path: root/chrome/common/extensions/extension.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'chrome/common/extensions/extension.h')
1 files changed, 36 insertions, 16 deletions
diff --git a/chrome/common/extensions/extension.h b/chrome/common/extensions/extension.h
index 4c82fd6..0edb6e2 100644
--- a/chrome/common/extensions/extension.h
+++ b/chrome/common/extensions/extension.h
@@ -20,12 +20,13 @@
#include "chrome/common/extensions/extension_icon_set.h"
#include "chrome/common/extensions/user_script.h"
#include "chrome/common/extensions/url_pattern.h"
-#include "gfx/size.h"
#include "googleurl/src/gurl.h"
+#include "ui/gfx/size.h"
class DictionaryValue;
class ExtensionAction;
class ExtensionResource;
+class ExtensionSidebarDefaults;
class SkBitmap;
class Version;
@@ -151,6 +152,7 @@ class Extension : public base::RefCountedThreadSafe<Extension> {
// Max size (both dimensions) for browser and page actions.
static const int kPageActionIconMaxSize;
static const int kBrowserActionIconMaxSize;
+ static const int kSidebarIconMaxSize;
// Each permission is a module that the extension is permitted to use.
@@ -306,22 +308,9 @@ class Extension : public base::RefCountedThreadSafe<Extension> {
// ExtensionService::IsDownloadFromGallery
static std::string ChromeStoreLaunchURL();
- // Helper function that consolidates the check for whether the script can
- // execute into one location. |page_url| is the page that is the candidate
- // for running the script, |can_execute_script_everywhere| specifies whether
- // the extension is on the whitelist, |allowed_pages| is a vector of
- // URLPatterns, listing what access the extension has, |script| is the script
- // pointer (if content script) and |error| is an optional parameter, which
- // will receive the error string listing why access was denied.
- static bool CanExecuteScriptOnPage(
- const GURL& page_url,
- bool can_execute_script_everywhere,
- const std::vector<URLPattern>* allowed_pages,
- UserScript* script,
- std::string* error);
// Adds an extension to the scripting whitelist. Used for testing only.
static void SetScriptingWhitelist(const ScriptingWhitelist& whitelist);
+ static const ScriptingWhitelist* GetScriptingWhitelist();
// Returns true if the extension has the specified API permission.
static bool HasApiPermission(const std::set<std::string>& api_permissions,
@@ -362,6 +351,9 @@ class Extension : public base::RefCountedThreadSafe<Extension> {
// having an NPAPI plugin).
bool HasFullPermissions() const;
+ // Whether context menu should be shown for page and browser actions.
+ bool ShowConfigureContextMenus() const;
// Returns the Homepage URL for this extension. If homepage_url was not
// specified in the manifest, this returns the Google Gallery URL. For
// third-party extensions, this returns a blank GURL.
@@ -378,6 +370,7 @@ class Extension : public base::RefCountedThreadSafe<Extension> {
// Gets the fully resolved absolute launch URL.
GURL GetFullLaunchURL() const;
// Image cache related methods. These are only valid on the UI thread and
// not maintained by this class. See ImageLoadingTracker for usage. The
// |original_size| parameter should be the size of the image at |source|
@@ -389,6 +382,18 @@ class Extension : public base::RefCountedThreadSafe<Extension> {
const gfx::Size& max_size) const;
SkBitmap GetCachedImage(const ExtensionResource& source,
const gfx::Size& max_size) const;
+ // Returns true if this extension can execute script on a page. If a
+ // UserScript object is passed, permission to run that specific script is
+ // checked (using its matches list). Otherwise, permission to execute script
+ // programmatically is checked (using the extension's host permission).
+ //
+ // This method is also aware of certain special pages that extensions are
+ // usually not allowed to run script on.
+ bool CanExecuteScriptOnPage(const GURL& page_url,
+ UserScript* script,
+ std::string* error) const;
// Returns true if this extension is a COMPONENT extension, or if it is
// on the whitelist of extensions that can script all pages.
bool CanExecuteScriptEverywhere() const;
@@ -414,6 +419,9 @@ class Extension : public base::RefCountedThreadSafe<Extension> {
const UserScriptList& content_scripts() const { return content_scripts_; }
ExtensionAction* page_action() const { return page_action_.get(); }
ExtensionAction* browser_action() const { return browser_action_.get(); }
+ ExtensionSidebarDefaults* sidebar_defaults() const {
+ return sidebar_defaults_.get();
+ }
const std::vector<PluginInfo>& plugins() const { return plugins_; }
const GURL& background_url() const { return background_url_; }
const GURL& options_url() const { return options_url_; }
@@ -533,6 +541,11 @@ class Extension : public base::RefCountedThreadSafe<Extension> {
ExtensionAction* LoadExtensionActionHelper(
const DictionaryValue* extension_action, std::string* error);
+ // Helper method to load an ExtensionSidebarDefaults from the sidebar manifest
+ // entry.
+ ExtensionSidebarDefaults* LoadExtensionSidebarDefaults(
+ const DictionaryValue* sidebar, std::string* error);
// Calculates the effective host permissions from the permissions and content
// script petterns.
void InitEffectiveHostPermissions();
@@ -626,6 +639,9 @@ class Extension : public base::RefCountedThreadSafe<Extension> {
// The extension's browser action, if any.
scoped_ptr<ExtensionAction> browser_action_;
+ // The extension's sidebar, if any.
+ scoped_ptr<ExtensionSidebarDefaults> sidebar_defaults_;
// Optional list of NPAPI plugins and associated properties.
std::vector<PluginInfo> plugins_;
@@ -687,7 +703,11 @@ class Extension : public base::RefCountedThreadSafe<Extension> {
// absolute. If relative, it is relative to web_origin.
std::string launch_web_url_;
- // The type of container to launch into.
+ // The window type that an app's manifest specifies to launch into.
+ // This is not always the window type an app will open into, because
+ // users can override the way each app launches. See
+ // ExtensionPrefs::GetLaunchContainer(), which looks at a per-app pref
+ // to decide what container an app will launch in.
extension_misc::LaunchContainer launch_container_;
// The default size of the container when launching. Only respected for