path: root/mojo/public/python
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'mojo/public/python')
18 files changed, 0 insertions, 3675 deletions
diff --git a/mojo/public/python/ b/mojo/public/python/
deleted file mode 100644
index 5b9c8ab..0000000
--- a/mojo/public/python/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,96 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-group("python") {
- deps = [
- ":bindings",
- ":mojo_system",
- ":mojo_system_impl",
- ]
-# GYP version: mojo.gyp:mojo_python_system
-python_binary_module("mojo_system") {
- configs = [ "../build/config:mojo_sdk" ]
- deps = [
- ":system_embedded",
- ]
-python_binary_source_set("system_embedded") {
- cython_sources = [
- "c_async_waiter.pxd",
- "c_core.pxd",
- "c_export.pxd",
- "c_thunks.pxd",
- "mojo_system.pyx",
- ]
- configs = [ "../build/config:mojo_sdk" ]
- deps = [
- "../c/system",
- "../cpp/bindings:callback",
- "../cpp/system",
- "../cpp/utility",
- "../platform/native:system",
- ]
-python_binary_module("mojo_system_impl") {
- cython_sources = [
- "c_environment.pxd",
- "c_export.pxd",
- "c_thunks.pxd",
- "mojo_system_impl.pyx",
- ]
- sources = [
- "src/",
- "src/python_system_helper.h",
- ]
- configs = [ "../build/config:mojo_sdk" ]
- deps = [
- ":python_common",
- "../c/environment",
- "../c/system",
- "../cpp/bindings:callback",
- "../cpp/environment:standalone",
- "../cpp/system",
- "../cpp/utility",
- "../platform/native:system",
- ]
-python_binary_source_set("python_common") {
- sources = [
- "src/",
- "src/common.h",
- ]
- configs = [ "../build/config:mojo_sdk" ]
- deps = [
- "../c/environment:environment",
- "../cpp/bindings:callback",
- "../cpp/environment:environment",
- "../cpp/system:system",
- "../cpp/utility",
- ]
-# GYP version: mojo.gyp:mojo_python_bindings
-copy("bindings") {
- sources = [
- "mojo_bindings/",
- "mojo_bindings/",
- "mojo_bindings/",
- "mojo_bindings/",
- "mojo_bindings/",
- "mojo_bindings/",
- ]
- outputs = [
- "$root_out_dir/python/mojo_bindings/{{source_file_part}}",
- ]
- deps = [
- ":mojo_system",
- ]
diff --git a/mojo/public/python/c_async_waiter.pxd b/mojo/public/python/c_async_waiter.pxd
deleted file mode 100644
index e2c3048..0000000
--- a/mojo/public/python/c_async_waiter.pxd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-# distutils: language = c++
-from libc.stdint cimport intptr_t, uint32_t, uint64_t
-cdef extern from "mojo/public/c/system/core.h" nogil:
- ctypedef uint32_t MojoHandle
- ctypedef uint64_t MojoDeadline
- ctypedef uint32_t MojoHandleSignals
-cdef extern from "mojo/public/c/environment/async_waiter.h" nogil:
- ctypedef intptr_t MojoAsyncWaitID
-cdef extern from "mojo/public/python/src/common.h" \
- namespace "mojo::python" nogil:
- cdef cppclass PythonAsyncWaiter "mojo::python::PythonAsyncWaiter":
- PythonAsyncWaiter()
- MojoAsyncWaitID AsyncWait(MojoHandle,
- MojoHandleSignals,
- MojoDeadline,
- object)
- void CancelWait(MojoAsyncWaitID)
diff --git a/mojo/public/python/c_core.pxd b/mojo/public/python/c_core.pxd
deleted file mode 100644
index bd3edd9..0000000
--- a/mojo/public/python/c_core.pxd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,201 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-# distutils: language = c++
-from cpython.buffer cimport PyBUF_CONTIG
-from cpython.buffer cimport PyBUF_CONTIG_RO
-from cpython.buffer cimport Py_buffer
-from cpython.buffer cimport PyBuffer_FillInfo
-from cpython.buffer cimport PyBuffer_Release
-from cpython.buffer cimport PyObject_GetBuffer
-from cpython.mem cimport PyMem_Malloc, PyMem_Free
-from libc.stdint cimport int32_t, int64_t, uint32_t, uint64_t, uintptr_t
-cdef extern from "mojo/public/c/system/core.h" nogil:
- # types.h
- ctypedef int64_t MojoTimeTicks
- ctypedef uint32_t MojoHandle
- const MojoHandle MOJO_HANDLE_INVALID
- ctypedef int32_t MojoResult
- const MojoResult MOJO_RESULT_OK
- const MojoResult MOJO_RESULT_UNKNOWN
- const MojoResult MOJO_RESULT_NOT_FOUND
- const MojoResult MOJO_RESULT_ABORTED
- const MojoResult MOJO_RESULT_DATA_LOSS
- const MojoResult MOJO_RESULT_BUSY
- ctypedef uint64_t MojoDeadline
- ctypedef uint32_t MojoHandleSignals
- const MojoHandleSignals MOJO_HANDLE_SIGNAL_NONE
- cdef struct MojoHandleSignalsState:
- MojoHandleSignals satisfied_signals
- MojoHandleSignals satisfiable_signals
- # functions.h
- MojoTimeTicks MojoGetTimeTicksNow()
- MojoResult MojoClose(MojoHandle handle)
- MojoResult MojoWait "MojoWait"(MojoHandle handle,
- MojoHandleSignals signals,
- MojoDeadline deadline,
- MojoHandleSignalsState* signals_state)
- MojoResult MojoWaitMany "MojoWaitMany"(const MojoHandle* handles,
- const MojoHandleSignals* signals,
- uint32_t num_handles,
- MojoDeadline deadline,
- uint32_t* result_index,
- MojoHandleSignalsState* signals_states)
- # message_pipe.h
- ctypedef uint32_t MojoCreateMessagePipeOptionsFlags
- const MojoCreateMessagePipeOptionsFlags MOJO_CREATE_MESSAGE_PIPE_OPTIONS_FLAG_NONE
- ctypedef uint32_t MojoWriteMessageFlags
- const MojoWriteMessageFlags MOJO_WRITE_MESSAGE_FLAG_NONE
- ctypedef uint32_t MojoReadMessageFlags
- const MojoReadMessageFlags MOJO_READ_MESSAGE_FLAG_NONE
- cdef struct MojoCreateMessagePipeOptions:
- uint32_t struct_size
- MojoCreateMessagePipeOptionsFlags flags
- MojoResult MojoCreateMessagePipe(
- const MojoCreateMessagePipeOptions* options,
- MojoHandle* message_pipe_handle0,
- MojoHandle* message_pipe_handle1)
- MojoResult MojoWriteMessage(
- MojoHandle message_pipe_handle,
- const void* bytes,
- uint32_t num_bytes,
- const MojoHandle* handles,
- uint32_t num_handles,
- MojoWriteMessageFlags flags)
- MojoResult MojoReadMessage(
- MojoHandle message_pipe_handle,
- void* bytes,
- uint32_t* num_bytes,
- MojoHandle* handles,
- uint32_t* num_handles,
- MojoReadMessageFlags flags)
- # data_pipe.h
- ctypedef uint32_t MojoCreateDataPipeOptionsFlags
- const MojoCreateDataPipeOptionsFlags MOJO_CREATE_DATA_PIPE_OPTIONS_FLAG_NONE
- cdef struct MojoCreateDataPipeOptions:
- uint32_t struct_size
- MojoCreateDataPipeOptionsFlags flags
- uint32_t element_num_bytes
- uint32_t capacity_num_bytes
- ctypedef uint32_t MojoWriteDataFlags
- const MojoWriteDataFlags MOJO_WRITE_DATA_FLAG_NONE
- ctypedef uint32_t MojoReadDataFlags
- const MojoReadDataFlags MOJO_READ_DATA_FLAG_NONE
- const MojoReadDataFlags MOJO_READ_DATA_FLAG_QUERY
- const MojoReadDataFlags MOJO_READ_DATA_FLAG_PEEK
- MojoResult MojoCreateDataPipe(
- const MojoCreateDataPipeOptions* options,
- MojoHandle* data_pipe_producer_handle,
- MojoHandle* data_pipe_consumer_handle)
- MojoResult MojoWriteData(
- MojoHandle data_pipe_producer_handle,
- const void* elements,
- uint32_t* num_bytes,
- MojoWriteDataFlags flags)
- MojoResult MojoBeginWriteData(
- MojoHandle data_pipe_producer_handle,
- void** buffer,
- uint32_t* buffer_num_bytes,
- MojoWriteDataFlags flags)
- MojoResult MojoEndWriteData(
- MojoHandle data_pipe_producer_handle,
- uint32_t num_bytes_written)
- MojoResult MojoReadData(
- MojoHandle data_pipe_consumer_handle,
- void* elements,
- uint32_t* num_bytes,
- MojoReadDataFlags flags)
- MojoResult MojoBeginReadData(
- MojoHandle data_pipe_consumer_handle,
- const void** buffer,
- uint32_t* buffer_num_bytes,
- MojoReadDataFlags flags)
- MojoResult MojoEndReadData(
- MojoHandle data_pipe_consumer_handle,
- uint32_t num_bytes_read)
- # buffer.h
- ctypedef uint32_t MojoCreateSharedBufferOptionsFlags
- const MojoCreateSharedBufferOptionsFlags MOJO_CREATE_SHARED_BUFFER_OPTIONS_FLAG_NONE
- cdef struct MojoCreateSharedBufferOptions:
- uint32_t struct_size
- MojoCreateSharedBufferOptionsFlags flags
- ctypedef uint32_t MojoDuplicateBufferHandleOptionsFlags
- const MojoDuplicateBufferHandleOptionsFlags MOJO_DUPLICATE_BUFFER_HANDLE_OPTIONS_FLAG_NONE
- cdef struct MojoDuplicateBufferHandleOptions:
- uint32_t struct_size
- MojoDuplicateBufferHandleOptionsFlags flags
- ctypedef uint32_t MojoMapBufferFlags
- const MojoMapBufferFlags MOJO_MAP_BUFFER_FLAG_NONE
- MojoResult MojoCreateSharedBuffer(
- const MojoCreateSharedBufferOptions* options,
- uint64_t num_bytes,
- MojoHandle* shared_buffer_handle)
- MojoResult MojoDuplicateBufferHandle(
- MojoHandle buffer_handle,
- const MojoDuplicateBufferHandleOptions* options,
- MojoHandle* new_buffer_handle)
- MojoResult MojoMapBuffer(MojoHandle buffer_handle,
- uint64_t offset,
- uint64_t num_bytes,
- void** buffer,
- MojoMapBufferFlags flags)
- MojoResult MojoUnmapBuffer(void* buffer)
diff --git a/mojo/public/python/c_environment.pxd b/mojo/public/python/c_environment.pxd
deleted file mode 100644
index c1b37d6..0000000
--- a/mojo/public/python/c_environment.pxd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-# distutils: language = c++
-from libc.stdint cimport int64_t, intptr_t, uint32_t, uint64_t
-cimport c_async_waiter
-cdef extern from "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/callback.h" nogil:
- cdef cppclass CClosure "mojo::Callback<void()>":
- CClosure()
-cdef extern from "mojo/public/python/src/python_system_helper.h" \
- namespace "mojo::python" nogil:
- cdef CClosure BuildClosure(object)
- cdef c_async_waiter.PythonAsyncWaiter* NewAsyncWaiter()
-cdef extern from "mojo/public/cpp/utility/run_loop.h" nogil:
- cdef cppclass CRunLoop "mojo::RunLoop":
- CRunLoop()
- void Run() except *
- void RunUntilIdle() except *
- void Quit()
- void PostDelayedTask(CClosure&, int64_t)
- cdef CRunLoop CRunLoopCurrent "mojo::RunLoop::current"()
-cdef extern from "mojo/public/cpp/environment/environment.h" nogil:
- cdef cppclass CEnvironment "mojo::Environment":
- CEnvironment()
diff --git a/mojo/public/python/c_export.pxd b/mojo/public/python/c_export.pxd
deleted file mode 100644
index 2e26118..0000000
--- a/mojo/public/python/c_export.pxd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-# distutils: language = c++
-# If the definition below is not present, cython-compiled modules do not expose
-# an init method as they should.
-cdef extern from "third_party/cython/python_export.h":
- pass
diff --git a/mojo/public/python/c_thunks.pxd b/mojo/public/python/c_thunks.pxd
deleted file mode 100644
index 61d9156..0000000
--- a/mojo/public/python/c_thunks.pxd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-# distutils: language = c++
-cdef extern from "mojo/public/platform/native/system_thunks.h" nogil:
- cdef struct MojoSystemThunks:
- pass
-cdef extern size_t MojoSetSystemThunks(const MojoSystemThunks* system_thunks)
diff --git a/mojo/public/python/mojo_bindings/ b/mojo/public/python/mojo_bindings/
deleted file mode 100644
index 4d6aabb..0000000
--- a/mojo/public/python/mojo_bindings/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
diff --git a/mojo/public/python/mojo_bindings/ b/mojo/public/python/mojo_bindings/
deleted file mode 100644
index 45e073f..0000000
--- a/mojo/public/python/mojo_bindings/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,696 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-The descriptors used to define generated elements of the mojo python bindings.
