path: root/ui/gfx/render_text.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'ui/gfx/render_text.h')
1 files changed, 16 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/ui/gfx/render_text.h b/ui/gfx/render_text.h
index 82eab91..4a1f9a9 100644
--- a/ui/gfx/render_text.h
+++ b/ui/gfx/render_text.h
@@ -193,7 +193,9 @@ class UI_EXPORT RenderText {
// Set the selection_model_ to the value of |selection|.
// The selection model components are modified if invalid.
// Returns true if the cursor position or selection range changed.
- // TODO(xji): need to check the cursor is set at grapheme boundary.
+ // If |selectin_start_| or |selection_end_| or |caret_pos_| in
+ // |selection_model| is not a cursorable position (not on grapheme boundary),
+ // it is a NO-OP and returns false.
bool MoveCursorTo(const SelectionModel& selection_model);
// Move the cursor to the position associated with the clicked point.
@@ -254,6 +256,9 @@ class UI_EXPORT RenderText {
// Subsequent text, cursor, or bounds changes may invalidate returned values.
const Rect& GetUpdatedCursorBounds();
+ // Get the logical index of the grapheme following the argument |position|.
+ virtual size_t GetIndexOfNextGrapheme(size_t position);
@@ -288,6 +293,10 @@ class UI_EXPORT RenderText {
// TODO(msw) Re-evaluate this function's necessity and signature.
virtual std::vector<Rect> GetSubstringBounds(size_t from, size_t to);
+ // Return true if cursor can appear in front of the character at |position|,
+ // which means it is a grapheme boundary or the first character in the text.
+ virtual bool IsCursorablePosition(size_t position) = 0;
// Apply composition style (underline) to composition range and selection
// style (foreground) to selection range.
void ApplyCompositionAndSelectionStyles(StyleRanges* style_ranges) const;
@@ -305,16 +314,20 @@ class UI_EXPORT RenderText {
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(RenderTextTest, ApplyStyleRange);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(RenderTextTest, StyleRangesAdjust);
+ // Return an index belonging to the |next| or previous logical grapheme.
+ // The return value is bounded by 0 and the text length, inclusive.
+ virtual size_t IndexOfAdjacentGrapheme(size_t index, bool next) = 0;
// Sets the selection model, the argument is assumed to be valid.
void SetSelectionModel(const SelectionModel& selection_model);
// Set the cursor to |position|, with the caret trailing the previous
// grapheme, or if there is no previous grapheme, leading the cursor position.
// If |select| is false, the selection start is moved to the same position.
+ // If the |position| is not a cursorable position (not on grapheme boundary),
+ // it is a NO-OP.
void MoveCursorTo(size_t position, bool select);
- bool IsPositionAtWordSelectionBoundary(size_t pos);
// Update the cached bounds and display offset to ensure that the current
// cursor is within the visible display area.
void UpdateCachedBoundsAndOffset();