path: root/ppapi/proxy/ppapi_messages_internal.h
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'ppapi/proxy/ppapi_messages_internal.h')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 321 deletions
diff --git a/ppapi/proxy/ppapi_messages_internal.h b/ppapi/proxy/ppapi_messages_internal.h
deleted file mode 100644
index f99f4cc..0000000
--- a/ppapi/proxy/ppapi_messages_internal.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,321 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-// This header is meant to be included in multiple passes, hence no traditional
-// header guard. It is included by backing_store_messages_internal.h
-// See ipc_message_macros.h for explanation of the macros and passes.
-// This file needs to be included again, even though we're actually included
-// from it via utility_messages.h.
-#include "ipc/ipc_message_macros.h"
-// These are from the plugin to the renderer
- // Loads the given plugin.
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL2(PpapiMsg_LoadPlugin,
- FilePath /* path */,
- int /* renderer_id */)
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_CONTROL1_1(PpapiMsg_InitializeModule,
- PP_Module /* module_id */,
- bool /* result */)
- // Sent in both directions to see if the other side supports the given
- // interface.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_CONTROL1_1(PpapiMsg_SupportsInterface,
- std::string /* interface_name */,
- bool /* result */)
- // Way for the renderer to list all interfaces that is supports in advance to
- // avoid extra IPC traffic.
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL1(PpapiMsg_DeclareInterfaces,
- std::vector<std::string> /* interfaces */)
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL2(PpapiMsg_ExecuteCallback,
- uint32 /* serialized_callback */,
- int32 /* param */)
- // PPP_Class.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED3_2(PpapiMsg_PPPClass_HasProperty,
- int64 /* ppp_class */,
- int64 /* object */,
- pp::proxy::SerializedVar /* property */,
- pp::proxy::SerializedVar /* out_exception */,
- bool /* result */)
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED3_2(PpapiMsg_PPPClass_HasMethod,
- int64 /* ppp_class */,
- int64 /* object */,
- pp::proxy::SerializedVar /* method */,
- pp::proxy::SerializedVar /* out_exception */,
- bool /* result */)
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED3_2(PpapiMsg_PPPClass_GetProperty,
- int64 /* ppp_class */,
- int64 /* object */,
- pp::proxy::SerializedVar /* property */,
- pp::proxy::SerializedVar /* out_exception */,
- pp::proxy::SerializedVar /* result */)
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2_2(PpapiMsg_PPPClass_EnumerateProperties,
- int64 /* ppp_class */,
- int64 /* object */,
- std::vector<pp::proxy::SerializedVar> /* props */,
- pp::proxy::SerializedVar /* out_exception */)
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED4_1(PpapiMsg_PPPClass_SetProperty,
- int64 /* ppp_class */,
- int64 /* object */,
- pp::proxy::SerializedVar /* name */,
- pp::proxy::SerializedVar /* value */,
- pp::proxy::SerializedVar /* out_exception */)
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED3_1(PpapiMsg_PPPClass_RemoveProperty,
- int64 /* ppp_class */,
- int64 /* object */,
- pp::proxy::SerializedVar /* property */,
- pp::proxy::SerializedVar /* out_exception */)
- int64 /* ppp_class */,
- int64 /* object */,
- pp::proxy::SerializedVar /* method_name */,
- std::vector<pp::proxy::SerializedVar> /* args */,
- pp::proxy::SerializedVar /* out_exception */,
- pp::proxy::SerializedVar /* result */)
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED3_2(PpapiMsg_PPPClass_Construct,
- int64 /* ppp_class */,
- int64 /* object */,
- std::vector<pp::proxy::SerializedVar> /* args */,
- pp::proxy::SerializedVar /* out_exception */,
- pp::proxy::SerializedVar /* result */)
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2(PpapiMsg_PPPClass_Deallocate,
- int64 /* ppp_class */,
- int64 /* object */)
- // PPP_Instance.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED3_1(PpapiMsg_PPPInstance_DidCreate,
- PP_Instance /* instance */,
- std::vector<std::string> /* argn */,
- std::vector<std::string> /* argv */,
- bool /* result */)
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(PpapiMsg_PPPInstance_DidDestroy,
- PP_Instance /* instance */)
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED3(PpapiMsg_PPPInstance_DidChangeView,
- PP_Instance /* instance */,
- PP_Rect /* position */,
- PP_Rect /* clip */)
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2(PpapiMsg_PPPInstance_DidChangeFocus,
- PP_Instance /* instance */,
- bool /* has_focus */)
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2_1(PpapiMsg_PPPInstance_HandleInputEvent,
- PP_Instance /* instance */,
- PP_InputEvent /* event */,
- bool /* result */)
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2_1(PpapiMsg_PPPInstance_HandleDocumentLoad,
- PP_Instance /* instance */,
- PP_Resource /* url_loader */,
- bool /* result */)
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1_1(PpapiMsg_PPPInstance_GetInstanceObject,
- PP_Instance /* instance */,
- pp::proxy::SerializedVar /* result */)
- // PPB_URLLoader
- // (Messages from browser to plugin to notify it of changes in state.)
