path: root/content/browser/accessibility/browser_accessibility_win.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'content/browser/accessibility/browser_accessibility_win.h')
1 files changed, 33 insertions, 6 deletions
diff --git a/content/browser/accessibility/browser_accessibility_win.h b/content/browser/accessibility/browser_accessibility_win.h
index b237be9..82e03ca 100644
--- a/content/browser/accessibility/browser_accessibility_win.h
+++ b/content/browser/accessibility/browser_accessibility_win.h
@@ -709,6 +709,10 @@ BrowserAccessibilityWin
void** object);
+ // Computes and caches the IA2 text style attributes for the text and other
+ // embedded child objects.
+ CONTENT_EXPORT void ComputeStylesIfNeeded();
CONTENT_EXPORT base::string16 GetText() const override;
// Accessors.
@@ -723,6 +727,10 @@ BrowserAccessibilityWin
base::string16 name() const { return win_attributes_->name; }
base::string16 description() const { return win_attributes_->description; }
base::string16 value() const { return win_attributes_->value; }
+ const std::map<int, std::vector<base::string16>>& offset_to_text_attributes()
+ const {
+ return win_attributes_->offset_to_text_attributes;
+ }
std::map<int32_t, int32_t>& hyperlink_offset_to_index() const {
return win_attributes_->hyperlink_offset_to_index;
@@ -731,6 +739,9 @@ BrowserAccessibilityWin
+ // Returns the IA2 text attributes for this object.
+ std::vector<base::string16> ComputeTextAttributes() const;
// Add one to the reference count and return the same object. Always
// use this method when returning a BrowserAccessibilityWin object as
// an output parameter to a COM interface, never use it otherwise.
@@ -786,6 +797,9 @@ BrowserAccessibilityWin
// Returns true if the current object is an IA2 hyperlink.
bool IsHyperlink() const;
+ // Returns the hyperlink at the given text position, or nullptr if no
+ // hyperlink can be found.
+ BrowserAccessibilityWin* GetHyperlinkFromHypertextOffset(int offset) const;
// Functions for retrieving offsets for hyperlinks and hypertext.
// Return -1 in case of failure.
@@ -847,22 +861,32 @@ BrowserAccessibilityWin
LONG start_offset,
ui::TextBoundaryDirection direction);
- // Return a pointer to the object corresponding to the given id,
- // does not make a new reference.
- BrowserAccessibilityWin* GetFromID(int32_t id);
+ // Searches forward from the given offset until the start of the next style
+ // is found, or searches backward from the given offset until the start of the
+ // current style is found.
+ LONG FindStartOfStyle(LONG start_offset,
+ ui::TextBoundaryDirection direction) const;
+ // ID refers to the node ID in the current tree, not the globally unique ID.
+ // TODO(nektar): Could we use globally unique IDs everywhere?
+ // TODO(nektar): Rename this function to GetFromNodeID.
+ BrowserAccessibilityWin* GetFromID(int32_t id) const;
// Returns true if this is a list box option with a parent of type list box,
// or a menu list option with a parent of type menu list popup.
bool IsListBoxOptionOrMenuListOption();
- // Updates object attributes of IA2 with html attributes.
- void UpdateRequiredAttributes();
// Given an int list attribute containing the ids of related elements,
// add a new IAccessibleRelation for this object with the given type name.
void AddRelations(ui::AXIntListAttribute src_attr,
const base::string16& iaccessiblerelation_type);
+ // Updates object attributes of IA2 with html attributes.
+ void UpdateRequiredAttributes();
+ // Updates the IA2 text style attributes.
+ void UpdateTextAttributes();
struct WinAttributes {
@@ -887,6 +911,9 @@ BrowserAccessibilityWin
// Hypertext.
base::string16 hypertext;
+ // Maps each style span to its start offset in hypertext.
+ std::map<int, std::vector<base::string16>> offset_to_text_attributes;
// Maps the |hypertext_| embedded character offset to an index in
// |hyperlinks_|.
std::map<int32_t, int32_t> hyperlink_offset_to_index;