path: root/chrome/browser/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'chrome/browser/')
1 files changed, 685 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/chrome/browser/ b/chrome/browser/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ac655ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chrome/browser/
@@ -0,0 +1,685 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "base/basictypes.h"
+#include "base/command_line.h"
+#include "base/file_path.h"
+#if defined(OS_WIN)
+#include "base/win_util.h"
+#include "chrome/app/chrome_dll_resource.h"
+#include "chrome/common/chrome_paths.h"
+#include "chrome/common/chrome_switches.h"
+#include "chrome/common/pref_names.h"
+#include "chrome/common/url_constants.h"
+#include "chrome/test/automation/tab_proxy.h"
+#include "chrome/test/automation/browser_proxy.h"
+#include "chrome/test/automation/window_proxy.h"
+#include "chrome/test/ui/ui_test.h"
+#include "googleurl/src/gurl.h"
+#include "net/base/net_util.h"
+#include "net/url_request/url_request_unittest.h"
+#if (defined(OS_WIN) || defined(OS_CHROMEOS)) && !defined(NDEBUG)
+#define MAYBE_BasicRestoreFromClosedWindow DISABLED_BasicRestoreFromClosedWindow
+#define MAYBE_BasicRestoreFromClosedWindow BasicRestoreFromClosedWindow
+#if defined(OS_CHROMEOS) && !defined(NDEBUG)
+#define MAYBE_RestoreWindowAndTab DISABLED_RestoreWindowAndTab
+#define MAYBE_RestoreWindow DISABLED_RestoreWindow
+#define MAYBE_RestoreWindowAndTab RestoreWindowAndTab
+#define MAYBE_RestoreWindow RestoreWindow
+class TabRestoreUITest : public UITest {
+ public:
+ TabRestoreUITest() : UITest() {
+ FilePath path_prefix(test_data_directory_);
+ path_prefix = path_prefix.AppendASCII("session_history");
+ url1_ = net::FilePathToFileURL(path_prefix.AppendASCII("bot1.html"));
+ url2_ = net::FilePathToFileURL(path_prefix.AppendASCII("bot2.html"));
+ }
+ protected:
+ // Uses the undo-close-tab accelerator to undo a close-tab or close-window
+ // operation. The newly restored tab is expected to appear in the
+ // window at index |expected_window_index|, at the |expected_tabstrip_index|,
+ // and to be active. If |expected_window_index| is equal to the number of
+ // current windows, the restored tab is expected to be created in a new
+ // window (since the index is 0-based).
+ void RestoreTab(int expected_window_index,
+ int expected_tabstrip_index) {
+ int tab_count = 0;
+ int window_count = 0;
+ ASSERT_TRUE(automation()->GetBrowserWindowCount(&window_count));
+ ASSERT_GT(window_count, 0);
+ bool expect_new_window = (expected_window_index == window_count);
+ scoped_refptr<BrowserProxy> browser_proxy;
+ if (expect_new_window) {
+ browser_proxy = automation()->GetBrowserWindow(0);
+ } else {
+ ASSERT_GT(window_count, expected_window_index);
+ browser_proxy = automation()->GetBrowserWindow(expected_window_index);
+ }
+ ASSERT_TRUE(browser_proxy.get());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(browser_proxy->GetTabCount(&tab_count));
+ ASSERT_GT(tab_count, 0);
+ // Restore the tab.
+ ASSERT_TRUE(browser_proxy->RunCommand(IDC_RESTORE_TAB));
+ if (expect_new_window) {
+ int new_window_count = 0;
+ ASSERT_TRUE(automation()->GetBrowserWindowCount(&new_window_count));
+ EXPECT_EQ(++window_count, new_window_count);
+ browser_proxy = automation()->GetBrowserWindow(expected_window_index);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(browser_proxy.get());
+ } else {
+ int new_tab_count = 0;
+ ASSERT_TRUE(browser_proxy->GetTabCount(&new_tab_count));
+ EXPECT_EQ(++tab_count, new_tab_count);
+ }
+ // Get a handle to the restored tab.
+ ASSERT_TRUE(browser_proxy->GetTabCount(&tab_count));
+ ASSERT_GT(tab_count, expected_tabstrip_index);
+ scoped_refptr<TabProxy> restored_tab_proxy(
+ browser_proxy->GetTab(expected_tabstrip_index));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(restored_tab_proxy.get());
+ // Wait for the restored tab to finish loading.
