path: root/third_party/libphonenumber/cpp/src/
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Diffstat (limited to 'third_party/libphonenumber/cpp/src/')
1 files changed, 2266 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/third_party/libphonenumber/cpp/src/ b/third_party/libphonenumber/cpp/src/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..75ef374
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/libphonenumber/cpp/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,2266 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2009 Google Inc.
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+// Author: Shaopeng Jia
+// Open-sourced by: Philippe Liard
+#include "phonenumberutil.h"
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <fstream>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <map>
+#include <sstream>
+#include <vector>
+#include <google/protobuf/message_lite.h>
+#include <unicode/errorcode.h>
+#include <unicode/translit.h>
+#include "base/logging.h"
+#include "base/singleton.h"
+#include "default_logger.h"
+#include "logger_adapter.h"
+#include "metadata.h"
+#include "phonemetadata.pb.h"
+#include "phonenumber.h"
+#include "phonenumber.pb.h"
+#include "regexp_adapter.h"
+#include "stringutil.h"
+#include "utf/unicodetext.h"
+#include "utf/utf.h"
+namespace i18n {
+namespace phonenumbers {
+using std::cerr;
+using std::endl;
+using std::ifstream;
+using std::make_pair;
+using std::sort;
+using std::stringstream;
+using google::protobuf::RepeatedPtrField;
+namespace {
+scoped_ptr<LoggerAdapter> logger;
+// These objects are created in the function InitializeStaticMapsAndSets.
+// These mappings map a character (key) to a specific digit that should replace
+// it for normalization purposes.
+scoped_ptr<map<char32, char> > alpha_mappings;
+// For performance reasons, amalgamate both into one map.
+scoped_ptr<map<char32, char> > all_normalization_mappings;
+// Separate map of all symbols that we wish to retain when formatting alpha
+// numbers. This includes digits, ascii letters and number grouping symbols such
+// as "-" and " ".
+scoped_ptr<map<char32, char> > all_plus_number_grouping_symbols;
+// The kPlusSign signifies the international prefix.
+const char kPlusSign[] = "+";
+const char kPlusChars[] = "++";
+scoped_ptr<const reg_exp::RegularExpression> plus_chars_pattern;
+const char kRfc3966ExtnPrefix[] = ";ext=";
+// Pattern that makes it easy to distinguish whether a region has a unique
+// international dialing prefix or not. If a region has a unique international
+// prefix (e.g. 011 in USA), it will be represented as a string that contains a
+// sequence of ASCII digits. If there are multiple available international
+// prefixes in a region, they will be represented as a regex string that always
+// contains character(s) other than ASCII digits.
+// Note this regex also includes tilde, which signals waiting for the tone.
+scoped_ptr<const reg_exp::RegularExpression> unique_international_prefix;
+// Digits accepted in phone numbers.
+// Both Arabic-Indic and Eastern Arabic-Indic are supported.
+const char kValidDigits[] = "0-90-9٠-٩۰-۹";
+// We accept alpha characters in phone numbers, ASCII only. We store lower-case
+// here only since our regular expressions are case-insensitive.
+const char kValidAlpha[] = "a-z";
+scoped_ptr<const reg_exp::RegularExpression> capturing_digit_pattern;
+scoped_ptr<const reg_exp::RegularExpression> capturing_ascii_digits_pattern;
+// Regular expression of acceptable characters that may start a phone number
+// for the purposes of parsing. This allows us to strip away meaningless
+// prefixes to phone numbers that may be mistakenly given to us. This
+// consists of digits, the plus symbol and arabic-indic digits. This does
+// not contain alpha characters, although they may be used later in the
+// number. It also does not include other punctuation, as this will be
+// stripped later during parsing and is of no information value when parsing
+// a number. The string starting with this valid character is captured.
+// This corresponds to VALID_START_CHAR in the java version.
+scoped_ptr<const string> valid_start_char;
+scoped_ptr<const reg_exp::RegularExpression> valid_start_char_pattern;
+// Regular expression of characters typically used to start a second phone
+// number for the purposes of parsing. This allows us to strip off parts of
+// the number that are actually the start of another number, such as for:
+// (530) 583-6985 x302/x2303 -> the second extension here makes this actually
+// two phone numbers, (530) 583-6985 x302 and (530) 583-6985 x2303. We remove
+// the second extension so that the first number is parsed correctly. The string
+// preceding this is captured.
+// This corresponds to SECOND_NUMBER_START in the java version.
+const char kCaptureUpToSecondNumberStart[] = "(.*)[\\\\/] *x";
+scoped_ptr<const reg_exp::RegularExpression>
+ capture_up_to_second_number_start_pattern;
+// Regular expression of trailing characters that we want to remove. We remove
+// all characters that are not alpha or numerical characters. The hash
+// character is retained here, as it may signify the previous block was an
+// extension. Note the capturing block at the start to capture the rest of the
+// number if this was a match.
+// This corresponds to UNWANTED_END_CHARS in the java version.
+const char kUnwantedEndChar[] = "[^\\p{N}\\p{L}#]";
+scoped_ptr<const reg_exp::RegularExpression> unwanted_end_char_pattern;
+// Regular expression of acceptable punctuation found in phone numbers. This
+// excludes punctuation found as a leading character only. This consists of
+// dash characters, white space characters, full stops, slashes, square
+// brackets, parentheses and tildes. It also includes the letter 'x' as that is
+// found as a placeholder for carrier information in some phone numbers.
+// Full-width variants are also present.
+// To find out the unicode code-point of the characters below in vim, highlight
+// the character and type 'ga'. Note that the - is used to express ranges of
+// full-width punctuation below, as well as being present in the expression
+// itself. In emacs, you can use M-x unicode-what to query information about the
+// unicode character.
+const char kValidPunctuation[] =
+ "-x‐-―−ー--/  ​⁠ ()()[].\\[\\]/~⁓∼~";
+// Regular expression of viable phone numbers. This is location independent.
+// Checks we have at least three leading digits, and only valid punctuation,
+// alpha characters and digits in the phone number. Does not include extension
+// data. The symbol 'x' is allowed here as valid punctuation since it is often
+// used as a placeholder for carrier codes, for example in Brazilian phone
+// numbers. We also allow multiple plus-signs at the start.
+// Corresponds to the following:
+// plus_sign*([punctuation]*[digits]){3,}([punctuation]|[digits]|[alpha])*
+scoped_ptr<const string> valid_phone_number;
+// Default extension prefix to use when formatting. This will be put in front of
+// any extension component of the number, after the main national number is
+// formatted. For example, if you wish the default extension formatting to be "
+// extn: 3456", then you should specify " extn: " here as the default extension
+// prefix. This can be overridden by region-specific preferences.
+const char kDefaultExtnPrefix[] = " ext. ";
+// Regexp of all possible ways to write extensions, for use when parsing. This
+// will be run as a case-insensitive regexp match. Wide character versions are
+// also provided after each ascii version. There are three regular expressions
+// here. The first covers RFC 3966 format, where the extension is added using
+// ";ext=". The second more generic one starts with optional white space and
+// ends with an optional full stop (.), followed by zero or more spaces/tabs and
+// then the numbers themselves. The third one covers the special case of
+// American numbers where the extension is written with a hash at the end, such
+// as "- 503#".
+// Note that the only capturing groups should be around the digits that you want
+// to capture as part of the extension, or else parsing will fail!
+scoped_ptr<const string> known_extn_patterns;
+// Regexp of all known extension prefixes used by different regions followed
+// by 1 or more valid digits, for use when parsing.
+scoped_ptr<const reg_exp::RegularExpression> extn_pattern;
+// We append optionally the extension pattern to the end here, as a valid phone
+// number may have an extension prefix appended, followed by 1 or more digits.
+scoped_ptr<const reg_exp::RegularExpression> valid_phone_number_pattern;
+// We use this pattern to check if the phone number has at least three letters
+// in it - if so, then we treat it as a number where some phone-number digits
+// are represented by letters.
+scoped_ptr<const reg_exp::RegularExpression> valid_alpha_phone_pattern;
+scoped_ptr<const reg_exp::RegularExpression> first_group_capturing_pattern;
+scoped_ptr<const reg_exp::RegularExpression> carrier_code_pattern;
+void TransformRegularExpressionToRE2Syntax(string* regex) {
+ DCHECK(regex);
+ StripString(regex, "$", '\\');
+// Returns a pointer to the description inside the metadata of the appropriate
+// type.
+const PhoneNumberDesc* GetNumberDescByType(
+ const PhoneMetadata& metadata,
+ PhoneNumberUtil::PhoneNumberType type) {
+ switch (type) {
+ case PhoneNumberUtil::PREMIUM_RATE:
+ return &metadata.premium_rate();
+ case PhoneNumberUtil::TOLL_FREE:
+ return &metadata.toll_free();
+ case PhoneNumberUtil::MOBILE:
+ return &;
+ case PhoneNumberUtil::FIXED_LINE:
+ case PhoneNumberUtil::FIXED_LINE_OR_MOBILE:
+ return &metadata.fixed_line();
+ case PhoneNumberUtil::SHARED_COST:
+ return &metadata.shared_cost();
+ case PhoneNumberUtil::VOIP:
+ return &metadata.voip();
+ case PhoneNumberUtil::PERSONAL_NUMBER:
+ return &metadata.personal_number();
+ case PhoneNumberUtil::PAGER:
+ return &metadata.pager();
+ case PhoneNumberUtil::UAN:
+ return &metadata.uan();
+ default:
+ return &metadata.general_desc();
+ }
+// A helper function that is used by Format and FormatByPattern.
+void FormatNumberByFormat(int country_calling_code,
+ PhoneNumberUtil::PhoneNumberFormat number_format,
+ const string& formatted_national_number,
+ const string& formatted_extension,
+ string* formatted_number) {
+ switch (number_format) {
+ case PhoneNumberUtil::E164:
+ formatted_number->assign(StrCat(kPlusSign,
+ SimpleItoa(country_calling_code),
+ formatted_national_number,
+ formatted_extension));
+ return;
+ case PhoneNumberUtil::INTERNATIONAL:
+ formatted_number->assign(StrCat(kPlusSign,
+ SimpleItoa(country_calling_code),
+ " ",
+ formatted_national_number,
+ formatted_extension));
+ return;
+ case PhoneNumberUtil::RFC3966:
+ formatted_number->assign(StrCat(kPlusSign,
+ SimpleItoa(country_calling_code),
+ "-",
+ formatted_national_number,
+ formatted_extension));
+ return;
+ case PhoneNumberUtil::NATIONAL:
+ default:
+ formatted_number->assign(StrCat(formatted_national_number,
+ formatted_extension));
+ }
+// The number_for_leading_digits_match is a separate parameter, because for
+// alpha numbers we want to pass in the numeric version to select the right
+// formatting rule, but then we actually apply the formatting pattern to the
+// national_number (which in this case has alpha characters in it).
+// Note that carrier_code is optional - if an empty string, no carrier code
+// replacement will take place.
+void FormatAccordingToFormatsWithCarrier(
+ const string& number_for_leading_digits_match,
+ const RepeatedPtrField<NumberFormat>& available_formats,
+ PhoneNumberUtil::PhoneNumberFormat number_format,
+ const string& national_number,
+ const string& carrier_code,
+ string* formatted_number) {
+ DCHECK(formatted_number);
+ for (RepeatedPtrField<NumberFormat>::const_iterator
+ it = available_formats.begin(); it != available_formats.end(); ++it) {
+ int size = it->leading_digits_pattern_size();
+ if (size > 0) {
+ scoped_ptr<reg_exp::RegularExpressionInput>
+ number_copy(reg_exp::CreateRegularExpressionInput(
+ number_for_leading_digits_match.c_str()));
+ // We always use the last leading_digits_pattern, as it is the most
+ // detailed.
