path: root/third_party/libphonenumber/cpp/src/utf/utf.h
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diff --git a/third_party/libphonenumber/cpp/src/utf/utf.h b/third_party/libphonenumber/cpp/src/utf/utf.h
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index 0000000..f4fd482
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/libphonenumber/cpp/src/utf/utf.h
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+ * The authors of this software are Rob Pike and Ken Thompson.
+ * Copyright (c) 1998-2002 by Lucent Technologies.
+ * Portions Copyright (c) 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+ * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any
+ * purpose without fee is hereby granted, provided that this entire notice
+ * is included in all copies of any software which is or includes a copy
+ * or modification of this software and in all copies of the supporting
+ * documentation for such software.
+ */
+#ifndef _UTFH_
+#define _UTFH_ 1
+// stdint.h content doesn't seem to be used in this file and doesn't exist on
+// Windows, therefore we comment it out here so that the code could be compiled
+// on Windows.
+//#include <stdint.h>
+typedef signed int Rune; /* Code-point values in Unicode 4.0 are 21 bits wide.*/
+ UTFmax = 4, /* maximum bytes per rune */
+ Runesync = 0x80, /* cannot represent part of a UTF sequence (<) */
+ Runeself = 0x80, /* rune and UTF sequences are the same (<) */
+ Runeerror = 0xFFFD, /* decoding error in UTF */
+ Runemax = 0x10FFFF, /* maximum rune value */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+ * rune routines
+ */
+ * These routines were written by Rob Pike and Ken Thompson
+ * and first appeared in Plan 9.
+ * utf (7)
+ * tcs (1)
+// runetochar copies (encodes) one rune, pointed to by r, to at most
+// UTFmax bytes starting at s and returns the number of bytes generated.
+int runetochar(char* s, const Rune* r);
+// chartorune copies (decodes) at most UTFmax bytes starting at s to
+// one rune, pointed to by r, and returns the number of bytes consumed.
+// If the input is not exactly in UTF format, chartorune will set *r
+// to Runeerror and return 1.
+// Note: There is no special case for a "null-terminated" string. A
+// string whose first byte has the value 0 is the UTF8 encoding of the
+// Unicode value 0 (i.e., ASCII NULL). A byte value of 0 is illegal
+// anywhere else in a UTF sequence.
+int chartorune(Rune* r, const char* s);
+// charntorune is like chartorune, except that it will access at most
+// n bytes of s. If the UTF sequence is incomplete within n bytes,
+// charntorune will set *r to Runeerror and return 0. If it is complete
+// but not in UTF format, it will set *r to Runeerror and return 1.
+// Added 2004-09-24 by Wei-Hwa Huang
+int charntorune(Rune* r, const char* s, int n);
+// isvalidcharntorune(str, n, r, consumed)
+// is a convenience function that calls "*consumed = charntorune(r, str, n)"
+// and returns an int (logically boolean) indicating whether the first
+// n bytes of str was a valid and complete UTF sequence.
+int isvalidcharntorune(const char* str, int n, Rune* r, int* consumed);
+// runelen returns the number of bytes required to convert r into UTF.
+int runelen(Rune r);
+// runenlen returns the number of bytes required to convert the n
+// runes pointed to by r into UTF.
+int runenlen(const Rune* r, int n);
+// fullrune returns 1 if the string s of length n is long enough to be
+// decoded by chartorune, and 0 otherwise. This does not guarantee
+// that the string contains a legal UTF encoding. This routine is used
+// by programs that obtain input one byte at a time and need to know
+// when a full rune has arrived.
+int fullrune(const char* s, int n);
+// The following routines are analogous to the corresponding string
+// routines with "utf" substituted for "str", and "rune" substituted
+// for "chr".
+// utflen returns the number of runes that are represented by the UTF
+// string s. (cf. strlen)
+int utflen(const char* s);
+// utfnlen returns the number of complete runes that are represented
+// by the first n bytes of the UTF string s. If the last few bytes of
+// the string contain an incompletely coded rune, utfnlen will not
+// count them; in this way, it differs from utflen, which includes
+// every byte of the string. (cf. strnlen)
+int utfnlen(const char* s, long n);
+// utfrune returns a pointer to the first occurrence of rune r in the
+// UTF string s, or 0 if r does not occur in the string. The NULL
+// byte terminating a string is considered to be part of the string s.