+ ASSERT_TRUE(restored_tab_proxy->WaitForTabToBeRestored(
+ action_max_timeout_ms()));
+ // Ensure that the tab and window are active.
+ CheckActiveWindow(browser_proxy.get());
+ EXPECT_EQ(expected_tabstrip_index,
+ GetActiveTabIndex(expected_window_index));
+ }
+ // Adds tabs to the given browser, all navigated to url1_. Returns
+ // the final number of tabs.
+ int AddSomeTabs(BrowserProxy* browser, int how_many) {
+ int starting_tab_count = -1;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(browser->GetTabCount(&starting_tab_count));
+ for (int i = 0; i < how_many; ++i) {
+ EXPECT_TRUE(browser->AppendTab(url1_));
+ }
+ int tab_count;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(browser->GetTabCount(&tab_count));
+ EXPECT_EQ(starting_tab_count + how_many, tab_count);
+ return tab_count;
+ }
+ // Ensure that the given browser occupies the currently active window.
+ void CheckActiveWindow(const BrowserProxy* browser) {
+ // This entire check is disabled because even the IsActive() call
+ // sporadically fails to complete successfully. See
+ // TODO(pamg): Investigate and re-enable. Also find a way to have the
+ // calling location reported in the gtest error, by inlining this again if
+ // nothing else.
+ return;
+ bool is_active = false;
+ scoped_refptr<WindowProxy> window_proxy(browser->GetWindow());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(window_proxy.get());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(window_proxy->IsActive(&is_active));
+ // The check for is_active may fail if other apps are active while running
+ // the tests, because Chromium won't be the foremost application at all.
+ // So we'll have it log an error, but not report one through gtest, to
+ // keep the test result deterministic and the buildbots happy.
+ if (!is_active)
+ LOG(ERROR) << "WARNING: is_active was false, expected true. (This may "
+ "be simply because Chromium isn't the front application.)";
+ }
+ GURL url1_;
+ GURL url2_;
+ private:
+// Close the end tab in the current window, then restore it. The tab should be
+// in its original position, and active.
+TEST_F(TabRestoreUITest, Basic) {
+ scoped_refptr<BrowserProxy> browser_proxy(automation()->GetBrowserWindow(0));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(browser_proxy.get());
+ int starting_tab_count;
+ ASSERT_TRUE(browser_proxy->GetTabCount(&starting_tab_count));
+ int tab_count = AddSomeTabs(browser_proxy.get(), 1);
+ int closed_tab_index = tab_count - 1;
+ scoped_refptr<TabProxy> new_tab(browser_proxy->GetTab(closed_tab_index));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(new_tab.get());
+ // Make sure we're at url.
+ // Close the tab.
+ ASSERT_TRUE(new_tab->Close(true));
+ new_tab = NULL;
+ ASSERT_TRUE(browser_proxy->GetTabCount(&tab_count));
+ EXPECT_EQ(starting_tab_count, tab_count);
+ RestoreTab(0, closed_tab_index);
+ // And make sure everything looks right.
+ ASSERT_TRUE(browser_proxy->GetTabCount(&tab_count));
+ EXPECT_EQ(starting_tab_count + 1, tab_count);
+ EXPECT_EQ(closed_tab_index, GetActiveTabIndex());
+ EXPECT_EQ(url1_, GetActiveTabURL());
+// Close a tab not at the end of the current window, then restore it. The tab
+// should be in its original position, and active.
+TEST_F(TabRestoreUITest, MiddleTab) {
+ scoped_refptr<BrowserProxy> browser_proxy(automation()->GetBrowserWindow(0));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(browser_proxy.get());
+ int starting_tab_count;
+ ASSERT_TRUE(browser_proxy->GetTabCount(&starting_tab_count));
+ int tab_count = AddSomeTabs(browser_proxy.get(), 3);
+ // Close one in the middle
+ int closed_tab_index = starting_tab_count + 1;
+ scoped_refptr<TabProxy> new_tab(browser_proxy->GetTab(closed_tab_index));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(new_tab.get());
+ // Make sure we're at url.
+ // Close the tab.