+ if (!number_copy->ConsumeRegExp(it->leading_digits_pattern(size - 1),
+ true, NULL, NULL)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ scoped_ptr<reg_exp::RegularExpression> pattern_to_match(
+ reg_exp::CreateRegularExpression(it->pattern().c_str()));
+ if (pattern_to_match->Match(national_number.c_str(), true, NULL)) {
+ string formatting_pattern(it->format());
+ if (number_format == PhoneNumberUtil::NATIONAL &&
+ carrier_code.length() > 0 &&
+ it->domestic_carrier_code_formatting_rule().length() > 0) {
+ // Replace the $CC in the formatting rule with the desired carrier code.
+ string carrier_code_formatting_rule =
+ it->domestic_carrier_code_formatting_rule();
+ carrier_code_pattern->Replace(&carrier_code_formatting_rule,
+ false, carrier_code.c_str());
+ TransformRegularExpressionToRE2Syntax(&carrier_code_formatting_rule);
+ first_group_capturing_pattern->Replace(&formatting_pattern,
+ false,
+ carrier_code_formatting_rule.c_str());
+ } else {
+ // Use the national prefix formatting rule instead.
+ string national_prefix_formatting_rule =
+ it->national_prefix_formatting_rule();
+ if (number_format == PhoneNumberUtil::NATIONAL &&
+ national_prefix_formatting_rule.length() > 0) {
+ // Apply the national_prefix_formatting_rule as the formatting_pattern
+ // contains only information on how the national significant number
+ // should be formatted at this point.
+ TransformRegularExpressionToRE2Syntax(
+ &national_prefix_formatting_rule);
+ first_group_capturing_pattern->Replace(&formatting_pattern,
+ false,
+ national_prefix_formatting_rule.c_str());
+ }
+ }
+ TransformRegularExpressionToRE2Syntax(&formatting_pattern);
+ formatted_number->assign(national_number);
+ pattern_to_match->Replace(formatted_number, true,
+ formatting_pattern.c_str());
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ // If no pattern above is matched, we format the number as a whole.
+ formatted_number->assign(national_number);
+// Simple wrapper of FormatAccordingToFormatsWithCarrier for the common case of
+// no carrier code.
+void FormatAccordingToFormats(
+ const string& number_for_leading_digits_match,
+ const RepeatedPtrField<NumberFormat>& available_formats,
+ PhoneNumberUtil::PhoneNumberFormat number_format,
+ const string& national_number,
+ string* formatted_number) {
+ DCHECK(formatted_number);
+ FormatAccordingToFormatsWithCarrier(number_for_leading_digits_match,
+ available_formats, number_format,
+ national_number, "", formatted_number);
+// Returns true when one national number is the suffix of the other or both are
+// the same.
+bool IsNationalNumberSuffixOfTheOther(const PhoneNumber& first_number,
+ const PhoneNumber& second_number) {
+ const string& first_number_national_number =
+ SimpleItoa(first_number.national_number());
+ const string& second_number_national_number =
+ SimpleItoa(second_number.national_number());
+ // Note that HasSuffixString returns true if the numbers are equal.
+ return HasSuffixString(first_number_national_number,
+ second_number_national_number) ||
+ HasSuffixString(second_number_national_number,
+ first_number_national_number);
+bool IsNumberMatchingDesc(const string& national_number,
+ const PhoneNumberDesc& number_desc) {
+ scoped_ptr<const reg_exp::RegularExpression>
+ possible_pattern(reg_exp::CreateRegularExpression(
+ number_desc.possible_number_pattern().c_str()));
+ scoped_ptr<const reg_exp::RegularExpression>
+ national_pattern(reg_exp::CreateRegularExpression(
+ number_desc.national_number_pattern().c_str()));
+ return (possible_pattern->Match(national_number.c_str(), true, NULL) &&
+ national_pattern->Match(national_number.c_str(), true, NULL));
+PhoneNumberUtil::PhoneNumberType GetNumberTypeHelper(
+ const string& national_number, const PhoneMetadata& metadata) {
+ const PhoneNumberDesc& general_desc = metadata.general_desc();
+ if (!general_desc.has_national_number_pattern() ||
+ !IsNumberMatchingDesc(national_number, general_desc)) {
+ logger->Debug("Number type unknown - "
+ "doesn't match general national number pattern.");
+ return PhoneNumberUtil::UNKNOWN;
+ }
+ if (IsNumberMatchingDesc(national_number, metadata.premium_rate())) {
+ logger->Debug("Number is a premium number.");
+ return PhoneNumberUtil::PREMIUM_RATE;
+ }
+ if (IsNumberMatchingDesc(national_number, metadata.toll_free())) {
+ logger->Debug("Number is a toll-free number.");
+ return PhoneNumberUtil::TOLL_FREE;
+ }
+ if (IsNumberMatchingDesc(national_number, metadata.shared_cost())) {
+ logger->Debug("Number is a shared cost number.");
+ return PhoneNumberUtil::SHARED_COST;
+ }
+ if (IsNumberMatchingDesc(national_number, metadata.voip())) {
+ logger->Debug("Number is a VOIP (Voice over IP) number.");
+ return PhoneNumberUtil::VOIP;
+ }
+ if (IsNumberMatchingDesc(national_number, metadata.personal_number())) {
+ logger->Debug("Number is a personal number.");
+ return PhoneNumberUtil::PERSONAL_NUMBER;
+ }
+ if (IsNumberMatchingDesc(national_number, metadata.pager())) {
+ logger->Debug("Number is a pager number.");
+ return PhoneNumberUtil::PAGER;
+ }
+ if (IsNumberMatchingDesc(national_number, metadata.uan())) {
+ logger->Debug("Number is a UAN.");
+ return PhoneNumberUtil::UAN;
+ }
+ bool is_fixed_line =
+ IsNumberMatchingDesc(national_number, metadata.fixed_line());
+ if (is_fixed_line) {
+ if (metadata.same_mobile_and_fixed_line_pattern()) {
+ logger->Debug("Fixed-line and mobile patterns equal, "
+ "number is fixed-line or mobile");
+ return PhoneNumberUtil::FIXED_LINE_OR_MOBILE;
+ } else if (IsNumberMatchingDesc(national_number, {
+ logger->Debug("Fixed-line and mobile patterns differ, but number is "
+ "still fixed-line or mobile");
+ return PhoneNumberUtil::FIXED_LINE_OR_MOBILE;
+ }
+ logger->Debug("Number is a fixed line number.");
+ return PhoneNumberUtil::FIXED_LINE;
+ }
+ // Otherwise, test to see if the number is mobile. Only do this if certain
+ // that the patterns for mobile and fixed line aren't the same.
+ if (!metadata.same_mobile_and_fixed_line_pattern() &&
+ IsNumberMatchingDesc(national_number, {
+ logger->Debug("Number is a mobile number.");
+ return PhoneNumberUtil::MOBILE;
+ }
+ logger->Debug("Number type unknown - doesn't match any specific number type"
+ " pattern.");
+ return PhoneNumberUtil::UNKNOWN;
+int DecodeUTF8Char(const char* in, char32* out) {
+ Rune r;
+ int len = chartorune(&r, in);
+ *out = r;
+ return len;
+char32 ToUnicodeCodepoint(const char* unicode_char) {
+ char32 codepoint;
+ DecodeUTF8Char(unicode_char, &codepoint);
+ return codepoint;
+// Initialisation helper function used to populate the regular expressions in a
+// defined order.
+void CreateRegularExpressions() {
+ unique_international_prefix.reset(
+ reg_exp::CreateRegularExpression("[\\d]+(?:[~⁓∼~][\\d]+)?"));
+ first_group_capturing_pattern.reset(
+ reg_exp::CreateRegularExpression("(\\$1)"));
+ carrier_code_pattern.reset(
+ reg_exp::CreateRegularExpression("\\$CC"));
+ capturing_digit_pattern.reset(
+ reg_exp::CreateRegularExpression(
+ StrCat("([", kValidDigits, "])").c_str()));
+ capturing_ascii_digits_pattern.reset(
+ reg_exp::CreateRegularExpression("(\\d+)"));
+ valid_start_char.reset(new string(StrCat(
+ "[", kPlusChars, kValidDigits, "]")));
+ valid_start_char_pattern.reset(
+ reg_exp::CreateRegularExpression(valid_start_char->c_str()));
+ capture_up_to_second_number_start_pattern.reset(
+ reg_exp::CreateRegularExpression(kCaptureUpToSecondNumberStart));
+ unwanted_end_char_pattern.reset(
+ reg_exp::CreateRegularExpression(kUnwantedEndChar));
+ valid_phone_number.reset(new string(
+ StrCat("[", kPlusChars, "]*(?:[", kValidPunctuation, "]*[", kValidDigits,
+ "]){3,}[", kValidAlpha, kValidPunctuation, kValidDigits, "]*")));
+ // Canonical-equivalence doesn't seem to be an option with RE2, so we allow
+ // two options for representing the ó - the character itself, and one in the
+ // unicode decomposed form with the combining acute accent. Note that there
+ // are currently three capturing groups for the extension itself - if this
+ // number is changed, MaybeStripExtension needs to be updated.
+ const string capturing_extn_digits = StrCat("([", kValidDigits, "]{1,7})");
+ known_extn_patterns.reset(new string(
+ StrCat(kRfc3966ExtnPrefix, capturing_extn_digits, "|"
+ "[  \\t,]*(?:ext(?:ensi(?:ó?|ó))?n?|extn?|[,xx##~~]|"
+ "int|int|anexo)"
+ "[:\\..]?[  \\t,-]*", capturing_extn_digits, "#?|"
+ "[- ]+([", kValidDigits, "]{1,5})#")));
+ extn_pattern.reset(reg_exp::CreateRegularExpression(
+ StrCat("(?i)(?:", *known_extn_patterns, ")$").c_str()));
+ valid_phone_number_pattern.reset(reg_exp::CreateRegularExpression(
+ StrCat("(?i)", *valid_phone_number, "(?:", *known_extn_patterns,
+ ")?").c_str()));
+ valid_alpha_phone_pattern.reset(reg_exp::CreateRegularExpression(
+ StrCat("(?i)(?:.*?[", kValidAlpha, "]){3}").c_str()));
+ plus_chars_pattern.reset(reg_exp::CreateRegularExpression(
+ StrCat("[", kPlusChars, "]+").c_str()));
+void InitializeStaticMapsAndSets() {
+ // Create global objects.
+ all_plus_number_grouping_symbols.reset(new map<char32, char>);
+ alpha_mappings.reset(new map<char32, char>);
+ all_normalization_mappings.reset(new map<char32, char>);
+ // Punctuation that we wish to respect in alpha numbers, as they show number
+ // groupings are mapped here.
+ all_plus_number_grouping_symbols->insert(
+ make_pair(ToUnicodeCodepoint("-"), '-'));
+ all_plus_number_grouping_symbols->insert(
+ make_pair(ToUnicodeCodepoint("-"), '-'));
+ all_plus_number_grouping_symbols->insert(
+ make_pair(ToUnicodeCodepoint("‐"), '-'));
+ all_plus_number_grouping_symbols->insert(
+ make_pair(ToUnicodeCodepoint("‑"), '-'));
+ all_plus_number_grouping_symbols->insert(
+ make_pair(ToUnicodeCodepoint("‒"), '-'));
+ all_plus_number_grouping_symbols->insert(
+ make_pair(ToUnicodeCodepoint("–"), '-'));
+ all_plus_number_grouping_symbols->insert(
+ make_pair(ToUnicodeCodepoint("—"), '-'));
+ all_plus_number_grouping_symbols->insert(
+ make_pair(ToUnicodeCodepoint("―"), '-'));
+ all_plus_number_grouping_symbols->insert(
+ make_pair(ToUnicodeCodepoint("−"), '-'));
+ all_plus_number_grouping_symbols->insert(
+ make_pair(ToUnicodeCodepoint("/"), '/'));
+ all_plus_number_grouping_symbols->insert(
+ make_pair(ToUnicodeCodepoint("/"), '/'));
+ all_plus_number_grouping_symbols->insert(
+ make_pair(ToUnicodeCodepoint(" "), ' '));
+ all_plus_number_grouping_symbols->insert(
+ make_pair(ToUnicodeCodepoint(" "), ' '));
+ all_plus_number_grouping_symbols->insert(
+ make_pair(ToUnicodeCodepoint("⁠"), ' '));
+ all_plus_number_grouping_symbols->insert(
+ make_pair(ToUnicodeCodepoint("."), '.'));
+ all_plus_number_grouping_symbols->insert(
+ make_pair(ToUnicodeCodepoint("."), '.'));
+ // Only the upper-case letters are added here - the lower-case versions are
+ // added programmatically.
