path: root/ppapi/shared_impl/tcp_socket_shared.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'ppapi/shared_impl/tcp_socket_shared.h')
1 files changed, 133 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ppapi/shared_impl/tcp_socket_shared.h b/ppapi/shared_impl/tcp_socket_shared.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bd5e56b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ppapi/shared_impl/tcp_socket_shared.h
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
+#include "base/compiler_specific.h"
+#include "ppapi/c/private/ppb_tcp_socket_private.h"
+#include "ppapi/shared_impl/resource.h"
+#include "ppapi/shared_impl/tracked_callback.h"
+namespace ppapi {
+class PPB_X509Certificate_Fields;
+class PPB_X509Certificate_Private_Shared;
+// This class provides the shared implementation for both PPB_TCPSocket and
+// PPB_TCPSocket_Private.
+class PPAPI_SHARED_EXPORT TCPSocketShared {
+ public:
+ // The maximum number of bytes that each PpapiHostMsg_PPBTCPSocket_Read
+ // message is allowed to request.
+ static const int32_t kMaxReadSize;
+ // The maximum number of bytes that each PpapiHostMsg_PPBTCPSocket_Write
+ // message is allowed to carry.
+ static const int32_t kMaxWriteSize;
+ // Notifications on operations completion.
+ void OnConnectCompleted(bool succeeded,
+ const PP_NetAddress_Private& local_addr,
+ const PP_NetAddress_Private& remote_addr);
+ void OnSSLHandshakeCompleted(
+ bool succeeded,
+ const PPB_X509Certificate_Fields& certificate_fields);
+ void OnReadCompleted(bool succeeded, const std::string& data);
+ void OnWriteCompleted(bool succeeded, int32_t bytes_written);
+ void OnSetOptionCompleted(bool succeeded);
+ // Send functions that need to be implemented differently for the
+ // proxied and non-proxied derived classes.
+ virtual void SendConnect(const std::string& host, uint16_t port) = 0;
+ virtual void SendConnectWithNetAddress(const PP_NetAddress_Private& addr) = 0;
+ virtual void SendSSLHandshake(
+ const std::string& server_name,
+ uint16_t server_port,
+ const std::vector<std::vector<char> >& trusted_certs,
+ const std::vector<std::vector<char> >& untrusted_certs) = 0;
+ virtual void SendRead(int32_t bytes_to_read) = 0;
+ virtual void SendWrite(const std::string& buffer) = 0;
+ virtual void SendDisconnect() = 0;
+ virtual void SendSetBoolOption(PP_TCPSocketOption_Private name,
+ bool value) = 0;
+ virtual Resource* GetOwnerResource() = 0;
+ protected:
+ enum ConnectionState {
+ // Before a connection is successfully established (including a connect
+ // request is pending or a previous connect request failed).
+ // A connection has been successfully established (including a request of
+ // initiating SSL is pending).
+ // An SSL connection has been successfully established.
+ // The connection has been ended.
+ };
+ TCPSocketShared(ResourceObjectType resource_type, uint32 socket_id);
+ virtual ~TCPSocketShared();
+ int32_t ConnectImpl(const char* host,
+ uint16_t port,
+ scoped_refptr<TrackedCallback> callback);
+ int32_t ConnectWithNetAddressImpl(const PP_NetAddress_Private* addr,
+ scoped_refptr<TrackedCallback> callback);
+ PP_Bool GetLocalAddressImpl(PP_NetAddress_Private* local_addr);
+ PP_Bool GetRemoteAddressImpl(PP_NetAddress_Private* remote_addr);
+ int32_t SSLHandshakeImpl(const char* server_name,
+ uint16_t server_port,
+ scoped_refptr<TrackedCallback> callback);
+ PP_Resource GetServerCertificateImpl();
+ PP_Bool AddChainBuildingCertificateImpl(PP_Resource certificate,
+ PP_Bool trusted);
+ int32_t ReadImpl(char* buffer,
+ int32_t bytes_to_read,
+ scoped_refptr<TrackedCallback> callback);
+ int32_t WriteImpl(const char* buffer,
+ int32_t bytes_to_write,
+ scoped_refptr<TrackedCallback> callback);
+ void DisconnectImpl();
+ int32_t SetOptionImpl(PP_TCPSocketOption_Private name,
+ const PP_Var& value,
+ scoped_refptr<TrackedCallback> callback);
+ void Init(uint32 socket_id);
+ bool IsConnected() const;
+ void PostAbortIfNecessary(scoped_refptr<TrackedCallback>* callback);
+ ResourceObjectType resource_type_;
+ uint32 socket_id_;
+ ConnectionState connection_state_;
+ scoped_refptr<TrackedCallback> connect_callback_;
+ scoped_refptr<TrackedCallback> ssl_handshake_callback_;
+ scoped_refptr<TrackedCallback> read_callback_;
+ scoped_refptr<TrackedCallback> write_callback_;
+ scoped_refptr<TrackedCallback> set_option_callback_;
+ char* read_buffer_;
+ int32_t bytes_to_read_;
+ PP_NetAddress_Private local_addr_;
+ PP_NetAddress_Private remote_addr_;
+ scoped_refptr<PPB_X509Certificate_Private_Shared> server_certificate_;
+ std::vector<std::vector<char> > trusted_certificates_;
+ std::vector<std::vector<char> > untrusted_certificates_;
+ private:
+} // namespace ppapi