path: root/net/spdy
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Diffstat (limited to 'net/spdy')
10 files changed, 270 insertions, 111 deletions
diff --git a/net/spdy/ b/net/spdy/
index 4e62b45..3ba777a 100644
--- a/net/spdy/
+++ b/net/spdy/
@@ -340,9 +340,12 @@ int SpdyHttpStream::OnSendBody() {
-bool SpdyHttpStream::OnSendBodyComplete(int status) {
+void SpdyHttpStream::OnSendBodyComplete(int status) {
+bool SpdyHttpStream::IsFinishedSendingBody() {
return request_body_stream_->eof();
diff --git a/net/spdy/spdy_http_stream.h b/net/spdy/spdy_http_stream.h
index faf1388..95134fa 100644
--- a/net/spdy/spdy_http_stream.h
+++ b/net/spdy/spdy_http_stream.h
@@ -85,7 +85,8 @@ class SpdyHttpStream : public SpdyStream::Delegate, public HttpStream {
virtual bool OnSendHeadersComplete(int status);
virtual int OnSendBody();
- virtual bool OnSendBodyComplete(int status);
+ virtual void OnSendBodyComplete(int status);
+ virtual bool IsFinishedSendingBody();
// Called by the SpdySession when a response (e.g. a SYN_REPLY) has been
// received for this stream.
diff --git a/net/spdy/spdy_network_transaction.h b/net/spdy/spdy_network_transaction.h
index fbf1318..1323932 100644
--- a/net/spdy/spdy_network_transaction.h
+++ b/net/spdy/spdy_network_transaction.h
@@ -55,9 +55,6 @@ class SpdyNetworkTransaction : public HttpTransaction {
virtual uint64 GetUploadProgress() const;
- FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(SpdyNetworkTransactionTest, WindowUpdate);
- FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(SpdyNetworkTransactionTest, WindowUpdateOverflow);
enum State {
diff --git a/net/spdy/ b/net/spdy/
index c95bcb3..d2da3ed 100644
--- a/net/spdy/
+++ b/net/spdy/
@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ class SpdyNetworkTransactionTest
// By default, all tests turn off compression.
google_get_request_initialized_ = false;
+ google_post_request_initialized_ = false;
virtual void TearDown() {
@@ -254,13 +255,25 @@ class SpdyNetworkTransactionTest
const HttpRequestInfo& CreateGetRequest() {
if (!google_get_request_initialized_) {
google_get_request_.method = "GET";
- google_get_request_.url = GURL("");
+ google_get_request_.url = GURL(kDefaultURL);
google_get_request_.load_flags = 0;
google_get_request_initialized_ = true;
return google_get_request_;
+ const HttpRequestInfo& CreatePostRequest() {
+ if (!google_post_request_initialized_) {
+ google_post_request_.method = "POST";
+ google_post_request_.url = GURL(kDefaultURL);
+ google_post_request_.upload_data = new UploadData();
+ google_post_request_.upload_data->AppendBytes(kUploadData,
+ kUploadDataSize);
+ google_post_request_initialized_ = true;
+ }
+ return google_post_request_;
+ }
class RunServerPushTestCallback : public CallbackRunner< Tuple1<int> > {
RunServerPushTestCallback(scoped_refptr<net::IOBufferWithSize> buffer,
@@ -352,7 +365,9 @@ class SpdyNetworkTransactionTest
bool google_get_request_initialized_;
+ bool google_post_request_initialized_;
HttpRequestInfo google_get_request_;
+ HttpRequestInfo google_post_request_;
HttpRequestInfo google_get_push_request_;
@@ -949,23 +964,7 @@ TEST_P(SpdyNetworkTransactionTest, ThreeGetsWithMaxConcurrentDelete) {
// Test that a simple POST works.
TEST_P(SpdyNetworkTransactionTest, Post) {
- static const char upload[] = { "hello!" };
- // Setup the request
- HttpRequestInfo request;
- request.method = "POST";
- request.url = GURL("");
- request.upload_data = new UploadData();
- request.upload_data->AppendBytes(upload, strlen(upload));
- // Http POST Content-Length is using UploadDataStream::size().
