path: root/tools/gn/secondary/build/config/win/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tools/gn/secondary/build/config/win/')
1 files changed, 575 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tools/gn/secondary/build/config/win/ b/tools/gn/secondary/build/config/win/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a209d7f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/gn/secondary/build/config/win/
@@ -0,0 +1,575 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+# This file copies the logic from GYP to find the MSVC configuration. It's not
+# currently used because it is too slow. We will probably build this
+# functionality into the C++ code in the future.
+"""Handle version information related to Visual Stuio."""
+import errno
+import os
+import re
+import subprocess
+import sys
+class VisualStudioVersion(object):
+ """Information regarding a version of Visual Studio."""
+ def __init__(self, short_name, description,
+ solution_version, project_version, flat_sln, uses_vcxproj,
+ path, sdk_based, default_toolset=None):
+ self.short_name = short_name
+ self.description = description
+ self.solution_version = solution_version
+ self.project_version = project_version
+ self.flat_sln = flat_sln
+ self.uses_vcxproj = uses_vcxproj
+ self.path = path
+ self.sdk_based = sdk_based
+ self.default_toolset = default_toolset
+ def ShortName(self):
+ return self.short_name
+ def Description(self):
+ """Get the full description of the version."""
+ return self.description
+ def SolutionVersion(self):
+ """Get the version number of the sln files."""
+ return self.solution_version
+ def ProjectVersion(self):
+ """Get the version number of the vcproj or vcxproj files."""
+ return self.project_version
+ def FlatSolution(self):
+ return self.flat_sln
+ def UsesVcxproj(self):
+ """Returns true if this version uses a vcxproj file."""
+ return self.uses_vcxproj
+ def ProjectExtension(self):
+ """Returns the file extension for the project."""
+ return self.uses_vcxproj and '.vcxproj' or '.vcproj'
+ def Path(self):
+ """Returns the path to Visual Studio installation."""
+ return self.path
+ def ToolPath(self, tool):
+ """Returns the path to a given compiler tool. """
+ return os.path.normpath(os.path.join(self.path, "VC/bin", tool))
+ def DefaultToolset(self):
+ """Returns the msbuild toolset version that will be used in the absence
+ of a user override."""
+ return self.default_toolset
+ def SetupScript(self, target_arch):
+ """Returns a command (with arguments) to be used to set up the
+ environment."""
+ # Check if we are running in the SDK command line environment and use
+ # the setup script from the SDK if so. |target_arch| should be either
+ # 'x86' or 'x64'.
+ assert target_arch in ('x86', 'x64')
+ sdk_dir = os.environ.get('WindowsSDKDir')
+ if self.sdk_based and sdk_dir:
+ return [os.path.normpath(os.path.join(sdk_dir, 'Bin/SetEnv.Cmd')),
+ '/' + target_arch]
+ else:
+ # We don't use VC/vcvarsall.bat for x86 because vcvarsall calls
+ # vcvars32, which it can only find if VS??COMNTOOLS is set, which it
+ # isn't always.
+ if target_arch == 'x86':
+ return [os.path.normpath(
+ os.path.join(self.path, 'Common7/Tools/vsvars32.bat'))]
+ else:
+ assert target_arch == 'x64'
+ arg = 'x86_amd64'
+ if (os.environ.get('PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE') == 'AMD64' or
+ os.environ.get('PROCESSOR_ARCHITEW6432') == 'AMD64'):
+ # Use the 64-on-64 compiler if we can.
+ arg = 'amd64'
+ return [os.path.normpath(
+ os.path.join(self.path, 'VC/vcvarsall.bat')), arg]
+def _RegistryQueryBase(sysdir, key, value):
+ """Use reg.exe to read a particular key.
+ While ideally we might use the win32 module, we would like gyp to be
+ python neutral, so for instance cygwin python lacks this module.
+ Arguments:
+ sysdir: The system subdirectory to attempt to launch reg.exe from.
+ key: The registry key to read from.
+ value: The particular value to read.
+ Return:
+ stdout from reg.exe, or None for failure.