+ ASSERT_TRUE(new_tab->Close(true));
+ new_tab = NULL;
+ ASSERT_TRUE(browser_proxy->GetTabCount(&tab_count));
+ EXPECT_EQ(starting_tab_count + 2, tab_count);
+ RestoreTab(0, closed_tab_index);
+ // And make sure everything looks right.
+ ASSERT_TRUE(browser_proxy->GetTabCount(&tab_count));
+ EXPECT_EQ(starting_tab_count + 3, tab_count);
+ EXPECT_EQ(closed_tab_index, GetActiveTabIndex());
+ EXPECT_EQ(url1_, GetActiveTabURL());
+// Close a tab, switch windows, then restore the tab. The tab should be in its
+// original window and position, and active.
+// This test is flaky. See and 11213.
+TEST_F(TabRestoreUITest, FLAKY_RestoreToDifferentWindow) {
+ scoped_refptr<BrowserProxy> browser_proxy(automation()->GetBrowserWindow(0));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(browser_proxy.get());
+ // This call is virtually guaranteed to pass, assuming that Chromium is the
+ // active application, which will establish a baseline for later calls to
+ // CheckActiveWindow(). See comments in that function.
+ CheckActiveWindow(browser_proxy.get());
+ int starting_tab_count;
+ ASSERT_TRUE(browser_proxy->GetTabCount(&starting_tab_count));
+ int tab_count = AddSomeTabs(browser_proxy.get(), 3);
+ // Close one in the middle
+ int closed_tab_index = starting_tab_count + 1;
+ scoped_refptr<TabProxy> new_tab(browser_proxy->GetTab(closed_tab_index));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(new_tab.get());
+ // Make sure we're at url.
+ // Close the tab.
+ ASSERT_TRUE(new_tab->Close(true));
+ new_tab = NULL;
+ ASSERT_TRUE(browser_proxy->GetTabCount(&tab_count));
+ EXPECT_EQ(starting_tab_count + 2, tab_count);
+ // Create a new browser.
+ ASSERT_TRUE(automation()->OpenNewBrowserWindow(Browser::TYPE_NORMAL, false));
+ int window_count;
+ ASSERT_TRUE(automation()->GetBrowserWindowCount(&window_count));
+ EXPECT_EQ(2, window_count);
+ CheckActiveWindow(automation()->GetBrowserWindow(1));
+ // Restore tab into original browser.
+ RestoreTab(0, closed_tab_index);
+ // And make sure everything looks right.
+ CheckActiveWindow(browser_proxy.get());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(browser_proxy->GetTabCount(&tab_count));
+ EXPECT_EQ(starting_tab_count + 3, tab_count);
+ EXPECT_EQ(closed_tab_index, GetActiveTabIndex(0));
+ EXPECT_EQ(url1_, GetActiveTabURL(0));
+// Close a tab, open a new window, close the first window, then restore the
+// tab. It should be in a new window.
+TEST_F(TabRestoreUITest, MAYBE_BasicRestoreFromClosedWindow) {
+ scoped_refptr<BrowserProxy> browser_proxy(automation()->GetBrowserWindow(0));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(browser_proxy.get());
+ CheckActiveWindow(browser_proxy.get());
+ int tab_count;
+ ASSERT_TRUE(browser_proxy->GetTabCount(&tab_count));
+ // Close tabs until we only have one open.
+ while (tab_count > 1) {
+ scoped_refptr<TabProxy> tab_to_close(browser_proxy->GetTab(0));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(tab_to_close.get());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(tab_to_close->Close(true));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(browser_proxy->GetTabCount(&tab_count));
+ }
+ // Navigate to url1 then url2.
+ scoped_refptr<TabProxy> tab_proxy(browser_proxy->GetTab(0));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(tab_proxy.get());
+ // Create a new browser.
+ ASSERT_TRUE(automation()->OpenNewBrowserWindow(Browser::TYPE_NORMAL, false));
+ int window_count;
+ ASSERT_TRUE(automation()->GetBrowserWindowCount(&window_count));
+ EXPECT_EQ(2, window_count);
+ CheckActiveWindow(automation()->GetBrowserWindow(1));
+ // Close the final tab in the first browser.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(tab_proxy->Close(true));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(automation()->WaitForWindowCountToBecome(1));
+ // Tab and browser are no longer valid.