- // It is the same as request.upload_data->GetContentLength().
- scoped_ptr<UploadDataStream> stream(UploadDataStream::Create(
- request.upload_data, NULL));
- ASSERT_EQ(request.upload_data->GetContentLength(), stream->size());
- scoped_ptr<spdy::SpdyFrame>
- req(ConstructSpdyPost(request.upload_data->GetContentLength(), NULL, 0));
+ scoped_ptr<spdy::SpdyFrame> req(ConstructSpdyPost(kUploadDataSize, NULL, 0));
scoped_ptr<spdy::SpdyFrame> body(ConstructSpdyBodyFrame(1, true));
MockWrite writes[] = {
@@ -982,7 +981,7 @@ TEST_P(SpdyNetworkTransactionTest, Post) {
scoped_refptr<DelayedSocketData> data(
new DelayedSocketData(2, reads, arraysize(reads),
writes, arraysize(writes)));
- NormalSpdyTransactionHelper helper(request,
+ NormalSpdyTransactionHelper helper(CreatePostRequest(),
BoundNetLog(), GetParam());
TransactionHelperResult out = helper.output();
@@ -1096,7 +1095,6 @@ TEST_P(SpdyNetworkTransactionTest, PostWithEarlySynReply) {
scoped_ptr<spdy::SpdyFrame> body(ConstructSpdyBodyFrame(1, true));
MockWrite writes[] = {
CreateMockWrite(*req.get(), 2),
- CreateMockWrite(*body.get(), 3), // POST upload frame
scoped_ptr<spdy::SpdyFrame> resp(ConstructSpdyPostSynReply(NULL, 0));
@@ -1114,6 +1112,8 @@ TEST_P(SpdyNetworkTransactionTest, PostWithEarlySynReply) {
+ helper.VerifyDataConsumed();
TransactionHelperResult out = helper.output();
@@ -1218,37 +1218,15 @@ TEST_P(SpdyNetworkTransactionTest, ResponseWithTwoSynReplies) {
// Test that sent data frames and received WINDOW_UPDATE frames change
// the send_window_size_ correctly.
TEST_P(SpdyNetworkTransactionTest, WindowUpdate) {
- SpdySessionDependencies session_deps;
- scoped_refptr<HttpNetworkSession> session =
- SpdySessionDependencies::SpdyCreateSession(&session_deps);
- SpdySession::SetSSLMode(false);
- // Setup the request
- static const char kUploadData[] = "hello!";
- static const int kUploadDataSize = arraysize(kUploadData)-1;
- HttpRequestInfo request;
- request.method = "POST";
- request.url = GURL("");
- request.upload_data = new UploadData();
- request.upload_data->AppendBytes(kUploadData, kUploadDataSize);
- // Http POST Content-Length is using UploadDataStream::size().
- // It is the same as request.upload_data->GetContentLength().
- scoped_ptr<UploadDataStream> stream(UploadDataStream::Create(
- request.upload_data, NULL));
- ASSERT_EQ(request.upload_data->GetContentLength(), stream->size());
- scoped_ptr<spdy::SpdyFrame>
- req(ConstructSpdyPost(request.upload_data->GetContentLength(), NULL, 0));
+ scoped_ptr<spdy::SpdyFrame> req(ConstructSpdyPost(kUploadDataSize, NULL, 0));
scoped_ptr<spdy::SpdyFrame> body(ConstructSpdyBodyFrame(1, true));
MockWrite writes[] = {
- // Response frames, send WINDOW_UPDATE first
static const int kDeltaWindowSize = 0xff;
scoped_ptr<spdy::SpdyFrame> window_update(
ConstructSpdyWindowUpdate(1, kDeltaWindowSize));
@@ -1263,105 +1241,227 @@ TEST_P(SpdyNetworkTransactionTest, WindowUpdate) {
scoped_refptr<DelayedSocketData> data(
new DelayedSocketData(2, reads, arraysize(reads),
writes, arraysize(writes)));
- session_deps.socket_factory.AddSocketDataProvider(data.get());
- scoped_ptr<SpdyNetworkTransaction> trans(
