path: root/mojo/public/dart/src/interface.dart
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Diffstat (limited to 'mojo/public/dart/src/interface.dart')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 103 deletions
diff --git a/mojo/public/dart/src/interface.dart b/mojo/public/dart/src/interface.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index 0e73214..0000000
--- a/mojo/public/dart/src/interface.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,103 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-part of bindings;
-abstract class Interface extends core.MojoEventStreamListener {
- int _outstandingResponseFutures = 0;
- bool _isClosing = false;
- Interface(core.MojoMessagePipeEndpoint endpoint) : super(endpoint);
- Interface.fromHandle(core.MojoHandle handle) : super.fromHandle(handle);
- Interface.unbound() : super.unbound();
- Future<Message> handleMessage(ServiceMessage message);
- void handleRead() {
- // Query how many bytes are available.
- var result = endpoint.query();
- assert(result.status.isOk || result.status.isResourceExhausted);
- // Read the data and view as a message.
- var bytes = new ByteData(result.bytesRead);
- var handles = new List<core.MojoHandle>(result.handlesRead);
- result =, result.bytesRead, handles);
- assert(result.status.isOk || result.status.isResourceExhausted);
- // Prepare the response.
- var message = new ServiceMessage.fromMessage(new Message(bytes, handles));
- var responseFuture = _isClosing ? null : handleMessage(message);
- // If there's a response, send it.
- if (responseFuture != null) {
- _outstandingResponseFutures++;
- responseFuture.then((response) {
- _outstandingResponseFutures--;
- if (isOpen) {
- endpoint.write(response.buffer,
- response.buffer.lengthInBytes,
- response.handles);
- if (!endpoint.status.isOk) {
- throw "message pipe write failed: ${endpoint.status}";
- }
- if (_isClosing && (_outstandingResponseFutures == 0)) {
- // This was the final response future for which we needed to send
- // a response. It is safe to close.
- super.close();
- _isClosing = false;
- }
- }
- });
- } else if (_isClosing && (_outstandingResponseFutures == 0)) {
- // We are closing, there is no response to send for this message, and
- // there are no outstanding response futures. Do the close now.
- super.close();
- _isClosing = false;
- }
- }
- void handleWrite() {
- throw 'Unexpected write signal in client.';
- }
- void close() {
- if (!isOpen) return;
- if (isInHandler || (_outstandingResponseFutures > 0)) {
- // Either close() is being called from within handleRead() or
- // handleWrite(), or close() is being called while there are outstanding
- // response futures. Defer the actual close until all response futures
- // have been resolved.
- _isClosing = true;
- } else {
- super.close();
- }
- }
- Message buildResponse(Struct response, int name) {
- var header = new MessageHeader(name);
- return response.serializeWithHeader(header);
- }
- Message buildResponseWithId(Struct response, int name, int id, int flags) {
- var header = new MessageHeader.withRequestId(name, flags, id);
- return response.serializeWithHeader(header);
- }
- void sendMessage(Struct message, int name) {
- var header = new MessageHeader(name);
- var serviceMessage = message.serializeWithHeader(header);
- endpoint.write(serviceMessage.buffer,
- serviceMessage.buffer.lengthInBytes,
- serviceMessage.handles);
- if (!endpoint.status.isOk) {
- throw "message pipe write failed: ${endpoint.status}";
- }
- }
- Future sendMessageWithRequestId(Struct response, int name, int id) {
- throw "The client interface should not expect a response";
- }