path: root/mojo/public/cpp/bindings/tests/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'mojo/public/cpp/bindings/tests/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 482 deletions
diff --git a/mojo/public/cpp/bindings/tests/ b/mojo/public/cpp/bindings/tests/
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index f90dc3d..0000000
--- a/mojo/public/cpp/bindings/tests/
+++ /dev/null
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-// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/binding.h"
-#include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/error_handler.h"
-#include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/strong_binding.h"
-#include "mojo/public/cpp/environment/environment.h"
-#include "mojo/public/cpp/utility/run_loop.h"
-#include "mojo/public/interfaces/bindings/tests/math_calculator.mojom.h"
-#include "mojo/public/interfaces/bindings/tests/sample_service.mojom.h"
-#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
-namespace mojo {
-namespace test {
-namespace {
-class ErrorObserver : public ErrorHandler {
- public:
- ErrorObserver() : encountered_error_(false) {}
- bool encountered_error() const { return encountered_error_; }
- void OnConnectionError() override { encountered_error_ = true; }
- private:
- bool encountered_error_;
-class MathCalculatorImpl : public InterfaceImpl<math::Calculator> {
- public:
- ~MathCalculatorImpl() override {}
- MathCalculatorImpl() : total_(0.0) {}
- void Clear() override { client()->Output(total_); }
- void Add(double value) override {
- total_ += value;
- client()->Output(total_);
- }
- void Multiply(double value) override {
- total_ *= value;
- client()->Output(total_);
- }
- private:
- double total_;
-class MathCalculatorUIImpl : public math::CalculatorUI {
- public:
- explicit MathCalculatorUIImpl(math::CalculatorPtr calculator)
- : calculator_(calculator.Pass()), output_(0.0) {
- calculator_.set_client(this);
- }
- bool WaitForIncomingMethodCall() {
- return calculator_.WaitForIncomingMethodCall();
- }
- bool encountered_error() const { return calculator_.encountered_error(); }
- void Add(double value) { calculator_->Add(value); }
- void Subtract(double value) { calculator_->Add(-value); }
- void Multiply(double value) { calculator_->Multiply(value); }
- void Divide(double value) { calculator_->Multiply(1.0 / value); }
- double GetOutput() const { return output_; }
- private:
- // math::CalculatorUI implementation:
- void Output(double value) override { output_ = value; }
- math::CalculatorPtr calculator_;
- double output_;
-class SelfDestructingMathCalculatorUIImpl : public math::CalculatorUI {
- public:
- explicit SelfDestructingMathCalculatorUIImpl(math::CalculatorPtr calculator)
- : calculator_(calculator.Pass()), nesting_level_(0) {
- ++num_instances_;
- calculator_.set_client(this);
- }
- void BeginTest(bool nested) {
- nesting_level_ = nested ? 2 : 1;
- calculator_->Add(1.0);
- }
- static int num_instances() { return num_instances_; }
- private:
- ~SelfDestructingMathCalculatorUIImpl() override { --num_instances_; }
- void Output(double value) override {
- if (--nesting_level_ > 0) {
- // Add some more and wait for re-entrant call to Output!
- calculator_->Add(1.0);
- RunLoop::current()->RunUntilIdle();
- } else {
- delete this;
- }
- }
- math::CalculatorPtr calculator_;
- int nesting_level_;
- static int num_instances_;
-// static
-int SelfDestructingMathCalculatorUIImpl::num_instances_ = 0;
-class ReentrantServiceImpl : public InterfaceImpl<sample::Service> {
- public:
- ~ReentrantServiceImpl() override {}
- ReentrantServiceImpl() : call_depth_(0), max_call_depth_(0) {}
- int max_call_depth() { return max_call_depth_; }
- void Frobinate(sample::FooPtr foo,
- sample::Service::BazOptions baz,
- sample::PortPtr port) override {
- max_call_depth_ = std::max(++call_depth_, max_call_depth_);
- if (call_depth_ == 1) {
- EXPECT_TRUE(WaitForIncomingMethodCall());
- }
- call_depth_--;
- }
- void GetPort(mojo::InterfaceRequest<sample::Port> port) override {}
- private:
- int call_depth_;
- int max_call_depth_;
-class InterfacePtrTest : public testing::Test {
- public:
- ~InterfacePtrTest() override { loop_.RunUntilIdle(); }
- void PumpMessages() { loop_.RunUntilIdle(); }
- private:
- Environment env_;
- RunLoop loop_;
-TEST_F(InterfacePtrTest, EndToEnd) {
- math::CalculatorPtr calc;
- BindToProxy(new MathCalculatorImpl(), &calc);
- // Suppose this is instantiated in a process that has pipe1_.
