path: root/skia/sgl/SkGlyphCache.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'skia/sgl/SkGlyphCache.h')
1 files changed, 262 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/skia/sgl/SkGlyphCache.h b/skia/sgl/SkGlyphCache.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6aef173
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skia/sgl/SkGlyphCache.h
@@ -0,0 +1,262 @@
+/* libs/graphics/sgl/SkGlyphCache.h
+** Copyright 2006, Google Inc.
+** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+** You may obtain a copy of the License at
+** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+** WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+** limitations under the License.
+#ifndef SkGlyphCache_DEFINED
+#define SkGlyphCache_DEFINED
+#include "SkBitmap.h"
+#include "SkChunkAlloc.h"
+#include "SkDescriptor.h"
+#include "SkScalerContext.h"
+#include "SkTemplates.h"
+class SkPaint;
+class SkGlyphCache_Globals;
+/** \class SkGlyphCache
+ This class represents a strike: a specific combination of typeface, size,
+ matrix, etc., and holds the glyphs for that strike. Calling any of the
+ getUnichar.../getGlyphID... methods will return the requested glyph,
+ either instantly if it is already cahced, or by first generating it and then
+ adding it to the strike.
+ The strikes are held in a global list, available to all threads. To interact
+ with one, call either VisitCache() or DetachCache().
+class SkGlyphCache {
+ /** Returns a glyph with valid fAdvance and fDevKern fields.
+ The remaining fields may be valid, but that is not guaranteed. If you
+ require those, call getUnicharMetrics or getGlyphIDMetrics instead.
+ */
+ const SkGlyph& getUnicharAdvance(SkUnichar);
+ const SkGlyph& getGlyphIDAdvance(uint16_t);
+ /** Returns a glyph with all fields valid except fImage and fPath, which
+ may be null. If they are null, call findImage or findPath for those.
+ If they are not null, then they are valid.
+ This call is potentially slower than the matching ...Advance call. If
+ you only need the fAdvance/fDevKern fields, call those instead.
+ */
+ const SkGlyph& getUnicharMetrics(SkUnichar);
+ const SkGlyph& getGlyphIDMetrics(uint16_t);
+ /** These are variants that take the device position of the glyph. Call
+ these only if you are drawing in subpixel mode. Passing 0, 0 is
+ effectively the same as calling the variants w/o the extra params, tho
+ a tiny bit slower.
+ */
+ const SkGlyph& getUnicharMetrics(SkUnichar, SkFixed x, SkFixed y);
+ const SkGlyph& getGlyphIDMetrics(uint16_t, SkFixed x, SkFixed y);
+ /** Return the image associated with the glyph. If it has not been generated
+ this will trigger that.
+ */
+ const void* findImage(const SkGlyph&);
+ /** Return the Path associated with the glyph. If it has not been generated
+ this will trigger that.
+ */
+ const SkPath* findPath(const SkGlyph&);
+ /** Return the vertical metrics for this strike.
+ */
+ const SkPaint::FontMetrics& getFontMetricsY() const {
+ return fFontMetricsY;
+ }
+ /* AuxProc/Data allow a client to associate data with this cache entry.
+ Multiple clients can use this, as their data is keyed with a function
+ pointer. In addition to serving as a key, the function pointer is called
+ with the data when the glyphcache object is deleted, so the client can
+ cleanup their data as well. NOTE: the auxProc must not try to access
+ this glyphcache in any way, since it may be in the process of being
+ deleted.
+ */
+ //! If the proc is found, return true and set *dataPtr to its data
+ bool getAuxProcData(void (*auxProc)(void*), void** dataPtr) const;
+ //! Add a proc/data pair to the glyphcache. proc should be non-null
+ void setAuxProc(void (*auxProc)(void*), void* auxData);
+ //! If found, remove the proc/data pair from the glyphcache (does not
+ // call the proc)
+ void removeAuxProc(void (*auxProc)(void*));
+ /** Find a matching cache entry, and call proc() with it. If none is found
+ create a new one. If the proc() returns true, detach the cache and
+ return it, otherwise leave it and return NULL.
+ */
+ static SkGlyphCache* VisitCache(const SkDescriptor* desc,
+ bool (*proc)(const SkGlyphCache*, void*),
+ void* context);
+ /** Given a strike that was returned by either VisitCache() or DetachCache()
+ add it back into the global cache list (after which the caller should
+ not reference it anymore.
+ */
+ static void AttachCache(SkGlyphCache*);
+ /** Detach a strike from the global cache matching the specified descriptor.
+ Once detached, it can be queried/modified by the current thread, and
+ when finished, be reattached to the global cache with AttachCache().
