path: root/mojo/public/cpp/bindings/tests/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'mojo/public/cpp/bindings/tests/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 342 deletions
diff --git a/mojo/public/cpp/bindings/tests/ b/mojo/public/cpp/bindings/tests/
deleted file mode 100644
index 5667f64..0000000
--- a/mojo/public/cpp/bindings/tests/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,342 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include "mojo/public/cpp/environment/environment.h"
-#include "mojo/public/cpp/test_support/test_utils.h"
-#include "mojo/public/cpp/utility/run_loop.h"
-#include "mojo/public/interfaces/bindings/tests/sample_factory.mojom.h"
-#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
-namespace mojo {
-namespace test {
-namespace {
-const char kText1[] = "hello";
-const char kText2[] = "world";
-class StringRecorder {
- public:
- explicit StringRecorder(std::string* buf) : buf_(buf) {}
- void Run(const String& a) const { *buf_ = a.To<std::string>(); }
- private:
- std::string* buf_;
-class ImportedInterfaceImpl
- : public InterfaceImpl<imported::ImportedInterface> {
- public:
- void DoSomething() override { do_something_count_++; }
- static int do_something_count() { return do_something_count_; }
- private:
- static int do_something_count_;
-int ImportedInterfaceImpl::do_something_count_ = 0;
-class SampleNamedObjectImpl : public InterfaceImpl<sample::NamedObject> {
- public:
- void SetName(const mojo::String& name) override { name_ = name; }
- void GetName(const mojo::Callback<void(mojo::String)>& callback) override {
- callback.Run(name_);
- }
- private:
- std::string name_;
-class SampleFactoryImpl : public InterfaceImpl<sample::Factory> {
- public:
- void DoStuff(sample::RequestPtr request,
- ScopedMessagePipeHandle pipe) override {
- std::string text1;
- if (pipe.is_valid())
- EXPECT_TRUE(ReadTextMessage(pipe.get(), &text1));
- std::string text2;
- if (request->pipe.is_valid()) {
- EXPECT_TRUE(ReadTextMessage(request->pipe.get(), &text2));
- // Ensure that simply accessing request->pipe does not close it.
- EXPECT_TRUE(request->pipe.is_valid());
- }
- ScopedMessagePipeHandle pipe0;
- if (!text2.empty()) {
- CreateMessagePipe(nullptr, &pipe0, &pipe1_);
- EXPECT_TRUE(WriteTextMessage(pipe1_.get(), text2));
- }
- sample::ResponsePtr response(sample::Response::New());
- response->x = 2;
- response->pipe = pipe0.Pass();
- client()->DidStuff(response.Pass(), text1);
- if (request->obj)
- request->obj->DoSomething();
- }
- void DoStuff2(ScopedDataPipeConsumerHandle pipe) override {
- // Read the data from the pipe, writing the response (as a string) to
- // DidStuff2().
- ASSERT_TRUE(pipe.is_valid());
- uint32_t data_size = 0;
- ReadDataRaw(
- pipe.get(), nullptr, &data_size, MOJO_READ_DATA_FLAG_QUERY));
- ASSERT_NE(0, static_cast<int>(data_size));
- char data[64];
- ASSERT_LT(static_cast<int>(data_size), 64);
- ReadDataRaw(
- pipe.get(), data, &data_size, MOJO_READ_DATA_FLAG_ALL_OR_NONE));
- client()->DidStuff2(data);
- }
- void CreateNamedObject(
- InterfaceRequest<sample::NamedObject> object_request) override {
- EXPECT_TRUE(object_request.is_pending());
- BindToRequest(new SampleNamedObjectImpl(), &object_request);
- }
- // These aren't called or implemented, but exist here to test that the
- // methods are generated with the correct argument types for imported
- // interfaces.
