path: root/skia/sgl/SkScalerContext.cpp
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1 files changed, 540 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/skia/sgl/SkScalerContext.cpp b/skia/sgl/SkScalerContext.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5f4abfd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skia/sgl/SkScalerContext.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,540 @@
+/* libs/graphics/sgl/SkScalerContext.cpp
+** Copyright 2006, Google Inc.
+** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+** You may obtain a copy of the License at
+** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+** WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+** limitations under the License.
+#include "SkScalerContext.h"
+#include "SkDescriptor.h"
+#include "SkDraw.h"
+#include "SkFontHost.h"
+#include "SkMaskFilter.h"
+#include "SkPathEffect.h"
+#include "SkRasterizer.h"
+#include "SkRegion.h"
+#include "SkStroke.h"
+#include "SkThread.h"
+#ifdef SK_DEBUG
+#define ComputeBWRowBytes(width) (((unsigned)(width) + 7) >> 3)
+static const uint8_t* gBlackGammaTable;
+static const uint8_t* gWhiteGammaTable;
+void SkGlyph::toMask(SkMask* mask) const {
+ SkASSERT(mask);
+ mask->fImage = (uint8_t*)fImage;
+ mask->fBounds.set(fLeft, fTop, fLeft + fWidth, fTop + fHeight);
+ mask->fRowBytes = this->rowBytes();
+ mask->fFormat = fMaskFormat;
+size_t SkGlyph::computeImageSize() const {
+ size_t size = this->rowBytes() * fHeight;
+ if (fMaskFormat == SkMask::k3D_Format) {
+ size *= 3;
+ }
+ return size;
+#ifdef SK_DEBUG
+ #define DUMP_RECx
+static SkFlattenable* load_flattenable(const SkDescriptor* desc, uint32_t tag) {
+ SkFlattenable* obj = NULL;
+ uint32_t len;
+ const void* data = desc->findEntry(tag, &len);
+ if (data) {
+ SkFlattenableReadBuffer buffer(data, len);
+ obj = buffer.readFlattenable();
+ SkASSERT(buffer.offset() == buffer.size());
+ }
+ return obj;
+SkScalerContext::SkScalerContext(const SkDescriptor* desc)
+ : fPathEffect(NULL), fMaskFilter(NULL)
+ static bool gHaveGammaTables;
+ if (!gHaveGammaTables) {
+ const uint8_t* tables[2];
+ SkFontHost::GetGammaTables(tables);
+ gBlackGammaTable = tables[0];
+ gWhiteGammaTable = tables[1];
+ gHaveGammaTables = true;
+ }
+ fBaseGlyphCount = 0;
+ fAuxScalerContext = NULL;
+ const Rec* rec = (const Rec*)desc->findEntry(kRec_SkDescriptorTag, NULL);
+ SkASSERT(rec);
+ fRec = *rec;
+#ifdef DUMP_REC
+ desc->assertChecksum();
+ SkDebugf("SkScalarContext checksum %x count %d length %d\n", desc->getChecksum(), desc->getCount(), desc->getLength());
+ SkDebugf(" textsize %g prescale %g preskew %g post [%g %g %g %g]\n",
+ rec->fTextSize, rec->fPreScaleX, rec->fPreSkewX, rec->fPost2x2[0][0],
+ rec->fPost2x2[0][1], rec->fPost2x2[1][0], rec->fPost2x2[1][1]);
+ SkDebugf(" frame %g miter %g hints %d framefill %d format %d join %d\n",
+ rec->fFrameWidth, rec->fMiterLimit, rec->fHints, rec->fFrameAndFill,
+ rec->fMaskFormat, rec->fStrokeJoin);
+ SkDebugf(" pathEffect %x maskFilter %x\n", desc->findEntry(kPathEffect_SkDescriptorTag, NULL),
+ desc->findEntry(kMaskFilter_SkDescriptorTag, NULL));
+ fPathEffect = (SkPathEffect*)load_flattenable(desc, kPathEffect_SkDescriptorTag);
+ fMaskFilter = (SkMaskFilter*)load_flattenable(desc, kMaskFilter_SkDescriptorTag);
+ fRasterizer = (SkRasterizer*)load_flattenable(desc, kRasterizer_SkDescriptorTag);
+SkScalerContext::~SkScalerContext() {
+ fPathEffect->safeUnref();
+ fMaskFilter->safeUnref();
+ fRasterizer->safeUnref();
+ SkDELETE(fAuxScalerContext);
+SkScalerContext* SkScalerContext::loadAuxContext() const {
+ if (NULL == fAuxScalerContext) {
+ fAuxScalerContext = SkFontHost::CreateFallbackScalerContext(fRec);
+ if (NULL != fAuxScalerContext) {
+ fAuxScalerContext->setBaseGlyphCount(this->getGlyphCount());
+ }
+ }
+ return fAuxScalerContext;
+ static uint8_t gMissingChars[1 << 13];
+uint16_t SkScalerContext::charToGlyphID(SkUnichar uni) {
+ unsigned glyphID = this->generateCharToGlyph(uni);
+ if (0 == glyphID) { // try auxcontext
+ SkScalerContext* ctx = this->loadAuxContext();
+ if (NULL != ctx) {
+ glyphID = ctx->generateCharToGlyph(uni);
+ if (0 != glyphID) { // only fiddle with it if its not missing
+ glyphID += this->getGlyphCount();
+ if (glyphID > 0xFFFF) {
+ glyphID = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (0 == glyphID) {
+ bool announce = false;
+ if (uni > 0xFFFF) { // we don't record these
+ announce = true;
+ } else {
+ unsigned index = uni >> 3;
+ unsigned mask = 1 << (uni & 7);
+ SkASSERT(index < SK_ARRAY_COUNT(gMissingChars));
+ if ((gMissingChars[index] & mask) == 0) {
+ gMissingChars[index] |= mask;
+ announce = true;
+ }
+ }
+ if (announce) {
+ printf(">>> MISSING CHAR <<< 0x%04X\n", uni);
+ }
+ }
+ return SkToU16(glyphID);
+/* Internal routine to resolve auxContextID into a real context.
