path: root/chrome/browser/cocoa/
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 2059 deletions
diff --git a/chrome/browser/cocoa/ b/chrome/browser/cocoa/
deleted file mode 100644
index 3face17..0000000
--- a/chrome/browser/cocoa/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2059 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#import "chrome/browser/cocoa/browser_window_controller.h"
-#include <Carbon/Carbon.h>
-#include "app/l10n_util.h"
-#include "app/l10n_util_mac.h"
-#include "base/mac_util.h"
-#include "app/mac/scoped_nsdisable_screen_updates.h"
-#include "base/nsimage_cache_mac.h"
-#import "base/scoped_nsobject.h"
-#include "base/sys_string_conversions.h"
-#include "chrome/app/chrome_command_ids.h" // IDC_*
-#include "chrome/browser/bookmarks/bookmark_editor.h"
-#import "chrome/browser/cocoa/background_gradient_view.h"
-#import "chrome/browser/cocoa/bookmarks/bookmark_bar_controller.h"
-#import "chrome/browser/cocoa/bookmarks/bookmark_editor_controller.h"
-#import "chrome/browser/cocoa/browser_window_cocoa.h"
-#import "chrome/browser/cocoa/browser_window_controller_private.h"
-#import "chrome/browser/cocoa/dev_tools_controller.h"
-#import "chrome/browser/cocoa/download/download_shelf_controller.h"
-#import "chrome/browser/cocoa/event_utils.h"
-#import "chrome/browser/cocoa/fast_resize_view.h"
-#import "chrome/browser/cocoa/find_bar_bridge.h"
-#import "chrome/browser/cocoa/find_bar_cocoa_controller.h"
-#import "chrome/browser/cocoa/focus_tracker.h"
-#import "chrome/browser/cocoa/fullscreen_controller.h"
-#import "chrome/browser/cocoa/fullscreen_window.h"
-#import "chrome/browser/cocoa/infobar_container_controller.h"
-#import "chrome/browser/cocoa/location_bar/autocomplete_text_field_editor.h"
-#import "chrome/browser/cocoa/previewable_contents_controller.h"
-#import "chrome/browser/cocoa/nswindow_additions.h"
-#import "chrome/browser/cocoa/sad_tab_controller.h"
-#import "chrome/browser/cocoa/sidebar_controller.h"
-#import "chrome/browser/cocoa/status_bubble_mac.h"
-#import "chrome/browser/cocoa/tab_contents_controller.h"
-#import "chrome/browser/cocoa/tab_strip_controller.h"
-#import "chrome/browser/cocoa/tab_strip_view.h"
-#import "chrome/browser/cocoa/tab_view.h"
-#import "chrome/browser/cocoa/tabpose_window.h"
-#import "chrome/browser/cocoa/toolbar_controller.h"
-#include "chrome/browser/dock_info.h"
-#include "chrome/browser/encoding_menu_controller.h"
-#include "chrome/browser/google/google_util.h"
-#include "chrome/browser/location_bar.h"
-#include "chrome/browser/profile.h"
-#include "chrome/browser/renderer_host/render_widget_host_view.h"
-#include "chrome/browser/sync/profile_sync_service.h"
-#include "chrome/browser/sync/sync_ui_util_mac.h"
-#include "chrome/browser/tab_contents/tab_contents.h"
-#include "chrome/browser/tab_contents/tab_contents_view_mac.h"
-#include "chrome/browser/tab_contents_wrapper.h"
-#include "chrome/browser/tabs/tab_strip_model.h"
-#include "chrome/browser/themes/browser_theme_provider.h"
-#include "chrome/browser/ui/browser.h"
-#include "chrome/browser/ui/browser_list.h"
-#include "chrome/browser/window_sizer.h"
-#include "chrome/common/url_constants.h"
-#include "grit/generated_resources.h"
-#include "grit/locale_settings.h"
-// ORGANIZATION: This is a big file. It is (in principle) organized as follows
-// (in order):
-// 1. Interfaces. Very short, one-time-use classes may include an implementation
-// immediately after their interface.
-// 2. The general implementation section, ordered as follows:
-// i. Public methods and overrides.
-// ii. Overrides/implementations of undocumented methods.
-// iii. Delegate methods for various protocols, formal and informal, to which
-// |BrowserWindowController| conforms.
-// 3. (temporary) Implementation sections for various categories.
-// Private methods are defined and implemented separately in
-// browser_window_controller_private.{h,mm}.
-// Not all of the above guidelines are followed and more (re-)organization is
-// needed. BUT PLEASE TRY TO KEEP THIS FILE ORGANIZED. I'd rather re-organize as
-// little as possible, since doing so messes up the file's history.
-// TODO(viettrungluu): [] on-going re-organization, splitting
-// things into multiple files -- the plan is as follows:
-// - in general, everything stays in browser_window_controller.h, but is split
-// off into categories (see below)
-// - core stuff stays in
-// - ... overrides also stay (without going into a category, in particular)
-// - private stuff which everyone needs goes into
-// browser_window_controller_private.{h,mm}; if no one else needs them, they
-// can go in individual files (see below)
-// - area/task-specific stuff go in browser_window_controller_<area>.mm
-// - ... in categories called "(<Area>)" or "(<PrivateArea>)"
-// Plan of action:
-// - first re-organize into categories
-// - then split into files
-// Notes on self-inflicted (not user-inflicted) window resizing and moving:
-// When the bookmark bar goes from hidden to shown (on a non-NTP) page, or when
-// the download shelf goes from hidden to shown, we grow the window downwards in
-// order to maintain a constant content area size. When either goes from shown
-// to hidden, we consequently shrink the window from the bottom, also to keep
-// the content area size constant. To keep things simple, if the window is not
-// entirely on-screen, we don't grow/shrink the window.
-// The complications come in when there isn't enough room (on screen) below the
-// window to accomodate the growth. In this case, we grow the window first
-// downwards, and then upwards. So, when it comes to shrinking, we do the
-// opposite: shrink from the top by the amount by which we grew at the top, and
-// then from the bottom -- unless the user moved/resized/zoomed the window, in
-// which case we "reset state" and just shrink from the bottom.
-// A further complication arises due to the way in which "zoom" ("maximize")
-// works on Mac OS X. Basically, for our purposes, a window is "zoomed" whenever
-// it occupies the full available vertical space. (Note that the green zoom
-// button does not track zoom/unzoomed state per se, but basically relies on
-// this heuristic.) We don't, in general, want to shrink the window if the
-// window is zoomed (scenario: window is zoomed, download shelf opens -- which
-// doesn't cause window growth, download shelf closes -- shouldn't cause the
-// window to become unzoomed!). However, if we grew the window
-// (upwards/downwards) to become zoomed in the first place, we *should* shrink
-// the window by the amounts by which we grew (scenario: window occupies *most*
-// of vertical space, download shelf opens causing growth so that window
-// occupies all of vertical space -- i.e., window is effectively zoomed,
-// download shelf closes -- should return the window to its previous state).
-// A major complication is caused by the way grows/shrinks are handled and
-// animated. Basically, the BWC doesn't see the global picture, but it sees
-// grows and shrinks in small increments (as dictated by the animation). Thus
-// window growth/shrinkage (at the top/bottom) have to be tracked incrementally.
-// Allowing shrinking from the zoomed state also requires tracking: We check on
-// any shrink whether we're both zoomed and have previously grown -- if so, we
-// set a flag, and constrain any resize by the allowed amounts. On further
-// shrinks, we check the flag (since the size/position of the window will no
-// longer indicate that the window is shrinking from an apparent zoomed state)
-// and if it's set we continue to constrain the resize.
-@interface NSWindow(NSPrivateApis)
-// Note: These functions are private, use -[NSObject respondsToSelector:]
-// before calling them.
-- (void)setBottomCornerRounded:(BOOL)rounded;
-- (NSRect)_growBoxRect;
-// IncognitoImageView subclasses NSImageView to allow mouse events to pass
-// through it so you can drag the window by dragging on the spy guy
-@interface IncognitoImageView : NSImageView
-@implementation IncognitoImageView
-- (BOOL)mouseDownCanMoveWindow {
- return YES;
-@implementation BrowserWindowController
-+ (BrowserWindowController*)browserWindowControllerForWindow:(NSWindow*)window {
- while (window) {
- id controller = [window windowController];
- if ([controller isKindOfClass:[BrowserWindowController class]])
- return (BrowserWindowController*)controller;
- window = [window parentWindow];
- }
- return nil;
-+ (BrowserWindowController*)browserWindowControllerForView:(NSView*)view {
- NSWindow* window = [view window];
- return [BrowserWindowController browserWindowControllerForWindow:window];
-// Load the browser window nib and do any Cocoa-specific initialization.
-// Takes ownership of |browser|. Note that the nib also sets this controller
-// up as the window's delegate.
-- (id)initWithBrowser:(Browser*)browser {
- return [self initWithBrowser:browser takeOwnership:YES];
-// Private(TestingAPI) init routine with testing options.
-- (id)initWithBrowser:(Browser*)browser takeOwnership:(BOOL)ownIt {
- // Use initWithWindowNibPath:: instead of initWithWindowNibName: so we
- // can override it in a unit test.
- NSString* nibpath = [mac_util::MainAppBundle()
- pathForResource:@"BrowserWindow"
- ofType:@"nib"];
- if ((self = [super initWithWindowNibPath:nibpath owner:self])) {
- DCHECK(browser);
- initializing_ = YES;
- browser_.reset(browser);
- ownsBrowser_ = ownIt;
- NSWindow* window = [self window];
- windowShim_.reset(new BrowserWindowCocoa(browser, self, window));
- // Create the bar visibility lock set; 10 is arbitrary, but should hopefully
- // be big enough to hold all locks that'll ever be needed.
- barVisibilityLocks_.reset([[NSMutableSet setWithCapacity:10] retain]);
- // Sets the window to not have rounded corners, which prevents
- // the resize control from being inset slightly and looking ugly.
- if ([window respondsToSelector:@selector(setBottomCornerRounded:)])
- [window setBottomCornerRounded:NO];
- // Get the most appropriate size for the window, then enforce the
- // minimum width and height. The window shim will handle flipping
- // the coordinates for us so we can use it to save some code.
- // Note that this may leave a significant portion of the window
- // offscreen, but there will always be enough window onscreen to
- // drag the whole window back into view.
