path: root/sdch/open-vcdiff/src/headerparser.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'sdch/open-vcdiff/src/headerparser.h')
1 files changed, 400 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/sdch/open-vcdiff/src/headerparser.h b/sdch/open-vcdiff/src/headerparser.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eb0ea8e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sdch/open-vcdiff/src/headerparser.h
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+// Copyright 2008 Google Inc.
+// Author: Lincoln Smith
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+#include <config.h>
+#include <stddef.h> // NULL
+#include <stdint.h> // int32_t, uint32_t
+#include "checksum.h" // VCDChecksum
+#include "vcdiff_defs.h" // VCDiffResult
+namespace open_vcdiff {
+// This class contains a contiguous memory buffer with start and end pointers,
+// as well as a position pointer which shows how much of the buffer has been
+// parsed and how much remains.
+// Because no virtual destructor is defined for ParseableChunk, a pointer to
+// a child class of ParseableChunk must be destroyed using its specific type,
+// rather than as a ParseableChunk*.
+class ParseableChunk {
+ public:
+ ParseableChunk(const char* data_start, size_t data_size) {
+ SetDataBuffer(data_start, data_size);
+ }
+ const char* End() const { return end_; }
+ // The number of bytes remaining to be parsed. This is not necessarily the
+ // same as the initial size of the buffer; it changes with each call to
+ // Advance().
+ size_t UnparsedSize() const {
+ return end_ - position_;
+ }
+ // The number of bytes that have already been parsed.
+ size_t ParsedSize() const {
+ return position_ - start_;
+ }
+ bool Empty() const { return 0 == UnparsedSize(); }
+ // The start of the data remaining to be parsed.
+ const char* UnparsedData() const { return position_; }
+ // Returns a pointer to the start of the data remaining to be parsed.
+ const char** UnparsedDataAddr() { return &position_; }
+ // Moves the parsing position forward by number_of_bytes.
+ void Advance(size_t number_of_bytes);
+ // Jumps the parsing position to a new location.
+ void SetPosition(const char* position);
+ // Jumps the parsing position to the end of the data chunk.
+ void Finish() {
+ position_ = end_;
+ }
+ // Jumps the parsing position so that there are now number_of_bytes
+ // bytes left to parse. This number should be smaller than the size of data
+ // to be parsed before the function was called.
+ void FinishExcept(size_t number_of_bytes);
+ void SetDataBuffer(const char* data_start, size_t data_size) {
+ start_ = data_start;
+ end_ = data_start + data_size;
+ position_ = start_;
+ }
+ private:
+ const char* start_;
+ const char* end_;
+ // The current parsing position within the data chunk.
+ // Must always respect start_ <= position_ <= end_.
+ const char* position_;
+ // Making these private avoids implicit copy constructor & assignment operator
+ ParseableChunk(const ParseableChunk&);
+ void operator=(const ParseableChunk&);
+// Represents one of the three sections in the delta window, as described in
+// RFC section 4.3:
+// * Data section for ADDs and RUNs
+// * Instructions and sizes section
+// * Addresses section for COPYs
+// When using the interleaved format, data and addresses are pulled from the
+// instructions and sizes section rather than being stored in separate sections.
+// For that reason, this class allows one DeltaWindowSection to be based on
+// another, such that the same position pointer is shared by both sections;
+// i.e., UnparsedDataAddr() returns the same value for both objects.
+// To achieve this end, one extra level of indirection (a pointer to a
+// ParseableChunk object) is added.
+class DeltaWindowSection {
+ public:
+ DeltaWindowSection() : parseable_chunk_(NULL), owned_(true) { }
+ ~DeltaWindowSection() {
+ FreeChunk();
+ }
+ void Init(const char* data_start, size_t data_size) {
+ if (owned_ && parseable_chunk_) {
+ // Reuse the already-allocated ParseableChunk object.
+ parseable_chunk_->SetDataBuffer(data_start, data_size);
+ } else {
+ parseable_chunk_ = new ParseableChunk(data_start, data_size);
+ owned_ = true;
+ }
+ }
+ void Init(DeltaWindowSection* original) {
+ FreeChunk();
+ parseable_chunk_ = original->parseable_chunk_;
+ owned_ = false;
+ }
+ void Invalidate() { FreeChunk(); }
+ bool IsOwned() const { return owned_; }
+ // The following functions just pass their arguments to the underlying
+ // ParseableChunk object.