+ Only makes sense to call once the glyph has been given a
+ valid auxGlyphID.
+SkScalerContext* SkScalerContext::getGlyphContext(const SkGlyph& glyph) const {
+ SkScalerContext* ctx = const_cast<SkScalerContext*>(this);
+ if (glyph.getGlyphID() >= this->getGlyphCount()) {
+ ctx = this->loadAuxContext();
+ if (NULL == ctx) { // if no aux, just return us
+ ctx = const_cast<SkScalerContext*>(this);
+ }
+ }
+ return ctx;
+static int plus_minus_pin(int value, int max) {
+ SkASSERT(max >= 0);
+ if (value > max) {
+ value = max;
+ } else if (value < -max) {
+ value = -max;
+ }
+ return value;
+void SkScalerContext::getAdvance(SkGlyph* glyph) {
+ // mark us as just having a valid advance
+ glyph->fMaskFormat = MASK_FORMAT_JUST_ADVANCE;
+ // we mark the format before making the call, in case the impl
+ // internally ends up calling its generateMetrics, which is OK
+ // albeit slower than strictly necessary
+ this->getGlyphContext(*glyph)->generateAdvance(glyph);
+void SkScalerContext::getMetrics(SkGlyph* glyph) {
+ this->getGlyphContext(*glyph)->generateMetrics(glyph);
+ // for now we have separate cache entries for devkerning on and off
+ // in the future we might share caches, but make our measure/draw
+ // code make the distinction. Thus we zap the values if the caller
+ // has not asked for them.
+ if ((fRec.fFlags & SkScalerContext::kDevKernText_Flag) == 0) {
+ // no devkern, so zap the fields
+ glyph->fLsbDelta = glyph->fRsbDelta = 0;
+ }
+ // if either dimension is empty, zap the image bounds of the glyph
+ if (0 == glyph->fWidth || 0 == glyph->fHeight) {
+ glyph->fWidth = 0;
+ glyph->fHeight = 0;
+ glyph->fTop = 0;
+ glyph->fLeft = 0;
+ glyph->fMaskFormat = 0;
+ return;
+ }
+ if (fRec.fFrameWidth > 0 || fPathEffect != NULL || fRasterizer != NULL) {
+ SkPath devPath, fillPath;
+ SkMatrix fillToDevMatrix;
+ this->internalGetPath(*glyph, &fillPath, &devPath, &fillToDevMatrix);
+ if (fRasterizer) {
+ SkMask mask;
+ if (fRasterizer->rasterize(fillPath, fillToDevMatrix, NULL,
+ fMaskFilter, &mask,
+ SkMask::kJustComputeBounds_CreateMode)) {
+ glyph->fLeft = mask.fBounds.fLeft;
+ glyph->fTop = mask.fBounds.fTop;
+ glyph->fWidth = SkToU16(mask.fBounds.width());
+ glyph->fHeight = SkToU16(mask.fBounds.height());
+ } else {
+ // draw nothing 'cause we failed
+ glyph->fLeft = 0;
+ glyph->fTop = 0;
+ glyph->fWidth = 0;
+ glyph->fHeight = 0;
+ return;
+ }
+ } else {
+ // just use devPath
+ SkRect r;
+ SkIRect ir;
+ devPath.computeBounds(&r, SkPath::kExact_BoundsType);
+ r.roundOut(&ir);
+ glyph->fLeft = ir.fLeft;
+ glyph->fTop = ir.fTop;
+ glyph->fWidth = SkToU16(ir.width());
+ glyph->fHeight = SkToU16(ir.height());
+ }
+ }
+ glyph->fMaskFormat = fRec.fMaskFormat;
+ if (fMaskFilter) {
+ SkMask src, dst;
+ SkMatrix matrix;
+ glyph->toMask(&src);
+ fRec.getMatrixFrom2x2(&matrix);
+ src.fImage = NULL; // only want the bounds from the filter
+ if (fMaskFilter->filterMask(&dst, src, matrix, NULL)) {
+ SkASSERT(dst.fImage == NULL);
+ glyph->fLeft = dst.fBounds.fLeft;
+ glyph->fTop = dst.fBounds.fTop;
+ glyph->fWidth = SkToU16(dst.fBounds.width());
+ glyph->fHeight = SkToU16(dst.fBounds.height());