+ alpha_mappings->insert(make_pair(ToUnicodeCodepoint("A"), '2'));
+ alpha_mappings->insert(make_pair(ToUnicodeCodepoint("B"), '2'));
+ alpha_mappings->insert(make_pair(ToUnicodeCodepoint("C"), '2'));
+ alpha_mappings->insert(make_pair(ToUnicodeCodepoint("D"), '3'));
+ alpha_mappings->insert(make_pair(ToUnicodeCodepoint("E"), '3'));
+ alpha_mappings->insert(make_pair(ToUnicodeCodepoint("F"), '3'));
+ alpha_mappings->insert(make_pair(ToUnicodeCodepoint("G"), '4'));
+ alpha_mappings->insert(make_pair(ToUnicodeCodepoint("H"), '4'));
+ alpha_mappings->insert(make_pair(ToUnicodeCodepoint("I"), '4'));
+ alpha_mappings->insert(make_pair(ToUnicodeCodepoint("J"), '5'));
+ alpha_mappings->insert(make_pair(ToUnicodeCodepoint("K"), '5'));
+ alpha_mappings->insert(make_pair(ToUnicodeCodepoint("L"), '5'));
+ alpha_mappings->insert(make_pair(ToUnicodeCodepoint("M"), '6'));
+ alpha_mappings->insert(make_pair(ToUnicodeCodepoint("N"), '6'));
+ alpha_mappings->insert(make_pair(ToUnicodeCodepoint("O"), '6'));
+ alpha_mappings->insert(make_pair(ToUnicodeCodepoint("P"), '7'));
+ alpha_mappings->insert(make_pair(ToUnicodeCodepoint("Q"), '7'));
+ alpha_mappings->insert(make_pair(ToUnicodeCodepoint("R"), '7'));
+ alpha_mappings->insert(make_pair(ToUnicodeCodepoint("S"), '7'));
+ alpha_mappings->insert(make_pair(ToUnicodeCodepoint("T"), '8'));
+ alpha_mappings->insert(make_pair(ToUnicodeCodepoint("U"), '8'));
+ alpha_mappings->insert(make_pair(ToUnicodeCodepoint("V"), '8'));
+ alpha_mappings->insert(make_pair(ToUnicodeCodepoint("W"), '9'));
+ alpha_mappings->insert(make_pair(ToUnicodeCodepoint("X"), '9'));
+ alpha_mappings->insert(make_pair(ToUnicodeCodepoint("Y"), '9'));
+ alpha_mappings->insert(make_pair(ToUnicodeCodepoint("Z"), '9'));
+ map<char32, char> lower_case_mappings;
+ map<char32, char> alpha_letters;
+ for (map<char32, char>::const_iterator it = alpha_mappings->begin();
+ it != alpha_mappings->end();
+ ++it) {
+ // Convert all the upper-case ASCII letters to lower-case.
+ if (it->first < 128) {
+ char letter_as_upper = static_cast<char>(it->first);
+ char32 letter_as_lower = static_cast<char32>(tolower(letter_as_upper));
+ lower_case_mappings.insert(make_pair(letter_as_lower, it->second));
+ // Add the letters in both variants to the alpha_letters map. This just
+ // pairs each letter with its upper-case representation so that it can be
+ // retained when normalising alpha numbers.
+ alpha_letters.insert(make_pair(letter_as_lower, letter_as_upper));
+ alpha_letters.insert(make_pair(it->first, letter_as_upper));
+ }
+ }
+ // In the Java version we don't insert the lower-case mappings in the map,
+ // because we convert to upper case on the fly. Doing this here would involve
+ // pulling in all of ICU, which we don't want to do if we don't have to.
+ alpha_mappings->insert(lower_case_mappings.begin(),
+ lower_case_mappings.end());
+ all_normalization_mappings->insert(alpha_mappings->begin(),
+ alpha_mappings->end());
+ all_plus_number_grouping_symbols->insert(alpha_letters.begin(),
+ alpha_letters.end());
+ // Add the ASCII digits so that they don't get deleted by NormalizeHelper().
+ for (char c = '0'; c <= '9'; ++c) {
+ all_normalization_mappings->insert(make_pair(c, c));
+ all_plus_number_grouping_symbols->insert(make_pair(c, c));
+ }
+ CreateRegularExpressions();
+// Normalizes a string of characters representing a phone number by replacing
+// all characters found in the accompanying map with the values therein, and
+// stripping all other characters if remove_non_matches is true.
+// Parameters:
+// number - a pointer to a string of characters representing a phone number to
+// be normalized.
+// normalization_replacements - a mapping of characters to what they should be
+// replaced by in the normalized version of the phone number
+// remove_non_matches - indicates whether characters that are not able to be
+// replaced should be stripped from the number. If this is false, they will be
+// left unchanged in the number.
+void NormalizeHelper(const map<char32, char>& normalization_replacements,
+ bool remove_non_matches,
+ string* number) {
+ DCHECK(number);
+ UnicodeText number_as_unicode;
+ number_as_unicode.PointToUTF8(number->data(), number->size());
+ string normalized_number;
+ for (UnicodeText::const_iterator it = number_as_unicode.begin();
+ it != number_as_unicode.end();
+ ++it) {
+ map<char32, char>::const_iterator found_glyph_pair =
+ normalization_replacements.find(*it);
+ if (found_glyph_pair != normalization_replacements.end()) {
+ normalized_number.push_back(found_glyph_pair->second);
+ } else if (!remove_non_matches) {
+ normalized_number.append(it.utf8_data());
+ }
+ // If neither of the above are true, we remove this character.
+ }
+ number->assign(normalized_number);
+// Strips the IDD from the start of the number if present. Helper function used
+// by MaybeStripInternationalPrefixAndNormalize.
+bool ParsePrefixAsIdd(const reg_exp::RegularExpression* idd_pattern,
+ string* number) {
+ DCHECK(number);
+ scoped_ptr<reg_exp::RegularExpressionInput> number_copy(
+ reg_exp::CreateRegularExpressionInput(number->c_str()));
+ // First attempt to strip the idd_pattern at the start, if present. We make a
+ // copy so that we can revert to the original string if necessary.
+ if (idd_pattern->Consume(number_copy.get(), true, NULL, NULL)) {
+ // Only strip this if the first digit after the match is not a 0, since
+ // country calling codes cannot begin with 0.
+ string extracted_digit;
+ if (capturing_digit_pattern->Match(number_copy->ToString().c_str(), false,
+ &extracted_digit)) {
+ PhoneNumberUtil::NormalizeDigitsOnly(&extracted_digit);
+ if (extracted_digit == "0") {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ number->assign(number_copy->ToString());
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+PhoneNumberUtil::ValidationResult TestNumberLengthAgainstPattern(
+ const reg_exp::RegularExpression* number_pattern, const string& number) {
+ string extracted_number;
+ if (number_pattern->Match(number.c_str(), true, &extracted_number)) {
+ return PhoneNumberUtil::IS_POSSIBLE;
+ }
+ if (number_pattern->Match(number.c_str(), false, &extracted_number)) {
+ return PhoneNumberUtil::TOO_LONG;
+ } else {
+ return PhoneNumberUtil::TOO_SHORT;
+ }
+} // namespace
+// Fetch the metadata which are actually already available in the address space
+// (embedded).
+class DefaultMetadataProvider : public PhoneNumberUtil::MetadataProvider {
+ public:
+ virtual ~DefaultMetadataProvider() {}
+ virtual pair<const void*, unsigned> operator()() {
+ return make_pair(metadata_get(), metadata_size());
+ }
+bool PhoneNumberUtil::LoadMetadata(PhoneMetadataCollection* metadata,
+ MetadataProvider& provider) {
+ pair<const void*, unsigned> p = provider();
+ const void* metadata_start = p.first;
+ unsigned size = p.second;
+ if (!metadata->ParseFromArray(metadata_start, size)) {
+ cerr << "Could not parse binary data." << endl;
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+void PhoneNumberUtil::SetLoggerAdapter(LoggerAdapter* logger_adapter) {
+ logger.reset(logger_adapter);
+// Private constructor. Also takes care of initialisation.
+PhoneNumberUtil::PhoneNumberUtil(MetadataProvider* provider)
+ : country_calling_code_to_region_code_map_(new vector<IntRegionsPair>()),
+ nanpa_regions_(new set<string>()),
+ region_to_metadata_map_(new map<string, PhoneMetadata>()) {
+ if (logger == NULL) {
+ SetLoggerAdapter(new DefaultLogger());
+ }
+ PhoneMetadataCollection metadata_collection;
+ DefaultMetadataProvider default_provider;
+ if (!LoadMetadata(&metadata_collection, provider ? *provider
+ : default_provider)) {
+ logger->Fatal("Could not load metadata");
+ return;
+ }
+ // Storing data in a temporary map to make it easier to find other regions
+ // that share a country calling code when inserting data.
+ map<int, list<string>* > country_calling_code_to_region_map;
+ for (RepeatedPtrField<PhoneMetadata>::const_iterator it =
+ metadata_collection.metadata().begin();
+ it != metadata_collection.metadata().end();
+ ++it) {
+ const PhoneMetadata& phone_metadata = *it;
+ const string& region_code =;
+ region_to_metadata_map_->insert(make_pair(region_code, *it));
+ int country_calling_code = it->country_code();
+ map<int, list<string>*>::iterator calling_code_in_map =
+ country_calling_code_to_region_map.find(country_calling_code);
+ if (calling_code_in_map != country_calling_code_to_region_map.end()) {
+ if (it->main_country_for_code()) {
+ calling_code_in_map->second->push_front(region_code);
+ } else {
+ calling_code_in_map->second->push_back(region_code);
+ }
+ } else {
+ // For most country calling codes, there will be only one region code.
+ list<string>* list_with_region_code = new list<string>();
+ list_with_region_code->push_back(region_code);
+ country_calling_code_to_region_map.insert(
+ make_pair(country_calling_code, list_with_region_code));
+ }
+ if (country_calling_code == kNanpaCountryCode) {
+ nanpa_regions_->insert(region_code);
+ }
+ }
+ country_calling_code_to_region_code_map_->insert(
+ country_calling_code_to_region_code_map_->begin(),
+ country_calling_code_to_region_map.begin(),
+ country_calling_code_to_region_map.end());
+ // Sort all the pairs in ascending order according to country calling code.
+ sort(country_calling_code_to_region_code_map_->begin(),
+ country_calling_code_to_region_code_map_->end(),
+ CompareFirst());
+ InitializeStaticMapsAndSets();
+PhoneNumberUtil::~PhoneNumberUtil() {
+ for (vector<IntRegionsPair>::const_iterator it =
+ country_calling_code_to_region_code_map_->begin();
+ it != country_calling_code_to_region_code_map_->end();
+ ++it) {
+ delete it->second;
+ }
+// Public wrapper function to get a PhoneNumberUtil instance with the default
+// metadata file.
