path: root/components/secure_display
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Diffstat (limited to 'components/secure_display')
6 files changed, 0 insertions, 787 deletions
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deleted file mode 100644
index 5e7439d..0000000
--- a/components/secure_display/
+++ /dev/null
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-source_set("secure_display") {
- sources = [
- "",
- "elide_url.h",
- ]
- deps = [
- "//base:base",
- "//net:net",
- "//ui/gfx",
- "//url",
- ]
-source_set("unit_tests") {
- testonly = true
- sources = [
- "",
- ]
- deps = [
- ":secure_display",
- "//base:base",
- "//base/test:test_support",
- "//testing/gtest",
- ]
diff --git a/components/secure_display/DEPS b/components/secure_display/DEPS
deleted file mode 100644
index e378ef8..0000000
--- a/components/secure_display/DEPS
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-include_rules = [
- "+base/",
- "+base/strings",
- "+net/base",
- "+ui/gfx",
- "+url/",
diff --git a/components/secure_display/OWNERS b/components/secure_display/OWNERS
deleted file mode 100644
index b0e35156c7..0000000
--- a/components/secure_display/OWNERS
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deleted file mode 100644
index ec4d65a..0000000
--- a/components/secure_display/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,353 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include "components/secure_display/elide_url.h"
-#include "base/logging.h"
-#include "base/strings/string_split.h"
-#include "base/strings/utf_string_conversions.h"
-#include "net/base/escape.h"
-#include "net/base/net_util.h"
-#include "net/base/registry_controlled_domains/registry_controlled_domain.h"
-#include "ui/gfx/text_elider.h"
-#include "ui/gfx/text_utils.h"
-#include "url/gurl.h"
-#include "url/url_constants.h"
-using base::UTF8ToUTF16;
-using gfx::ElideText;
-using gfx::GetStringWidthF;
-using gfx::kEllipsisUTF16;
-using gfx::kForwardSlash;
-namespace {
-#if !defined(OS_ANDROID)
-const base::char16 kDot = '.';
-// Build a path from the first |num_components| elements in |path_elements|.
-// Prepends |path_prefix|, appends |filename|, inserts ellipsis if appropriate.
-base::string16 BuildPathFromComponents(
- const base::string16& path_prefix,
- const std::vector<base::string16>& path_elements,
- const base::string16& filename,
- size_t num_components) {
- // Add the initial elements of the path.
- base::string16 path = path_prefix;
- // Build path from first |num_components| elements.
- for (size_t j = 0; j < num_components; ++j)
- path += path_elements[j] + kForwardSlash;
- // Add |filename|, ellipsis if necessary.
- if (num_components != (path_elements.size() - 1))
- path += base::string16(kEllipsisUTF16) + kForwardSlash;
- path += filename;
- return path;
-// Takes a prefix (Domain, or Domain+subdomain) and a collection of path
-// components and elides if possible. Returns a string containing the longest
-// possible elided path, or an empty string if elision is not possible.
-base::string16 ElideComponentizedPath(
- const base::string16& url_path_prefix,
- const std::vector<base::string16>& url_path_elements,
- const base::string16& url_filename,
- const base::string16& url_query,
- const gfx::FontList& font_list,
- float available_pixel_width) {
- const size_t url_path_number_of_elements = url_path_elements.size();
- CHECK(url_path_number_of_elements);
- for (size_t i = url_path_number_of_elements - 1; i > 0; --i) {
- base::string16 elided_path = BuildPathFromComponents(
- url_path_prefix, url_path_elements, url_filename, i);
- if (available_pixel_width >= GetStringWidthF(elided_path, font_list))
- return ElideText(elided_path + url_query, font_list,
- available_pixel_width, gfx::ELIDE_TAIL);
- }
- return base::string16();
-// Splits the hostname in the |url| into sub-strings for the full hostname,
-// the domain (TLD+1), and the subdomain (everything leading the domain).
-void SplitHost(const GURL& url,
- base::string16* url_host,
- base::string16* url_domain,
- base::string16* url_subdomain) {
- // Get Host.
- *url_host = UTF8ToUTF16(;
- // Get domain and registry information from the URL.
- *url_domain =
- UTF8ToUTF16(net::registry_controlled_domains::GetDomainAndRegistry(
- url, net::registry_controlled_domains::EXCLUDE_PRIVATE_REGISTRIES));
- if (url_domain->empty())
- *url_domain = *url_host;
- // Add port if required.
