path: root/mojo/tools/mopy/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'mojo/tools/mopy/')
1 files changed, 323 insertions, 180 deletions
diff --git a/mojo/tools/mopy/ b/mojo/tools/mopy/
index 6584b9f..374ebb08 100644
--- a/mojo/tools/mopy/
+++ b/mojo/tools/mopy/
@@ -3,8 +3,13 @@
# found in the LICENSE file.
import atexit
+import datetime
+import email.utils
+import hashlib
+import itertools
import json
import logging
+import math
import os
import os.path
import random
@@ -17,9 +22,6 @@ import urlparse
import SimpleHTTPServer
import SocketServer
-from mopy.config import Config
-from mopy.paths import Paths
# Tags used by the mojo shell application logs.
@@ -31,11 +33,30 @@ LOGCAT_TAGS = [
-ADB_PATH = os.path.join(Paths().src_root, 'third_party', 'android_tools', 'sdk',
- 'platform-tools', 'adb')
+MAPPING_PREFIX = '--map-origin='
+ZERO = datetime.timedelta(0)
+class UTC_TZINFO(datetime.tzinfo):
+ """UTC time zone representation."""
+ def utcoffset(self, _):
+ return ZERO
+ def tzname(self, _):
+ return "UTC"
+ def dst(self, _):
+ return ZERO
+_logger = logging.getLogger()
class _SilentTCPServer(SocketServer.TCPServer):
@@ -58,6 +79,69 @@ def _GetHandlerClassForPath(base_path):
|base_path| directory over http.
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ self.etag = None
+ SimpleHTTPServer.SimpleHTTPRequestHandler.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
+ def get_etag(self):
+ if self.etag:
+ return self.etag
+ path = self.translate_path(self.path)
+ if not os.path.isfile(path):
+ return None
+ sha256 = hashlib.sha256()
+ BLOCKSIZE = 65536
+ with open(path, 'rb') as hashed:
+ buf =
+ while len(buf) > 0:
+ sha256.update(buf)
+ buf =
+ self.etag = '"%s"' % sha256.hexdigest()
+ return self.etag
+ def send_head(self):
+ # Always close the connection after each request, as the keep alive
+ # support from SimpleHTTPServer doesn't like when the client requests to
+ # close the connection before downloading the full response content.
+ # pylint: disable=W0201
+ self.close_connection = 1
+ path = self.translate_path(self.path)
+ if os.path.isfile(path):
+ # Handle If-None-Match
+ etag = self.get_etag()
+ if ('If-None-Match' in self.headers and
+ etag == self.headers['If-None-Match']):
+ self.send_response(304)
+ return None
+ # Handle If-Modified-Since
+ if ('If-None-Match' not in self.headers and
+ 'If-Modified-Since' in self.headers):
+ last_modified = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(
+ math.floor(os.stat(path).st_mtime), tz=UTC)
+ ims = datetime.datetime(
+ *email.utils.parsedate(self.headers['If-Modified-Since'])[:6],
+ tzinfo=UTC)
+ if last_modified <= ims:
+ self.send_response(304)
+ return None
+ return SimpleHTTPServer.SimpleHTTPRequestHandler.send_head(self)
+ def end_headers(self):
+ path = self.translate_path(self.path)
+ if os.path.isfile(path):
+ etag = self.get_etag()
+ if etag:
+ self.send_header('ETag', etag)
+ self.send_header('Cache-Control', 'must-revalidate')
+ return SimpleHTTPServer.SimpleHTTPRequestHandler.end_headers(self)
def translate_path(self, path):
path_from_current = (
SimpleHTTPServer.SimpleHTTPRequestHandler.translate_path(self, path))
@@ -69,9 +153,26 @@ def _GetHandlerClassForPath(base_path):
+ RequestHandler.protocol_version = 'HTTP/1.1'
return RequestHandler
+def _IsMapOrigin(arg):
+ """Returns whether arg is a --map-origin argument."""
+ return arg.startswith(MAPPING_PREFIX)
+def _Split(l, pred):
+ positive = []
+ negative = []
+ for v in l:
+ if pred(v):
+ positive.append(v)
+ else:
+ negative.append(v)
+ return (positive, negative)
def _ExitIfNeeded(process):
Exits |process| if it is still alive.
@@ -80,186 +181,228 @@ def _ExitIfNeeded(process):
-def _ReadFifo(fifo_path, pipe, on_fifo_closed, max_attempts=5):
- """
- Reads |fifo_path| on the device and write the contents to |pipe|. Calls
- |on_fifo_closed| when the fifo is closed. This method will try to find the
- path up to |max_attempts|, waiting 1 second between each attempt. If it cannot
- find |fifo_path|, a exception will be raised.
+class AndroidShell(object):
+ """ Allows to set up and run a given mojo shell binary on an Android device.
