path: root/tools/gn/scope.h
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1 files changed, 40 insertions, 13 deletions
diff --git a/tools/gn/scope.h b/tools/gn/scope.h
index 53b3252..035d45b 100644
--- a/tools/gn/scope.h
+++ b/tools/gn/scope.h
@@ -65,6 +65,37 @@ class Scope {
Scope* scope_;
+ // Options for configuring scope merges.
+ struct MergeOptions {
+ // Defaults to all false, which are the things least likely to cause errors.
+ MergeOptions()
+ : clobber_existing(false),
+ skip_private_vars(false),
+ mark_used(false) {
+ }
+ // When set, all existing avlues in the destination scope will be
+ // overwritten.
+ //
+ // When false, it will be an error to merge a variable into another scope
+ // where a variable with the same name is already set. The exception is
+ // if both of the variables have the same value (which happens if you
+ // somehow multiply import the same file, for example). This case will be
+ // ignored since there is nothing getting lost.
+ bool clobber_existing;
+ // When true, private variables (names beginning with an underscore) will
+ // be copied to the destination scope. When false, private values will be
+ // skipped.
+ bool skip_private_vars;
+ // When set, values copied to the destination scope will be marked as used
+ // so won't trigger an unused variable warning. You want this when doing an
+ // import, for example, or files that don't need a variable from the .gni
+ // file will throw an error.
+ bool mark_used;
+ };
// Creates an empty toplevel scope.
Scope(const Settings* settings);
@@ -138,6 +169,10 @@ class Scope {
// scope. This does not search recursive scopes. Does nothing if not found.
void RemoveIdentifier(const base::StringPiece& ident);
+ // Removes from this scope all identifiers and templates that are considered
+ // private.
+ void RemovePrivateIdentifiers();
// Templates associated with this scope. A template can only be set once, so
// AddTemplate will fail and return false if a rule with that name already
// exists. GetTemplate returns NULL if the rule doesn't exist, and it will
@@ -169,30 +204,22 @@ class Scope {
// copied, neither will the reference to the containing scope (this is why
// it's "non-recursive").
- // If clobber_existing is true, any existing values will be overwritten. In
- // this mode, this function will never fail.
- //
- // If clobber_existing is false, it will be an error to merge a variable into
- // a scope that already has something with that name in scope (meaning in
- // that scope or in any of its containing scopes). If this happens, the error
- // will be set and the function will return false.
- //
// This is used in different contexts. When generating the error, the given
// parse node will be blamed, and the given desc will be used to describe
// the operation that doesn't support doing this. For example, desc_for_err
// would be "import" when doing an import, and the error string would say
// something like "The import contains...".
bool NonRecursiveMergeTo(Scope* dest,
- bool clobber_existing,
+ const MergeOptions& options,
const ParseNode* node_for_err,
const char* desc_for_err,
Err* err) const;
// Constructs a scope that is a copy of the current one. Nested scopes will
- // be collapsed until we reach a const containing scope. The resulting
- // closure will reference the const containing scope as its containing scope
- // (since we assume the const scope won't change, we don't have to copy its
- // values).
+ // be collapsed until we reach a const containing scope. Private values will
+ // be included. The resulting closure will reference the const containing
+ // scope as its containing scope (since we assume the const scope won't
+ // change, we don't have to copy its values).
scoped_ptr<Scope> MakeClosure() const;
// Makes an empty scope with the given name. Returns NULL if the name is