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED5(PpapiMsg_PPBURLLoader_UpdateProgress,
- PP_Resource /* resource */,
- int64 /* bytes_sent */,
- int64 /* total_bytes_to_be_sent */,
- int64 /* bytes_received */,
- int64 /* total_bytes_to_be_received */)
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// These are from the plugin to the renderer.
- // Reply to PpapiMsg_LoadPlugin.
- IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL1(PpapiHostMsg_PluginLoaded,
- IPC::ChannelHandle /* handle */)
- // PPB_Core.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(PpapiHostMsg_PPBCore_AddRefResource, PP_Resource)
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(PpapiHostMsg_PPBCore_ReleaseResource, PP_Resource)
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED0_1(PpapiHostMsg_PPBCore_GetTime,
- double /* return value -> time */)
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED0_1(PpapiHostMsg_PPBCore_GetTimeTicks,
- double /* return value -> time */)
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED3(PpapiHostMsg_PPBCore_CallOnMainThread,
- int /* delay_in_msec */,
- uint32_t /* serialized_callback */,
- int32_t /* result */)
- // PPB_Graphics2D.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED3_1(PpapiHostMsg_PPBGraphics2D_Create,
- PP_Module /* module */,
- PP_Size /* size */,
- bool /* is_always_opaque */,
- PP_Resource /* result */)
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED5(PpapiHostMsg_PPBGraphics2D_PaintImageData,
- PP_Resource /* graphics_2d */,
- PP_Resource /* image_data */,
- PP_Point /* top_left */,
- bool /* src_rect_specified */,
- PP_Rect /* src_rect */)
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED4(PpapiHostMsg_PPBGraphics2D_Scroll,
- PP_Resource /* graphics_2d */,
- bool /* clip_specified */,
- PP_Rect /* clip */,
- PP_Point /* amount */)
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2(PpapiHostMsg_PPBGraphics2D_ReplaceContents,
- PP_Resource /* graphics_2d */,
- PP_Resource /* image_data */)
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2_1(PpapiHostMsg_PPBGraphics2D_Flush,
- PP_Resource /* graphics_2d */,
- uint32_t /* serialized_callback */,
- int32_t /* result */)
- // PPB_ImageData.
- PpapiHostMsg_PPBImageData_GetNativeImageDataFormat,
- int32 /* result_format */)
- PpapiHostMsg_PPBImageData_IsImageDataFormatSupported,
- int32 /* format */,
- bool /* result */)
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED4_3(PpapiHostMsg_PPBImageData_Create,
- PP_Module /* module */,
- int32 /* format */,
- PP_Size /* size */,
- bool /* init_to_zero */,
- PP_Resource /* result_resource */,
- std::string /* image_data_desc */,
- uint64_t /* result_shm_handle */)
- // PPB_Instance.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1_1(PpapiHostMsg_PPBInstance_GetWindowObject,
- PP_Instance /* instance */,
- pp::proxy::SerializedVar /* result */)
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1_1(PpapiHostMsg_PPBInstance_GetOwnerElementObject,
- PP_Instance /* instance */,
- pp::proxy::SerializedVar /* result */)
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2_1(PpapiHostMsg_PPBInstance_BindGraphics,
- PP_Instance /* instance */,
- PP_Resource /* device */,
- bool /* result */)
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1_1(PpapiHostMsg_PPBInstance_IsFullFrame,
- PP_Instance /* instance */,
- bool /* result */)
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2_2(PpapiHostMsg_PPBInstance_ExecuteScript,
- PP_Instance /* instance */,
- pp::proxy::SerializedVar /* script */,
- pp::proxy::SerializedVar /* out_exception */,
- pp::proxy::SerializedVar /* result */)
- // PPB_URLLoader.