- MathCalculatorUIImpl calculator_ui(calc.Pass());
- calculator_ui.Add(2.0);
- calculator_ui.Multiply(5.0);
- PumpMessages();
- EXPECT_EQ(10.0, calculator_ui.GetOutput());
-TEST_F(InterfacePtrTest, EndToEnd_Synchronous) {
- math::CalculatorPtr calc;
- MathCalculatorImpl* impl = BindToProxy(new MathCalculatorImpl(), &calc);
- // Suppose this is instantiated in a process that has pipe1_.
- MathCalculatorUIImpl calculator_ui(calc.Pass());
- EXPECT_EQ(0.0, calculator_ui.GetOutput());
- calculator_ui.Add(2.0);
- EXPECT_EQ(0.0, calculator_ui.GetOutput());
- impl->WaitForIncomingMethodCall();
- calculator_ui.WaitForIncomingMethodCall();
- EXPECT_EQ(2.0, calculator_ui.GetOutput());
- calculator_ui.Multiply(5.0);
- EXPECT_EQ(2.0, calculator_ui.GetOutput());
- impl->WaitForIncomingMethodCall();
- calculator_ui.WaitForIncomingMethodCall();
- EXPECT_EQ(10.0, calculator_ui.GetOutput());
-TEST_F(InterfacePtrTest, Movable) {
- math::CalculatorPtr a;
- math::CalculatorPtr b;
- BindToProxy(new MathCalculatorImpl(), &b);
- a = b.Pass();
-TEST_F(InterfacePtrTest, Resettable) {
- math::CalculatorPtr a;
- MessagePipe pipe;
- // Save this so we can test it later.
- Handle handle = pipe.handle0.get();
- a = MakeProxy<math::Calculator>(pipe.handle0.Pass());
- a.reset();
- EXPECT_FALSE(a.internal_state()->router_for_testing());
- // Test that handle was closed.
-TEST_F(InterfacePtrTest, EncounteredError) {
- math::CalculatorPtr proxy;
- MathCalculatorImpl* server = BindToProxy(new MathCalculatorImpl(), &proxy);
- MathCalculatorUIImpl calculator_ui(proxy.Pass());
- calculator_ui.Add(2.0);
- PumpMessages();
- EXPECT_EQ(2.0, calculator_ui.GetOutput());
- EXPECT_FALSE(calculator_ui.encountered_error());
- calculator_ui.Multiply(5.0);
- EXPECT_FALSE(calculator_ui.encountered_error());
- // Close the server.
- server->internal_router()->CloseMessagePipe();
- // The state change isn't picked up locally yet.
- EXPECT_FALSE(calculator_ui.encountered_error());
- PumpMessages();
- // OK, now we see the error.
- EXPECT_TRUE(calculator_ui.encountered_error());
-TEST_F(InterfacePtrTest, EncounteredErrorCallback) {
- math::CalculatorPtr proxy;
- MathCalculatorImpl* server = BindToProxy(new MathCalculatorImpl(), &proxy);
- ErrorObserver error_observer;
- proxy.set_error_handler(&error_observer);
- MathCalculatorUIImpl calculator_ui(proxy.Pass());
- calculator_ui.Add(2.0);
- PumpMessages();
- EXPECT_EQ(2.0, calculator_ui.GetOutput());
- EXPECT_FALSE(calculator_ui.encountered_error());
- calculator_ui.Multiply(5.0);
- EXPECT_FALSE(calculator_ui.encountered_error());
- // Close the server.
- server->internal_router()->CloseMessagePipe();
- // The state change isn't picked up locally yet.
- EXPECT_FALSE(calculator_ui.encountered_error());
- PumpMessages();
- // OK, now we see the error.
- EXPECT_TRUE(calculator_ui.encountered_error());
- // We should have also been able to observe the error through the
- // ErrorHandler interface.
- EXPECT_TRUE(error_observer.encountered_error());
-TEST_F(InterfacePtrTest, NoClientAttribute) {
- // This is a test to ensure the following compiles. The sample::Port interface
- // does not have an explicit Client attribute.