-import array
-import itertools
-import struct
-import mojo_bindings.reflection as reflection
-import mojo_bindings.serialization as serialization
-# pylint: disable=E0611,F0401
-import mojo_system
-class Type(object):
- """Describes the type of a struct field or a method parameter,"""
- def Convert(self, value): # pylint: disable=R0201
- """
- Convert the given value into its canonical representation, raising an
- exception if the value cannot be converted.
- """
- return value
- def GetDefaultValue(self, value):
- """
- Returns the default value for this type associated with the given value.
- This method must be able to correcly handle value being None.
- """
- return self.Convert(value)
-class SerializableType(Type):
- """Describe a type that can be serialized by itself."""
- def __init__(self, typecode):
- Type.__init__(self)
- self.typecode = typecode
- self.byte_size = struct.calcsize('<%s' % self.GetTypeCode())
- def GetTypeCode(self):
- """
- Returns the type code (as defined by the struct module) used to encode
- this type.
- """
- return self.typecode
- def GetByteSize(self):
- """
- Returns the size of the encoding of this type.
- """
- return self.byte_size
- def Serialize(self, value, data_offset, data, handle_offset):
- """
- Serialize a value of this type.
- Args:
- value: the value to serialize.
- data_offset: the offset to the end of the data bytearray. Used to encode
- pointers.
- data: the bytearray to append additional data to.
- handle_offset: the offset to use to encode handles.
- Returns a a tuple where the first element is the value to encode, and the
- second is the array of handles to add to the message.
- """
- raise NotImplementedError()
- def Deserialize(self, value, context):
- """
- Deserialize a value of this type.
- Args:
- value: the base value for this type. This is always a numeric type, and
- corresponds to the first element in the tuple returned by
- Serialize.
- data: the bytearray to retrieve additional data from.
- handles: the array of handles contained in the message to deserialize.
- Returns the deserialized value.
- """
- raise NotImplementedError()
-class BooleanType(Type):
- """Type object for booleans"""
- def Convert(self, value):
- return bool(value)
-class NumericType(SerializableType):
- """Base Type object for all numeric types"""
- def GetDefaultValue(self, value):
- if value is None:
- return self.Convert(0)
- return self.Convert(value)
- def Serialize(self, value, data_offset, data, handle_offset):
- return (value, [])
- def Deserialize(self, value, context):
- return value
-class IntegerType(NumericType):
- """Type object for integer types."""
- def __init__(self, typecode):
- NumericType.__init__(self, typecode)
- size = 8 * self.byte_size
- signed = typecode.islower()
- if signed:
- self._min_value = -(1 << (size - 1))
- self._max_value = (1 << (size - 1)) - 1
- else:
- self._min_value = 0
- self._max_value = (1 << size) - 1
- def Convert(self, value):
- if value is None:
- raise TypeError('None is not an integer.')
- if not isinstance(value, (int, long)):
- raise TypeError('%r is not an integer type' % value)
- if value < self._min_value or value > self._max_value:
- raise OverflowError('%r is not in the range [%d, %d]' %
- (value, self._min_value, self._max_value))
- return value
-class FloatType(NumericType):
- """Type object for floating point number types."""
- def Convert(self, value):
- if value is None:
- raise TypeError('None is not an floating point number.')
- if not isinstance(value, (int, long, float)):
- raise TypeError('%r is not a numeric type' % value)
- return float(value)
-class PointerType(SerializableType):
- """Base Type object for pointers."""
- def __init__(self, nullable=False):
- SerializableType.__init__(self, 'Q')
- self.nullable = nullable
- def Serialize(self, value, data_offset, data, handle_offset):
- if value is None and not self.nullable:
- raise serialization.SerializationException(
- 'Trying to serialize null for non nullable type.')
- if value is None:
- return (0, [])
- return self.SerializePointer(value, data_offset, data, handle_offset)
- def Deserialize(self, value, context):
- if value == 0:
- if not self.nullable:
- raise serialization.DeserializationException(
- 'Trying to deserialize null for non nullable type.')
- return None
- if value % 8 != 0:
- raise serialization.DeserializationException(
- 'Pointer alignment is incorrect.')
- sub_context = context.GetSubContext(value)
- if len( < serialization.HEADER_STRUCT.size:
- raise serialization.DeserializationException(
- 'Available data too short to contain header.')
- (size, nb_elements) = serialization.HEADER_STRUCT.unpack_from(
- if len( < size or size < serialization.HEADER_STRUCT.size:
- raise serialization.DeserializationException('Header size is incorrect.')
- sub_context.ClaimMemory(0, size)
- return self.DeserializePointer(size, nb_elements, sub_context)
- def SerializePointer(self, value, data_offset, data, handle_offset):
- """Serialize the not null value."""
- raise NotImplementedError()
- def DeserializePointer(self, size, nb_elements, context):
- raise NotImplementedError()
-class StringType(PointerType):
- """
- Type object for strings.
- Strings are represented as unicode, and the conversion is done using the
- default encoding if a string instance is used.
- """
- def __init__(self, nullable=False):
- PointerType.__init__(self, nullable)
- self._array_type = NativeArrayType('B', nullable)
- def Convert(self, value):
- if value is None or isinstance(value, unicode):
- return value
- if isinstance(value, str):
- return unicode(value)
- raise TypeError('%r is not a string' % value)
- def SerializePointer(self, value, data_offset, data, handle_offset):
- string_array = array.array('b')
- string_array.fromstring(value.encode('utf8'))
- return self._array_type.SerializeArray(
- string_array, data_offset, data, handle_offset)
- def DeserializePointer(self, size, nb_elements, context):
- string_array = self._array_type.DeserializeArray(size, nb_elements, context)
- return unicode(string_array.tostring(), 'utf8')
-class BaseHandleType(SerializableType):
- """Type object for handles."""
- def __init__(self, nullable=False):
- SerializableType.__init__(self, 'i')
- self.nullable = nullable
- def Serialize(self, value, data_offset, data, handle_offset):
- handle = self.ToHandle(value)
- if not handle.IsValid() and not self.nullable:
- raise serialization.SerializationException(
- 'Trying to serialize null for non nullable type.')
- if not handle.IsValid():
- return (-1, [])
- return (handle_offset, [handle])
- def Deserialize(self, value, context):
- if value == -1:
- if not self.nullable:
- raise serialization.DeserializationException(
- 'Trying to deserialize null for non nullable type.')
- return self.FromHandle(mojo_system.Handle())
- return self.FromHandle(context.ClaimHandle(value))
- def FromHandle(self, handle):
- raise NotImplementedError()
- def ToHandle(self, value):
- raise NotImplementedError()
-class HandleType(BaseHandleType):
- """Type object for handles."""
- def Convert(self, value):
- if value is None:
- return mojo_system.Handle()
- if not isinstance(value, mojo_system.Handle):
- raise TypeError('%r is not a handle' % value)
- return value
- def FromHandle(self, handle):
- return handle
- def ToHandle(self, value):
- return value
-class InterfaceRequestType(BaseHandleType):
- """Type object for interface requests."""
- def Convert(self, value):
- if value is None:
- return reflection.InterfaceRequest(mojo_system.Handle())
- if not isinstance(value, reflection.InterfaceRequest):
- raise TypeError('%r is not an interface request' % value)
- return value
- def FromHandle(self, handle):
- return reflection.InterfaceRequest(handle)
- def ToHandle(self, value):
- return value.PassMessagePipe()
-class InterfaceType(BaseHandleType):
- """Type object for interfaces."""
- def __init__(self, interface_getter, nullable=False):
- BaseHandleType.__init__(self, nullable)
- self._interface_getter = interface_getter
- self._interface = None
- def Convert(self, value):
- if value is None or isinstance(value, self.interface):
- return value
- raise TypeError('%r is not an instance of ' % self.interface)
- @property
- def interface(self):
- if not self._interface:
- self._interface = self._interface_getter()
- return self._interface
- def FromHandle(self, handle):
- if handle.IsValid():
- return self.interface.manager.Proxy(handle)
- return None
- def ToHandle(self, value):
- if not value:
- return mojo_system.Handle()
- if isinstance(value, reflection.InterfaceProxy):
- return value.manager.PassMessagePipe()
- pipe = mojo_system.MessagePipe()
- self.interface.manager.Bind(value, pipe.handle0)
- return pipe.handle1
-class BaseArrayType(PointerType):
- """Abstract Type object for arrays."""
- def __init__(self, nullable=False, length=0):
- PointerType.__init__(self, nullable)
- self.length = length
- def SerializePointer(self, value, data_offset, data, handle_offset):
- if self.length != 0 and len(value) != self.length:
- raise serialization.SerializationException('Incorrect array size')
- return self.SerializeArray(value, data_offset, data, handle_offset)
- def SerializeArray(self, value, data_offset, data, handle_offset):
- """Serialize the not null array."""
- raise NotImplementedError()
- def DeserializePointer(self, size, nb_elements, context):
- if self.length != 0 and nb_elements != self.length:
- raise serialization.DeserializationException('Incorrect array size')
- if (size <
- serialization.HEADER_STRUCT.size + self.SizeForLength(nb_elements)):
- raise serialization.DeserializationException('Incorrect array size')
- return self.DeserializeArray(size, nb_elements, context)
- def DeserializeArray(self, size, nb_elements, context):
- raise NotImplementedError()
- def SizeForLength(self, nb_elements):
- raise NotImplementedError()
-class BooleanArrayType(BaseArrayType):
- def __init__(self, nullable=False, length=0):
- BaseArrayType.__init__(self, nullable, length)
- self._array_type = NativeArrayType('B', nullable)
- def Convert(self, value):
- if value is None:
- return value
- return [TYPE_BOOL.Convert(x) for x in value]
- def SerializeArray(self, value, data_offset, data, handle_offset):
- groups = [value[i:i+8] for i in range(0, len(value), 8)]
- converted = array.array('B', [_ConvertBooleansToByte(x) for x in groups])
- return _SerializeNativeArray(converted, data_offset, data, len(value))
- def DeserializeArray(self, size, nb_elements, context):
- converted = self._array_type.DeserializeArray(size, nb_elements, context)
- elements = list(itertools.islice(
- itertools.chain.from_iterable(
- [_ConvertByteToBooleans(x, 8) for x in converted]),
- 0,
- nb_elements))
- return elements
- def SizeForLength(self, nb_elements):
- return (nb_elements + 7) // 8
-class GenericArrayType(BaseArrayType):
- """Type object for arrays of pointers."""
- def __init__(self, sub_type, nullable=False, length=0):
- BaseArrayType.__init__(self, nullable, length)
- assert isinstance(sub_type, SerializableType)
- self.sub_type = sub_type
- def Convert(self, value):
- if value is None:
- return value
- return [self.sub_type.Convert(x) for x in value]
- def SerializeArray(self, value, data_offset, data, handle_offset):
- size = (serialization.HEADER_STRUCT.size +
- self.sub_type.GetByteSize() * len(value))
- data_end = len(data)
- position = len(data) + serialization.HEADER_STRUCT.size
- data.extend(bytearray(size +
- serialization.NeededPaddingForAlignment(size)))
- returned_handles = []
- to_pack = []
- for item in value:
- (new_data, new_handles) = self.sub_type.Serialize(
- item,
- len(data) - position,
- data,
- handle_offset + len(returned_handles))
- to_pack.append(new_data)
- returned_handles.extend(new_handles)
- position = position + self.sub_type.GetByteSize()
- serialization.HEADER_STRUCT.pack_into(data, data_end, size, len(value))
- struct.pack_into('%d%s' % (len(value), self.sub_type.GetTypeCode()),
- data,
- data_end + serialization.HEADER_STRUCT.size,
- *to_pack)
- return (data_offset, returned_handles)
- def DeserializeArray(self, size, nb_elements, context):
- values = struct.unpack_from(
- '%d%s' % (nb_elements, self.sub_type.GetTypeCode()),
- buffer(, serialization.HEADER_STRUCT.size))
- result = []
- sub_context = context.GetSubContext(serialization.HEADER_STRUCT.size)
- for value in values:
- result.append(self.sub_type.Deserialize(
- value,
- sub_context))
- sub_context = sub_context.GetSubContext(self.sub_type.GetByteSize())
- return result
- def SizeForLength(self, nb_elements):
- return nb_elements * self.sub_type.GetByteSize();
-class NativeArrayType(BaseArrayType):
- """Type object for arrays of native types."""
- def __init__(self, typecode, nullable=False, length=0):
- BaseArrayType.__init__(self, nullable, length)
- self.array_typecode = typecode
- self.element_size = struct.calcsize('<%s' % self.array_typecode)
- def Convert(self, value):
- if value is None:
- return value
- if (isinstance(value, array.array) and
- value.array_typecode == self.array_typecode):
- return value
- return array.array(self.array_typecode, value)
- def SerializeArray(self, value, data_offset, data, handle_offset):
- return _SerializeNativeArray(value, data_offset, data, len(value))
- def DeserializeArray(self, size, nb_elements, context):
- result = array.array(self.array_typecode)
- result.fromstring(buffer(,
- serialization.HEADER_STRUCT.size,
- size - serialization.HEADER_STRUCT.size))
- return result
- def SizeForLength(self, nb_elements):
- return nb_elements * self.element_size
-class StructType(PointerType):
- """Type object for structs."""
