path: root/remoting/remoting.gyp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'remoting/remoting.gyp')
1 files changed, 1 insertions, 207 deletions
diff --git a/remoting/remoting.gyp b/remoting/remoting.gyp
index e0f45f4..478ccdf 100644
--- a/remoting/remoting.gyp
+++ b/remoting/remoting.gyp
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@
'ro', 'ru', 'sk', 'sl', 'sr', 'sv', 'th', 'tr', 'uk', 'vi',
'zh-CN', 'zh-TW',
- 'remoting_locale_files': [
+ 'remoting_host_locale_files': [
# Build the list of .pak files generated from remoting_strings.grd.
'<!@pymod_do_main(remoting_copy_locales -o -p <(OS) -x '
'<(PRODUCT_DIR) <(remoting_locales))',
@@ -171,212 +171,6 @@
}, # end of target 'remoting_breakpad'
- # TODO(garykac): This target should be moved into remoting_client.gypi.
- # It can't currently because of an issue with GYP where initialized
- # path variables in gypi includes cause a GYP failure.
- # See and for context.
- {
- 'target_name': 'remoting_webapp',
- 'type': 'none',
- 'variables': {
- 'remoting_webapp_patch_files': [
- 'webapp/appsv2.patch',
- ],
- 'remoting_webapp_apps_v2_js_files': [
- 'webapp/background.js',
- ],
- 'output_dir': '<(PRODUCT_DIR)/remoting/remoting.webapp',
- 'zip_path': '<(PRODUCT_DIR)/',
- 'generated_html_files': [
- '<(SHARED_INTERMEDIATE_DIR)/wcs_sandbox.html',
- ],
- },
- 'dependencies': [
- 'remoting_resources',
- 'remoting_host_plugin',
- 'remoting_webapp_html',
- ],
- 'locale_files': [
- '<@(remoting_webapp_locale_files)',
- ],
- 'conditions': [
- ['enable_remoting_host==1', {
- 'locale_files': [
- '<@(remoting_locale_files)',
- ],
- 'variables': {
- 'plugin_path': '<(PRODUCT_DIR)/<(host_plugin_prefix)remoting_host_plugin.<(host_plugin_extension)',
- },
- }, {
- 'variables': {
- 'plugin_path': '',
- },
- 'dependencies!': [
- 'remoting_host_plugin',
- ],
- }],
- ['run_jscompile != 0', {
- 'variables': {
- 'success_stamp': '<(PRODUCT_DIR)/remoting_webapp_jscompile.stamp',
- },
- 'actions': [
- {
- 'action_name': 'Verify remoting webapp',
- 'inputs': [
- '<@(remoting_webapp_all_js_files)',
- '<@(remoting_webapp_js_proto_files)',
- ],
- 'outputs': [
- '<(success_stamp)',
- ],
- 'action': [
- 'python', 'tools/',
- '<@(remoting_webapp_all_js_files)',
- '<@(remoting_webapp_js_proto_files)',
- '--success-stamp',
- '<(success_stamp)'
- ],
- },
- ], # actions
- }],
- ],
- 'actions': [
- {
- 'action_name': 'Build Remoting WebApp',
- 'inputs': [
- 'webapp/',
- '<(chrome_version_path)',
- '<(remoting_version_path)',
- '<@(generated_html_files)',
- '<@(remoting_webapp_files)',
- '<@(_locale_files)',
- ],
- 'conditions': [
- ['enable_remoting_host==1', {
- 'inputs': [
- '<(plugin_path)',
- ],
- }],
- ],
- 'outputs': [
- '<(output_dir)',
- '<(zip_path)',
- ],
- 'action': [
- 'python', 'webapp/',
- '<(buildtype)',
- '<(version_full)',
- '<(host_plugin_mime_type)',
- '<(output_dir)',
- '<(zip_path)',
- '<(plugin_path)',
- '<@(generated_html_files)',
- '<@(remoting_webapp_files)',
- '--locales',
- '<@(_locale_files)',
- ],
- },
- ],
- 'target_conditions': [
- # We cannot currently build the appsv2 version of WebApp on Windows as
- # there isn't a version of the "patch" tool available on windows. We
- # should remove this condition when we remove the reliance on patch.
- # We define this in a 'target_conditions' section because 'plugin_path'
- # is defined in a 'conditions' section so its value is not available
- # when gyp processes the 'actions' in a 'conditions" section.
- ['OS != "win"', {
- 'actions': [
- {
- 'action_name': 'Build Remoting WebApp V2',
- 'output_dir': '<(PRODUCT_DIR)/remoting/remoting.webapp.v2',
- 'zip_path': '<(PRODUCT_DIR)/',
- 'inputs': [
- 'webapp/',
- '<(chrome_version_path)',
- '<(remoting_version_path)',
- '<@(remoting_webapp_apps_v2_js_files)',
- '<@(remoting_webapp_files)',
- '<@(remoting_webapp_locale_files)',
- '<@(remoting_webapp_patch_files)',
- ],
- 'conditions': [
- ['enable_remoting_host==1', {
- 'inputs': [
- '<(plugin_path)',
- ],
- }],
- ],
- 'outputs': [
- '<(_output_dir)',
- '<(_zip_path)',
- ],
- 'action': [
- 'python', 'webapp/',
- '<(buildtype)',
- '<(version_full)',
- '<(host_plugin_mime_type)',
- '<(_output_dir)',
- '<(_zip_path)',
- '<(plugin_path)',
- '<@(remoting_webapp_apps_v2_js_files)',
- '<@(remoting_webapp_files)',
- '--locales',
- '<@(remoting_webapp_locale_files)',
- '--patches',
- '<@(remoting_webapp_patch_files)',
- ],
- },
- ],
- }],
- ],
- }, # end of target 'remoting_webapp'
- {
- 'target_name': 'remoting_webapp_html',
- 'type': 'none',
- 'actions': [
- {
- 'action_name': 'Build Remoting Webapp main.html',
- 'inputs': [
- 'webapp/',
- '<(remoting_webapp_template_main)',
- '<@(remoting_webapp_template_files)',
- ],
- 'outputs': [
- ],
- 'action': [
- 'python', 'webapp/',
- '<(remoting_webapp_template_main)',
- '--template',
- '<@(remoting_webapp_template_files)',
- '--js',
- '<@(remoting_webapp_main_html_js_files)',
- ],
- },
- {
- 'action_name': 'Build Remoting Webapp wcs_sandbox.html',
- 'inputs': [
- 'webapp/',
- '<(remoting_webapp_template_wcs_sandbox)',
- ],
- 'outputs': [
- '<(SHARED_INTERMEDIATE_DIR)/wcs_sandbox.html',
- ],
- 'action': [
- 'python', 'webapp/',
- '<(SHARED_INTERMEDIATE_DIR)/wcs_sandbox.html',
- '<(remoting_webapp_template_wcs_sandbox)',
- '--js',
- '<@(remoting_webapp_wcs_sandbox_html_js_files)',
- ],
- },
- ],
- }, # end of target 'remoting_webapp_html'
'target_name': 'remoting_resources',
'type': 'none',