- if (!url.port().empty()) {
- *url_host += UTF8ToUTF16(":" + url.port());
- *url_domain += UTF8ToUTF16(":" + url.port());
- }
- // Get sub domain.
- const size_t domain_start_index = url_host->find(*url_domain);
- base::string16 kWwwPrefix = UTF8ToUTF16("www.");
- if (domain_start_index != base::string16::npos)
- *url_subdomain = url_host->substr(0, domain_start_index);
- if ((*url_subdomain == kWwwPrefix || url_subdomain->empty() ||
- url.SchemeIsFile())) {
- url_subdomain->clear();
- }
-#endif // !defined(OS_ANDROID)
-} // namespace
-namespace secure_display {
-#if !defined(OS_ANDROID)
-// TODO(pkasting): This whole function gets
-// kerning/ligatures/etc. issues potentially wrong by assuming that the width of
-// a rendered string is always the sum of the widths of its substrings. Also I
-// suspect it could be made simpler.
-base::string16 ElideUrl(const GURL& url,
- const gfx::FontList& font_list,
- float available_pixel_width,
- const std::string& languages) {
- // Get a formatted string and corresponding parsing of the url.
- url::Parsed parsed;
- const base::string16 url_string =
- net::FormatUrl(url, languages, net::kFormatUrlOmitAll,
- net::UnescapeRule::SPACES, &parsed, NULL, NULL);
- if (available_pixel_width <= 0)
- return url_string;
- // If non-standard, return plain eliding.
- if (!url.IsStandard())
- return ElideText(url_string, font_list, available_pixel_width,
- gfx::ELIDE_TAIL);
- // Now start eliding url_string to fit within available pixel width.
- // Fist pass - check to see whether entire url_string fits.
- const float pixel_width_url_string = GetStringWidthF(url_string, font_list);
- if (available_pixel_width >= pixel_width_url_string)
- return url_string;
- // Get the path substring, including query and reference.
- const size_t path_start_index = parsed.path.begin;
- const size_t path_len = parsed.path.len;
- base::string16 url_path_query_etc = url_string.substr(path_start_index);
- base::string16 url_path = url_string.substr(path_start_index, path_len);
- // Return general elided text if url minus the query fits.
- const base::string16 url_minus_query =
- url_string.substr(0, path_start_index + path_len);
- if (available_pixel_width >= GetStringWidthF(url_minus_query, font_list))
- return ElideText(url_string, font_list, available_pixel_width,
- gfx::ELIDE_TAIL);
- base::string16 url_host;
- base::string16 url_domain;
- base::string16 url_subdomain;
- SplitHost(url, &url_host, &url_domain, &url_subdomain);
- // If this is a file type, the path is now defined as everything after ":".
- // For example, "C:/aa/aa/bb", the path is "/aa/bb/cc". Interesting, the
- // domain is now C: - this is a nice hack for eliding to work pleasantly.
- if (url.SchemeIsFile()) {
- // Split the path string using ":"
- const base::string16 kColon(1, ':');
- std::vector<base::string16> file_path_split = base::SplitString(
- url_path, kColon, base::TRIM_WHITESPACE, base::SPLIT_WANT_ALL);
- if (file_path_split.size() > 1) { // File is of type "file:///C:/.."
- url_host.clear();
- url_domain.clear();
- url_subdomain.clear();
- url_host = url_domain = + kColon;
- url_path_query_etc = url_path =;
- }
- }
- // Second Pass - remove scheme - the rest fits.
- const float pixel_width_url_host = GetStringWidthF(url_host, font_list);
- const float pixel_width_url_path =
- GetStringWidthF(url_path_query_etc, font_list);
- if (available_pixel_width >= pixel_width_url_host + pixel_width_url_path)
- return url_host + url_path_query_etc;
- // Third Pass: Subdomain, domain and entire path fits.
- const float pixel_width_url_domain = GetStringWidthF(url_domain, font_list);
- const float pixel_width_url_subdomain =
- GetStringWidthF(url_subdomain, font_list);
- if (available_pixel_width >=
- pixel_width_url_subdomain + pixel_width_url_domain + pixel_width_url_path)
- return url_subdomain + url_domain + url_path_query_etc;
- // Query element.
