path: root/mojo/edk/system/proxy_message_pipe_endpoint.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'mojo/edk/system/proxy_message_pipe_endpoint.h')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 61 deletions
diff --git a/mojo/edk/system/proxy_message_pipe_endpoint.h b/mojo/edk/system/proxy_message_pipe_endpoint.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 6e10699..0000000
--- a/mojo/edk/system/proxy_message_pipe_endpoint.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include "base/macros.h"
-#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
-#include "mojo/edk/system/message_in_transit.h"
-#include "mojo/edk/system/message_pipe_endpoint.h"
-#include "mojo/edk/system/system_impl_export.h"
-namespace mojo {
-namespace system {
-class ChannelEndpoint;
-class LocalMessagePipeEndpoint;
-class MessagePipe;
-// A |ProxyMessagePipeEndpoint| is an endpoint which delegates everything to a
-// |ChannelEndpoint|, which may be co-owned by a |Channel|. Like any
-// |MessagePipeEndpoint|, a |ProxyMessagePipeEndpoint| is owned by a
-// |MessagePipe|.
-// For example, a |MessagePipe| with one endpoint local and the other endpoint
-// remote consists of a |LocalMessagePipeEndpoint| and a
-// |ProxyMessagePipeEndpoint|, with only the local endpoint being accessible via
-// a |MessagePipeDispatcher|.
-class MOJO_SYSTEM_IMPL_EXPORT ProxyMessagePipeEndpoint
- : public MessagePipeEndpoint {
- public:
- explicit ProxyMessagePipeEndpoint(ChannelEndpoint* channel_endpoint);
- ~ProxyMessagePipeEndpoint() override;
- // Returns |channel_endpoint_| and resets |channel_endpoint_| to null. This
- // may be called at most once, after which |Close()| need not be called.
- //
- // Note: The returned |ChannelEndpoint| must have its client changed while
- // still under |MessagePipe|'s lock (which this must have also been called
- // under).
- scoped_refptr<ChannelEndpoint> ReleaseChannelEndpoint();
- // |MessagePipeEndpoint| implementation:
- Type GetType() const override;
- bool OnPeerClose() override;
- void EnqueueMessage(scoped_ptr<MessageInTransit> message) override;
- void Close() override;
- private:
- void DetachIfNecessary();
- scoped_refptr<ChannelEndpoint> channel_endpoint_;
- DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(ProxyMessagePipeEndpoint);
-} // namespace system
-} // namespace mojo