- new SpdyNetworkTransaction(session));
+ NormalSpdyTransactionHelper helper(CreatePostRequest(),
+ BoundNetLog(), GetParam());
+ helper.AddData(data.get());
+ helper.RunPreTestSetup();
- TestCompletionCallback callback;
- int rv = trans->Start(&request, &callback, BoundNetLog());
+ HttpNetworkTransaction* trans = helper.trans();
- ASSERT_TRUE(trans->stream_ != NULL);
- ASSERT_TRUE(trans->stream_->stream() != NULL);
- EXPECT_EQ(spdy::kInitialWindowSize,
- trans->stream_->stream()->send_window_size());
+ TestCompletionCallback callback;
+ int rv = trans->Start(&helper.request(), &callback, BoundNetLog());
rv = callback.WaitForResult();
- ASSERT_TRUE(trans->stream_ != NULL);
- ASSERT_TRUE(trans->stream_->stream() != NULL);
- EXPECT_EQ(spdy::kInitialWindowSize + kDeltaWindowSize - kUploadDataSize,
- trans->stream_->stream()->send_window_size());
- EXPECT_TRUE(data->at_read_eof());
- EXPECT_TRUE(data->at_write_eof());
+ // ASSERT_TRUE(trans->spdy_http_stream_ != NULL);
+ // ASSERT_TRUE(trans->spdy_http_stream_->stream() != NULL);
+ // EXPECT_EQ(spdy::kInitialWindowSize + kDeltaWindowSize - kUploadDataSize,
+ // trans->spdy_http_stream_->stream()->send_window_size());
+ helper.VerifyDataConsumed();
// Test that WINDOW_UPDATE frame causing overflow is handled correctly.
+// Since WINDOW_UPDATEs should appear only when we're in the middle of a
+// long POST, we create a few full frame writes to force a WINDOW_UPDATE in
+// between.
TEST_P(SpdyNetworkTransactionTest, WindowUpdateOverflow) {
- SpdySessionDependencies session_deps;
- scoped_refptr<HttpNetworkSession> session =
- SpdySessionDependencies::SpdyCreateSession(&session_deps);
- SpdySession::SetSSLMode(false);
- // Setup the request
- static const char kUploadData[] = "hello!";
- HttpRequestInfo request;
- request.method = "POST";
- request.url = GURL("");
- request.upload_data = new UploadData();
- request.upload_data->AppendBytes(kUploadData, arraysize(kUploadData)-1);
+ // number of full frames we hope to write (but will not, used to
+ // set content-length header correctly)
+ static int kFrameCount = 3;
- // Http POST Content-Length is using UploadDataStream::size().
- // It is the same as request.upload_data->GetContentLength().
- scoped_ptr<UploadDataStream> stream(UploadDataStream::Create(
- request.upload_data, NULL));
- ASSERT_EQ(request.upload_data->GetContentLength(), stream->size());
+ // Construct content for a data frame of maximum size.
+ scoped_ptr<std::string> content(
+ new std::string(kMaxSpdyFrameChunkSize, 'a'));
- scoped_ptr<spdy::SpdyFrame>
- req(ConstructSpdyPost(request.upload_data->GetContentLength(), NULL, 0));
- scoped_ptr<spdy::SpdyFrame> body(ConstructSpdyBodyFrame(1, true));
+ scoped_ptr<spdy::SpdyFrame> req(ConstructSpdyPost(
+ kMaxSpdyFrameChunkSize * kFrameCount, NULL, 0));
+ scoped_ptr<spdy::SpdyFrame> body(
+ ConstructSpdyBodyFrame(1, content->c_str(), content->size(), false));
scoped_ptr<spdy::SpdyFrame> rst(
ConstructSpdyRstStream(1, spdy::FLOW_CONTROL_ERROR));
+ // We're not going to write a data frame with FIN, we'll receive a bad
+ // WINDOW_UPDATE while sending a request and will send a RST_STREAM frame.
