path: root/win8/viewer/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'win8/viewer/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 346 deletions
diff --git a/win8/viewer/ b/win8/viewer/
deleted file mode 100644
index a365241..0000000
--- a/win8/viewer/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,346 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include "win8/viewer/metro_viewer_process_host.h"
-#include <shlobj.h>
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include "base/command_line.h"
-#include "base/files/file_path.h"
-#include "base/files/file_util.h"
-#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
-#include "base/path_service.h"
-#include "base/process/process.h"
-#include "base/strings/string16.h"
-#include "base/synchronization/waitable_event.h"
-#include "base/time/time.h"
-#include "base/win/scoped_comptr.h"
-#include "base/win/windows_version.h"
-#include "ipc/ipc_channel_proxy.h"
-#include "ipc/ipc_message.h"
-#include "ipc/ipc_message_macros.h"
-#include "ui/aura/remote_window_tree_host_win.h"
-#include "ui/metro_viewer/metro_viewer_messages.h"
-#include "win8/viewer/metro_viewer_constants.h"
-namespace {
-const int kViewerProcessConnectionTimeoutSecs = 60;
-} // namespace
-namespace win8 {
-// static
-MetroViewerProcessHost* MetroViewerProcessHost::instance_ = NULL;
- MetroViewerProcessHost* owner)
- : owner_(owner) {
-void MetroViewerProcessHost::InternalMessageFilter::OnChannelConnected(
- int32_t peer_pid) {
- owner_->NotifyChannelConnected();
-MetroViewerProcessHost::InternalMessageFilter::~InternalMessageFilter() {
- const scoped_refptr<base::SingleThreadTaskRunner>& ipc_task_runner) {
- DCHECK(!instance_);
- instance_ = this;
- channel_ = IPC::ChannelProxy::Create(kMetroViewerIPCChannelName,
- this,
- ipc_task_runner);
-MetroViewerProcessHost::~MetroViewerProcessHost() {
- if (!channel_) {
- instance_ = NULL;
- return;
- }
- base::ProcessId viewer_process_id = GetViewerProcessId();
- channel_->Close();
- if (message_filter_.get()) {
- // Wait for the viewer process to go away.
- if (viewer_process_id != base::kNullProcessId) {
- base::Process viewer_process =
- base::Process::OpenWithAccess(
- viewer_process_id,
- if (viewer_process.IsValid()) {
- int exit_code;
- viewer_process.WaitForExit(&exit_code);
- }
- }
- channel_->RemoveFilter(message_filter_.get());
- }
- instance_ = NULL;
-base::ProcessId MetroViewerProcessHost::GetViewerProcessId() {
- if (channel_)
- return channel_->GetPeerPID();
- return base::kNullProcessId;
-bool MetroViewerProcessHost::LaunchViewerAndWaitForConnection(
- const base::string16& app_user_model_id) {
- DCHECK_EQ(base::kNullProcessId, channel_->GetPeerPID());
- channel_connected_event_.reset(new base::WaitableEvent(false, false));
- message_filter_ = new InternalMessageFilter(this);
- channel_->AddFilter(message_filter_.get());
- if (base::win::GetVersion() >= base::win::VERSION_WIN8) {
- base::win::ScopedComPtr<IApplicationActivationManager> activator;
- HRESULT hr = activator.CreateInstance(CLSID_ApplicationActivationManager);
- if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) {
- DWORD pid = 0;
- // Use the "connect" verb to
- hr = activator->ActivateApplication(
- app_user_model_id.c_str(), kMetroViewerConnectVerb, AO_NONE, &pid);
- }
- LOG_IF(ERROR, FAILED(hr)) << "Tried and failed to launch Metro Chrome. "
- << "hr=" << std::hex << hr;
- } else {
- // For Windows 7 we need to launch the viewer ourselves.