- NSSize minSize = [[self window] minSize];
- gfx::Rect desiredContentRect = browser_->GetSavedWindowBounds();
- gfx::Rect windowRect = desiredContentRect;
- if (windowRect.width() < minSize.width)
- windowRect.set_width(minSize.width);
- if (windowRect.height() < minSize.height)
- windowRect.set_height(minSize.height);
- // When we are given x/y coordinates of 0 on a created popup window, assume
- // none were given by the command.
- if (browser_->type() & Browser::TYPE_POPUP &&
- windowRect.x() == 0 && windowRect.y() == 0) {
- gfx::Size size = windowRect.size();
- windowRect.set_origin(WindowSizer::GetDefaultPopupOrigin(size));
- }
- // Size and position the window. Note that it is not yet onscreen. Popup
- // windows may get resized later on in this function, once the actual size
- // of the toolbar/tabstrip is known.
- windowShim_->SetBounds(windowRect);
- // Puts the incognito badge on the window frame, if necessary.
- [self installIncognitoBadge];
- // Create a sub-controller for the docked devTools and add its view to the
- // hierarchy. This must happen before the sidebar controller is
- // instantiated.
- devToolsController_.reset(
- [[DevToolsController alloc] initWithDelegate:self]);
- [[devToolsController_ view] setFrame:[[self tabContentArea] bounds]];
- [[self tabContentArea] addSubview:[devToolsController_ view]];
- // Create a sub-controller for the docked sidebar and add its view to the
- // hierarchy. This must happen before the previewable contents controller
- // is instantiated.
- sidebarController_.reset([[SidebarController alloc] initWithDelegate:self]);
- [[sidebarController_ view] setFrame:[[devToolsController_ view] bounds]];
- [[devToolsController_ view] addSubview:[sidebarController_ view]];
- // Create the previewable contents controller. This provides the switch
- // view that TabStripController needs.
- previewableContentsController_.reset(
- [[PreviewableContentsController alloc] init]);
- [[previewableContentsController_ view]
- setFrame:[[sidebarController_ view] bounds]];
- [[sidebarController_ view]
- addSubview:[previewableContentsController_ view]];
- // Create a controller for the tab strip, giving it the model object for
- // this window's Browser and the tab strip view. The controller will handle
- // registering for the appropriate tab notifications from the back-end and
- // managing the creation of new tabs.
- [self createTabStripController];
- // Create the infobar container view, so we can pass it to the
- // ToolbarController.
- infoBarContainerController_.reset(
- [[InfoBarContainerController alloc] initWithResizeDelegate:self]);
- [[[self window] contentView] addSubview:[infoBarContainerController_ view]];
- // Create a controller for the toolbar, giving it the toolbar model object
- // and the toolbar view from the nib. The controller will handle
- // registering for the appropriate command state changes from the back-end.
- // Adds the toolbar to the content area.
- toolbarController_.reset([[ToolbarController alloc]
- initWithModel:browser->toolbar_model()
- commands:browser->command_updater()
- profile:browser->profile()
- browser:browser
- resizeDelegate:self]);
- [toolbarController_ setHasToolbar:[self hasToolbar]
- hasLocationBar:[self hasLocationBar]];
- [[[self window] contentView] addSubview:[toolbarController_ view]];
- // Create a sub-controller for the bookmark bar.
- bookmarkBarController_.reset(
- [[BookmarkBarController alloc]
- initWithBrowser:browser_.get()
- initialWidth:NSWidth([[[self window] contentView] frame])
- delegate:self
- resizeDelegate:self]);
- // Add bookmark bar to the view hierarchy, which also triggers the nib load.
- // The bookmark bar is defined (in the nib) to be bottom-aligned to its
- // parent view (among other things), so position and resize properties don't
- // need to be set.
- [[[self window] contentView] addSubview:[bookmarkBarController_ view]
- positioned:NSWindowBelow
- relativeTo:[toolbarController_ view]];
- [bookmarkBarController_ setBookmarkBarEnabled:[self supportsBookmarkBar]];
- // We don't want to try and show the bar before it gets placed in its parent
- // view, so this step shoudn't be inside the bookmark bar controller's
- // |-awakeFromNib|.
- [self updateBookmarkBarVisibilityWithAnimation:NO];
- // Allow bar visibility to be changed.
- [self enableBarVisibilityUpdates];
- // Force a relayout of all the various bars.
- [self layoutSubviews];
- // For a popup window, |desiredContentRect| contains the desired height of
- // the content, not of the whole window. Now that all the views are laid
- // out, measure the current content area size and grow if needed. The
- // window has not been placed onscreen yet, so this extra resize will not
- // cause visible jank.
- if (browser_->type() & Browser::TYPE_POPUP) {
- CGFloat deltaH = desiredContentRect.height() -
- NSHeight([[self tabContentArea] frame]);
- // Do not shrink the window, as that may break minimum size invariants.
- if (deltaH > 0) {
- // Convert from tabContentArea coordinates to window coordinates.
- NSSize convertedSize =
- [[self tabContentArea] convertSize:NSMakeSize(0, deltaH)
- toView:nil];
- NSRect frame = [[self window] frame];
- frame.size.height += convertedSize.height;
- frame.origin.y -= convertedSize.height;
- [[self window] setFrame:frame display:NO];
- }
- }
- // Create the bridge for the status bubble.
- statusBubble_ = new StatusBubbleMac([self window], self);
- // Register for application hide/unhide notifications.
- [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter]
- addObserver:self
- selector:@selector(applicationDidHide:)
- name:NSApplicationDidHideNotification
- object:nil];
- [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter]
- addObserver:self
- selector:@selector(applicationDidUnhide:)
- name:NSApplicationDidUnhideNotification
- object:nil];
- // This must be done after the view is added to the window since it relies
- // on the window bounds to determine whether to show buttons or not.
- if ([self hasToolbar]) // Do not create the buttons in popups.
- [toolbarController_ createBrowserActionButtons];
- // We are done initializing now.
- initializing_ = NO;
- }
- return self;
-- (void)dealloc {
- browser_->CloseAllTabs();
- [downloadShelfController_ exiting];
- // Explicitly release |fullscreenController_| here, as it may call back to
- // this BWC in |-dealloc|. We are required to call |-exitFullscreen| before
- // releasing the controller.
- [fullscreenController_ exitFullscreen];
- fullscreenController_.reset();
- // Under certain testing configurations we may not actually own the browser.
- if (ownsBrowser_ == NO)
- ignore_result(browser_.release());
- [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] removeObserver:self];
- [super dealloc];
-- (BrowserWindow*)browserWindow {
- return windowShim_.get();
-- (ToolbarController*)toolbarController {
- return toolbarController_.get();
-- (TabStripController*)tabStripController {
- return tabStripController_.get();
-- (StatusBubbleMac*)statusBubble {
- return statusBubble_;
-- (LocationBarViewMac*)locationBarBridge {
- return [toolbarController_ locationBarBridge];
-- (void)destroyBrowser {
- [NSApp removeWindowsItem:[self window]];
- // We need the window to go away now.
- // We can't actually use |-autorelease| here because there's an embedded
- // run loop in the |-performClose:| which contains its own autorelease pool.
- // Instead call it after a zero-length delay, which gets us back to the main
- // event loop.
- [self performSelector:@selector(autorelease)
- withObject:nil
- afterDelay:0];
-// Called when the window meets the criteria to be closed (ie,
-// |-windowShouldClose:| returns YES). We must be careful to preserve the
-// semantics of BrowserWindow::Close() and not call the Browser's dtor directly
-// from this method.
-- (void)windowWillClose:(NSNotification*)notification {
- DCHECK_EQ([notification object], [self window]);
- DCHECK(browser_->tabstrip_model()->empty());
- [savedRegularWindow_ close];
- // We delete statusBubble here because we need to kill off the dependency
- // that its window has on our window before our window goes away.
- delete statusBubble_;
- statusBubble_ = NULL;
- // We can't actually use |-autorelease| here because there's an embedded
- // run loop in the |-performClose:| which contains its own autorelease pool.
- // Instead call it after a zero-length delay, which gets us back to the main
- // event loop.
- [self performSelector:@selector(autorelease)
- withObject:nil
- afterDelay:0];
-- (void)attachConstrainedWindow:(ConstrainedWindowMac*)window {
- [tabStripController_ attachConstrainedWindow:window];
-- (void)removeConstrainedWindow:(ConstrainedWindowMac*)window {
- [tabStripController_ removeConstrainedWindow:window];
-- (BOOL)canAttachConstrainedWindow {
- return ![previewableContentsController_ isShowingPreview];
-- (void)updateDevToolsForContents:(TabContents*)contents {
- [devToolsController_ updateDevToolsForTabContents:contents];
- [devToolsController_ ensureContentsVisible];
-- (void)updateSidebarForContents:(TabContents*)contents {
- [sidebarController_ updateSidebarForTabContents:contents];
- [sidebarController_ ensureContentsVisible];
-// Called when the user wants to close a window or from the shutdown process.
-// The Browser object is in control of whether or not we're allowed to close. It
-// may defer closing due to several states, such as onUnload handlers needing to
-// be fired. If closing is deferred, the Browser will handle the processing
-// required to get us to the closing state and (by watching for all the tabs
-// going away) will again call to close the window when it's finally ready.
-- (BOOL)windowShouldClose:(id)sender {
- // Disable updates while closing all tabs to avoid flickering.
- app::mac::ScopedNSDisableScreenUpdates disabler;
- // Give beforeunload handlers the chance to cancel the close before we hide
- // the window below.
- if (!browser_->ShouldCloseWindow())
- return NO;
- // saveWindowPositionIfNeeded: only works if we are the last active
- // window, but orderOut: ends up activating another window, so we
- // have to save the window position before we call orderOut:.
- [self saveWindowPositionIfNeeded];
- if (!browser_->tabstrip_model()->empty()) {
- // Tab strip isn't empty. Hide the frame (so it appears to have closed
- // immediately) and close all the tabs, allowing the renderers to shut
- // down. When the tab strip is empty we'll be called back again.
- [[self window] orderOut:self];
- browser_->OnWindowClosing();
- return NO;
- }
- // the tab strip is empty, it's ok to close the window
- return YES;
-// Called right after our window became the main window.
