path: root/media/blink/url_index.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'media/blink/url_index.h')
1 files changed, 241 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/media/blink/url_index.h b/media/blink/url_index.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..56b73c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/media/blink/url_index.h
@@ -0,0 +1,241 @@
+// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include <map>
+#include <vector>
+#include "base/macros.h"
+#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
+#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
+#include "base/threading/thread_checker.h"
+#include "media/blink/lru.h"
+#include "media/blink/media_blink_export.h"
+#include "media/blink/multibuffer.h"
+#include "third_party/WebKit/public/web/WebFrame.h"
+#include "url/gurl.h"
+namespace media {
+const int64 kPositionNotSpecified = -1;
+class UrlData;
+// A multibuffer for loading media resources which knows
+// how to create MultiBufferDataProviders to load data
+// into the cache.
+class MEDIA_BLINK_EXPORT ResourceMultiBuffer
+ : NON_EXPORTED_BASE(public MultiBuffer) {
+ public:
+ ResourceMultiBuffer(UrlData* url_data_, int block_shift);
+ ~ResourceMultiBuffer() override;
+ // MultiBuffer implementation.
+ scoped_ptr<MultiBuffer::DataProvider> CreateWriter(
+ const BlockId& pos) override;
+ bool RangeSupported() const override;
+ void OnEmpty() override;
+ protected:
+ // Do not access from destructor, it is a pointer to the
+ // object that contains us.
+ UrlData* url_data_;
+class UrlIndex;
+// All the data & metadata for a single resource.
+// Data is cached using a MultiBuffer instance.
+class MEDIA_BLINK_EXPORT UrlData : public base::RefCounted<UrlData> {
+ public:
+ // Keep in sync with WebMediaPlayer::CORSMode.
+ typedef std::pair<GURL, CORSMode> KeyType;
+ // Accessors
+ const GURL& url() const { return url_; }
+ // Cross-origin access mode
+ CORSMode cors_mode() const { return cors_mode_; }
+ // Are HTTP range requests supported?
+ bool range_supported() const { return range_supported_; }
+ // True if we found a reason why this URL won't be stored in the
+ // HTTP disk cache.
+ bool cacheable() const { return cacheable_; }
+ // Last used time.
+ base::Time last_used() const { return last_used_; }
+ // Last modified time.
+ base::Time last_modified() const { return last_modified_; }
+ // Expiration time.
+ base::Time valid_until() const { return valid_until_; }
+ // The key used by UrlIndex to find this UrlData.
+ KeyType key() const;
+ // Length of data associated with url or |kPositionNotSpecified|
+ int64 length() const { return length_; }
+ // Returns the number of blocks cached for this resource.
+ size_t CachedSize();
+ // Returns our url_index, or nullptr if it's been destroyed.
+ UrlIndex* url_index() const { return url_index_.get(); }
+ // Notifies the url index that this is currently used.
+ // The url <-> URLData mapping will be eventually be invalidated if
+ // this is not called regularly.
+ void Use();
+ // Setters.
+ void set_length(int64 length);
+ void set_cacheable(bool cacheable);
+ void set_valid_until(base::Time valid_until);
+ void set_range_supported();
+ void set_last_modified(base::Time last_modified);
+ // A redirect has occured (or we've found a better UrlData for the same
+ // resource).
+ void RedirectTo(const scoped_refptr<UrlData>& to);
+ // Fail, tell all clients that a failure has occured.
+ void Fail();
+ // Callback for receving notifications when a redirect occurs.
+ typedef base::Callback<void(const scoped_refptr<UrlData>&)> RedirectCB;
+ // Register a callback to be called when a redirect occurs.
+ // Callbacks are cleared when a redirect occurs, so clients must call
+ // OnRedirect again if they wish to continue receiving callbacks.
+ void OnRedirect(const RedirectCB& cb);
+ // Returns true it is valid to keep using this to access cached data.
+ // A single media player instance may choose to ignore this for resources
+ // that have already been opened.
+ bool Valid() const;
+ // Virtual so we can override it for testing.