+// (cf. strchr)
+const char* utfrune(const char* s, Rune r);
+// utfrrune returns a pointer to the last occurrence of rune r in the
+// UTF string s, or 0 if r does not occur in the string. The NULL
+// byte terminating a string is considered to be part of the string s.
+// (cf. strrchr)
+const char* utfrrune(const char* s, Rune r);
+// utfutf returns a pointer to the first occurrence of the UTF string
+// s2 as a UTF substring of s1, or 0 if there is none. If s2 is the
+// null string, utfutf returns s1. (cf. strstr)
+const char* utfutf(const char* s1, const char* s2);
+// utfecpy copies UTF sequences until a null sequence has been copied,
+// but writes no sequences beyond es1. If any sequences are copied,
+// s1 is terminated by a null sequence, and a pointer to that sequence
+// is returned. Otherwise, the original s1 is returned. (cf. strecpy)
+char* utfecpy(char *s1, char *es1, const char *s2);
+// These functions are rune-string analogues of the corresponding
+// functions in strcat (3).
+// These routines first appeared in Plan 9.
+// memmove (3)
+// rune (3)
+// strcat (2)
+// BUGS: The outcome of overlapping moves varies among implementations.
+Rune* runestrcat(Rune* s1, const Rune* s2);
+Rune* runestrncat(Rune* s1, const Rune* s2, long n);
+const Rune* runestrchr(const Rune* s, Rune c);
+int runestrcmp(const Rune* s1, const Rune* s2);
+int runestrncmp(const Rune* s1, const Rune* s2, long n);
+Rune* runestrcpy(Rune* s1, const Rune* s2);
+Rune* runestrncpy(Rune* s1, const Rune* s2, long n);
+Rune* runestrecpy(Rune* s1, Rune* es1, const Rune* s2);
+Rune* runestrdup(const Rune* s);
+const Rune* runestrrchr(const Rune* s, Rune c);
+long runestrlen(const Rune* s);
+const Rune* runestrstr(const Rune* s1, const Rune* s2);
+// The following routines test types and modify cases for Unicode
+// characters. Unicode defines some characters as letters and
+// specifies three cases: upper, lower, and title. Mappings among the
+// cases are also defined, although they are not exhaustive: some
+// upper case letters have no lower case mapping, and so on. Unicode
+// also defines several character properties, a subset of which are
+// checked by these routines. These routines are based on Unicode
+// version 3.0.0.
+// NOTE: The routines are implemented in C, so the boolean functions
+// (e.g., isupperrune) return 0 for false and 1 for true.
+// toupperrune, tolowerrune, and totitlerune are the Unicode case
+// mappings. These routines return the character unchanged if it has
+// no defined mapping.
+Rune toupperrune(Rune r);
+Rune tolowerrune(Rune r);
+Rune totitlerune(Rune r);
+// isupperrune tests for upper case characters, including Unicode
+// upper case letters and targets of the toupper mapping. islowerrune
+// and istitlerune are defined analogously.
+int isupperrune(Rune r);
+int islowerrune(Rune r);
+int istitlerune(Rune r);
+// isalpharune tests for Unicode letters; this includes ideographs in
+// addition to alphabetic characters.
+int isalpharune(Rune r);
+// isdigitrune tests for digits. Non-digit numbers, such as Roman
+// numerals, are not included.
+int isdigitrune(Rune r);
+// isideographicrune tests for ideographic characters and numbers, as
+// defined by the Unicode standard.
+int isideographicrune(Rune r);
+// isspacerune tests for whitespace characters, including "C" locale
+// whitespace, Unicode defined whitespace, and the "zero-width
+// non-break space" character.
+int isspacerune(Rune r);
+// (The comments in this file were copied from the manpage files rune.3,
+// isalpharune.3, and runestrcat.3. Some formatting changes were also made
+// to conform to Google style. /JRM 11/11/05)
+#ifdef __cplusplus