+// static
+PhoneNumberUtil* PhoneNumberUtil::GetInstance() {
+ return Singleton<PhoneNumberUtil>::get();
+void PhoneNumberUtil::GetSupportedRegions(set<string>* regions) const {
+ DCHECK(regions);
+ for (map<string, PhoneMetadata>::const_iterator it =
+ region_to_metadata_map_->begin(); it != region_to_metadata_map_->end();
+ ++it) {
+ regions->insert(it->first);
+ }
+void PhoneNumberUtil::GetNddPrefixForRegion(const string& region_code,
+ bool strip_non_digits,
+ string* national_prefix) const {
+ DCHECK(national_prefix);
+ if (!IsValidRegionCode(region_code)) {
+ logger->Error("Invalid region code provided.");
+ return;
+ }
+ const PhoneMetadata* metadata = GetMetadataForRegion(region_code);
+ national_prefix->assign(metadata->national_prefix());
+ if (strip_non_digits) {
+ // Note: if any other non-numeric symbols are ever used in national
+ // prefixes, these would have to be removed here as well.
+ strrmm(national_prefix, "~");
+ }
+bool PhoneNumberUtil::IsValidRegionCode(const string& region_code) const {
+ return (region_to_metadata_map_->find(region_code) !=
+ region_to_metadata_map_->end());
+bool PhoneNumberUtil::HasValidRegionCode(const string& region_code,
+ int country_code,
+ const string& number) const {
+ if (!IsValidRegionCode(region_code)) {
+ logger->Info(string("Number ") + number +
+ " has invalid or missing country code (" + country_code + ")");
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+// Returns a pointer to the phone metadata for the appropriate region.
+const PhoneMetadata* PhoneNumberUtil::GetMetadataForRegion(
+ const string& region_code) const {
+ map<string, PhoneMetadata>::const_iterator it =
+ region_to_metadata_map_->find(region_code);
+ if (it != region_to_metadata_map_->end()) {
+ return &it->second;
+ }
+ return NULL;
+void PhoneNumberUtil::Format(const PhoneNumber& number,
+ PhoneNumberFormat number_format,
+ string* formatted_number) const {
+ DCHECK(formatted_number);
+ int country_calling_code = number.country_code();
+ string national_significant_number;
+ GetNationalSignificantNumber(number, &national_significant_number);
+ if (number_format == E164) {
+ // Early exit for E164 case since no formatting of the national number needs
+ // to be applied. Extensions are not formatted.
+ FormatNumberByFormat(country_calling_code, E164,
+ national_significant_number, "", formatted_number);
+ return;
+ }
+ // Note here that all NANPA formatting rules are contained by US, so we use
+ // that to format NANPA numbers. The same applies to Russian Fed regions -
+ // rules are contained by Russia. French Indian Ocean country rules are
+ // contained by Réunion.
+ string region_code;
+ GetRegionCodeForCountryCode(country_calling_code, &region_code);
+ if (!HasValidRegionCode(region_code, country_calling_code,
+ national_significant_number)) {
+ formatted_number->assign(national_significant_number);
+ return;
+ }
+ string formatted_extension;
+ MaybeGetFormattedExtension(number, region_code, number_format,
+ &formatted_extension);
+ string formatted_national_number;
+ FormatNationalNumber(national_significant_number, region_code, number_format,
+ &formatted_national_number);
+ FormatNumberByFormat(country_calling_code, number_format,
+ formatted_national_number,
+ formatted_extension, formatted_number);
+void PhoneNumberUtil::FormatByPattern(
+ const PhoneNumber& number,
+ PhoneNumberFormat number_format,
+ const RepeatedPtrField<NumberFormat>& user_defined_formats,
+ string* formatted_number) const {
+ static scoped_ptr<const reg_exp::RegularExpression>
+ national_prefix_pattern(reg_exp::CreateRegularExpression("\\$NP"));
+ static scoped_ptr<const reg_exp::RegularExpression>
+ first_group_pattern(reg_exp::CreateRegularExpression("\\$FG"));
+ DCHECK(formatted_number);
+ int country_calling_code = number.country_code();
+ // Note GetRegionCodeForCountryCode() is used because formatting information
+ // for regions which share a country calling code is contained by only one
+ // region for performance reasons. For example, for NANPA regions it will be
+ // contained in the metadata for US.
+ string region_code;
+ GetRegionCodeForCountryCode(country_calling_code, &region_code);
+ string national_significant_number;
+ GetNationalSignificantNumber(number, &national_significant_number);
+ if (!HasValidRegionCode(region_code, country_calling_code,
+ national_significant_number)) {
+ formatted_number->assign(national_significant_number);
+ return;
+ }
+ RepeatedPtrField<NumberFormat> user_defined_formats_copy;
+ for (RepeatedPtrField<NumberFormat>::const_iterator it =
+ user_defined_formats.begin();
+ it != user_defined_formats.end();
+ ++it) {
+ string national_prefix_formatting_rule(
+ it->national_prefix_formatting_rule());
+ if (!national_prefix_formatting_rule.empty()) {
+ const string& national_prefix =
+ GetMetadataForRegion(region_code)->national_prefix();
+ NumberFormat* num_format_copy = user_defined_formats_copy.Add();
+ num_format_copy->MergeFrom(*it);
+ if (!national_prefix.empty()) {
+ // Replace $NP with national prefix and $FG with the first group ($1).
+ national_prefix_pattern->Replace(&national_prefix_formatting_rule,
+ false,
+ national_prefix.c_str());
+ first_group_pattern->Replace(&national_prefix_formatting_rule,
+ false,
+ "$1");
+ num_format_copy->set_national_prefix_formatting_rule(
+ national_prefix_formatting_rule);
+ } else {
+ // We don't want to have a rule for how to format the national prefix if
+ // there isn't one.
+ num_format_copy->clear_national_prefix_formatting_rule();
+ }
+ } else {
+ user_defined_formats_copy.Add()->MergeFrom(*it);
+ }
+ }
+ string formatted_number_without_extension;
+ FormatAccordingToFormats(national_significant_number,
+ user_defined_formats_copy,
+ number_format, national_significant_number,
+ &formatted_number_without_extension);
+ string formatted_extension;
+ MaybeGetFormattedExtension(number, region_code, NATIONAL,
+ &formatted_extension);
+ FormatNumberByFormat(country_calling_code, number_format,
+ formatted_number_without_extension, formatted_extension,
+ formatted_number);
+void PhoneNumberUtil::FormatNationalNumberWithCarrierCode(
+ const PhoneNumber& number,
+ const string& carrier_code,
+ string* formatted_number) const {
+ int country_calling_code = number.country_code();
+ string national_significant_number;
+ GetNationalSignificantNumber(number, &national_significant_number);
+ // Note GetRegionCodeForCountryCode() is used because formatting information
+ // for regions which share a country calling code is contained by only one
+ // region for performance reasons. For example, for NANPA regions it will be
+ // contained in the metadata for US.
+ string region_code;
+ GetRegionCodeForCountryCode(country_calling_code, &region_code);
+ if (!HasValidRegionCode(region_code, country_calling_code,
+ national_significant_number)) {
+ formatted_number->assign(national_significant_number);
+ }
+ string formatted_extension;
+ MaybeGetFormattedExtension(number, region_code, NATIONAL,
+ &formatted_extension);
+ string formatted_national_number;
+ FormatNationalNumberWithCarrier(national_significant_number, region_code,
+ NATIONAL, carrier_code,
+ &formatted_national_number);
+ FormatNumberByFormat(country_calling_code, NATIONAL,
+ formatted_national_number, formatted_extension,
+ formatted_number);
+void PhoneNumberUtil::FormatNationalNumberWithPreferredCarrierCode(
+ const PhoneNumber& number,
+ const string& fallback_carrier_code,
+ string* formatted_number) const {
+ FormatNationalNumberWithCarrierCode(
+ number,
+ number.has_preferred_domestic_carrier_code()
+ ? number.preferred_domestic_carrier_code()
+ : fallback_carrier_code,
+ formatted_number);
+void PhoneNumberUtil::FormatOutOfCountryCallingNumber(
+ const PhoneNumber& number,
+ const string& calling_from,
+ string* formatted_number) const {
+ DCHECK(formatted_number);
+ if (!IsValidRegionCode(calling_from)) {
+ logger->Info("Trying to format number from invalid region. International"
+ " formatting applied.");
+ Format(number, INTERNATIONAL, formatted_number);
+ return;
+ }
+ int country_code = number.country_code();
+ string region_code;
+ GetRegionCodeForCountryCode(country_code, &region_code);
+ string national_significant_number;
+ GetNationalSignificantNumber(number, &national_significant_number);
+ if (!HasValidRegionCode(region_code, country_code,
+ national_significant_number)) {
+ formatted_number->assign(national_significant_number);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (country_code == kNanpaCountryCode) {
+ if (IsNANPACountry(calling_from)) {
+ // For NANPA regions, return the national format for these regions but
+ // prefix it with the country calling code.
+ string national_number;
+ Format(number, NATIONAL, &national_number);
+ formatted_number->assign(StrCat(country_code, " ", national_number));
+ return;
+ }
+ } else if (country_code == GetCountryCodeForRegion(calling_from)) {
+ // If neither region is a NANPA region, then we check to see if the
+ // country calling code of the number and the country calling code of the
+ // region we are calling from are the same.
+ // For regions that share a country calling code, the country calling code
+ // need not be dialled. This also applies when dialling within a region, so
+ // this if clause covers both these cases.
+ // Technically this is the case for dialling from la Réunion to other
+ // overseas departments of France (French Guiana, Martinique, Guadeloupe),
+ // but not vice versa - so we don't cover this edge case for now and for
+ // those cases return the version including country calling code.
+ // Details here:
+ //
+ Format(number, NATIONAL, formatted_number);
+ return;
+ }
+ string formatted_national_number;
+ FormatNationalNumber(national_significant_number, region_code, INTERNATIONAL,
+ &formatted_national_number);
+ const PhoneMetadata* metadata = GetMetadataForRegion(calling_from);
+ const string& international_prefix = metadata->international_prefix();
+ string formatted_extension;
+ MaybeGetFormattedExtension(number, region_code, INTERNATIONAL,
+ &formatted_extension);
+ // For regions that have multiple international prefixes, the international
+ // format of the number is returned, unless there is a preferred international
+ // prefix.
+ string international_prefix_for_formatting(
+ unique_international_prefix->Match(international_prefix.c_str(),
+ true, NULL)
+ ? international_prefix
+ : metadata->preferred_international_prefix());
+ if (!international_prefix_for_formatting.empty()) {
+ formatted_number->assign(
+ StrCat(international_prefix_for_formatting, " ", country_code, " ",
+ formatted_national_number, formatted_extension));
+ } else {
+ FormatNumberByFormat(country_code, INTERNATIONAL, formatted_national_number,
+ formatted_extension, formatted_number);
+ }
+void PhoneNumberUtil::FormatInOriginalFormat(const PhoneNumber& number,
+ const string& region_calling_from,
+ string* formatted_number) const {
+ DCHECK(formatted_number);
+ if (!number.has_country_code_source()) {
+ Format(number, NATIONAL, formatted_number);
+ return;
+ }
+ switch (number.country_code_source()) {
+ Format(number, INTERNATIONAL, formatted_number);
+ return;
+ case PhoneNumber::FROM_NUMBER_WITH_IDD:
+ FormatOutOfCountryCallingNumber(number, region_calling_from,
+ formatted_number);
+ return;
+ Format(number, INTERNATIONAL, formatted_number);
+ formatted_number->erase(formatted_number->begin());
+ return;
+ case PhoneNumber::FROM_DEFAULT_COUNTRY:
+ default:
+ Format(number, NATIONAL, formatted_number);
+ }
+void PhoneNumberUtil::FormatOutOfCountryKeepingAlphaChars(
+ const PhoneNumber& number,
+ const string& calling_from,
+ string* formatted_number) const {
+ // If there is no raw input, then we can't keep alpha characters because there
+ // aren't any. In this case, we return FormatOutOfCountryCallingNumber.