+ Args:
+ shell_apk_path: path to the shell Android binary
+ local_dir: directory where locally build Mojo apps will be served, optional
+ adb_path: path to adb, optional if adb is in PATH
+ target_device: device to run on, if multiple devices are connected
- def Run():
- def _WaitForFifo():
- command = [ADB_PATH, 'shell', 'test -e "%s"; echo $?' % fifo_path]
- for _ in xrange(max_attempts):
- if subprocess.check_output(command)[0] == '0':
- return
- time.sleep(1)
+ def __init__(
+ self, shell_apk_path, local_dir=None, adb_path="adb", target_device=None):
+ self.shell_apk_path = shell_apk_path
+ self.adb_path = adb_path
+ self.local_dir = local_dir
+ self.target_device = target_device
+ def _CreateADBCommand(self, args):
+ adb_command = [self.adb_path]
+ if self.target_device:
+ adb_command.extend(['-s', self.target_device])
+ adb_command.extend(args)
+ return adb_command
+ def _ReadFifo(self, fifo_path, pipe, on_fifo_closed, max_attempts=5):
+ """
+ Reads |fifo_path| on the device and write the contents to |pipe|. Calls
+ |on_fifo_closed| when the fifo is closed. This method will try to find the
+ path up to |max_attempts|, waiting 1 second between each attempt. If it
+ cannot find |fifo_path|, a exception will be raised.
+ """
+ fifo_command = self._CreateADBCommand(
+ ['shell', 'test -e "%s"; echo $?' % fifo_path])
+ def Run():
+ def _WaitForFifo():
+ for _ in xrange(max_attempts):
+ if subprocess.check_output(fifo_command)[0] == '0':
+ return
+ time.sleep(1)
+ if on_fifo_closed:
+ on_fifo_closed()
+ raise Exception("Unable to find fifo.")
+ _WaitForFifo()
+ stdout_cat = subprocess.Popen(self._CreateADBCommand([
+ 'shell',
+ 'cat',
+ fifo_path]),
+ stdout=pipe)
+ atexit.register(_ExitIfNeeded, stdout_cat)
+ stdout_cat.wait()
if on_fifo_closed:
- raise Exception("Unable to find fifo.")
- _WaitForFifo()
- stdout_cat = subprocess.Popen([ADB_PATH,
- 'shell',
- 'cat',
- fifo_path],
- stdout=pipe)
- atexit.register(_ExitIfNeeded, stdout_cat)
- stdout_cat.wait()
- if on_fifo_closed:
- on_fifo_closed()
- thread = threading.Thread(target=Run, name="StdoutRedirector")
- thread.start()
-def _MapPort(device_port, host_port):
- """
- Maps the device port to the host port. If |device_port| is 0, a random
- available port is chosen. Returns the device port.
- """
- def _FindAvailablePortOnDevice():
- opened = subprocess.check_output([ADB_PATH, 'shell', 'netstat'])
- opened = [int(x.strip().split()[3].split(':')[1])
- for x in opened if x.startswith(' tcp')]
- while True:
- port = random.randint(4096, 16384)
- if port not in opened:
- return port
- if device_port == 0:
- device_port = _FindAvailablePortOnDevice()
- subprocess.Popen([ADB_PATH,
- "reverse",
- "tcp:%d" % device_port,
- "tcp:%d" % host_port]).wait()
- def _UnmapPort():
- subprocess.Popen([ADB_PATH, "reverse", "--remove", "tcp:%d" % device_port])
- atexit.register(_UnmapPort)
- return device_port
-def StartHttpServerForDirectory(path):
- """Starts an http server serving files from |path|. Returns the local url."""
- print 'starting http for', path
- httpd = _SilentTCPServer(('', 0), _GetHandlerClassForPath(path))
- atexit.register(httpd.shutdown)
- http_thread = threading.Thread(target=httpd.serve_forever)
- http_thread.daemon = True
- http_thread.start()
- print 'local port=', httpd.server_address[1]
- return '' % _MapPort(0, httpd.server_address[1])
-def PrepareShellRun(config, origin=None):
- """ Prepares for StartShell: runs adb as root and installs the apk. If no
- --origin is specified, local http server will be set up to serve files from
- the build directory along with port forwarding.
- Returns arguments that should be appended to shell argument list."""
- build_dir = Paths(config).build_dir
- subprocess.check_call([ADB_PATH, 'root'])
- apk_path = os.path.join(build_dir, 'apks', 'MojoShell.apk')
- subprocess.check_call(
- [ADB_PATH, 'install', '-r', apk_path, '-i', MOJO_SHELL_PACKAGE_NAME])
- atexit.register(StopShell)
- extra_shell_args = []
- origin_url = origin if origin else StartHttpServerForDirectory(build_dir)
- extra_shell_args.append("--origin=" + origin_url)
- return extra_shell_args
-def _StartHttpServerForOriginMapping(mapping):
- """If |mapping| points at a local file starts an http server to serve files
- from the directory and returns the new mapping.