- base::string16 url_query;
- const float kPixelWidthDotsTrailer =
- GetStringWidthF(base::string16(kEllipsisUTF16), font_list);
- if (parsed.query.is_nonempty()) {
- url_query = UTF8ToUTF16("?") + url_string.substr(parsed.query.begin);
- if (available_pixel_width >=
- (pixel_width_url_subdomain + pixel_width_url_domain +
- pixel_width_url_path - GetStringWidthF(url_query, font_list))) {
- return ElideText(url_subdomain + url_domain + url_path_query_etc,
- font_list, available_pixel_width, gfx::ELIDE_TAIL);
- }
- }
- // Parse url_path using '/'.
- std::vector<base::string16> url_path_elements =
- base::SplitString(url_path, base::string16(1, kForwardSlash),
- // Get filename - note that for a path ending with /
- // such as, the file name is ads/.
- base::string16 url_filename(
- url_path_elements.empty() ? base::string16() : url_path_elements.back());
- size_t url_path_number_of_elements = url_path_elements.size();
- if (url_filename.empty() && (url_path_number_of_elements > 1)) {
- // Path ends with a '/'.
- --url_path_number_of_elements;
- url_filename =
- url_path_elements[url_path_number_of_elements - 1] + kForwardSlash;
- }
- const size_t kMaxNumberOfUrlPathElementsAllowed = 1024;
- if (url_path_number_of_elements <= 1 ||
- url_path_number_of_elements > kMaxNumberOfUrlPathElementsAllowed) {
- // No path to elide, or too long of a path (could overflow in loop below)
- // Just elide this as a text string.
- return ElideText(url_subdomain + url_domain + url_path_query_etc, font_list,
- available_pixel_width, gfx::ELIDE_TAIL);
- }
- // Start eliding the path and replacing elements by ".../".
- const base::string16 kEllipsisAndSlash =
- base::string16(kEllipsisUTF16) + kForwardSlash;
- const float pixel_width_ellipsis_slash =
- GetStringWidthF(kEllipsisAndSlash, font_list);
- // Check with both subdomain and domain.
- base::string16 elided_path = ElideComponentizedPath(
- url_subdomain + url_domain, url_path_elements, url_filename, url_query,
- font_list, available_pixel_width);
- if (!elided_path.empty())
- return elided_path;
- // Check with only domain.
- // If a subdomain is present, add an ellipsis before domain.
- // This is added only if the subdomain pixel width is larger than
- // the pixel width of kEllipsis. Otherwise, subdomain remains,
- // which means that this case has been resolved earlier.
- base::string16 url_elided_domain = url_subdomain + url_domain;
- if (pixel_width_url_subdomain > kPixelWidthDotsTrailer) {
- if (!url_subdomain.empty())
- url_elided_domain = kEllipsisAndSlash[0] + url_domain;
- else
- url_elided_domain = url_domain;
- elided_path = ElideComponentizedPath(url_elided_domain, url_path_elements,
- url_filename, url_query, font_list,
- available_pixel_width);
- if (!elided_path.empty())
- return elided_path;
- }
- // Return elided domain/.../filename anyway.
- base::string16 final_elided_url_string(url_elided_domain);
- const float url_elided_domain_width =
- GetStringWidthF(url_elided_domain, font_list);
- // A hack to prevent trailing ".../...".
