path: root/webkit/glue/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'webkit/glue/')
1 files changed, 688 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/webkit/glue/ b/webkit/glue/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f235734
--- /dev/null
+++ b/webkit/glue/
@@ -0,0 +1,688 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2006-2009 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+// An implementation of WebURLLoader in terms of ResourceLoaderBridge.
+#include "webkit/glue/weburlloader_impl.h"
+#include "base/file_path.h"
+#include "base/message_loop.h"
+#include "base/process_util.h"
+#include "base/scoped_ptr.h"
+#include "base/string_util.h"
+#include "base/time.h"
+#include "net/base/data_url.h"
+#include "net/base/load_flags.h"
+#include "net/base/net_errors.h"
+#include "net/base/net_util.h"
+#include "net/http/http_response_headers.h"
+#include "third_party/WebKit/WebKit/chromium/public/WebHTTPHeaderVisitor.h"
+#include "third_party/WebKit/WebKit/chromium/public/WebSecurityPolicy.h"
+#include "third_party/WebKit/WebKit/chromium/public/WebURL.h"
+#include "third_party/WebKit/WebKit/chromium/public/WebURLError.h"
+#include "third_party/WebKit/WebKit/chromium/public/WebURLLoadTiming.h"
+#include "third_party/WebKit/WebKit/chromium/public/WebURLLoaderClient.h"
+#include "third_party/WebKit/WebKit/chromium/public/WebURLRequest.h"
+#include "third_party/WebKit/WebKit/chromium/public/WebURLResponse.h"
+#include "webkit/glue/ftp_directory_listing_response_delegate.h"
+#include "webkit/glue/multipart_response_delegate.h"
+#include "webkit/glue/resource_loader_bridge.h"
+#include "webkit/glue/site_isolation_metrics.h"
+#include "webkit/glue/webkit_glue.h"
+using base::Time;
+using base::TimeDelta;
+using WebKit::WebData;
+using WebKit::WebHTTPBody;
+using WebKit::WebHTTPHeaderVisitor;
+using WebKit::WebSecurityPolicy;
+using WebKit::WebString;
+using WebKit::WebURL;
+using WebKit::WebURLError;
+using WebKit::WebURLLoadTiming;
+using WebKit::WebURLLoader;
+using WebKit::WebURLLoaderClient;
+using WebKit::WebURLRequest;
+using WebKit::WebURLResponse;
+namespace webkit_glue {
+// Utilities ------------------------------------------------------------------
+namespace {
+class HeaderFlattener : public WebHTTPHeaderVisitor {
+ public:
+ explicit HeaderFlattener(int load_flags)
+ : load_flags_(load_flags),
+ has_accept_header_(false) {
+ }
+ virtual void visitHeader(const WebString& name, const WebString& value) {
+ // TODO(darin): is UTF-8 really correct here? It is if the strings are
+ // already ASCII (i.e., if they are already escaped properly).
+ const std::string& name_utf8 = name.utf8();
+ const std::string& value_utf8 = value.utf8();
+ // Skip over referrer headers found in the header map because we already
+ // pulled it out as a separate parameter. We likewise prune the UA since
+ // that will be added back by the network layer.
+ if (LowerCaseEqualsASCII(name_utf8, "referer") ||
+ LowerCaseEqualsASCII(name_utf8, "user-agent"))
+ return;
+ // Skip over "Cache-Control: max-age=0" header if the corresponding
+ // load flag is already specified. FrameLoader sets both the flag and
+ // the extra header -- the extra header is redundant since our network
+ // implementation will add the necessary headers based on load flags.
+ // See
+ if ((load_flags_ & net::LOAD_VALIDATE_CACHE) &&
+ LowerCaseEqualsASCII(name_utf8, "cache-control") &&
+ LowerCaseEqualsASCII(value_utf8, "max-age=0"))
+ return;
+ if (LowerCaseEqualsASCII(name_utf8, "accept"))
+ has_accept_header_ = true;
+ if (!buffer_.empty())
+ buffer_.append("\r\n");
+ buffer_.append(name_utf8 + ": " + value_utf8);
+ }
+ const std::string& GetBuffer() {
+ // In some cases, WebKit doesn't add an Accept header, but not having the
+ // header confuses some web servers. See bug 808613.
