path: root/extensions/test
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'extensions/test')
2 files changed, 683 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/extensions/test/data/json_schema_test.js b/extensions/test/data/json_schema_test.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..645fd9d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extensions/test/data/json_schema_test.js
@@ -0,0 +1,668 @@
+// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+var AssertTrue = requireNative('assert').AssertTrue;
+var JSONSchemaValidator = require('json_schema').JSONSchemaValidator;
+var LOG = requireNative('logging').LOG;
+function assertValid(type, instance, schema, types) {
+ var validator = new JSONSchemaValidator();
+ if (types)
+ validator.addTypes(types);
+ validator["validate" + type](instance, schema, "");
+ var success = true;
+ if (validator.errors.length != 0) {
+ LOG("Got unexpected errors");
+ for (var i = 0; i < validator.errors.length; i++) {
+ LOG(validator.errors[i].message + " path: " + validator.errors[i].path);
+ }
+ success = false;
+ }
+ AssertTrue(success);
+function assertNotValid(type, instance, schema, errors, types) {
+ var validator = new JSONSchemaValidator();
+ if (types)
+ validator.addTypes(types);
+ validator["validate" + type](instance, schema, "");
+ AssertTrue(validator.errors.length === errors.length);
+ var success = true;
+ for (var i = 0; i < errors.length; i++) {
+ if (validator.errors[i].message == errors[i]) {
+ LOG("Got expected error: " + validator.errors[i].message +
+ " for path: " + validator.errors[i].path);
+ } else {
+ LOG("Missed expected error: " + errors[i] + ". Got: " +
+ validator.errors[i].message + " instead.");
+ success = false;
+ }
+ }
+ AssertTrue(success);
+function assertListConsistsOfElements(list, elements) {
+ var success = true;
+ for (var li = 0; li < list.length; li++) {
+ for (var ei = 0; ei < elements.length && list[li] != elements[ei]; ei++) { }
+ if (ei == elements.length) {
+ LOG("Expected type not found: " + list[li]);
+ success = false;
+ }
+ }
+ AssertTrue(success);
+function assertEqualSets(set1, set2) {
+ assertListConsistsOfElements(set1, set2);
+ assertListConsistsOfElements(set2, set1);
+function formatError(key, replacements) {
+ return JSONSchemaValidator.formatError(key, replacements);
+function testFormatError() {
+ AssertTrue(formatError("propertyRequired") == "Property is required.");
+ AssertTrue(formatError("invalidEnum", ["foo, bar"]) ==
+ "Value must be one of: [foo, bar].");
+ AssertTrue(formatError("invalidType", ["foo", "bar"]) ==
+ "Expected 'foo' but got 'bar'.");
+function testComplex() {
+ var schema = {
+ type: "array",
+ items: [
+ {
+ type: "object",
+ properties: {
+ id: {
+ type: "integer",
+ minimum: 1
+ },
+ url: {
+ type: "string",
+ pattern: /^https?\:/,
+ optional: true
+ },
+ index: {
+ type: "integer",
+ minimum: 0,
+ optional: true
+ },
+ selected: {
+ type: "boolean",
+ optional: true
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ { type: "function", optional: true },
+ { type: "function", optional: true }
+ ]
+ };
+ var instance = [
+ {
+ id: 42,
+ url: "",
+ index: 2,
+ selected: true
+ },
+ function(){},
+ function(){}
+ ];
+ assertValid("", instance, schema);
+ instance.length = 2;
+ assertValid("", instance, schema);
+ instance.length = 1;
+ instance.push({});
+ assertNotValid("", instance, schema,
+ [formatError("invalidType", ["function", "object"])]);
+ instance[1] = function(){};
+ instance[0].url = "foo";
+ assertNotValid("", instance, schema,
+ [formatError("stringPattern",
+ [schema.items[0].properties.url.pattern])]);
+ delete instance[0].url;
+ assertValid("", instance, schema);