-- (void)windowDidBecomeMain:(NSNotification*)notification {
- BrowserList::SetLastActive(browser_.get());
- [self saveWindowPositionIfNeeded];
- // TODO(dmaclach): Instead of redrawing the whole window, views that care
- // about the active window state should be registering for notifications.
- [[self window] setViewsNeedDisplay:YES];
- // TODO(viettrungluu): For some reason, the above doesn't suffice.
- if ([self isFullscreen])
- [floatingBarBackingView_ setNeedsDisplay:YES]; // Okay even if nil.
-- (void)windowDidResignMain:(NSNotification*)notification {
- // TODO(dmaclach): Instead of redrawing the whole window, views that care
- // about the active window state should be registering for notifications.
- [[self window] setViewsNeedDisplay:YES];
- // TODO(viettrungluu): For some reason, the above doesn't suffice.
- if ([self isFullscreen])
- [floatingBarBackingView_ setNeedsDisplay:YES]; // Okay even if nil.
-// Called when we are activated (when we gain focus).
-- (void)windowDidBecomeKey:(NSNotification*)notification {
- // We need to activate the controls (in the "WebView"). To do this, get the
- // selected TabContents's RenderWidgetHostViewMac and tell it to activate.
- if (TabContents* contents = browser_->GetSelectedTabContents()) {
- if (RenderWidgetHostView* rwhv = contents->GetRenderWidgetHostView())
- rwhv->SetActive(true);
- }
-// Called when we are deactivated (when we lose focus).
-- (void)windowDidResignKey:(NSNotification*)notification {
- // If our app is still active and we're still the key window, ignore this
- // message, since it just means that a menu extra (on the "system status bar")
- // was activated; we'll get another |-windowDidResignKey| if we ever really
- // lose key window status.
- if ([NSApp isActive] && ([NSApp keyWindow] == [self window]))
- return;
- // We need to deactivate the controls (in the "WebView"). To do this, get the
- // selected TabContents's RenderWidgetHostView and tell it to deactivate.
- if (TabContents* contents = browser_->GetSelectedTabContents()) {
- if (RenderWidgetHostView* rwhv = contents->GetRenderWidgetHostView())
- rwhv->SetActive(false);
- }
-// Called when we have been minimized.
-- (void)windowDidMiniaturize:(NSNotification *)notification {
- // Let the selected RenderWidgetHostView know, so that it can tell plugins.
- if (TabContents* contents = browser_->GetSelectedTabContents()) {
- if (RenderWidgetHostView* rwhv = contents->GetRenderWidgetHostView())
- rwhv->SetWindowVisibility(false);
- }
-// Called when we have been unminimized.
-- (void)windowDidDeminiaturize:(NSNotification *)notification {
- // Let the selected RenderWidgetHostView know, so that it can tell plugins.
- if (TabContents* contents = browser_->GetSelectedTabContents()) {
- if (RenderWidgetHostView* rwhv = contents->GetRenderWidgetHostView())
- rwhv->SetWindowVisibility(true);
- }
-// Called when the application has been hidden.
-- (void)applicationDidHide:(NSNotification *)notification {
- // Let the selected RenderWidgetHostView know, so that it can tell plugins
- // (unless we are minimized, in which case nothing has really changed).
- if (![[self window] isMiniaturized]) {
- if (TabContents* contents = browser_->GetSelectedTabContents()) {
- if (RenderWidgetHostView* rwhv = contents->GetRenderWidgetHostView())
- rwhv->SetWindowVisibility(false);
- }
- }
-// Called when the application has been unhidden.
-- (void)applicationDidUnhide:(NSNotification *)notification {
- // Let the selected RenderWidgetHostView know, so that it can tell plugins
- // (unless we are minimized, in which case nothing has really changed).
- if (![[self window] isMiniaturized]) {
- if (TabContents* contents = browser_->GetSelectedTabContents()) {
- if (RenderWidgetHostView* rwhv = contents->GetRenderWidgetHostView())
- rwhv->SetWindowVisibility(true);
- }
- }
-// Called when the user clicks the zoom button (or selects it from the Window
-// menu) to determine the "standard size" of the window, based on the content
-// and other factors. If the current size/location differs nontrivally from the
-// standard size, Cocoa resizes the window to the standard size, and saves the
-// current size as the "user size". If the current size/location is the same (up
-// to a fudge factor) as the standard size, Cocoa resizes the window to the
-// saved user size. (It is possible for the two to coincide.) In this way, the
-// zoom button acts as a toggle. We determine the standard size based on the
-// content, but enforce a minimum width (calculated using the dimensions of the
-// screen) to ensure websites with small intrinsic width (such as
-// don't end up with a wee window. Moreover, we always declare the standard
-// width to be at least as big as the current width, i.e., we never want zooming
-// to the standard width to shrink the window. This is consistent with other
-// browsers' behaviour, and is desirable in multi-tab situations. Note, however,
-// that the "toggle" behaviour means that the window can still be "unzoomed" to
-// the user size.
-- (NSRect)windowWillUseStandardFrame:(NSWindow*)window
- defaultFrame:(NSRect)frame {
- // Forget that we grew the window up (if we in fact did).
- [self resetWindowGrowthState];
- // |frame| already fills the current screen. Never touch y and height since we
- // always want to fill vertically.
- // If the shift key is down, maximize. Hopefully this should make the
- // "switchers" happy.
- if ([[NSApp currentEvent] modifierFlags] & NSShiftKeyMask) {
- return frame;
- }
- // To prevent strange results on portrait displays, the basic minimum zoomed
- // width is the larger of: 60% of available width, 60% of available height
- // (bounded by available width).
- const CGFloat kProportion = 0.6;
- CGFloat zoomedWidth =
- std::max(kProportion * frame.size.width,
- std::min(kProportion * frame.size.height, frame.size.width));
- TabContents* contents = browser_->GetSelectedTabContents();
- if (contents) {
- // If the intrinsic width is bigger, then make it the zoomed width.
- const int kScrollbarWidth = 16; // TODO(viettrungluu): ugh.
- TabContentsViewMac* tab_contents_view =
- static_cast<TabContentsViewMac*>(contents->view());
- CGFloat intrinsicWidth = static_cast<CGFloat>(
- tab_contents_view->preferred_width() + kScrollbarWidth);
- zoomedWidth = std::max(zoomedWidth,
- std::min(intrinsicWidth, frame.size.width));
- }
- // Never shrink from the current size on zoom (see above).
- NSRect currentFrame = [[self window] frame];
- zoomedWidth = std::max(zoomedWidth, currentFrame.size.width);
- // |frame| determines our maximum extents. We need to set the origin of the
- // frame -- and only move it left if necessary.
- if (currentFrame.origin.x + zoomedWidth > frame.origin.x + frame.size.width)
- frame.origin.x = frame.origin.x + frame.size.width - zoomedWidth;
- else
- frame.origin.x = currentFrame.origin.x;
- // Set the width. Don't touch y or height.
- frame.size.width = zoomedWidth;
- return frame;
-- (void)activate {
- [[self window] makeKeyAndOrderFront:self];
-// Determine whether we should let a window zoom/unzoom to the given |newFrame|.
-// We avoid letting unzoom move windows between screens, because it's really
-// strange and unintuitive.
-- (BOOL)windowShouldZoom:(NSWindow*)window toFrame:(NSRect)newFrame {
- // Figure out which screen |newFrame| is on.
- NSScreen* newScreen = nil;
- CGFloat newScreenOverlapArea = 0.0;
- for (NSScreen* screen in [NSScreen screens]) {
- NSRect overlap = NSIntersectionRect(newFrame, [screen frame]);
- CGFloat overlapArea = overlap.size.width * overlap.size.height;
- if (overlapArea > newScreenOverlapArea) {
- newScreen = screen;
- newScreenOverlapArea = overlapArea;
- }
- }
- // If we're somehow not on any screen, allow the zoom.
- if (!newScreen)
- return YES;
- // If the new screen is the current screen, we can return a definitive YES.
- // Note: This check is not strictly necessary, but just short-circuits in the
- // "no-brainer" case. To test the complicated logic below, comment this out!
- NSScreen* curScreen = [window screen];
- if (newScreen == curScreen)
- return YES;
- // Worry a little: What happens when a window is on two (or more) screens?
- // E.g., what happens in a 50-50 scenario? Cocoa may reasonably elect to zoom
- // to the other screen rather than staying on the officially current one. So
- // we compare overlaps with the current window frame, and see if Cocoa's
- // choice was reasonable (allowing a small rounding error). This should
- // hopefully avoid us ever erroneously denying a zoom when a window is on
- // multiple screens.
- NSRect curFrame = [window frame];
- NSRect newScrIntersectCurFr = NSIntersectionRect([newScreen frame], curFrame);
- NSRect curScrIntersectCurFr = NSIntersectionRect([curScreen frame], curFrame);
- if (newScrIntersectCurFr.size.width*newScrIntersectCurFr.size.height >=
- (curScrIntersectCurFr.size.width*curScrIntersectCurFr.size.height - 1.0))
- return YES;
- // If it wasn't reasonable, return NO.
- return NO;
-// Adjusts the window height by the given amount.
-- (void)adjustWindowHeightBy:(CGFloat)deltaH {
- // By not adjusting the window height when initializing, we can ensure that
- // the window opens with the same size that was saved on close.
- if (initializing_ || [self isFullscreen] || deltaH == 0)
- return;
- NSWindow* window = [self window];
- NSRect windowFrame = [window frame];
- NSRect workarea = [[window screen] visibleFrame];
- // If the window is not already fully in the workarea, do not adjust its frame
- // at all.
- if (!NSContainsRect(workarea, windowFrame))
- return;
- // Record the position of the top/bottom of the window, so we can easily check
- // whether we grew the window upwards/downwards.
- CGFloat oldWindowMaxY = NSMaxY(windowFrame);
- CGFloat oldWindowMinY = NSMinY(windowFrame);
- // We are "zoomed" if we occupy the full vertical space.
- bool isZoomed = (windowFrame.origin.y == workarea.origin.y &&
- windowFrame.size.height == workarea.size.height);
- // If we're shrinking the window....
- if (deltaH < 0) {
- bool didChange = false;
- // Don't reset if not currently zoomed since shrinking can take several
- // steps!
- if (isZoomed)
- isShrinkingFromZoomed_ = YES;
- // If we previously grew at the top, shrink as much as allowed at the top
- // first.