- def __init__(self, struct_type_getter, nullable=False):
- PointerType.__init__(self)
- self._struct_type_getter = struct_type_getter
- self._struct_type = None
- self.nullable = nullable
- @property
- def struct_type(self):
- if not self._struct_type:
- self._struct_type = self._struct_type_getter()
- return self._struct_type
- def Convert(self, value):
- if value is None or isinstance(value, self.struct_type):
- return value
- raise TypeError('%r is not an instance of %r' % (value, self.struct_type))
- def GetDefaultValue(self, value):
- if value:
- return self.struct_type()
- return None
- def SerializePointer(self, value, data_offset, data, handle_offset):
- (new_data, new_handles) = value.Serialize(handle_offset)
- data.extend(new_data)
- return (data_offset, new_handles)
- def DeserializePointer(self, size, nb_elements, context):
- return self.struct_type.Deserialize(context)
-class MapType(SerializableType):
- """Type objects for maps."""
- def __init__(self, key_type, value_type, nullable=False):
- self._key_type = key_type
- self._value_type = value_type
- dictionary = {
- '__metaclass__': reflection.MojoStructType,
- '__module__': __name__,
- 'fields': [
- SingleFieldGroup('keys', MapType._GetArrayType(key_type), 0, 0),
- SingleFieldGroup('values', MapType._GetArrayType(value_type), 1, 1),
- ],
- }
- }
- self.struct = reflection.MojoStructType('MapStruct', (object,), dictionary)
- self.struct_type = StructType(lambda: self.struct, nullable)
- SerializableType.__init__(self, self.struct_type.typecode)
- def Convert(self, value):
- if value is None:
- return value
- if isinstance(value, dict):
- return dict([(self._key_type.Convert(x), self._value_type.Convert(y)) for
- x, y in value.iteritems()])
- raise TypeError('%r is not a dictionary.')
- def Serialize(self, value, data_offset, data, handle_offset):
- s = None
- if value:
- keys, values = [], []
- for key, value in value.iteritems():
- keys.append(key)
- values.append(value)
- s = self.struct(keys=keys, values=values)
- return self.struct_type.Serialize(s, data_offset, data, handle_offset)
- def Deserialize(self, value, context):
- s = self.struct_type.Deserialize(value, context)
- if s:
- if len(s.keys) != len(s.values):
- raise serialization.DeserializationException(
- 'keys and values do not have the same length.')
- return dict(zip(s.keys, s.values))
- return None
- @staticmethod
- def _GetArrayType(t):
- if t == TYPE_BOOL:
- return BooleanArrayType()
- else:
- return GenericArrayType(t)
-TYPE_BOOL = BooleanType()
-TYPE_INT8 = IntegerType('b')
-TYPE_INT16 = IntegerType('h')
-TYPE_INT32 = IntegerType('i')
-TYPE_INT64 = IntegerType('q')
-TYPE_UINT8 = IntegerType('B')
-TYPE_UINT16 = IntegerType('H')
-TYPE_UINT32 = IntegerType('I')
-TYPE_UINT64 = IntegerType('Q')
-TYPE_FLOAT = FloatType('f')
-TYPE_DOUBLE = FloatType('d')
-TYPE_STRING = StringType()
-TYPE_HANDLE = HandleType()
-TYPE_INTERFACE_REQUEST = InterfaceRequestType()
-class FieldDescriptor(object):
- """Describes a field in a generated struct."""
- def __init__(self, name, field_type, index, version, default_value=None):
- = name
- self.field_type = field_type
- self.version = version
- self.index = index
- self._default_value = default_value
- def GetDefaultValue(self):
- return self.field_type.GetDefaultValue(self._default_value)
-class FieldGroup(object):
- """
- Describe a list of field in the generated struct that must be
- serialized/deserialized together.
- """
- def __init__(self, descriptors):
- self.descriptors = descriptors
- def GetDescriptors(self):
- return self.descriptors
- def GetTypeCode(self):
- raise NotImplementedError()
- def GetByteSize(self):
- raise NotImplementedError()
- def GetVersion(self):
- raise NotImplementedError()
- def Serialize(self, obj, data_offset, data, handle_offset):
- raise NotImplementedError()
- def Deserialize(self, value, context):
- raise NotImplementedError()
-class SingleFieldGroup(FieldGroup, FieldDescriptor):
- """A FieldGroup that contains a single FieldDescriptor."""
- def __init__(self, name, field_type, index, version, default_value=None):
- FieldDescriptor.__init__(
- self, name, field_type, index, version, default_value)
- FieldGroup.__init__(self, [self])
- def GetTypeCode(self):
- return self.field_type.GetTypeCode()
- def GetByteSize(self):
- return self.field_type.GetByteSize()
- def GetVersion(self):
- return self.version
- def Serialize(self, obj, data_offset, data, handle_offset):
- value = getattr(obj,
- return self.field_type.Serialize(value, data_offset, data, handle_offset)
- def Deserialize(self, value, context):
- entity = self.field_type.Deserialize(value, context)
- return { entity }
-class BooleanGroup(FieldGroup):
- """A FieldGroup to pack booleans."""
- def __init__(self, descriptors):
- FieldGroup.__init__(self, descriptors)
- self.version = min([descriptor.version for descriptor in descriptors])
- def GetTypeCode(self):
- return 'B'
- def GetByteSize(self):
- return 1
- def GetVersion(self):
- return self.version
- def Serialize(self, obj, data_offset, data, handle_offset):
- value = _ConvertBooleansToByte(
- [getattr(obj, for field in self.GetDescriptors()])
- return (value, [])
- def Deserialize(self, value, context):
- values = itertools.izip_longest([ for x in self.descriptors],
- _ConvertByteToBooleans(value),
- fillvalue=False)
- return dict(values)
-def _SerializeNativeArray(value, data_offset, data, length):
- data_size = len(data)
- data.extend(bytearray(serialization.HEADER_STRUCT.size))
- data.extend(buffer(value))
- data_length = len(data) - data_size
- data.extend(bytearray(serialization.NeededPaddingForAlignment(data_length)))
- serialization.HEADER_STRUCT.pack_into(data, data_size, data_length, length)
- return (data_offset, [])
-def _ConvertBooleansToByte(booleans):
- """Pack a list of booleans into an integer."""
- return reduce(lambda x, y: x * 2 + y, reversed(booleans), 0)
-def _ConvertByteToBooleans(value, min_size=0):
- """Unpack an integer into a list of booleans."""
- res = []
- while value:
- res.append(bool(value&1))
- value = value / 2
- res.extend([False] * (min_size - len(res)))
- return res
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-# Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-"""Utility classes to handle sending and receiving messages."""
-import struct
-import sys
-import weakref
-import mojo_bindings.serialization as serialization
-# pylint: disable=E0611,F0401
-import mojo_system as system
-# The flag values for a message header.
-NO_FLAG = 0
-class MessagingException(Exception):
- def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
- Exception.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
- self.__traceback__ = sys.exc_info()[2]
-class MessageHeader(object):
- """The header of a mojo message."""
- _SIMPLE_MESSAGE_STRUCT = struct.Struct("<IIII")
- _REQUEST_ID_STRUCT = struct.Struct("<Q")
- def __init__(self, message_type, flags, request_id=0, data=None):
- self._message_type = message_type
- self._flags = flags
- self._request_id = request_id
- self._data = data
- @classmethod
- def Deserialize(cls, data):
- buf = buffer(data)
- if len(data) < cls._SIMPLE_MESSAGE_STRUCT.size:
- raise serialization.DeserializationException('Header is too short.')
- (size, version, message_type, flags) = (
- cls._SIMPLE_MESSAGE_STRUCT.unpack_from(buf))
- if (version < cls._SIMPLE_MESSAGE_NUM_FIELDS):
- raise serialization.DeserializationException('Incorrect version.')
- request_id = 0
- if _HasRequestId(flags):
- raise serialization.DeserializationException('Incorrect version.')
- if (size < cls._MESSAGE_WITH_REQUEST_ID_SIZE or
- len(data) < cls._MESSAGE_WITH_REQUEST_ID_SIZE):
- raise serialization.DeserializationException('Header is too short.')
- (request_id, ) = cls._REQUEST_ID_STRUCT.unpack_from(
- buf, cls._REQUEST_ID_OFFSET)
- return MessageHeader(message_type, flags, request_id, data)
- @property
- def message_type(self):
- return self._message_type
- # pylint: disable=E0202
- @property
- def request_id(self):
- assert self.has_request_id
- return self._request_id
- # pylint: disable=E0202
- @request_id.setter
- def request_id(self, request_id):
- assert self.has_request_id
- self._request_id = request_id
- self._REQUEST_ID_STRUCT.pack_into(self._data, self._REQUEST_ID_OFFSET,
- request_id)
- @property
- def has_request_id(self):
- return _HasRequestId(self._flags)
- @property
- def expects_response(self):
- @property
- def is_response(self):
- return self._HasFlag(MESSAGE_IS_RESPONSE_FLAG)
- @property
- def size(self):
- if self.has_request_id:
- return self._SIMPLE_MESSAGE_STRUCT.size
- def Serialize(self):
- if not self._data:
- self._data = bytearray(self.size)
- size = self._SIMPLE_MESSAGE_STRUCT.size
- if self.has_request_id:
- self._SIMPLE_MESSAGE_STRUCT.pack_into(self._data, 0, size, version,
- self._message_type, self._flags)
- if self.has_request_id:
- self._REQUEST_ID_STRUCT.pack_into(self._data, self._REQUEST_ID_OFFSET,
- self._request_id)
- return self._data
- def _HasFlag(self, flag):
- return self._flags & flag != 0
-class Message(object):
- """A message for a message pipe. This contains data and handles."""
- def __init__(self, data=None, handles=None, header=None):
- = data
- self.handles = handles
- self._header = header
- self._payload = None
- @property
- def header(self):
- if self._header is None:
- self._header = MessageHeader.Deserialize(
- return self._header
- @property
- def payload(self):
- if self._payload is None:
- self._payload = Message([self.header.size:], self.handles)
- return self._payload
- def SetRequestId(self, request_id):
- header = self.header
- header.request_id = request_id
- (data, _) = header.Serialize()
-[:header.Size] = data[:header.Size]
-class MessageReceiver(object):
- """A class which implements this interface can receive Message objects."""
- def Accept(self, message):
- """
- Receive a Message. The MessageReceiver is allowed to mutate the message.
- Args:
- message: the received message.
- Returns:
- True if the message has been handled, False otherwise.
- """
- raise NotImplementedError()
-class MessageReceiverWithResponder(MessageReceiver):
- """
- A MessageReceiver that can also handle the response message generated from the
- given message.
- """
- def AcceptWithResponder(self, message, responder):
- """
- A variant on Accept that registers a MessageReceiver (known as the
- responder) to handle the response message generated from the given message.
- The responder's Accept method may be called as part of the call to
- AcceptWithResponder, or some time after its return.
- Args:
- message: the received message.
- responder: the responder that will receive the response.
- Returns:
- True if the message has been handled, False otherwise.
- """
- raise NotImplementedError()
-class ConnectionErrorHandler(object):
- """
- A ConnectionErrorHandler is notified of an error happening while using the
- bindings over message pipes.
- """
- def OnError(self, result):
- raise NotImplementedError()
-class Connector(MessageReceiver):
- """
- A Connector owns a message pipe and will send any received messages to the
- registered MessageReceiver. It also acts as a MessageReceiver and will send
- any message through the handle.
- The method Start must be called before the Connector will start listening to
- incoming messages.
- """
- def __init__(self, handle):
- MessageReceiver.__init__(self)
- self._handle = handle
- self._cancellable = None
- self._incoming_message_receiver = None
- self._error_handler = None
- def __del__(self):
- if self._cancellable:
- self._cancellable()
- def SetIncomingMessageReceiver(self, message_receiver):
- """
- Set the MessageReceiver that will receive message from the owned message
- pipe.
- """
- self._incoming_message_receiver = message_receiver
- def SetErrorHandler(self, error_handler):
- """
- Set the ConnectionErrorHandler that will be notified of errors on the owned
- message pipe.
- """
- self._error_handler = error_handler
- def Start(self):
- assert not self._cancellable
- self._RegisterAsyncWaiterForRead()
- def Accept(self, message):
- result = self._handle.WriteMessage(, message.handles)
- return result == system.RESULT_OK
- def Close(self):
- if self._cancellable:
- self._cancellable()
- self._cancellable = None
- self._handle.Close()
- def PassMessagePipe(self):
- if self._cancellable:
- self._cancellable()
- self._cancellable = None
- result = self._handle
- self._handle = system.Handle()
- return result
- def _OnAsyncWaiterResult(self, result):
- self._cancellable = None
- if result == system.RESULT_OK:
- self._ReadOutstandingMessages()
- else:
- self._OnError(result)
- def _OnError(self, result):
- assert not self._cancellable
- if self._error_handler:
- self._error_handler.OnError(result)
- self._handle.Close()
- def _RegisterAsyncWaiterForRead(self) :
- assert not self._cancellable
- self._cancellable = self._handle.AsyncWait(
- _WeakCallback(self._OnAsyncWaiterResult))
- def _ReadOutstandingMessages(self):
- result = system.RESULT_OK
- while result == system.RESULT_OK:
- result = _ReadAndDispatchMessage(self._handle,
- self._incoming_message_receiver)
- if result == system.RESULT_SHOULD_WAIT:
- self._RegisterAsyncWaiterForRead()
- return
- self._OnError(result)
-class Router(MessageReceiverWithResponder):
- """
- A Router will handle mojo message and forward those to a Connector. It deals
- with parsing of headers and adding of request ids in order to be able to match
- a response to a request.