+ instance[0].id = 0;
+ assertNotValid("", instance, schema,
+ [formatError("numberMinValue",
+ [schema.items[0]])]);
+function testEnum() {
+ var schema = {
+ enum: ["foo", 42, false]
+ };
+ assertValid("", "foo", schema);
+ assertValid("", 42, schema);
+ assertValid("", false, schema);
+ assertNotValid("", "42", schema, [formatError("invalidEnum",
+ [schema.enum.join(", ")])]);
+ assertNotValid("", null, schema, [formatError("invalidEnum",
+ [schema.enum.join(", ")])]);
+function testChoices() {
+ var schema = {
+ choices: [
+ { type: "null" },
+ { type: "undefined" },
+ { type: "integer", minimum:42, maximum:42 },
+ { type: "object", properties: { foo: { type: "string" } } }
+ ]
+ }
+ assertValid("", null, schema);
+ assertValid("", undefined, schema);
+ assertValid("", 42, schema);
+ assertValid("", {foo: "bar"}, schema);
+ assertNotValid("", "foo", schema, [formatError("invalidChoice", [])]);
+ assertNotValid("", [], schema, [formatError("invalidChoice", [])]);
+ assertNotValid("", {foo: 42}, schema, [formatError("invalidChoice", [])]);
+function testExtends() {
+ var parent = {
+ type: "number"
+ }
+ var schema = {
+ extends: parent
+ };
+ assertValid("", 42, schema);
+ assertNotValid("", "42", schema,
+ [formatError("invalidType", ["number", "string"])]);
+ // Make the derived schema more restrictive
+ parent.minimum = 43;
+ assertNotValid("", 42, schema, [formatError("numberMinValue", [43])]);
+ assertValid("", 43, schema);
+function testObject() {
+ var schema = {
+ properties: {
+ "foo": {
+ type: "string"
+ },
+ "bar": {
+ type: "integer"
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ assertValid("Object", {foo:"foo", bar:42}, schema);
+ assertNotValid("Object", {foo:"foo", bar:42,"extra":true}, schema,
+ [formatError("unexpectedProperty")]);
+ assertNotValid("Object", {foo:"foo"}, schema,
+ [formatError("propertyRequired")]);
+ assertNotValid("Object", {foo:"foo", bar:"42"}, schema,
+ [formatError("invalidType", ["integer", "string"])]);
+ schema.additionalProperties = { type: "any" };
+ assertValid("Object", {foo:"foo", bar:42, "extra":true}, schema);
+ assertValid("Object", {foo:"foo", bar:42, "extra":"foo"}, schema);
+ schema.additionalProperties = { type: "boolean" };
+ assertValid("Object", {foo:"foo", bar:42, "extra":true}, schema);
+ assertNotValid("Object", {foo:"foo", bar:42, "extra":"foo"}, schema,
+ [formatError("invalidType", ["boolean", "string"])]);
+ = true;
+ assertValid("Object", {foo:"foo", bar:42}, schema);
+ assertValid("Object", {foo:"foo"}, schema);
+ assertValid("Object", {foo:"foo", bar:null}, schema);
+ assertValid("Object", {foo:"foo", bar:undefined}, schema);
+ assertNotValid("Object", {foo:"foo", bar:"42"}, schema,
+ [formatError("invalidType", ["integer", "string"])]);
+function testTypeReference() {
+ var referencedTypes = [
+ {
+ id: "MinLengthString",
+ type: "string",
+ minLength: 2
+ },
+ {
+ id: "Max10Int",
+ type: "integer",
+ maximum: 10
+ }
+ ];
+ var schema = {
+ type: "object",
+ properties: {
+ "foo": {
+ type: "string"
+ },
+ "bar": {
+ $ref: "Max10Int"
+ },
+ "baz": {
+ $ref: "MinLengthString"
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var schemaInlineReference = {
+ type: "object",
+ properties: {
+ "foo": {
+ type: "string"
+ },
+ "bar": {
+ id: "NegativeInt",
+ type: "integer",
+ maximum: 0
+ },
+ "baz": {
+ $ref: "NegativeInt"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Valid type references externally added.
+ assertValid("", {foo:"foo",bar:4,baz:"ab"}, schema, referencedTypes);
+ // Valida type references internally defined.
+ assertValid("", {foo:"foo",bar:-4,baz:-2}, schemaInlineReference);
+ // Failures in validation, but succesful schema reference.