+ if (!has_accept_header_) {
+ if (!buffer_.empty())
+ buffer_.append("\r\n");
+ buffer_.append("Accept: */*");
+ has_accept_header_ = true;
+ }
+ return buffer_;
+ }
+ private:
+ int load_flags_;
+ std::string buffer_;
+ bool has_accept_header_;
+ResourceType::Type FromTargetType(WebURLRequest::TargetType type) {
+ switch (type) {
+ case WebURLRequest::TargetIsMainFrame:
+ return ResourceType::MAIN_FRAME;
+ case WebURLRequest::TargetIsSubframe:
+ return ResourceType::SUB_FRAME;
+ case WebURLRequest::TargetIsSubresource:
+ return ResourceType::SUB_RESOURCE;
+ case WebURLRequest::TargetIsStyleSheet:
+ return ResourceType::STYLESHEET;
+ case WebURLRequest::TargetIsScript:
+ return ResourceType::SCRIPT;
+ case WebURLRequest::TargetIsFontResource:
+ return ResourceType::FONT_RESOURCE;
+ case WebURLRequest::TargetIsImage:
+ return ResourceType::IMAGE;
+ case WebURLRequest::TargetIsObject:
+ return ResourceType::OBJECT;
+ case WebURLRequest::TargetIsMedia:
+ return ResourceType::MEDIA;
+ case WebURLRequest::TargetIsWorker:
+ return ResourceType::WORKER;
+ case WebURLRequest::TargetIsSharedWorker:
+ return ResourceType::SHARED_WORKER;
+ default:
+ return ResourceType::SUB_RESOURCE;
+ }
+// Extracts the information from a data: url.
+bool GetInfoFromDataURL(const GURL& url,
+ ResourceLoaderBridge::ResponseInfo* info,
+ std::string* data, URLRequestStatus* status) {
+ std::string mime_type;
+ std::string charset;
+ if (net::DataURL::Parse(url, &mime_type, &charset, data)) {
+ *status = URLRequestStatus(URLRequestStatus::SUCCESS, 0);
+ info->request_time = Time::Now();
+ info->response_time = Time::Now();
+ info->headers = NULL;
+ info->mime_type.swap(mime_type);
+ info->charset.swap(charset);
+ info->security_info.clear();
+ info->content_length = -1;
+ return true;
+ }
+ *status = URLRequestStatus(URLRequestStatus::FAILED, net::ERR_INVALID_URL);
+ return false;
+void PopulateURLResponse(
+ const GURL& url,
+ const ResourceLoaderBridge::ResponseInfo& info,
+ WebURLResponse* response) {
+ response->setURL(url);
+ response->setResponseTime(info.response_time.ToDoubleT());
+ response->setMIMEType(WebString::fromUTF8(info.mime_type));
+ response->setTextEncodingName(WebString::fromUTF8(info.charset));
+ response->setExpectedContentLength(info.content_length);
+ response->setSecurityInfo(info.security_info);
+ response->setAppCacheID(info.appcache_id);
+ response->setAppCacheManifestURL(info.appcache_manifest_url);
+ response->setWasCached(!info.load_timing.base_time.is_null() &&
+ info.response_time < info.load_timing.base_time);
+ response->setWasFetchedViaSPDY(info.was_fetched_via_spdy);
+ response->setWasNpnNegotiated(info.was_npn_negotiated);
+ response->setWasAlternateProtocolAvailable(
+ info.was_alternate_protocol_available);
+ response->setWasFetchedViaProxy(info.was_fetched_via_proxy);
+ response->setConnectionID(info.connection_id);
+ response->setConnectionReused(info.connection_reused);
+ WebURLLoadTiming timing;
+ timing.initialize();
+ const ResourceLoaderBridge::LoadTimingInfo& timing_info = info.load_timing;
+ timing.setRequestTime(timing_info.base_time.ToDoubleT());
+ timing.setProxyStart(timing_info.proxy_start);
+ timing.setProxyEnd(timing_info.proxy_end);
+ timing.setDNSStart(timing_info.dns_start);
+ timing.setDNSEnd(timing_info.dns_end);
+ timing.setConnectStart(timing_info.connect_start);
+ timing.setConnectEnd(timing_info.connect_end);
+ timing.setSSLStart(timing_info.ssl_start);
+ timing.setSSLEnd(timing_info.ssl_end);
+ timing.setSendStart(timing_info.send_start);
+ timing.setSendEnd(timing_info.send_end);
+ timing.setReceiveHeadersEnd(timing_info.receive_headers_end);
+ response->setLoadTiming(timing);
+ const net::HttpResponseHeaders* headers = info.headers;
+ if (!headers)
+ return;
+ response->setHTTPStatusCode(headers->response_code());
+ response->setHTTPStatusText(WebString::fromUTF8(headers->GetStatusText()));
+ // TODO(darin): We should leverage HttpResponseHeaders for this, and this
+ // should be using the same code as ResourceDispatcherHost.
