path: root/webkit/glue/media/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'webkit/glue/media/')
1 files changed, 486 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/webkit/glue/media/ b/webkit/glue/media/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8e64c26
--- /dev/null
+++ b/webkit/glue/media/
@@ -0,0 +1,486 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include <algorithm>
+#include "base/format_macros.h"
+#include "base/stringprintf.h"
+#include "net/base/net_errors.h"
+#include "net/http/http_util.h"
+#include "third_party/WebKit/WebKit/chromium/public/WebFrame.h"
+#include "third_party/WebKit/WebKit/chromium/public/WebFrameClient.h"
+#include "third_party/WebKit/WebKit/chromium/public/WebURLError.h"
+#include "third_party/WebKit/WebKit/chromium/public/WebURLResponse.h"
+#include "third_party/WebKit/WebKit/chromium/public/WebView.h"
+#include "webkit/glue/media/buffered_resource_loader.h"
+#include "webkit/mocks/mock_webframe.h"
+#include "webkit/mocks/mock_weburlloader.h"
+using ::testing::_;
+using ::testing::Assign;
+using ::testing::AtLeast;
+using ::testing::DeleteArg;
+using ::testing::DoAll;
+using ::testing::InSequence;
+using ::testing::Invoke;
+using ::testing::InvokeWithoutArgs;
+using ::testing::NotNull;
+using ::testing::Return;
+using ::testing::ReturnRef;
+using ::testing::SetArgumentPointee;
+using ::testing::StrictMock;
+using ::testing::NiceMock;
+using ::testing::WithArgs;
+using WebKit::WebURLError;
+using WebKit::WebFrameClient;
+using WebKit::WebURLResponse;
+using WebKit::WebView;
+namespace {
+const char* kHttpUrl = "http://test";
+const int kDataSize = 1024;
+const int kHttpOK = 200;
+const int kHttpPartialContent = 206;
+enum NetworkState {
+} // namespace
+namespace webkit_glue {
+// Submit a request completed event to the resource loader due to request
+// being canceled. Pretending the event is from external.
+ACTION_P(RequestCanceled, loader) {
+ WebURLError error;
+ error.reason = net::ERR_ABORTED;
+ error.domain = WebString::fromUTF8(net::kErrorDomain);
+ loader->didFail(NULL, error);
+class BufferedResourceLoaderTest : public testing::Test {
+ public:
+ BufferedResourceLoaderTest() {
+ url_loader_ = new NiceMock<MockWebURLLoader>();
+ for (int i = 0; i < kDataSize; ++i)
+ data_[i] = i;
+ }
+ virtual ~BufferedResourceLoaderTest() {
+ ignore_result(frame_.release());
+ }
+ void Initialize(const char* url, int first_position, int last_position) {
+ gurl_ = GURL(url);
+ first_position_ = first_position;
+ last_position_ = last_position;
+ frame_.reset(new NiceMock<MockWebFrame>());
+ loader_ = new BufferedResourceLoader(gurl_,
+ first_position_, last_position_);
+ loader_->SetURLLoaderForTest(url_loader_);
+ }
+ void SetLoaderBuffer(size_t forward_capacity, size_t backward_capacity) {
+ loader_->buffer_.reset(
+ new media::SeekableBuffer(backward_capacity, forward_capacity));
+ }
+ void Start() {
+ InSequence s;
+ EXPECT_CALL(*url_loader_, loadAsynchronously(_, loader_.get()));
+ loader_->Start(
+ NewCallback(this, &BufferedResourceLoaderTest::StartCallback),
+ NewCallback(this, &BufferedResourceLoaderTest::NetworkCallback),
+ frame_.get());
+ }
+ void FullResponse(int64 instance_size) {
+ EXPECT_CALL(*this, StartCallback(net::OK));
+ WebURLResponse response(gurl_);
+ response.setHTTPHeaderField(WebString::fromUTF8("Content-Length"),
+ WebString::fromUTF8(base::StringPrintf("%"
+ PRId64, instance_size)));
+ response.setExpectedContentLength(instance_size);
+ response.setHTTPStatusCode(kHttpOK);
+ loader_->didReceiveResponse(url_loader_, response);
+ EXPECT_EQ(instance_size, loader_->content_length());
+ EXPECT_EQ(instance_size, loader_->instance_size());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(loader_->partial_response());
+ }
+ void PartialResponse(int64 first_position, int64 last_position,
+ int64 instance_size) {
+ EXPECT_CALL(*this, StartCallback(net::OK));
+ int64 content_length = last_position - first_position + 1;
+ WebURLResponse response(gurl_);
+ response.setHTTPHeaderField(WebString::fromUTF8("Content-Range"),
+ WebString::fromUTF8(base::StringPrintf("bytes "
+ "%" PRId64 "-%" PRId64 "/%" PRId64,
+ first_position,
+ last_position,
+ instance_size)));
+ response.setExpectedContentLength(content_length);
+ response.setHTTPStatusCode(kHttpPartialContent);
+ loader_->didReceiveResponse(url_loader_, response);
+ EXPECT_EQ(content_length, loader_->content_length());
+ EXPECT_EQ(instance_size, loader_->instance_size());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(loader_->partial_response());
+ }
+ void StopWhenLoad() {
+ InSequence s;
+ EXPECT_CALL(*url_loader_, cancel())
+ .WillOnce(RequestCanceled(loader_));
+ loader_->Stop();
+ }
+ // Helper method to write to |loader_| from |data_|.