+ assertNotValid("", {foo:"foo",bar:4,baz:"a"}, schema,
+ [formatError("stringMinLength", [2])], referencedTypes);
+ assertNotValid("", {foo:"foo",bar:20,baz:"abc"}, schema,
+ [formatError("numberMaxValue", [10])], referencedTypes);
+ // Remove MinLengthString type.
+ referencedTypes.shift();
+ assertNotValid("", {foo:"foo",bar:4,baz:"ab"}, schema,
+ [formatError("unknownSchemaReference", ["MinLengthString"])],
+ referencedTypes);
+ // Remove internal type "NegativeInt"
+ delete;
+ assertNotValid("", {foo:"foo",baz:-2}, schemaInlineReference,
+ [formatError("unknownSchemaReference", ["NegativeInt"])]);
+function testArrayTuple() {
+ var schema = {
+ items: [
+ {
+ type: "string"
+ },
+ {
+ type: "integer"
+ }
+ ]
+ };
+ assertValid("Array", ["42", 42], schema);
+ assertNotValid("Array", ["42", 42, "anything"], schema,
+ [formatError("arrayMaxItems", [schema.items.length])]);
+ assertNotValid("Array", ["42"], schema, [formatError("itemRequired")]);
+ assertNotValid("Array", [42, 42], schema,
+ [formatError("invalidType", ["string", "integer"])]);
+ schema.additionalProperties = { type: "any" };
+ assertValid("Array", ["42", 42, "anything"], schema);
+ assertValid("Array", ["42", 42, []], schema);
+ schema.additionalProperties = { type: "boolean" };
+ assertNotValid("Array", ["42", 42, "anything"], schema,
+ [formatError("invalidType", ["boolean", "string"])]);
+ assertValid("Array", ["42", 42, false], schema);
+ schema.items[0].optional = true;
+ assertValid("Array", ["42", 42], schema);
+ assertValid("Array", [, 42], schema);
+ assertValid("Array", [null, 42], schema);
+ assertValid("Array", [undefined, 42], schema);
+ assertNotValid("Array", [42, 42], schema,
+ [formatError("invalidType", ["string", "integer"])]);
+function testArrayNonTuple() {
+ var schema = {
+ items: {
+ type: "string"
+ },
+ minItems: 2,
+ maxItems: 3
+ };
+ assertValid("Array", ["x", "x"], schema);
+ assertValid("Array", ["x", "x", "x"], schema);
+ assertNotValid("Array", ["x"], schema,
+ [formatError("arrayMinItems", [schema.minItems])]);
+ assertNotValid("Array", ["x", "x", "x", "x"], schema,
+ [formatError("arrayMaxItems", [schema.maxItems])]);
+ assertNotValid("Array", [42], schema,
+ [formatError("arrayMinItems", [schema.minItems]),
+ formatError("invalidType", ["string", "integer"])]);
+function testString() {
+ var schema = {
+ minLength: 1,
+ maxLength: 10,
+ pattern: /^x/
+ };
+ assertValid("String", "x", schema);
+ assertValid("String", "xxxxxxxxxx", schema);
+ assertNotValid("String", "y", schema,
+ [formatError("stringPattern", [schema.pattern])]);
+ assertNotValid("String", "xxxxxxxxxxx", schema,
+ [formatError("stringMaxLength", [schema.maxLength])]);
+ assertNotValid("String", "", schema,
+ [formatError("stringMinLength", [schema.minLength]),
+ formatError("stringPattern", [schema.pattern])]);
+function testNumber() {
+ var schema = {
+ minimum: 1,
+ maximum: 100,
+ maxDecimal: 2
+ };
+ assertValid("Number", 1, schema);
+ assertValid("Number", 50, schema);
+ assertValid("Number", 100, schema);
+ assertValid("Number", 88.88, schema);
+ assertNotValid("Number", 0.5, schema,
+ [formatError("numberMinValue", [schema.minimum])]);
+ assertNotValid("Number", 100.1, schema,
+ [formatError("numberMaxValue", [schema.maximum])]);
+ assertNotValid("Number", 100.111, schema,
+ [formatError("numberMaxValue", [schema.maximum]),
+ formatError("numberMaxDecimal", [schema.maxDecimal])]);
+ var nan = 0/0;
+ AssertTrue(isNaN(nan));