+ if (number.raw_input().empty()) {
+ FormatOutOfCountryCallingNumber(number, calling_from, formatted_number);
+ return;
+ }
+ string region_code;
+ GetRegionCodeForCountryCode(number.country_code(), &region_code);
+ if (!HasValidRegionCode(region_code, number.country_code(),
+ number.raw_input())) {
+ formatted_number->assign(number.raw_input());
+ return;
+ }
+ // Strip any prefix such as country calling code, IDD, that was present. We do
+ // this by comparing the number in raw_input with the parsed number.
+ string raw_input_copy(number.raw_input());
+ // Normalize punctuation. We retain number grouping symbols such as " " only.
+ NormalizeHelper(*all_plus_number_grouping_symbols, true, &raw_input_copy);
+ // Now we trim everything before the first three digits in the parsed number.
+ // We choose three because all valid alpha numbers have 3 digits at the start
+ // - if it does not, then we don't trim anything at all. Similarly, if the
+ // national number was less than three digits, we don't trim anything at all.
+ string national_number;
+ GetNationalSignificantNumber(number, &national_number);
+ if (national_number.length() > 3) {
+ size_t first_national_number_digit =
+ raw_input_copy.find(national_number.substr(0, 3));
+ if (first_national_number_digit != string::npos) {
+ raw_input_copy = raw_input_copy.substr(first_national_number_digit);
+ }
+ }
+ const PhoneMetadata* metadata = GetMetadataForRegion(calling_from);
+ if (number.country_code() == kNanpaCountryCode) {
+ if (IsNANPACountry(calling_from)) {
+ formatted_number->assign(StrCat(number.country_code(), " ",
+ raw_input_copy));
+ return;
+ }
+ } else if (number.country_code() == GetCountryCodeForRegion(calling_from)) {
+ // Here we copy the formatting rules so we can modify the pattern we expect
+ // to match against.
+ RepeatedPtrField<NumberFormat> available_formats = metadata->number_format();
+ for (RepeatedPtrField<NumberFormat>::iterator
+ it = available_formats.begin(); it != available_formats.end(); ++it) {
+ // The first group is the first group of digits that the user determined.
+ it->set_pattern("(\\d+)(.*)");
+ // Here we just concatenate them back together after the national prefix
+ // has been fixed.
+ it->set_format("$1$2");
+ }
+ // Now we format using these patterns instead of the default pattern, but
+ // with the national prefix prefixed if necessary, by choosing the format
+ // rule based on the leading digits present in the unformatted national
+ // number.
+ // This will not work in the cases where the pattern (and not the
+ // leading digits) decide whether a national prefix needs to be used, since
+ // we have overridden the pattern to match anything, but that is not the
+ // case in the metadata to date.
+ FormatAccordingToFormats(national_number, available_formats,
+ NATIONAL, raw_input_copy, formatted_number);
+ return;
+ }
+ const string& international_prefix = metadata->international_prefix();
+ // For regions that have multiple international prefixes, the international
+ // format of the number is returned, unless there is a preferred international
+ // prefix.
+ string international_prefix_for_formatting(
+ unique_international_prefix->Match(international_prefix.c_str(),
+ true, NULL)
+ ? international_prefix
+ : metadata->preferred_international_prefix());
+ if (!international_prefix_for_formatting.empty()) {
+ formatted_number->assign(
+ StrCat(international_prefix_for_formatting, " ", number.country_code(),
+ " ", raw_input_copy));
+ } else {
+ FormatNumberByFormat(number.country_code(), INTERNATIONAL, raw_input_copy,
+ "", formatted_number);
+ }
+void PhoneNumberUtil::FormatNationalNumber(
+ const string& number,
+ const string& region_code,
+ PhoneNumberFormat number_format,
+ string* formatted_number) const {
+ DCHECK(formatted_number);
+ FormatNationalNumberWithCarrier(number, region_code, number_format, "",
+ formatted_number);
+// Note in some regions, the national number can be written in two completely
+// different ways depending on whether it forms part of the NATIONAL format or
+// INTERNATIONAL format. The number_format parameter here is used to specify
+// which format to use for those cases. If a carrier_code is specified, this
+// will be inserted into the formatted string to replace $CC.
+void PhoneNumberUtil::FormatNationalNumberWithCarrier(
+ const string& number,
+ const string& region_code,
+ PhoneNumberFormat number_format,
+ const string& carrier_code,
+ string* formatted_number) const {
+ DCHECK(formatted_number);
+ const PhoneMetadata* metadata = GetMetadataForRegion(region_code);
+ // When the intl_number_formats exists, we use that to format national number
+ // for the INTERNATIONAL format instead of using the number_formats.
+ const RepeatedPtrField<NumberFormat> available_formats =
+ (metadata->intl_number_format_size() == 0 || number_format == NATIONAL)
+ ? metadata->number_format()
+ : metadata->intl_number_format();
+ FormatAccordingToFormatsWithCarrier(number, available_formats, number_format,
+ number, carrier_code, formatted_number);
+ if (number_format == RFC3966) {
+ // Replace all separators with a "-".
+ scoped_ptr<const reg_exp::RegularExpression> separator_pattern(
+ reg_exp::CreateRegularExpression(
+ StrCat("[", kValidPunctuation, "]+").c_str()));
+ separator_pattern->Replace(formatted_number, true, "-");
+ }
+// Gets the formatted extension of a phone number, if the phone number had an
+// extension specified. If not, it returns an empty string.
+void PhoneNumberUtil::MaybeGetFormattedExtension(
+ const PhoneNumber& number,
+ const string& region_code,
+ PhoneNumberFormat number_format,
+ string* extension) const {
+ DCHECK(extension);
+ if (!number.has_extension() || number.extension().length() == 0) {
+ extension->assign("");
+ } else {
+ if (number_format == RFC3966) {
+ StrAppend(extension, kRfc3966ExtnPrefix, number.extension());
+ return;
+ }
+ FormatExtension(number.extension(), region_code, extension);
+ }
+// Formats the extension part of the phone number by prefixing it with the
+// appropriate extension prefix. This will be the default extension prefix,
+// unless overridden by a preferred extension prefix for this region.
+void PhoneNumberUtil::FormatExtension(const string& extension_digits,
+ const string& region_code,
+ string* extension) const {
+ DCHECK(extension);
+ const PhoneMetadata* metadata = GetMetadataForRegion(region_code);
+ if (metadata->has_preferred_extn_prefix()) {
+ extension->assign(StrCat(metadata->preferred_extn_prefix(),
+ extension_digits));
+ } else {
+ extension->assign(StrCat(kDefaultExtnPrefix, extension_digits));
+ }
+bool PhoneNumberUtil::IsNANPACountry(const string& region_code) const {
+ return nanpa_regions_->find(region_code) != nanpa_regions_->end();
+// Returns the region codes that matches the specific country calling code. In
+// the case of no region code being found, region_codes will be left empty.
+void PhoneNumberUtil::GetRegionCodesForCountryCallingCode(
+ int country_calling_code,
+ list<string>* region_codes) const {
+ DCHECK(region_codes);
+ // Create a IntRegionsPair with the country_code passed in, and use it to
+ // locate the pair with the same country_code in the sorted vector.
+ IntRegionsPair target_pair;
+ target_pair.first = country_calling_code;
+ typedef vector<IntRegionsPair>::const_iterator ConstIterator;
+ pair<ConstIterator, ConstIterator> range = equal_range(
+ country_calling_code_to_region_code_map_->begin(),
+ country_calling_code_to_region_code_map_->end(),
+ target_pair, CompareFirst());
+ if (range.first != range.second) {
+ region_codes->insert(region_codes->begin(),
+ range.first->second->begin(),
+ range.first->second->end());
+ }
+// Returns the region code that matches the specific country calling code. In
+// the case of no region code being found, ZZ will be returned.
+void PhoneNumberUtil::GetRegionCodeForCountryCode(
+ int country_calling_code,
+ string* region_code) const {
+ DCHECK(region_code);
+ list<string> region_codes;
+ GetRegionCodesForCountryCallingCode(country_calling_code, &region_codes);
+ *region_code = region_codes.size() != 0 ? region_codes.front() : "ZZ";
+void PhoneNumberUtil::GetRegionCodeForNumber(const PhoneNumber& number,
+ string* region_code) const {
+ DCHECK(region_code);
+ int country_calling_code = number.country_code();
+ list<string> region_codes;
+ GetRegionCodesForCountryCallingCode(country_calling_code, &region_codes);
+ if (region_codes.size() == 0) {
+ string number_string;
+ GetNationalSignificantNumber(number, &number_string);
+ logger->Warning(string("Missing/invalid country code (") +
+ SimpleItoa(country_calling_code) + ") for number " + number_string);
+ *region_code = "ZZ";
+ return;
+ }
+ if (region_codes.size() == 1) {
+ *region_code = region_codes.front();
+ } else {
+ GetRegionCodeForNumberFromRegionList(number, region_codes, region_code);
+ }
+void PhoneNumberUtil::GetRegionCodeForNumberFromRegionList(
+ const PhoneNumber& number, const list<string>& region_codes,
+ string* region_code) const {
+ DCHECK(region_code);
+ string national_number;
+ GetNationalSignificantNumber(number, &national_number);
+ for (list<string>::const_iterator it = region_codes.begin();
+ it != region_codes.end(); ++it) {
+ const PhoneMetadata* metadata = GetMetadataForRegion(*it);
+ if (metadata->has_leading_digits()) {
+ scoped_ptr<reg_exp::RegularExpressionInput> number(
+ reg_exp::CreateRegularExpressionInput(national_number.c_str()));
+ if (number->ConsumeRegExp(metadata->leading_digits(), true, NULL, NULL)) {
+ *region_code = *it;
+ return;
+ }
+ } else if (GetNumberTypeHelper(national_number, *metadata) != UNKNOWN) {
+ *region_code = *it;
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ *region_code = "ZZ";
+int PhoneNumberUtil::GetCountryCodeForRegion(const string& region_code) const {
+ if (!IsValidRegionCode(region_code)) {
+ logger->Info("Invalid or unknown country code provided.");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ const PhoneMetadata* metadata = GetMetadataForRegion(region_code);
+ if (!metadata) {
+ logger->Error("Unsupported country code provided.");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return metadata->country_code();
+// Gets a valid fixed-line number for the specified region_code. Returns false
+// if the country was unknown or if no number exists.
+bool PhoneNumberUtil::GetExampleNumber(const string& region_code,
+ PhoneNumber* number) const {
+ DCHECK(number);
+ return GetExampleNumberForType(region_code,
+ number);
+// Gets a valid number for the specified region_code and type. Returns false if
+// the country was unknown or if no number exists.
+bool PhoneNumberUtil::GetExampleNumberForType(
+ const string& region_code,
+ PhoneNumberUtil::PhoneNumberType type,
+ PhoneNumber* number) const {
+ DCHECK(number);
+ const PhoneMetadata* region_metadata = GetMetadataForRegion(region_code);
+ const PhoneNumberDesc* description =
+ GetNumberDescByType(*region_metadata, type);
+ if (description && description->has_example_number()) {
+ return (Parse(description->example_number(),
+ region_code,
+ number) == NO_PARSING_ERROR);
+ }
+ return false;
+PhoneNumberUtil::ErrorType PhoneNumberUtil::Parse(const string& number_to_parse,
+ const string& default_region,
+ PhoneNumber* number) const {
+ DCHECK(number);
+ return ParseHelper(number_to_parse, default_region, false, true, number);
+PhoneNumberUtil::ErrorType PhoneNumberUtil::ParseAndKeepRawInput(
+ const string& number_to_parse,
+ const string& default_region,
+ PhoneNumber* number) const {
+ DCHECK(number);
+ return ParseHelper(number_to_parse, default_region, true, true, number);
+// Checks to see that the region code used is valid, or if it is not valid, that
+// the number to parse starts with a + symbol so that we can attempt to infer
+// the country from the number. Returns false if it cannot use the region
+// provided and the region cannot be inferred.