+ void WriteLoader(int position, int size) {
+ EXPECT_CALL(*this, NetworkCallback())
+ .RetiresOnSaturation();
+ loader_->didReceiveData(url_loader_,
+ reinterpret_cast<char*>(data_ + position), size);
+ }
+ // Helper method to read from |loader_|.
+ void ReadLoader(int64 position, int size, uint8* buffer) {
+ loader_->Read(position, size, buffer,
+ NewCallback(this, &BufferedResourceLoaderTest::ReadCallback));
+ }
+ // Verifis that data in buffer[0...size] is equal to data_[pos...pos+size].
+ void VerifyBuffer(uint8* buffer, int pos, int size) {
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, memcmp(buffer, data_ + pos, size));
+ }
+ // Helper method to disallow deferring in |loader_|.
+ void DisallowLoaderDefer() {
+ if (loader_->deferred_) {
+ EXPECT_CALL(*url_loader_, setDefersLoading(false));
+ EXPECT_CALL(*this, NetworkCallback());
+ }
+ loader_->SetAllowDefer(false);
+ }
+ // Helper method to allow deferring in |loader_|.
+ void AllowLoaderDefer() {
+ loader_->SetAllowDefer(true);
+ }
+ MOCK_METHOD1(StartCallback, void(int error));
+ MOCK_METHOD1(ReadCallback, void(int error));
+ MOCK_METHOD0(NetworkCallback, void());
+ protected:
+ GURL gurl_;
+ int64 first_position_;
+ int64 last_position_;
+ scoped_refptr<BufferedResourceLoader> loader_;
+ NiceMock<MockWebURLLoader>* url_loader_;
+ scoped_ptr<NiceMock<MockWebFrame> > frame_;
+ uint8 data_[kDataSize];
+ private:
+ DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(BufferedResourceLoaderTest);
+TEST_F(BufferedResourceLoaderTest, StartStop) {
+ Initialize(kHttpUrl, -1, -1);
+ Start();
+ StopWhenLoad();
+// Tests that a bad HTTP response is recived, e.g. file not found.
+TEST_F(BufferedResourceLoaderTest, BadHttpResponse) {
+ Initialize(kHttpUrl, -1, -1);
+ Start();
+ EXPECT_CALL(*this, StartCallback(net::ERR_FAILED));
+ EXPECT_CALL(*url_loader_, cancel())
+ .WillOnce(RequestCanceled(loader_));
+ WebURLResponse response(gurl_);
+ response.setHTTPStatusCode(404);
+ response.setHTTPStatusText("Not Found\n");
+ loader_->didReceiveResponse(url_loader_, response);
+// Tests that partial content is requested but not fulfilled.
+TEST_F(BufferedResourceLoaderTest, NotPartialResponse) {
+ Initialize(kHttpUrl, 100, -1);
+ Start();
+ FullResponse(1024);
+ StopWhenLoad();
+// Tests that a 200 response is received.
+TEST_F(BufferedResourceLoaderTest, FullResponse) {
+ Initialize(kHttpUrl, -1, -1);
+ Start();
+ FullResponse(1024);
+ StopWhenLoad();
+// Tests that a partial content response is received.
+TEST_F(BufferedResourceLoaderTest, PartialResponse) {
+ Initialize(kHttpUrl, 100, 200);
+ Start();
+ PartialResponse(100, 200, 1024);
+ StopWhenLoad();
+// Tests that an invalid partial response is received.