+ glyph->fMaskFormat = dst.fFormat;
+ }
+ }
+void SkScalerContext::getImage(const SkGlyph& origGlyph) {
+ const SkGlyph* glyph = &origGlyph;
+ SkGlyph tmpGlyph;
+ if (fMaskFilter) { // restore the prefilter bounds
+ tmpGlyph.fID = origGlyph.fID;
+ // need the original bounds, sans our maskfilter
+ SkMaskFilter* mf = fMaskFilter;
+ fMaskFilter = NULL; // temp disable
+ this->getMetrics(&tmpGlyph);
+ fMaskFilter = mf; // restore
+ tmpGlyph.fImage = origGlyph.fImage;
+ // we need the prefilter bounds to be <= filter bounds
+ SkASSERT(tmpGlyph.fWidth <= origGlyph.fWidth);
+ SkASSERT(tmpGlyph.fHeight <= origGlyph.fHeight);
+ glyph = &tmpGlyph;
+ }
+ if (fRec.fFrameWidth > 0 || fPathEffect != NULL || fRasterizer != NULL) {
+ SkPath devPath, fillPath;
+ SkMatrix fillToDevMatrix;
+ this->internalGetPath(*glyph, &fillPath, &devPath, &fillToDevMatrix);
+ if (fRasterizer) {
+ SkMask mask;
+ glyph->toMask(&mask);
+ mask.fFormat = SkMask::kA8_Format;
+ bzero(glyph->fImage, mask.computeImageSize());
+ if (!fRasterizer->rasterize(fillPath, fillToDevMatrix, NULL,
+ fMaskFilter, &mask,
+ SkMask::kJustRenderImage_CreateMode)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ } else {
+ SkBitmap bm;
+ SkBitmap::Config config;
+ SkMatrix matrix;
+ SkRegion clip;
+ SkPaint paint;
+ SkDraw draw;
+ if (SkMask::kA8_Format == fRec.fMaskFormat) {
+ config = SkBitmap::kA8_Config;
+ paint.setAntiAlias(true);
+ } else {
+ SkASSERT(SkMask::kBW_Format == fRec.fMaskFormat);
+ config = SkBitmap::kA1_Config;
+ paint.setAntiAlias(false);
+ }
+ clip.setRect(0, 0, glyph->fWidth, glyph->fHeight);
+ matrix.setTranslate(-SkIntToScalar(glyph->fLeft),
+ -SkIntToScalar(glyph->fTop));
+ bm.setConfig(config, glyph->fWidth, glyph->fHeight,
+ glyph->rowBytes());
+ bm.setPixels(glyph->fImage);
+ bzero(glyph->fImage, bm.height() * bm.rowBytes());
+ draw.fClip = &clip;
+ draw.fMatrix = &matrix;
+ draw.fBitmap = &bm;
+ draw.fBounder = NULL;
+ draw.drawPath(devPath, paint);
+ }
+ } else {
+ this->getGlyphContext(*glyph)->generateImage(*glyph);
+ }
+ if (fMaskFilter) {
+ SkMask srcM, dstM;
+ SkMatrix matrix;
+ // the src glyph image shouldn't be 3D
+ SkASSERT(SkMask::k3D_Format != glyph->fMaskFormat);
+ glyph->toMask(&srcM);
+ fRec.getMatrixFrom2x2(&matrix);
+ if (fMaskFilter->filterMask(&dstM, srcM, matrix, NULL)) {
+ int width = SkFastMin32(origGlyph.fWidth, dstM.fBounds.width());
+ int height = SkFastMin32(origGlyph.fHeight, dstM.fBounds.height());
+ int dstRB = origGlyph.rowBytes();
+ int srcRB = dstM.fRowBytes;
+ const uint8_t* src = (const uint8_t*)dstM.fImage;
+ uint8_t* dst = (uint8_t*)origGlyph.fImage;
+ if (SkMask::k3D_Format == dstM.fFormat) {
+ // we have to copy 3 times as much
+ height *= 3;
+ }
+ // clean out our glyph, since it may be larger than dstM
+ //bzero(dst, height * dstRB);
+ while (--height >= 0) {
+ memcpy(dst, src, width);
+ src += srcRB;
+ dst += dstRB;
+ }
+ SkMask::FreeImage(dstM.fImage);
+ }
+ }
+ // check to see if we should filter the alpha channel
+ if (fRec.fMaskFormat != SkMask::kBW_Format &&
+ (fRec.fFlags & (kGammaForBlack_Flag | kGammaForWhite_Flag)) != 0)
+ {