+ """
+ # Skip if not on Windows or Python Win32 setup issue
+ if sys.platform not in ('win32', 'cygwin'):
+ return None
+ # Setup params to pass to and attempt to launch reg.exe
+ cmd = [os.path.join(os.environ.get('WINDIR', ''), sysdir, 'reg.exe'),
+ 'query', key]
+ if value:
+ cmd.extend(['/v', value])
+ p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
+ # Obtain the stdout from reg.exe, reading to the end so p.returncode is valid
+ # Note that the error text may be in [1] in some cases
+ text = p.communicate()[0]
+ # Check return code from reg.exe; officially 0==success and 1==error
+ if p.returncode:
+ return None
+ return text
+def _RegistryQuery(key, value=None):
+ """Use reg.exe to read a particular key through _RegistryQueryBase.
+ First tries to launch from %WinDir%\Sysnative to avoid WoW64 redirection. If
+ that fails, it falls back to System32. Sysnative is available on Vista and
+ up and available on Windows Server 2003 and XP through KB patch 942589. Note
+ that Sysnative will always fail if using 64-bit python due to it being a
+ virtual directory and System32 will work correctly in the first place.
+ KB 942589 -
+ Arguments:
+ key: The registry key.
+ value: The particular registry value to read (optional).
+ Return:
+ stdout from reg.exe, or None for failure.
+ """
+ text = None
+ try:
+ text = _RegistryQueryBase('Sysnative', key, value)
+ except OSError, e:
+ if e.errno == errno.ENOENT:
+ text = _RegistryQueryBase('System32', key, value)
+ else:
+ raise
+ return text
+def _RegistryGetValue(key, value):
+ """Use reg.exe to obtain the value of a registry key.
+ Args:
+ key: The registry key.
+ value: The particular registry value to read.
+ Return:
+ contents of the registry key's value, or None on failure.
+ """
+ text = _RegistryQuery(key, value)
+ if not text:
+ return None
+ # Extract value.
+ match ='REG_\w+\s+([^\r]+)\r\n', text)
+ if not match:
+ return None
+ return
+def _RegistryKeyExists(key):
+ """Use reg.exe to see if a key exists.
+ Args:
+ key: The registry key to check.
+ Return:
+ True if the key exists
+ """
+ if not _RegistryQuery(key):
+ return False
+ return True
+def _CreateVersion(name, path, sdk_based=False):
+ """Sets up MSVS project generation.
+ Setup is based off the GYP_MSVS_VERSION environment variable or whatever is
+ autodetected if GYP_MSVS_VERSION is not explicitly specified. If a version is
+ passed in that doesn't match a value in versions python will throw a error.
+ """
+ if path:
+ path = os.path.normpath(path)
+ versions = {
+ '2013': VisualStudioVersion('2013',
+ 'Visual Studio 2013',
+ solution_version='13.00',
+ project_version='4.0',
+ flat_sln=False,
+ uses_vcxproj=True,
+ path=path,
+ sdk_based=sdk_based,
+ default_toolset='v110'),
+ '2013e': VisualStudioVersion('2013e',
+ 'Visual Studio 2013',
+ solution_version='13.00',
+ project_version='4.0',
+ flat_sln=True,
+ uses_vcxproj=True,
+ path=path,
+ sdk_based=sdk_based,
+ default_toolset='v110'),
+ '2012': VisualStudioVersion('2012',
+ 'Visual Studio 2012',
+ solution_version='12.00',
+ project_version='4.0',
+ flat_sln=False,
+ uses_vcxproj=True,
+ path=path,
+ sdk_based=sdk_based,
+ default_toolset='v110'),
+ '2012e': VisualStudioVersion('2012e',
+ 'Visual Studio 2012',
+ solution_version='12.00',
+ project_version='4.0',
+ flat_sln=True,
+ uses_vcxproj=True,
+ path=path,
+ sdk_based=sdk_based,
+ default_toolset='v110'),
+ '2010': VisualStudioVersion('2010',
+ 'Visual Studio 2010',
+ solution_version='11.00',
+ project_version='4.0',
+ flat_sln=False,
+ uses_vcxproj=True,
+ path=path,
+ sdk_based=sdk_based),
+ '2010e': VisualStudioVersion('2010e',
+ 'Visual Studio 2010',
+ solution_version='11.00',
+ project_version='4.0',
+ flat_sln=True,
+ uses_vcxproj=True,
+ path=path,
+ sdk_based=sdk_based),
+ '2008': VisualStudioVersion('2008',
+ 'Visual Studio 2008',
+ solution_version='10.00',
+ project_version='9.00',
+ flat_sln=False,
+ uses_vcxproj=False,
+ path=path,
+ sdk_based=sdk_based),
+ '2008e': VisualStudioVersion('2008e',
+ 'Visual Studio 2008',
+ solution_version='10.00',
+ project_version='9.00',
+ flat_sln=True,
+ uses_vcxproj=False,
+ path=path,
+ sdk_based=sdk_based),
+ '2005': VisualStudioVersion('2005',
+ 'Visual Studio 2005',
+ solution_version='9.00',
+ project_version='8.00',
+ flat_sln=False,
+ uses_vcxproj=False,
+ path=path,
+ sdk_based=sdk_based),
+ '2005e': VisualStudioVersion('2005e',
+ 'Visual Studio 2005',
+ solution_version='9.00',
+ project_version='8.00',
+ flat_sln=True,
+ uses_vcxproj=False,
+ path=path,
+ sdk_based=sdk_based),
+ }
+ return versions[str(name)]
+def _ConvertToCygpath(path):
+ """Convert to cygwin path if we are using cygwin."""