+ tab_proxy = NULL;
+ browser_proxy = NULL;
+ RestoreTab(1, 0);
+ // Tab should be in a new window.
+ browser_proxy = automation()->GetBrowserWindow(1);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(browser_proxy.get());
+ CheckActiveWindow(browser_proxy.get());
+ tab_proxy = browser_proxy->GetActiveTab();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(tab_proxy.get());
+ // And make sure the URLs matches.
+ EXPECT_EQ(url2_, GetActiveTabURL(1));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(tab_proxy->GoBack());
+ EXPECT_EQ(url1_, GetActiveTabURL(1));
+// Restore a tab then make sure it doesn't restore again.
+TEST_F(TabRestoreUITest, DontLoadRestoredTab) {
+ scoped_refptr<BrowserProxy> browser_proxy(automation()->GetBrowserWindow(0));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(browser_proxy.get());
+ CheckActiveWindow(browser_proxy.get());
+ // Add two tabs
+ int starting_tab_count = 0;
+ ASSERT_TRUE(browser_proxy->GetTabCount(&starting_tab_count));
+ AddSomeTabs(browser_proxy.get(), 2);
+ int current_tab_count = 0;
+ ASSERT_TRUE(browser_proxy->GetTabCount(&current_tab_count));
+ ASSERT_EQ(current_tab_count, starting_tab_count + 2);
+ // Close one of them.
+ scoped_refptr<TabProxy> tab_to_close(browser_proxy->GetTab(0));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(tab_to_close.get());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(tab_to_close->Close(true));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(browser_proxy->GetTabCount(&current_tab_count));
+ ASSERT_EQ(current_tab_count, starting_tab_count + 1);
+ // Restore it.
+ RestoreTab(0, 0);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(browser_proxy->GetTabCount(&current_tab_count));
+ ASSERT_EQ(current_tab_count, starting_tab_count + 2);
+ // Make sure that there's nothing else to restore.
+ bool enabled;
+ ASSERT_TRUE(browser_proxy->IsMenuCommandEnabled(IDC_RESTORE_TAB, &enabled));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(enabled);
+// Open a window with multiple tabs, close a tab, then close the window.
+// Restore both and make sure the tab goes back into the window.
+TEST_F(TabRestoreUITest, MAYBE_RestoreWindowAndTab) {
+ scoped_refptr<BrowserProxy> browser_proxy(automation()->GetBrowserWindow(0));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(browser_proxy.get());
+ CheckActiveWindow(browser_proxy.get());
+ int starting_tab_count;
+ ASSERT_TRUE(browser_proxy->GetTabCount(&starting_tab_count));
+ int tab_count = AddSomeTabs(browser_proxy.get(), 3);
+ // Close one in the middle
+ int closed_tab_index = starting_tab_count + 1;
+ scoped_refptr<TabProxy> new_tab(browser_proxy->GetTab(closed_tab_index));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(new_tab.get());
+ // Make sure we're at url.
+ // Close the tab.
+ ASSERT_TRUE(new_tab->Close(true));
+ new_tab = NULL;
+ ASSERT_TRUE(browser_proxy->GetTabCount(&tab_count));
+ EXPECT_EQ(starting_tab_count + 2, tab_count);
+ // Create a new browser.
+ ASSERT_TRUE(automation()->OpenNewBrowserWindow(Browser::TYPE_NORMAL, false));
+ int window_count;
+ ASSERT_TRUE(automation()->GetBrowserWindowCount(&window_count));
+ EXPECT_EQ(2, window_count);
+ CheckActiveWindow(automation()->GetBrowserWindow(1));
+ // Close the first browser.
+ bool application_closing;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(CloseBrowser(browser_proxy.get(), &application_closing));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(application_closing);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(automation()->GetBrowserWindowCount(&window_count));
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, window_count);
+ // Browser is no longer valid.
+ browser_proxy = NULL;
+ // Restore the first window. The expected_tabstrip_index (second argument)
+ // indicates the expected active tab.
+ RestoreTab(1, starting_tab_count + 1);
+ browser_proxy = automation()->GetBrowserWindow(1);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(browser_proxy.get());
+ CheckActiveWindow(browser_proxy.get());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(browser_proxy->GetTabCount(&tab_count));
+ EXPECT_EQ(starting_tab_count + 2, tab_count);
+ // Restore the closed tab.