+bool PhoneNumberUtil::CheckRegionForParsing(
+ const string& number_to_parse,
+ const string& default_region) const {
+ if (!IsValidRegionCode(default_region) && !number_to_parse.empty()) {
+ scoped_ptr<reg_exp::RegularExpressionInput> number_as_string_piece(
+ reg_exp::CreateRegularExpressionInput(number_to_parse.c_str()));
+ if (!plus_chars_pattern->Consume(number_as_string_piece.get(),
+ true, NULL, NULL)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+PhoneNumberUtil::ErrorType PhoneNumberUtil::ParseHelper(
+ const string& number_to_parse,
+ const string& default_region,
+ bool keep_raw_input,
+ bool check_region,
+ PhoneNumber* phone_number) const {
+ DCHECK(phone_number);
+ // Extract a possible number from the string passed in (this strips leading
+ // characters that could not be the start of a phone number.)
+ string national_number;
+ ExtractPossibleNumber(number_to_parse, &national_number);
+ if (!IsViablePhoneNumber(national_number)) {
+ logger->Debug("The string supplied did not seem to be a phone number.");
+ return NOT_A_NUMBER;
+ }
+ if (check_region &&
+ !CheckRegionForParsing(national_number, default_region)) {
+ logger->Info("Missing or invalid default country.");
+ }
+ PhoneNumber temp_number;
+ if (keep_raw_input) {
+ temp_number.set_raw_input(number_to_parse);
+ }
+ // Attempt to parse extension first, since it doesn't require country-specific
+ // data and we want to have the non-normalised number here.
+ string extension;
+ MaybeStripExtension(&national_number, &extension);
+ if (!extension.empty()) {
+ temp_number.set_extension(extension);
+ }
+ const PhoneMetadata* country_metadata = GetMetadataForRegion(default_region);
+ // Check to see if the number is given in international format so we know
+ // whether this number is from the default country or not.
+ string normalized_national_number(national_number);
+ ErrorType country_code_error =
+ MaybeExtractCountryCode(country_metadata, keep_raw_input,
+ &normalized_national_number, &temp_number);
+ int country_code = temp_number.country_code();
+ if (country_code_error != NO_PARSING_ERROR) {
+ return country_code_error;
+ }
+ if (country_code != 0) {
+ string phone_number_region;
+ GetRegionCodeForCountryCode(country_code, &phone_number_region);
+ if (phone_number_region != default_region) {
+ country_metadata = GetMetadataForRegion(phone_number_region);
+ }
+ } else if (country_metadata) {
+ // If no extracted country calling code, use the region supplied instead.
+ // Note that the national number was already normalized by
+ // MaybeExtractCountryCode.
+ country_code = country_metadata->country_code();
+ }
+ if (normalized_national_number.length() < kMinLengthForNsn) {
+ logger->Debug("The string supplied is too short to be a phone number.");
+ return TOO_SHORT_NSN;
+ }
+ if (country_metadata) {
+ string* carrier_code = keep_raw_input ?
+ temp_number.mutable_preferred_domestic_carrier_code() : NULL;
+ MaybeStripNationalPrefixAndCarrierCode(*country_metadata,
+ &normalized_national_number,
+ carrier_code);
+ }
+ size_t normalized_national_number_length =
+ normalized_national_number.length();
+ if (normalized_national_number_length < kMinLengthForNsn) {
+ logger->Debug("The string supplied is too short to be a phone number.");
+ return TOO_SHORT_NSN;
+ }
+ if (normalized_national_number_length > kMaxLengthForNsn) {
+ logger->Debug("The string supplied is too long to be a phone number.");
+ return TOO_LONG_NSN;
+ }
+ temp_number.set_country_code(country_code);
+ if (country_metadata &&
+ country_metadata->leading_zero_possible() &&
+ normalized_national_number[0] == '0') {
+ temp_number.set_italian_leading_zero(true);
+ }
+ uint64 number_as_int;
+ safe_strtou64(normalized_national_number, &number_as_int);
+ temp_number.set_national_number(number_as_int);
+ phone_number->MergeFrom(temp_number);
+// Attempts to extract a possible number from the string passed in. This
+// currently strips all leading characters that could not be used to start a
+// phone number. Characters that can be used to start a phone number are
+// defined in the valid_start_char_pattern. If none of these characters are
+// found in the number passed in, an empty string is returned. This function
+// also attempts to strip off any alternative extensions or endings if two or
+// more are present, such as in the case of: (530) 583-6985 x302/x2303. The
+// second extension here makes this actually two phone numbers, (530) 583-6985
+// x302 and (530) 583-6985 x2303. We remove the second extension so that the
+// first number is parsed correctly.
+// static
+void PhoneNumberUtil::ExtractPossibleNumber(const string& number,
+ string* extracted_number) {
+ DCHECK(extracted_number);
+ UnicodeText number_as_unicode;
+ number_as_unicode.PointToUTF8(, number.size());
+ char current_char[5];
+ int len;
+ UnicodeText::const_iterator it;
+ for (it = number_as_unicode.begin(); it != number_as_unicode.end(); ++it) {
+ len = it.get_utf8(current_char);
+ current_char[len] = '\0';
+ if (valid_start_char_pattern->Match(current_char, true, NULL)) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (it == number_as_unicode.end()) {
+ // No valid start character was found. extracted_number should be set to
+ // empty string.
+ extracted_number->assign("");
+ return;
+ }
+ UnicodeText::const_reverse_iterator reverse_it(number_as_unicode.end());
+ for (; reverse_it.base() != it; ++reverse_it) {
+ len = reverse_it.get_utf8(current_char);
+ current_char[len] = '\0';
+ if (!unwanted_end_char_pattern->Match(current_char, true, NULL)) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (reverse_it.base() == it) {
+ extracted_number->assign("");
+ return;
+ }
+ extracted_number->assign(UnicodeText::UTF8Substring(it, reverse_it.base()));
+ logger->Debug("After stripping starting and trailing characters,"
+ " left with: " + *extracted_number);
+ // Now remove any extra numbers at the end.
+ capture_up_to_second_number_start_pattern->Match(extracted_number->c_str(),
+ false,
+ extracted_number);
+bool PhoneNumberUtil::IsPossibleNumber(const PhoneNumber& number) const {
+ return IsPossibleNumberWithReason(number) == IS_POSSIBLE;
+bool PhoneNumberUtil::IsPossibleNumberForString(
+ const string& number,
+ const string& region_dialing_from) const {
+ PhoneNumber number_proto;
+ if (Parse(number, region_dialing_from, &number_proto) == NO_PARSING_ERROR) {
+ return IsPossibleNumber(number_proto);
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+PhoneNumberUtil::ValidationResult PhoneNumberUtil::IsPossibleNumberWithReason(
+ const PhoneNumber& number) const {
+ string national_number;
+ GetNationalSignificantNumber(number, &national_number);
+ int country_code = number.country_code();
+ // Note: For Russian Fed and NANPA numbers, we just use the rules from the
+ // default region (US or Russia) since the GetRegionCodeForNumber will not
+ // work if the number is possible but not valid. This would need to be
+ // revisited if the possible number pattern ever differed between various
+ // regions within those plans.
+ string region_code;
+ GetRegionCodeForCountryCode(country_code, &region_code);
+ if (!HasValidRegionCode(region_code, country_code, national_number)) {
+ }
+ const PhoneNumberDesc& general_num_desc =
+ GetMetadataForRegion(region_code)->general_desc();
+ // Handling case of numbers with no metadata.
+ if (!general_num_desc.has_national_number_pattern()) {
+ size_t number_length = national_number.length();
+ if (number_length < kMinLengthForNsn) {
+ return TOO_SHORT;
+ } else if (number_length > kMaxLengthForNsn) {
+ return TOO_LONG;
+ } else {
+ return IS_POSSIBLE;
+ }
+ }
+ scoped_ptr<reg_exp::RegularExpression> possible_number_pattern(
+ reg_exp::CreateRegularExpression(
+ StrCat("(", general_num_desc.possible_number_pattern(), ")").c_str()));
+ return TestNumberLengthAgainstPattern(possible_number_pattern.get(),
+ national_number);
+bool PhoneNumberUtil::TruncateTooLongNumber(PhoneNumber* number) const {
+ if (IsValidNumber(*number)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ PhoneNumber number_copy(*number);
+ uint64 national_number = number->national_number();
+ do {
+ national_number /= 10;
+ number_copy.set_national_number(national_number);
+ if (IsPossibleNumberWithReason(number_copy) == TOO_SHORT ||
+ national_number == 0) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ } while (!IsValidNumber(number_copy));
+ number->set_national_number(national_number);
+ return true;
+PhoneNumberUtil::PhoneNumberType PhoneNumberUtil::GetNumberType(
+ const PhoneNumber& number) const {
+ string region_code;
+ GetRegionCodeForNumber(number, &region_code);
+ if (!IsValidRegionCode(region_code)) {
+ return UNKNOWN;
+ }
+ string national_significant_number;
+ GetNationalSignificantNumber(number, &national_significant_number);
+ return GetNumberTypeHelper(national_significant_number,
+ *GetMetadataForRegion(region_code));
+bool PhoneNumberUtil::IsValidNumber(const PhoneNumber& number) const {
+ string region_code;
+ GetRegionCodeForNumber(number, &region_code);
+ return IsValidRegionCode(region_code) &&
+ IsValidNumberForRegion(number, region_code);
+bool PhoneNumberUtil::IsValidNumberForRegion(const PhoneNumber& number,
+ const string& region_code) const {
+ if (number.country_code() != GetCountryCodeForRegion(region_code)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ const PhoneMetadata* metadata = GetMetadataForRegion(region_code);
+ const PhoneNumberDesc& general_desc = metadata->general_desc();
+ string national_number;
+ GetNationalSignificantNumber(number, &national_number);
+ // For regions where we don't have metadata for PhoneNumberDesc, we treat
+ // any number passed in as a valid number if its national significant number
+ // is between the minimum and maximum lengths defined by ITU for a national
+ // significant number.
+ if (!general_desc.has_national_number_pattern()) {
+ logger->Info("Validating number with incomplete metadata.");
+ size_t number_length = national_number.length();
+ return number_length > kMinLengthForNsn &&
+ number_length <= kMaxLengthForNsn;
+ }
+ return GetNumberTypeHelper(national_number, *metadata) != UNKNOWN;
+bool PhoneNumberUtil::IsLeadingZeroPossible(int country_calling_code) const {
+ string region_code;
+ GetRegionCodeForCountryCode(country_calling_code, &region_code);
+ const PhoneMetadata* main_metadata_for_calling_code =
+ GetMetadataForRegion(region_code);
+ if (!main_metadata_for_calling_code) return false;
+ return main_metadata_for_calling_code->leading_zero_possible();
+void PhoneNumberUtil::GetNationalSignificantNumber(
+ const PhoneNumber& number,
+ string* national_number) const {
+ // The leading zero in the national (significant) number of an Italian phone
+ // number has a special meaning. Unlike the rest of the world, it indicates
+ // the number is a landline number. There have been plans to migrate landline
+ // numbers to start with the digit two since December 2000, but it has not yet
+ // happened.
+ // See for more details.
+ // Other regions such as Cote d'Ivoire and Gabon use this for their mobile
+ // numbers.
