path: root/net/quic/
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Diffstat (limited to 'net/quic/')
1 files changed, 72 insertions, 121 deletions
diff --git a/net/quic/ b/net/quic/
index 2073919..59759f7 100644
--- a/net/quic/
+++ b/net/quic/
@@ -52,9 +52,8 @@ namespace {
// This will likely have to be tuned.
const QuicPacketSequenceNumber kMaxPacketGap = 5000;
-// We want to make sure if we get a nack packet which triggers several
-// retransmissions, we don't queue up too many packets. 10 is TCP's default
-// initial congestion window(RFC 6928).
+// We want to make sure if we get a large nack packet, we don't queue up too
+// many packets at once. 10 is a common default initial congestion window.
const size_t kMaxRetransmissionsPerAck = 10;
// TCP retransmits after 2 nacks. We allow for a third in case of out-of-order
@@ -216,7 +215,6 @@ QuicConnection::QuicConnection(QuicGuid guid,
- pending_version_negotiation_packet_(false),
ack_alarm_(helper->CreateAlarm(new AckAlarm(this))),
retransmission_alarm_(helper->CreateAlarm(new RetransmissionAlarm(this))),
@@ -506,15 +504,11 @@ bool QuicConnection::OnAckFrame(const QuicAckFrame& incoming_ack) {
void QuicConnection::ProcessAckFrame(const QuicAckFrame& incoming_ack) {
- // Latch current least unacked sequence number. This allows us to reset the
- // retransmission and FEC abandonment timers conditionally below.
- QuicPacketSequenceNumber least_unacked_sent_before =
- sent_packet_manager_.GetLeastUnackedSentPacket();
largest_seen_packet_with_ack_ = last_header_.packet_sequence_number;
- received_truncated_ack_ = incoming_ack.received_info.missing_packets.size() >=
- QuicFramer::GetMaxUnackedPackets(last_header_);
+ received_truncated_ack_ =
+ incoming_ack.received_info.missing_packets.size() >=
+ QuicFramer::GetMaxUnackedPackets(last_header_);
@@ -525,42 +519,35 @@ void QuicConnection::ProcessAckFrame(const QuicAckFrame& incoming_ack) {
received_packet_manager_.least_packet_awaited_by_peer() - 1);
retransmitted_nacked_packet_count_ = 0;
- sent_packet_manager_.OnIncomingAck(incoming_ack.received_info,
- received_truncated_ack_);
- // Get the updated least unacked sequence number.
- QuicPacketSequenceNumber least_unacked_sent_after =
- sent_packet_manager_.GetLeastUnackedSentPacket();
- // Used to set RTO and FEC alarms.
- QuicTime::Delta retransmission_delay =
- congestion_manager_.GetRetransmissionDelay(
- sent_packet_manager_.GetNumUnackedPackets(), 0);
- // If there are outstanding packets, and the least unacked sequence number
- // has increased after processing this latest AckFrame, then reschedule the
- // retransmission timer.
- if (sent_packet_manager_.HasUnackedPackets() &&
- least_unacked_sent_before < least_unacked_sent_after) {
- DCHECK(retransmission_alarm_->IsSet());
- retransmission_alarm_->Cancel();
- retransmission_alarm_->Set(
- clock_->ApproximateNow().Add(retransmission_delay));
+ SequenceNumberSet acked_packets;
+ sent_packet_manager_.OnIncomingAck(
+ incoming_ack.received_info, received_truncated_ack_, &acked_packets);
+ if (acked_packets.size() > 0) {
+ // Reset the RTO timeout for each packet when an ack is received.
+ if (retransmission_alarm_->IsSet()) {
+ retransmission_alarm_->Cancel();
+ // Only reschedule the timer if there are outstanding packets.
+ if (sent_packet_manager_.HasUnackedPackets()) {
+ QuicTime::Delta retransmission_delay =
+ congestion_manager_.GetRetransmissionDelay(
+ sent_packet_manager_.GetNumUnackedPackets(), 0);
+ retransmission_alarm_->Set(clock_->ApproximateNow().Add(
+ retransmission_delay));
+ }
+ }
+ if (abandon_fec_alarm_->IsSet()) {
+ abandon_fec_alarm_->Cancel();
+ // Only reschedule the timer if there are outstanding fec packets.