- if ((available_pixel_width - url_elided_domain_width) >
- pixel_width_ellipsis_slash + kPixelWidthDotsTrailer +
- GetStringWidthF(base::ASCIIToUTF16("UV"), font_list)) {
- final_elided_url_string += BuildPathFromComponents(
- base::string16(), url_path_elements, url_filename, 1);
- } else {
- final_elided_url_string += url_path;
- }
- return ElideText(final_elided_url_string, font_list, available_pixel_width,
- gfx::ELIDE_TAIL);
-base::string16 ElideHost(const GURL& url,
- const gfx::FontList& font_list,
- float available_pixel_width) {
- base::string16 url_host;
- base::string16 url_domain;
- base::string16 url_subdomain;
- SplitHost(url, &url_host, &url_domain, &url_subdomain);
- const float pixel_width_url_host = GetStringWidthF(url_host, font_list);
- if (available_pixel_width >= pixel_width_url_host)
- return url_host;
- if (url_subdomain.empty())
- return url_domain;
- const float pixel_width_url_domain = GetStringWidthF(url_domain, font_list);
- float subdomain_width = available_pixel_width - pixel_width_url_domain;
- if (subdomain_width <= 0)
- return base::string16(kEllipsisUTF16) + kDot + url_domain;
- const base::string16 elided_subdomain =
- ElideText(url_subdomain, font_list, subdomain_width, gfx::ELIDE_HEAD);
- return elided_subdomain + url_domain;
-#endif // !defined(OS_ANDROID)
-base::string16 FormatUrlForSecurityDisplay(const GURL& url,
- const std::string& languages) {
- if (!url.is_valid() || url.is_empty() || !url.IsStandard())
- return net::FormatUrl(url, languages);
- const base::string16 colon(base::ASCIIToUTF16(":"));
- const base::string16 scheme_separator(
- base::ASCIIToUTF16(url::kStandardSchemeSeparator));
- if (url.SchemeIsFile()) {
- return base::ASCIIToUTF16(url::kFileScheme) + scheme_separator +
- base::UTF8ToUTF16(url.path());
- }
- if (url.SchemeIsFileSystem()) {
- const GURL* inner_url = url.inner_url();
- if (inner_url->SchemeIsFile()) {
- return base::ASCIIToUTF16(url::kFileSystemScheme) + colon +
- FormatUrlForSecurityDisplay(*inner_url, languages) +
- base::UTF8ToUTF16(url.path());
- }
- return base::ASCIIToUTF16(url::kFileSystemScheme) + colon +
- FormatUrlForSecurityDisplay(*inner_url, languages);
- }
- const GURL origin = url.GetOrigin();
- const std::string& scheme = origin.scheme();
- const std::string& host =;
- base::string16 result = base::UTF8ToUTF16(scheme);
- result += scheme_separator;
- result += base::UTF8ToUTF16(host);
- const int port = origin.IntPort();
- const int default_port = url::DefaultPortForScheme(
- scheme.c_str(), static_cast<int>(scheme.length()));
- if (port != url::PORT_UNSPECIFIED && port != default_port)
- result += colon + base::UTF8ToUTF16(origin.port());
- return result;
-} // namespace secure_display
diff --git a/components/secure_display/elide_url.h b/components/secure_display/elide_url.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 7d77b04..0000000
--- a/components/secure_display/elide_url.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-// This file defines utility functions for eliding URLs.
-#include <string>
-#include "base/strings/string16.h"
-class GURL;
-namespace gfx {
-class FontList;
-namespace secure_display {
-// ElideUrl and Elide host require
-// gfx::GetStringWidthF which is not implemented in Android
-#if !defined(OS_ANDROID)
-// This function takes a GURL object and elides it. It returns a string
-// which composed of parts from subdomain, domain, path, filename and query.
-// A "..." is added automatically at the end if the elided string is bigger
-// than the |available_pixel_width|. For |available_pixel_width| == 0, a
-// formatted, but un-elided, string is returned. |languages| is a comma
-// separated list of ISO 639 language codes and is used to determine what
-// characters are understood by a user. It should come from
-// |prefs::kAcceptLanguages|.
-// Note: in RTL locales, if the URL returned by this function is going to be
-// displayed in the UI, then it is likely that the string needs to be marked
-// as an LTR string (using base::i18n::WrapStringWithLTRFormatting()) so that it
-// is displayed properly in an RTL context. Please refer to
-// for more information.
-base::string16 ElideUrl(const GURL& url,
- const gfx::FontList& font_list,
- float available_pixel_width,
- const std::string& languages);
-// This function takes a GURL object and elides the host to fit within
-// the given width. The function will never elide past the TLD+1 point,
-// but after that, will leading-elide the domain name to fit the width.
-// Example: ---> "", or ""
-// depending on the width.
-base::string16 ElideHost(const GURL& host_url,
- const gfx::FontList& font_list,
- float available_pixel_width);
-#endif // !defined(OS_ANDROID)
-// This is a convenience function for formatting a URL in a concise and
-// human-friendly way, to help users make security-related decisions (or in
-// other circumstances when people need to distinguish sites, origins, or
-// otherwise-simplified URLs from each other).
-// Internationalized domain names (IDN) may be presented in Unicode if
-// |languages| accepts the Unicode representation (see |net::FormatUrl| for more
-// details on the algorithm).
-// - Omits the path for standard schemes, excepting file and filesystem.
-// - Omits the port if it is the default for the scheme.
-// Do not use this for URLs which will be parsed or sent to other applications.