+ virtual ResourceMultiBuffer* multibuffer();
+ // Accessor
+ blink::WebFrame* frame() const { return frame_; }
+ protected:
+ UrlData(const GURL& url,
+ CORSMode cors_mode,
+ const base::WeakPtr<UrlIndex>& url_index);
+ virtual ~UrlData();
+ private:
+ friend class ResourceMultiBuffer;
+ friend class UrlIndex;
+ friend class base::RefCounted<UrlData>;
+ void OnEmpty();
+ void MergeFrom(const scoped_refptr<UrlData>& other);
+ // Url we represent, note that there may be multiple UrlData for
+ // the same url.
+ const GURL url_;
+ // Cross-origin access mode.
+ const CORSMode cors_mode_;
+ base::WeakPtr<UrlIndex> url_index_;
+ // Length of resource this url points to. (in bytes)
+ int64 length_;
+ // Does the server support ranges?
+ bool range_supported_;
+ // Set to false if we have reason to beleive the chrome disk cache
+ // will not cache this url.
+ bool cacheable_;
+ // Last time some media time used this resource.
+ // Note that we use base::Time rather than base::TimeTicks because
+ // TimeTicks will stop advancing when a machine goes to sleep.
+ // base::Time can go backwards, jump hours at a time and be generally
+ // unpredictable, but it doesn't stop, which is preferable here.
+ // (False negatives are better than false positivies.)
+ base::Time last_used_;
+ // Expiration time according to http headers.
+ base::Time valid_until_;
+ // Last modification time according to http headers.
+ base::Time last_modified_;
+ ResourceMultiBuffer multibuffer_;
+ std::vector<RedirectCB> redirect_callbacks_;
+ blink::WebFrame* frame_;
+ base::ThreadChecker thread_checker_;
+// The UrlIndex lets you look up UrlData instances by url.
+class MEDIA_BLINK_EXPORT UrlIndex {
+ public:
+ explicit UrlIndex(blink::WebFrame*);
+ UrlIndex(blink::WebFrame*, int block_shift);
+ virtual ~UrlIndex();
+ // Look up an UrlData in the index and return it. If none is found,
+ // create a new one. Note that newly created UrlData entries are NOT
+ // added to the index, instead you must call TryInsert on them after
+ // initializing relevant parameters, like whether it support
+ // ranges and it's last modified time.
+ scoped_refptr<UrlData> GetByUrl(const GURL& gurl,
+ UrlData::CORSMode cors_mode);
+ // Add the given UrlData to the index if possible. If a better UrlData
+ // is already present in the index, return it instead. (If not, we just
+ // return the given UrlData.) Please make sure to initialize all the data
+ // that can be gathered from HTTP headers in |url_data| before calling this.
+ // In particular, the following fields are important:
+ // o range_supported: Entries which do not support ranges cannot be
+ // shared and are not added to the index.
+ // o valid_until, last_used: Entries have to be valid to be inserted
+ // into the index, this means that they have to have been recently
+ // used or have an Expires: header that says when they stop being valid.
+ // o last_modified: Expired cache entries can be re-used if last_modified
+ // matches.
+ // TODO(hubbe): Add etag support.
+ scoped_refptr<UrlData> TryInsert(const scoped_refptr<UrlData>& url_data);
+ blink::WebFrame* frame() const { return frame_; }
+ private:
+ friend class UrlData;
+ friend class ResourceMultiBuffer;
+ void RemoveUrlDataIfEmpty(const scoped_refptr<UrlData>& url_data);
+ // Virtual so we can override it in tests.
+ virtual scoped_refptr<UrlData> NewUrlData(const GURL& url,
+ UrlData::CORSMode cors_mode);
+ std::map<UrlData::KeyType, scoped_refptr<UrlData>> by_url_;
+ blink::WebFrame* frame_;
+ scoped_refptr<MultiBuffer::GlobalLRU> lru_;
+ bool prune_cb_active_;
+ // log2 of block size in multibuffer cache. Defaults to kBlockSizeShift.
+ // Currently only changed for testing purposes.
+ const int block_shift_;
+ protected:
+ base::WeakPtrFactory<UrlIndex> weak_factory_;
+} // namespace media