- if (windowTopGrowth_ > 0) {
- CGFloat shrinkAtTopBy = MIN(-deltaH, windowTopGrowth_);
- windowFrame.size.height -= shrinkAtTopBy; // Shrink the window.
- deltaH += shrinkAtTopBy; // Update the amount left to shrink.
- windowTopGrowth_ -= shrinkAtTopBy; // Update the growth state.
- didChange = true;
- }
- // Similarly for the bottom (not an "else if" since we may have to
- // simultaneously shrink at both the top and at the bottom). Note that
- // |deltaH| may no longer be nonzero due to the above.
- if (deltaH < 0 && windowBottomGrowth_ > 0) {
- CGFloat shrinkAtBottomBy = MIN(-deltaH, windowBottomGrowth_);
- windowFrame.origin.y += shrinkAtBottomBy; // Move the window up.
- windowFrame.size.height -= shrinkAtBottomBy; // Shrink the window.
- deltaH += shrinkAtBottomBy; // Update the amount left....
- windowBottomGrowth_ -= shrinkAtBottomBy; // Update the growth state.
- didChange = true;
- }
- // If we're shrinking from zoomed but we didn't change the top or bottom
- // (since we've reached the limits imposed by |window...Growth_|), then stop
- // here. Don't reset |isShrinkingFromZoomed_| since we might get called
- // again for the same shrink.
- if (isShrinkingFromZoomed_ && !didChange)
- return;
- } else {
- isShrinkingFromZoomed_ = NO;
- // Don't bother with anything else.
- if (isZoomed)
- return;
- }
- // Shrinking from zoomed is handled above (and is constrained by
- // |window...Growth_|).
- if (!isShrinkingFromZoomed_) {
- // Resize the window down until it hits the bottom of the workarea, then if
- // needed continue resizing upwards. Do not resize the window to be taller
- // than the current workarea.
- // Resize the window as requested, keeping the top left corner fixed.
- windowFrame.origin.y -= deltaH;
- windowFrame.size.height += deltaH;
- // If the bottom left corner is now outside the visible frame, move the
- // window up to make it fit, but make sure not to move the top left corner
- // out of the visible frame.
- if (windowFrame.origin.y < workarea.origin.y) {
- windowFrame.origin.y = workarea.origin.y;
- windowFrame.size.height =
- std::min(windowFrame.size.height, workarea.size.height);
- }
- // Record (if applicable) how much we grew the window in either direction.
- // (N.B.: These only record growth, not shrinkage.)
- if (NSMaxY(windowFrame) > oldWindowMaxY)
- windowTopGrowth_ += NSMaxY(windowFrame) - oldWindowMaxY;
- if (NSMinY(windowFrame) < oldWindowMinY)
- windowBottomGrowth_ += oldWindowMinY - NSMinY(windowFrame);
- }
- // Disable subview resizing while resizing the window, or else we will get
- // unwanted renderer resizes. The calling code must call layoutSubviews to
- // make things right again.
- NSView* contentView = [window contentView];
- [contentView setAutoresizesSubviews:NO];
- [window setFrame:windowFrame display:NO];
- [contentView setAutoresizesSubviews:YES];
-// Main method to resize browser window subviews. This method should be called
-// when resizing any child of the content view, rather than resizing the views
-// directly. If the view is already the correct height, does not force a
-// relayout.
-- (void)resizeView:(NSView*)view newHeight:(CGFloat)height {
- // We should only ever be called for one of the following four views.
- // |downloadShelfController_| may be nil. If we are asked to size the bookmark
- // bar directly, its superview must be this controller's content view.
- DCHECK(view);
- DCHECK(view == [toolbarController_ view] ||
- view == [infoBarContainerController_ view] ||
- view == [downloadShelfController_ view] ||
- view == [bookmarkBarController_ view]);
- // Change the height of the view and call |-layoutSubViews|. We set the height
- // here without regard to where the view is on the screen or whether it needs
- // to "grow up" or "grow down." The below call to |-layoutSubviews| will
- // position each view correctly.
- NSRect frame = [view frame];
- if (NSHeight(frame) == height)
- return;
- // Grow or shrink the window by the amount of the height change. We adjust
- // the window height only in two cases:
- // 1) We are adjusting the height of the bookmark bar and it is currently
- // animating either open or closed.
- // 2) We are adjusting the height of the download shelf.
- //
- // We do not adjust the window height for bookmark bar changes on the NTP.
- BOOL shouldAdjustBookmarkHeight =
- [bookmarkBarController_ isAnimatingBetweenState:bookmarks::kHiddenState
- andState:bookmarks::kShowingState];
- if ((shouldAdjustBookmarkHeight && view == [bookmarkBarController_ view]) ||
- view == [downloadShelfController_ view]) {
- [[self window] disableScreenUpdatesUntilFlush];
- CGFloat deltaH = height - frame.size.height;
- [self adjustWindowHeightBy:deltaH];
- }
- frame.size.height = height;
- // TODO(rohitrao): Determine if calling setFrame: twice is bad.
- [view setFrame:frame];
- [self layoutSubviews];
-- (void)setAnimationInProgress:(BOOL)inProgress {
- [[self tabContentArea] setFastResizeMode:inProgress];
-// Update a toggle state for an NSMenuItem if modified.
-// Take care to ensure |item| looks like a NSMenuItem.
-// Called by validateUserInterfaceItem:.
-- (void)updateToggleStateWithTag:(NSInteger)tag forItem:(id)item {
- if (![item respondsToSelector:@selector(state)] ||
- ![item respondsToSelector:@selector(setState:)])
- return;
- // On Windows this logic happens in On the
- // Mac we're a lot more MVC happy so we've moved it into a
- // controller. To be clear, this simply updates the menu item; it
- // does not display the bookmark bar itself.
- if (tag == IDC_SHOW_BOOKMARK_BAR) {
- bool toggled = windowShim_->IsBookmarkBarVisible();
- NSInteger oldState = [item state];
- NSInteger newState = toggled ? NSOnState : NSOffState;
- if (oldState != newState)
- [item setState:newState];
- }
- // Update the checked/Unchecked state of items in the encoding menu.
- // On Windows, this logic is part of |EncodingMenuModel| in
- // browser/views/toolbar_view.h.
- EncodingMenuController encoding_controller;
- if (encoding_controller.DoesCommandBelongToEncodingMenu(tag)) {
- DCHECK(browser_.get());
- Profile* profile = browser_->profile();
- DCHECK(profile);
- TabContents* current_tab = browser_->GetSelectedTabContents();
- if (!current_tab) {
- return;
- }
- const std::string encoding = current_tab->encoding();
- bool toggled = encoding_controller.IsItemChecked(profile, encoding, tag);
- NSInteger oldState = [item state];
- NSInteger newState = toggled ? NSOnState : NSOffState;
- if (oldState != newState)
- [item setState:newState];
- }
-- (BOOL)supportsFullscreen {
- // TODO(avi, thakis): GTMWindowSheetController has no api to move
- // tabsheets between windows. Until then, we have to prevent having to
- // move a tabsheet between windows, e.g. no fullscreen toggling
- NSArray* a = [[tabStripController_ sheetController] viewsWithAttachedSheets];
- return [a count] == 0;
-// Called to validate menu and toolbar items when this window is key. All the
-// items we care about have been set with the |-commandDispatch:| or
-// |-commandDispatchUsingKeyModifiers:| actions and a target of FirstResponder
-// in IB. If it's not one of those, let it continue up the responder chain to be
-// handled elsewhere. We pull out the tag as the cross-platform constant to
-// differentiate and dispatch the various commands.
-// NOTE: we might have to handle state for app-wide menu items,
-// although we could cheat and directly ask the app controller if our
-// command_updater doesn't support the command. This may or may not be an issue,
-// too early to tell.
-- (BOOL)validateUserInterfaceItem:(id<NSValidatedUserInterfaceItem>)item {
- SEL action = [item action];
- BOOL enable = NO;
- if (action == @selector(commandDispatch:) ||
- action == @selector(commandDispatchUsingKeyModifiers:)) {
- NSInteger tag = [item tag];
- if (browser_->command_updater()->SupportsCommand(tag)) {
- // Generate return value (enabled state)
- enable = browser_->command_updater()->IsCommandEnabled(tag);
- switch (tag) {
- // Disable "close tab" if we're not the key window or if there's only
- // one tab.
- enable &= [self numberOfTabs] > 1 && [[self window] isKeyWindow];
- break;
- enable &= [self supportsFullscreen];
- if ([static_cast<NSObject*>(item) isKindOfClass:[NSMenuItem class]]) {
- NSString* menuTitle = l10n_util::GetNSString(
- [self isFullscreen] ? IDS_EXIT_FULLSCREEN_MAC :
- [static_cast<NSMenuItem*>(item) setTitle:menuTitle];
- }
- break;
- }
- enable &= browser_->profile()->IsSyncAccessible();
- sync_ui_util::UpdateSyncItem(item, enable, browser_->profile());
- break;
- default:
- // Special handling for the contents of the Text Encoding submenu. On
- // Mac OS, instead of enabling/disabling the top-level menu item, we
- // enable/disable the submenu's contents (per Apple's HIG).
- EncodingMenuController encoding_controller;
- if (encoding_controller.DoesCommandBelongToEncodingMenu(tag)) {
- enable &= browser_->command_updater()->IsCommandEnabled(
- }
- }
- // If the item is toggleable, find its toggle state and
- // try to update it. This is a little awkward, but the alternative is
- // to check after a commandDispatch, which seems worse.
- [self updateToggleStateWithTag:tag forItem:item];
- }
- }
- return enable;
-// Called when the user picks a menu or toolbar item when this window is key.
-// Calls through to the browser object to execute the command. This assumes that
-// the command is supported and doesn't check, otherwise it would have been
-// disabled in the UI in validateUserInterfaceItem:.
-- (void)commandDispatch:(id)sender {
- DCHECK(sender);
- // Identify the actual BWC to which the command should be dispatched. It might
- // belong to a background window, yet this controller gets it because it is
- // the foreground window's controller and thus in the responder chain. Some
- // senders don't have this problem (for example, menus only operate on the
- // foreground window), so this is only an issue for senders that are part of
- // windows.