+ if sys.platform == 'cygwin':
+ p = subprocess.Popen(['cygpath', path], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
+ path = p.communicate()[0].strip()
+ return path
+def _DetectVisualStudioVersions(versions_to_check, force_express):
+ """Collect the list of installed visual studio versions.
+ Returns:
+ A list of visual studio versions installed in descending order of
+ usage preference.
+ Base this on the registry and a quick check if devenv.exe exists.
+ Only versions 8-10 are considered.
+ Possibilities are:
+ 2005(e) - Visual Studio 2005 (8)
+ 2008(e) - Visual Studio 2008 (9)
+ 2010(e) - Visual Studio 2010 (10)
+ 2012(e) - Visual Studio 2012 (11)
+ 2013(e) - Visual Studio 2013 (11)
+ Where (e) is e for express editions of MSVS and blank otherwise.
+ """
+ version_to_year = {
+ '8.0': '2005',
+ '9.0': '2008',
+ '10.0': '2010',
+ '11.0': '2012',
+ '12.0': '2013',
+ }
+ versions = []
+ for version in versions_to_check:
+ # Old method of searching for which VS version is installed
+ # We don't use the 2010-encouraged-way because we also want to get the
+ # path to the binaries, which it doesn't offer.
+ keys = [r'HKLM\Software\Microsoft\VisualStudio\%s' % version,
+ r'HKLM\Software\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\VisualStudio\%s' % version,
+ r'HKLM\Software\Microsoft\VCExpress\%s' % version,
+ r'HKLM\Software\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\VCExpress\%s' % version]
+ for index in range(len(keys)):
+ path = _RegistryGetValue(keys[index], 'InstallDir')
+ if not path:
+ continue
+ path = _ConvertToCygpath(path)
+ # Check for full.
+ full_path = os.path.join(path, 'devenv.exe')
+ express_path = os.path.join(path, 'vcexpress.exe')
+ if not force_express and os.path.exists(full_path):
+ # Add this one.
+ versions.append(_CreateVersion(version_to_year[version],
+ os.path.join(path, '..', '..')))
+ # Check for express.
+ elif os.path.exists(express_path):
+ # Add this one.
+ versions.append(_CreateVersion(version_to_year[version] + 'e',
+ os.path.join(path, '..', '..')))
+ # The old method above does not work when only SDK is installed.
+ keys = [r'HKLM\Software\Microsoft\VisualStudio\SxS\VC7',
+ r'HKLM\Software\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\VisualStudio\SxS\VC7']
+ for index in range(len(keys)):
+ path = _RegistryGetValue(keys[index], version)
+ if not path:
+ continue
+ path = _ConvertToCygpath(path)
+ versions.append(_CreateVersion(version_to_year[version] + 'e',
+ os.path.join(path, '..'), sdk_based=True))
+ return versions
+def SelectVisualStudioVersion(version='auto'):
+ """Select which version of Visual Studio projects to generate.
+ Arguments:
+ version: Hook to allow caller to force a particular version (vs auto).
+ Returns:
+ An object representing a visual studio project format version.
+ """
+ # In auto mode, check environment variable for override.