- """
- def __init__(self, handle):
- MessageReceiverWithResponder.__init__(self)
- self._incoming_message_receiver = None
- self._next_request_id = 1
- self._responders = {}
- self._connector = Connector(handle)
- self._connector.SetIncomingMessageReceiver(
- ForwardingMessageReceiver(_WeakCallback(self._HandleIncomingMessage)))
- def Start(self):
- self._connector.Start()
- def SetIncomingMessageReceiver(self, message_receiver):
- """
- Set the MessageReceiver that will receive message from the owned message
- pipe.
- """
- self._incoming_message_receiver = message_receiver
- def SetErrorHandler(self, error_handler):
- """
- Set the ConnectionErrorHandler that will be notified of errors on the owned
- message pipe.
- """
- self._connector.SetErrorHandler(error_handler)
- def Accept(self, message):
- # A message without responder is directly forwarded to the connector.
- return self._connector.Accept(message)
- def AcceptWithResponder(self, message, responder):
- # The message must have a header.
- header = message.header
- assert header.expects_response
- request_id = self._NextRequestId()
- header.request_id = request_id
- if not self._connector.Accept(message):
- return False
- self._responders[request_id] = responder
- return True
- def Close(self):
- self._connector.Close()
- def PassMessagePipe(self):
- return self._connector.PassMessagePipe()
- def _HandleIncomingMessage(self, message):
- header = message.header
- if header.expects_response:
- if self._incoming_message_receiver:
- return self._incoming_message_receiver.AcceptWithResponder(
- message, self)
- # If we receive a request expecting a response when the client is not
- # listening, then we have no choice but to tear down the pipe.
- self.Close()
- return False
- if header.is_response:
- request_id = header.request_id
- responder = self._responders.pop(request_id, None)
- if responder is None:
- return False
- return responder.Accept(message)
- if self._incoming_message_receiver:
- return self._incoming_message_receiver.Accept(message)
- # Ok to drop the message
- return False
- def _NextRequestId(self):
- request_id = self._next_request_id
- while request_id == 0 or request_id in self._responders:
- request_id = (request_id + 1) % (1 << 64)
- self._next_request_id = (request_id + 1) % (1 << 64)
- return request_id
-class ForwardingMessageReceiver(MessageReceiver):
- """A MessageReceiver that forward calls to |Accept| to a callable."""
- def __init__(self, callback):
- MessageReceiver.__init__(self)
- self._callback = callback
- def Accept(self, message):
- return self._callback(message)
-def _WeakCallback(callback):
- func = callback.im_func
- self = callback.im_self
- if not self:
- return callback
- weak_self = weakref.ref(self)
- def Callback(*args, **kwargs):
- self = weak_self()
- if self:
- return func(self, *args, **kwargs)
- return Callback
-def _ReadAndDispatchMessage(handle, message_receiver):
- (result, _, sizes) = handle.ReadMessage()
- if result == system.RESULT_OK and message_receiver:
- message_receiver.Accept(Message(bytearray(), []))
- if result != system.RESULT_RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED:
- return result
- (result, data, _) = handle.ReadMessage(bytearray(sizes[0]), sizes[1])
- if result == system.RESULT_OK and message_receiver:
- message_receiver.Accept(Message(data[0], data[1]))
- return result
-def _HasRequestId(flags):
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-# Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-Promise used by the python bindings.
-The API is following the ECMAScript 6 API for promises.
-import sys
-class Promise(object):
- """The promise object."""
- def __init__(self, generator_function):
- """
- Constructor.
- Args:
- generator_function: A function taking 2 arguments: resolve and reject.
- When |resolve| is called, the promise is fullfilled with the given value.
- When |reject| is called, the promise is rejected with the given value.
- A promise can only be resolved or rejected once, all following calls will
- have no effect.
- """
- self._onCatched = []
- self._onFulfilled = []
- self._onRejected = []
- self._state = Promise.STATE_PENDING
- self._result = None
- try:
- generator_function(self._Resolve, self._Reject)
- except Exception as e:
- # Adding traceback similarly to python 3.0 (pep-3134)
- e.__traceback__ = sys.exc_info()[2]
- self._Reject(e)
- @staticmethod
- def Resolve(value):
- """
- If value is a promise, make a promise that have the same behavior as value,
- otherwise make a promise that fulfills to value.
- """
- if isinstance(value, Promise):
- return value
- return Promise(lambda x, y: x(value))
- @staticmethod
- def Reject(reason):
- "Make a promise that rejects to reason."""
- return Promise(lambda x, y: y(reason))
- @staticmethod
- def All(*iterable):
- """
- Make a promise that fulfills when every item in the array fulfills, and
- rejects if (and when) any item rejects. Each array item is passed to
- Promise.resolve, so the array can be a mixture of promise-like objects and
- other objects. The fulfillment value is an array (in order) of fulfillment
- values. The rejection value is the first rejection value.
- """
- def GeneratorFunction(resolve, reject):
- state = {
- 'rejected': False,
- 'nb_resolved': 0,
- }
- promises = [Promise.Resolve(x) for x in iterable]
- results = [None for x in promises]
- def OnFullfilled(i):
- def OnFullfilled(res):
- if state['rejected']:
- return
- results[i] = res
- state['nb_resolved'] = state['nb_resolved'] + 1
- if state['nb_resolved'] == len(results):
- resolve(results)
- return OnFullfilled
- def OnRejected(reason):
- if state['rejected']:
- return
- state['rejected'] = True
- reject(reason)
- for (i, promise) in enumerate(promises):
- promise.Then(OnFullfilled(i), OnRejected)
- return Promise(GeneratorFunction)
- @staticmethod
- def Race(*iterable):
- """
- Make a Promise that fulfills as soon as any item fulfills, or rejects as
- soon as any item rejects, whichever happens first.
- """
- def GeneratorFunction(resolve, reject):
- state = {
- 'ended': False
- }
- def OnEvent(callback):
- def OnEvent(res):
- if state['ended']:
- return
- state['ended'] = True
- callback(res)
- return OnEvent
- for promise in [Promise.Resolve(x) for x in iterable]:
- promise.Then(OnEvent(resolve), OnEvent(reject))
- return Promise(GeneratorFunction)
- @property
- def state(self):
- if isinstance(self._result, Promise):
- return self._result.state
- return self._state
- def Then(self, onFullfilled=None, onRejected=None):
- """
- onFulfilled is called when/if this promise resolves. onRejected is called
- when/if this promise rejects. Both are optional, if either/both are omitted
- the next onFulfilled/onRejected in the chain is called. Both callbacks have
- a single parameter, the fulfillment value or rejection reason. |Then|
- returns a new promise equivalent to the value you return from
- onFulfilled/onRejected after being passed through Resolve. If an
- error is thrown in the callback, the returned promise rejects with that
- error.
- """
- if isinstance(self._result, Promise):
- return self._result.Then(onFullfilled, onRejected)
- def GeneratorFunction(resolve, reject):
- if self._state == Promise.STATE_PENDING:
- self._onFulfilled.append(_Delegate(resolve, reject, onFullfilled))
- self._onRejected.append(_Delegate(reject, reject, onRejected))
- if self._state == self.STATE_FULLFILLED:
- _Delegate(resolve, reject, onFullfilled)(self._result)
- if self._state == self.STATE_REJECTED:
- recover = reject
- if onRejected:
- recover = resolve
- _Delegate(recover, reject, onRejected)(self._result)
- return Promise(GeneratorFunction)
- def Catch(self, onCatched):
- """Equivalent to |Then(None, onCatched)|"""
- return self.Then(None, onCatched)
- def _Resolve(self, value):
- if self.state != Promise.STATE_PENDING:
- return
- self._result = value
- if isinstance(value, Promise):
- self._state = Promise.STATE_BOUND
- self._result.Then(_IterateAction(self._onFulfilled),
- _IterateAction(self._onRejected))
- return
- self._state = Promise.STATE_FULLFILLED
- for f in self._onFulfilled:
- f(value)
- self._onFulfilled = None
- self._onRejected = None
- def _Reject(self, reason):
- if self.state != Promise.STATE_PENDING:
- return
- self._result = reason
- self._state = Promise.STATE_REJECTED
- for f in self._onRejected:
- f(reason)
- self._onFulfilled = None
- self._onRejected = None
-def _IterateAction(iterable):
- def _Run(x):
- for f in iterable:
- f(x)
- return _Run
-def _Delegate(resolve, reject, action):
- def _Run(x):
- try:
- if action:
- resolve(action(x))
- else:
- resolve(x)
- except Exception as e:
- # Adding traceback similarly to python 3.0 (pep-3134)
- e.__traceback__ = sys.exc_info()[2]
- reject(e)
- return _Run
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deleted file mode 100644
index 5432691..0000000
--- a/mojo/public/python/mojo_bindings/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,569 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-"""The metaclasses used by the mojo python bindings."""
-import itertools
-import logging
-import sys
-# pylint: disable=F0401
-import mojo_bindings.messaging as messaging
-import mojo_bindings.promise as promise
-import mojo_bindings.serialization as serialization
-class MojoEnumType(type):
- """Meta class for enumerations.
- Usage:
- class MyEnum(object):
- __metaclass__ = MojoEnumType
- VALUES = [
- ('A', 0),
- 'B',
- ('C', 5),
- ]
- This will define a enum with 3 values, 'A' = 0, 'B' = 1 and 'C' = 5.
- """
- def __new__(mcs, name, bases, dictionary):
- dictionary['__slots__'] = ()
- dictionary['__new__'] = None
- for value in dictionary.pop('VALUES', []):
- if not isinstance(value, tuple):
- raise ValueError('incorrect value: %r' % value)
- key, enum_value = value
- if isinstance(key, str) and isinstance(enum_value, int):
- dictionary[key] = enum_value
- else:
- raise ValueError('incorrect value: %r' % value)
- return type.__new__(mcs, name, bases, dictionary)
- def __setattr__(cls, key, value):
- raise AttributeError('can\'t set attribute')
- def __delattr__(cls, key):
- raise AttributeError('can\'t delete attribute')
-class MojoStructType(type):
- """Meta class for structs.
- Usage:
- class MyStruct(object):
- __metaclass__ = MojoStructType
- 'constants': {
- 'C1': 1,
- 'C2': 2,
- },
- 'enums': {
- 'ENUM1': [
- ('V1', 1),
- 'V2',
- ],
- 'ENUM2': [
- ('V1', 1),
- 'V2',
- ],
- },
- 'fields': [
- SingleFieldGroup('x', _descriptor.TYPE_INT32, 0, 0),
- ],
- }
- This will define an struct, with:
- - 2 constants 'C1' and 'C2';
- - 2 enums 'ENUM1' and 'ENUM2', each of those having 2 values, 'V1' and
- 'V2';
- - 1 int32 field named 'x'.
- """
- def __new__(mcs, name, bases, dictionary):
- dictionary['__slots__'] = ('_fields')
- descriptor = dictionary.pop('DESCRIPTOR', {})
- # Add constants
- dictionary.update(descriptor.get('constants', {}))
- # Add enums
- enums = descriptor.get('enums', {})
- for key in enums:
- dictionary[key] = MojoEnumType(key, (object,), { 'VALUES': enums[key] })
- # Add fields
- groups = descriptor.get('fields', [])
- fields = list(
- itertools.chain.from_iterable([group.descriptors for group in groups]))
- fields.sort(key=lambda f: f.index)
- for field in fields:
- dictionary[] = _BuildProperty(field)
- # Add init
- dictionary['__init__'] = _StructInit(fields)
- # Add serialization method
- serialization_object = serialization.Serialization(groups)
- def Serialize(self, handle_offset=0):
- return serialization_object.Serialize(self, handle_offset)
- dictionary['Serialize'] = Serialize
- # pylint: disable=W0212
- def AsDict(self):
- return self._fields
- dictionary['AsDict'] = AsDict
- def Deserialize(cls, context):
- result = cls.__new__(cls)
- fields = {}
- serialization_object.Deserialize(fields, context)
- result._fields = fields
- return result
- dictionary['Deserialize'] = classmethod(Deserialize)
- dictionary['__eq__'] = _StructEq(fields)
- dictionary['__ne__'] = _StructNe
- return type.__new__(mcs, name, bases, dictionary)
- # Prevent adding new attributes, or mutating constants.
- def __setattr__(cls, key, value):
- raise AttributeError('can\'t set attribute')
- # Prevent deleting constants.
- def __delattr__(cls, key):
- raise AttributeError('can\'t delete attribute')
-class MojoInterfaceType(type):
- """Meta class for interfaces.
- Usage:
- class MyInterface(object):
- __metaclass__ = MojoInterfaceType
- 'client': MyInterfaceClient,
- 'methods': [
- {
- 'name': 'FireAndForget',
- 'ordinal': 0,
- 'parameters': [
- SingleFieldGroup('x', _descriptor.TYPE_INT32, 0, 0),
- ]
- },
- {
- 'name': 'Ping',
- 'ordinal': 1,
- 'parameters': [
- SingleFieldGroup('x', _descriptor.TYPE_INT32, 0, 0),
- ],
- 'responses': [
- SingleFieldGroup('x', _descriptor.TYPE_INT32, 0, 0),
- ],
- },
- ],
- }
- """
- def __new__(mcs, name, bases, dictionary):
- # If one of the base class is already an interface type, do not edit the
- # class.