- BrowserWindowController* targetController = self;
- if ([sender respondsToSelector:@selector(window)])
- targetController = [[sender window] windowController];
- DCHECK([targetController isKindOfClass:[BrowserWindowController class]]);
- DCHECK(targetController->browser_.get());
- targetController->browser_->ExecuteCommand([sender tag]);
-// Same as |-commandDispatch:|, but executes commands using a disposition
-// determined by the key flags. If the window is in the background and the
-// command key is down, ignore the command key, but process any other modifiers.
-- (void)commandDispatchUsingKeyModifiers:(id)sender {
- DCHECK(sender);
- // See comment above for why we do this.
- BrowserWindowController* targetController = self;
- if ([sender respondsToSelector:@selector(window)])
- targetController = [[sender window] windowController];
- DCHECK([targetController isKindOfClass:[BrowserWindowController class]]);
- NSInteger command = [sender tag];
- NSUInteger modifierFlags = [[NSApp currentEvent] modifierFlags];
- if ((command == IDC_RELOAD) &&
- (modifierFlags & (NSShiftKeyMask | NSControlKeyMask))) {
- // Mask off Shift and Control so they don't affect the disposition below.
- modifierFlags &= ~(NSShiftKeyMask | NSControlKeyMask);
- }
- if (![[sender window] isMainWindow]) {
- // Remove the command key from the flags, it means "keep the window in
- // the background" in this case.
- modifierFlags &= ~NSCommandKeyMask;
- }
- WindowOpenDisposition disposition =
- event_utils::WindowOpenDispositionFromNSEventWithFlags(
- [NSApp currentEvent], modifierFlags);
- switch (command) {
- case IDC_BACK:
- case IDC_RELOAD:
- if (disposition == CURRENT_TAB) {
- // Forcibly reset the location bar, since otherwise it won't discard any
- // ongoing user edits, since it doesn't realize this is a user-initiated
- // action.
- [targetController locationBarBridge]->Revert();
- }
- }
- DCHECK(targetController->browser_.get());
- targetController->browser_->ExecuteCommandWithDisposition(command,
- disposition);
-// Called when another part of the internal codebase needs to execute a
-// command.
-- (void)executeCommand:(int)command {
- if (browser_->command_updater()->IsCommandEnabled(command))
- browser_->ExecuteCommand(command);
-// StatusBubble delegate method: tell the status bubble the frame it should
-// position itself in.
-- (NSRect)statusBubbleBaseFrame {
- NSView* view = [previewableContentsController_ view];
- return [view convertRect:[view bounds] toView:nil];
-- (GTMWindowSheetController*)sheetController {
- return [tabStripController_ sheetController];
-- (void)updateToolbarWithContents:(TabContents*)tab
- shouldRestoreState:(BOOL)shouldRestore {
- [toolbarController_ updateToolbarWithContents:tab
- shouldRestoreState:shouldRestore];
-- (void)setStarredState:(BOOL)isStarred {
- [toolbarController_ setStarredState:isStarred];
-// Accept tabs from a BrowserWindowController with the same Profile.
-- (BOOL)canReceiveFrom:(TabWindowController*)source {
- if (![source isKindOfClass:[BrowserWindowController class]]) {
- return NO;
- }
- BrowserWindowController* realSource =
- static_cast<BrowserWindowController*>(source);
- if (browser_->profile() != realSource->browser_->profile()) {
- return NO;
- }
- // Can't drag a tab from a normal browser to a pop-up
- if (browser_->type() != realSource->browser_->type()) {
- return NO;
- }
- return YES;
-// Move a given tab view to the location of the current placeholder. If there is
-// no placeholder, it will go at the end. |controller| is the window controller
-// of a tab being dropped from a different window. It will be nil if the drag is
-// within the window, otherwise the tab is removed from that window before being
-// placed into this one. The implementation will call |-removePlaceholder| since
-// the drag is now complete. This also calls |-layoutTabs| internally so
-// clients do not need to call it again.
-- (void)moveTabView:(NSView*)view
- fromController:(TabWindowController*)dragController {
- if (dragController) {
- // Moving between windows. Figure out the TabContents to drop into our tab
- // model from the source window's model.
- BOOL isBrowser =
- [dragController isKindOfClass:[BrowserWindowController class]];
- DCHECK(isBrowser);
- if (!isBrowser) return;
- BrowserWindowController* dragBWC = (BrowserWindowController*)dragController;
- int index = [dragBWC->tabStripController_ modelIndexForTabView:view];
- TabContentsWrapper* contents =
- dragBWC->browser_->GetTabContentsWrapperAt(index);
- // The tab contents may have gone away if given a window.close() while it
- // is being dragged. If so, bail, we've got nothing to drop.
- if (!contents)
- return;
- // Convert |view|'s frame (which starts in the source tab strip's coordinate
- // system) to the coordinate system of the destination tab strip. This needs
- // to be done before being detached so the window transforms can be
- // performed.
- NSRect destinationFrame = [view frame];
- NSPoint tabOrigin = destinationFrame.origin;
- tabOrigin = [[dragController tabStripView] convertPoint:tabOrigin
- toView:nil];
- tabOrigin = [[view window] convertBaseToScreen:tabOrigin];
- tabOrigin = [[self window] convertScreenToBase:tabOrigin];
- tabOrigin = [[self tabStripView] convertPoint:tabOrigin fromView:nil];
- destinationFrame.origin = tabOrigin;
- // Before the tab is detached from its originating tab strip, store the
- // pinned state so that it can be maintained between the windows.
- bool isPinned = dragBWC->browser_->tabstrip_model()->IsTabPinned(index);
- // Now that we have enough information about the tab, we can remove it from
- // the dragging window. We need to do this *before* we add it to the new
- // window as this will remove the TabContents' delegate.
- [dragController detachTabView:view];
- // Deposit it into our model at the appropriate location (it already knows
- // where it should go from tracking the drag). Doing this sets the tab's
- // delegate to be the Browser.
- [tabStripController_ dropTabContents:contents
- withFrame:destinationFrame
- asPinnedTab:isPinned];
- } else {
- // Moving within a window.
- int index = [tabStripController_ modelIndexForTabView:view];
- [tabStripController_ moveTabFromIndex:index];
- }
- // Remove the placeholder since the drag is now complete.
- [self removePlaceholder];
-// Tells the tab strip to forget about this tab in preparation for it being
-// put into a different tab strip, such as during a drop on another window.
-- (void)detachTabView:(NSView*)view {
- int index = [tabStripController_ modelIndexForTabView:view];
- browser_->tabstrip_model()->DetachTabContentsAt(index);
-- (NSView*)selectedTabView {
- return [tabStripController_ selectedTabView];
-- (void)setIsLoading:(BOOL)isLoading force:(BOOL)force {
- [toolbarController_ setIsLoading:isLoading force:force];
-// Make the location bar the first responder, if possible.
-- (void)focusLocationBar:(BOOL)selectAll {
- [toolbarController_ focusLocationBar:selectAll];
-- (void)focusTabContents {
- [[self window] makeFirstResponder:[tabStripController_ selectedTabView]];
-- (void)layoutTabs {
- [tabStripController_ layoutTabs];
-- (TabWindowController*)detachTabToNewWindow:(TabView*)tabView {
- // Disable screen updates so that this appears as a single visual change.
- app::mac::ScopedNSDisableScreenUpdates disabler;
- // Fetch the tab contents for the tab being dragged.
- int index = [tabStripController_ modelIndexForTabView:tabView];
- TabContentsWrapper* contents = browser_->GetTabContentsWrapperAt(index);
- // Set the window size. Need to do this before we detach the tab so it's
- // still in the window. We have to flip the coordinates as that's what
- // is expected by the Browser code.
- NSWindow* sourceWindow = [tabView window];
- NSRect windowRect = [sourceWindow frame];
- NSScreen* screen = [sourceWindow screen];
- windowRect.origin.y =
- [screen frame].size.height - windowRect.size.height -
- windowRect.origin.y;
- gfx::Rect browserRect(windowRect.origin.x, windowRect.origin.y,
- windowRect.size.width, windowRect.size.height);
- NSRect sourceTabRect = [tabView frame];
- NSView* tabStrip = [self tabStripView];
- // Pushes tabView's frame back inside the tabstrip.
- NSSize tabOverflow =
- [self overflowFrom:[tabStrip convertRectToBase:sourceTabRect]
- to:[tabStrip frame]];
- NSRect tabRect = NSOffsetRect(sourceTabRect,
- -tabOverflow.width, -tabOverflow.height);
- // Before detaching the tab, store the pinned state.
- bool isPinned = browser_->tabstrip_model()->IsTabPinned(index);
- // Detach it from the source window, which just updates the model without
- // deleting the tab contents. This needs to come before creating the new
- // Browser because it clears the TabContents' delegate, which gets hooked
- // up during creation of the new window.
- browser_->tabstrip_model()->DetachTabContentsAt(index);
- // Create the new window with a single tab in its model, the one being
- // dragged.
- DockInfo dockInfo;
- Browser* newBrowser = browser_->tabstrip_model()->delegate()->
- CreateNewStripWithContents(contents, browserRect, dockInfo, false);
- // Propagate the tab pinned state of the new tab (which is the only tab in
- // this new window).
- newBrowser->tabstrip_model()->SetTabPinned(0, isPinned);
- // Get the new controller by asking the new window for its delegate.
- BrowserWindowController* controller =
- reinterpret_cast<BrowserWindowController*>(
- [newBrowser->window()->GetNativeHandle() delegate]);
- DCHECK(controller && [controller isKindOfClass:[TabWindowController class]]);
- // Force the added tab to the right size (remove stretching.)
- tabRect.size.height = [TabStripController defaultTabHeight];
- // And make sure we use the correct frame in the new view.