+ if version == 'auto':
+ version = os.environ.get('GYP_MSVS_VERSION', 'auto')
+ version_map = {
+ 'auto': ('10.0', '9.0', '8.0', '11.0'),
+ '2005': ('8.0',),
+ '2005e': ('8.0',),
+ '2008': ('9.0',),
+ '2008e': ('9.0',),
+ '2010': ('10.0',),
+ '2010e': ('10.0',),
+ '2012': ('11.0',),
+ '2012e': ('11.0',),
+ '2013': ('12.0',),
+ '2013e': ('12.0',),
+ }
+ override_path = os.environ.get('GYP_MSVS_OVERRIDE_PATH')
+ if override_path:
+ msvs_version = os.environ.get('GYP_MSVS_VERSION')
+ if not msvs_version or 'e' not in msvs_version:
+ raise ValueError('GYP_MSVS_OVERRIDE_PATH requires GYP_MSVS_VERSION to be '
+ 'set to an "e" version (e.g. 2010e)')
+ return _CreateVersion(msvs_version, override_path, sdk_based=True)
+ version = str(version)
+ versions = _DetectVisualStudioVersions(version_map[version], 'e' in version)
+ if not versions:
+ if version == 'auto':
+ # Default to 2005 if we couldn't find anything
+ return _CreateVersion('2005', None)
+ else:
+ return _CreateVersion(version, None)
+ return versions[0]
+def GenerateEnvironmentFiles(toplevel_build_dir, generator_flags, open_out):
+ """It's not sufficient to have the absolute path to the compiler, linker,
+ etc. on Windows, as those tools rely on .dlls being in the PATH. We also
+ need to support both x86 and x64 compilers within the same build (to support
+ msvs_target_platform hackery). Different architectures require a different
+ compiler binary, and different supporting environment variables (INCLUDE,
+ LIB, LIBPATH). So, we extract the environment here, wrap all invocations
+ of compiler tools (cl, link, lib, rc, midl, etc.) via which
+ sets up the environment, and then we do not prefix the compiler with
+ an absolute path, instead preferring something like "cl.exe" in the rule
+ which will then run whichever the environment setup has put in the path.
+ When the following procedure to generate environment files does not
+ meet your requirement (e.g. for custom toolchains), you can pass
+ "-G ninja_use_custom_environment_files" to the gyp to suppress file
+ generation and use custom environment files prepared by yourself."""
+ archs = ('x86', 'x64')
+ if generator_flags.get('ninja_use_custom_environment_files', 0):
+ cl_paths = {}
+ for arch in archs:
+ cl_paths[arch] = 'cl.exe'
+ return cl_paths
+ vs = GetVSVersion(generator_flags)
+ cl_paths = {}
+ for arch in archs:
+ # Extract environment variables for subprocesses.
+ args = vs.SetupScript(arch)
+ args.extend(('&&', 'set'))
+ popen = subprocess.Popen(
+ args, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
+ variables, _ = popen.communicate()
+ env = _ExtractImportantEnvironment(variables)
+ env_block = _FormatAsEnvironmentBlock(env)
+ f = open_out(os.path.join(toplevel_build_dir, 'environment.' + arch), 'wb')
+ f.write(env_block)
+ f.close()
+ # Find cl.exe location for this architecture.
+ args = vs.SetupScript(arch)
+ args.extend(('&&',
+ 'for', '%i', 'in', '(cl.exe)', 'do', '@echo', 'LOC:%~$PATH:i'))
+ popen = subprocess.Popen(args, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
+ output, _ = popen.communicate()
+ cl_paths[arch] = _ExtractCLPath(output)
+ return cl_paths
+def OpenOutput(path, mode='w'):
+ """Open |path| for writing, creating directories if necessary."""
+ try:
+ os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(path))
+ except OSError:
+ pass
+ return open(path, mode)
+vs_version = None
+def GetVSVersion(generator_flags):
+ global vs_version
+ if not vs_version:
+ vs_version = SelectVisualStudioVersion(
+ generator_flags.get('msvs_version', 'auto'))
+ return vs_version
+def _ExtractImportantEnvironment(output_of_set):
+ """Extracts environment variables required for the toolchain to run from
+ a textual dump output by the cmd.exe 'set' command."""
+ envvars_to_save = (
+ 'goma_.*', # TODO(scottmg): This is ugly, but needed for goma.