- for base in bases:
- if isinstance(base, mcs):
- return type.__new__(mcs, name, bases, dictionary)
- descriptor = dictionary.pop('DESCRIPTOR', {})
- methods = [_MethodDescriptor(x) for x in descriptor.get('methods', [])]
- for method in methods:
- dictionary[] = _NotImplemented
- client_class_getter = descriptor.get('client', None)
- interface_manager = InterfaceManager(name, methods, client_class_getter)
- dictionary.update({
- 'client': None,
- 'manager': None,
- '_interface_manager': interface_manager,
- })
- interface_class = type.__new__(mcs, name, bases, dictionary)
- interface_manager.interface_class = interface_class
- return interface_class
- @property
- def manager(cls):
- return cls._interface_manager
- # Prevent adding new attributes, or mutating constants.
- def __setattr__(cls, key, value):
- raise AttributeError('can\'t set attribute')
- # Prevent deleting constants.
- def __delattr__(cls, key):
- raise AttributeError('can\'t delete attribute')
-class InterfaceProxy(object):
- """
- A proxy allows to access a remote interface through a message pipe.
- """
- pass
-class InterfaceRequest(object):
- """
- An interface request allows to send a request for an interface to a remote
- object and start using it immediately.
- """
- def __init__(self, handle):
- self._handle = handle
- def IsPending(self):
- return self._handle.IsValid()
- def PassMessagePipe(self):
- result = self._handle
- self._handle = None
- return result
-class InterfaceManager(object):
- """
- Manager for an interface class. The manager contains the operation that allows
- to bind an implementation to a pipe, or to generate a proxy for an interface
- over a pipe.
- """
- def __init__(self, name, methods, client_class_getter):
- = name
- self.methods = methods
- self.interface_class = None
- self._client_class_getter = client_class_getter
- self._client_manager = None
- self._client_manager_computed = False
- self._proxy_class = None
- self._stub_class = None
- @property
- def client_manager(self):
- if not self._client_manager_computed:
- self._client_manager_computed = True
- if self._client_class_getter:
- self._client_manager = self._client_class_getter().manager
- return self._client_manager
- def Proxy(self, handle):
- router = messaging.Router(handle)
- error_handler = _ProxyErrorHandler()
- router.SetErrorHandler(error_handler)
- router.Start()
- return self._InternalProxy(router, error_handler)
- # pylint: disable=W0212
- def Bind(self, impl, handle):
- router = messaging.Router(handle)
- router.SetIncomingMessageReceiver(self._Stub(impl))
- error_handler = _ProxyErrorHandler()
- router.SetErrorHandler(error_handler)
- # Retain the router, until an error happen.
- retainer = _Retainer(router)
- def Cleanup(_):
- retainer.release()
- error_handler.AddCallback(Cleanup)
- if self.client_manager:
- impl.client = self.client_manager._InternalProxy(router, error_handler)
- # Give an instance manager to the implementation to allow it to close
- # the connection.
- impl.manager = InstanceManager(router)
- router.Start()
- def _InternalProxy(self, router, error_handler):
- if not self._proxy_class:
- dictionary = {
- '__module__': __name__,
- '__init__': _ProxyInit,
- }
- if self.client_manager:
- dictionary['client'] = property(_ProxyGetClient, _ProxySetClient)
- dictionary['manager'] = None
- dictionary['_client_manager'] = self.client_manager
- for method in self.methods:
- dictionary[] = _ProxyMethodCall(method)
- self._proxy_class = type('%sProxy' %,
- (self.interface_class, InterfaceProxy),
- dictionary)
- proxy = self._proxy_class(router, error_handler)
- # Give an instance manager to the proxy to allow to close the connection.
- proxy.manager = InstanceManager(router)
- return proxy
- def _Stub(self, impl):
- if not self._stub_class:
- accept_method = _StubAccept(self.methods)
- dictionary = {
- '__module__': __name__,
- '__init__': _StubInit,
- 'Accept': accept_method,
- 'AcceptWithResponder': accept_method,
- }
- self._stub_class = type('%sStub' %,
- (messaging.MessageReceiverWithResponder,),
- dictionary)
- return self._stub_class(impl)
-class InstanceManager(object):
- """
- Manager for the implementation of an interface or a proxy. The manager allows
- to control the connection over the pipe.
- """
- def __init__(self, router):
- self.router = router
- def Close(self):
- self.router.Close()
- def PassMessagePipe(self):
- return self.router.PassMessagePipe()
-class _MethodDescriptor(object):
- def __init__(self, descriptor):
- = descriptor['name']
- self.ordinal = descriptor['ordinal']
- self.parameters_struct = _ConstructParameterStruct(
- descriptor['parameters'],, "Parameters")
- self.response_struct = _ConstructParameterStruct(
- descriptor.get('responses'),, "Responses")
-def _ConstructParameterStruct(descriptor, name, suffix):
- if descriptor is None:
- return None
- parameter_dictionary = {
- '__metaclass__': MojoStructType,
- '__module__': __name__,
- 'DESCRIPTOR': descriptor,
- }
- return MojoStructType(
- '%s%s' % (name, suffix),
- (object,),
- parameter_dictionary)
-class _ProxyErrorHandler(messaging.ConnectionErrorHandler):
- def __init__(self):
- messaging.ConnectionErrorHandler.__init__(self)
- self._callbacks = set()
- def OnError(self, result):
- exception = messaging.MessagingException('Mojo error: %d' % result)
- for callback in list(self._callbacks):
- callback(exception)
- self._callbacks = None
- def AddCallback(self, callback):
- if self._callbacks is not None:
- self._callbacks.add(callback)
- def RemoveCallback(self, callback):
- if self._callbacks:
- self._callbacks.remove(callback)
-class _Retainer(object):
- # Set to force instances to be retained.
- _RETAINED = set()
- def __init__(self, retained):
- self._retained = retained
- _Retainer._RETAINED.add(self)
- def release(self):
- self._retained = None
- _Retainer._RETAINED.remove(self)
-def _StructInit(fields):
- def _Init(self, *args, **kwargs):
- if len(args) + len(kwargs) > len(fields):
- raise TypeError('__init__() takes %d argument (%d given)' %
- (len(fields), len(args) + len(kwargs)))
- self._fields = {}
- for f, a in zip(fields, args):
- self.__setattr__(, a)
- remaining_fields = set( for x in fields[len(args):])
- for name in kwargs:
- if not name in remaining_fields:
- if name in ( for x in fields[:len(args)]):
- raise TypeError(
- '__init__() got multiple values for keyword argument %r' % name)
- raise TypeError('__init__() got an unexpected keyword argument %r' %
- name)
- self.__setattr__(name, kwargs[name])
- return _Init
-def _BuildProperty(field):
- """Build the property for the given field."""
- # pylint: disable=W0212
- def Get(self):
- if not in self._fields:
- self._fields[] = field.GetDefaultValue()
- return self._fields[]
- # pylint: disable=W0212
- def Set(self, value):
- self._fields[] = field.field_type.Convert(value)
- return property(Get, Set)
-def _StructEq(fields):
- def _Eq(self, other):
- if type(self) is not type(other):
- return False
- for field in fields:
- if getattr(self, != getattr(other,
- return False
- return True
- return _Eq
-def _StructNe(self, other):
- return not self.__eq__(other)
-def _ProxyInit(self, router, error_handler):
- self._router = router
- self._error_handler = error_handler
- self._client = None
-# pylint: disable=W0212
-def _ProxyGetClient(self):
- return self._client
-# pylint: disable=W0212
-def _ProxySetClient(self, client):
- self._client = client
- stub = self._client_manager._Stub(client)
- self._router.SetIncomingMessageReceiver(stub)
-# pylint: disable=W0212
-def _ProxyMethodCall(method):
- flags = messaging.NO_FLAG
- if method.response_struct:
- def _Call(self, *args, **kwargs):
- def GenerationMethod(resolve, reject):
- message = _GetMessage(method, flags, *args, **kwargs)
- if method.response_struct:
- def Accept(message):
- try:
- assert message.header.message_type == method.ordinal
- payload = message.payload
- response = method.response_struct.Deserialize(
- serialization.RootDeserializationContext(,
- payload.handles))
- as_dict = response.AsDict()
- if len(as_dict) == 1:
- value = as_dict.values()[0]
- if not isinstance(value, dict):
- response = value
- resolve(response)
- return True
- except Exception as e:
- # Adding traceback similarly to python 3.0 (pep-3134)
- e.__traceback__ = sys.exc_info()[2]
- reject(e)
- return False
- finally:
- self._error_handler.RemoveCallback(reject)
- self._error_handler.AddCallback(reject)
- if not self._router.AcceptWithResponder(
- message, messaging.ForwardingMessageReceiver(Accept)):
- self._error_handler.RemoveCallback(reject)
- reject(messaging.MessagingException("Unable to send message."))
- else:
- if (self._router.Accept(message)):
- resolve(None)
- else:
- reject(messaging.MessagingException("Unable to send message."))
- return promise.Promise(GenerationMethod)
- return _Call
-def _GetMessage(method, flags, *args, **kwargs):
- if flags == messaging.MESSAGE_IS_RESPONSE_FLAG:
- struct = method.response_struct(*args, **kwargs)
- else:
- struct = method.parameters_struct(*args, **kwargs)
- header = messaging.MessageHeader(method.ordinal, flags)
- data = header.Serialize()
- (payload, handles) = struct.Serialize()
- data.extend(payload)
- return messaging.Message(data, handles, header)
-def _StubInit(self, impl):
- self.impl = impl
-def _StubAccept(methods):
- methods_by_ordinal = dict((m.ordinal, m) for m in methods)
- def Accept(self, message, responder=None):
- try:
- header = message.header
- assert header.expects_response == bool(responder)
- assert header.message_type in methods_by_ordinal
- method = methods_by_ordinal[header.message_type]
- payload = message.payload
- parameters = method.parameters_struct.Deserialize(
- serialization.RootDeserializationContext(
-, payload.handles)).AsDict()
- response = getattr(self.impl,**parameters)
- if header.expects_response:
- def SendResponse(response):
- if isinstance(response, dict):
- response_message = _GetMessage(method,
- **response)
- else:
- response_message = _GetMessage(method,
- response)
- response_message.header.request_id = header.request_id
- responder.Accept(response_message)
- p = promise.Promise.Resolve(response).Then(SendResponse)
- if self.impl.manager:
- # Close the connection in case of error.
- p.Catch(lambda _: self.impl.manager.Close())
- return True
- # pylint: disable=W0702
- except:
- # Close the connection in case of error.
- logging.warning(
- 'Error occured in accept method. Connection will be closed.')
- if self.impl.manager:
- self.impl.manager.Close()
- return False
- return Accept
-def _NotImplemented(*_1, **_2):
- raise NotImplementedError()
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index b5ea1bd..0000000
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@@ -1,193 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-"""Utility classes for serialization"""
-import struct
-# Format of a header for a struct or an array.
-HEADER_STRUCT = struct.Struct("<II")
-class SerializationException(Exception):
- """Error when strying to serialize a struct."""
- pass
-class DeserializationException(Exception):
- """Error when strying to deserialize a struct."""
- pass
-class DeserializationContext(object):
- def ClaimHandle(self, handle):
- raise NotImplementedError()
- def ClaimMemory(self, start, size):
- raise NotImplementedError()
- def GetSubContext(self, offset):
- raise NotImplementedError()
- def IsInitialContext(self):
- raise NotImplementedError()
-class RootDeserializationContext(DeserializationContext):
- def __init__(self, data, handles):
- if isinstance(data, buffer):
- = data
- else:
- = buffer(data)
- self._handles = handles
- self._next_handle = 0;
- self._next_memory = 0;
- def ClaimHandle(self, handle):
- if handle < self._next_handle:
- raise DeserializationException('Accessing handles out of order.')
- self._next_handle = handle + 1
- return self._handles[handle]
- def ClaimMemory(self, start, size):
- if start < self._next_memory:
- raise DeserializationException('Accessing buffer out of order.')
- self._next_memory = start + size
- def GetSubContext(self, offset):
- return _ChildDeserializationContext(self, offset)
- def IsInitialContext(self):
- return True
-class _ChildDeserializationContext(DeserializationContext):
- def __init__(self, parent, offset):
- self._parent = parent
- self._offset = offset
- = buffer(, offset)
- def ClaimHandle(self, handle):
- return self._parent.ClaimHandle(handle)
- def ClaimMemory(self, start, size):
- return self._parent.ClaimMemory(self._offset + start, size)
- def GetSubContext(self, offset):
- return self._parent.GetSubContext(self._offset + offset)
- def IsInitialContext(self):
- return False
-class Serialization(object):
- """
- Helper class to serialize/deserialize a struct.
- """
- def __init__(self, groups):
- self.version = _GetVersion(groups)
- self._groups = groups
- main_struct = _GetStruct(groups)
- self.size = HEADER_STRUCT.size + main_struct.size
- self._struct_per_version = {
- self.version: main_struct,
- }
- self._groups_per_version = {
- self.version: groups,
- }
- def _GetMainStruct(self):
- return self._GetStruct(self.version)
- def _GetGroups(self, version):
- # If asking for a version greater than the last known.
- version = min(version, self.version)
- if version not in self._groups_per_version:
- self._groups_per_version[version] = _FilterGroups(self._groups, version)
- return self._groups_per_version[version]
- def _GetStruct(self, version):
- # If asking for a version greater than the last known.