- [[controller tabStripController] setFrameOfSelectedTab:tabRect];
- return controller;
-- (void)insertPlaceholderForTab:(TabView*)tab
- frame:(NSRect)frame
- yStretchiness:(CGFloat)yStretchiness {
- [super insertPlaceholderForTab:tab frame:frame yStretchiness:yStretchiness];
- [tabStripController_ insertPlaceholderForTab:tab
- frame:frame
- yStretchiness:yStretchiness];
-- (void)removePlaceholder {
- [super removePlaceholder];
- [tabStripController_ insertPlaceholderForTab:nil
- frame:NSZeroRect
- yStretchiness:0];
-- (BOOL)tabDraggingAllowed {
- return [tabStripController_ tabDraggingAllowed];
-- (BOOL)tabTearingAllowed {
- return ![self isFullscreen];
-- (BOOL)windowMovementAllowed {
- return ![self isFullscreen];
-- (BOOL)isTabFullyVisible:(TabView*)tab {
- return [tabStripController_ isTabFullyVisible:tab];
-- (void)showNewTabButton:(BOOL)show {
- [tabStripController_ showNewTabButton:show];
-- (BOOL)isBookmarkBarVisible {
- return [bookmarkBarController_ isVisible];
-- (BOOL)isBookmarkBarAnimating {
- return [bookmarkBarController_ isAnimationRunning];
-- (void)updateBookmarkBarVisibilityWithAnimation:(BOOL)animate {
- [bookmarkBarController_
- updateAndShowNormalBar:[self shouldShowBookmarkBar]
- showDetachedBar:[self shouldShowDetachedBookmarkBar]
- withAnimation:animate];
-- (BOOL)isDownloadShelfVisible {
- return downloadShelfController_ != nil &&
- [downloadShelfController_ isVisible];
-- (DownloadShelfController*)downloadShelf {
- if (!downloadShelfController_.get()) {
- downloadShelfController_.reset([[DownloadShelfController alloc]
- initWithBrowser:browser_.get() resizeDelegate:self]);
- [[[self window] contentView] addSubview:[downloadShelfController_ view]];
- [downloadShelfController_ show:nil];
- }
- return downloadShelfController_;
-- (void)addFindBar:(FindBarCocoaController*)findBarCocoaController {
- // Shouldn't call addFindBar twice.
- DCHECK(!findBarCocoaController_.get());
- // Create a controller for the findbar.
- findBarCocoaController_.reset([findBarCocoaController retain]);
- NSView *contentView = [[self window] contentView];
- [contentView addSubview:[findBarCocoaController_ view]
- positioned:NSWindowAbove
- relativeTo:[toolbarController_ view]];
- // Place the find bar immediately below the toolbar/attached bookmark bar. In
- // fullscreen mode, it hangs off the top of the screen when the bar is hidden.
- CGFloat maxY = [self placeBookmarkBarBelowInfoBar] ?
- NSMinY([[toolbarController_ view] frame]) :
- NSMinY([[bookmarkBarController_ view] frame]);
- CGFloat maxWidth = NSWidth([contentView frame]);
- [findBarCocoaController_ positionFindBarViewAtMaxY:maxY maxWidth:maxWidth];
-- (NSWindow*)createFullscreenWindow {
- return [[[FullscreenWindow alloc] initForScreen:[[self window] screen]]
- autorelease];
-- (NSInteger)numberOfTabs {
- // count() includes pinned tabs.
- return browser_->tabstrip_model()->count();
-- (BOOL)hasLiveTabs {
- return !browser_->tabstrip_model()->empty();
-- (NSString*)selectedTabTitle {
- TabContents* contents = browser_->GetSelectedTabContents();
- return base::SysUTF16ToNSString(contents->GetTitle());
-- (NSRect)regularWindowFrame {
- return [self isFullscreen] ? [savedRegularWindow_ frame] :
- [[self window] frame];
-// (Override of |TabWindowController| method.)
-- (BOOL)hasTabStrip {
- return [self supportsWindowFeature:Browser::FEATURE_TABSTRIP];
-// TabContentsControllerDelegate protocol.
-- (void)tabContentsViewFrameWillChange:(TabContentsController*)source
- frameRect:(NSRect)frameRect {
- TabContents* contents = [source tabContents];
- RenderWidgetHostView* render_widget_host_view = contents ?
- contents->GetRenderWidgetHostView() : NULL;
- if (!render_widget_host_view)
- return;
- gfx::Rect reserved_rect;
- NSWindow* window = [self window];
- if ([window respondsToSelector:@selector(_growBoxRect)]) {
- NSView* view = [source view];
- if (view && [view superview]) {
- NSRect windowGrowBoxRect = [window _growBoxRect];
- NSRect viewRect = [[view superview] convertRect:frameRect toView:nil];
- NSRect growBoxRect = NSIntersectionRect(windowGrowBoxRect, viewRect);
- if (!NSIsEmptyRect(growBoxRect)) {
- // Before we return a rect, we need to convert it from window
- // coordinates to content area coordinates and flip the coordinate
- // system.
- // Superview is used here because, first, it's a frame rect, so it is
- // specified in the parent's coordinates and, second, view is not
- // positioned yet.
- growBoxRect = [[view superview] convertRect:growBoxRect fromView:nil];
- growBoxRect.origin.y =
- NSHeight(frameRect) - NSHeight(growBoxRect);
- growBoxRect =
- NSOffsetRect(growBoxRect, -frameRect.origin.x, -frameRect.origin.y);
- reserved_rect =
- gfx::Rect(growBoxRect.origin.x, growBoxRect.origin.y,
- growBoxRect.size.width, growBoxRect.size.height);
- }
- }
- }
- render_widget_host_view->set_reserved_contents_rect(reserved_rect);
-// TabStripControllerDelegate protocol.
-- (void)onSelectTabWithContents:(TabContents*)contents {
- // Update various elements that are interested in knowing the current
- // TabContents.
- // Update all the UI bits.
- windowShim_->UpdateTitleBar();
- [sidebarController_ updateSidebarForTabContents:contents];
- [devToolsController_ updateDevToolsForTabContents:contents];
- // Update the bookmark bar.
- // Must do it after sidebar and devtools update, otherwise bookmark bar might
- // call resizeView -> layoutSubviews and cause unnecessary relayout.
- // TODO(viettrungluu): perhaps update to not terminate running animations (if
- // applicable)?
- [self updateBookmarkBarVisibilityWithAnimation:NO];
- [infoBarContainerController_ changeTabContents:contents];
- // Update devTools and sidebar contents after size for all views is set.
- [sidebarController_ ensureContentsVisible];
- [devToolsController_ ensureContentsVisible];
-- (void)onReplaceTabWithContents:(TabContents*)contents {
- // This is only called when instant results are committed. Simply remove the
- // preview view; the tab strip controller will reinstall the view as the
- // active view.
- [previewableContentsController_ hidePreview];
- [self updateBookmarkBarVisibilityWithAnimation:NO];
-- (void)onSelectedTabChange:(TabStripModelObserver::TabChangeType)change {
- // Update titles if this is the currently selected tab and if it isn't just
- // the loading state which changed.
- if (change != TabStripModelObserver::LOADING_ONLY)
- windowShim_->UpdateTitleBar();
- // Update the bookmark bar if this is the currently selected tab and if it
- // isn't just the title which changed. This for transitions between the NTP
- // (showing its floating bookmark bar) and normal web pages (showing no
- // bookmark bar).
- // TODO(viettrungluu): perhaps update to not terminate running animations?
- if (change != TabStripModelObserver::TITLE_NOT_LOADING)
- [self updateBookmarkBarVisibilityWithAnimation:NO];
-- (void)onTabDetachedWithContents:(TabContents*)contents {
- [infoBarContainerController_ tabDetachedWithContents:contents];
-- (void)userChangedTheme {
- // TODO(dmaclach): Instead of redrawing the whole window, views that care
- // about the active window state should be registering for notifications.
- [[self window] setViewsNeedDisplay:YES];
-- (ThemeProvider*)themeProvider {
- return browser_->profile()->GetThemeProvider();
-- (ThemedWindowStyle)themedWindowStyle {
- ThemedWindowStyle style = 0;
- if (browser_->profile()->IsOffTheRecord())
- Browser::Type type = browser_->type();
- if (type == Browser::TYPE_POPUP)
- style |= THEMED_POPUP;
- else if (type == Browser::TYPE_DEVTOOLS)
- return style;
-- (NSPoint)themePatternPhase {
- // Our patterns want to be drawn from the upper left hand corner of the view.
- // Cocoa wants to do it from the lower left of the window.
- //
- // Rephase our pattern to fit this view. Some other views (Tabs, Toolbar etc.)
- // will phase their patterns relative to this so all the views look right.
- //
- // To line up the background pattern with the pattern in the browser window
- // the background pattern for the tabs needs to be moved left by 5 pixels.
- const CGFloat kPatternHorizontalOffset = -5;
- NSView* tabStripView = [self tabStripView];
- NSRect tabStripViewWindowBounds = [tabStripView bounds];
- NSView* windowChromeView = [[[self window] contentView] superview];
- tabStripViewWindowBounds =
- [tabStripView convertRect:tabStripViewWindowBounds
- toView:windowChromeView];
- NSPoint phase = NSMakePoint(NSMinX(tabStripViewWindowBounds)
- + kPatternHorizontalOffset,
- NSMinY(tabStripViewWindowBounds)
- + [TabStripController defaultTabHeight]);
- return phase;
-- (NSPoint)bookmarkBubblePoint {
- return [toolbarController_ bookmarkBubblePoint];
-// Show the bookmark bubble (e.g. user just clicked on the STAR).
-- (void)showBookmarkBubbleForURL:(const GURL&)url
- alreadyBookmarked:(BOOL)alreadyMarked {
- if (!bookmarkBubbleController_) {
- BookmarkModel* model = browser_->profile()->GetBookmarkModel();
- const BookmarkNode* node = model->GetMostRecentlyAddedNodeForURL(url);
- bookmarkBubbleController_ =
- [[BookmarkBubbleController alloc] initWithParentWindow:[self window]
- model:model
- node:node
- alreadyBookmarked:alreadyMarked];
- [bookmarkBubbleController_ showWindow:self];
- NSNotificationCenter* center = [NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter];
- [center addObserver:self
- selector:@selector(bubbleWindowWillClose:)
- name:NSWindowWillCloseNotification
- object:[bookmarkBubbleController_ window]];
- }
-// Nil out the weak bookmark bubble controller reference.
-- (void)bubbleWindowWillClose:(NSNotification*)notification {
- DCHECK([notification object] == [bookmarkBubbleController_ window]);
- NSNotificationCenter* center = [NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter];
- [center removeObserver:self
- name:NSWindowWillCloseNotification
- object:[bookmarkBubbleController_ window]];
- bookmarkBubbleController_ = nil;
-// Handle the editBookmarkNode: action sent from bookmark bubble controllers.
-- (void)editBookmarkNode:(id)sender {
- BOOL responds = [sender respondsToSelector:@selector(node)];
- DCHECK(responds);
- if (responds) {
- const BookmarkNode* node = [sender node];
- if (node) {
- // A BookmarkEditorController is a sheet that owns itself, and
- // deallocates itself when closed.