MockWrite writes[] = {
- // Response frames, send WINDOW_UPDATE first
static const int kDeltaWindowSize = 0x7fffffff; // cause an overflow
scoped_ptr<spdy::SpdyFrame> window_update(
ConstructSpdyWindowUpdate(1, kDeltaWindowSize));
+ scoped_ptr<spdy::SpdyFrame> window_update2(
+ ConstructSpdyWindowUpdate(2, kDeltaWindowSize));
scoped_ptr<spdy::SpdyFrame> reply(ConstructSpdyPostSynReply(NULL, 0));
+ // 1. Once we start writing a request, we do not read until the whole
+ // request is written completely, UNLESS, the first ReadSocket() call
+ // during the stream creation succeeded and caused another ReadSocket()
+ // to be scheduled.
+ // 2. We are trying to simulate WINDOW_UPDATE frame being received in the
+ // middle of a POST request's body being sent.
+ // In order to achieve 2, we force 1 to happen by giving
+ // DelayedSocketData a write delay of 0 and feeding SPDY dummy
+ // window_update2 frames which will be ignored, but will cause
+ // ReadSocket() to be scheduled and reads and writes to be interleaved,
+ // which will cause our window_update frame to be read right in the
+ // middle of a POST request being sent.
MockRead reads[] = {
+ CreateMockRead(*window_update2),
+ CreateMockRead(*window_update2),
+ CreateMockRead(*window_update),
+ CreateMockRead(*window_update),
- CreateMockRead(*reply),
- CreateMockRead(*body),
MockRead(true, 0, 0) // EOF
scoped_refptr<DelayedSocketData> data(
- new DelayedSocketData(2, reads, arraysize(reads),
+ new DelayedSocketData(0, reads, arraysize(reads),
writes, arraysize(writes)));
- session_deps.socket_factory.AddSocketDataProvider(data.get());
- scoped_ptr<SpdyNetworkTransaction> trans(
- new SpdyNetworkTransaction(session));
+ // Setup the request
+ HttpRequestInfo request;
+ request.method = "POST";
+ request.url = GURL("");
+ request.upload_data = new UploadData();
+ for (int i = 0; i < kFrameCount; ++i)
+ request.upload_data->AppendBytes(content->c_str(), content->size());
- TestCompletionCallback callback;
- int rv = trans->Start(&request, &callback, BoundNetLog());
+ NormalSpdyTransactionHelper helper(request,
+ BoundNetLog(), GetParam());
+ helper.AddData(data.get());
+ helper.RunPreTestSetup();
+ HttpNetworkTransaction* trans = helper.trans();
- ASSERT_TRUE(trans->stream_ != NULL);
- ASSERT_TRUE(trans->stream_->stream() != NULL);
- EXPECT_EQ(spdy::kInitialWindowSize,
- trans->stream_->stream()->send_window_size());
+ TestCompletionCallback callback;
+ int rv = trans->Start(&helper.request(), &callback, BoundNetLog());
rv = callback.WaitForResult();
- ASSERT_TRUE(session != NULL);
- ASSERT_TRUE(session->spdy_session_pool() != NULL);
- session->spdy_session_pool()->ClearSessions();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(helper.session() != NULL);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(helper.session()->spdy_session_pool() != NULL);
+ helper.session()->spdy_session_pool()->ClearSessions();
+ helper.VerifyDataConsumed();
- EXPECT_TRUE(data->at_read_eof());
- EXPECT_TRUE(data->at_write_eof());
+ SpdySession::SetFlowControl(false);
+// Test that after hitting a send window size of 0, the write process
+// stalls and upon receiving WINDOW_UPDATE frame write resumes.
+// This test constructs a POST request followed by enough data frames
+// containing 'a' that would make the window size 0, followed by another
+// data frame containing default content (which is "hello!") and this frame
+// also contains a FIN flag. DelayedSocketData is used to enforce all
+// writes go through before a read could happen. However, the last frame
+// ("hello!") is not supposed to go through since by the time its turn
+// arrives, window size is 0. At this point MessageLoop::Run() called via
+// callback would block. Therefore we call MessageLoop::RunAllPending()
+// which returns after performing all possible writes. We use DCHECKS to
+// ensure that last data frame is still there and stream has stalled.