- This is intended to be called for every --map-origin value."""
- parts = mapping.split('=')
- if len(parts) != 2:
- return mapping
- dest = parts[1]
- # If the destination is a url, don't map it.
- if urlparse.urlparse(dest)[0]:
- return mapping
- # Assume the destination is a local file. Start a local server that redirects
- # to it.
- localUrl = StartHttpServerForDirectory(dest)
- print 'started server at %s for %s' % (dest, localUrl)
- return parts[0] + '=' + localUrl
-def _StartHttpServerForOriginMappings(arg):
- """Calls _StartHttpServerForOriginMapping for every --map-origin argument."""
- mapping_prefix = '--map-origin='
- if not arg.startswith(mapping_prefix):
- return arg
- return mapping_prefix + ','.join([_StartHttpServerForOriginMapping(value)
- for value in arg[len(mapping_prefix):].split(',')])
-def StartShell(arguments, stdout=None, on_application_stop=None):
- """
- Starts the mojo shell, passing it the given arguments.
- The |arguments| list must contain the "--origin=" arg from PrepareShellRun.
- If |stdout| is not None, it should be a valid argument for subprocess.Popen.
- """
- STDOUT_PIPE = "/data/data/%s/stdout.fifo" % MOJO_SHELL_PACKAGE_NAME
- cmd = [ADB_PATH,
- 'shell',
- 'am',
- 'start',
- '-W',
- '-S',
- '-a', 'android.intent.action.VIEW',
- '-n', '%s/.MojoShellActivity' % MOJO_SHELL_PACKAGE_NAME]
- parameters = []
- if stdout or on_application_stop:
- subprocess.check_call([ADB_PATH, 'shell', 'rm', STDOUT_PIPE])
- parameters.append('--fifo-path=%s' % STDOUT_PIPE)
- _ReadFifo(STDOUT_PIPE, stdout, on_application_stop)
- # The origin has to be specified whether it's local or external.
- assert any("--origin=" in arg for arg in arguments)
- parameters += [_StartHttpServerForOriginMappings(arg) for arg in arguments]
- if parameters:
- encodedParameters = json.dumps(parameters)
- cmd += [ '--es', 'encodedParameters', encodedParameters]
- with open(os.devnull, 'w') as devnull:
- subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=devnull).wait()
-def StopShell():
- """
- Stops the mojo shell.
- """
- subprocess.check_call(
- [ADB_PATH, 'shell', 'am', 'force-stop', MOJO_SHELL_PACKAGE_NAME])
+ thread = threading.Thread(target=Run, name="StdoutRedirector")
+ thread.start()
+ def _MapPort(self, device_port, host_port):
+ """
+ Maps the device port to the host port. If |device_port| is 0, a random
+ available port is chosen. Returns the device port.
+ """
+ def _FindAvailablePortOnDevice():
+ opened = subprocess.check_output(
+ self._CreateADBCommand(['shell', 'netstat']))
+ opened = [int(x.strip().split()[3].split(':')[1])
+ for x in opened if x.startswith(' tcp')]
+ while True:
+ port = random.randint(4096, 16384)
+ if port not in opened:
+ return port
+ if device_port == 0:
+ device_port = _FindAvailablePortOnDevice()
+ subprocess.Popen(self._CreateADBCommand([
+ "reverse",
+ "tcp:%d" % device_port,
+ "tcp:%d" % host_port])).wait()
+ unmap_command = self._CreateADBCommand(["reverse", "--remove",
+ "tcp:%d" % device_port])
+ def _UnmapPort():
+ subprocess.Popen(unmap_command)
+ atexit.register(_UnmapPort)
+ return device_port
+ def _StartHttpServerForDirectory(self, path, port=0):
+ """Starts an http server serving files from |path|. Returns the local
+ url."""
+ assert path
+ print 'starting http for', path
+ httpd = _SilentTCPServer(('', 0), _GetHandlerClassForPath(path))
+ atexit.register(httpd.shutdown)
+ http_thread = threading.Thread(target=httpd.serve_forever)
+ http_thread.daemon = True
+ http_thread.start()
+ print 'local port=%d' % httpd.server_address[1]
+ return '' % self._MapPort(port, httpd.server_address[1])
+ def _StartHttpServerForOriginMapping(self, mapping, port):
+ """If |mapping| points at a local file starts an http server to serve files
+ from the directory and returns the new mapping.
+ This is intended to be called for every --map-origin value."""
+ parts = mapping.split('=')
+ if len(parts) != 2:
+ return mapping
+ dest = parts[1]
+ # If the destination is a url, don't map it.