+TEST_F(BufferedResourceLoaderTest, InvalidPartialResponse) {
+ Initialize(kHttpUrl, 0, 10);
+ Start();
+ EXPECT_CALL(*this, StartCallback(net::ERR_INVALID_RESPONSE));
+ EXPECT_CALL(*url_loader_, cancel())
+ .WillOnce(RequestCanceled(loader_));
+ WebURLResponse response(gurl_);
+ response.setHTTPHeaderField(WebString::fromUTF8("Content-Range"),
+ WebString::fromUTF8(base::StringPrintf("bytes "
+ "%d-%d/%d", 1, 10, 1024)));
+ response.setExpectedContentLength(10);
+ response.setHTTPStatusCode(kHttpPartialContent);
+ loader_->didReceiveResponse(url_loader_, response);
+// Tests the logic of sliding window for data buffering and reading.
+TEST_F(BufferedResourceLoaderTest, BufferAndRead) {
+ Initialize(kHttpUrl, 10, 29);
+ Start();
+ PartialResponse(10, 29, 30);
+ uint8 buffer[10];
+ InSequence s;
+ // Writes 10 bytes and read them back.
+ WriteLoader(10, 10);
+ EXPECT_CALL(*this, ReadCallback(10));
+ ReadLoader(10, 10, buffer);
+ VerifyBuffer(buffer, 10, 10);
+ // Writes 10 bytes and read 2 times.
+ WriteLoader(20, 10);
+ EXPECT_CALL(*this, ReadCallback(5));
+ ReadLoader(20, 5, buffer);
+ VerifyBuffer(buffer, 20, 5);
+ EXPECT_CALL(*this, ReadCallback(5));
+ ReadLoader(25, 5, buffer);
+ VerifyBuffer(buffer, 25, 5);
+ // Read backward within buffer.
+ EXPECT_CALL(*this, ReadCallback(10));
+ ReadLoader(10, 10, buffer);
+ VerifyBuffer(buffer, 10, 10);
+ // Read backward outside buffer.
+ EXPECT_CALL(*this, ReadCallback(net::ERR_CACHE_MISS));
+ ReadLoader(9, 10, buffer);
+ // Response has completed.
+ EXPECT_CALL(*this, NetworkCallback());
+ loader_->didFinishLoading(url_loader_, 0);
+ // Try to read 10 from position 25 will just return with 5 bytes.
+ EXPECT_CALL(*this, ReadCallback(5));
+ ReadLoader(25, 10, buffer);
+ VerifyBuffer(buffer, 25, 5);
+ // Try to read outside buffered range after request has completed.
+ EXPECT_CALL(*this, ReadCallback(net::ERR_CACHE_MISS));
+ ReadLoader(5, 10, buffer);
+ // Try to read beyond the instance size.
+ EXPECT_CALL(*this, ReadCallback(0));
+ ReadLoader(30, 10, buffer);
+TEST_F(BufferedResourceLoaderTest, ReadOutsideBuffer) {
+ Initialize(kHttpUrl, 10, 0x00FFFFFF);
+ Start();
+ PartialResponse(10, 0x00FFFFFF, 0x01000000);
+ uint8 buffer[10];
+ InSequence s;
+ // Read very far aheard will get a cache miss.
+ EXPECT_CALL(*this, ReadCallback(net::ERR_CACHE_MISS));
+ ReadLoader(0x00FFFFFF, 1, buffer);
+ // The following call will not call ReadCallback() because it is waiting for
+ // data to arrive.
+ ReadLoader(10, 10, buffer);
+ // Writing to loader will fulfill the read request.
+ EXPECT_CALL(*this, ReadCallback(10));
+ WriteLoader(10, 20);
+ VerifyBuffer(buffer, 10, 10);
+ // The following call cannot be fulfilled now.
+ ReadLoader(25, 10, buffer);
+ EXPECT_CALL(*this, ReadCallback(5));
+ EXPECT_CALL(*this, NetworkCallback());
+ loader_->didFinishLoading(url_loader_, 0);
+TEST_F(BufferedResourceLoaderTest, RequestFailedWhenRead) {
+ Initialize(kHttpUrl, 10, 29);
+ Start();
+ PartialResponse(10, 29, 30);
+ uint8 buffer[10];
+ InSequence s;
+ ReadLoader(10, 10, buffer);
+ EXPECT_CALL(*this, ReadCallback(net::ERR_FAILED));
+ EXPECT_CALL(*this, NetworkCallback());
+ WebURLError error;
+ error.reason = net::ERR_FAILED;
+ loader_->didFail(url_loader_, error);
+// Tests the logic of caching data to disk when media is paused.