- version = min(version, self.version)
- if version not in self._struct_per_version:
- self._struct_per_version[version] = _GetStruct(self._GetGroups(version))
- return self._struct_per_version[version]
- def Serialize(self, obj, handle_offset):
- """
- Serialize the given obj. handle_offset is the the first value to use when
- encoding handles.
- """
- handles = []
- data = bytearray(self.size)
- HEADER_STRUCT.pack_into(data, 0, self.size, self.version)
- position = HEADER_STRUCT.size
- to_pack = []
- for group in self._groups:
- position = position + NeededPaddingForAlignment(position,
- group.GetByteSize())
- (entry, new_handles) = group.Serialize(
- obj,
- len(data) - position,
- data,
- handle_offset + len(handles))
- to_pack.append(entry)
- handles.extend(new_handles)
- position = position + group.GetByteSize()
- self._GetMainStruct().pack_into(data, HEADER_STRUCT.size, *to_pack)
- return (data, handles)
- def Deserialize(self, fields, context):
- if len( < HEADER_STRUCT.size:
- raise DeserializationException(
- 'Available data too short to contain header.')
- (size, version) = HEADER_STRUCT.unpack_from(
- if len( < size or size < HEADER_STRUCT.size:
- raise DeserializationException('Header size is incorrect.')
- if context.IsInitialContext():
- context.ClaimMemory(0, size)
- version_struct = self._GetStruct(version)
- entitities = version_struct.unpack_from(, HEADER_STRUCT.size)
- filtered_groups = self._GetGroups(version)
- position = HEADER_STRUCT.size
- for (group, value) in zip(filtered_groups, entitities):
- position = position + NeededPaddingForAlignment(position,
- group.GetByteSize())
- fields.update(group.Deserialize(value, context.GetSubContext(position)))
- position += group.GetByteSize()
-def NeededPaddingForAlignment(value, alignment=8):
- """Returns the padding necessary to align value with the given alignment."""
- if value % alignment:
- return alignment - (value % alignment)
- return 0
-def _GetVersion(groups):
- return sum([len(x.descriptors) for x in groups])
-def _FilterGroups(groups, version):
- return [group for group in groups if group.GetVersion() < version]
-def _GetStruct(groups):
- index = 0
- codes = [ '<' ]
- for group in groups:
- code = group.GetTypeCode()
- size = group.GetByteSize()
- needed_padding = NeededPaddingForAlignment(index, size)
- if needed_padding:
- codes.append('x' * needed_padding)
- index = index + needed_padding
- codes.append(code)
- index = index + size
- alignment_needed = NeededPaddingForAlignment(index)
- if alignment_needed:
- codes.append('x' * alignment_needed)
- return struct.Struct(''.join(codes))
diff --git a/mojo/public/python/mojo_system.pyx b/mojo/public/python/mojo_system.pyx
deleted file mode 100644
index 4e684af..0000000
--- a/mojo/public/python/mojo_system.pyx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,804 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-# distutils language = c++
-cimport c_core
-cimport c_export # needed so the init function gets exported
-cimport c_thunks
-from cpython.buffer cimport PyBUF_CONTIG
-from cpython.buffer cimport PyBUF_CONTIG_RO
-from cpython.buffer cimport Py_buffer
-from cpython.buffer cimport PyBuffer_FillInfo
-from cpython.buffer cimport PyBuffer_Release
-from cpython.buffer cimport PyObject_GetBuffer
-from cpython.mem cimport PyMem_Malloc, PyMem_Free
-from cpython.object cimport Py_EQ, Py_NE
-from libc.stdint cimport int32_t, int64_t, uint32_t, uint64_t, uintptr_t
-import ctypes
-import threading
-import mojo_system_impl
-def SetSystemThunks(system_thunks_as_object):
- """Bind the basic Mojo Core functions.
- This should only be used by the embedder.
- """
- cdef const c_thunks.MojoSystemThunks* system_thunks = (
- <const c_thunks.MojoSystemThunks*><uintptr_t>system_thunks_as_object)
- c_thunks.MojoSetSystemThunks(system_thunks)
-def GetTimeTicksNow():
- """Monotonically increasing tick count representing "right now."
- See mojo/public/c/system/functions.h
- """
- return c_core.MojoGetTimeTicksNow()
-cdef class _ScopedMemory:
- """Allocate memory at creation, and deallocate it at destruction."""
- cdef void* memory
- def __init__(self, size):
- self.memory = PyMem_Malloc(size)
- def __dealloc__(self):
- PyMem_Free(self.memory)
-cdef class _ScopedBuffer:
- """Retrieve pointer to a buffer a creation, and release it at destruction.
- """
- cdef Py_buffer _buf
- cdef void* buf
- cdef Py_ssize_t len
- def __init__(self, obj, flags=PyBUF_CONTIG_RO):
- if obj:
- if PyObject_GetBuffer(obj, &self._buf, flags) < 0:
- raise TypeError('Unable to read buffer.')
- self.buf = self._buf.buf
- self.len = self._buf.len
- else:
- self.buf = NULL
- self.len = 0
- def __dealloc__(self):
- if self.buf:
- PyBuffer_Release(&self._buf)
-def _SliceBuffer(buffer, size):
- """Slice the given buffer, reducing it to the given size.
- Return None if None is passed in.
- """
- if not buffer:
- return buffer
- return buffer[:size]
-cdef class _NativeMemoryView(object):
- """Create a python buffer wrapping the given memory.
- Will also retain the given handle until this object is deallocated.
- """
- cdef void* _memory
- cdef uint32_t _size
- cdef char _read_only
- cdef char _wrapped
- cdef object _handle
- def __init__(self, handle):
- self._handle = handle
- def __cinit__(self):
- self._memory = NULL
- self._size = 0
- self._read_only = True
- self._wrapped = False
- cdef Wrap(self,
- const void* memory,
- uint32_t size,
- read_only=True):
- """Makes this buffer wraps the given memory.
- Must be called before using this buffer, and must only be called once.
- """
- assert not self._wrapped
- self._wrapped = True
- self._memory = <void*>memory
- self._size = size
- self._read_only = read_only
- # buffer interface (PEP 3118)
- def __getbuffer__(self, Py_buffer *view, int flags):
- assert self._wrapped
- if view == NULL:
- return
- PyBuffer_FillInfo(view,
- self,
- self._memory,
- self._size,
- self._read_only,
- flags)
- def __releasebuffer__(self, Py_buffer *view):
- assert self._wrapped
- pass
- # legacy buffer interface
- def __getsegcount__(self, Py_ssize_t *sizes):
- assert self._wrapped
- if sizes != NULL:
- sizes[0] = self._size
- return 1
- def __getreadbuffer__(self, Py_ssize_t index, void **data):
- assert self._wrapped
- if index != 0:
- raise SystemError('Index out of bounds: %d' % index)
- data[0] = self._memory
- return self._size
- def __getwritebuffer__(self, Py_ssize_t index, void **data):
- assert self._wrapped
- if index != 0:
- raise SystemError('Index out of bounds: %d' % index)
- if self._read_only:
- raise TypeError('Buffer is read-only.')
- data[0] = self._memory
- return self._size
-class MojoException(Exception):
- """Exception wrapping a mojo result error code."""
- def __init__(self, mojo_result):
- self.mojo_result = mojo_result
-def WaitMany(handles_and_signals, deadline):
- """Waits on a list of handles.
- Args:
- handles_and_signals: list of tuples of handle and signal.
- See mojo/public/c/system/functions.h
- """
- cdef uint32_t length = len(handles_and_signals)
- cdef uint32_t result_index = <uint32_t>(-1)
- cdef _ScopedMemory handles_alloc = _ScopedMemory(
- sizeof(c_core.MojoHandle) * length)
- cdef _ScopedMemory signals_alloc = _ScopedMemory(
- sizeof(c_core.MojoHandleSignals) * length)
- cdef _ScopedMemory states_alloc = _ScopedMemory(
- sizeof(c_core.MojoHandleSignalsState) * length)
- cdef c_core.MojoHandle* handles = <c_core.MojoHandle*>handles_alloc.memory
- cdef c_core.MojoHandleSignals* signals = (
- <c_core.MojoHandleSignals*>signals_alloc.memory)
- cdef c_core.MojoHandleSignalsState* states = (
- <c_core.MojoHandleSignalsState*>states_alloc.memory)
- cdef int index = 0
- for (h, s) in handles_and_signals:
- handles[index] = (<Handle?>h)._mojo_handle
- signals[index] = s
- index += 1
- cdef c_core.MojoResult result = c_core.MOJO_RESULT_OK
- cdef c_core.MojoDeadline cdeadline = deadline
- with nogil:
- result = c_core.MojoWaitMany(handles, signals, length, cdeadline,
- &result_index, states)
- returned_result_index = None
- if result_index != <uint32_t>(-1):
- returned_result_index = result_index
- returned_states = None
- returned_states = [(states[i].satisfied_signals,
- states[i].satisfiable_signals) for i in xrange(length)]
- return (result, returned_result_index, returned_states)
-cdef class DataPipeTwoPhaseBuffer(object):
- """Return value for two phases read and write.
- The buffer field contains the python buffer where data can be read or written.
- When done with the buffer, the |end| method must be called with the number of
- bytes read or written.
- """
- cdef object _buffer
- cdef Handle _handle
- cdef char _read
- def __init__(self, handle, buffer, read=True):
- self._buffer = buffer
- self._handle = handle
- self._read = read
- def End(self, num_bytes):
- self._buffer = None
- cdef c_core.MojoResult result
- if self._read:
- result = c_core.MojoEndReadData(self._handle._mojo_handle, num_bytes)
- else:
- result = c_core.MojoEndWriteData(self._handle._mojo_handle, num_bytes)
- self._handle = None
- return result
- @property
- def buffer(self):
- return self._buffer
- def __dealloc__(self):
- assert not self._buffer
-cdef class MappedBuffer(object):
- """Return value for the |map| operation on shared buffer handles.
- The buffer field contains the python buffer where data can be read or written.
- When done with the buffer, the |unmap| method must be called.
- """
- cdef object _buffer
- cdef object _handle
- cdef object _cleanup
- def __init__(self, handle, buffer, cleanup):
- self._buffer = buffer
- self._handle = handle
- self._cleanup = cleanup
- def UnMap(self):
- self._buffer = None
- cdef c_core.MojoResult result = self._cleanup()
- self._cleanup = None
- self._handle = None
- return result
- @property
- def buffer(self):
- return self._buffer
- def __dealloc__(self):
- if self._buffer:
- self.UnMap()
-cdef class Handle(object):
- """A mojo object."""
- cdef c_core.MojoHandle _mojo_handle
- def __init__(self, mojo_handle=c_core.MOJO_HANDLE_INVALID):
- self._mojo_handle = mojo_handle
- def _Invalidate(self):
- """Invalidate the current handle.
- The close operation is not called. It is the responsability of the caller to
- ensure that the handle is not leaked.
- """
- self._mojo_handle = c_core.MOJO_HANDLE_INVALID
- def __richcmp__(self, other, op):
- if op != Py_EQ and op != Py_NE:
- raise TypeError('Handle is not ordered')
- cdef int equality
- if type(self) is not type(other):
- equality = id(self) == id(other)
- else:
- equality = (<Handle>self)._mojo_handle == (<Handle>other)._mojo_handle
- if op == Py_EQ:
- return equality
- else:
- return not equality
- def IsValid(self):
- """Returns whether this handle is valid."""
- return self._mojo_handle != c_core.MOJO_HANDLE_INVALID
- def Close(self):
- """Closes this handle.
- See mojo/public/c/system/functions.h
- """
- cdef c_core.MojoResult result = c_core.MOJO_RESULT_OK
- if self.IsValid():
- result = c_core.MojoClose(self._mojo_handle)
- self._Invalidate()
- return result
- def __dealloc__(self):
- self.Close()
- def Wait(self, signals, deadline):
- """Waits on the given handle.
- See mojo/public/c/system/functions.h
- """
- cdef c_core.MojoHandle handle = self._mojo_handle
- cdef c_core.MojoHandleSignals csignals = signals
- cdef c_core.MojoDeadline cdeadline = deadline
- cdef c_core.MojoHandleSignalsState signal_states
- cdef c_core.MojoResult result
- with nogil:
- result = c_core.MojoWait(handle, csignals, cdeadline, &signal_states)
- returned_states = None
- returned_states = (signal_states.satisfied_signals,
- signal_states.satisfiable_signals)
- return (result, returned_states)
- def AsyncWait(self, signals, deadline, callback):
- cdef c_core.MojoHandle handle = self._mojo_handle
- cdef c_core.MojoHandleSignals csignals = signals
- cdef c_core.MojoDeadline cdeadline = deadline
- wait_id = _ASYNC_WAITER.AsyncWait(
- handle,
- csignals,
- cdeadline,
- callback)
- def cancel():
- _ASYNC_WAITER.CancelWait(wait_id)
- return cancel
- def WriteMessage(self,
- buffer=None,
- handles=None,
- """Writes a message to the message pipe.
- This method can only be used on a handle obtained from |MessagePipe()|.
