path: root/mojo/public/cpp/utility/tests/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'mojo/public/cpp/utility/tests/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 425 deletions
diff --git a/mojo/public/cpp/utility/tests/ b/mojo/public/cpp/utility/tests/
deleted file mode 100644
index 4ab4876..0000000
--- a/mojo/public/cpp/utility/tests/
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-// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include "mojo/public/cpp/utility/run_loop.h"
-#include <string>
-#include "mojo/public/cpp/system/core.h"
-#include "mojo/public/cpp/test_support/test_utils.h"
-#include "mojo/public/cpp/utility/run_loop_handler.h"
-#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
-namespace mojo {
-namespace {
-class TestRunLoopHandler : public RunLoopHandler {
- public:
- TestRunLoopHandler()
- : ready_count_(0),
- error_count_(0),
- last_error_result_(MOJO_RESULT_OK) {
- }
- ~TestRunLoopHandler() override {}
- void clear_ready_count() { ready_count_ = 0; }
- int ready_count() const { return ready_count_; }
- void clear_error_count() { error_count_ = 0; }
- int error_count() const { return error_count_; }
- MojoResult last_error_result() const { return last_error_result_; }
- // RunLoopHandler:
- void OnHandleReady(const Handle& handle) override { ready_count_++; }
- void OnHandleError(const Handle& handle, MojoResult result) override {
- error_count_++;
- last_error_result_ = result;
- }
- private:
- int ready_count_;
- int error_count_;
- MojoResult last_error_result_;
-class RunLoopTest : public testing::Test {
- public:
- RunLoopTest() {}
- void SetUp() override {
- Test::SetUp();
- RunLoop::SetUp();
- }
- void TearDown() override {
- RunLoop::TearDown();
- Test::TearDown();
- }
- private:
-// Trivial test to verify Run() with no added handles returns.
-TEST_F(RunLoopTest, ExitsWithNoHandles) {
- RunLoop run_loop;
- run_loop.Run();
-class RemoveOnReadyRunLoopHandler : public TestRunLoopHandler {
- public:
- RemoveOnReadyRunLoopHandler() : run_loop_(nullptr) {}
- ~RemoveOnReadyRunLoopHandler() override {}
- void set_run_loop(RunLoop* run_loop) { run_loop_ = run_loop; }
- // RunLoopHandler:
- void OnHandleReady(const Handle& handle) override {
- run_loop_->RemoveHandler(handle);
- TestRunLoopHandler::OnHandleReady(handle);
- }
- private:
- RunLoop* run_loop_;
-// Verifies RunLoop quits when no more handles (handle is removed when ready).
-TEST_F(RunLoopTest, HandleReady) {
- RemoveOnReadyRunLoopHandler handler;
- MessagePipe test_pipe;
- EXPECT_TRUE(test::WriteTextMessage(test_pipe.handle1.get(), std::string()));
- RunLoop run_loop;
- handler.set_run_loop(&run_loop);
- run_loop.AddHandler(&handler, test_pipe.handle0.get(),
- run_loop.Run();
- EXPECT_EQ(1, handler.ready_count());
- EXPECT_EQ(0, handler.error_count());
- EXPECT_FALSE(run_loop.HasHandler(test_pipe.handle0.get()));
-class QuitOnReadyRunLoopHandler : public TestRunLoopHandler {
- public:
- QuitOnReadyRunLoopHandler() : run_loop_(nullptr) {}
- ~QuitOnReadyRunLoopHandler() override {}
- void set_run_loop(RunLoop* run_loop) { run_loop_ = run_loop; }
- // RunLoopHandler:
- void OnHandleReady(const Handle& handle) override {
- run_loop_->Quit();
- TestRunLoopHandler::OnHandleReady(handle);
- }
- private:
- RunLoop* run_loop_;
-// Verifies Quit() from OnHandleReady() quits the loop.
-TEST_F(RunLoopTest, QuitFromReady) {
- QuitOnReadyRunLoopHandler handler;
- MessagePipe test_pipe;
- EXPECT_TRUE(test::WriteTextMessage(test_pipe.handle1.get(), std::string()));
- RunLoop run_loop;
- handler.set_run_loop(&run_loop);
- run_loop.AddHandler(&handler, test_pipe.handle0.get(),
- run_loop.Run();
- EXPECT_EQ(1, handler.ready_count());
- EXPECT_EQ(0, handler.error_count());
- EXPECT_TRUE(run_loop.HasHandler(test_pipe.handle0.get()));
-class QuitOnErrorRunLoopHandler : public TestRunLoopHandler {
- public:
- QuitOnErrorRunLoopHandler() : run_loop_(nullptr) {}
- ~QuitOnErrorRunLoopHandler() override {}
- void set_run_loop(RunLoop* run_loop) { run_loop_ = run_loop; }
- // RunLoopHandler:
- void OnHandleError(const Handle& handle, MojoResult result) override {
- run_loop_->Quit();
- TestRunLoopHandler::OnHandleError(handle, result);
- }
- private:
- RunLoop* run_loop_;
-// Verifies Quit() when the deadline is reached works.