+TEST_F(BufferedResourceLoaderTest, AllowDefer_NoDataReceived) {
+ Initialize(kHttpUrl, 10, 99);
+ SetLoaderBuffer(10, 20);
+ Start();
+ PartialResponse(10, 99, 100);
+ // Start in undeferred state, then disallow defer, then allow defer
+ // without receiving data in between.
+ DisallowLoaderDefer();
+ AllowLoaderDefer();
+ StopWhenLoad();
+TEST_F(BufferedResourceLoaderTest, AllowDefer_ReadSameWindow) {
+ Initialize(kHttpUrl, 10, 99);
+ SetLoaderBuffer(10, 20);
+ Start();
+ PartialResponse(10, 99, 100);
+ uint8 buffer[10];
+ // Start in undeferred state, disallow defer, receive data but don't shift
+ // buffer window, then allow defer and read.
+ DisallowLoaderDefer();
+ WriteLoader(10, 10);
+ AllowLoaderDefer();
+ EXPECT_CALL(*this, ReadCallback(10));
+ ReadLoader(10, 10, buffer);
+ VerifyBuffer(buffer, 10, 10);
+ StopWhenLoad();
+TEST_F(BufferedResourceLoaderTest, AllowDefer_ReadPastWindow) {
+ Initialize(kHttpUrl, 10, 99);
+ SetLoaderBuffer(10, 20);
+ Start();
+ PartialResponse(10, 99, 100);
+ uint8 buffer[10];
+ // Not deferred, disallow defer, received data and shift buffer window,
+ // allow defer, then read in area outside of buffer window.
+ DisallowLoaderDefer();
+ WriteLoader(10, 10);
+ WriteLoader(20, 50);
+ AllowLoaderDefer();
+ EXPECT_CALL(*this, ReadCallback(net::ERR_CACHE_MISS));
+ ReadLoader(10, 10, buffer);
+ StopWhenLoad();
+TEST_F(BufferedResourceLoaderTest, AllowDefer_DeferredNoDataReceived) {
+ Initialize(kHttpUrl, 10, 99);
+ SetLoaderBuffer(10, 20);
+ Start();
+ PartialResponse(10, 99, 100);
+ uint8 buffer[10];
+ // Start in deferred state, then disallow defer, receive no data, and
+ // allow defer and read.
+ EXPECT_CALL(*url_loader_, setDefersLoading(true));
+ EXPECT_CALL(*this, NetworkCallback());
+ WriteLoader(10, 40);
+ DisallowLoaderDefer();
+ AllowLoaderDefer();
+ EXPECT_CALL(*this, ReadCallback(10));
+ ReadLoader(20, 10, buffer);
+ VerifyBuffer(buffer, 20, 10);
+ StopWhenLoad();
+TEST_F(BufferedResourceLoaderTest, AllowDefer_DeferredReadSameWindow) {
+ Initialize(kHttpUrl, 10, 99);
+ SetLoaderBuffer(10, 20);
+ Start();
+ PartialResponse(10, 99, 100);
+ uint8 buffer[10];
+ // Start in deferred state, disallow defer, receive data and shift buffer
+ // window, allow defer, and read in a place that's still in the window.
+ EXPECT_CALL(*url_loader_, setDefersLoading(true));
+ EXPECT_CALL(*this, NetworkCallback());
+ WriteLoader(10, 30);
+ DisallowLoaderDefer();
+ WriteLoader(40, 5);
+ AllowLoaderDefer();
+ EXPECT_CALL(*this, ReadCallback(10));
+ ReadLoader(20, 10, buffer);
+ VerifyBuffer(buffer, 20, 10);
+ StopWhenLoad();
+TEST_F(BufferedResourceLoaderTest, AllowDefer_DeferredReadPastWindow) {
+ Initialize(kHttpUrl, 10, 99);
+ SetLoaderBuffer(10, 20);
+ Start();
+ PartialResponse(10, 99, 100);
+ uint8 buffer[10];
+ // Start in deferred state, disallow defer, receive data and shift buffer
+ // window, allow defer, and read outside of the buffer window.
+ EXPECT_CALL(*url_loader_, setDefersLoading(true));
+ EXPECT_CALL(*this, NetworkCallback());
+ WriteLoader(10, 40);
+ DisallowLoaderDefer();
+ WriteLoader(50, 20);
+ WriteLoader(70, 40);
+ AllowLoaderDefer();
+ EXPECT_CALL(*this, ReadCallback(net::ERR_CACHE_MISS));
+ ReadLoader(20, 5, buffer);
+ StopWhenLoad();
+// TODO(hclam): add unit test for defer loading.
+} // namespace webkit_glue