- See mojo/public/c/system/message_pipe.h
- """
- cdef _ScopedBuffer buffer_as_buffer = _ScopedBuffer(buffer)
- cdef uint32_t input_buffer_length = buffer_as_buffer.len
- cdef c_core.MojoHandle* input_handles = NULL
- cdef uint32_t input_handles_length = 0
- cdef _ScopedMemory handles_alloc = None
- if handles:
- input_handles_length = len(handles)
- handles_alloc = _ScopedMemory(sizeof(c_core.MojoHandle) *
- input_handles_length)
- input_handles = <c_core.MojoHandle*>handles_alloc.memory
- for i in xrange(input_handles_length):
- input_handles[i] = (<Handle?>handles[i])._mojo_handle
- cdef c_core.MojoResult res = c_core.MojoWriteMessage(self._mojo_handle,
- buffer_as_buffer.buf,
- input_buffer_length,
- input_handles,
- input_handles_length,
- flags)
- if res == c_core.MOJO_RESULT_OK and handles:
- # Handles have been transferred. Let's invalidate those.
- for handle in handles:
- handle._Invalidate()
- return res
- def ReadMessage(self,
- buffer=None,
- max_number_of_handles=0,
- """Reads a message from the message pipe.
- This method can only be used on a handle obtained from |MessagePipe()|.
- This method returns a triplet of value (code, data, sizes):
- - if code is RESULT_OK, sizes will be None, and data will be a pair of
- (buffer, handles) where buffer is a view of the input buffer with the read
- data, and handles is a list of received handles.
- - if code is RESULT_RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED, data will be None and sizes will be
- a pair of (buffer_size, handles_size) where buffer_size is the size of the
- next message data and handles_size is the number of handles in the next
- message.
- - if code is any other value, data and sizes will be None.
- See mojo/public/c/system/message_pipe.h
- """
- cdef _ScopedBuffer buffer_as_buffer = _ScopedBuffer(buffer, PyBUF_CONTIG)
- cdef uint32_t input_buffer_length = buffer_as_buffer.len
- cdef c_core.MojoHandle* input_handles = NULL
- cdef uint32_t input_handles_length = 0
- cdef _ScopedMemory handles_alloc = None
- if max_number_of_handles > 0:
- input_handles_length = max_number_of_handles
- handles_alloc = _ScopedMemory(sizeof(c_core.MojoHandle) *
- input_handles_length)
- input_handles = <c_core.MojoHandle*>handles_alloc.memory
- cdef res = c_core.MojoReadMessage(self._mojo_handle,
- buffer_as_buffer.buf,
- &input_buffer_length,
- input_handles,
- &input_handles_length,
- flags)
- return (res, None, (input_buffer_length, input_handles_length))
- if res == c_core.MOJO_RESULT_OK:
- returned_handles = [Handle(input_handles[i])
- for i in xrange(input_handles_length)]
- return (res,
- (_SliceBuffer(buffer, input_buffer_length), returned_handles),
- None)
- return (res, None, None)
- def WriteData(self, buffer=None, flags=WRITE_DATA_FLAG_NONE):
- """
- Writes the given data to the data pipe producer.
- This method can only be used on a producer handle obtained from
- |DataPipe()|.
- This method returns a tuple (code, num_bytes).
- - If code is RESULT_OK, num_bytes is the number of written bytes.
- - Otherwise, num_bytes is None.
- See mojo/public/c/system/data_pipe.h
- """
- cdef _ScopedBuffer buffer_as_buffer = _ScopedBuffer(buffer)
- cdef uint32_t input_buffer_length = buffer_as_buffer.len
- cdef c_core.MojoResult res = c_core.MojoWriteData(self._mojo_handle,
- buffer_as_buffer.buf,
- &input_buffer_length,
- flags)
- if res == c_core.MOJO_RESULT_OK:
- return (res, input_buffer_length)
- return (res, None)
- def BeginWriteData(self,
- min_size=None,
- """
- Begins a two-phase write to the data pipe producer.
- This method can only be used on a producer handle obtained from
- |DataPipe()|.
- This method returns a tuple (code, two_phase_buffer).
- - If code is RESULT_OK, two_phase_buffer is a writable
- DataPipeTwoPhaseBuffer
- - Otherwise, two_phase_buffer is None.
- See mojo/public/c/system/data_pipe.h
- """
- cdef void* out_buffer
- cdef uint32_t out_size = 0
- if min_size:
- out_size = min_size
- cdef c_core.MojoResult res = c_core.MojoBeginWriteData(self._mojo_handle,
- &out_buffer,
- &out_size,
- flags)
- if res != c_core.MOJO_RESULT_OK:
- return (res, None)
- cdef _NativeMemoryView view_buffer = _NativeMemoryView(self)
- view_buffer.Wrap(out_buffer, out_size, read_only=False)
- return (res, DataPipeTwoPhaseBuffer(self, memoryview(view_buffer), False))
- def ReadData(self, buffer=None, flags=READ_DATA_FLAG_NONE):
- """Reads data from the data pipe consumer.
- This method can only be used on a consumer handle obtained from
- |DataPipe()|.
- This method returns a tuple (code, buffer)
- - if code is RESULT_OK, buffer will be a view of the input buffer with the
- read data.
- - otherwise, buffer will be None.
- See mojo/public/c/system/data_pipe.h
- """
- cdef _ScopedBuffer buffer_as_buffer = _ScopedBuffer(buffer)
- cdef uint32_t input_buffer_length = buffer_as_buffer.len
- cdef c_core.MojoResult res = c_core.MojoReadData(self._mojo_handle,
- buffer_as_buffer.buf,
- &input_buffer_length,
- flags)
- if res == c_core.MOJO_RESULT_OK:
- return (res, _SliceBuffer(buffer, input_buffer_length))
- return (res, None)
- def QueryData(self, flags=READ_DATA_FLAG_NONE):
- """Queries the amount of data available on the data pipe consumer.
- This method can only be used on a consumer handle obtained from
- |DataPipe()|.
- This method returns a tuple (code, num_bytes)
- - if code is RESULT_OK, num_bytes will be the number of bytes available on
- the data pipe consumer.
- - otherwise, num_bytes will be None.
- See mojo/public/c/system/data_pipe.h
- """
- cdef uint32_t num_bytes = 0
- cdef c_core.MojoResult res = c_core.MojoReadData(
- self._mojo_handle,
- &num_bytes,
- return (res, num_bytes)
- def BeginReadData(self, min_size=None, flags=READ_DATA_FLAG_NONE):
- """
- Begins a two-phase read to the data pipe consumer.
- This method can only be used on a consumer handle obtained from
- |DataPipe()|.
- This method returns a tuple (code, two_phase_buffer).
- - If code is RESULT_OK, two_phase_buffer is a readable
- DataPipeTwoPhaseBuffer
- - Otherwise, two_phase_buffer is None.
- See mojo/public/c/system/data_pipe.h
- """
- cdef const void* out_buffer
- cdef uint32_t out_size = 0
- if min_size:
- out_size = min_size
- cdef c_core.MojoResult res = c_core.MojoBeginReadData(self._mojo_handle,
- &out_buffer,
- &out_size,
- flags)
- if res != c_core.MOJO_RESULT_OK:
- return (res, None)
- cdef _NativeMemoryView view_buffer = _NativeMemoryView(self)
- view_buffer.Wrap(out_buffer, out_size, read_only=True)
- return (res, DataPipeTwoPhaseBuffer(self, memoryview(view_buffer), True))
- def Duplicate(self, options=None):
- """Duplicate the shared buffer handle.
- This method can only be used on a handle obtained from
- |CreateSharedBuffer()| or |Duplicate()|.
- See mojo/public/c/system/buffer.h
- """
- cdef c_core.MojoDuplicateBufferHandleOptions coptions
- cdef c_core.MojoDuplicateBufferHandleOptions* coptions_ptr = NULL
- cdef c_core.MojoHandle cnew_handle = c_core.MOJO_HANDLE_INVALID
- if options:
- coptions.struct_size = sizeof(c_core.MojoDuplicateBufferHandleOptions)
- coptions.flags = options.flags
- coptions_ptr = &coptions
- cdef c_core.MojoResult result = c_core.MojoDuplicateBufferHandle(
- self._mojo_handle, coptions_ptr, &cnew_handle)
- new_handle = Handle(cnew_handle)
- if result != c_core.MOJO_RESULT_OK:
- raise MojoException(result)
- return new_handle
- def Map(self, offset, num_bytes, flags=MAP_BUFFER_FLAG_NONE):
- """Maps the part (at offset |offset| of length |num_bytes|) of the buffer.
- This method can only be used on a handle obtained from
- |CreateSharedBuffer()| or |Duplicate()|.
- This method returns a tuple (code, mapped_buffer).
- - If code is RESULT_OK, mapped_buffer is a readable/writable
- MappedBuffer
- - Otherwise, mapped_buffer is None.
- See mojo/public/c/system/buffer.h
- """
- cdef void* buffer
- res = c_core.MojoMapBuffer(self._mojo_handle,
- offset,
- num_bytes,
- &buffer,
- flags)
- if res != c_core.MOJO_RESULT_OK:
- return (res, None)
- cdef _NativeMemoryView view_buffer = _NativeMemoryView(self)
- view_buffer.Wrap(buffer, num_bytes, read_only=False)
- return (res, MappedBuffer(self,
- memoryview(view_buffer),
- lambda: c_core.MojoUnmapBuffer(buffer)))
-class CreateMessagePipeOptions(object):
- """Options for creating a message pipe.
- See mojo/public/c/system/message_pipe.h
- """
- def __init__(self):
- self.flags = CreateMessagePipeOptions.FLAG_NONE
-class MessagePipe(object):
- """Creates a message pipe.
- The two ends of the message pipe are accessible with the members handle0 and
- handle1.
- See mojo/public/c/system/message_pipe.h
- """
- def __init__(self, options=None):
- cdef c_core.MojoCreateMessagePipeOptions coptions
- cdef c_core.MojoCreateMessagePipeOptions* coptions_ptr = NULL
- cdef c_core.MojoHandle chandle0 = c_core.MOJO_HANDLE_INVALID
- cdef c_core.MojoHandle chandle1 = c_core.MOJO_HANDLE_INVALID
- if options:
- coptions.struct_size = sizeof(c_core.MojoCreateMessagePipeOptions)
- coptions.flags = options.flags
- coptions_ptr = &coptions
- cdef c_core.MojoResult result = c_core.MojoCreateMessagePipe(coptions_ptr,
- &chandle0,
- &chandle1)
- self.handle0 = Handle(chandle0)
- self.handle1 = Handle(chandle1)
- if result != c_core.MOJO_RESULT_OK:
- raise c_core.MojoException(result)
-class CreateDataPipeOptions(object):
- """Options for creating a data pipe.
- See mojo/public/c/system/data_pipe.h
- """
- def __init__(self):
- self.flags = CreateDataPipeOptions.FLAG_NONE
- self.element_num_bytes = 1
- self.capacity_num_bytes = 0
-class DataPipe(object):
- """Creates a data pipe.
- The producer end of the data pipe is accessible with the member
- producer_handle and the consumer end of the data pipe is accessible with the
- member cconsumer_handle.
- See mojo/public/c/system/data_pipe.h
- """
- def __init__(self, options=None):
- cdef c_core.MojoCreateDataPipeOptions coptions
- cdef c_core.MojoCreateDataPipeOptions* coptions_ptr = NULL
- cdef c_core.MojoHandle cproducer_handle = c_core.MOJO_HANDLE_INVALID
- cdef c_core.MojoHandle cconsumer_handle = c_core.MOJO_HANDLE_INVALID
- if options:
- coptions.struct_size = sizeof(c_core.MojoCreateDataPipeOptions)
- coptions.flags = options.flags
- coptions.element_num_bytes = options.element_num_bytes
- coptions.capacity_num_bytes = options.capacity_num_bytes
- coptions_ptr = &coptions
- cdef c_core.MojoResult result = c_core.MojoCreateDataPipe(coptions_ptr,
- &cproducer_handle,
- &cconsumer_handle)
- self.producer_handle = Handle(cproducer_handle)
- self.consumer_handle = Handle(cconsumer_handle)
- if result != c_core.MOJO_RESULT_OK:
- raise MojoException(result)
-class CreateSharedBufferOptions(object):
- """Options for creating a shared buffer.
- See mojo/public/c/system/buffer.h
- """
- def __init__(self):
- self.flags = CreateSharedBufferOptions.FLAG_NONE
-def CreateSharedBuffer(num_bytes, options=None):
- """Creates a buffer of size |num_bytes| bytes that can be shared.
- See mojo/public/c/system/buffer.h
- """
- cdef c_core.MojoCreateSharedBufferOptions coptions
- cdef c_core.MojoCreateSharedBufferOptions* coptions_ptr = NULL
- cdef c_core.MojoHandle chandle = c_core.MOJO_HANDLE_INVALID
- if options:
- coptions.struct_size = sizeof(c_core.MojoCreateSharedBufferOptions)
- coptions.flags = options.flags
- coptions_ptr = &coptions
- cdef c_core.MojoResult result = c_core.MojoCreateSharedBuffer(coptions_ptr,
- num_bytes,
- &chandle)
- handle = Handle(chandle)
- if result != c_core.MOJO_RESULT_OK:
- raise MojoException(result)
- return handle
-class DuplicateSharedBufferOptions(object):
- """Options for duplicating a shared buffer.
- See mojo/public/c/system/buffer.h
- """
- def __init__(self):
- self.flags = DuplicateSharedBufferOptions.FLAG_NONE
-# Keeps a thread local weak reference to the current run loop.