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1_1(PpapiHostMsg_PPBURLLoader_Create,
- PP_Instance /* instance */,
- PP_Resource /* result */)
- PP_Resource /* loader */,
- PP_Resource /*request_info */,
- uint32_t /* serialized_callback */)
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2(PpapiHostMsg_PPBURLLoader_FollowRedirect,
- PP_Resource /* loader */,
- uint32_t /* serialized_callback */)
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1_3(PpapiHostMsg_PPBURLLoader_GetUploadProgress,
- PP_Resource /* loader */,
- int64 /* bytes_sent */,
- int64 /* total_bytes_to_be_sent */,
- bool /* result */)
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1_3(PpapiHostMsg_PPBURLLoader_GetDownloadProgress,
- PP_Resource /* loader */,
- int64 /* bytes_received */,
- int64 /* total_bytes_to_be_received */,
- bool /* result */)
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1_1(PpapiHostMsg_PPBURLLoader_GetResponseInfo,
- PP_Resource /* loader */,
- PP_Resource /* response_info_out */)
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED3(PpapiHostMsg_PPBURLLoader_ReadResponseBody,
- PP_Resource /* loader */,
- int32_t /* bytes_to_read */,
- uint32_t /* serialized_callback */)
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2(PpapiHostMsg_PPBURLLoader_FinishStreamingToFile,
- PP_Resource /* loader */,
- uint32_t /* serialized_callback */)
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(PpapiHostMsg_PPBURLLoader_Close,
- PP_Resource /* loader */)
- // PPB_Var.
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(PpapiHostMsg_PPBVar_AddRefObject,
- int64 /* object_id */)
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1(PpapiHostMsg_PPBVar_ReleaseObject,
- int64 /* object_id */)
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED3_2(PpapiHostMsg_PPBVar_ConvertType,
- PP_Instance /* instance */,
- pp::proxy::SerializedVar /* var */,
- int /* new_type */,
- pp::proxy::SerializedVar /* exception */,
- pp::proxy::SerializedVar /* result */)
- IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED3(PpapiHostMsg_PPBVar_DefineProperty,
- pp::proxy::SerializedVar /* object */,
- PP_ObjectProperty /* property */,
- pp::proxy::SerializedVar /* out_exception */)
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2_2(PpapiHostMsg_PPBVar_HasProperty,
- pp::proxy::SerializedVar /* object */,
- pp::proxy::SerializedVar /* property */,
- pp::proxy::SerializedVar /* out_exception */,
- bool /* result */)
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2_2(PpapiHostMsg_PPBVar_HasMethodDeprecated,
- pp::proxy::SerializedVar /* object */,
- pp::proxy::SerializedVar /* method */,
- pp::proxy::SerializedVar /* out_exception */,
- bool /* result */)
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2_2(PpapiHostMsg_PPBVar_GetProperty,
- pp::proxy::SerializedVar /* object */,
- pp::proxy::SerializedVar /* property */,
- pp::proxy::SerializedVar /* out_exception */,
- pp::proxy::SerializedVar /* result */)
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2_2(PpapiHostMsg_PPBVar_DeleteProperty,
- pp::proxy::SerializedVar /* object */,
- pp::proxy::SerializedVar /* property */,
- pp::proxy::SerializedVar /* out_exception */,
- bool /* result */)
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1_2(PpapiHostMsg_PPBVar_EnumerateProperties,
- pp::proxy::SerializedVar /* object */,
- std::vector<pp::proxy::SerializedVar> /* props */,
- pp::proxy::SerializedVar /* out_exception */)
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED3_1(PpapiHostMsg_PPBVar_SetPropertyDeprecated,
- pp::proxy::SerializedVar /* object */,
- pp::proxy::SerializedVar /* name */,
- pp::proxy::SerializedVar /* value */,
- pp::proxy::SerializedVar /* out_exception */)
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED1_1(PpapiHostMsg_PPBVar_IsCallable,
- pp::proxy::SerializedVar /* object */,
- bool /* result */)
- pp::proxy::SerializedVar /* object */,
- pp::proxy::SerializedVar /* this_object */,
- pp::proxy::SerializedVar /* method_name */,
- std::vector<pp::proxy::SerializedVar> /* args */,
- pp::proxy::SerializedVar /* out_exception */,
- pp::proxy::SerializedVar /* result */)
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED3_2(PpapiHostMsg_PPBVar_CallDeprecated,
- pp::proxy::SerializedVar /* object */,
- pp::proxy::SerializedVar /* method_name */,
- std::vector<pp::proxy::SerializedVar> /* args */,
- pp::proxy::SerializedVar /* out_exception */,
- pp::proxy::SerializedVar /* result */)
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2_2(PpapiHostMsg_PPBVar_Construct,
- pp::proxy::SerializedVar /* object */,
- std::vector<pp::proxy::SerializedVar> /* args */,
- pp::proxy::SerializedVar /* out_exception */,
- pp::proxy::SerializedVar /* result */)
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED2_2(PpapiHostMsg_PPBVar_IsInstanceOfDeprecated,
- pp::proxy::SerializedVar /* var */,
- int64 /* object_class */,
- int64 /* object-data */,
- bool /* result */)
- IPC_SYNC_MESSAGE_ROUTED3_1(PpapiHostMsg_PPBVar_CreateObjectDeprecated,
- PP_Module /* module */,
- int64 /* object_class */,
- int64 /* object_data */,
- pp::proxy::SerializedVar /* result */)