+ RestoreTab(1, closed_tab_index);
+ CheckActiveWindow(browser_proxy.get());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(browser_proxy->GetTabCount(&tab_count));
+ EXPECT_EQ(starting_tab_count + 3, tab_count);
+ EXPECT_EQ(url1_, GetActiveTabURL(1));
+// Open a window with two tabs, close both (closing the window), then restore
+// both. Make sure both restored tabs are in the same window.
+TEST_F(TabRestoreUITest, FLAKY_RestoreIntoSameWindow) {
+ scoped_refptr<BrowserProxy> browser_proxy(automation()->GetBrowserWindow(0));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(browser_proxy.get());
+ CheckActiveWindow(browser_proxy.get());
+ int starting_tab_count;
+ ASSERT_TRUE(browser_proxy->GetTabCount(&starting_tab_count));
+ int tab_count = AddSomeTabs(browser_proxy.get(), 2);
+ // Navigate the rightmost one to url2_ for easier identification.
+ scoped_refptr<TabProxy> tab_proxy(browser_proxy->GetTab(tab_count - 1));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(tab_proxy.get());
+ // Create a new browser.
+ ASSERT_TRUE(automation()->OpenNewBrowserWindow(Browser::TYPE_NORMAL, false));
+ int window_count;
+ ASSERT_TRUE(automation()->GetBrowserWindowCount(&window_count));
+ EXPECT_EQ(2, window_count);
+ CheckActiveWindow(automation()->GetBrowserWindow(1));
+ // Close all but one tab in the first browser, left to right.
+ while (tab_count > 1) {
+ scoped_refptr<TabProxy> tab_to_close(browser_proxy->GetTab(0));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(tab_to_close.get());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(tab_to_close->Close(true));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(browser_proxy->GetTabCount(&tab_count));
+ }
+ // Close the last tab, closing the browser.
+ tab_proxy = browser_proxy->GetTab(0);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(tab_proxy.get());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(tab_proxy->Close(true));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(automation()->WaitForWindowCountToBecome(1));
+ browser_proxy = NULL;
+ tab_proxy = NULL;
+ // Restore the last-closed tab into a new window.
+ RestoreTab(1, 0);
+ browser_proxy = automation()->GetBrowserWindow(1);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(browser_proxy.get());
+ CheckActiveWindow(browser_proxy.get());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(browser_proxy->GetTabCount(&tab_count));
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, tab_count);
+ EXPECT_EQ(url2_, GetActiveTabURL(1));
+ // Restore the next-to-last-closed tab into the same window.
+ RestoreTab(1, 0);
+ CheckActiveWindow(browser_proxy.get());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(browser_proxy->GetTabCount(&tab_count));
+ EXPECT_EQ(2, tab_count);
+ EXPECT_EQ(url1_, GetActiveTabURL(1));
+// Tests that a duplicate history entry is not created when we restore a page
+// to an existing SiteInstance. (Bug 1230446)
+TEST_F(TabRestoreUITest, RestoreWithExistingSiteInstance) {
+ const wchar_t kDocRoot[] = L"chrome/test/data";
+ scoped_refptr<HTTPTestServer> server =
+ HTTPTestServer::CreateServer(kDocRoot, NULL);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(NULL != server.get());
+ GURL http_url1(server->TestServerPage("files/title1.html"));
+ GURL http_url2(server->TestServerPage("files/title2.html"));
+ scoped_refptr<BrowserProxy> browser_proxy(automation()->GetBrowserWindow(0));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(browser_proxy.get());
+ int tab_count;
+ ASSERT_TRUE(browser_proxy->GetTabCount(&tab_count));
+ // Add a tab
+ ASSERT_TRUE(browser_proxy->AppendTab(http_url1));
+ int new_tab_count;
+ ASSERT_TRUE(browser_proxy->GetTabCount(&new_tab_count));
+ EXPECT_EQ(++tab_count, new_tab_count);
+ scoped_refptr<TabProxy> tab(browser_proxy->GetTab(tab_count - 1));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(tab.get());
+ // Navigate to another same-site URL.
+ // Close the tab.
