path: root/remoting/remoting_host.gypi
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'remoting/remoting_host.gypi')
1 files changed, 139 insertions, 139 deletions
diff --git a/remoting/remoting_host.gypi b/remoting/remoting_host.gypi
index 733f17f..59175fe 100644
--- a/remoting/remoting_host.gypi
+++ b/remoting/remoting_host.gypi
@@ -4,26 +4,32 @@
'includes': [
- 'remoting_enable.gypi',
+ 'remoting_host_linux.gypi',
+ 'remoting_host_mac.gypi',
+ 'remoting_host_win.gypi',
- 'conditions': [
- ['OS=="mac"', {
- 'includes': [
- 'remoting_host_mac.gypi',
- ],
- }],
- ['OS=="win"', {
- 'includes': [
- 'remoting_host_win.gypi',
- ],
- }],
- ['OS=="linux"', {
- 'includes': [
- 'remoting_host_linux.gypi',
- ],
- }],
+ 'variables': {
+ 'conditions': [
+ # Remoting host is supported only on Windows, OSX and Linux (with X11).
+ ['OS=="win" or OS=="mac" or (OS=="linux" and use_x11==1)', {
+ 'enable_me2me_host': 1,
+ 'enable_it2me_host': 1,
+ 'enable_remoting_host': 1,
+ }, {
+ 'enable_me2me_host': 0,
+ 'enable_it2me_host': 0,
+ 'enable_remoting_host': 0,
+ }],
+ ['chromeos==1', {
+ 'enable_remoting_host': 1,
+ 'enable_me2me_host': 0,
+ 'enable_it2me_host': 1,
+ }],
+ ],
+ },
+ 'conditions': [
['enable_remoting_host==1', {
'targets': [
@@ -387,28 +393,6 @@
}, # end of target 'remoting_infoplist_strings'
- {
- # GN version: //remoting/host/it2me:common
- 'target_name': 'remoting_it2me_host_static',
- 'type': 'static_library',
- 'variables': { 'enable_wexit_time_destructors': 1, },
- 'dependencies': [
- '../base/base.gyp:base_i18n',
- '../components/components.gyp:policy',
- '../net/net.gyp:net',
- 'remoting_base',
- 'remoting_host',
- 'remoting_infoplist_strings',
- 'remoting_protocol',
- 'remoting_resources',
- ],
- 'defines': [
- 'VERSION=<(version_full)',
- ],
- 'sources': [
- '<@(remoting_it2me_host_static_sources)',
- ],
- }, # end of target 'remoting_it2me_host_static'
], # end of 'targets'
}], # 'enable_remoting_host==1'
@@ -447,8 +431,35 @@
], # end of 'conditions'
}, # end of target 'remoting_me2me_host_static'
- ] # end of targets
- }], # end of enable_me2me_host==1
+ ] # end of targets
+ }], # end of enable_me2me_host==1
+ ['enable_it2me_host==1', {
+ 'targets': [
+ {
+ # GN version: //remoting/host/it2me:common
+ 'target_name': 'remoting_it2me_host_static',
+ 'type': 'static_library',
+ 'variables': { 'enable_wexit_time_destructors': 1, },
+ 'dependencies': [
+ '../base/base.gyp:base_i18n',
+ '../components/components.gyp:policy',
+ '../net/net.gyp:net',
+ 'remoting_base',
+ 'remoting_host',
+ 'remoting_infoplist_strings',
+ 'remoting_protocol',
+ 'remoting_resources',
+ ],
+ 'defines': [
+ 'VERSION=<(version_full)',
+ ],
+ 'sources': [
+ '<@(remoting_it2me_host_static_sources)',
+ ],
+ }, # end of target 'remoting_it2me_host_static'
+ ] # end of targets