+ 'include',
+ 'lib',
+ 'libpath',
+ 'path',
+ 'pathext',
+ 'systemroot',
+ 'temp',
+ 'tmp',
+ )
+ env = {}
+ for line in output_of_set.splitlines():
+ for envvar in envvars_to_save:
+ if re.match(envvar + '=', line.lower()):
+ var, setting = line.split('=', 1)
+ if envvar == 'path':
+ # Our own rules (for running gyp-win-tool) and other actions in
+ # Chromium rely on python being in the path. Add the path to this
+ # python here so that if it's not in the path when ninja is run
+ # later, python will still be found.
+ setting = os.path.dirname(sys.executable) + os.pathsep + setting
+ env[var.upper()] = setting
+ break
+ for required in ('SYSTEMROOT', 'TEMP', 'TMP'):
+ if required not in env:
+ raise Exception('Environment variable "%s" '
+ 'required to be set to valid path' % required)
+ return env
+def _FormatAsEnvironmentBlock(envvar_dict):
+ """Format as an 'environment block' directly suitable for CreateProcess.
+ Briefly this is a list of key=value\0, terminated by an additional \0. See
+ CreateProcess documentation for more details."""
+ block = ''
+ nul = '\0'
+ for key, value in envvar_dict.iteritems():
+ block += key + '=' + value + nul
+ block += nul
+ return block
+def GenerateEnvironmentFiles(toplevel_build_dir, generator_flags):
+ """It's not sufficient to have the absolute path to the compiler, linker,
+ etc. on Windows, as those tools rely on .dlls being in the PATH. We also
+ need to support both x86 and x64 compilers within the same build (to support
+ msvs_target_platform hackery). Different architectures require a different
+ compiler binary, and different supporting environment variables (INCLUDE,
+ LIB, LIBPATH). So, we extract the environment here, wrap all invocations
+ of compiler tools (cl, link, lib, rc, midl, etc.) via which
+ sets up the environment, and then we do not prefix the compiler with
+ an absolute path, instead preferring something like "cl.exe" in the rule
+ which will then run whichever the environment setup has put in the path.
+ When the following procedure to generate environment files does not
+ meet your requirement (e.g. for custom toolchains), you can pass
+ "-G ninja_use_custom_environment_files" to the gyp to suppress file
+ generation and use custom environment files prepared by yourself."""
+ archs = ('x86', 'x64')
+ if generator_flags.get('ninja_use_custom_environment_files', 0):
+ cl_paths = {}
+ for arch in archs:
+ cl_paths[arch] = 'cl.exe'
+ return cl_paths
+ vs = GetVSVersion(generator_flags)
+ cl_paths = {}
+ for arch in archs:
+ # Extract environment variables for subprocesses.
+ args = vs.SetupScript(arch)
+ args.extend(('&&', 'set'))
+ popen = subprocess.Popen(
+ args, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
+ variables, _ = popen.communicate()
+ env = _ExtractImportantEnvironment(variables)
+ env_block = _FormatAsEnvironmentBlock(env)
+ f = OpenOutput(os.path.join(toplevel_build_dir, 'environment.' + arch), 'wb')
+ f.write(env_block)
+ f.close()
+ # Find cl.exe location for this architecture.
+ args = vs.SetupScript(arch)
+ args.extend(('&&',
+ 'for', '%i', 'in', '(cl.exe)', 'do', '@echo', 'LOC:%~$PATH:i'))
+ popen = subprocess.Popen(args, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
+ output, _ = popen.communicate()
+ cl_paths[arch] = _ExtractCLPath(output)
+ return cl_paths
+def _ExtractCLPath(output_of_where):
+ """Gets the path to cl.exe based on the output of calling the environment
+ setup batch file, followed by the equivalent of `where`."""
+ # Take the first line, as that's the first found in the PATH.
+ for line in output_of_where.strip().splitlines():
+ if line.startswith('LOC:'):
+ return line[len('LOC:'):].strip()
+#print SelectVisualStudioVersion().DefaultToolset()
+#GenerateEnvironmentFiles("D:\\src\\src1\\src\\out\\gn\\eraseme", {})
+#print '"', GetVSVersion({}).Path(), '"'
+print '"', GetVSVersion({}).sdk_based, '"'
+version_info = {
+ '2010': {
+ 'includes': [
+ 'VC\\atlmfc\\include',
+ ],
+ },