+// After that, next read is artifically enforced, which causes a
+// WINDOW_UPDATE to be read and I/O process resumes.
+TEST_P(SpdyNetworkTransactionTest, FlowControlStallResume) {
+ SpdySession::SetFlowControl(true);
+ // Number of frames we need to send to zero out the window size: data
+ // frames plus SYN_STREAM plus the last data frame; also we need another
+ // data frame that we will send once the WINDOW_UPDATE is received,
+ // therefore +3.
+ size_t nwrites = spdy::kInitialWindowSize / kMaxSpdyFrameChunkSize + 3;
+ // Calculate last frame's size; 0 size data frame is legal.
+ size_t last_frame_size = spdy::kInitialWindowSize % kMaxSpdyFrameChunkSize;
+ // Construct content for a data frame of maximum size.
+ scoped_ptr<std::string> content(
+ new std::string(kMaxSpdyFrameChunkSize, 'a'));
+ scoped_ptr<spdy::SpdyFrame> req(ConstructSpdyPost(
+ spdy::kInitialWindowSize + kUploadDataSize, NULL, 0));
+ // Full frames.
+ scoped_ptr<spdy::SpdyFrame> body1(
+ ConstructSpdyBodyFrame(1, content->c_str(), content->size(), false));
+ // Last frame to zero out the window size.
+ scoped_ptr<spdy::SpdyFrame> body2(
+ ConstructSpdyBodyFrame(1, content->c_str(), last_frame_size, false));
+ // Data frame to be sent once WINDOW_UPDATE frame is received.
+ scoped_ptr<spdy::SpdyFrame> body3(ConstructSpdyBodyFrame(1, true));
+ // Fill in mock writes.
+ scoped_array<MockWrite> writes(new MockWrite[nwrites]);
+ size_t i = 0;
+ writes[i] = CreateMockWrite(*req);
+ for (i = 1; i < nwrites-2; i++)
+ writes[i] = CreateMockWrite(*body1);
+ writes[i++] = CreateMockWrite(*body2);
+ writes[i] = CreateMockWrite(*body3);
+ // Construct read frame, just give enough space to upload the rest of the
+ // data.
+ scoped_ptr<spdy::SpdyFrame> window_update(
+ ConstructSpdyWindowUpdate(1, kUploadDataSize));
+ scoped_ptr<spdy::SpdyFrame> reply(ConstructSpdyPostSynReply(NULL, 0));
+ MockRead reads[] = {
+ CreateMockRead(*window_update),
+ CreateMockRead(*window_update),
+ CreateMockRead(*reply),
+ CreateMockRead(*body2),
+ CreateMockRead(*body3),
+ MockRead(true, 0, 0) // EOF
+ };
+ // Force all writes to happen before any read, last write will not
+ // actually queue a frame, due to window size being 0.
+ scoped_refptr<DelayedSocketData> data(
+ new DelayedSocketData(nwrites, reads, arraysize(reads),
+ writes.get(), nwrites));
+ HttpRequestInfo request;
+ request.method = "POST";
+ request.url = GURL("");
+ request.upload_data = new UploadData();
+ scoped_ptr<std::string> upload_data(
+ new std::string(spdy::kInitialWindowSize, 'a'));
+ upload_data->append(kUploadData, kUploadDataSize);
+ request.upload_data->AppendBytes(upload_data->c_str(), upload_data->size());
+ NormalSpdyTransactionHelper helper(request,
+ BoundNetLog(), GetParam());
+ helper.AddData(data.get());
+ helper.RunPreTestSetup();
+ HttpNetworkTransaction* trans = helper.trans();
+ TestCompletionCallback callback;
+ int rv = trans->Start(&helper.request(), &callback, BoundNetLog());
+ MessageLoop::current()->RunAllPending(); // Write as much as we can.
+ // ASSERT_TRUE(trans->spdy_http_stream_ != NULL);
+ // ASSERT_TRUE(trans->spdy_http_stream_->stream() != NULL);
+ // EXPECT_EQ(0, trans->spdy_http_stream_->stream()->send_window_size());
+ // EXPECT_FALSE(trans->spdy_http_stream_->IsFinishedSendingBody());
+ data->ForceNextRead(); // Read in WINDOW_UPDATE frame.