+ if (sent_packet_manager_.HasUnackedFecPackets()) {
+ QuicTime::Delta retransmission_delay =
+ congestion_manager_.GetRetransmissionDelay(
+ sent_packet_manager_.GetNumUnackedPackets(), 0);
+ abandon_fec_alarm_->Set(clock_->ApproximateNow().Add(
+ retransmission_delay));
+ }
+ }
consecutive_rto_count_ = 0;
- } else if (!sent_packet_manager_.HasUnackedPackets()) {
- retransmission_alarm_->Cancel();
- // If there are outstanding FEC packets, and the least unacked sequence number
- // has increased after processing this latest AckFrame, then reschedule the
- // abandon FEC timer.
- abandon_fec_alarm_->Cancel();
- if (sent_packet_manager_.HasUnackedFecPackets() &&
- least_unacked_sent_before < least_unacked_sent_after) {
- abandon_fec_alarm_->Set(clock_->ApproximateNow().Add(retransmission_delay));
- }
@@ -753,6 +740,7 @@ void QuicConnection::OnPacketComplete() {
@@ -845,25 +833,12 @@ void QuicConnection::SendVersionNegotiationPacket() {
for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(kSupportedQuicVersions); ++i) {
- scoped_ptr<QuicEncryptedPacket> version_packet(
- packet_creator_.SerializeVersionNegotiationPacket(supported_versions));
+ QuicEncryptedPacket* encrypted =
+ packet_creator_.SerializeVersionNegotiationPacket(supported_versions);
// TODO(satyamshekhar): implement zero server state negotiation.
- WriteResult result =
- helper_->WritePacketToWire(*version_packet);
- if (result.status == WRITE_STATUS_OK ||
- (result.status == WRITE_STATUS_BLOCKED &&
- helper_->IsWriteBlockedDataBuffered())) {
- pending_version_negotiation_packet_ = false;
- return;
- }
- if (result.status == WRITE_STATUS_ERROR) {
- // We can't send an error as the socket is presumably borked.
- CloseConnection(QUIC_PACKET_WRITE_ERROR, false);
- }
- if (result.status == WRITE_STATUS_BLOCKED) {
- write_blocked_ = true;
- }
- pending_version_negotiation_packet_ = true;
+ int error;
+ helper_->WritePacketToWire(*encrypted, &error);
+ delete encrypted;
QuicConsumedData QuicConnection::SendvStreamDataInner(
@@ -1074,10 +1049,6 @@ bool QuicConnection::ProcessValidatedPacket() {
bool QuicConnection::WriteQueuedPackets() {
- if (pending_version_negotiation_packet_) {
- SendVersionNegotiationPacket();
- }
QueuedPacketList::iterator packet_iterator = queued_packets_.begin();
while (!write_blocked_ && packet_iterator != queued_packets_.end()) {
if (WritePacket(packet_iterator->encryption_level,
@@ -1232,8 +1203,9 @@ void QuicConnection::SetupRetransmission(
- // Do not set the retransmission alarm if we're already handling one, since
- // it will be reset when OnRetransmissionTimeout completes.
+ // Do not set the retransmission alarm if we're already handling the
+ // retransmission alarm because the retransmission alarm will be reset when
+ // OnRetransmissionTimeout completes.
if (retransmission_alarm_->IsSet()) {
@@ -1366,51 +1338,27 @@ bool QuicConnection::WritePacket(EncryptionLevel level,
<< packet->length() << " " << encrypted->length() << " "
<< " forced: " << (forced == FORCE ? "yes" : "no");
- DCHECK(pending_write_.get() == NULL);
- pending_write_.reset(new PendingWrite(sequence_number, transmission_type,
- retransmittable, level, packet));
- WriteResult result = WritePacketToWire(sequence_number, level, *encrypted);
- if (result.status == WRITE_STATUS_BLOCKED) {
- // TODO(satyashekhar): It might be more efficient (fewer system calls), if
- // all connections share this variable i.e this becomes a part of
- // PacketWriterInterface.
- write_blocked_ = true;
- // If the socket buffers the the data, then the packet should not
- // be queued and sent again, which would result in an unnecessary
- // duplicate packet being sent. The helper must call OnPacketSent
- // when the packet is actually sent.