+ DCHECK(national_number);
+ StrAppend(national_number,
+ (IsLeadingZeroPossible(number.country_code()) &&
+ number.has_italian_leading_zero() &&
+ number.italian_leading_zero())
+ ? "0"
+ : "");
+ StrAppend(national_number, number.national_number());
+int PhoneNumberUtil::GetLengthOfGeographicalAreaCode(
+ const PhoneNumber& number) const {
+ string region_code;
+ GetRegionCodeForNumber(number, &region_code);
+ if (!IsValidRegionCode(region_code)) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ const PhoneMetadata* metadata = GetMetadataForRegion(region_code);
+ DCHECK(metadata);
+ if (!metadata->has_national_prefix()) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ string national_significant_number;
+ GetNationalSignificantNumber(number, &national_significant_number);
+ PhoneNumberType type = GetNumberTypeHelper(national_significant_number,
+ *metadata);
+ // Most numbers other than the two types below have to be dialled in full.
+ if (type != FIXED_LINE && type != FIXED_LINE_OR_MOBILE) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return GetLengthOfNationalDestinationCode(number);
+int PhoneNumberUtil::GetLengthOfNationalDestinationCode(
+ const PhoneNumber& number) const {
+ PhoneNumber copied_proto(number);
+ if (number.has_extension()) {
+ // Clear the extension so it's not included when formatting.
+ copied_proto.clear_extension();
+ }
+ string formatted_number;
+ Format(copied_proto, INTERNATIONAL, &formatted_number);
+ scoped_ptr<reg_exp::RegularExpressionInput> i18n_number(
+ reg_exp::CreateRegularExpressionInput(formatted_number.c_str()));
+ string digit_group;
+ string ndc;
+ string third_group;
+ for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
+ if (!capturing_ascii_digits_pattern->Consume(i18n_number.get(),
+ false,
+ &digit_group,
+ NULL)) {
+ // We should find at least three groups.
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (i == 1) {
+ ndc = digit_group;
+ } else if (i == 2) {
+ third_group = digit_group;
+ }
+ }
+ string region_code;
+ GetRegionCodeForNumber(number, &region_code);
+ if (region_code == "AR" &&
+ GetNumberType(number) == MOBILE) {
+ // Argentinian mobile numbers, when formatted in the international format,
+ // are in the form of +54 9 NDC XXXX.... As a result, we take the length of
+ // the third group (NDC) and add 1 for the digit 9, which also forms part of
+ // the national significant number.
+ return third_group.size() + 1;
+ }
+ return ndc.size();
+// static
+void PhoneNumberUtil::NormalizeDigitsOnly(string* number) {
+ DCHECK(number);
+ // Delete everything that isn't valid digits.
+ static scoped_ptr<reg_exp::RegularExpression> invalid_digits_pattern(
+ reg_exp::CreateRegularExpression(StrCat("[^", kValidDigits,
+ "]").c_str()));
+ static const char *empty = "";
+ invalid_digits_pattern->Replace(number, true, empty);
+ // Normalize all decimal digits to ASCII digits.
+ UParseError error;
+ icu::ErrorCode status;
+ scoped_ptr<icu::Transliterator> transliterator(
+ icu::Transliterator::createFromRules(
+ "NormalizeDecimalDigits",
+ "[[:nv=0:]-[0]-[:^nt=de:]]>0;"
+ "[[:nv=1:]-[1]-[:^nt=de:]]>1;"
+ "[[:nv=2:]-[2]-[:^nt=de:]]>2;"
+ "[[:nv=3:]-[3]-[:^nt=de:]]>3;"
+ "[[:nv=4:]-[4]-[:^nt=de:]]>4;"
+ "[[:nv=5:]-[5]-[:^nt=de:]]>5;"
+ "[[:nv=6:]-[6]-[:^nt=de:]]>6;"
+ "[[:nv=7:]-[7]-[:^nt=de:]]>7;"
+ "[[:nv=8:]-[8]-[:^nt=de:]]>8;"
+ "[[:nv=9:]-[9]-[:^nt=de:]]>9;",
+ error,
+ status
+ )
+ );
+ if (!status.isSuccess()) {
+ logger->Error("Error creating ICU Transliterator");
+ return;
+ }
+ icu::UnicodeString utf16(icu::UnicodeString::fromUTF8(number->c_str()));
+ transliterator->transliterate(utf16);
+ number->clear();
+ utf16.toUTF8String(*number);
+bool PhoneNumberUtil::IsAlphaNumber(const string& number) const {
+ if (!IsViablePhoneNumber(number)) {
+ // Number is too short, or doesn't match the basic phone number pattern.
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Copy the number, since we are going to try and strip the extension from it.
+ string number_copy(number);
+ string extension;
+ MaybeStripExtension(&number_copy, &extension);
+ return valid_alpha_phone_pattern->Match(number_copy.c_str(), true, NULL);
+void PhoneNumberUtil::ConvertAlphaCharactersInNumber(string* number) const {
+ DCHECK(number);
+ NormalizeHelper(*all_normalization_mappings, false, number);
+// Normalizes a string of characters representing a phone number. This performs
+// the following conversions:
+// - Wide-ascii digits are converted to normal ASCII (European) digits.
+// - Letters are converted to their numeric representation on a telephone
+// keypad. The keypad used here is the one defined in ITU Recommendation
+// E.161. This is only done if there are 3 or more letters in the number, to
+// lessen the risk that such letters are typos - otherwise alpha characters
+// are stripped.
+// - Punctuation is stripped.
+// - Arabic-Indic numerals are converted to European numerals.
+void PhoneNumberUtil::Normalize(string* number) const {
+ DCHECK(number);
+ if (valid_alpha_phone_pattern->Match(number->c_str(), false, NULL)) {
+ NormalizeHelper(*all_normalization_mappings, true, number);
+ }
+ NormalizeDigitsOnly(number);
+// Checks to see if the string of characters could possibly be a phone number at
+// all. At the moment, checks to see that the string begins with at least 3
+// digits, ignoring any punctuation commonly found in phone numbers. This
+// method does not require the number to be normalized in advance - but does
+// assume that leading non-number symbols have been removed, such as by the
+// method ExtractPossibleNumber.
+// static
+bool PhoneNumberUtil::IsViablePhoneNumber(const string& number) {
+ if (number.length() < kMinLengthForNsn) {
+ logger->Debug("Number too short to be viable:" + number);
+ return false;
+ }
+ return valid_phone_number_pattern->Match(number.c_str(), true, NULL);
+// Strips any international prefix (such as +, 00, 011) present in the number
+// provided, normalizes the resulting number, and indicates if an international
+// prefix was present.
+// possible_idd_prefix represents the international direct dialing prefix from
+// the region we think this number may be dialed in.
+// Returns true if an international dialing prefix could be removed from the
+// number, otherwise false if the number did not seem to be in international
+// format.
+ const string& possible_idd_prefix,
+ string* number) const {
+ DCHECK(number);
+ if (number->empty()) {
+ return PhoneNumber::FROM_DEFAULT_COUNTRY;
+ }
+ scoped_ptr<reg_exp::RegularExpressionInput> number_string_piece(
+ reg_exp::CreateRegularExpressionInput(number->c_str()));
+ if (plus_chars_pattern->Consume(number_string_piece.get(), true,
+ NULL, NULL)) {
+ number->assign(number_string_piece->ToString());
+ // Can now normalize the rest of the number since we've consumed the "+"
+ // sign at the start.
+ Normalize(number);
+ return PhoneNumber::FROM_NUMBER_WITH_PLUS_SIGN;
+ }
+ // Attempt to parse the first digits as an international prefix.
+ scoped_ptr<reg_exp::RegularExpression> idd_pattern(
+ reg_exp::CreateRegularExpression(possible_idd_prefix.c_str()));
+ if (ParsePrefixAsIdd(idd_pattern.get(), number)) {
+ Normalize(number);
+ return PhoneNumber::FROM_NUMBER_WITH_IDD;
+ }
+ // If still not found, then try and normalize the number and then try again.
+ // This shouldn't be done before, since non-numeric characters (+ and ~) may
+ // legally be in the international prefix.
+ Normalize(number);
+ return ParsePrefixAsIdd(idd_pattern.get(), number)
+// Strips any national prefix (such as 0, 1) present in the number provided.
+// The number passed in should be the normalized telephone number that we wish
+// to strip any national dialing prefix from. The metadata should be for the
+// region that we think this number is from.
+// static
+void PhoneNumberUtil::MaybeStripNationalPrefixAndCarrierCode(
+ const PhoneMetadata& metadata,
+ string* number,
+ string* carrier_code) {
+ DCHECK(number);
+ string carrier_code_temp;
+ const string& possible_national_prefix =
+ metadata.national_prefix_for_parsing();
+ if (number->empty() || possible_national_prefix.empty()) {
+ // Early return for numbers of zero length or with no national prefix
+ // possible.
+ return;
+ }
+ // We use two copies here since Consume modifies the phone number, and if the
+ // first if-clause fails the number will already be changed.
+ scoped_ptr<reg_exp::RegularExpressionInput> number_copy(
+ reg_exp::CreateRegularExpressionInput(number->c_str()));
+ scoped_ptr<reg_exp::RegularExpressionInput> number_copy_without_transform(
+ reg_exp::CreateRegularExpressionInput(number->c_str()));
+ string number_string_copy(*number);
+ string captured_part_of_prefix;
+ scoped_ptr<reg_exp::RegularExpression> national_number_rule(
+ reg_exp::CreateRegularExpression(
+ metadata.general_desc().national_number_pattern().c_str()));
+ // Attempt to parse the first digits as a national prefix. We make a
+ // copy so that we can revert to the original string if necessary.
+ const string& transform_rule = metadata.national_prefix_transform_rule();
+ if (!transform_rule.empty() &&
+ (number_copy->ConsumeRegExp(possible_national_prefix, true,
+ &carrier_code_temp,
+ &captured_part_of_prefix) ||
+ number_copy->ConsumeRegExp(possible_national_prefix, true,
+ &captured_part_of_prefix, NULL)) &&
+ !captured_part_of_prefix.empty()) {
+ string re2_transform_rule(transform_rule);
+ TransformRegularExpressionToRE2Syntax(&re2_transform_rule);
+ // If this succeeded, then we must have had a transform rule and there must
+ // have been some part of the prefix that we captured.
+ // We make the transformation and check that the resultant number is viable.
+ // If so, replace the number and return.
+ scoped_ptr<reg_exp::RegularExpression> possible_national_prefix_rule(
+ reg_exp::CreateRegularExpression(possible_national_prefix.c_str()));
+ possible_national_prefix_rule->Replace(&number_string_copy, false,
+ re2_transform_rule.c_str());
+ if (national_number_rule->Match(number_string_copy.c_str(), true, NULL)) {
+ number->assign(number_string_copy);
+ if (carrier_code) {
+ carrier_code->assign(carrier_code_temp);
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (number_copy_without_transform->ConsumeRegExp(
+ possible_national_prefix, true, &carrier_code_temp, NULL) ||
+ number_copy_without_transform->ConsumeRegExp(
+ possible_national_prefix, true, NULL, NULL)) {
+ logger->Debug("Parsed the first digits as a national prefix.");
+ string unconsumed_part(number_copy_without_transform->ToString());
+ // If captured_part_of_prefix is empty, this implies nothing was captured by
+ // the capturing groups in possible_national_prefix; therefore, no
+ // transformation is necessary, and we just remove the national prefix.
+ if (national_number_rule->Match(unconsumed_part.c_str(), true, NULL)) {
+ number->assign(unconsumed_part);
+ if (carrier_code) {
+ carrier_code->assign(carrier_code_temp);
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ logger->Debug("The first digits did not match the national prefix.");
+ }
+// Strips any extension (as in, the part of the number dialled after the call is
+// connected, usually indicated with extn, ext, x or similar) from the end of
+// the number, and returns it. The number passed in should be non-normalized.