+ ASSERT_TRUE(tab->Close(true));
+ tab = NULL;
+ // Create a new tab to the original site. Assuming process-per-site is
+ // enabled, this will ensure that the SiteInstance used by the restored tab
+ // will already exist when the restore happens.
+ ASSERT_TRUE(browser_proxy->AppendTab(http_url2));
+ // Restore the closed tab.
+ RestoreTab(0, tab_count - 1);
+ tab = browser_proxy->GetActiveTab();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(tab.get());
+ // And make sure the URLs match.
+ EXPECT_EQ(http_url2, GetActiveTabURL());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(tab->GoBack());
+ EXPECT_EQ(http_url1, GetActiveTabURL());
+// Tests that the SiteInstances used for entries in a restored tab's history
+// are given appropriate max page IDs, even if the renderer for the entry
+// already exists. (Bug 1204135)
+TEST_F(TabRestoreUITest, RestoreCrossSiteWithExistingSiteInstance) {
+ const wchar_t kDocRoot[] = L"chrome/test/data";
+ scoped_refptr<HTTPTestServer> server =
+ HTTPTestServer::CreateServer(kDocRoot, NULL);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(NULL != server.get());
+ GURL http_url1(server->TestServerPage("files/title1.html"));
+ GURL http_url2(server->TestServerPage("files/title2.html"));
+ scoped_refptr<BrowserProxy> browser_proxy(automation()->GetBrowserWindow(0));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(browser_proxy.get());
+ int tab_count;
+ ASSERT_TRUE(browser_proxy->GetTabCount(&tab_count));
+ // Add a tab
+ ASSERT_TRUE(browser_proxy->AppendTab(http_url1));
+ int new_tab_count;
+ ASSERT_TRUE(browser_proxy->GetTabCount(&new_tab_count));
+ EXPECT_EQ(++tab_count, new_tab_count);
+ scoped_refptr<TabProxy> tab(browser_proxy->GetTab(tab_count - 1));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(tab.get());
+ // Navigate to more URLs, then a cross-site URL.
+ // Close the tab.
+ ASSERT_TRUE(tab->Close(true));
+ tab = NULL;
+ // Create a new tab to the original site. Assuming process-per-site is
+ // enabled, this will ensure that the SiteInstance will already exist when
+ // the user clicks Back in the restored tab.
+ ASSERT_TRUE(browser_proxy->AppendTab(http_url2));
+ // Restore the closed tab.
+ RestoreTab(0, tab_count - 1);
+ tab = browser_proxy->GetActiveTab();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(tab.get());
+ // And make sure the URLs match.
+ EXPECT_EQ(url1_, GetActiveTabURL());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(tab->GoBack());
+ EXPECT_EQ(http_url1, GetActiveTabURL());
+ // Navigating to a new URL should clear the forward list, because the max
+ // page ID of the renderer should have been updated when we restored the tab.
+ EXPECT_FALSE(tab->GoForward());
+ EXPECT_EQ(http_url2, GetActiveTabURL());
+TEST_F(TabRestoreUITest, MAYBE_RestoreWindow) {
+ // Create a new window.
+ int window_count;
+ ASSERT_TRUE(automation()->GetBrowserWindowCount(&window_count));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(automation()->OpenNewBrowserWindow(Browser::TYPE_NORMAL, false));
+ int new_window_count = 0;
+ ASSERT_TRUE(automation()->GetBrowserWindowCount(&new_window_count));
+ EXPECT_EQ(++window_count, new_window_count);
+ // Create two more tabs, one with url1, the other url2.
+ scoped_refptr<BrowserProxy> browser_proxy(automation()->GetBrowserWindow(0));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(browser_proxy.get());
+ int initial_tab_count;
+ ASSERT_TRUE(browser_proxy->GetTabCount(&initial_tab_count));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(browser_proxy->AppendTab(url1_));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(browser_proxy->WaitForTabCountToBecome(initial_tab_count + 1,
+ action_max_timeout_ms()));
+ scoped_refptr<TabProxy> new_tab(browser_proxy->GetTab(initial_tab_count));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(new_tab.get());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(browser_proxy->AppendTab(url2_));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(browser_proxy->WaitForTabCountToBecome(initial_tab_count + 2,
+ action_max_timeout_ms()));
+ new_tab = browser_proxy->GetTab(initial_tab_count + 1);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(new_tab.get());
+ // Close the window.