-base::string16 FormatUrlForSecurityDisplay(const GURL& origin,
- const std::string& languages);
-} // namespace secure_display
diff --git a/components/secure_display/ b/components/secure_display/
deleted file mode 100644
index 71e1a5e..0000000
--- a/components/secure_display/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,324 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include "components/secure_display/elide_url.h"
-#include "base/ios/ios_util.h"
-#include "base/strings/utf_string_conversions.h"
-#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
-#include "ui/gfx/font_list.h"
-#include "ui/gfx/text_elider.h"
-#include "ui/gfx/text_utils.h"
-#include "url/gurl.h"
-using base::UTF8ToUTF16;
-using gfx::GetStringWidthF;
-using gfx::kEllipsis;
-namespace {
-struct Testcase {
- const std::string input;
- const std::string output;
-#if !defined(OS_ANDROID)
-void RunUrlTest(Testcase* testcases, size_t num_testcases) {
- static const gfx::FontList font_list;
- for (size_t i = 0; i < num_testcases; ++i) {
- const GURL url(testcases[i].input);
- // Should we test with non-empty language list?
- // That's kinda redundant with net_util_unittests.
- const float available_width =
- GetStringWidthF(UTF8ToUTF16(testcases[i].output), font_list);
- EXPECT_EQ(UTF8ToUTF16(testcases[i].output),
- secure_display::ElideUrl(url, font_list, available_width,
- std::string()));
- }
-// Test eliding of commonplace URLs.
-TEST(TextEliderTest, TestGeneralEliding) {
- const std::string kEllipsisStr(kEllipsis);
- Testcase testcases[] = {
- {"", ""},
- {"", ""},
- {"",
- "" + kEllipsisStr + "/ads/"},
- {"",
- "" + kEllipsisStr + "/ads/"},
- {"", "" + kEllipsisStr},
- {"", "goog" + kEllipsisStr},
- {"",
- ""},
- {"",
- "" + kEllipsisStr + "/filename.html"},
- {"",
- kEllipsisStr + "" + kEllipsisStr + "/filename.html"},
- {"",
- "" + kEllipsisStr},
- };
- RunUrlTest(testcases, arraysize(testcases));
-// When there is very little space available, the elision code will shorten
-// both path AND file name to an ellipsis - ".../...". To avoid this result,
-// there is a hack in place that simply treats them as one string in this
-// case.
-TEST(TextEliderTest, TestTrailingEllipsisSlashEllipsisHack) {
- const std::string kEllipsisStr(kEllipsis);
- // Very little space, would cause double ellipsis.
- gfx::FontList font_list;
- GURL url("");
- float available_width = GetStringWidthF(
- UTF8ToUTF16("" + kEllipsisStr + "/" + kEllipsisStr),
- font_list);
- // Create the expected string, after elision. Depending on font size, the
- // directory might become /dir... or /di... or/d... - it never should be
- // shorter than that. (If it is, the font considers d... to be longer
- // than .../... - that should never happen).
- ASSERT_GT(GetStringWidthF(UTF8ToUTF16(kEllipsisStr + "/" + kEllipsisStr),
- font_list),
- GetStringWidthF(UTF8ToUTF16("d" + kEllipsisStr), font_list));
- GURL long_url("");
- base::string16 expected = secure_display::ElideUrl(
- long_url, font_list, available_width, std::string());
- // Ensure that the expected result still contains part of the directory name.
- ASSERT_GT(expected.length(), std::string("").length());
- EXPECT_EQ(expected, secure_display::ElideUrl(url, font_list, available_width,
- std::string()));
- // More space available - elide directories, partially elide filename.
- Testcase testcases[] = {
- {"",
- "" + kEllipsisStr + "/peter" + kEllipsisStr},
- };
- RunUrlTest(testcases, arraysize(testcases));
-// Test eliding of empty strings, URLs with ports, passwords, queries, etc.
-TEST(TextEliderTest, TestMoreEliding) {
- const std::string kEllipsisStr(kEllipsis);
- Testcase testcases[] = {
- {"", ""},
- {"", "" + kEllipsisStr},
- {"", "" + kEllipsisStr},
- {"", "" + kEllipsisStr},
- {"", "" + kEllipsisStr + "/c?d"},
- {"", ""},
- {"",
- "" + kEllipsisStr + "/filename.html"},
- {"", ""},
- {"", "\xe5\x8c\x97\xe4\xba\"},
- {"",
- ""},
- {"", ""},
- {"", ""},
- {"javascript:click(0)", "javascript:click(0)"},
- {"",
- ""},
- {"",
- kEllipsisStr + "" + kEllipsisStr + "/arbitfilename"},
- // Unescaping.
