path: root/gpu/include/GrContext.h
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 623 deletions
diff --git a/gpu/include/GrContext.h b/gpu/include/GrContext.h
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index 8809271..0000000
--- a/gpu/include/GrContext.h
+++ /dev/null
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- Copyright 2010 Google Inc.
- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- limitations under the License.
- */
-#ifndef GrContext_DEFINED
-#define GrContext_DEFINED
-#include "GrClip.h"
-#include "GrTextureCache.h"
-#include "GrPaint.h"
-#include "GrPathRenderer.h"
-class GrFontCache;
-class GrGpu;
-struct GrGpuStats;
-class GrVertexBufferAllocPool;
-class GrIndexBufferAllocPool;
-class GrInOrderDrawBuffer;
-class GR_API GrContext : public GrRefCnt {
- /**
- * Creates a GrContext from within a 3D context.
- */
- static GrContext* Create(GrEngine engine,
- GrPlatform3DContext context3D);
- /**
- * Helper to create a opengl-shader based context
- */
- static GrContext* CreateGLShaderContext();
- virtual ~GrContext();
- /**
- * The GrContext normally assumes that no outsider is setting state
- * within the underlying 3D API's context/device/whatever. This call informs
- * the context that the state was modified and it should resend. Shouldn't
- * be called frequently for good performance.
- */
- void resetContext();
- /**
- * Abandons all gpu resources, assumes 3D API state is unknown. Call this
- * if you have lost the associated GPU context, and thus internal texture,
- * buffer, etc. references/IDs are now invalid. Should be called even when
- * GrContext is no longer going to be used for two reasons:
- * 1) ~GrContext will not try to free the objects in the 3D API.
- * 2) If you've created GrResources that outlive the GrContext they will
- * be marked as invalid (GrResource::isValid()) and won't attempt to
- * free their underlying resource in the 3D API.
- * Content drawn since the last GrContext::flush() may be lost.
- */
- void contextLost();
- /**
- * Similar to contextLost, but makes no attempt to reset state.
- * Use this method when GrContext destruction is pending, but
- * the graphics context is destroyed first.
- */
- void contextDestroyed();
- /**
- * Frees gpu created by the context. Can be called to reduce GPU memory
- * pressure.
- */
- void freeGpuResources();
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Textures
- /**
- * Search for an entry with the same Key. If found, "lock" it and return it.
- * If not found, return null.
- */
- GrTextureEntry* findAndLockTexture(GrTextureKey*,
- const GrSamplerState&);
- /**
- * Create a new entry, based on the specified key and texture, and return
- * its "locked" entry.
- *
- * Ownership of the texture is transferred to the Entry, which will unref()
- * it when we are purged or deleted.
- */
- GrTextureEntry* createAndLockTexture(GrTextureKey* key,
- const GrSamplerState&,
- const GrTextureDesc&,
- void* srcData, size_t rowBytes);
- /**
- * Returns a texture matching the desc. It's contents are unknown. Subsequent
- * requests with the same descriptor are not guaranteed to return the same
- * texture. The same texture is guaranteed not be returned again until it is
- * unlocked.
- *
- * Textures created by createAndLockTexture() hide the complications of
- * tiling non-power-of-two textures on APIs that don't support this (e.g.
- * unextended GLES2). Tiling a npot texture created by lockKeylessTexture on
- * such an API will create gaps in the tiling pattern. This includes clamp
- * mode. (This may be addressed in a future update.)
- */
- GrTextureEntry* lockKeylessTexture(const GrTextureDesc& desc);
- /**
- * When done with an entry, call unlockTexture(entry) on it, which returns
- * it to the cache, where it may be purged.
- */
- void unlockTexture(GrTextureEntry* entry);
- /**
- * Creates a texture that is outside the cache. Does not count against
- * cache's budget.
- */
- GrTexture* createUncachedTexture(const GrTextureDesc&,
- void* srcData,
- size_t rowBytes);
- /**
- * Returns true if the specified use of an indexed texture is supported.