+ rv = callback.WaitForResult();
+ helper.VerifyDataConsumed();
diff --git a/net/spdy/ b/net/spdy/
index 3e4d049..4f6504d 100644
--- a/net/spdy/
+++ b/net/spdy/
@@ -428,14 +428,18 @@ int SpdySession::WriteStreamData(spdy::SpdyStreamId stream_id,
if (len > kMaxSpdyFrameChunkSize) {
len = kMaxSpdyFrameChunkSize;
- flags = spdy::DATA_FLAG_NONE;
+ flags = static_cast<spdy::SpdyDataFlags>(flags & ~spdy::DATA_FLAG_FIN);
// Obey send window size of the stream if flow control is enabled.
if (use_flow_control_) {
if (stream->send_window_size() <= 0)
- len = std::min(len, stream->send_window_size());
+ int new_len = std::min(len, stream->send_window_size());
+ if (new_len < len) {
+ len = new_len;
+ flags = static_cast<spdy::SpdyDataFlags>(flags & ~spdy::DATA_FLAG_FIN);
+ }
diff --git a/net/spdy/ b/net/spdy/
index 5fd5f14..fb5692a4 100644
--- a/net/spdy/
+++ b/net/spdy/
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ SpdyStream::SpdyStream(
: continue_buffering_data_(true),
+ window_update_write_pending_(false),
@@ -88,6 +89,12 @@ void SpdyStream::IncreaseSendWindowSize(int delta_window_size) {
DCHECK_GE(delta_window_size, 1);
int new_window_size = send_window_size_ + delta_window_size;
+ // We shouldn't be receving WINDOW_UPDATE before or after that state,
+ // since before means we've not written SYN_STREAM yet, and after means
+ // we've written a DATA frame with FIN bit.
+ if (io_state_ != STATE_SEND_BODY_COMPLETE)
+ return;
// it's valid for send_window_size_ to become negative (via an incoming
// SETTINGS), in which case incoming WINDOW_UPDATEs will eventually make
// it positive; however, if send_window_size_ is positive and incoming
@@ -105,6 +112,20 @@ void SpdyStream::IncreaseSendWindowSize(int delta_window_size) {
<< " send_window_size_ [current:" << send_window_size_ << "]"
<< " by " << delta_window_size << " bytes";
send_window_size_ = new_window_size;
+ // If the stream was stalled due to consumed window size, restart the
+ // I/O loop.
+ if (!response_complete_ && !delegate_->IsFinishedSendingBody()) {
+ // Don't start the I/O loop for every WINDOW_UPDATE frame received,
+ // since we may receive many of them before the "write" due to first
+ // received WINDOW_UPDATE is completed.
+ if (window_update_write_pending_)
+ return;
+ window_update_write_pending_ = true;
+ io_state_ = STATE_SEND_BODY;
+ DoLoop(OK);
+ }
void SpdyStream::DecreaseSendWindowSize(int delta_window_size) {
@@ -221,6 +242,10 @@ void SpdyStream::OnWriteComplete(int status) {
// TODO(mbelshe): Check for cancellation here. If we're cancelled, we
// should discontinue the DoLoop.
+ // Clear it just in case this write lead to a 0 size send window, so that
+ // incoming window updates will cause a write to be scheduled again.
+ window_update_write_pending_ = false;
// It is possible that this stream was closed while we had a write pending.
if (response_complete_)
@@ -425,7 +450,8 @@ int SpdyStream::DoSendBodyComplete(int result) {
if (!delegate_)
- if (!delegate_->OnSendBodyComplete(result))
+ delegate_->OnSendBodyComplete(result);
+ if (!delegate_->IsFinishedSendingBody())
io_state_ = STATE_SEND_BODY;
diff --git a/net/spdy/spdy_stream.h b/net/spdy/spdy_stream.h
index cad23f2..1745867 100644
--- a/net/spdy/spdy_stream.h
+++ b/net/spdy/spdy_stream.h
@@ -48,8 +48,10 @@ class SpdyStream : public base::RefCounted<SpdyStream> {
// Called when data has been sent. |status| indicates network error
// or number of bytes has been sent.