-TEST_F(RunLoopTest, QuitWhenDeadlineExpired) {
- QuitOnErrorRunLoopHandler handler;
- MessagePipe test_pipe;
- RunLoop run_loop;
- handler.set_run_loop(&run_loop);
- run_loop.AddHandler(&handler, test_pipe.handle0.get(),
- static_cast<MojoDeadline>(10000));
- run_loop.Run();
- EXPECT_EQ(0, handler.ready_count());
- EXPECT_EQ(1, handler.error_count());
- EXPECT_EQ(MOJO_RESULT_DEADLINE_EXCEEDED, handler.last_error_result());
- EXPECT_FALSE(run_loop.HasHandler(test_pipe.handle0.get()));
-// Test that handlers are notified of loop destruction.
-TEST_F(RunLoopTest, Destruction) {
- TestRunLoopHandler handler;
- MessagePipe test_pipe;
- {
- RunLoop run_loop;
- run_loop.AddHandler(&handler,
- test_pipe.handle0.get(),
- }
- EXPECT_EQ(1, handler.error_count());
- EXPECT_EQ(MOJO_RESULT_ABORTED, handler.last_error_result());
-class RemoveManyRunLoopHandler : public TestRunLoopHandler {
- public:
- RemoveManyRunLoopHandler() : run_loop_(nullptr) {}
- ~RemoveManyRunLoopHandler() override {}
- void set_run_loop(RunLoop* run_loop) { run_loop_ = run_loop; }
- void add_handle(const Handle& handle) { handles_.push_back(handle); }
- // RunLoopHandler:
- void OnHandleError(const Handle& handle, MojoResult result) override {
- for (size_t i = 0; i < handles_.size(); i++)
- run_loop_->RemoveHandler(handles_[i]);
- TestRunLoopHandler::OnHandleError(handle, result);
- }
- private:
- std::vector<Handle> handles_;
- RunLoop* run_loop_;
-// Test that handlers are notified of loop destruction.
-TEST_F(RunLoopTest, MultipleHandleDestruction) {
- RemoveManyRunLoopHandler odd_handler;
- TestRunLoopHandler even_handler;
- MessagePipe test_pipe1, test_pipe2, test_pipe3;
- {
- RunLoop run_loop;
- odd_handler.set_run_loop(&run_loop);
- odd_handler.add_handle(test_pipe1.handle0.get());
- odd_handler.add_handle(test_pipe3.handle0.get());
- run_loop.AddHandler(&odd_handler,
- test_pipe1.handle0.get(),
- run_loop.AddHandler(&even_handler,
- test_pipe2.handle0.get(),
- run_loop.AddHandler(&odd_handler,
- test_pipe3.handle0.get(),
- }
- EXPECT_EQ(1, odd_handler.error_count());
- EXPECT_EQ(1, even_handler.error_count());
- EXPECT_EQ(MOJO_RESULT_ABORTED, odd_handler.last_error_result());
- EXPECT_EQ(MOJO_RESULT_ABORTED, even_handler.last_error_result());
-class AddHandlerOnErrorHandler : public TestRunLoopHandler {
- public:
- AddHandlerOnErrorHandler() : run_loop_(nullptr) {}
- ~AddHandlerOnErrorHandler() override {}
- void set_run_loop(RunLoop* run_loop) { run_loop_ = run_loop; }
- // RunLoopHandler:
- void OnHandleError(const Handle& handle, MojoResult result) override {
- run_loop_->AddHandler(this, handle,
- TestRunLoopHandler::OnHandleError(handle, result);
- }
- private:
- RunLoop* run_loop_;
-TEST_F(RunLoopTest, AddHandlerOnError) {
- AddHandlerOnErrorHandler handler;
- MessagePipe test_pipe;
- {
- RunLoop run_loop;
- handler.set_run_loop(&run_loop);
- run_loop.AddHandler(&handler,
- test_pipe.handle0.get(),
- }
- EXPECT_EQ(1, handler.error_count());
- EXPECT_EQ(MOJO_RESULT_ABORTED, handler.last_error_result());
-TEST_F(RunLoopTest, Current) {
- EXPECT_TRUE(RunLoop::current() == nullptr);
- {
- RunLoop run_loop;
- EXPECT_EQ(&run_loop, RunLoop::current());
- }
- EXPECT_TRUE(RunLoop::current() == nullptr);
-class NestingRunLoopHandler : public TestRunLoopHandler {
- public:
- static const size_t kDepthLimit;
- static const char kSignalMagic;
- NestingRunLoopHandler()
- : run_loop_(nullptr),
- pipe_(nullptr),
- depth_(0),
- reached_depth_limit_(false) {}
- ~NestingRunLoopHandler() override {}
- void set_run_loop(RunLoop* run_loop) { run_loop_ = run_loop; }
- void set_pipe(MessagePipe* pipe) { pipe_ = pipe; }
- bool reached_depth_limit() const { return reached_depth_limit_; }
- // RunLoopHandler:
- void OnHandleReady(const Handle& handle) override {
- TestRunLoopHandler::OnHandleReady(handle);
- EXPECT_EQ(handle.value(), pipe_->handle0.get().value());
- ReadSignal();
- size_t current_depth = ++depth_;
- if (current_depth < kDepthLimit) {
- WriteSignal();
- run_loop_->Run();
- if (current_depth == kDepthLimit - 1) {
- // The topmost loop Quit()-ed, so its parent takes back the
- // control without exeeding deadline.