- */
- bool supportsIndex8PixelConfig(const GrSamplerState&, int width, int height);
- /**
- * Return the current texture cache limits.
- *
- * @param maxTextures If non-null, returns maximum number of textures that
- * can be held in the cache.
- * @param maxTextureBytes If non-null, returns maximum number of bytes of
- * texture memory that can be held in the cache.
- */
- void getTextureCacheLimits(int* maxTextures, size_t* maxTextureBytes) const;
- /**
- * Specify the texture cache limits. If the current cache exceeds either
- * of these, it will be purged (LRU) to keep the cache within these limits.
- *
- * @param maxTextures The maximum number of textures that can be held in
- * the cache.
- * @param maxTextureBytes The maximum number of bytes of texture memory
- * that can be held in the cache.
- */
- void setTextureCacheLimits(int maxTextures, size_t maxTextureBytes);
- /**
- * Return the max width or height of a texture supported by the current gpu
- */
- int getMaxTextureDimension();
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Render targets
- /**
- * Sets the render target.
- * @param target the render target to set. (should not be NULL.)
- */
- void setRenderTarget(GrRenderTarget* target);
- /**
- * Gets the current render target.
- * @return the currently bound render target. Should never be NULL.
- */
- const GrRenderTarget* getRenderTarget() const;
- GrRenderTarget* getRenderTarget();
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Platform Surfaces
- // GrContext provides an interface for wrapping externally created textures
- // and rendertargets in their Gr-equivalents.
- /**
- * Wraps an existing 3D API surface in a GrObject. desc.fFlags determines
- * the type of object returned. If kIsTexture is set the returned object
- * will be a GrTexture*. Otherwise, it will be a GrRenderTarget*. If both
- * are set the render target object is accessible by
- * GrTexture::asRenderTarget().
- *
- * GL: if the object is a texture Gr may change its GL texture parameters
- * when it is drawn.
- *
- * @param desc description of the object to create.
- * @return either a GrTexture* or GrRenderTarget* depending on desc. NULL
- * on failure.
- */
- GrResource* createPlatformSurface(const GrPlatformSurfaceDesc& desc);
- /**
- * Reads the current target object (e.g. FBO or IDirect3DSurface9*) and
- * viewport state from the underlying 3D API and wraps it in a
- * GrRenderTarget. The GrRenderTarget will not attempt to delete/destroy the
- * underlying object in its destructor and it is up to caller to guarantee
- * that it remains valid while the GrRenderTarget is used.
- *
- * Will not detect that the render target is also a texture. If you need
- * to also use the render target as a GrTexture use createPlatformSurface.
- *
- * @return the newly created GrRenderTarget
- */
- GrRenderTarget* createRenderTargetFrom3DApiState();
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Matrix state
- /**
- * Gets the current transformation matrix.
- * @return the current matrix.
- */
- const GrMatrix& getMatrix() const;
- /**
- * Sets the transformation matrix.
- * @param m the matrix to set.
- */
- void setMatrix(const GrMatrix& m);
- /**
- * Concats the current matrix. The passed matrix is applied before the
- * current matrix.
- * @param m the matrix to concat.
- */
- void concatMatrix(const GrMatrix& m) const;
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Clip state
- /**
- * Gets the current clip.
- * @return the current clip.
- */
- const GrClip& getClip() const;
- /**
- * Sets the clip.
- * @param clip the clip to set.
- */
- void setClip(const GrClip& clip);
- /**
- * Convenience method for setting the clip to a rect.
- * @param rect the rect to set as the new clip.
- */
- void setClip(const GrIRect& rect);
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Draws
- /**
- * Clear the entire or rect of the render target, ignoring any clips.
- * @param rect the rect to clear or the whole thing if rect is NULL.
- * @param color the color to clear to.
- */
- void clear(const GrIRect* rect, GrColor color);
- /**
- * Draw everywhere (respecting the clip) with the paint.
- */
- void drawPaint(const GrPaint& paint);
- /**
- * Draw the rect using a paint.
- * @param paint describes how to color pixels.
