path: root/crypto/
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* Switch to standard integer types in crypto/.avi2015-12-211-1/+4
* Renamed GetMessage into GetNextMessage.vitalybuka2015-01-291-6/+6
* Added unittest to make sure future changes in P224EncryptedKeyExchange don't ...Vitaly Buka2014-12-101-1/+43
* Allow to get key from SPAKE2 after the first round trip.Vitaly Buka2014-12-041-9/+11
* clean up code at crypto folder.rucifer1217@gmail.com2014-07-221-1/+1
* crypto: Remove forbidden using namespace directive.tfarina@chromium.org2012-11-031-2/+8
* Simplify SPAKE2 implementation.sergeyu@chromium.org2011-12-131-22/+7
* net: add low-entropy, shared secret authentication protocol.agl@chromium.org2011-11-221-0/+139