- EXPECT_EQ(error_count(), 0);
- } else {
- EXPECT_EQ(error_count(), 1);
- }
- } else {
- EXPECT_EQ(current_depth, kDepthLimit);
- reached_depth_limit_ = true;
- run_loop_->Quit();
- }
- --depth_;
- }
- void WriteSignal() {
- char write_byte = kSignalMagic;
- MojoResult write_result =
- WriteMessageRaw(pipe_->handle1.get(), &write_byte, 1, nullptr, 0,
- EXPECT_EQ(write_result, MOJO_RESULT_OK);
- }
- void ReadSignal() {
- char read_byte = 0;
- uint32_t bytes_read = 1;
- uint32_t handles_read = 0;
- MojoResult read_result =
- ReadMessageRaw(pipe_->handle0.get(), &read_byte, &bytes_read, nullptr,
- &handles_read, MOJO_READ_MESSAGE_FLAG_NONE);
- EXPECT_EQ(read_result, MOJO_RESULT_OK);
- EXPECT_EQ(read_byte, kSignalMagic);
- }
- private:
- RunLoop* run_loop_;
- MessagePipe* pipe_;
- size_t depth_;
- bool reached_depth_limit_;
-const size_t NestingRunLoopHandler::kDepthLimit = 10;
-const char NestingRunLoopHandler::kSignalMagic = 'X';
-TEST_F(RunLoopTest, NestedRun) {
- NestingRunLoopHandler handler;
- MessagePipe test_pipe;
- RunLoop run_loop;
- handler.set_run_loop(&run_loop);
- handler.set_pipe(&test_pipe);
- run_loop.AddHandler(&handler, test_pipe.handle0.get(),
- static_cast<MojoDeadline>(10000));
- handler.WriteSignal();
- run_loop.Run();
- EXPECT_TRUE(handler.reached_depth_limit());
- // Got MOJO_RESULT_DEADLINE_EXCEEDED once then removed from the
- // RunLoop's handler list.
- EXPECT_EQ(handler.error_count(), 1);
- EXPECT_EQ(handler.last_error_result(), MOJO_RESULT_DEADLINE_EXCEEDED);
-struct Task {
- Task(int num, std::vector<int>* sequence) : num(num), sequence(sequence) {}
- void Run() const { sequence->push_back(num); }
- int num;
- std::vector<int>* sequence;
-TEST_F(RunLoopTest, DelayedTaskOrder) {
- std::vector<int> sequence;
- RunLoop run_loop;
- run_loop.PostDelayedTask(Closure(Task(1, &sequence)), 0);
- run_loop.PostDelayedTask(Closure(Task(2, &sequence)), 0);
- run_loop.PostDelayedTask(Closure(Task(3, &sequence)), 0);
- run_loop.RunUntilIdle();
- ASSERT_EQ(3u, sequence.size());
- EXPECT_EQ(1, sequence[0]);
- EXPECT_EQ(2, sequence[1]);
- EXPECT_EQ(3, sequence[2]);
-struct QuittingTask {
- explicit QuittingTask(RunLoop* run_loop) : run_loop(run_loop) {}
- void Run() const { run_loop->Quit(); }
- RunLoop* run_loop;
-TEST_F(RunLoopTest, QuitFromDelayedTask) {
- TestRunLoopHandler handler;
- MessagePipe test_pipe;
- RunLoop run_loop;
- run_loop.AddHandler(&handler,
- test_pipe.handle0.get(),
- run_loop.PostDelayedTask(Closure(QuittingTask(&run_loop)), 0);
- run_loop.Run();
-} // namespace
-} // namespace mojo