-_RUN_LOOPS = threading.local()
-class RunLoop(object):
- """RunLoop to use when using asynchronous operations on handles."""
- def __init__(self):
- self.__run_loop = mojo_system_impl.RunLoop()
- _RUN_LOOPS.loop = id(self)
- def __del__(self):
- del _RUN_LOOPS.loop
- def Run(self):
- """Run the runloop until Quit is called."""
- return self.__run_loop.Run()
- def RunUntilIdle(self):
- """Run the runloop until Quit is called or no operation is waiting."""
- return self.__run_loop.RunUntilIdle()
- def Quit(self):
- """Quit the runloop."""
- return self.__run_loop.Quit()
- def PostDelayedTask(self, runnable, delay=0):
- """
- Post a task on the runloop. This must be called from the thread owning the
- runloop.
- """
- return self.__run_loop.PostDelayedTask(runnable, delay)
- @staticmethod
- def Current():
- if hasattr(_RUN_LOOPS, 'loop'):
- return ctypes.cast(_RUN_LOOPS.loop, ctypes.py_object).value
- return None
-_ASYNC_WAITER = mojo_system_impl.AsyncWaiter()
diff --git a/mojo/public/python/mojo_system_impl.pyx b/mojo/public/python/mojo_system_impl.pyx
deleted file mode 100644
index 3e299c1..0000000
--- a/mojo/public/python/mojo_system_impl.pyx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-# distutils language = c++
-cimport c_async_waiter
-cimport c_environment
-cimport c_export # needed so the init function gets exported
-cimport c_thunks
-from libc.stdint cimport uintptr_t
-def SetSystemThunks(system_thunks_as_object):
- """Bind the basic Mojo Core functions.
- """
- cdef const c_thunks.MojoSystemThunks* system_thunks = (
- <const c_thunks.MojoSystemThunks*><uintptr_t>system_thunks_as_object)
- c_thunks.MojoSetSystemThunks(system_thunks)
-cdef class RunLoop(object):
- """RunLoop to use when using asynchronous operations on handles."""
- cdef c_environment.CRunLoop* c_run_loop
- def __init__(self):
- assert not <uintptr_t>(c_environment.CRunLoopCurrent())
- self.c_run_loop = new c_environment.CRunLoop()
- def __dealloc__(self):
- del self.c_run_loop
- def Run(self):
- """Run the runloop until Quit is called."""
- self.c_run_loop.Run()
- def RunUntilIdle(self):
- """Run the runloop until Quit is called or no operation is waiting."""
- self.c_run_loop.RunUntilIdle()
- def Quit(self):
- """Quit the runloop."""
- self.c_run_loop.Quit()
- def PostDelayedTask(self, runnable, delay=0):
- """
- Post a task on the runloop. This must be called from the thread owning the
- runloop.
- """
- cdef c_environment.CClosure closure = c_environment.BuildClosure(runnable)
- self.c_run_loop.PostDelayedTask(closure, delay)
-# We use a wrapping class to be able to call the C++ class PythonAsyncWaiter
-# across module boundaries.
-cdef class AsyncWaiter(object):
- cdef c_environment.CEnvironment* _cenvironment
- cdef c_async_waiter.PythonAsyncWaiter* _c_async_waiter
- def __init__(self):
- self._cenvironment = new c_environment.CEnvironment()
- self._c_async_waiter = c_environment.NewAsyncWaiter()
- def __dealloc__(self):
- del self._c_async_waiter
- del self._cenvironment
- def AsyncWait(self, handle, signals, deadline, callback):
- return self._c_async_waiter.AsyncWait(handle, signals, deadline, callback)
- def CancelWait(self, wait_id):
- self._c_async_waiter.CancelWait(wait_id)
diff --git a/mojo/public/python/src/ b/mojo/public/python/src/
deleted file mode 100644
index a80d013..0000000
--- a/mojo/public/python/src/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,173 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include "mojo/public/python/src/common.h"
-#include <Python.h>
-#include "mojo/public/c/environment/async_waiter.h"
-#include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/callback.h"
-#include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/lib/shared_ptr.h"
-#include "mojo/public/cpp/environment/logging.h"
-#include "mojo/public/cpp/system/core.h"
-#include "mojo/public/cpp/system/macros.h"
-#include "mojo/public/cpp/utility/run_loop.h"
-namespace {
-void AsyncCallbackForwarder(void* closure, MojoResult result) {
- mojo::Callback<void(MojoResult)>* callback =
- static_cast<mojo::Callback<void(MojoResult)>*>(closure);
- // callback will be deleted when it is run.
- callback->Run(result);
-} // namespace
-namespace mojo {
-namespace python {
-ScopedGIL::ScopedGIL() {
- state_ = PyGILState_Ensure();
-ScopedGIL::~ScopedGIL() {
- PyGILState_Release(state_);
-ScopedPyRef::ScopedPyRef(PyObject* object) : object_(object) {
-ScopedPyRef::ScopedPyRef(PyObject* object, ScopedPyRefAcquire)
- : object_(object) {
- Py_XINCREF(object_);
-ScopedPyRef::~ScopedPyRef() {
- if (object_) {
- ScopedGIL acquire_gil;
- Py_DECREF(object_);
- }
-ScopedPyRef::operator PyObject*() const {
- return object_;
-PythonClosure::PythonClosure(PyObject* callable, const mojo::Closure& quit)
- : callable_(callable, kAcquire), quit_(quit) {
- MOJO_DCHECK(callable);
-PythonClosure::~PythonClosure() {}
-void PythonClosure::Run() const {
- ScopedGIL acquire_gil;
- ScopedPyRef empty_tuple(PyTuple_New(0));
- if (!empty_tuple) {
- quit_.Run();
- return;
- }
- ScopedPyRef result(PyObject_CallObject(callable_, empty_tuple));
- if (!result) {
- quit_.Run();
- return;
- }
-Closure::Runnable* NewRunnableFromCallable(PyObject* callable,
- const mojo::Closure& quit_closure) {
- MOJO_DCHECK(PyCallable_Check(callable));
- return new PythonClosure(callable, quit_closure);
-class PythonAsyncWaiter::AsyncWaiterRunnable
- : public mojo::Callback<void(MojoResult)>::Runnable {
- public:
- AsyncWaiterRunnable(PyObject* callable,
- CallbackMap* callbacks,
- const mojo::Closure& quit)
- : wait_id_(0),
- callable_(callable, kAcquire),
- callbacks_(callbacks),
- quit_(quit) {
- MOJO_DCHECK(callable_);
- MOJO_DCHECK(callbacks_);
- }
- void set_wait_id(MojoAsyncWaitID wait_id) { wait_id_ = wait_id; }
- void Run(MojoResult mojo_result) const override {
- MOJO_DCHECK(wait_id_);
- // Remove to reference to this object from PythonAsyncWaiter and ensure this
- // object will be destroyed when this method exits.
- MOJO_DCHECK(callbacks_->find(wait_id_) != callbacks_->end());
- internal::SharedPtr<mojo::Callback<void(MojoResult)>> self =
- (*callbacks_)[wait_id_];
- callbacks_->erase(wait_id_);
- ScopedGIL acquire_gil;
- ScopedPyRef args_tuple(Py_BuildValue("(i)", mojo_result));
- if (!args_tuple) {
- quit_.Run();
- return;
- }
- ScopedPyRef result(PyObject_CallObject(callable_, args_tuple));
- if (!result) {
- quit_.Run();
- return;
- }
- }
- private:
- MojoAsyncWaitID wait_id_;
- ScopedPyRef callable_;
- CallbackMap* callbacks_;
- const mojo::Closure quit_;
-PythonAsyncWaiter::PythonAsyncWaiter(const mojo::Closure& quit_closure)
- : quit_(quit_closure) {
- async_waiter_ = Environment::GetDefaultAsyncWaiter();
-PythonAsyncWaiter::~PythonAsyncWaiter() {
- for (CallbackMap::const_iterator it = callbacks_.begin();
- it != callbacks_.end();
- ++it) {
- async_waiter_->CancelWait(it->first);
- }
-MojoAsyncWaitID PythonAsyncWaiter::AsyncWait(MojoHandle handle,
- MojoHandleSignals signals,
- MojoDeadline deadline,
- PyObject* callable) {
- AsyncWaiterRunnable* runner =
- new AsyncWaiterRunnable(callable, &callbacks_, quit_);
- internal::SharedPtr<mojo::Callback<void(MojoResult)>> callback(
- new mojo::Callback<void(MojoResult)>(
- static_cast<mojo::Callback<void(MojoResult)>::Runnable*>(runner)));
- MojoAsyncWaitID wait_id = async_waiter_->AsyncWait(
- handle, signals, deadline, &AsyncCallbackForwarder, callback.get());
- callbacks_[wait_id] = callback;
- runner->set_wait_id(wait_id);
- return wait_id;
-void PythonAsyncWaiter::CancelWait(MojoAsyncWaitID wait_id) {
- if (callbacks_.find(wait_id) != callbacks_.end()) {
- async_waiter_->CancelWait(wait_id);
- callbacks_.erase(wait_id);
- }
-} // namespace python
-} // namespace mojo
diff --git a/mojo/public/python/src/common.h b/mojo/public/python/src/common.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 03ed73b..0000000
--- a/mojo/public/python/src/common.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,103 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include <Python.h>
-#include <map>
-#include "mojo/public/c/environment/async_waiter.h"
-#include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/callback.h"
-#include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/lib/shared_ptr.h"
-#include "mojo/public/cpp/system/core.h"
-namespace mojo {
-namespace python {
-class ScopedGIL {
- public:
- ScopedGIL();
- ~ScopedGIL();
- private:
- PyGILState_STATE state_;
-enum ScopedPyRefAcquire {
- kAcquire,
-class ScopedPyRef {
- public:
- explicit ScopedPyRef(PyObject* object);
- ScopedPyRef(PyObject* object, ScopedPyRefAcquire);
- ~ScopedPyRef();
- operator PyObject*() const;
- private:
- PyObject* object_;
-class PythonClosure : public mojo::Closure::Runnable {
- public:
- PythonClosure(PyObject* callable, const mojo::Closure& quit);
- ~PythonClosure();
- void Run() const override;
- private:
- ScopedPyRef callable_;
- const mojo::Closure quit_;
-// Create a mojo::Closure from a callable python object.
-Closure::Runnable* NewRunnableFromCallable(PyObject* callable,
- const Closure& quit_closure);
-// AsyncWaiter for python, used to execute a python closure after waiting. If an
-// error occurs while executing the closure, the current message loop will be
-// exited. See |AsyncWaiter| in mojo/public/c/environment/async_waiter.h for
-// more details.
-class PythonAsyncWaiter {
- public:
- explicit PythonAsyncWaiter(const mojo::Closure& quit_closure);
- ~PythonAsyncWaiter();
- MojoAsyncWaitID AsyncWait(MojoHandle handle,
- MojoHandleSignals signals,
- MojoDeadline deadline,
- PyObject* callable);
- void CancelWait(MojoAsyncWaitID wait_id);
- private:
- class AsyncWaiterRunnable;
- typedef std::map<MojoAsyncWaitID,
- internal::SharedPtr<mojo::Callback<void(MojoResult)> > >
- CallbackMap;
- CallbackMap callbacks_;
- const MojoAsyncWaiter* async_waiter_;
- const mojo::Closure quit_;
-} // namespace python
-} // namespace mojo
diff --git a/mojo/public/python/src/ b/mojo/public/python/src/
deleted file mode 100644
index 0c5a358..0000000
--- a/mojo/public/python/src/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include "mojo/public/python/src/python_system_helper.h"
-#include "Python.h"
-#include "mojo/public/cpp/utility/run_loop.h"
-#include "mojo/public/python/src/common.h"
-namespace {
-class QuitCurrentRunLoop : public mojo::Closure::Runnable {
- public:
- void Run() const override {
- mojo::RunLoop::current()->Quit();
- }
- static mojo::Closure NewQuitClosure() {
- return mojo::Closure(
- static_cast<mojo::Closure::Runnable*>(new QuitCurrentRunLoop()));
- }
-} // namespace
-namespace mojo {
-namespace python {
-Closure BuildClosure(PyObject* callable) {
- if (!PyCallable_Check(callable))
- return Closure();
- return mojo::Closure(
- NewRunnableFromCallable(callable, QuitCurrentRunLoop::NewQuitClosure()));
-PythonAsyncWaiter* NewAsyncWaiter() {
- return new PythonAsyncWaiter(QuitCurrentRunLoop::NewQuitClosure());
-} // namespace python
-} // namespace mojo
diff --git a/mojo/public/python/src/python_system_helper.h b/mojo/public/python/src/python_system_helper.h
deleted file mode 100644
index ff9bb0b..0000000
--- a/mojo/public/python/src/python_system_helper.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-// Python must be the first include, as it defines preprocessor variable without
-// checking if they already exist.
-#include <Python.h>
-#include <map>
-#include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/callback.h"
-#include "mojo/public/python/src/common.h"
-namespace mojo {
-namespace python {
-// Create a mojo::Closure from a callable python object. If an error occurs
-// while executing callable, the closure will quit the current run loop.
-Closure BuildClosure(PyObject* callable);
-// Create a new PythonAsyncWaiter object. Ownership is passed to the caller.
-PythonAsyncWaiter* NewAsyncWaiter();
-} // namespace python
-} // namespace mojo