- void RequestImportedInterface(
- InterfaceRequest<imported::ImportedInterface> imported,
- const mojo::Callback<void(InterfaceRequest<imported::ImportedInterface>)>&
- callback) override {}
- void TakeImportedInterface(
- imported::ImportedInterfacePtr imported,
- const mojo::Callback<void(imported::ImportedInterfacePtr)>& callback)
- override {}
- private:
- ScopedMessagePipeHandle pipe1_;
-class SampleFactoryClientImpl : public sample::FactoryClient {
- public:
- SampleFactoryClientImpl() : got_response_(false) {}
- void set_expected_text_reply(const std::string& expected_text_reply) {
- expected_text_reply_ = expected_text_reply;
- }
- bool got_response() const { return got_response_; }
- void DidStuff(sample::ResponsePtr response,
- const String& text_reply) override {
- EXPECT_EQ(expected_text_reply_, text_reply);
- if (response->pipe.is_valid()) {
- std::string text2;
- EXPECT_TRUE(ReadTextMessage(response->pipe.get(), &text2));
- // Ensure that simply accessing response.pipe does not close it.
- EXPECT_TRUE(response->pipe.is_valid());
- EXPECT_EQ(std::string(kText2), text2);
- // Do some more tests of handle passing:
- ScopedMessagePipeHandle p = response->pipe.Pass();
- EXPECT_TRUE(p.is_valid());
- EXPECT_FALSE(response->pipe.is_valid());
- }
- got_response_ = true;
- }
- void DidStuff2(const String& text_reply) override {
- got_response_ = true;
- EXPECT_EQ(expected_text_reply_, text_reply);
- }
- private:
- ScopedMessagePipeHandle pipe1_;
- ScopedMessagePipeHandle pipe3_;
- std::string expected_text_reply_;
- bool got_response_;
-class HandlePassingTest : public testing::Test {
- public:
- void TearDown() override { PumpMessages(); }
- void PumpMessages() { loop_.RunUntilIdle(); }
- private:
- Environment env_;
- RunLoop loop_;
-TEST_F(HandlePassingTest, Basic) {
- sample::FactoryPtr factory;
- BindToProxy(new SampleFactoryImpl(), &factory);
- SampleFactoryClientImpl factory_client;
- factory_client.set_expected_text_reply(kText1);
- factory.set_client(&factory_client);
- MessagePipe pipe0;
- EXPECT_TRUE(WriteTextMessage(pipe0.handle1.get(), kText1));
- MessagePipe pipe1;
- EXPECT_TRUE(WriteTextMessage(pipe1.handle1.get(), kText2));
- imported::ImportedInterfacePtr imported;
- BindToProxy(new ImportedInterfaceImpl(), &imported);
- sample::RequestPtr request(sample::Request::New());
- request->x = 1;
- request->pipe = pipe1.handle0.Pass();
- request->obj = imported.Pass();
- factory->DoStuff(request.Pass(), pipe0.handle0.Pass());
- EXPECT_FALSE(factory_client.got_response());
- int count_before = ImportedInterfaceImpl::do_something_count();
- PumpMessages();
- EXPECT_TRUE(factory_client.got_response());
- EXPECT_EQ(1, ImportedInterfaceImpl::do_something_count() - count_before);
-TEST_F(HandlePassingTest, PassInvalid) {
- sample::FactoryPtr factory;
- BindToProxy(new SampleFactoryImpl(), &factory);
- SampleFactoryClientImpl factory_client;
- factory.set_client(&factory_client);
- sample::RequestPtr request(sample::Request::New());
- request->x = 1;
- factory->DoStuff(request.Pass(), ScopedMessagePipeHandle().Pass());
- EXPECT_FALSE(factory_client.got_response());
- PumpMessages();
- EXPECT_TRUE(factory_client.got_response());
-// Verifies DataPipeConsumer can be passed and read from.