+ const uint8_t* table = (fRec.fFlags & kGammaForBlack_Flag) ? gBlackGammaTable : gWhiteGammaTable;
+ if (NULL != table)
+ {
+ uint8_t* dst = (uint8_t*)glyph->fImage;
+ unsigned rowBytes = glyph->rowBytes();
+ for (int y = glyph->fHeight - 1; y >= 0; --y)
+ {
+ for (int x = glyph->fWidth - 1; x >= 0; --x)
+ dst[x] = table[dst[x]];
+ dst += rowBytes;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void SkScalerContext::getPath(const SkGlyph& glyph, SkPath* path)
+ this->internalGetPath(glyph, NULL, path, NULL);
+void SkScalerContext::getFontMetrics(SkPaint::FontMetrics* mx, SkPaint::FontMetrics* my)
+ this->generateFontMetrics(mx, my);
+void SkScalerContext::internalGetPath(const SkGlyph& glyph, SkPath* fillPath, SkPath* devPath, SkMatrix* fillToDevMatrix)
+ SkPath path;
+ this->getGlyphContext(glyph)->generatePath(glyph, &path);
+ if (fRec.fFrameWidth > 0 || fPathEffect != NULL)
+ {
+ // need the path in user-space, with only the point-size applied
+ // so that our stroking and effects will operate the same way they
+ // would if the user had extracted the path themself, and then
+ // called drawPath
+ SkPath localPath;
+ SkMatrix matrix, inverse;
+ fRec.getMatrixFrom2x2(&matrix);
+ matrix.invert(&inverse);
+ path.transform(inverse, &localPath);
+ // now localPath is only affected by the paint settings, and not the canvas matrix
+ SkScalar width = fRec.fFrameWidth;
+ if (fPathEffect)
+ {
+ SkPath effectPath;
+ if (fPathEffect->filterPath(&effectPath, localPath, &width))
+ localPath.swap(effectPath);
+ }
+ if (width > 0)
+ {
+ SkStroke stroker;
+ SkPath outline;
+ stroker.setWidth(width);
+ stroker.setMiterLimit(fRec.fMiterLimit);
+ stroker.setJoin((SkPaint::Join)fRec.fStrokeJoin);
+ stroker.setDoFill(SkToBool(fRec.fFlags & kFrameAndFill_Flag));
+ stroker.strokePath(localPath, &outline);
+ localPath.swap(outline);
+ }
+ // now return stuff to the caller
+ if (fillToDevMatrix)
+ *fillToDevMatrix = matrix;
+ if (devPath)
+ localPath.transform(matrix, devPath);
+ if (fillPath)
+ fillPath->swap(localPath);
+ }
+ else // nothing tricky to do
+ {
+ if (fillToDevMatrix)
+ fillToDevMatrix->reset();
+ if (devPath)
+ {
+ if (fillPath == NULL)
+ devPath->swap(path);
+ else
+ *devPath = path;
+ }
+ if (fillPath)
+ fillPath->swap(path);
+ }
+ if (devPath)
+ devPath->updateBoundsCache();
+ if (fillPath)
+ fillPath->updateBoundsCache();
+void SkScalerContext::Rec::getMatrixFrom2x2(SkMatrix* dst) const
+ dst->reset();
+ dst->setScaleX(fPost2x2[0][0]);
+ dst->setSkewX( fPost2x2[0][1]);
+ dst->setSkewY( fPost2x2[1][0]);
+ dst->setScaleY(fPost2x2[1][1]);
+void SkScalerContext::Rec::getLocalMatrix(SkMatrix* m) const
+ m->setScale(SkScalarMul(fTextSize, fPreScaleX), fTextSize);
+ if (fPreSkewX)
+ m->postSkew(fPreSkewX, 0);
+void SkScalerContext::Rec::getSingleMatrix(SkMatrix* m) const
+ this->getLocalMatrix(m);
+ // now concat the device matrix
+ {
+ SkMatrix deviceMatrix;
+ this->getMatrixFrom2x2(&deviceMatrix);
+ m->postConcat(deviceMatrix);
+ }
+#include "SkFontHost.h"
+SkScalerContext* SkScalerContext::Create(const SkDescriptor* desc)
+ return SkFontHost::CreateScalerContext(desc);