+ }], # end of 'enable_it2me_host==1'
['OS!="win" and enable_me2me_host==1', {
'targets': [
@@ -631,115 +642,104 @@
], # targets
}], # end of OS!="win" and enable_me2me_host==1
- ['OS!="win" and enable_remoting_host==1', {
- 'conditions': [
- ['chromeos==0', {
- 'targets': [
- {
- 'target_name': 'remoting_it2me_native_messaging_host',
- 'type': 'executable',
- 'product_name': 'remote_assistance_host',
- 'variables': { 'enable_wexit_time_destructors': 1, },
+ ['OS!="win" and enable_it2me_host==1 and chromeos==0', {
+ 'targets': [
+ {
+ 'target_name': 'remoting_it2me_native_messaging_host',
+ 'type': 'executable',
+ 'product_name': 'remote_assistance_host',
+ 'variables': { 'enable_wexit_time_destructors': 1, },
+ 'dependencies': [
+ '../base/base.gyp:base',
+ 'remoting_base',
+ 'remoting_breakpad',
+ 'remoting_host',
+ 'remoting_it2me_host_static',
+ 'remoting_native_messaging_base',
+ 'remoting_protocol',
+ ],
+ 'defines': [
+ 'VERSION=<(version_full)',
+ ],
+ 'sources': [
+ 'host/it2me/',
+ 'host/it2me/',
+ 'host/it2me/it2me_native_messaging_host_main.h',
+ ],
+ 'conditions': [
+ ['OS=="linux" and chromeos==0 and use_ozone==0', {
'dependencies': [
- '../base/base.gyp:base',
- 'remoting_base',
- 'remoting_breakpad',
- 'remoting_host',
- 'remoting_it2me_host_static',
- 'remoting_native_messaging_base',
- 'remoting_protocol',
+ # Always use GTK on Linux, even for Aura builds.
+ '../build/linux/system.gyp:gtk',
- 'defines': [
- 'VERSION=<(version_full)',
+ }],
+ ['OS=="linux" and use_allocator!="none"', {
+ 'dependencies': [
+ '../base/allocator/allocator.gyp:allocator',
- 'sources': [
- 'host/it2me/',
- 'host/it2me/',
- 'host/it2me/it2me_native_messaging_host_main.h',
+ }],
+ ['OS=="mac"', {
+ 'mac_bundle': 1,
+ 'variables': {
+ 'host_bundle_id': '<!(python <(version_py_path) -f <(branding_path) -t "@MAC_REMOTE_ASSISTANCE_HOST_BUNDLE_ID@")',
+ },
+ 'xcode_settings': {
+ 'INFOPLIST_FILE': 'host/it2me/remote_assistance_host-Info.plist',
+ 'INFOPLIST_PREPROCESSOR_DEFINITIONS': 'VERSION_FULL="<(version_full)" VERSION_SHORT="<(version_short)" BUNDLE_ID="<(host_bundle_id)"',
+ },
+ 'mac_bundle_resources': [
+ '<(PRODUCT_DIR)/icudtl.dat',
+ 'host/disconnect_window.xib',
+ 'host/it2me/remote_assistance_host-Info.plist',
+ '<!@pymod_do_main(remoting_copy_locales -o -p <(OS) -x <(PRODUCT_DIR) <(remoting_locales))',
+ # Localized strings for 'Info.plist'
+ '<!@pymod_do_main(remoting_localize --locale_output '
+ '"<(SHARED_INTERMEDIATE_DIR)/remoting/remote_assistance_host-InfoPlist.strings/@{json_suffix}.lproj/InfoPlist.strings" '
+ '--print_only <(remoting_locales))',
+ ],
+ 'mac_bundle_resources!': [
+ 'host/it2me/remote_assistance_host-Info.plist',
'conditions': [
- ['OS=="linux" and chromeos==0 and use_ozone==0', {
- 'dependencies': [
- # Always use GTK on Linux, even for Aura builds.