+ // TODO(jungshik): Figure out the actual value of the referrer charset and
+ // pass it to GetSuggestedFilename.
+ std::string value;
+ if (headers->EnumerateHeader(NULL, "content-disposition", &value)) {
+ response->setSuggestedFileName(webkit_glue::FilePathToWebString(
+ net::GetSuggestedFilename(url, value, "", FilePath())));
+ }
+ Time time_val;
+ if (headers->GetLastModifiedValue(&time_val))
+ response->setLastModifiedDate(time_val.ToDoubleT());
+ // Build up the header map.
+ void* iter = NULL;
+ std::string name;
+ while (headers->EnumerateHeaderLines(&iter, &name, &value)) {
+ response->addHTTPHeaderField(WebString::fromUTF8(name),
+ WebString::fromUTF8(value));
+ }
+} // namespace
+// WebURLLoaderImpl::Context --------------------------------------------------
+// This inner class exists since the WebURLLoader may be deleted while inside a
+// call to WebURLLoaderClient. The bridge requires its Peer to stay alive
+// until it receives OnCompletedRequest.
+class WebURLLoaderImpl::Context : public base::RefCounted<Context>,
+ public ResourceLoaderBridge::Peer {
+ public:
+ explicit Context(WebURLLoaderImpl* loader);
+ WebURLLoaderClient* client() const { return client_; }
+ void set_client(WebURLLoaderClient* client) { client_ = client; }
+ void Cancel();
+ void SetDefersLoading(bool value);
+ void Start(
+ const WebURLRequest& request,
+ ResourceLoaderBridge::SyncLoadResponse* sync_load_response);
+ // ResourceLoaderBridge::Peer methods:
+ virtual void OnUploadProgress(uint64 position, uint64 size);
+ virtual bool OnReceivedRedirect(
+ const GURL& new_url,
+ const ResourceLoaderBridge::ResponseInfo& info,
+ bool* has_new_first_party_for_cookies,
+ GURL* new_first_party_for_cookies);
+ virtual void OnReceivedResponse(
+ const ResourceLoaderBridge::ResponseInfo& info, bool content_filtered);
+ virtual void OnReceivedData(const char* data, int len);
+ virtual void OnReceivedCachedMetadata(const char* data, int len);
+ virtual void OnCompletedRequest(
+ const URLRequestStatus& status, const std::string& security_info);
+ virtual GURL GetURLForDebugging() const;
+ private:
+ friend class base::RefCounted<Context>;
+ ~Context() {}
+ void HandleDataURL();
+ WebURLLoaderImpl* loader_;
+ WebURLRequest request_;
+ WebURLLoaderClient* client_;
+ scoped_ptr<ResourceLoaderBridge> bridge_;
+ scoped_ptr<FtpDirectoryListingResponseDelegate> ftp_listing_delegate_;
+ scoped_ptr<MultipartResponseDelegate> multipart_delegate_;
+ // TODO(japhet): Storing this is a temporary hack for site isolation logging.
+ WebURL response_url_;
+WebURLLoaderImpl::Context::Context(WebURLLoaderImpl* loader)
+ : loader_(loader),
+ client_(NULL) {
+void WebURLLoaderImpl::Context::Cancel() {
+ // The bridge will still send OnCompletedRequest, which will Release() us, so
+ // we don't do that here.
+ if (bridge_.get())
+ bridge_->Cancel();
+ // Ensure that we do not notify the multipart delegate anymore as it has
+ // its own pointer to the client.
+ if (multipart_delegate_.get())
+ multipart_delegate_->Cancel();
+ // Do not make any further calls to the client.
+ client_ = NULL;
+ loader_ = NULL;
+void WebURLLoaderImpl::Context::SetDefersLoading(bool value) {
+ if (bridge_.get())
+ bridge_->SetDefersLoading(value);
+void WebURLLoaderImpl::Context::Start(
+ const WebURLRequest& request,
+ ResourceLoaderBridge::SyncLoadResponse* sync_load_response) {
+ DCHECK(!bridge_.get());
+ request_ = request; // Save the request.
+ GURL url = request.url();
+ if (url.SchemeIs("data")) {
+ if (sync_load_response) {
+ // This is a sync load. Do the work now.
