path: root/components/proximity_auth/device_to_device_authenticator.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'components/proximity_auth/device_to_device_authenticator.h')
1 files changed, 157 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/components/proximity_auth/device_to_device_authenticator.h b/components/proximity_auth/device_to_device_authenticator.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c197aa8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/components/proximity_auth/device_to_device_authenticator.h
@@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
+// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "base/callback.h"
+#include "base/macros.h"
+#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
+#include "components/proximity_auth/authenticator.h"
+#include "components/proximity_auth/connection_observer.h"
+namespace base {
+class Timer;
+namespace proximity_auth {
+class Connection;
+class SecureMessageDelegate;
+// Authenticator implementation using the "device to device" protocol, which is
+// in turn built on top of the SecureMessage library.
+// This protocol contains the following steps (local device is the initiator):
+// 1. Both initiator and responder devices generate a temporary key pair for
+// the session.
+// 2. Initiator sends [Hello] message to responder device, which contains the
+// initiator's session public key.
+// 3. Responder responds with a [Responder Auth] message, containing its
+// session public key and data that allows the initiator to assert the
+// identity of the responder.
+// 4. Initiator sends [Initiator Auth] message, containing data allowing the
+// responder to assert the identity of the initiator.
+// 5. Both devices derive a symmetric key by running a key agreement protocol
+// session public keys they obtain from from the messages above. This
+// symmetric key is used in the subsequent SecureContext.
+// The authentication protocol fails if any of the steps above fail.
+// This protocol requires exclusive use of the connection. No other message
+// should be sent or received while authentication is in progress.
+class DeviceToDeviceAuthenticator : public Authenticator,
+ public ConnectionObserver {
+ public:
+ // Creates the instance:
+ // |connection|: The connection to the remote device, which must be in a
+ // connected state. Not owned.
+ // |account_id|: The canonical account id of the user who is the owner of both
+ // the local and remote devices.
+ // |secure_message_delegate|: Handles the SecureMessage crypto operations.
+ DeviceToDeviceAuthenticator(
+ Connection* connection,
+ const std::string& account_id,
+ scoped_ptr<SecureMessageDelegate> secure_message_delegate);
+ ~DeviceToDeviceAuthenticator() override;
+ // Authenticator:
+ void Authenticate(const AuthenticationCallback& callback) override;
+ protected:
+ // Creates a base::Timer instance. Exposed for testing.
+ virtual scoped_ptr<base::Timer> CreateTimer();
+ private:
+ // The current state of the authentication flow.
+ enum class State {
+ };
+ // Callback when the session key pair is generated.
+ void OnKeyPairGenerated(const std::string& public_key,
+ const std::string& private_key);
+ // Callback when [Hello] is created.
+ void OnHelloMessageCreated(const std::string& message);
+ // Callback when waiting for [Remote Auth] times out.
+ void OnResponderAuthTimedOut();
+ // Callback for validating the received [Remote Auth].
+ void OnResponderAuthValidated(bool validated,
+ const std::string& session_symmetric_key);
+ // Callback when [Initiator Auth] is created.
+ void OnInitiatorAuthCreated(const std::string& message);
+ // Callback when the session symmetric key is derived.
+ void OnKeyDerived(const std::string& session_symmetric_key);
+ // Called when the authentication flow fails, and logs |error_message|. The
+ // overloaded version specifies the Result to be reported;
+ // otherwise, a FAILURE result will be reported.
+ void Fail(const std::string& error_message);
+ void Fail(const std::string& error_message, Result result);
+ // Called when the authentication flow succeeds.
+ void Succeed();
+ // ConnectionObserver:
+ void OnConnectionStatusChanged(Connection* connection,
+ Connection::Status old_status,
+ Connection::Status new_status) override;
+ void OnMessageReceived(const Connection& connection,
+ const WireMessage& message) override;
+ void OnSendCompleted(const Connection& connection,
+ const WireMessage& message,
+ bool success) override;
+ // The connection to the remote device. It is expected to be in the CONNECTED
+ // state at all times during authentication.
+ // Not owned, and must outlive this instance.
+ Connection* const connection_;
+ // The account id of the user who owns the local and remote devices. This is
+ // normally an email address, and should be canonicalized.
+ const std::string account_id_;
+ // Handles SecureMessage crypto operations.
+ scoped_ptr<SecureMessageDelegate> secure_message_delegate_;
+ // The current state in the authentication flow.
+ State state_;
+ // Callback to invoke when authentication completes.
+ AuthenticationCallback callback_;
+ // Used for timing out when waiting for [Remote Auth] from the remote device.
+ scoped_ptr<base::Timer> timer_;
+ // The bytes of the [Hello] message sent to the remote device.
+ std::string hello_message_;
+ // The bytes of the [Responder Auth] message received from the remote device.
+ std::string responder_auth_message_;
+ // The private key generated for the session.
+ std::string local_session_private_key_;
+ // The derived symmetric key for the session.
+ std::string session_symmetric_key_;
+ base::WeakPtrFactory<DeviceToDeviceAuthenticator> weak_ptr_factory_;
+ DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(DeviceToDeviceAuthenticator);
+} // namespace proximity_auth