path: root/o3d/compiler/glsl_validator/shaders/particles-3d.vert
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Diffstat (limited to 'o3d/compiler/glsl_validator/shaders/particles-3d.vert')
1 files changed, 87 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/o3d/compiler/glsl_validator/shaders/particles-3d.vert b/o3d/compiler/glsl_validator/shaders/particles-3d.vert
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7f09de7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/o3d/compiler/glsl_validator/shaders/particles-3d.vert
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+uniform mat4 worldViewProjection;
+uniform mat4 world;
+uniform vec3 worldVelocity;
+uniform vec3 worldAcceleration;
+uniform float timeRange;
+uniform float time;
+uniform float timeOffset;
+uniform float frameDuration;
+uniform float numFrames;
+// Incoming vertex attributes
+attribute vec4 uvLifeTimeFrameStart; // uv, lifeTime, frameStart
+attribute vec4 positionStartTime; //, startTime
+attribute vec4 velocityStartSize; //, startSize
+attribute vec4 accelerationEndSize; //, endSize
+attribute vec4 spinStartSpinSpeed; // spinStart.x, spinSpeed.y
+attribute vec4 orientation; // orientation quaternion
+attribute vec4 colorMult; // multiplies color and ramp textures
+// Outgoing variables to fragment shader
+varying vec2 outputTexcoord;
+varying float outputPercentLife;
+varying vec4 outputColorMult;
+void main() {
+ vec2 uv = uvLifeTimeFrameStart.xy;
+ float lifeTime = uvLifeTimeFrameStart.z;
+ float frameStart = uvLifeTimeFrameStart.w;
+ vec3 position =;
+ float startTime = positionStartTime.w;
+ vec3 velocity = (world * vec4(,
+ 0.)).xyz + worldVelocity;
+ float startSize = velocityStartSize.w;
+ vec3 acceleration = (world * vec4(,
+ 0)).xyz + worldAcceleration;
+ float endSize = accelerationEndSize.w;
+ float spinStart = spinStartSpinSpeed.x;
+ float spinSpeed = spinStartSpinSpeed.y;
+ float localTime = mod((time - timeOffset - startTime), timeRange);
+ float percentLife = localTime / lifeTime;
+ float frame = mod(floor(localTime / frameDuration + frameStart),
+ numFrames);
+ float uOffset = frame / numFrames;
+ float u = uOffset + (uv.x + 0.5) * (1. / numFrames);
+ outputTexcoord = vec2(u, uv.y + 0.5);
+ outputColorMult = colorMult;
+ float size = mix(startSize, endSize, percentLife);
+ size = (percentLife < 0. || percentLife > 1.) ? 0. : size;
+ float s = sin(spinStart + spinSpeed * localTime);
+ float c = cos(spinStart + spinSpeed * localTime);
+ vec4 rotatedPoint = vec4((uv.x * c + uv.y * s) * size, 0.,
+ (uv.x * s - uv.y * c) * size, 1.);
+ vec3 center = velocity * localTime +
+ acceleration * localTime * localTime +
+ position;
+ vec4 q2 = orientation + orientation;
+ vec4 qx = orientation.xxxw * q2.xyzx;
+ vec4 qy = orientation.xyyw * q2.xyzy;
+ vec4 qz = orientation.xxzw * q2.xxzz;
+ mat4 localMatrix = mat4(
+ (1.0 - qy.y) - qz.z,
+ qx.y + qz.w,
+ qx.z - qy.w,
+ 0,
+ qx.y - qz.w,
+ (1.0 - qx.x) - qz.z,
+ qy.z + qx.w,
+ 0,
+ qx.z + qy.w,
+ qy.z - qx.w,
+ (1.0 - qx.x) - qy.y,
+ 0,
+ center.x, center.y, center.z, 1);
+ rotatedPoint = localMatrix * rotatedPoint;
+ outputPercentLife = percentLife;
+ gl_Position = worldViewProjection * rotatedPoint;