- [[[BookmarkEditorController alloc]
- initWithParentWindow:[self window]
- profile:browser_->profile()
- parent:node->GetParent()
- node:node
- configuration:BookmarkEditor::SHOW_TREE]
- runAsModalSheet];
- }
- }
-// If the browser is in incognito mode, install the image view to decorate
-// the window at the upper right. Use the same base y coordinate as the
-// tab strip.
-- (void)installIncognitoBadge {
- // Only install if this browser window is OTR and has a tab strip.
- if (!browser_->profile()->IsOffTheRecord() || ![self hasTabStrip])
- return;
- // Install the image into the badge view and size the view appropriately.
- // Hide it for now; positioning and showing will be done by the layout code.
- NSImage* image = nsimage_cache::ImageNamed(@"otr_icon.pdf");
- incognitoBadge_.reset([[IncognitoImageView alloc] init]);
- [incognitoBadge_ setImage:image];
- [incognitoBadge_ setFrameSize:[image size]];
- [incognitoBadge_ setAutoresizingMask:NSViewMinXMargin | NSViewMinYMargin];
- [incognitoBadge_ setHidden:YES];
- // Give it a shadow.
- scoped_nsobject<NSShadow> shadow([[NSShadow alloc] init]);
- [shadow.get() setShadowColor:[NSColor colorWithCalibratedWhite:0.0
- alpha:0.5]];
- [shadow.get() setShadowOffset:NSMakeSize(0, -1)];
- [shadow setShadowBlurRadius:2.0];
- [incognitoBadge_ setShadow:shadow];
- // Install the view.
- [[[[self window] contentView] superview] addSubview:incognitoBadge_];
-// Documented in 10.6+, but present starting in 10.5. Called when we get a
-// three-finger swipe.
-- (void)swipeWithEvent:(NSEvent*)event {
- // Map forwards and backwards to history; left is positive, right is negative.
- unsigned int command = 0;
- if ([event deltaX] > 0.5) {
- command = IDC_BACK;
- } else if ([event deltaX] < -0.5) {
- command = IDC_FORWARD;
- } else if ([event deltaY] > 0.5) {
- // TODO(pinkerton): figure out page-up,
- } else if ([event deltaY] < -0.5) {
- // TODO(pinkerton): figure out page-down,
- browser_->ExecuteCommand(IDC_TABPOSE);
- }
- // Ensure the command is valid first (ExecuteCommand() won't do that) and
- // then make it so.
- if (browser_->command_updater()->IsCommandEnabled(command))
- browser_->ExecuteCommandWithDisposition(command,
- event_utils::WindowOpenDispositionFromNSEvent(event));
-// Documented in 10.6+, but present starting in 10.5. Called repeatedly during
-// a pinch gesture, with incremental change values.
-- (void)magnifyWithEvent:(NSEvent*)event {
- // The deltaZ difference necessary to trigger a zoom action. Derived from
- // experimentation to find a value that feels reasonable.
- const float kZoomStepValue = 150;
- // Find the (absolute) thresholds on either side of the current zoom factor,
- // then convert those to actual numbers to trigger a zoom in or out.
- // This logic deliberately makes the range around the starting zoom value for
- // the gesture twice as large as the other ranges (i.e., the notches are at
- // ..., -3*step, -2*step, -step, step, 2*step, 3*step, ... but not at 0)
- // so that it's easier to get back to your starting point than it is to
- // overshoot.
- float nextStep = (abs(currentZoomStepDelta_) + 1) * kZoomStepValue;
- float backStep = abs(currentZoomStepDelta_) * kZoomStepValue;
- float zoomInThreshold = (currentZoomStepDelta_ >= 0) ? nextStep : -backStep;
- float zoomOutThreshold = (currentZoomStepDelta_ <= 0) ? -nextStep : backStep;
- unsigned int command = 0;
- totalMagnifyGestureAmount_ += [event deltaZ];
- if (totalMagnifyGestureAmount_ > zoomInThreshold) {
- command = IDC_ZOOM_PLUS;
- } else if (totalMagnifyGestureAmount_ < zoomOutThreshold) {
- command = IDC_ZOOM_MINUS;
- }
- if (command && browser_->command_updater()->IsCommandEnabled(command)) {
- currentZoomStepDelta_ += (command == IDC_ZOOM_PLUS) ? 1 : -1;
- browser_->ExecuteCommandWithDisposition(command,
- event_utils::WindowOpenDispositionFromNSEvent(event));
- }
-// Documented in 10.6+, but present starting in 10.5. Called at the beginning
-// of a gesture.
-- (void)beginGestureWithEvent:(NSEvent*)event {
- totalMagnifyGestureAmount_ = 0;
- currentZoomStepDelta_ = 0;
-// Delegate method called when window is resized.
-- (void)windowDidResize:(NSNotification*)notification {
- // Resize (and possibly move) the status bubble. Note that we may get called
- // when the status bubble does not exist.
- if (statusBubble_) {
- statusBubble_->UpdateSizeAndPosition();
- }
- // Let the selected RenderWidgetHostView know, so that it can tell plugins.
- if (TabContents* contents = browser_->GetSelectedTabContents()) {
- if (RenderWidgetHostView* rwhv = contents->GetRenderWidgetHostView())
- rwhv->WindowFrameChanged();
- }
-// Handle the openLearnMoreAboutCrashLink: action from SadTabController when
-// "Learn more" link in "Aw snap" page (i.e. crash page or sad tab) is
-// clicked. Decoupling the action from its target makes unitestting possible.
-- (void)openLearnMoreAboutCrashLink:(id)sender {
- if ([sender isKindOfClass:[SadTabController class]]) {
- SadTabController* sad_tab = static_cast<SadTabController*>(sender);
- TabContents* tab_contents = [sad_tab tabContents];
- if (tab_contents) {
- GURL helpUrl =
- google_util::AppendGoogleLocaleParam(GURL(chrome::kCrashReasonURL));
- tab_contents->OpenURL(helpUrl, GURL(), CURRENT_TAB, PageTransition::LINK);
- }
- }
-// Delegate method called when window did move. (See below for why we don't use
-// |-windowWillMove:|, which is called less frequently than |-windowDidMove|
-// instead.)
-- (void)windowDidMove:(NSNotification*)notification {
- NSWindow* window = [self window];
- NSRect windowFrame = [window frame];
- NSRect workarea = [[window screen] visibleFrame];
- // We reset the window growth state whenever the window is moved out of the
- // work area or away (up or down) from the bottom or top of the work area.
- // Unfortunately, Cocoa sends |-windowWillMove:| too frequently (including
- // when clicking on the title bar to activate), and of course
- // |-windowWillMove| is called too early for us to apply our heuristic. (The
- // heuristic we use for detecting window movement is that if |windowTopGrowth_
- // > 0|, then we should be at the bottom of the work area -- if we're not,
- // we've moved. Similarly for the other side.)
- if (!NSContainsRect(workarea, windowFrame) ||
- (windowTopGrowth_ > 0 && NSMinY(windowFrame) != NSMinY(workarea)) ||
- (windowBottomGrowth_ > 0 && NSMaxY(windowFrame) != NSMaxY(workarea)))
- [self resetWindowGrowthState];
- // Let the selected RenderWidgetHostView know, so that it can tell plugins.
- if (TabContents* contents = browser_->GetSelectedTabContents()) {
- if (RenderWidgetHostView* rwhv = contents->GetRenderWidgetHostView())
- rwhv->WindowFrameChanged();
- }
-// Delegate method called when window will be resized; not called for
-// |-setFrame:display:|.
-- (NSSize)windowWillResize:(NSWindow*)sender toSize:(NSSize)frameSize {
- [self resetWindowGrowthState];
- return frameSize;
-// Delegate method: see |NSWindowDelegate| protocol.
-- (id)windowWillReturnFieldEditor:(NSWindow*)sender toObject:(id)obj {
- // Ask the toolbar controller if it wants to return a custom field editor
- // for the specific object.
- return [toolbarController_ customFieldEditorForObject:obj];
-// (Needed for |BookmarkBarControllerDelegate| protocol.)
-- (void)bookmarkBar:(BookmarkBarController*)controller
- didChangeFromState:(bookmarks::VisualState)oldState
- toState:(bookmarks::VisualState)newState {
- [toolbarController_
- setDividerOpacity:[bookmarkBarController_ toolbarDividerOpacity]];
- [self adjustToolbarAndBookmarkBarForCompression:
- [controller getDesiredToolbarHeightCompression]];
-// (Needed for |BookmarkBarControllerDelegate| protocol.)
-- (void)bookmarkBar:(BookmarkBarController*)controller
- toState:(bookmarks::VisualState)newState {
- [toolbarController_
- setDividerOpacity:[bookmarkBarController_ toolbarDividerOpacity]];
- [self adjustToolbarAndBookmarkBarForCompression:
- [controller getDesiredToolbarHeightCompression]];
-// (Private/TestingAPI)
-- (void)resetWindowGrowthState {
- windowTopGrowth_ = 0;
- windowBottomGrowth_ = 0;
- isShrinkingFromZoomed_ = NO;
-- (NSSize)overflowFrom:(NSRect)source
- to:(NSRect)target {
- // If |source|'s boundary is outside of |target|'s, set its distance
- // to |x|. Note that |source| can overflow to both side, but we
- // have nothing to do for such case.
- CGFloat x = 0;
- if (NSMaxX(target) < NSMaxX(source)) // |source| overflows to right
- x = NSMaxX(source) - NSMaxX(target);
- else if (NSMinX(source) < NSMinX(target)) // |source| overflows to left
- x = NSMinX(source) - NSMinX(target);
- // Same as |x| above.
- CGFloat y = 0;
- if (NSMaxY(target) < NSMaxY(source))
- y = NSMaxY(source) - NSMaxY(target);
- else if (NSMinY(source) < NSMinY(target))
- y = NSMinY(source) - NSMinY(target);
- return NSMakeSize(x, y);
-// Override to swap in the correct tab strip controller based on the new
-// tab strip mode.