+ const char* End() const {
+ return parseable_chunk_->End();
+ }
+ size_t UnparsedSize() const {
+ return parseable_chunk_->UnparsedSize();
+ }
+ size_t ParsedSize() const {
+ return parseable_chunk_->ParsedSize();
+ }
+ bool Empty() const {
+ return parseable_chunk_->Empty();
+ }
+ const char* UnparsedData() const {
+ return parseable_chunk_->UnparsedData();
+ }
+ const char** UnparsedDataAddr() {
+ return parseable_chunk_->UnparsedDataAddr();
+ }
+ void Advance(size_t number_of_bytes) {
+ return parseable_chunk_->Advance(number_of_bytes);
+ }
+ private:
+ void FreeChunk() {
+ if (owned_) {
+ delete parseable_chunk_;
+ }
+ parseable_chunk_ = NULL;
+ }
+ // Will be NULL until Init() has been called. If owned_ is true, this will
+ // point to a ParseableChunk object that has been allocated with "new" and
+ // must be deleted by this DeltaWindowSection object. If owned_ is false,
+ // this points at the parseable_chunk_ owned by a different DeltaWindowSection
+ // object. In this case, it is important to free the DeltaWindowSection which
+ // does not own the ParseableChunk before (or simultaneously to) freeing the
+ // DeltaWindowSection that owns it, or else deleted memory may be accessed.
+ ParseableChunk* parseable_chunk_;
+ bool owned_;
+ // Making these private avoids implicit copy constructor & assignment operator
+ DeltaWindowSection(const DeltaWindowSection&);
+ void operator=(const DeltaWindowSection&);
+// Used to parse the bytes and Varints that make up the delta file header
+// or delta window header.
+class VCDiffHeaderParser {
+ public:
+ // header_start should be the start of the header to be parsed;
+ // data_end is the position just after the last byte of available data
+ // (which may extend far past the end of the header.)
+ VCDiffHeaderParser(const char* header_start, const char* data_end);
+ // One of these functions should be called for each element of the header.
+ // variable_description is a description of the value that we are attempting
+ // to parse, and will only be used to create descriptive error messages.
+ // If the function returns true, then the element was parsed successfully
+ // and its value has been placed in *value. If the function returns false,
+ // then *value is unchanged, and GetResult() can be called to return the
+ // reason that the element could not be parsed, which will be either
+ // RESULT_ERROR (an error occurred), or RESULT_END_OF_DATA (the limit data_end
+ // was reached before the end of the element to be parsed.) Once one of these
+ // functions has returned false, further calls to any of the Parse...
+ // functions will also return false without performing any additional actions.
+ // Typical usage is as follows:
+ // int32_t segment_length = 0;
+ // if (!header_parser.ParseInt32("segment length", &segment_length)) {
+ // return header_parser.GetResult();
+ // }
+ //
+ // The following example takes advantage of the fact that calling a Parse...
+ // function after an error or end-of-data condition is legal and does nothing.
+ // It can thus parse more than one element in a row and check the status
+ // afterwards. If the first call to ParseInt32() fails, the second will have
+ // no effect:
+ //
+ // int32_t segment_length = 0, segment_position = 0;
+ // header_parser.ParseInt32("segment length", &segment_length));
+ // header_parser.ParseInt32("segment position", &segment_position));
+ // if (RESULT_SUCCESS != header_parser.GetResult()) {
+ // return header_parser.GetResult();
+ // }
+ //
+ bool ParseByte(unsigned char* value);
+ bool ParseInt32(const char* variable_description, int32_t* value);
+ bool ParseUInt32(const char* variable_description, uint32_t* value);
+ bool ParseChecksum(const char* variable_description, VCDChecksum* value);
+ bool ParseSize(const char* variable_description, size_t* value);
+ // Parses the first three elements of the delta window header:
+ //
+ // Win_Indicator - byte
+ // [Source segment size] - integer (VarintBE format)
+ // [Source segment position] - integer (VarintBE format)
+ //
+ // Returns true if the values were parsed successfully and the values were
+ // found to be acceptable. Returns false otherwise, in which case
+ // GetResult() can be called to return the reason that the two values
+ // could not be validated. This will be either RESULT_ERROR (an error
+ // occurred and was logged), or RESULT_END_OF_DATA (the limit data_end was
+ // reached before the end of the values to be parsed.) If return value is
+ // true, then *win_indicator, *source_segment_length, and
+ // *source_segment_position are populated with the parsed values. Otherwise,
+ // the values of these output arguments are undefined.
+ //
+ // dictionary_size: The size of the dictionary (source) file. Used to
+ // validate the limits of source_segment_length and
+ // source_segment_position if the source segment is taken from the
+ // dictionary (i.e., if the parsed *win_indicator equals VCD_SOURCE.)
+ // decoded_target_size: The size of the target data that has been decoded
+ // so far, including all target windows. Used to validate the limits of
+ // source_segment_length and source_segment_position if the source segment
+ // is taken from the target (i.e., if the parsed *win_indicator equals
+ // allow_vcd_target: If this argument is false, and the parsed *win_indicator
+ // is VCD_TARGET, then an error is produced; if true, VCD_TARGET is
+ // allowed.
+ // win_indicator (output): Points to a single unsigned char (not an array)
+ // that will receive the parsed value of Win_Indicator.
+ // source_segment_length (output): The parsed length of the source segment.
+ // source_segment_position (output): The parsed zero-based index in the
+ // source/target file from which the source segment is to be taken.