+ assertNotValid("Number", nan, schema,
+ [formatError("numberFiniteNotNan", ["NaN"])]);
+ assertNotValid("Number", Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY, schema,
+ [formatError("numberFiniteNotNan", ["Infinity"]),
+ formatError("numberMaxValue", [schema.maximum])
+ ]);
+ assertNotValid("Number", Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, schema,
+ [formatError("numberFiniteNotNan", ["-Infinity"]),
+ formatError("numberMinValue", [schema.minimum])
+ ]);
+function testIntegerBounds() {
+ assertValid("Number", 0, {type:"integer"});
+ assertValid("Number", -1, {type:"integer"});
+ assertValid("Number", 2147483647, {type:"integer"});
+ assertValid("Number", -2147483648, {type:"integer"});
+ assertNotValid("Number", 0.5, {type:"integer"},
+ [formatError("numberIntValue", [])]);
+ assertNotValid("Number", 10000000000, {type:"integer"},
+ [formatError("numberIntValue", [])]);
+ assertNotValid("Number", 2147483647.5, {type:"integer"},
+ [formatError("numberIntValue", [])]);
+ assertNotValid("Number", 2147483648, {type:"integer"},
+ [formatError("numberIntValue", [])]);
+ assertNotValid("Number", 2147483649, {type:"integer"},
+ [formatError("numberIntValue", [])]);
+ assertNotValid("Number", -2147483649, {type:"integer"},
+ [formatError("numberIntValue", [])]);
+function testType() {
+ // valid
+ assertValid("Type", {}, {type:"object"});
+ assertValid("Type", [], {type:"array"});
+ assertValid("Type", function(){}, {type:"function"});
+ assertValid("Type", "foobar", {type:"string"});
+ assertValid("Type", "", {type:"string"});
+ assertValid("Type", 88.8, {type:"number"});
+ assertValid("Type", 42, {type:"number"});
+ assertValid("Type", 0, {type:"number"});
+ assertValid("Type", 42, {type:"integer"});
+ assertValid("Type", 0, {type:"integer"});
+ assertValid("Type", true, {type:"boolean"});
+ assertValid("Type", false, {type:"boolean"});
+ assertValid("Type", null, {type:"null"});
+ assertValid("Type", undefined, {type:"undefined"});
+ // not valid
+ assertNotValid("Type", [], {type: "object"},
+ [formatError("invalidType", ["object", "array"])]);
+ assertNotValid("Type", null, {type: "object"},
+ [formatError("invalidType", ["object", "null"])]);
+ assertNotValid("Type", function(){}, {type: "object"},
+ [formatError("invalidType", ["object", "function"])]);
+ assertNotValid("Type", 42, {type: "array"},
+ [formatError("invalidType", ["array", "integer"])]);
+ assertNotValid("Type", 42, {type: "string"},
+ [formatError("invalidType", ["string", "integer"])]);
+ assertNotValid("Type", "42", {type: "number"},
+ [formatError("invalidType", ["number", "string"])]);
+ assertNotValid("Type", 88.8, {type: "integer"},
+ [formatError("invalidTypeIntegerNumber")]);
+ assertNotValid("Type", 1, {type: "boolean"},
+ [formatError("invalidType", ["boolean", "integer"])]);
+ assertNotValid("Type", false, {type: "null"},
+ [formatError("invalidType", ["null", "boolean"])]);
+ assertNotValid("Type", undefined, {type: "null"},
+ [formatError("invalidType", ["null", "undefined"])]);
+ assertNotValid("Type", {}, {type: "function"},
+ [formatError("invalidType", ["function", "object"])]);
+function testGetAllTypesForSchema() {
+ var referencedTypes = [
+ {
+ id: "ChoicesRef",
+ choices: [
+ { type: "integer" },
+ { type: "string" }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ id: "ObjectRef",
+ type: "object",
+ }
+ ];
+ var arraySchema = {
+ type: "array"
+ };
+ var choicesSchema = {