+ if urlparse.urlparse(dest)[0]:
+ return mapping
+ # Assume the destination is a local file. Start a local server that
+ # redirects to it.
+ localUrl = self._StartHttpServerForDirectory(dest, port)
+ print 'started server at %s for %s' % (dest, localUrl)
+ return parts[0] + '=' + localUrl
+ def _StartHttpServerForOriginMappings(self, map_parameters, fixed_port):
+ """Calls _StartHttpServerForOriginMapping for every --map-origin
+ argument."""
+ if not map_parameters:
+ return []
+ original_values = list(itertools.chain(
+ *map(lambda x: x[len(MAPPING_PREFIX):].split(','), map_parameters)))
+ sorted(original_values)
+ result = []
+ for i, value in enumerate(original_values):
+ result.append(self._StartHttpServerForOriginMapping(
+ value, DEFAULT_BASE_PORT + 1 + i if fixed_port else 0))
+ return [MAPPING_PREFIX + ','.join(result)]
+ def PrepareShellRun(self, origin=None, fixed_port=True):
+ """ Prepares for StartShell: runs adb as root and installs the apk. If no
+ --origin is specified, local http server will be set up to serve files from
+ the build directory along with port forwarding.
+ Returns arguments that should be appended to shell argument list."""
+ if 'cannot run as root' in subprocess.check_output(
+ self._CreateADBCommand(['root'])):
+ raise Exception("Unable to run adb as root.")
+ subprocess.check_call(
+ self._CreateADBCommand(['install', '-r', self.shell_apk_path, '-i',
+ atexit.register(self.StopShell)
+ extra_shell_args = []
+ origin_url = origin if origin else self._StartHttpServerForDirectory(
+ self.local_dir, DEFAULT_BASE_PORT if fixed_port else 0)
+ extra_shell_args.append("--origin=" + origin_url)
+ return extra_shell_args
+ def StartShell(self,
+ arguments,
+ stdout=None,
+ on_application_stop=None,
+ fixed_port=True):
+ """
+ Starts the mojo shell, passing it the given arguments.
-def CleanLogs():
- """
- Cleans the logs on the device.
- """
- subprocess.check_call([ADB_PATH, 'logcat', '-c'])
+ The |arguments| list must contain the "--origin=" arg from PrepareShellRun.
+ If |stdout| is not None, it should be a valid argument for subprocess.Popen.
+ """
+ STDOUT_PIPE = "/data/data/%s/stdout.fifo" % MOJO_SHELL_PACKAGE_NAME
+ cmd = self._CreateADBCommand([
+ 'shell',
+ 'am',
+ 'start',
+ '-S',
+ '-a', 'android.intent.action.VIEW',
+ '-n', '%s/.MojoShellActivity' % MOJO_SHELL_PACKAGE_NAME])
+ parameters = []
+ if stdout or on_application_stop:
+ subprocess.check_call(self._CreateADBCommand(
+ ['shell', 'rm', STDOUT_PIPE]))
+ parameters.append('--fifo-path=%s' % STDOUT_PIPE)
+ self._ReadFifo(STDOUT_PIPE, stdout, on_application_stop)
+ # The origin has to be specified whether it's local or external.
+ assert any("--origin=" in arg for arg in arguments)
+ # Extract map-origin arguments.
+ map_parameters, other_parameters = _Split(arguments, _IsMapOrigin)
+ parameters += other_parameters
+ parameters += self._StartHttpServerForOriginMappings(map_parameters,
+ fixed_port)
+ if parameters:
+ encodedParameters = json.dumps(parameters)
+ cmd += ['--es', 'encodedParameters', encodedParameters]
+ with open(os.devnull, 'w') as devnull:
+ subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=devnull).wait()
+ def StopShell(self):
+ """
+ Stops the mojo shell.
+ """
+ subprocess.check_call(self._CreateADBCommand(['shell',
+ 'am',
+ 'force-stop',
+ def CleanLogs(self):
+ """
+ Cleans the logs on the device.
+ """
+ subprocess.check_call(self._CreateADBCommand(['logcat', '-c']))
-def ShowLogs():
- """
- Displays the log for the mojo shell.
+ def ShowLogs(self):
+ """
+ Displays the log for the mojo shell.
- Returns the process responsible for reading the logs.
- """
- logcat = subprocess.Popen([ADB_PATH,
- 'logcat',
- '-s',
- ' '.join(LOGCAT_TAGS)],
- stdout=sys.stdout)
- atexit.register(_ExitIfNeeded, logcat)
- return logcat
+ Returns the process responsible for reading the logs.
+ """
+ logcat = subprocess.Popen(self._CreateADBCommand([
+ 'logcat',
+ '-s',
+ ' '.join(LOGCAT_TAGS)]),
+ stdout=sys.stdout)
+ atexit.register(_ExitIfNeeded, logcat)
+ return logcat