+ sync_load_response->url = url;
+ std::string data;
+ GetInfoFromDataURL(sync_load_response->url, sync_load_response,
+ &sync_load_response->data,
+ &sync_load_response->status);
+ } else {
+ AddRef(); // Balanced in OnCompletedRequest
+ MessageLoop::current()->PostTask(FROM_HERE,
+ NewRunnableMethod(this, &Context::HandleDataURL));
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ GURL referrer_url(
+ request.httpHeaderField(WebString::fromUTF8("Referer")).utf8());
+ const std::string& method = request.httpMethod().utf8();
+ int load_flags = net::LOAD_NORMAL;
+ switch (request.cachePolicy()) {
+ case WebURLRequest::ReloadIgnoringCacheData:
+ // Required by LayoutTests/http/tests/misc/refresh-headers.php
+ load_flags |= net::LOAD_VALIDATE_CACHE;
+ break;
+ case WebURLRequest::ReturnCacheDataElseLoad:
+ load_flags |= net::LOAD_PREFERRING_CACHE;
+ break;
+ case WebURLRequest::ReturnCacheDataDontLoad:
+ load_flags |= net::LOAD_ONLY_FROM_CACHE;
+ break;
+ case WebURLRequest::UseProtocolCachePolicy:
+ break;
+ }
+ if (request.reportUploadProgress())
+ load_flags |= net::LOAD_ENABLE_UPLOAD_PROGRESS;
+ if (request.reportLoadTiming())
+ load_flags |= net::LOAD_ENABLE_LOAD_TIMING;
+ if (!request.allowCookies() || !request.allowStoredCredentials()) {
+ load_flags |= net::LOAD_DO_NOT_SAVE_COOKIES;
+ load_flags |= net::LOAD_DO_NOT_SEND_COOKIES;
+ }
+ if (!request.allowStoredCredentials())
+ load_flags |= net::LOAD_DO_NOT_SEND_AUTH_DATA;
+ // TODO(jcampan): in the non out-of-process plugin case the request does not
+ // have a requestor_pid. Find a better place to set this.
+ int requestor_pid = request.requestorProcessID();
+ if (requestor_pid == 0)
+ requestor_pid = base::GetCurrentProcId();
+ HeaderFlattener flattener(load_flags);
+ request.visitHTTPHeaderFields(&flattener);
+ // TODO(abarth): These are wrong! I need to figure out how to get the right
+ // strings here. See:
+ std::string frame_origin = request.firstPartyForCookies().spec();
+ std::string main_frame_origin = request.firstPartyForCookies().spec();
+ // TODO(brettw) this should take parameter encoding into account when
+ // creating the GURLs.
+ webkit_glue::ResourceLoaderBridge::RequestInfo request_info;
+ request_info.method = method;
+ request_info.url = url;
+ request_info.first_party_for_cookies = request.firstPartyForCookies();
+ request_info.referrer = referrer_url;
+ request_info.frame_origin = frame_origin;
+ request_info.main_frame_origin = main_frame_origin;
+ request_info.headers = flattener.GetBuffer();
+ request_info.load_flags = load_flags;
+ request_info.requestor_pid = requestor_pid;
+ request_info.request_type = FromTargetType(request.targetType());
+ request_info.appcache_host_id = request.appCacheHostID();
+ request_info.routing_id = request.requestorID();
+ bridge_.reset(ResourceLoaderBridge::Create(request_info));
+ if (!request.httpBody().isNull()) {
+ // GET and HEAD requests shouldn't have http bodies.
+ DCHECK(method != "GET" && method != "HEAD");
+ const WebHTTPBody& httpBody = request.httpBody();
+ size_t i = 0;
+ WebHTTPBody::Element element;
+ while (httpBody.elementAt(i++, element)) {
+ switch (element.type) {
+ case WebHTTPBody::Element::TypeData:
+ if (! {
+ // WebKit sometimes gives up empty data to append. These aren't
+ // necessary so we just optimize those out here.