- {"http://www/%E4%BD%A0%E5%A5%BD?q=%E4%BD%A0%E5%A5%BD#\xe4\xbd\xa0",
- "www/\xe4\xbd\xa0\xe5\xa5\xbd?q=\xe4\xbd\xa0\xe5\xa5\xbd#\xe4\xbd\xa0"},
- // Invalid unescaping for path. The ref will always be valid UTF-8. We
- // don't
- // bother to do too many edge cases, since these are handled by the
- // escaper
- // unittest.
- {"http://www/%E4%A0%E5%A5%BD?q=%E4%BD%A0%E5%A5%BD#\xe4\xbd\xa0",
- "www/%E4%A0%E5%A5%BD?q=\xe4\xbd\xa0\xe5\xa5\xbd#\xe4\xbd\xa0"},
- };
- RunUrlTest(testcases, arraysize(testcases));
-// Test eliding of file: URLs.
-TEST(TextEliderTest, TestFileURLEliding) {
- const std::string kEllipsisStr(kEllipsis);
- Testcase testcases[] = {
- {"file:///C:/path1/path2/path3/filename",
- "file:///C:/path1/path2/path3/filename"},
- {"file:///C:/path1/path2/path3/filename", "C:/path1/path2/path3/filename"},
-// GURL parses "file:///C:path" differently on windows than it does on posix.
-#if defined(OS_WIN)
- {"file:///C:path1/path2/path3/filename",
- "C:/path1/path2/" + kEllipsisStr + "/filename"},
- {"file:///C:path1/path2/path3/filename",
- "C:/path1/" + kEllipsisStr + "/filename"},
- {"file:///C:path1/path2/path3/filename",
- "C:/" + kEllipsisStr + "/filename"},
-#endif // defined(OS_WIN)
- {"file://filer/foo/bar/file", "filer/foo/bar/file"},
- {"file://filer/foo/bar/file", "filer/foo/" + kEllipsisStr + "/file"},
- {"file://filer/foo/bar/file", "filer/" + kEllipsisStr + "/file"},
- {"file://filer/foo/", "file://filer/foo/"},
- {"file://filer/foo/", "filer/foo/"},
- {"file://filer/foo/", "filer" + kEllipsisStr},
- // Eliding file URLs with nothing after the ':' shouldn't crash.
- {"file:///aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa:", "aaa" + kEllipsisStr},
- {"file:///aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa:/", "aaa" + kEllipsisStr},
- };
- RunUrlTest(testcases, arraysize(testcases));
-TEST(TextEliderTest, TestHostEliding) {
-#if defined(OS_IOS)
- // TODO(eugenebut): Disable test on iOS9
- if (base::ios::IsRunningOnIOS9OrLater()) {
- LOG(WARNING) << "Test disabled on iOS9.";
- return;
- }
- const std::string kEllipsisStr(kEllipsis);
- Testcase testcases[] = {
- {"", ""},
- {"", kEllipsisStr + ""},
- {"",
- ""},
- {"", kEllipsisStr + ""},
- {"http://foo", "foo"},
- {"", ""},
- {"", kEllipsisStr + ""},
-// IOS width calculations are off by a letter from other platforms for
-// some strings from other platforms, probably for strings with too
-// many kerned letters on the default font set.
-#if !defined(OS_IOS)
- {"",
- kEllipsisStr + ""},
- {"", kEllipsisStr + ""},
-#endif // !defined(OS_IOS)
- };
- for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(testcases); ++i) {
- const float available_width =
- GetStringWidthF(UTF8ToUTF16(testcases[i].output), gfx::FontList());
- EXPECT_EQ(UTF8ToUTF16(testcases[i].output),
- secure_display::ElideHost(GURL(testcases[i].input),
- gfx::FontList(), available_width));
- }
- // Trying to elide to a really short length will still keep the full TLD+1
- base::ASCIIToUTF16(""),
- secure_display::ElideHost(GURL(""), gfx::FontList(), 2));
- EXPECT_EQ(base::UTF8ToUTF16(kEllipsisStr + ""),
- secure_display::ElideHost(GURL(""),
- gfx::FontList(), 2));
- base::ASCIIToUTF16(""),
- secure_display::ElideHost(GURL(""), gfx::FontList(), 2));
-#endif // !defined(OS_ANDROID)
-TEST(TextEliderTest, FormatUrlForSecurityDisplay) {
- struct OriginTestData {
- const char* const description;
- const char* const input;
- const wchar_t* const output;
- };
- const OriginTestData tests[] = {
- {"Empty URL", "", L""},
- {"HTTP URL", "", L""},
- {"HTTPS URL", "", L""},
- {"Standard HTTP port", "",
- L""},
- {"Standard HTTPS port", "",
- L""},
- {"Standard HTTP port, IDN Chinese",
- "http://\xe4\xb8\xad\xe5\x9b\",
- L""},
- {"HTTP URL, IDN Hebrew (RTL)",
- "http://"
- "\xd7\x90\xd7\x99\xd7\xa7\xd7\x95\xd7\xb4\xd7\x9d."
