path: root/tools/gn/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tools/gn/')
1 files changed, 86 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tools/gn/ b/tools/gn/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..16d626f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/gn/
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
+#include "tools/gn/operators.h"
+#include "tools/gn/parse_tree.h"
+#include "tools/gn/pattern.h"
+#include "tools/gn/test_with_scope.h"
+namespace {
+bool IsValueIntegerEqualing(const Value& v, int64 i) {
+ if (v.type() != Value::INTEGER)
+ return false;
+ return v.int_value() == i;
+bool IsValueStringEqualing(const Value& v, const char* s) {
+ if (v.type() != Value::STRING)
+ return false;
+ return v.string_value() == s;
+} // namespace
+TEST(Operators, SourcesAppend) {
+ Err err;
+ TestWithScope setup;
+ // Set up "sources" with an empty list.
+ const char sources[] = "sources";
+ setup.scope()->SetValue(sources, Value(NULL, Value::LIST), NULL);
+ // Set up the operator.
+ BinaryOpNode node;
+ const char token_value[] = "+=";
+ Token op(Location(), Token::PLUS_EQUALS, token_value);
+ node.set_op(op);
+ // Append to the sources variable.
+ Token identifier_token(Location(), Token::IDENTIFIER, sources);
+ node.set_left(scoped_ptr<ParseNode>(new IdentifierNode(identifier_token)));
+ // Set up the filter on the scope to remove everything ending with "rm"
+ scoped_ptr<PatternList> pattern_list(new PatternList);
+ pattern_list->Append(Pattern("*rm"));
+ setup.scope()->set_sources_assignment_filter(pattern_list.Pass());
+ // Append an integer.
+ const char integer_value[] = "5";
+ Token integer(Location(), Token::INTEGER, integer_value);
+ node.set_right(scoped_ptr<ParseNode>(new LiteralNode(integer)));
+ node.Execute(setup.scope(), &err);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(err.has_error());
+ // Append a string that doesn't match the pattern, it should get appended.
+ const char string_1_value[] = "\"good\"";
+ Token string_1(Location(), Token::STRING, string_1_value);
+ node.set_right(scoped_ptr<ParseNode>(new LiteralNode(string_1)));
+ node.Execute(setup.scope(), &err);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(err.has_error());
+ // Append a string that does match the pattern, it should be a no-op.
+ const char string_2_value[] = "\"foo-rm\"";
+ Token string_2(Location(), Token::STRING, string_2_value);
+ node.set_right(scoped_ptr<ParseNode>(new LiteralNode(string_2)));
+ node.Execute(setup.scope(), &err);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(err.has_error());
+ // Append a list with the two strings from above.
+ ListNode list;
+ list.append_item(scoped_ptr<ParseNode>(new LiteralNode(string_1)));
+ list.append_item(scoped_ptr<ParseNode>(new LiteralNode(string_2)));
+ ExecuteBinaryOperator(setup.scope(), &node, node.left(), &list, &err);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(err.has_error());
+ // The sources variable in the scope should now have: [ 5, "good", "good" ]
+ const Value* value = setup.scope()->GetValue(sources);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(value);
+ ASSERT_EQ(Value::LIST, value->type());
+ ASSERT_EQ(3u, value->list_value().size());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(IsValueIntegerEqualing(value->list_value()[0], 5));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(IsValueStringEqualing(value->list_value()[1], "good"));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(IsValueStringEqualing(value->list_value()[2], "good"));