path: root/content/browser/renderer_host/media/
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Diffstat (limited to 'content/browser/renderer_host/media/')
1 files changed, 145 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/content/browser/renderer_host/media/ b/content/browser/renderer_host/media/
index 21c6132..f06837e 100644
--- a/content/browser/renderer_host/media/
+++ b/content/browser/renderer_host/media/
@@ -9,7 +9,9 @@
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <utility>
+#include <vector>
#include "base/bind.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
@@ -175,8 +177,8 @@ class VideoCaptureBufferPoolTest
<< media::VideoPixelFormatToString(format_and_storage.pixel_format)
<< " " << dimensions.ToString();
const int buffer_id = pool_->ReserveForProducer(
- format_and_storage.pixel_format, format_and_storage.pixel_storage,
- dimensions, &buffer_id_to_drop);
+ dimensions, format_and_storage.pixel_format,
+ format_and_storage.pixel_storage, &buffer_id_to_drop);
if (buffer_id == VideoCaptureBufferPool::kInvalidId)
return scoped_ptr<Buffer>();
EXPECT_EQ(expected_dropped_id_, buffer_id_to_drop);
@@ -187,6 +189,18 @@ class VideoCaptureBufferPoolTest
new Buffer(pool_, std::move(buffer_handle), buffer_id));
+ scoped_ptr<Buffer> ResurrectLastBuffer(
+ const gfx::Size& dimensions,
+ PixelFormatAndStorage format_and_storage) {
+ const int buffer_id = pool_->ResurrectLastForProducer(
+ dimensions, format_and_storage.pixel_format,
+ format_and_storage.pixel_storage);
+ if (buffer_id == VideoCaptureBufferPool::kInvalidId)
+ return scoped_ptr<Buffer>();
+ return scoped_ptr<Buffer>(
+ new Buffer(pool_, pool_->GetBufferHandle(buffer_id), buffer_id));
+ }
base::MessageLoop loop_;
int expected_dropped_id_;
scoped_refptr<VideoCaptureBufferPool> pool_;
@@ -371,6 +385,135 @@ TEST_P(VideoCaptureBufferPoolTest, BufferPool) {
+// Tests that a previously-released buffer can be immediately resurrected under
+// normal conditions.
+TEST_P(VideoCaptureBufferPoolTest, ResurrectsLastBuffer) {
+ ExpectDroppedId(VideoCaptureBufferPool::kInvalidId);
+ // At the start, there should be nothing to resurrect.
+ scoped_ptr<Buffer> resurrected =
+ ResurrectLastBuffer(gfx::Size(10, 10), GetParam());
+ ASSERT_EQ(nullptr, resurrected.get());
+ // Reserve a 10x10 buffer and fill it with 0xab values.
+ scoped_ptr<Buffer> original = ReserveBuffer(gfx::Size(10, 10), GetParam());
+ ASSERT_NE(nullptr, original.get());
+ const size_t original_mapped_size = original->mapped_size();
+ memset(original->data(), 0xab, original_mapped_size);
+ // Try to resurrect a buffer BEFORE releasing |original|. This should fail.
+ resurrected = ResurrectLastBuffer(gfx::Size(10, 10), GetParam());
+ ASSERT_EQ(nullptr, resurrected.get());
+ // Release |original| and then try to resurrect it. Confirm the content of
+ // the resurrected buffer is a fill of 0xab values.
+ original.reset();
+ resurrected = ResurrectLastBuffer(gfx::Size(10, 10), GetParam());
+ ASSERT_NE(nullptr, resurrected.get());
+ ASSERT_EQ(original_mapped_size, resurrected->mapped_size());
+ uint8_t* resurrected_memory = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(resurrected->data());
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < original_mapped_size; ++i)
+ EXPECT_EQ(0xab, resurrected_memory[i]) << "Mismatch at byte offset: " << i;
+ // Now, fill the resurrected buffer with 0xbc values and release it.
+ memset(resurrected_memory, 0xbc, original_mapped_size);
+ resurrected.reset();
+ // Finally, resurrect the buffer again, and confirm it contains a fill of 0xbc
+ // values.
+ resurrected = ResurrectLastBuffer(gfx::Size(10, 10), GetParam());
+ ASSERT_NE(nullptr, resurrected.get());
+ ASSERT_EQ(original_mapped_size, resurrected->mapped_size());
+ resurrected_memory = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(resurrected->data());
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < original_mapped_size; ++i)
+ EXPECT_EQ(0xbc, resurrected_memory[i]) << "Mismatch at byte offset: " << i;
+// Tests that a buffer cannot be resurrected if its properties do not match.