+ While detached, if another request is made with the same descriptor,
+ a different strike will be generated. This is fine. It does mean we
+ can have more than 1 strike for the same descriptor, but that will
+ eventually get purged, and the win is that different thread will never
+ block each other while a strike is being used.
+ */
+ static SkGlyphCache* DetachCache(const SkDescriptor* desc) {
+ return VisitCache(desc, DetachProc, NULL);
+ }
+ /** Return the approximate number of bytes used by the font cache
+ */
+ static size_t GetCacheUsed();
+ /** This can be called to purge old font data, in an attempt to free
+ enough bytes such that the font cache is not using more than the
+ specified number of bytes. It is thread-safe, and may be called at
+ any time.
+ Return true if some amount of the cache was purged.
+ */
+ static bool SetCacheUsed(size_t bytesUsed);
+ SkGlyphCache(const SkDescriptor*);
+ ~SkGlyphCache();
+ enum MetricsType {
+ kJustAdvance_MetricsType,
+ kFull_MetricsType
+ };
+ SkGlyph* lookupMetrics(uint32_t id, MetricsType);
+ static bool DetachProc(const SkGlyphCache*, void*) { return true; }
+ void detach(SkGlyphCache** head) {
+ if (fPrev) {
+ fPrev->fNext = fNext;
+ } else {
+ *head = fNext;
+ }
+ if (fNext) {
+ fNext->fPrev = fPrev;
+ }
+ fPrev = fNext = NULL;
+ }
+ void attachToHead(SkGlyphCache** head) {
+ SkASSERT(NULL == fPrev && NULL == fNext);
+ if (*head) {
+ (*head)->fPrev = this;
+ fNext = *head;
+ }
+ *head = this;
+ }
+ SkGlyphCache* fNext, *fPrev;
+ SkDescriptor* fDesc;
+ SkScalerContext* fScalerContext;
+ SkPaint::FontMetrics fFontMetricsY;
+ enum {
+ kHashBits = 6,
+ kHashCount = 1 << kHashBits,
+ kHashMask = kHashCount - 1
+ };
+ SkGlyph* fGlyphHash[kHashCount];
+ SkTDArray<SkGlyph*> fGlyphArray;
+ SkChunkAlloc fGlyphAlloc;
+ SkChunkAlloc fImageAlloc;
+ int fMetricsCount, fAdvanceCount;
+ struct CharGlyphRec {
+ uint32_t fID; // unichar + subpixel
+ SkGlyph* fGlyph;
+ };
+ // no reason to use the same kHashCount as fGlyphHash, but we do for now
+ CharGlyphRec fCharToGlyphHash[kHashCount];
+ enum {
+ // shift so that the top bits fall into kHashBits region
+ kShiftForHashIndex = SkGlyph::kSubShift +
+ SkGlyph::kSubBits*2 -
+ kHashBits
+ };
+ static inline unsigned ID2HashIndex(uint32_t id) {
+ return (id ^ (id >> kShiftForHashIndex)) & kHashMask;
+ }
+ // used to track (approx) how much ram is tied-up in this cache
+ size_t fMemoryUsed;
+ struct AuxProcRec {
+ AuxProcRec* fNext;
+ void (*fProc)(void*);
+ void* fData;
+ };
+ AuxProcRec* fAuxProcList;
+ void invokeAndRemoveAuxProcs();
+ // This relies on the caller to have already acquired the mutex to access the global cache
+ static size_t InternalFreeCache(SkGlyphCache_Globals*, size_t bytesNeeded);
+ inline static SkGlyphCache* FindTail(SkGlyphCache* head);
+ static size_t ComputeMemoryUsed(const SkGlyphCache* head);
+ friend class SkGlyphCache_Globals;
+class SkAutoGlyphCache {
+ SkAutoGlyphCache(SkGlyphCache* cache) : fCache(cache) {}
+ SkAutoGlyphCache(const SkDescriptor* desc)
+ {
+ fCache = SkGlyphCache::DetachCache(desc);
+ }
+ SkAutoGlyphCache(const SkPaint& paint, const SkMatrix* matrix)
+ {
+ fCache = paint.detachCache(matrix);
+ }
+ ~SkAutoGlyphCache()
+ {
+ if (fCache)
+ SkGlyphCache::AttachCache(fCache);
+ }
+ SkGlyphCache* getCache() const { return fCache; }
+ void release()
+ {
+ if (fCache)
+ {
+ SkGlyphCache::AttachCache(fCache);
+ fCache = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ SkGlyphCache* fCache;
+ static bool DetachProc(const SkGlyphCache*, void*);