@@ -85,6 +55,7 @@ class CoreWlanApi : public WifiDataProviderCommon::WlanApiInterface {
scoped_nsobject<NSBundle> bundle_;
scoped_nsobject<CWInterface> corewlan_interface_;
+ scoped_nsobject<NSString> merge_key_;
@@ -107,6 +78,27 @@ bool CoreWlanApi::Init() {
return false;
[corewlan_interface_ retain];
+ // Dynamically look up the value of the kCWScanKeyMerge (i.e. without build
+ // time dependency on the 10.6 specific library).
+ void* dl_handle = dlopen([[bundle_ executablePath] fileSystemRepresentation],
+ if (dl_handle) {
+ const NSString* key = *reinterpret_cast<const NSString**>(
+ dlsym(dl_handle, "kCWScanKeyMerge"));
+ if (key)
+ merge_key_.reset([key copy]);
+ }
+ // "Leak" dl_handle rather than dlclose it, to ensure |merge_key_|
+ // remains valid.
+ if (!merge_key_.get()) {
+ // Fall back to a known-working value should the lookup fail (if
+ // this value is itself wrong it's not the end of the world, we might just
+ // get very slightly lower quality location fixes due to SSID merges).
+ DLOG(WARNING) << "Could not dynamically load the CoreWLAN merge key";
+ merge_key_.reset([@"SCAN_MERGE" retain]);
+ }
return true;
@@ -118,7 +110,7 @@ bool CoreWlanApi::GetAccessPointData(WifiData::AccessPointDataSet* data) {
// every AP listed in the scan without any SSID de-duping logic.
NSDictionary* params =
[NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject:[NSNumber numberWithBool:NO]
- forKey:kCWScanKeyMerge];
+ forKey:merge_key_.get()];
NSArray* scan = [corewlan_interface_ scanForNetworksWithParameters:params