path: root/content/browser/renderer_host/render_view_host_impl.h
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diff --git a/content/browser/renderer_host/render_view_host_impl.h b/content/browser/renderer_host/render_view_host_impl.h
index fa76384..6d69007 100644
--- a/content/browser/renderer_host/render_view_host_impl.h
+++ b/content/browser/renderer_host/render_view_host_impl.h
@@ -260,6 +260,30 @@ class CONTENT_EXPORT RenderViewHostImpl
// RenderFrameHostImpl.
void NavigateToURL(const GURL& url);
+ // Returns whether navigation messages are currently suspended for this
+ // RenderViewHost. Only true during a cross-site navigation, while waiting
+ // for the onbeforeunload handler.
+ bool are_navigations_suspended() const { return navigations_suspended_; }
+ // Suspends (or unsuspends) any navigation messages from being sent from this
+ // RenderViewHost. This is called when a pending RenderViewHost is created
+ // for a cross-site navigation, because we must suspend any navigations until
+ // we hear back from the old renderer's onbeforeunload handler. Note that it
+ // is important that only one navigation event happen after calling this
+ // method with |suspend| equal to true. If |suspend| is false and there is
+ // a suspended_nav_message_, this will send the message. This function
+ // should only be called to toggle the state; callers should check
+ // are_navigations_suspended() first. If |suspend| is false, the time that the
+ // user decided the navigation should proceed should be passed as
+ // |proceed_time|.
+ void SetNavigationsSuspended(bool suspend,
+ const base::TimeTicks& proceed_time);
+ // Clears any suspended navigation state after a cross-site navigation is
+ // canceled or suspended. This is important if we later return to this
+ // RenderViewHost.
+ void CancelSuspendedNavigations();
// Whether this RenderViewHost has been swapped out to be displayed by a
// different process.
bool IsSwappedOut() const { return rvh_state_ == STATE_SWAPPED_OUT; }
@@ -292,6 +316,17 @@ class CONTENT_EXPORT RenderViewHostImpl
// and the user has agreed to continue with closing the page.
void ClosePageIgnoringUnloadEvents();
+ // Returns whether this RenderViewHost has an outstanding cross-site request.
+ // Cleared when we hear the response and start to swap out the old
+ // RenderViewHost, or if we hear a commit here without a network request.
+ bool HasPendingCrossSiteRequest();
+ // Sets whether this RenderViewHost has an outstanding cross-site request,
+ // for which another renderer will need to run an onunload event handler.
+ // This is called before the first navigation event for this RenderViewHost,
+ // and cleared when we hear the response or commit.
+ void SetHasPendingCrossSiteRequest(bool has_pending_request);
// Tells the renderer view to focus the first (last if reverse is true) node.
void SetInitialFocus(bool reverse);
@@ -499,6 +534,19 @@ class CONTENT_EXPORT RenderViewHostImpl
// See BindingsPolicy for details.
int enabled_bindings_;
+ // Whether we should buffer outgoing Navigate messages rather than sending
+ // them. This will be true when a RenderViewHost is created for a cross-site
+ // request, until we hear back from the onbeforeunload handler of the old
+ // RenderViewHost.
+ // TODO(nasko): Move to RenderFrameHost, as this is per-frame state.
+ bool navigations_suspended_;
+ // We only buffer the params for a suspended navigation while we have a
+ // pending RVH for a WebContentsImpl. There will only ever be one suspended
+ // navigation, because WebContentsImpl will destroy the pending RVH and create
+ // a new one if a second navigation occurs.
+ // TODO(nasko): Move to RenderFrameHost, as this is per-frame state.
+ scoped_ptr<FrameMsg_Navigate_Params> suspended_nav_params_;
// The current state of this RVH.
// TODO(nasko): Move to RenderFrameHost, as this is per-frame state.