+ bridge_->AppendDataToUpload(
+, static_cast<int>(;
+ }
+ break;
+ case WebHTTPBody::Element::TypeFile:
+ if (element.fileLength == -1) {
+ bridge_->AppendFileToUpload(
+ WebStringToFilePath(element.filePath));
+ } else {
+ bridge_->AppendFileRangeToUpload(
+ WebStringToFilePath(element.filePath),
+ static_cast<uint64>(element.fileStart),
+ static_cast<uint64>(element.fileLength),
+ base::Time::FromDoubleT(element.fileInfo.modificationTime));
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ }
+ }
+ bridge_->SetUploadIdentifier(request.httpBody().identifier());
+ }
+ if (sync_load_response) {
+ bridge_->SyncLoad(sync_load_response);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (bridge_->Start(this)) {
+ AddRef(); // Balanced in OnCompletedRequest
+ } else {
+ bridge_.reset();
+ }
+void WebURLLoaderImpl::Context::OnUploadProgress(uint64 position, uint64 size) {
+ if (client_)
+ client_->didSendData(loader_, position, size);
+bool WebURLLoaderImpl::Context::OnReceivedRedirect(
+ const GURL& new_url,
+ const ResourceLoaderBridge::ResponseInfo& info,
+ bool* has_new_first_party_for_cookies,
+ GURL* new_first_party_for_cookies) {
+ if (!client_)
+ return false;
+ WebURLResponse response;
+ response.initialize();
+ PopulateURLResponse(request_.url(), info, &response);
+ // TODO(darin): We lack sufficient information to construct the actual
+ // request that resulted from the redirect.
+ WebURLRequest new_request(new_url);
+ new_request.setFirstPartyForCookies(request_.firstPartyForCookies());
+ WebString referrer_string = WebString::fromUTF8("Referer");
+ WebString referrer = request_.httpHeaderField(referrer_string);
+ if (!WebSecurityPolicy::shouldHideReferrer(new_url, referrer))
+ new_request.setHTTPHeaderField(referrer_string, referrer);
+ if (response.httpStatusCode() == 307)
+ new_request.setHTTPMethod(request_.httpMethod());
+ client_->willSendRequest(loader_, new_request, response);
+ request_ = new_request;
+ *has_new_first_party_for_cookies = true;
+ *new_first_party_for_cookies = request_.firstPartyForCookies();
+ // Only follow the redirect if WebKit left the URL unmodified.
+ if (new_url == GURL(new_request.url()))
+ return true;
+ // We assume that WebKit only changes the URL to suppress a redirect, and we
+ // assume that it does so by setting it to be invalid.
+ DCHECK(!new_request.url().isValid());
+ return false;
+void WebURLLoaderImpl::Context::OnReceivedResponse(
+ const ResourceLoaderBridge::ResponseInfo& info,
+ bool content_filtered) {
+ if (!client_)
+ return;
+ WebURLResponse response;
+ response.initialize();
+ PopulateURLResponse(request_.url(), info, &response);
+ response.setIsContentFiltered(content_filtered);
+ bool show_raw_listing = (GURL(request_.url()).query() == "raw");
+ if (info.mime_type == "text/vnd.chromium.ftp-dir") {
+ if (show_raw_listing) {
+ // Set the MIME type to plain text to prevent any active content.
+ response.setMIMEType("text/plain");
+ } else {
+ // We're going to produce a parsed listing in HTML.
+ response.setMIMEType("text/html");
+ }
+ }
+ client_->didReceiveResponse(loader_, response);
+ // We may have been cancelled after didReceiveResponse, which would leave us
+ // without a client and therefore without much need to do further handling.
+ if (!client_)
+ return;
+ DCHECK(!ftp_listing_delegate_.get());
+ DCHECK(!multipart_delegate_.get());
+ if (info.headers && info.mime_type == "multipart/x-mixed-replace") {
+ std::string content_type;
+ info.headers->EnumerateHeader(NULL, "content-type", &content_type);
+ std::string boundary = net::GetHeaderParamValue(content_type, "boundary");
+ TrimString(boundary, " \"", &boundary);
+ // If there's no boundary, just handle the request normally. In the gecko
+ // code, nsMultiMixedConv::OnStartRequest throws an exception.
+ if (!boundary.empty()) {
+ multipart_delegate_.reset(
+ new MultipartResponseDelegate(client_, loader_, response, boundary));
+ }
+ } else if (info.mime_type == "text/vnd.chromium.ftp-dir" &&
+ !show_raw_listing) {
+ ftp_listing_delegate_.reset(
+ new FtpDirectoryListingResponseDelegate(client_, loader_, response));
+ }
+ response_url_ = response.url();
+void WebURLLoaderImpl::Context::OnReceivedData(const char* data, int len) {
+ if (!client_)
+ return;
+ // Temporary logging, see site_isolation_metrics.h/cc.