+ choices: [
+ { type: "object" },
+ { type: "function" }
+ ]
+ };
+ var objectRefSchema = {
+ $ref: "ObjectRef"
+ };
+ var complexSchema = {
+ choices: [
+ { $ref: "ChoicesRef" },
+ { type: "function" },
+ { $ref: "ObjectRef" }
+ ]
+ };
+ var validator = new JSONSchemaValidator();
+ validator.addTypes(referencedTypes);
+ var arraySchemaTypes = validator.getAllTypesForSchema(arraySchema);
+ assertEqualSets(arraySchemaTypes, ["array"]);
+ var choicesSchemaTypes = validator.getAllTypesForSchema(choicesSchema);
+ assertEqualSets(choicesSchemaTypes, ["object", "function"]);
+ var objectRefSchemaTypes = validator.getAllTypesForSchema(objectRefSchema);
+ assertEqualSets(objectRefSchemaTypes, ["object"]);
+ var complexSchemaTypes = validator.getAllTypesForSchema(complexSchema);
+ assertEqualSets(complexSchemaTypes,
+ ["integer", "string", "function", "object"]);
+function testIsValidSchemaType() {
+ var referencedTypes = [
+ {
+ id: "ChoicesRef",
+ choices: [
+ { type: "integer" },
+ { type: "string" }
+ ]
+ }
+ ];
+ var objectSchema = {
+ type: "object",
+ optional: true
+ };
+ var complexSchema = {
+ choices: [
+ { $ref: "ChoicesRef" },
+ { type: "function" },
+ ]
+ };
+ var validator = new JSONSchemaValidator();
+ validator.addTypes(referencedTypes);
+ AssertTrue(validator.isValidSchemaType("object", objectSchema));
+ AssertTrue(!validator.isValidSchemaType("integer", objectSchema));
+ AssertTrue(!validator.isValidSchemaType("array", objectSchema));
+ AssertTrue(validator.isValidSchemaType("null", objectSchema));
+ AssertTrue(validator.isValidSchemaType("undefined", objectSchema));
+ AssertTrue(validator.isValidSchemaType("integer", complexSchema));
+ AssertTrue(validator.isValidSchemaType("function", complexSchema));
+ AssertTrue(validator.isValidSchemaType("string", complexSchema));
+ AssertTrue(!validator.isValidSchemaType("object", complexSchema));
+ AssertTrue(!validator.isValidSchemaType("null", complexSchema));
+ AssertTrue(!validator.isValidSchemaType("undefined", complexSchema));
+function testCheckSchemaOverlap() {
+ var referencedTypes = [
+ {
+ id: "ChoicesRef",
+ choices: [
+ { type: "integer" },
+ { type: "string" }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ id: "ObjectRef",
+ type: "object",
+ }
+ ];
+ var arraySchema = {
+ type: "array"
+ };
+ var choicesSchema = {
+ choices: [
+ { type: "object" },
+ { type: "function" }
+ ]
+ };
+ var objectRefSchema = {
+ $ref: "ObjectRef"
+ };
+ var complexSchema = {
+ choices: [
+ { $ref: "ChoicesRef" },
+ { type: "function" },
+ { $ref: "ObjectRef" }
+ ]
+ };
+ var validator = new JSONSchemaValidator();
+ validator.addTypes(referencedTypes);
+ AssertTrue(!validator.checkSchemaOverlap(arraySchema, choicesSchema));
+ AssertTrue(!validator.checkSchemaOverlap(arraySchema, objectRefSchema));
+ AssertTrue(!validator.checkSchemaOverlap(arraySchema, complexSchema));
+ AssertTrue(validator.checkSchemaOverlap(choicesSchema, objectRefSchema));
+ AssertTrue(validator.checkSchemaOverlap(choicesSchema, complexSchema));
+ AssertTrue(validator.checkSchemaOverlap(objectRefSchema, complexSchema));
+function testInstanceOf() {
+ function Animal() {};
+ function Cat() {};
+ function Dog() {};
+ Cat.prototype = new Animal;
+ Cat.prototype.constructor = Cat;
+ Dog.prototype = new Animal;
+ Dog.prototype.constructor = Dog;
+ var cat = new Cat();
+ var dog = new Dog();
+ var num = new Number(1);
+ // instanceOf should check type by walking up prototype chain.