- * @param strokeWidth If strokeWidth < 0, then the rect is filled, else
- * the rect is mitered stroked based on strokeWidth. If
- * strokeWidth == 0, then the stroke is always a single
- * pixel thick.
- * @param matrix Optional matrix applied to the rect. Applied before
- * context's matrix or the paint's matrix.
- * The rects coords are used to access the paint (through texture matrix)
- */
- void drawRect(const GrPaint& paint,
- const GrRect&,
- GrScalar strokeWidth = -1,
- const GrMatrix* matrix = NULL);
- /**
- * Maps a rect of paint coordinates onto the a rect of destination
- * coordinates. Each rect can optionally be transformed. The srcRect
- * is stretched over the dstRect. The dstRect is transformed by the
- * context's matrix and the srcRect is transformed by the paint's matrix.
- * Additional optional matrices can be provided by parameters.
- *
- * @param paint describes how to color pixels.
- * @param dstRect the destination rect to draw.
- * @param srcRect rect of paint coordinates to be mapped onto dstRect
- * @param dstMatrix Optional matrix to transform dstRect. Applied before
- * context's matrix.
- * @param srcMatrix Optional matrix to transform srcRect Applied before
- * paint's matrix.
- */
- void drawRectToRect(const GrPaint& paint,
- const GrRect& dstRect,
- const GrRect& srcRect,
- const GrMatrix* dstMatrix = NULL,
- const GrMatrix* srcMatrix = NULL);
- /**
- * Draws a path.
- *
- * @param paint describes how to color pixels.
- * @param path the path to draw
- * @param fill the path filling rule to use.
- * @param translate optional additional translation applied to the
- * path.
- */
- void drawPath(const GrPaint& paint, const GrPath& path, GrPathFill fill,
- const GrPoint* translate = NULL);
- /**
- * Draws vertices with a paint.
- *
- * @param paint describes how to color pixels.
- * @param primitiveType primitives type to draw.
- * @param vertexCount number of vertices.
- * @param positions array of vertex positions, required.
- * @param texCoords optional array of texture coordinates used
- * to access the paint.
- * @param colors optional array of per-vertex colors, supercedes
- * the paint's color field.
- * @param indices optional array of indices. If NULL vertices
- * are drawn non-indexed.
- * @param indexCount if indices is non-null then this is the
- * number of indices.
- */
- void drawVertices(const GrPaint& paint,
- GrPrimitiveType primitiveType,
- int vertexCount,
- const GrPoint positions[],
- const GrPoint texs[],
- const GrColor colors[],
- const uint16_t indices[],
- int indexCount);
- /**
- * Similar to drawVertices but caller provides objects that convert to Gr
- * types. The count of vertices is given by posSrc.
- *
- * @param paint describes how to color pixels.
- * @param primitiveType primitives type to draw.
- * @param posSrc Source of vertex positions. Must implement
- * int count() const;
- * void writeValue(int i, GrPoint* point) const;
- * count returns the total number of vertices and
- * writeValue writes a vertex position to point.
- * @param texSrc optional, pass NULL to not use explicit tex
- * coords. If present provides tex coords with
- * method:
- * void writeValue(int i, GrPoint* point) const;
- * @param texSrc optional, pass NULL to not use per-vertex colors
- * If present provides colors with method:
- * void writeValue(int i, GrColor* point) const;
- * @param indices optional, pass NULL for non-indexed drawing. If
- * present supplies indices for indexed drawing
- * with following methods:
- * int count() const;
- * void writeValue(int i, uint16_t* point) const;
- * count returns the number of indices and
- * writeValue supplies each index.
- */
- template <typename POS_SRC,
- typename TEX_SRC,
- typename COL_SRC,
- typename IDX_SRC>
- void drawCustomVertices(const GrPaint& paint,
- GrPrimitiveType primitiveType,
- const POS_SRC& posSrc,
- const TEX_SRC* texCoordSrc,
- const COL_SRC* colorSrc,
- const IDX_SRC* idxSrc);
- /**
- * To avoid the problem of having to create a typename for NULL parameters,
- * these reduced versions of drawCustomVertices are provided.