-TEST_F(HandlePassingTest, DataPipe) {
- sample::FactoryPtr factory;
- BindToProxy(new SampleFactoryImpl(), &factory);
- SampleFactoryClientImpl factory_client;
- factory.set_client(&factory_client);
- // Writes a string to a data pipe and passes the data pipe (consumer) to the
- // factory.
- ScopedDataPipeProducerHandle producer_handle;
- ScopedDataPipeConsumerHandle consumer_handle;
- MojoCreateDataPipeOptions options = {sizeof(MojoCreateDataPipeOptions),
- 1,
- 1024};
- CreateDataPipe(&options, &producer_handle, &consumer_handle));
- std::string expected_text_reply = "got it";
- factory_client.set_expected_text_reply(expected_text_reply);
- // +1 for \0.
- uint32_t data_size = static_cast<uint32_t>(expected_text_reply.size() + 1);
- WriteDataRaw(producer_handle.get(),
- expected_text_reply.c_str(),
- &data_size,
- factory->DoStuff2(consumer_handle.Pass());
- EXPECT_FALSE(factory_client.got_response());
- PumpMessages();
- EXPECT_TRUE(factory_client.got_response());
-TEST_F(HandlePassingTest, PipesAreClosed) {
- sample::FactoryPtr factory;
- BindToProxy(new SampleFactoryImpl(), &factory);
- SampleFactoryClientImpl factory_client;
- factory.set_client(&factory_client);
- MessagePipe extra_pipe;
- MojoHandle handle0_value = extra_pipe.handle0.get().value();
- MojoHandle handle1_value = extra_pipe.handle1.get().value();
- {
- Array<ScopedMessagePipeHandle> pipes(2);
- pipes[0] = extra_pipe.handle0.Pass();
- pipes[1] = extra_pipe.handle1.Pass();
- sample::RequestPtr request(sample::Request::New());
- request->more_pipes = pipes.Pass();
- factory->DoStuff(request.Pass(), ScopedMessagePipeHandle());
- }
- // We expect the pipes to have been closed.
-TEST_F(HandlePassingTest, IsHandle) {
- // Validate that mojo::internal::IsHandle<> works as expected since this.
- // template is key to ensuring that we don't leak handles.
- EXPECT_TRUE(internal::IsHandle<Handle>::value);
- EXPECT_TRUE(internal::IsHandle<MessagePipeHandle>::value);
- EXPECT_TRUE(internal::IsHandle<DataPipeConsumerHandle>::value);
- EXPECT_TRUE(internal::IsHandle<DataPipeProducerHandle>::value);
- EXPECT_TRUE(internal::IsHandle<SharedBufferHandle>::value);
- // Basic sanity checks...
- EXPECT_FALSE(internal::IsHandle<int>::value);
- EXPECT_FALSE(internal::IsHandle<sample::FactoryPtr>::value);
- EXPECT_FALSE(internal::IsHandle<String>::value);
-TEST_F(HandlePassingTest, CreateNamedObject) {
- sample::FactoryPtr factory;
- BindToProxy(new SampleFactoryImpl(), &factory);
- sample::NamedObjectPtr object1;
- EXPECT_FALSE(object1);
- InterfaceRequest<sample::NamedObject> object1_request = GetProxy(&object1);
- EXPECT_TRUE(object1_request.is_pending());
- factory->CreateNamedObject(object1_request.Pass());
- EXPECT_FALSE(object1_request.is_pending()); // We've passed the request.
- ASSERT_TRUE(object1);
- object1->SetName("object1");
- sample::NamedObjectPtr object2;
- factory->CreateNamedObject(GetProxy(&object2));
- object2->SetName("object2");
- std::string name1;
- object1->GetName(StringRecorder(&name1));
- std::string name2;
- object2->GetName(StringRecorder(&name2));
- PumpMessages(); // Yield for results.
- EXPECT_EQ(std::string("object1"), name1);
- EXPECT_EQ(std::string("object2"), name2);
-} // namespace
-} // namespace test
-} // namespace mojo