- base::FilePath chrome_path;
- if (!PathService::Get(base::DIR_EXE, &chrome_path))
- return false;
- // TODO(cpu): launch with "-ServerName:DefaultBrowserServer"
- // note that the viewer might try to launch chrome again.
- CHECK(false);
- }
- // Having launched the viewer process, now we wait for it to connect.
- bool success =
- channel_connected_event_->TimedWait(base::TimeDelta::FromSeconds(
- kViewerProcessConnectionTimeoutSecs));
- channel_connected_event_.reset();
- return success;
-bool MetroViewerProcessHost::Send(IPC::Message* msg) {
- return channel_->Send(msg);
-bool MetroViewerProcessHost::OnMessageReceived(
- const IPC::Message& message) {
- DCHECK(CalledOnValidThread());
- bool handled = true;
- IPC_BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(MetroViewerProcessHost, message)
- IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(MetroViewerHostMsg_FileSaveAsDone,
- OnFileSaveAsDone)
- IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(MetroViewerHostMsg_FileOpenDone,
- OnFileOpenDone)
- IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(MetroViewerHostMsg_MultiFileOpenDone,
- OnMultiFileOpenDone)
- IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(MetroViewerHostMsg_OpenURL, OnOpenURL)
- IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(MetroViewerHostMsg_SearchRequest, OnHandleSearchRequest)
- IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(MetroViewerHostMsg_SelectFolderDone,
- OnSelectFolderDone)
- IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(MetroViewerHostMsg_SetTargetSurface, OnSetTargetSurface)
- IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(MetroViewerHostMsg_WindowSizeChanged,
- OnWindowSizeChanged)
- IPC_MESSAGE_UNHANDLED(handled = false)
- return handled ? true :
- aura::RemoteWindowTreeHostWin::Instance()->OnMessageReceived(message);
-// static
-void MetroViewerProcessHost::HandleActivateDesktop(
- const base::FilePath& path,
- bool ash_exit) {
- if (instance_) {
- instance_->Send(
- new MetroViewerHostMsg_ActivateDesktop(path, ash_exit));
- }
-// static
-void MetroViewerProcessHost::HandleMetroExit() {
- if (instance_)
- instance_->Send(new MetroViewerHostMsg_MetroExit());
-// static
-void MetroViewerProcessHost::HandleOpenFile(
- const base::string16& title,
- const base::FilePath& default_path,
- const base::string16& filter,
- const OpenFileCompletion& on_success,
- const FileSelectionCanceled& on_failure) {
- if (instance_) {
- instance_->HandleOpenFileImpl(title, default_path, filter, on_success,
- on_failure);
- }
-// static
-void MetroViewerProcessHost::HandleOpenMultipleFiles(
- const base::string16& title,
- const base::FilePath& default_path,
- const base::string16& filter,
- const OpenMultipleFilesCompletion& on_success,
- const FileSelectionCanceled& on_failure) {
- if (instance_) {
- instance_->HandleOpenMultipleFilesImpl(title, default_path, filter,
- on_success, on_failure);
- }
-// static
-void MetroViewerProcessHost::HandleSaveFile(
- const base::string16& title,
- const base::FilePath& default_path,
- const base::string16& filter,
- int filter_index,
- const base::string16& default_extension,
- const SaveFileCompletion& on_success,
- const FileSelectionCanceled& on_failure) {
- if (instance_) {
- instance_->HandleSaveFileImpl(title, default_path, filter, filter_index,
- default_extension, on_success, on_failure);
- }
-// static
-void MetroViewerProcessHost::HandleSelectFolder(
- const base::string16& title,
- const SelectFolderCompletion& on_success,
- const FileSelectionCanceled& on_failure) {
- if (instance_)
- instance_->HandleSelectFolderImpl(title, on_success, on_failure);
-void MetroViewerProcessHost::HandleOpenFileImpl(
- const base::string16& title,
- const base::FilePath& default_path,
- const base::string16& filter,
- const OpenFileCompletion& on_success,
- const FileSelectionCanceled& on_failure) {
- // Can only have one of these operations in flight.