- if (helper_->IsWriteBlockedDataBuffered()) {
- return true;
+ int error;
+ QuicTime now = clock_->Now();
+ if (WritePacketToWire(sequence_number, level, *encrypted, &error) == -1) {
+ if (helper_->IsWriteBlocked(error)) {
+ // TODO(satyashekhar): It might be more efficient (fewer system calls), if
+ // all connections share this variable i.e this becomes a part of
+ // PacketWriterInterface.
+ write_blocked_ = true;
+ // If the socket buffers the the data, then the packet should not
+ // be queued and sent again, which would result in an unnecessary
+ // duplicate packet being sent.
+ if (helper_->IsWriteBlockedDataBuffered()) {
+ delete packet;
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
- pending_write_.reset();
- return false;
- }
- return OnPacketSent(result);
-bool QuicConnection::OnPacketSent(WriteResult result) {
- if (pending_write_.get() == NULL) {
- LOG(DFATAL) << "OnPacketSent called without a pending write.";
- return false;
- }
- QuicPacketSequenceNumber sequence_number = pending_write_->sequence_number;
- TransmissionType transmission_type = pending_write_->transmission_type;
- HasRetransmittableData retransmittable = pending_write_->retransmittable;
- EncryptionLevel level = pending_write_->level;
- QuicPacket* packet = pending_write_->packet;
- pending_write_.reset();
- if (result.status == WRITE_STATUS_ERROR) {
// We can't send an error as the socket is presumably borked.
CloseConnection(QUIC_PACKET_WRITE_ERROR, false);
return false;
- QuicTime now = clock_->Now();
if (transmission_type == NOT_RETRANSMISSION) {
time_of_last_sent_packet_ = now;
@@ -1436,12 +1384,12 @@ bool QuicConnection::OnPacketSent(WriteResult result) {
congestion_manager_.OnPacketSent(sequence_number, now, packet->length(),
transmission_type, retransmittable);
- stats_.bytes_sent += result.bytes_written;
+ stats_.bytes_sent += encrypted->length();
if (transmission_type == NACK_RETRANSMISSION ||
transmission_type == RTO_RETRANSMISSION) {
- stats_.bytes_retransmitted += result.bytes_written;
+ stats_.bytes_retransmitted += encrypted->length();
@@ -1449,16 +1397,18 @@ bool QuicConnection::OnPacketSent(WriteResult result) {
return true;
-WriteResult QuicConnection::WritePacketToWire(
- QuicPacketSequenceNumber sequence_number,
- EncryptionLevel level,
- const QuicEncryptedPacket& packet) {
- WriteResult result = helper_->WritePacketToWire(packet);
+int QuicConnection::WritePacketToWire(QuicPacketSequenceNumber sequence_number,
+ EncryptionLevel level,
+ const QuicEncryptedPacket& packet,
+ int* error) {
+ int bytes_written = helper_->WritePacketToWire(packet, error);
if (debug_visitor_) {
- // Pass the write result to the visitor.
- debug_visitor_->OnPacketSent(sequence_number, level, packet, result);
+ // WritePacketToWire returned -1, then |error| will be populated with
+ // an error code, which we want to pass along to the visitor.
+ debug_visitor_->OnPacketSent(sequence_number, level, packet,
+ bytes_written == -1 ? *error : bytes_written);
- return result;
+ return bytes_written;
bool QuicConnection::OnSerializedPacket(
@@ -1556,6 +1506,8 @@ void QuicConnection::OnRetransmissionTimeout() {
+ // TODO(ianswett): When multiple RTO's fire, the subsequent RTO should send
+ // the same data packet as the first RTO according to the TCP spec.
// TODO(ianswett): When an RTO fires, but the connection has not been
// established as forward secure, re-send the client hello first.
@@ -1813,8 +1765,7 @@ void QuicConnection::Flush() {
bool QuicConnection::HasQueuedData() const {
- return pending_version_negotiation_packet_ ||
- !queued_packets_.empty() || packet_generator_.HasQueuedFrames();
+ return !queued_packets_.empty() || packet_generator_.HasQueuedFrames();
void QuicConnection::SetIdleNetworkTimeout(QuicTime::Delta timeout) {