-- (void)toggleTabStripDisplayMode {
- [super toggleTabStripDisplayMode];
- [self createTabStripController];
-- (BOOL)useVerticalTabs {
- return browser_->tabstrip_model()->delegate()->UseVerticalTabs();
-- (void)showInstant:(TabContents*)previewContents {
- [previewableContentsController_ showPreview:previewContents];
- [self updateBookmarkBarVisibilityWithAnimation:NO];
-- (void)hideInstant {
- // TODO(rohitrao): Revisit whether or not this method should be called when
- // instant isn't showing.
- if (![previewableContentsController_ isShowingPreview])
- return;
- [previewableContentsController_ hidePreview];
- [self updateBookmarkBarVisibilityWithAnimation:NO];
-- (NSRect)instantFrame {
- // The view's bounds are in its own coordinate system. Convert that to the
- // window base coordinate system, then translate it into the screen's
- // coordinate system.
- NSView* view = [previewableContentsController_ view];
- if (!view)
- return NSZeroRect;
- NSRect frame = [view convertRect:[view bounds] toView:nil];
- NSPoint originInScreenCoords =
- [[view window] convertBaseToScreen:frame.origin];
- frame.origin = originInScreenCoords;
- return frame;
-- (void)sheetDidEnd:(NSWindow*)sheet
- returnCode:(NSInteger)code
- context:(void*)context {
- [sheet orderOut:self];
-@end // @implementation BrowserWindowController
-@implementation BrowserWindowController(Fullscreen)
-- (void)setFullscreen:(BOOL)fullscreen {
- // The logic in this function is a bit complicated and very carefully
- // arranged. See the below comments for more details.
- if (fullscreen == [self isFullscreen])
- return;
- if (![self supportsFullscreen])
- return;
- // Fade to black.
- const CGDisplayReservationInterval kFadeDurationSeconds = 0.6;
- Boolean didFadeOut = NO;
- CGDisplayFadeReservationToken token;
- if (CGAcquireDisplayFadeReservation(kFadeDurationSeconds, &token)
- == kCGErrorSuccess) {
- didFadeOut = YES;
- CGDisplayFade(token, kFadeDurationSeconds / 2, kCGDisplayBlendNormal,
- kCGDisplayBlendSolidColor, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, /*synchronous=*/true);
- }
- // Close the bookmark bubble, if it's open. We use |-ok:| instead of
- // |-cancel:| or |-close| because that matches the behavior when the bubble
- // loses key status.
- [bookmarkBubbleController_ ok:self];
- // Save the current first responder so we can restore after views are moved.
- NSWindow* window = [self window];
- scoped_nsobject<FocusTracker> focusTracker(
- [[FocusTracker alloc] initWithWindow:window]);
- BOOL showDropdown = [self floatingBarHasFocus];
- // While we move views (and focus) around, disable any bar visibility changes.
- [self disableBarVisibilityUpdates];
- // If we're entering fullscreen, create the fullscreen controller. If we're
- // exiting fullscreen, kill the controller.
- if (fullscreen) {
- fullscreenController_.reset([[FullscreenController alloc]
- initWithBrowserController:self]);
- } else {
- [fullscreenController_ exitFullscreen];
- fullscreenController_.reset();
- }
- // Destroy the tab strip's sheet controller. We will recreate it in the new
- // window when needed.
- [tabStripController_ destroySheetController];
- // Retain the tab strip view while we remove it from its superview.
- scoped_nsobject<NSView> tabStripView;
- if ([self hasTabStrip] && ![self useVerticalTabs]) {
- tabStripView.reset([[self tabStripView] retain]);
- [tabStripView removeFromSuperview];
- }
- // Ditto for the content view.
- scoped_nsobject<NSView> contentView([[window contentView] retain]);
- // Disable autoresizing of subviews while we move views around. This prevents
- // spurious renderer resizes.
- [contentView setAutoresizesSubviews:NO];
- [contentView removeFromSuperview];
- NSWindow* destWindow = nil;
- if (fullscreen) {
- DCHECK(!savedRegularWindow_);
- savedRegularWindow_ = [window retain];
- destWindow = [self createFullscreenWindow];
- } else {
- DCHECK(savedRegularWindow_);
- destWindow = [savedRegularWindow_ autorelease];
- savedRegularWindow_ = nil;
- CGSWorkspaceID workspace;
- if ([window cr_workspace:&workspace]) {
- [destWindow cr_moveToWorkspace:workspace];
- }
- }
- DCHECK(destWindow);
- // Have to do this here, otherwise later calls can crash because the window
- // has no delegate.
- [window setDelegate:nil];
- [destWindow setDelegate:self];
- // With this call, valgrind complains that a "Conditional jump or move depends
- // on uninitialised value(s)". The error happens in -[NSThemeFrame
- // drawOverlayRect:]. I'm pretty convinced this is an Apple bug, but there is
- // no visual impact. I have been unable to tickle it away with other window
- // or view manipulation Cocoa calls. Stack added to suppressions_mac.txt.
- [contentView setAutoresizesSubviews:YES];
- [destWindow setContentView:contentView];
- // Move the incognito badge if present.
- if (incognitoBadge_.get()) {
- [incognitoBadge_ removeFromSuperview];
- [incognitoBadge_ setHidden:YES]; // Will be shown in layout.
- [[[destWindow contentView] superview] addSubview:incognitoBadge_];
- }
- // Add the tab strip after setting the content view and moving the incognito
- // badge (if any), so that the tab strip will be on top (in the z-order).
- if ([self hasTabStrip] && ![self useVerticalTabs])
- [[[destWindow contentView] superview] addSubview:tabStripView];
- [window setWindowController:nil];
- [self setWindow:destWindow];
- [destWindow setWindowController:self];
- [self adjustUIForFullscreen:fullscreen];
- // When entering fullscreen mode, the controller forces a layout for us. When
- // exiting, we need to call layoutSubviews manually.
- if (fullscreen) {
- [fullscreenController_ enterFullscreenForContentView:contentView
- showDropdown:showDropdown];
- } else {
- [self layoutSubviews];
- }
- // Move the status bubble over, if we have one.
- if (statusBubble_)
- statusBubble_->SwitchParentWindow(destWindow);
- // Move the title over.
- [destWindow setTitle:[window title]];
- // The window needs to be onscreen before we can set its first responder.
- [destWindow makeKeyAndOrderFront:self];
- [focusTracker restoreFocusInWindow:destWindow];
- [window orderOut:self];
- // We're done moving focus, so re-enable bar visibility changes.
- [self enableBarVisibilityUpdates];
- // Fade back in.
- if (didFadeOut) {
- CGDisplayFade(token, kFadeDurationSeconds / 2, kCGDisplayBlendSolidColor,
- kCGDisplayBlendNormal, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, /*synchronous=*/false);
- CGReleaseDisplayFadeReservation(token);
- }
-- (BOOL)isFullscreen {
- return fullscreenController_.get() && [fullscreenController_ isFullscreen];
-- (void)resizeFullscreenWindow {
- DCHECK([self isFullscreen]);
- if (![self isFullscreen])
- return;
- NSWindow* window = [self window];
- [window setFrame:[[window screen] frame] display:YES];
- [self layoutSubviews];
-- (CGFloat)floatingBarShownFraction {
- return floatingBarShownFraction_;
-- (void)setFloatingBarShownFraction:(CGFloat)fraction {
- floatingBarShownFraction_ = fraction;
- [self layoutSubviews];
-- (BOOL)isBarVisibilityLockedForOwner:(id)owner {
- DCHECK(owner);
- DCHECK(barVisibilityLocks_);
- return [barVisibilityLocks_ containsObject:owner];
-- (void)lockBarVisibilityForOwner:(id)owner
- withAnimation:(BOOL)animate
- delay:(BOOL)delay {
- if (![self isBarVisibilityLockedForOwner:owner]) {
- [barVisibilityLocks_ addObject:owner];
- // If enabled, show the overlay if necessary (and if in fullscreen mode).
- if (barVisibilityUpdatesEnabled_) {
- [fullscreenController_ ensureOverlayShownWithAnimation:animate
- delay:delay];
- }
- }
-- (void)releaseBarVisibilityForOwner:(id)owner
- withAnimation:(BOOL)animate
- delay:(BOOL)delay {
- if ([self isBarVisibilityLockedForOwner:owner]) {
- [barVisibilityLocks_ removeObject:owner];
- // If enabled, hide the overlay if necessary (and if in fullscreen mode).
- if (barVisibilityUpdatesEnabled_ &&
- ![barVisibilityLocks_ count]) {
- [fullscreenController_ ensureOverlayHiddenWithAnimation:animate
- delay:delay];
- }
- }
-- (BOOL)floatingBarHasFocus {
- NSResponder* focused = [[self window] firstResponder];
- return [focused isKindOfClass:[AutocompleteTextFieldEditor class]];
-- (void)openTabpose {
- NSUInteger modifierFlags = [[NSApp currentEvent] modifierFlags];
- BOOL slomo = (modifierFlags & NSShiftKeyMask) != 0;
- // Cover info bars, inspector window, and detached bookmark bar on NTP.
- // Do not cover download shelf.
- NSRect activeArea = [[self tabContentArea] frame];
- activeArea.size.height +=
- NSHeight([[infoBarContainerController_ view] frame]);
- if ([self isBookmarkBarVisible] && [self placeBookmarkBarBelowInfoBar]) {
- NSView* bookmarkBarView = [bookmarkBarController_ view];
- activeArea.size.height += NSHeight([bookmarkBarView frame]);
- }
- [TabposeWindow openTabposeFor:[self window]
- rect:activeArea
- slomo:slomo
- tabStripModel:browser_->tabstrip_model()];
-@end // @implementation BrowserWindowController(Fullscreen)
-@implementation BrowserWindowController(WindowType)
-- (BOOL)supportsWindowFeature:(int)feature {
- return browser_->SupportsWindowFeature(
- static_cast<Browser::WindowFeature>(feature));
-- (BOOL)hasTitleBar {
- return [self supportsWindowFeature:Browser::FEATURE_TITLEBAR];
-- (BOOL)hasToolbar {
- return [self supportsWindowFeature:Browser::FEATURE_TOOLBAR];
-- (BOOL)hasLocationBar {
- return [self supportsWindowFeature:Browser::FEATURE_LOCATIONBAR];
-- (BOOL)supportsBookmarkBar {
- return [self supportsWindowFeature:Browser::FEATURE_BOOKMARKBAR];
-- (BOOL)isNormalWindow {
- return browser_->type() == Browser::TYPE_NORMAL;
-@end // @implementation BrowserWindowController(WindowType)