- '../build/linux/system.gyp:gtk',
- ],
- }],
- ['OS=="linux" and use_allocator!="none"', {
- 'dependencies': [
- '../base/allocator/allocator.gyp:allocator',
- ],
- }],
- ['OS=="mac"', {
- 'mac_bundle': 1,
+ ['mac_breakpad==1', {
'variables': {
- 'host_bundle_id': '<!(python <(version_py_path) -f <(branding_path) -t "@MAC_REMOTE_ASSISTANCE_HOST_BUNDLE_ID@")',
- },
- 'xcode_settings': {
- 'INFOPLIST_FILE': 'host/it2me/remote_assistance_host-Info.plist',
- 'INFOPLIST_PREPROCESSOR_DEFINITIONS': 'VERSION_FULL="<(version_full)" VERSION_SHORT="<(version_short)" BUNDLE_ID="<(host_bundle_id)"',
+ # A real .dSYM is needed for dump_syms to operate on.
+ 'mac_real_dsym': 1,
- 'mac_bundle_resources': [
- '<(PRODUCT_DIR)/icudtl.dat',
- 'host/disconnect_window.xib',
- 'host/it2me/remote_assistance_host-Info.plist',
- '<!@pymod_do_main(remoting_copy_locales -o -p <(OS) -x <(PRODUCT_DIR) <(remoting_locales))',
- # Localized strings for 'Info.plist'
- '<!@pymod_do_main(remoting_localize --locale_output '
- '"<(SHARED_INTERMEDIATE_DIR)/remoting/remote_assistance_host-InfoPlist.strings/@{json_suffix}.lproj/InfoPlist.strings" '
- '--print_only <(remoting_locales))',
+ 'copies': [
+ {
+ 'destination': '<(PRODUCT_DIR)/$(CONTENTS_FOLDER_PATH)/Resources',
+ 'files': [
+ '<(PRODUCT_DIR)/crash_inspector',
+ ],
+ },
- 'mac_bundle_resources!': [
- 'host/it2me/remote_assistance_host-Info.plist',
+ 'dependencies': [
+ '../breakpad/breakpad.gyp:dump_syms',
- 'conditions': [
- ['mac_breakpad==1', {
+ 'postbuilds': [
+ {
+ 'postbuild_name': 'Dump Symbols',
'variables': {
- # A real .dSYM is needed for dump_syms to operate on.
- 'mac_real_dsym': 1,
+ 'dump_product_syms_path':
+ 'scripts/mac/dump_product_syms',
- 'copies': [
- {
- 'destination': '<(PRODUCT_DIR)/$(CONTENTS_FOLDER_PATH)/Resources',
- 'files': [
- '<(PRODUCT_DIR)/crash_inspector',
- ],
- },
- ],
- 'dependencies': [
- '../breakpad/breakpad.gyp:dump_syms',
+ 'action': [
+ '<(dump_product_syms_path)',
+ '<(version_full)',
- 'postbuilds': [
- {
- 'postbuild_name': 'Dump Symbols',
- 'variables': {
- 'dump_product_syms_path':
- 'scripts/mac/dump_product_syms',
- },
- 'action': [
- '<(dump_product_syms_path)',
- '<(version_full)',
- ],
- }, # end of postbuild 'dump_symbols'
- ], # end of 'postbuilds'
- }], # mac_breakpad==1
- ], # conditions
- }], # OS=mac
- ], # end of conditions
- }, # end of target 'remoting_it2me_native_messaging_host'
- ], # targets
- }, { # chromeos==0
- 'targets': [
- {
- # Dummy target for chromeos==1
- 'target_name': 'remoting_it2me_native_messaging_host',
- 'type': 'executable',
- },
- ], # targets
- }], # end of chromeos==0
- ], # end of conditions
- }], # end of OS!="win" and enable_remoting_host==1
+ }, # end of postbuild 'dump_symbols'
+ ], # end of 'postbuilds'
+ }], # mac_breakpad==1
+ ], # conditions
+ }], # OS=mac
+ ],
+ }, # end of target 'remoting_it2me_native_messaging_host'
+ ], # end of 'targets'
+ }], # # end of OS!="win" and enable_it2me_host==1
], # end of 'conditions'