path: root/mojo/public/cpp/utility/run_loop.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'mojo/public/cpp/utility/run_loop.h')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 145 deletions
diff --git a/mojo/public/cpp/utility/run_loop.h b/mojo/public/cpp/utility/run_loop.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 5ebe63e..0000000
--- a/mojo/public/cpp/utility/run_loop.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,145 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include <map>
-#include <queue>
-#include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/callback.h"
-#include "mojo/public/cpp/system/core.h"
-namespace mojo {
-class RunLoopHandler;
-class RunLoop {
- public:
- RunLoop();
- ~RunLoop();
- // Sets up state needed for RunLoop. This must be invoked before creating a
- // RunLoop.
- static void SetUp();
- // Cleans state created by Setup().
- static void TearDown();
- // Returns the RunLoop for the current thread. Returns null if not yet
- // created.
- static RunLoop* current();
- // Registers a RunLoopHandler for the specified handle. Only one handler can
- // be registered for a specified handle.
- void AddHandler(RunLoopHandler* handler,
- const Handle& handle,
- MojoHandleSignals handle_signals,
- MojoDeadline deadline);
- void RemoveHandler(const Handle& handle);
- bool HasHandler(const Handle& handle) const;
- // Runs the loop servicing handles and tasks as they are ready. This returns
- // when Quit() is invoked, or there are no more handles nor tasks.
- void Run();
- // Runs the loop servicing any handles and tasks that are ready. Does not wait
- // for handles or tasks to become ready before returning. Returns early if
- // Quit() is invoked.
- void RunUntilIdle();
- void Quit();
- // Adds a task to be performed after delay has elapsed. Must be posted to the
- // current thread's RunLoop.
- void PostDelayedTask(const Closure& task, MojoTimeTicks delay);
- private:
- struct RunState;
- struct WaitState;
- // Contains the data needed to track a request to AddHandler().
- struct HandlerData {
- HandlerData()
- : handler(nullptr),
- handle_signals(MOJO_HANDLE_SIGNAL_NONE),
- deadline(0),
- id(0) {}
- RunLoopHandler* handler;
- MojoHandleSignals handle_signals;
- MojoTimeTicks deadline;
- // See description of |RunLoop::next_handler_id_| for details.
- int id;
- };
- typedef std::map<Handle, HandlerData> HandleToHandlerData;
- // Used for NotifyHandlers to specify whether HandlerData's |deadline|
- // should be checked prior to notifying.
- // Mode of operation of the run loop.
- enum RunMode { UNTIL_EMPTY, UNTIL_IDLE };
- // Runs the loop servicing any handles and tasks that are ready. If
- // |run_mode| is |UNTIL_IDLE|, does not wait for handles or tasks to become
- // ready before returning. Returns early if Quit() is invoked.
- void RunInternal(RunMode run_mode);
- // Do one unit of delayed work, if eligible. Returns true is a task was run.
- bool DoDelayedWork();
- // Waits for a handle to be ready or until the next task must be run. Returns
- // after servicing at least one handle (or there are no more handles) unless
- // a task must be run or |non_blocking| is true, in which case it will also
- // return if no task is registered and servicing at least one handle would
- // require blocking. Returns true if a RunLoopHandler was notified.
- bool Wait(bool non_blocking);
- // Notifies handlers of |error|. If |check| == CHECK_DEADLINE, this will
- // only notify handlers whose deadline has expired and skips the rest.
- // Returns true if a RunLoopHandler was notified.
- bool NotifyHandlers(MojoResult error, CheckDeadline check);
- // Returns the state needed to pass to WaitMany().
- WaitState GetWaitState(bool non_blocking) const;
- HandleToHandlerData handler_data_;
- // If non-null we're running (inside Run()). Member references a value on the
- // stack.
- RunState* run_state_;
- // An ever increasing value assigned to each HandlerData::id. Used to detect
- // uniqueness while notifying. That is, while notifying expired timers we copy
- // |handler_data_| and only notify handlers whose id match. If the id does not
- // match it means the handler was removed then added so that we shouldn't
- // notify it.
- int next_handler_id_;
- struct PendingTask {
- PendingTask(const Closure& task,
- MojoTimeTicks runtime,
- uint64_t sequence_number);
- ~PendingTask();
- bool operator<(const PendingTask& other) const;
- Closure task;
- MojoTimeTicks run_time;
- uint64_t sequence_number;
- };
- // An ever increasing sequence number attached to each pending task in order
- // to preserve relative order of tasks posted at the 'same' time.
- uint64_t next_sequence_number_;
- typedef std::priority_queue<PendingTask> DelayedTaskQueue;
- DelayedTaskQueue delayed_tasks_;
-} // namespace mojo