+// static
+bool PhoneNumberUtil::MaybeStripExtension(string* number, string* extension) {
+ DCHECK(number);
+ DCHECK(extension);
+ // There are three extension capturing groups in the regular expression.
+ string possible_extension_one;
+ string possible_extension_two;
+ string possible_extension_three;
+ string number_copy(*number);
+ scoped_ptr<reg_exp::RegularExpressionInput> number_copy_regex_input(
+ reg_exp::CreateRegularExpressionInput(number_copy.c_str()));
+ if (extn_pattern->Consume(number_copy_regex_input.get(), false,
+ &possible_extension_one, &possible_extension_two,
+ &possible_extension_three)) {
+ // Replace the extensions in the original string here.
+ extn_pattern->Replace(&number_copy, false, "");
+ logger->Debug("Found an extension. Possible extension one: "
+ + possible_extension_one
+ + ". Possible extension two: " + possible_extension_two
+ + ". Remaining number: " + number_copy);
+ // If we find a potential extension, and the number preceding this is a
+ // viable number, we assume it is an extension.
+ if ((!possible_extension_one.empty() || !possible_extension_two.empty() ||
+ !possible_extension_three.empty()) &&
+ IsViablePhoneNumber(number_copy)) {
+ number->assign(number_copy);
+ if (!possible_extension_one.empty()) {
+ extension->assign(possible_extension_one);
+ } else if (!possible_extension_two.empty()) {
+ extension->assign(possible_extension_two);
+ } else if (!possible_extension_three.empty()) {
+ extension->assign(possible_extension_three);
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+// Extracts country calling code from national_number, and returns it. It
+// assumes that the leading plus sign or IDD has already been removed. Returns 0
+// if national_number doesn't start with a valid country calling code, and
+// leaves national_number unmodified. Assumes the national_number is at least 3
+// characters long.
+int PhoneNumberUtil::ExtractCountryCode(string* national_number) const {
+ int potential_country_code;
+ for (int i = 1; i <= 3; ++i) {
+ safe_strto32(national_number->substr(0, i), &potential_country_code);
+ string region_code;
+ GetRegionCodeForCountryCode(potential_country_code, &region_code);
+ if (region_code != "ZZ") {
+ national_number->erase(0, i);
+ return potential_country_code;
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+// Tries to extract a country calling code from a number. Country calling codes
+// are extracted in the following ways:
+// - by stripping the international dialing prefix of the region the person
+// is dialing from, if this is present in the number, and looking at the next
+// digits
+// - by stripping the '+' sign if present and then looking at the next digits
+// - by comparing the start of the number and the country calling code of the
+// default region. If the number is not considered possible for the numbering
+// plan of the default region initially, but starts with the country calling
+// code of this region, validation will be reattempted after stripping this
+// country calling code. If this number is considered a possible number, then
+// the first digits will be considered the country calling code and removed as
+// such.
+// Returns NO_PARSING_ERROR if a country calling code was successfully
+// extracted or none was present, or the appropriate error otherwise, such as
+// if a + was present but it was not followed by a valid country calling code.
+// If NO_PARSING_ERROR is returned, the national_number without the country
+// calling code is populated, and the country_code passed in is set to the
+// country calling code if found, otherwise to 0.
+PhoneNumberUtil::ErrorType PhoneNumberUtil::MaybeExtractCountryCode(
+ const PhoneMetadata* default_region_metadata,
+ bool keep_raw_input,
+ string* national_number,
+ PhoneNumber* phone_number) const {
+ DCHECK(national_number);
+ DCHECK(phone_number);
+ // Set the default prefix to be something that will never match if there is no
+ // default region.
+ string possible_country_idd_prefix = default_region_metadata
+ ? default_region_metadata->international_prefix()
+ : "NonMatch";
+ PhoneNumber::CountryCodeSource country_code_source =
+ MaybeStripInternationalPrefixAndNormalize(possible_country_idd_prefix,
+ national_number);
+ if (keep_raw_input) {
+ phone_number->set_country_code_source(country_code_source);
+ }
+ if (country_code_source != PhoneNumber::FROM_DEFAULT_COUNTRY) {
+ if (national_number->length() < kMinLengthForNsn) {
+ logger->Debug("Phone number had an IDD, but after this was not "
+ "long enough to be a viable phone number.");
+ }
+ int potential_country_code = ExtractCountryCode(national_number);
+ if (potential_country_code != 0) {
+ phone_number->set_country_code(potential_country_code);
+ }
+ // If this fails, they must be using a strange country calling code that we
+ // don't recognize, or that doesn't exist.
+ } else if (default_region_metadata) {
+ // Check to see if the number starts with the country calling code for the
+ // default region. If so, we remove the country calling code, and do some
+ // checks on the validity of the number before and after.
+ int default_country_code = default_region_metadata->country_code();
+ string default_country_code_string(SimpleItoa(default_country_code));
+ logger->Debug("Possible country code: " + default_country_code_string);
+ string potential_national_number;
+ if (TryStripPrefixString(*national_number,
+ default_country_code_string,
+ &potential_national_number)) {
+ const PhoneNumberDesc& general_num_desc =
+ default_region_metadata->general_desc();
+ scoped_ptr<reg_exp::RegularExpression> valid_number_pattern(
+ reg_exp::CreateRegularExpression(
+ general_num_desc.national_number_pattern().c_str()));
+ MaybeStripNationalPrefixAndCarrierCode(*default_region_metadata,
+ &potential_national_number,
+ NULL);
+ logger->Debug("Number without country code prefix: "
+ + potential_national_number);
+ string extracted_number;
+ scoped_ptr<reg_exp::RegularExpression> possible_number_pattern(
+ reg_exp::CreateRegularExpression(
+ StrCat("(", general_num_desc.possible_number_pattern(),
+ ")").c_str()));
+ // If the number was not valid before but is valid now, or if it was too
+ // long before, we consider the number with the country code stripped to
+ // be a better result and keep that instead.
+ if ((!valid_number_pattern->Match(national_number->c_str(),
+ true, NULL) &&
+ valid_number_pattern->Match(potential_national_number.c_str(),
+ true, NULL)) ||
+ TestNumberLengthAgainstPattern(possible_number_pattern.get(),
+ *national_number)
+ == TOO_LONG) {
+ national_number->assign(potential_national_number);
+ if (keep_raw_input) {
+ phone_number->set_country_code_source(
+ }
+ phone_number->set_country_code(default_country_code);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // No country calling code present. Set the country_code to 0.
+ phone_number->set_country_code(0);
+PhoneNumberUtil::MatchType PhoneNumberUtil::IsNumberMatch(
+ const PhoneNumber& first_number_in,
+ const PhoneNumber& second_number_in) const {
+ // Make copies of the phone number so that the numbers passed in are not
+ // edited.
+ PhoneNumber first_number(first_number_in);
+ PhoneNumber second_number(second_number_in);
+ // First clear raw_input and country_code_source and
+ // preferred_domestic_carrier_code fields and any empty-string extensions so
+ // that we can use the proto-buffer equality method.
+ first_number.clear_raw_input();
+ first_number.clear_country_code_source();
+ first_number.clear_preferred_domestic_carrier_code();
+ second_number.clear_raw_input();
+ second_number.clear_country_code_source();
+ second_number.clear_preferred_domestic_carrier_code();
+ if (first_number.extension().empty()) {
+ first_number.clear_extension();
+ }
+ if (second_number.extension().empty()) {
+ second_number.clear_extension();
+ }
+ // Early exit if both had extensions and these are different.
+ if (first_number.has_extension() && second_number.has_extension() &&
+ first_number.extension() != second_number.extension()) {
+ return NO_MATCH;
+ }
+ int first_number_country_code = first_number.country_code();
+ int second_number_country_code = second_number.country_code();
+ // Both had country calling code specified.
+ if (first_number_country_code != 0 && second_number_country_code != 0) {
+ if (ExactlySameAs(first_number, second_number)) {
+ return EXACT_MATCH;
+ } else if (first_number_country_code == second_number_country_code &&
+ IsNationalNumberSuffixOfTheOther(first_number, second_number)) {
+ // A SHORT_NSN_MATCH occurs if there is a difference because of the
+ // presence or absence of an 'Italian leading zero', the presence or
+ // absence of an extension, or one NSN being a shorter variant of the
+ // other.
+ }
+ // This is not a match.
+ return NO_MATCH;
+ }
+ // Checks cases where one or both country calling codes were not specified. To
+ // make equality checks easier, we first set the country_code fields to be
+ // equal.
+ first_number.set_country_code(second_number_country_code);
+ // If all else was the same, then this is an NSN_MATCH.
+ if (ExactlySameAs(first_number, second_number)) {
+ return NSN_MATCH;
+ }
+ if (IsNationalNumberSuffixOfTheOther(first_number, second_number)) {
+ }
+ return NO_MATCH;
+PhoneNumberUtil::MatchType PhoneNumberUtil::IsNumberMatchWithTwoStrings(
+ const string& first_number,
+ const string& second_number) const {
+ PhoneNumber first_number_as_proto;
+ ErrorType error_type =
+ Parse(first_number, "ZZ", &first_number_as_proto);
+ if (error_type == NO_PARSING_ERROR) {
+ return IsNumberMatchWithOneString(first_number_as_proto, second_number);
+ }
+ if (error_type == INVALID_COUNTRY_CODE_ERROR) {
+ PhoneNumber second_number_as_proto;
+ ErrorType error_type = Parse(second_number, "ZZ",
+ &second_number_as_proto);
+ if (error_type == NO_PARSING_ERROR) {
+ return IsNumberMatchWithOneString(second_number_as_proto, first_number);
+ }
+ if (error_type == INVALID_COUNTRY_CODE_ERROR) {
+ error_type = ParseHelper(first_number, "ZZ", false, false,
+ &first_number_as_proto);
+ if (error_type == NO_PARSING_ERROR) {
+ error_type = ParseHelper(second_number, "ZZ", false, false,
+ &second_number_as_proto);
+ if (error_type == NO_PARSING_ERROR) {
+ return IsNumberMatch(first_number_as_proto, second_number_as_proto);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // One or more of the phone numbers we are trying to match is not a viable
+ // phone number.
+PhoneNumberUtil::MatchType PhoneNumberUtil::IsNumberMatchWithOneString(
+ const PhoneNumber& first_number,
+ const string& second_number) const {
+ // First see if the second number has an implicit country calling code, by
+ // attempting to parse it.
+ PhoneNumber second_number_as_proto;
+ ErrorType error_type =
+ Parse(second_number, "ZZ", &second_number_as_proto);
+ if (error_type == NO_PARSING_ERROR) {
+ return IsNumberMatch(first_number, second_number_as_proto);
+ }
+ if (error_type == INVALID_COUNTRY_CODE_ERROR) {
+ // The second number has no country calling code. EXACT_MATCH is no longer
+ // possible. We parse it as if the region was the same as that for the
+ // first number, and if EXACT_MATCH is returned, we replace this with
+ string first_number_region;
+ GetRegionCodeForCountryCode(first_number.country_code(),
+ &first_number_region);
+ if (first_number_region != "ZZ") {
+ PhoneNumber second_number_with_first_number_region;
+ Parse(second_number, first_number_region,
+ &second_number_with_first_number_region);
+ MatchType match = IsNumberMatch(first_number,
+ second_number_with_first_number_region);
+ if (match == EXACT_MATCH) {
+ return NSN_MATCH;
+ }
+ return match;
+ } else {
+ // If the first number didn't have a valid country calling code, then we
+ // parse the second number without one as well.
+ error_type = ParseHelper(second_number, "ZZ", false, false,
+ &second_number_as_proto);
+ if (error_type == NO_PARSING_ERROR) {
+ return IsNumberMatch(first_number, second_number_as_proto);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // One or more of the phone numbers we are trying to match is not a viable
+ // phone number.
+} // namespace phonenumbers
+} // namespace i18n