+ virtual void OnSendBodyComplete(int status) = 0;
// Returns true if no more data to be sent.
- virtual bool OnSendBodyComplete(int status) = 0;
+ virtual bool IsFinishedSendingBody() = 0;
// Called when SYN_REPLY received. |status| indicates network error.
// Returns network error code.
@@ -223,6 +225,10 @@ class SpdyStream : public base::RefCounted<SpdyStream> {
spdy::SpdyStreamId stream_id_;
std::string path_;
int priority_;
+ // Tracks when a window update has already triggered a write, but
+ // the write has not yet completed.
+ bool window_update_write_pending_;
int send_window_size_;
const bool pushed_;
diff --git a/net/spdy/ b/net/spdy/
index 94b08ec..03a5180 100644
--- a/net/spdy/
+++ b/net/spdy/
@@ -55,10 +55,14 @@ class TestSpdyStreamDelegate : public SpdyStream::Delegate {
ADD_FAILURE() << "OnSendBody should not be called";
- virtual bool OnSendBodyComplete(int status) {
+ virtual void OnSendBodyComplete(int status) {
ADD_FAILURE() << "OnSendBodyComplete should not be called";
+ }
+ virtual bool IsFinishedSendingBody() {
return true;
virtual int OnResponseReceived(const spdy::SpdyHeaderBlock& response,
base::Time response_time,
int status) {
diff --git a/net/spdy/ b/net/spdy/
index 56d45ec..35e9968 100644
--- a/net/spdy/
+++ b/net/spdy/
@@ -599,12 +599,20 @@ spdy::SpdyFrame* ConstructSpdyPostSynReply(const char* const extra_headers[],
-// Constructs a single SPDY data frame with the contents "hello!"
+// Constructs a single SPDY data frame with the default contents.
spdy::SpdyFrame* ConstructSpdyBodyFrame(int stream_id, bool fin) {
spdy::SpdyFramer framer;
- return
- framer.CreateDataFrame(stream_id, "hello!", 6,
- fin ? spdy::DATA_FLAG_FIN : spdy::DATA_FLAG_NONE);
+ return framer.CreateDataFrame(
+ stream_id, kUploadData, kUploadDataSize,
+ fin ? spdy::DATA_FLAG_FIN : spdy::DATA_FLAG_NONE);
+// Constructs a single SPDY data frame with the given content.
+spdy::SpdyFrame* ConstructSpdyBodyFrame(int stream_id, const char* data,
+ uint32 len, bool fin) {
+ spdy::SpdyFramer framer;
+ return framer.CreateDataFrame(
+ stream_id, data, len, fin ? spdy::DATA_FLAG_FIN : spdy::DATA_FLAG_NONE);
// Construct an expected SPDY reply string.
diff --git a/net/spdy/spdy_test_util.h b/net/spdy/spdy_test_util.h
index ec60a30..e7df3f67 100644
--- a/net/spdy/spdy_test_util.h
+++ b/net/spdy/spdy_test_util.h
@@ -23,6 +23,12 @@
namespace net {
+// Default upload data used by both, mock objects and framer when creating
+// data frames.
+const char kDefaultURL[] = "";
+const char kUploadData[] = "hello!";
+const int kUploadDataSize = arraysize(kUploadData)-1;
// NOTE: In GCC, on a Mac, this can't be in an anonymous namespace!
// This struct holds information used to construct spdy control and data frames.
struct SpdyHeaderInfo {
@@ -250,6 +256,10 @@ spdy::SpdyFrame* ConstructSpdyPostSynReply(const char* const extra_headers[],
spdy::SpdyFrame* ConstructSpdyBodyFrame(int stream_id,
bool fin);
+// Constructs a single SPDY data frame with the given content.
+spdy::SpdyFrame* ConstructSpdyBodyFrame(int stream_id, const char* data,
+ uint32 len, bool fin);
// Create an async MockWrite from the given SpdyFrame.
MockWrite CreateMockWrite(const spdy::SpdyFrame& req);