+ assertValid("", cat, {type:"object", isInstanceOf:"Cat"});
+ assertValid("", cat, {type:"object", isInstanceOf:"Animal"});
+ assertValid("", cat, {type:"object", isInstanceOf:"Object"});
+ assertValid("", dog, {type:"object", isInstanceOf:"Dog"});
+ assertValid("", dog, {type:"object", isInstanceOf:"Animal"});
+ assertValid("", dog, {type:"object", isInstanceOf:"Object"});
+ assertValid("", num, {type:"object", isInstanceOf:"Number"});
+ assertValid("", num, {type:"object", isInstanceOf:"Object"});
+ assertNotValid("", cat, {type:"object", isInstanceOf:"Dog"},
+ [formatError("notInstance", ["Dog"])]);
+ assertNotValid("", dog, {type:"object", isInstanceOf:"Cat"},
+ [formatError("notInstance", ["Cat"])]);
+ assertNotValid("", cat, {type:"object", isInstanceOf:"String"},
+ [formatError("notInstance", ["String"])]);
+ assertNotValid("", dog, {type:"object", isInstanceOf:"String"},
+ [formatError("notInstance", ["String"])]);
+ assertNotValid("", num, {type:"object", isInstanceOf:"Array"},
+ [formatError("notInstance", ["Array"])]);
+ assertNotValid("", num, {type:"object", isInstanceOf:"String"},
+ [formatError("notInstance", ["String"])]);
+// Tests exposed to
+exports.testFormatError = testFormatError;
+exports.testComplex = testComplex;
+exports.testEnum = testEnum;
+exports.testExtends = testExtends;
+exports.testObject = testObject;
+exports.testArrayTuple = testArrayTuple;
+exports.testArrayNonTuple = testArrayNonTuple;
+exports.testString = testString;
+exports.testNumber = testNumber;
+exports.testIntegerBounds = testIntegerBounds;
+exports.testType = testType;
+exports.testTypeReference = testTypeReference;
+exports.testGetAllTypesForSchema = testGetAllTypesForSchema;
+exports.testIsValidSchemaType = testIsValidSchemaType;
+exports.testCheckSchemaOverlap = testCheckSchemaOverlap;
+exports.testInstanceOf = testInstanceOf;
diff --git a/extensions/test/ b/extensions/test/
index 78b0a8d..bc7afc5 100644
--- a/extensions/test/
+++ b/extensions/test/
@@ -2,11 +2,16 @@
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "base/base_paths.h"
#include "base/bind.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
+#include "base/path_service.h"
#include "base/test/launcher/unit_test_launcher.h"
#include "base/test/test_suite.h"
+#include "content/public/test/unittest_test_suite.h"
+#include "extensions/common/extension_paths.h"
#include "extensions/test/test_extensions_client.h"
+#include "ui/base/resource/resource_bundle.h"
namespace {
@@ -30,21 +35,29 @@ ExtensionsTestSuite::ExtensionsTestSuite(int argc, char** argv)
void ExtensionsTestSuite::Initialize() {
+ extensions::RegisterPathProvider();
+ base::FilePath resources_pack_path;
+ PathService::Get(base::DIR_MODULE, &resources_pack_path);
+ ResourceBundle::InitSharedInstanceWithPakPath(
+ resources_pack_path.AppendASCII("extensions_unittests_resources.pak"));
client_.reset(new extensions::TestExtensionsClient());
void ExtensionsTestSuite::Shutdown() {
+ ResourceBundle::CleanupSharedInstance();
} // namespace
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
- ExtensionsTestSuite test_suite(argc, argv);
+ content::UnitTestTestSuite test_suite(new ExtensionsTestSuite(argc, argv));
return base::LaunchUnitTests(argc,
- base::Bind(&ExtensionsTestSuite::Run,
+ base::Bind(&content::UnitTestTestSuite::Run,