- DCHECK(file_open_completion_callback_.is_null());
- DCHECK(failure_callback_.is_null());
- file_open_completion_callback_ = on_success;
- failure_callback_ = on_failure;
- Send(new MetroViewerHostMsg_DisplayFileOpen(title, filter, default_path,
- false));
-void MetroViewerProcessHost::HandleOpenMultipleFilesImpl(
- const base::string16& title,
- const base::FilePath& default_path,
- const base::string16& filter,
- const OpenMultipleFilesCompletion& on_success,
- const FileSelectionCanceled& on_failure) {
- // Can only have one of these operations in flight.
- DCHECK(multi_file_open_completion_callback_.is_null());
- DCHECK(failure_callback_.is_null());
- multi_file_open_completion_callback_ = on_success;
- failure_callback_ = on_failure;
- Send(new MetroViewerHostMsg_DisplayFileOpen(title, filter, default_path,
- true));
-void MetroViewerProcessHost::HandleSaveFileImpl(
- const base::string16& title,
- const base::FilePath& default_path,
- const base::string16& filter,
- int filter_index,
- const base::string16& default_extension,
- const SaveFileCompletion& on_success,
- const FileSelectionCanceled& on_failure) {
- MetroViewerHostMsg_SaveAsDialogParams params;
- params.title = title;
- params.default_extension = default_extension;
- params.filter = filter;
- params.filter_index = filter_index;
- params.suggested_name = default_path;
- // Can only have one of these operations in flight.
- DCHECK(file_saveas_completion_callback_.is_null());
- DCHECK(failure_callback_.is_null());
- file_saveas_completion_callback_ = on_success;
- failure_callback_ = on_failure;
- Send(new MetroViewerHostMsg_DisplayFileSaveAs(params));
-void MetroViewerProcessHost::HandleSelectFolderImpl(
- const base::string16& title,
- const SelectFolderCompletion& on_success,
- const FileSelectionCanceled& on_failure) {
- // Can only have one of these operations in flight.
- DCHECK(select_folder_completion_callback_.is_null());
- DCHECK(failure_callback_.is_null());
- select_folder_completion_callback_ = on_success;
- failure_callback_ = on_failure;
- Send(new MetroViewerHostMsg_DisplaySelectFolder(title));
-void MetroViewerProcessHost::NotifyChannelConnected() {
- if (channel_connected_event_)
- channel_connected_event_->Signal();
-void MetroViewerProcessHost::OnFileSaveAsDone(bool success,
- const base::FilePath& filename,
- int filter_index) {
- if (success)
- file_saveas_completion_callback_.Run(filename, filter_index, NULL);
- else
- failure_callback_.Run(NULL);
- file_saveas_completion_callback_.Reset();
- failure_callback_.Reset();
-void MetroViewerProcessHost::OnFileOpenDone(bool success,
- const base::FilePath& filename) {
- if (success)
- file_open_completion_callback_.Run(base::FilePath(filename), 0, NULL);
- else
- failure_callback_.Run(NULL);
- file_open_completion_callback_.Reset();
- failure_callback_.Reset();
-void MetroViewerProcessHost::OnMultiFileOpenDone(
- bool success,
- const std::vector<base::FilePath>& files) {
- if (success)
- multi_file_open_completion_callback_.Run(files, NULL);
- else
- failure_callback_.Run(NULL);
- multi_file_open_completion_callback_.Reset();
- failure_callback_.Reset();
-void MetroViewerProcessHost::OnSelectFolderDone(
- bool success,
- const base::FilePath& folder) {
- if (success)
- select_folder_completion_callback_.Run(base::FilePath(folder), 0, NULL);
- else
- failure_callback_.Run(NULL);
- select_folder_completion_callback_.Reset();
- failure_callback_.Reset();
-} // namespace win8