- */
- template <typename POS_SRC>
- void drawCustomVertices(const GrPaint& paint,
- GrPrimitiveType primitiveType,
- const POS_SRC& posSrc);
- template <typename POS_SRC, typename TEX_SRC>
- void drawCustomVertices(const GrPaint& paint,
- GrPrimitiveType primitiveType,
- const POS_SRC& posSrc,
- const TEX_SRC* texCoordSrc);
- template <typename POS_SRC, typename TEX_SRC, typename COL_SRC>
- void drawCustomVertices(const GrPaint& paint,
- GrPrimitiveType primitiveType,
- const POS_SRC& posSrc,
- const TEX_SRC* texCoordSrc,
- const COL_SRC* colorSrc);
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Misc.
- /**
- * Flags that affect flush() behavior.
- */
- enum FlushBits {
- /**
- * A client may want Gr to bind a GrRenderTarget in the 3D API so that
- * it can be rendered to directly. However, Gr lazily sets state. Simply
- * calling setRenderTarget() followed by flush() without flags may not
- * bind the render target. This flag forces the context to bind the last
- * set render target in the 3D API.
- */
- kForceCurrentRenderTarget_FlushBit = 0x1,
- /**
- * A client may reach a point where it has partially rendered a frame
- * through a GrContext that it knows the user will never see. This flag
- * causes the flush to skip submission of deferred content to the 3D API
- * during the flush.
- */
- kDiscard_FlushBit = 0x2,
- };
- /**
- * Call to ensure all drawing to the context has been issued to the
- * underlying 3D API.
- * @param flagsBitfield flags that control the flushing behavior. See
- * FlushBits.
- */
- void flush(int flagsBitfield = 0);
- /**
- * Reads a rectangle of pixels from a render target.
- * @param renderTarget the render target to read from. NULL means the
- * current render target.
- * @param left left edge of the rectangle to read (inclusive)
- * @param top top edge of the rectangle to read (inclusive)
- * @param width width of rectangle to read in pixels.
- * @param height height of rectangle to read in pixels.
- * @param config the pixel config of the destination buffer
- * @param buffer memory to read the rectangle into.
- *
- * @return true if the read succeeded, false if not. The read can fail
- * because of a unsupported pixel config or because no render
- * target is currently set.
- */
- bool readRenderTargetPixels(GrRenderTarget* target,
- int left, int top, int width, int height,
- GrPixelConfig config, void* buffer);
- /**
- * Reads a rectangle of pixels from a texture.
- * @param texture the render target to read from.
- * @param left left edge of the rectangle to read (inclusive)
- * @param top top edge of the rectangle to read (inclusive)
- * @param width width of rectangle to read in pixels.
- * @param height height of rectangle to read in pixels.
- * @param config the pixel config of the destination buffer
- * @param buffer memory to read the rectangle into.
- *
- * @return true if the read succeeded, false if not. The read can fail
- * because of a unsupported pixel config.
- */
- bool readTexturePixels(GrTexture* target,
- int left, int top, int width, int height,
- GrPixelConfig config, void* buffer);
- /**
- * Copy the src pixels [buffer, stride, pixelconfig] into the current
- * render-target at the specified rectangle.
- */
- void writePixels(int left, int top, int width, int height,
- GrPixelConfig, const void* buffer, size_t stride);
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Helpers
- class AutoRenderTarget : ::GrNoncopyable {
- public:
- AutoRenderTarget(GrContext* context, GrRenderTarget* target) {
- fContext = NULL;
- fPrevTarget = context->getRenderTarget();
- if (fPrevTarget != target) {
- context->setRenderTarget(target);
- fContext = context;
- }
- }
- ~AutoRenderTarget() {
- if (fContext) {
- fContext->setRenderTarget(fPrevTarget);
- }
- }
- private:
- GrContext* fContext;
- GrRenderTarget* fPrevTarget;
- };
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Functions intended for internal use only.