- "\xd7\x99\xd7\xa9\xd7\xa8\xd7\x90\xd7\",
- L""},
- {"HTTP URL with query string, IDN Arabic (RTL)",
- "http://\xd9\x85\xd8\xb5\xd8\",
- L""},
- {"Non-standard HTTP port", "",
- L""},
- {"Non-standard HTTPS port", "",
- L""},
- {"File URI", "file:///usr/example/file.html",
- L"file:///usr/example/file.html"},
- {"File URI with hostname", "file://localhost/usr/example/file.html",
- L"file:///usr/example/file.html"},
- {"UNC File URI 1", "file:///CONTOSO/accounting/money.xls",
- L"file:///CONTOSO/accounting/money.xls"},
- {"UNC File URI 2",
- "file:///C:/Program%20Files/Music/Web%20Sys/main.html?REQUEST=RADIO",
- L"file:///C:/Program%20Files/Music/Web%20Sys/main.html"},
- {"HTTP URL with path", "",
- L""},
- {"HTTPS URL with path", "",
- L""},
- {"Unusual secure scheme (wss)", "wss://",
- L"wss://"},
- {"Unusual non-secure scheme (gopher)", "gopher://",
- L"gopher://"},
- {"Unlisted scheme (chrome)", "chrome://version", L"chrome://version"},
- {"HTTP IP address", "", L""},
- {"HTTPS IP address", "", L""},
- {"HTTP IPv6 address", "http://[FE80:0000:0000:0000:0202:B3FF:FE1E:8329]/",
- L"http://[fe80::202:b3ff:fe1e:8329]"},
- {"HTTPS IPv6 address with port", "https://[2001:db8:0:1]:443/",
- L"https://[2001:db8:0:1]"},
- {"HTTPS IP address, non-default port", "",
- L""},
- {"HTTP filesystem: URL with path",
- "filesystem:",
- L"filesystem:"},
- {"File filesystem: URL with path",
- "filesystem:file://localhost/temporary/stuff/test.html?z=fun&goat=billy",
- L"filesystem:file:///temporary/stuff/test.html"},
- {"Invalid scheme 1", "twelve://",
- L"twelve://"},
- {"Invalid scheme 2", "://",
- L"://"},
- {"Invalid host 1", "https://www.cyber../wow.php", L"https://www.cyber.."},
- {"Invalid host 2", "https://www...cyber/wow.php", L"https://www...cyber"},
- {"Invalid port 1", "",
- L""},
- {"Invalid port 2", "",
- L""},
- {"Invalid port 3", "",
- L""},
- {"Trailing dot in DNS name", "",
- L""},
- {"Blob URL",
- "blob:http%3A//",
- L"blob:http%3A//"
- L"4d4ff040-6d61-4446-86d3-13ca07ec9ab9"},
- };
- const char languages[] = "zh-TW,en-US,en,am,ar-EG,ar";
- for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(tests); ++i) {
- base::string16 formatted = secure_display::FormatUrlForSecurityDisplay(
- GURL(tests[i].input), std::string());
- EXPECT_EQ(base::WideToUTF16(tests[i].output), formatted)
- << tests[i].description;
- base::string16 formatted_with_languages =
- secure_display::FormatUrlForSecurityDisplay(GURL(tests[i].input),
- languages);
- EXPECT_EQ(base::WideToUTF16(tests[i].output), formatted_with_languages)
- << tests[i].description;
- }
- base::string16 formatted =
- secure_display::FormatUrlForSecurityDisplay(GURL(), std::string());
- EXPECT_EQ(base::string16(), formatted)
- << "Explicitly test the 0-argument GURL constructor";
-} // namespace