- sample::PortPtr port;
- MessagePipe pipe;
- port.Bind(pipe.handle0.Pass());
-TEST_F(InterfacePtrTest, DestroyInterfacePtrOnClientMethod) {
- math::CalculatorPtr proxy;
- BindToProxy(new MathCalculatorImpl(), &proxy);
- EXPECT_EQ(0, SelfDestructingMathCalculatorUIImpl::num_instances());
- SelfDestructingMathCalculatorUIImpl* impl =
- new SelfDestructingMathCalculatorUIImpl(proxy.Pass());
- impl->BeginTest(false);
- PumpMessages();
- EXPECT_EQ(0, SelfDestructingMathCalculatorUIImpl::num_instances());
-TEST_F(InterfacePtrTest, NestedDestroyInterfacePtrOnClientMethod) {
- math::CalculatorPtr proxy;
- BindToProxy(new MathCalculatorImpl(), &proxy);
- EXPECT_EQ(0, SelfDestructingMathCalculatorUIImpl::num_instances());
- SelfDestructingMathCalculatorUIImpl* impl =
- new SelfDestructingMathCalculatorUIImpl(proxy.Pass());
- impl->BeginTest(true);
- PumpMessages();
- EXPECT_EQ(0, SelfDestructingMathCalculatorUIImpl::num_instances());
-TEST_F(InterfacePtrTest, ReentrantWaitForIncomingMethodCall) {
- sample::ServicePtr proxy;
- ReentrantServiceImpl* impl = BindToProxy(new ReentrantServiceImpl(), &proxy);
- proxy->Frobinate(nullptr, sample::Service::BAZ_OPTIONS_REGULAR, nullptr);
- proxy->Frobinate(nullptr, sample::Service::BAZ_OPTIONS_REGULAR, nullptr);
- PumpMessages();
- EXPECT_EQ(2, impl->max_call_depth());
-class StrongMathCalculatorImpl : public math::Calculator, public ErrorHandler {
- public:
- StrongMathCalculatorImpl(ScopedMessagePipeHandle handle,
- bool* error_received,
- bool* destroyed)
- : error_received_(error_received),
- destroyed_(destroyed),
- binding_(this, handle.Pass()) {
- binding_.set_error_handler(this);
- }
- ~StrongMathCalculatorImpl() override { *destroyed_ = true; }
- // math::Calculator implementation.
- void Clear() override { binding_.client()->Output(total_); }
- void Add(double value) override {
- total_ += value;
- binding_.client()->Output(total_);
- }
- void Multiply(double value) override {
- total_ *= value;
- binding_.client()->Output(total_);
- }
- // ErrorHandler implementation.
- void OnConnectionError() override { *error_received_ = true; }
- private:
- double total_ = 0.0;
- bool* error_received_;
- bool* destroyed_;
- StrongBinding<math::Calculator> binding_;
-TEST(StrongConnectorTest, Math) {
- Environment env;
- RunLoop loop;
- bool error_received = false;
- bool destroyed = false;
- MessagePipe pipe;
- new StrongMathCalculatorImpl(pipe.handle0.Pass(), &error_received,
- &destroyed);
- math::CalculatorPtr calc;
- calc.Bind(pipe.handle1.Pass());
- {
- // Suppose this is instantiated in a process that has the other end of the
- // message pipe.
- MathCalculatorUIImpl calculator_ui(calc.Pass());
- calculator_ui.Add(2.0);
- calculator_ui.Multiply(5.0);
- loop.RunUntilIdle();
- EXPECT_EQ(10.0, calculator_ui.GetOutput());
- EXPECT_FALSE(error_received);
- EXPECT_FALSE(destroyed);
- }
- // Destroying calculator_ui should close the pipe and generate an error on the
- // other
- // end which will destroy the instance since it is strongly bound.
- loop.RunUntilIdle();
- EXPECT_TRUE(error_received);
- EXPECT_TRUE(destroyed);
-class WeakMathCalculatorImpl : public math::Calculator, public ErrorHandler {
- public:
- WeakMathCalculatorImpl(ScopedMessagePipeHandle handle,
- bool* error_received,
- bool* destroyed)
- : error_received_(error_received),
- destroyed_(destroyed),
- binding_(this, handle.Pass()) {
- binding_.set_error_handler(this);
- }
- ~WeakMathCalculatorImpl() override { *destroyed_ = true; }
- void Clear() override { binding_.client()->Output(total_); }
- void Add(double value) override {
- total_ += value;
- binding_.client()->Output(total_);
- }
- void Multiply(double value) override {
- total_ *= value;
- binding_.client()->Output(total_);
- }
- // ErrorHandler implementation.
- void OnConnectionError() override { *error_received_ = true; }
- private:
- double total_ = 0.0;
- bool* error_received_;
- bool* destroyed_;
- Binding<math::Calculator> binding_;
-TEST(WeakConnectorTest, Math) {
- Environment env;
- RunLoop loop;
- bool error_received = false;
- bool destroyed = false;
- MessagePipe pipe;
- WeakMathCalculatorImpl impl(pipe.handle0.Pass(), &error_received, &destroyed);
- math::CalculatorPtr calc;
- calc.Bind(pipe.handle1.Pass());
- {
- // Suppose this is instantiated in a process that has the other end of the
- // message pipe.
- MathCalculatorUIImpl calculator_ui(calc.Pass());
- calculator_ui.Add(2.0);
- calculator_ui.Multiply(5.0);
- loop.RunUntilIdle();
- EXPECT_EQ(10.0, calculator_ui.GetOutput());
- EXPECT_FALSE(error_received);
- EXPECT_FALSE(destroyed);
- // Destroying calculator_ui should close the pipe and generate an error on
- // the other
- // end which will destroy the instance since it is strongly bound.
- }
- loop.RunUntilIdle();
- EXPECT_TRUE(error_received);
- EXPECT_FALSE(destroyed);
-} // namespace
-} // namespace test
-} // namespace mojo