- GrGpu* getGpu() { return fGpu; }
- GrFontCache* getFontCache() { return fFontCache; }
- GrDrawTarget* getTextTarget(const GrPaint& paint);
- void flushText();
- const GrIndexBuffer* getQuadIndexBuffer() const;
- void resetStats();
- const GrGpuStats& getStats() const;
- void printStats() const;
- // used to keep track of when we need to flush the draw buffer
- enum DrawCategory {
- kBuffered_DrawCategory, // last draw was inserted in draw buffer
- kUnbuffered_DrawCategory, // last draw was not inserted in the draw buffer
- kText_DrawCategory // text context was last to draw
- };
- DrawCategory fLastDrawCategory;
- GrGpu* fGpu;
- GrTextureCache* fTextureCache;
- GrFontCache* fFontCache;
- GrPathRenderer* fCustomPathRenderer;
- GrDefaultPathRenderer fDefaultPathRenderer;
- GrVertexBufferAllocPool* fDrawBufferVBAllocPool;
- GrIndexBufferAllocPool* fDrawBufferIBAllocPool;
- GrInOrderDrawBuffer* fDrawBuffer;
- GrIndexBuffer* fAAFillRectIndexBuffer;
- GrIndexBuffer* fAAStrokeRectIndexBuffer;
- GrContext(GrGpu* gpu);
- void fillAARect(GrDrawTarget* target,
- const GrPaint& paint,
- const GrRect& devRect);
- void strokeAARect(GrDrawTarget* target,
- const GrPaint& paint,
- const GrRect& devRect,
- const GrVec& devStrokeSize);
- inline int aaFillRectIndexCount() const;
- GrIndexBuffer* aaFillRectIndexBuffer();
- inline int aaStrokeRectIndexCount() const;
- GrIndexBuffer* aaStrokeRectIndexBuffer();
- void setupDrawBuffer();
- void flushDrawBuffer();
- static void SetPaint(const GrPaint& paint, GrDrawTarget* target);
- bool finalizeTextureKey(GrTextureKey*,
- const GrSamplerState&,
- bool keyless) const;
- GrDrawTarget* prepareToDraw(const GrPaint& paint, DrawCategory drawType);
- void drawClipIntoStencil();
- GrPathRenderer* getPathRenderer(const GrDrawTarget*, const GrPath&, GrPathFill);
- struct OffscreenRecord;
- bool doOffscreenAA(GrDrawTarget* target,
- const GrPaint& paint,
- bool isLines) const;
- // sets up target to draw coverage to the supersampled render target
- bool setupOffscreenAAPass1(GrDrawTarget* target,
- bool requireStencil,
- const GrIRect& boundRect,
- OffscreenRecord* record);
- // sets up target to sample coverage of supersampled render target back
- // to the main render target using stage kOffscreenStage.
- void offscreenAAPass2(GrDrawTarget* target,
- const GrPaint& paint,
- const GrIRect& boundRect,
- OffscreenRecord* record);
- // computes vertex layout bits based on the paint. If paint expresses
- // a texture for a stage, the stage coords will be bound to postitions
- // unless hasTexCoords[s]==true in which case stage s's input coords
- // are bound to tex coord index s. hasTexCoords == NULL is a shortcut
- // for an array where all the values are false.
- static int PaintStageVertexLayoutBits(
- const GrPaint& paint,
- const bool hasTexCoords[GrPaint::kTotalStages]);
- * Save/restore the view-matrix in the context.
- */
-class GrAutoMatrix : GrNoncopyable {
- GrAutoMatrix(GrContext* ctx) : fContext(ctx) {
- fMatrix = ctx->getMatrix();
- }
- GrAutoMatrix(GrContext* ctx, const GrMatrix& matrix) : fContext(ctx) {
- fMatrix = ctx->getMatrix();
- ctx->setMatrix(matrix);
- }
- ~GrAutoMatrix() {
- fContext->setMatrix(fMatrix);
- }
- GrContext* fContext;
- GrMatrix fMatrix;
-#include "GrContext_impl.h"