path: root/sdch/open-vcdiff/vsprojects/decodetable_test/decodetable_test.vcproj
diff options
authorPatrick Scott <>2010-02-04 10:37:17 -0500
committerPatrick Scott <>2010-02-04 10:39:42 -0500
commitc7f5f8508d98d5952d42ed7648c2a8f30a4da156 (patch)
treedd51dbfbf6670daa61279b3a19e7b1835b301dbf /sdch/open-vcdiff/vsprojects/decodetable_test/decodetable_test.vcproj
parent139d8152182f9093f03d9089822b688e49fa7667 (diff)
Initial source checkin.
The source files were determined by building net_unittests in chromium's source tree. Some of the obvious libraries were left out (v8, gmock, gtest). The file has all the sources (minus unittests and tools) that were used during net_unittests compilation. Nothing builds yet because of STL but that is the next task. The .cpp files will most likely not compile anyways because of the LOCAL_CPP_EXTENSION mod. I will have to break this into multiple projects to get around that limitation.
Diffstat (limited to 'sdch/open-vcdiff/vsprojects/decodetable_test/decodetable_test.vcproj')
1 files changed, 209 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/sdch/open-vcdiff/vsprojects/decodetable_test/decodetable_test.vcproj b/sdch/open-vcdiff/vsprojects/decodetable_test/decodetable_test.vcproj
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7342498
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sdch/open-vcdiff/vsprojects/decodetable_test/decodetable_test.vcproj
@@ -0,0 +1,209 @@
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