+ SiteIsolationMetrics::SniffCrossOriginHTML(response_url_, data, len);
+ if (ftp_listing_delegate_.get()) {
+ // The FTP listing delegate will make the appropriate calls to
+ // client_->didReceiveData and client_->didReceiveResponse.
+ ftp_listing_delegate_->OnReceivedData(data, len);
+ } else if (multipart_delegate_.get()) {
+ // The multipart delegate will make the appropriate calls to
+ // client_->didReceiveData and client_->didReceiveResponse.
+ multipart_delegate_->OnReceivedData(data, len);
+ } else {
+ client_->didReceiveData(loader_, data, len);
+ }
+void WebURLLoaderImpl::Context::OnReceivedCachedMetadata(
+ const char* data, int len) {
+ if (client_)
+ client_->didReceiveCachedMetadata(loader_, data, len);
+void WebURLLoaderImpl::Context::OnCompletedRequest(
+ const URLRequestStatus& status,
+ const std::string& security_info) {
+ if (ftp_listing_delegate_.get()) {
+ ftp_listing_delegate_->OnCompletedRequest();
+ ftp_listing_delegate_.reset(NULL);
+ } else if (multipart_delegate_.get()) {
+ multipart_delegate_->OnCompletedRequest();
+ multipart_delegate_.reset(NULL);
+ }
+ // Prevent any further IPC to the browser now that we're complete.
+ bridge_.reset();
+ if (client_) {
+ if (status.status() != URLRequestStatus::SUCCESS) {
+ int error_code;
+ if (status.status() == URLRequestStatus::HANDLED_EXTERNALLY) {
+ // By marking this request as aborted we insure that we don't navigate
+ // to an error page.
+ error_code = net::ERR_ABORTED;
+ } else {
+ error_code = status.os_error();
+ }
+ WebURLError error;
+ error.domain = WebString::fromUTF8(net::kErrorDomain);
+ error.reason = error_code;
+ error.unreachableURL = request_.url();
+ client_->didFail(loader_, error);
+ } else {
+ client_->didFinishLoading(loader_);
+ }
+ }
+ // Temporary logging, see site_isolation_metrics.h/cc
+ SiteIsolationMetrics::RemoveCompletedResponse(response_url_);
+ // We are done with the bridge now, and so we need to release the reference
+ // to ourselves that we took on behalf of the bridge. This may cause our
+ // destruction.
+ Release();
+GURL WebURLLoaderImpl::Context::GetURLForDebugging() const {
+ return request_.url();
+void WebURLLoaderImpl::Context::HandleDataURL() {
+ ResourceLoaderBridge::ResponseInfo info;
+ URLRequestStatus status;
+ std::string data;
+ if (GetInfoFromDataURL(request_.url(), &info, &data, &status)) {
+ OnReceivedResponse(info, false);
+ if (!data.empty())
+ OnReceivedData(, data.size());
+ }
+ OnCompletedRequest(status, info.security_info);
+// WebURLLoaderImpl -----------------------------------------------------------
+ : ALLOW_THIS_IN_INITIALIZER_LIST(context_(new Context(this))) {
+WebURLLoaderImpl::~WebURLLoaderImpl() {
+ cancel();
+void WebURLLoaderImpl::loadSynchronously(const WebURLRequest& request,
+ WebURLResponse& response,
+ WebURLError& error,
+ WebData& data) {
+ ResourceLoaderBridge::SyncLoadResponse sync_load_response;
+ context_->Start(request, &sync_load_response);
+ const GURL& final_url = sync_load_response.url;
+ // TODO(tc): For file loads, we may want to include a more descriptive
+ // status code or status text.
+ const URLRequestStatus::Status& status = sync_load_response.status.status();
+ if (status != URLRequestStatus::SUCCESS &&
+ status != URLRequestStatus::HANDLED_EXTERNALLY) {
+ response.setURL(final_url);
+ error.domain = WebString::fromUTF8(net::kErrorDomain);
+ error.reason = sync_load_response.status.os_error();
+ error.unreachableURL = final_url;
+ return;
+ }
+ PopulateURLResponse(final_url, sync_load_response, &response);
+ data.assign(,
+void WebURLLoaderImpl::loadAsynchronously(const WebURLRequest& request,
+ WebURLLoaderClient* client) {
+ DCHECK(!context_->client());
+ context_->set_client(client);
+ context_->Start(request, NULL);
+void WebURLLoaderImpl::cancel() {
+ context_->Cancel();
+void WebURLLoaderImpl::setDefersLoading(bool value) {
+ context_->SetDefersLoading(value);
+} // namespace webkit_glue