+TEST_P(VideoCaptureBufferPoolTest, DoesNotResurrectIfPropertiesNotMatched) {
+ ExpectDroppedId(VideoCaptureBufferPool::kInvalidId);
+ // Reserve a 10x10 buffer, fill it with 0xcd values, and release it.
+ scoped_ptr<Buffer> original = ReserveBuffer(gfx::Size(10, 10), GetParam());
+ ASSERT_NE(nullptr, original.get());
+ const size_t original_mapped_size = original->mapped_size();
+ memset(original->data(), 0xcd, original_mapped_size);
+ original.reset();
+ // Expect that the buffer cannot be resurrected if the dimensions do not
+ // match.
+ scoped_ptr<Buffer> resurrected =
+ ResurrectLastBuffer(gfx::Size(8, 8), GetParam());
+ ASSERT_EQ(nullptr, resurrected.get());
+ // Expect that the buffer cannot be resurrected if the pixel format does not
+ // match.
+ PixelFormatAndStorage altered_format_or_storage = GetParam();
+ altered_format_or_storage.pixel_format =
+ (altered_format_or_storage.pixel_format == media::PIXEL_FORMAT_I420
+ : media::PIXEL_FORMAT_I420);
+ resurrected =
+ ResurrectLastBuffer(gfx::Size(10, 10), altered_format_or_storage);
+ ASSERT_EQ(nullptr, resurrected.get());
+ // Expect that the buffer cannot be resurrected if the pixel storage does not
+ // match.
+ altered_format_or_storage = GetParam();
+ altered_format_or_storage.pixel_storage =
+ (altered_format_or_storage.pixel_storage == media::PIXEL_STORAGE_CPU)
+ resurrected =
+ ResurrectLastBuffer(gfx::Size(10, 10), altered_format_or_storage);
+ ASSERT_EQ(nullptr, resurrected.get());
+ // Finally, check that the buffer CAN be resurrected if all properties match.
+ resurrected = ResurrectLastBuffer(gfx::Size(10, 10), GetParam());
+ ASSERT_NE(nullptr, resurrected.get());
+ ASSERT_EQ(original_mapped_size, resurrected->mapped_size());
+ uint8_t* resurrected_memory = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(resurrected->data());
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < original_mapped_size; ++i)
+ EXPECT_EQ(0xcd, resurrected_memory[i]) << "Mismatch at byte offset: " << i;
+// Tests that the buffers are managed by the pool such that the last-released
+// buffer is kept around as long as possible (for successful resurrection).
+TEST_P(VideoCaptureBufferPoolTest, AvoidsClobberingForResurrectingLastBuffer) {
+ ExpectDroppedId(VideoCaptureBufferPool::kInvalidId);
+ // Reserve a 10x10 buffer, fill it with 0xde values, and release it.
+ scoped_ptr<Buffer> original = ReserveBuffer(gfx::Size(10, 10), GetParam());
+ ASSERT_NE(nullptr, original.get());
+ const size_t original_mapped_size = original->mapped_size();
+ memset(original->data(), 0xde, original_mapped_size);
+ original.reset();
+ // Reserve all but one of the pool's buffers.
+ std::vector<scoped_ptr<Buffer>> held_buffers;
+ for (int i = 0; i < kTestBufferPoolSize - 1; ++i) {
+ held_buffers.push_back(ReserveBuffer(gfx::Size(10, 10), GetParam()));
+ ASSERT_NE(nullptr, held_buffers.back().get());
+ }
+ // Now, attempt to resurrect the original buffer. This should succeed.
+ scoped_ptr<Buffer> resurrected =
+ ResurrectLastBuffer(gfx::Size(10, 10), GetParam());
+ ASSERT_NE(nullptr, resurrected.get());
+ ASSERT_EQ(original_mapped_size, resurrected->mapped_size());
+ uint8_t* resurrected_memory = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(resurrected->data());
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < original_mapped_size; ++i)
+ EXPECT_EQ(0xde, resurrected_memory[i]) << "Mismatch at byte offset: " << i;
+ resurrected.reset();
+ // Reserve the final buffer in the pool, and then confirm resurrection does
+ // not succeed.
+ held_buffers.push_back(ReserveBuffer(gfx::Size(10, 10), GetParam()));
+ ASSERT_NE(nullptr, held_buffers.back().get());
+ resurrected = ResurrectLastBuffer(gfx::Size(10, 10), GetParam());
+ ASSERT_EQ(nullptr, resurrected.get());