+ ASSERT_TRUE(browser_proxy->RunCommand(IDC_CLOSE_WINDOW));
+ browser_proxy = NULL;
+ new_tab = NULL;
+ ASSERT_TRUE(automation()->GetBrowserWindowCount(&new_window_count));
+ EXPECT_EQ(window_count - 1, new_window_count);
+ // Restore the window.
+ browser_proxy = automation()->GetBrowserWindow(0);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(browser_proxy.get());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(browser_proxy->RunCommand(IDC_RESTORE_TAB));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(automation()->GetBrowserWindowCount(&new_window_count));
+ EXPECT_EQ(window_count, new_window_count);
+ browser_proxy = automation()->GetBrowserWindow(1);
+ int tab_count;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(browser_proxy->GetTabCount(&tab_count));
+ EXPECT_EQ(initial_tab_count + 2, tab_count);
+ scoped_refptr<TabProxy> restored_tab_proxy(
+ browser_proxy->GetTab(initial_tab_count));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(restored_tab_proxy.get());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(restored_tab_proxy->WaitForTabToBeRestored(action_timeout_ms()));
+ GURL url;
+ ASSERT_TRUE(restored_tab_proxy->GetCurrentURL(&url));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(url == url1_);
+ restored_tab_proxy = browser_proxy->GetTab(initial_tab_count + 1);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(restored_tab_proxy.get());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(restored_tab_proxy->WaitForTabToBeRestored(action_timeout_ms()));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(restored_tab_proxy->GetCurrentURL(&url));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(url == url2_);
+// Restore tab with special URL about:credits and make sure the page loads
+// properly after restore. See
+TEST_F(TabRestoreUITest, RestoreTabWithSpecialURL) {
+ scoped_refptr<BrowserProxy> browser(automation()->GetBrowserWindow(0));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(browser.get());
+ CheckActiveWindow(browser.get());
+ // Navigate new tab to a special URL.
+ const GURL special_url(chrome::kAboutCreditsURL);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(browser->AppendTab(special_url));
+ scoped_refptr<TabProxy> tab(browser->GetActiveTab());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(tab.get());
+ // Close the tab.
+ ASSERT_TRUE(tab->Close(true));
+ // Restore the closed tab.
+ RestoreTab(0, 1);
+ tab = browser->GetTab(1);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(tab.get());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(tab->WaitForTabToBeRestored(action_timeout_ms()));
+ // See if content is as expected.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(tab->FindInPage(std::wstring(L"webkit"), FWD, IGNORE_CASE, false,
+ NULL));
+// Restore tab with special URL in its navigation history, go back to that
+// entry and see that it loads properly. See
+TEST_F(TabRestoreUITest, RestoreTabWithSpecialURLOnBack) {
+ const wchar_t kDocRoot[] = L"chrome/test/data";
+ scoped_refptr<HTTPTestServer> server =
+ HTTPTestServer::CreateServer(kDocRoot, NULL);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(server.get());
+ const GURL http_url(server->TestServerPage("files/title1.html"));
+ scoped_refptr<BrowserProxy> browser(automation()->GetBrowserWindow(0));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(browser.get());
+ CheckActiveWindow(browser.get());
+ // Navigate new tab to a special URL.
+ const GURL special_url(chrome::kAboutCreditsURL);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(browser->AppendTab(special_url));
+ scoped_refptr<TabProxy> tab(browser->GetActiveTab());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(tab.get());
+ // Then navigate to a normal URL.
+ ASSERT_TRUE(tab->NavigateToURL(http_url));
+ // Close the tab.
+ ASSERT_TRUE(tab->Close(true));
+ // Restore the closed tab.
+ RestoreTab(0, 1);
+ tab = browser->GetTab(1);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(tab.get());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(tab->WaitForTabToBeRestored(action_timeout_ms()));
+ GURL url;
+ ASSERT_TRUE(tab->GetCurrentURL(&url));
+ ASSERT_EQ(http_url, url);
+ // Go back, and see if content is as expected.
+ ASSERT_TRUE(tab->GoBack());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(tab->FindInPage(std::wstring(L"webkit"), FWD, IGNORE_CASE, false,
+ NULL));