+ bool ParseWinIndicatorAndSourceSegment(size_t dictionary_size,
+ size_t decoded_target_size,
+ bool allow_vcd_target,
+ unsigned char* win_indicator,
+ size_t* source_segment_length,
+ size_t* source_segment_position);
+ // Parses the following two elements of the delta window header:
+ //
+ // Length of the delta encoding - integer (VarintBE format)
+ // Size of the target window - integer (VarintBE format)
+ //
+ // Return conditions and values are the same as for
+ // ParseWinIndicatorAndSourceSegment(), above.
+ //
+ bool ParseWindowLengths(size_t* target_window_length);
+ // May only be called after ParseWindowLengths() has returned RESULT_SUCCESS.
+ // Returns a pointer to the end of the delta window (which might not point to
+ // a valid memory location if there is insufficient input data.)
+ //
+ const char* EndOfDeltaWindow() const;
+ // Parses the following element of the delta window header:
+ //
+ // Delta_Indicator - byte
+ //
+ // Because none of the bits in Delta_Indicator are used by this implementation
+ // of VCDIFF, this function does not have an output argument to return the
+ // value of that field. It may return RESULT_SUCCESS, RESULT_ERROR, or
+ // RESULT_END_OF_DATA as with the other Parse...() functions.
+ //
+ bool ParseDeltaIndicator();
+ // Parses the following 3 elements of the delta window header:
+ //
+ // Length of data for ADDs and RUNs - integer (VarintBE format)
+ // Length of instructions and sizes - integer (VarintBE format)
+ // Length of addresses for COPYs - integer (VarintBE format)
+ //
+ // If has_checksum is true, it also looks for the following element:
+ //
+ // Adler32 checksum - unsigned 32-bit integer (VarintBE format)
+ //
+ // Return conditions and values are the same as for
+ // ParseWinIndicatorAndSourceSegment(), above.
+ //
+ bool ParseSectionLengths(bool has_checksum,
+ size_t* add_and_run_data_length,
+ size_t* instructions_and_sizes_length,
+ size_t* addresses_length,
+ VCDChecksum* checksum);
+ // If one of the Parse... functions returned false, this function
+ // can be used to find the result code (RESULT_ERROR or RESULT_END_OF_DATA)
+ // describing the reason for the most recent parse failure. If none of the
+ // Parse... functions has returned false, returns RESULT_SUCCESS.
+ VCDiffResult GetResult() const {
+ return return_code_;
+ }
+ // The following functions just pass their arguments to the underlying
+ // ParseableChunk object.
+ const char* End() const {
+ return parseable_chunk_.End();
+ }
+ size_t UnparsedSize() const {
+ return parseable_chunk_.UnparsedSize();
+ }
+ size_t ParsedSize() const {
+ return parseable_chunk_.ParsedSize();
+ }
+ const char* UnparsedData() const {
+ return parseable_chunk_.UnparsedData();
+ }
+ private:
+ // Parses two variable-length integers representing the source segment length
+ // and source segment position (== offset.) Checks whether the source segment
+ // length and position would cause it to exceed the size of the source file or
+ // target file. Returns true if the values were parsed successfully and the
+ // values were found to be acceptable. Returns false otherwise, in which case
+ // GetResult() can be called to return the reason that the two values could
+ // not be validated, which will be either RESULT_ERROR (an error occurred and
+ // was logged), or RESULT_END_OF_DATA (the limit data_end was reached before
+ // the end of the integers to be parsed.)
+ // from_size: The requested size of the source segment.
+ // from_boundary_name: A NULL-terminated string naming the end of the
+ // source or target file, used in error messages.
+ // from_name: A NULL-terminated string naming the source or target file,
+ // also used in error messages.
+ // source_segment_length (output): The parsed length of the source segment.
+ // source_segment_position (output): The parsed zero-based index in the
+ // source/target file from which the source segment is to be taken.
+ //
+ bool ParseSourceSegmentLengthAndPosition(size_t from_size,
+ const char* from_boundary_name,
+ const char* from_name,
+ size_t* source_segment_length,
+ size_t* source_segment_position);
+ ParseableChunk parseable_chunk_;
+ // Contains the result code of the last Parse...() operation that failed
+ // (RESULT_ERROR or RESULT_END_OF_DATA). If no Parse...() method has been
+ // called, or if all calls to Parse...() were successful, then this contains
+ VCDiffResult return_code_;
+ // Will be zero until ParseWindowLengths() has been called. After
+ // ParseWindowLengths() has been called successfully, this contains the
+ // parsed length of the delta encoding.
+ size_t delta_encoding_length_;
+ // Will be NULL until ParseWindowLengths() has been called. After
+ // ParseWindowLengths() has been called successfully, this points to the
+ // beginning of the section of the current window titled "The delta encoding"
+ // in the RFC, i.e., to the position just after the length of the delta
+ // encoding.
+ const char* delta_encoding_start_;
+ // Making these private avoids implicit copy constructor & assignment operator
+ VCDiffHeaderParser(const VCDiffHeaderParser&);
+ void operator=(const VCDiffHeaderParser&);
+} // namespace open_vcdiff