path: root/src/gpu/GrTextContext.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/gpu/GrTextContext.cpp')
1 files changed, 312 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/gpu/GrTextContext.cpp b/src/gpu/GrTextContext.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c22b203
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/gpu/GrTextContext.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,312 @@
+ * Copyright 2010 Google Inc.
+ *
+ * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+ * found in the LICENSE file.
+ */
+#include "GrTextContext.h"
+#include "GrAtlas.h"
+#include "GrContext.h"
+#include "GrTextStrike.h"
+#include "GrTextStrike_impl.h"
+#include "GrFontScaler.h"
+#include "GrIndexBuffer.h"
+#include "GrGpuVertex.h"
+#include "GrDrawTarget.h"
+enum {
+ kGlyphMaskStage = GrPaint::kTotalStages,
+void GrTextContext::flushGlyphs() {
+ if (fCurrVertex > 0) {
+ GrDrawTarget::AutoStateRestore asr(fDrawTarget);
+ GrDrawState* drawState = fDrawTarget->drawState();
+ // setup our sampler state for our text texture/atlas
+ GrSamplerState::Filter filter;
+ if (fExtMatrix.isIdentity()) {
+ filter = GrSamplerState::kNearest_Filter;
+ } else {
+ filter = GrSamplerState::kBilinear_Filter;
+ }
+ drawState->sampler(kGlyphMaskStage)->reset(
+ GrSamplerState::kRepeat_WrapMode,filter);
+ GrAssert(GrIsALIGN4(fCurrVertex));
+ int nIndices = fCurrVertex + (fCurrVertex >> 1);
+ GrAssert(fCurrTexture);
+ drawState->setTexture(kGlyphMaskStage, fCurrTexture);
+ if (!GrPixelConfigIsAlphaOnly(fCurrTexture->config())) {
+ if (kOne_BlendCoeff != fPaint.fSrcBlendCoeff ||
+ kISA_BlendCoeff != fPaint.fDstBlendCoeff ||
+ fPaint.hasTexture()) {
+ GrPrintf("LCD Text will not draw correctly.\n");
+ }
+ // setup blend so that we get mask * paintColor + (1-mask)*dstColor
+ drawState->setBlendConstant(fPaint.fColor);
+ drawState->setBlendFunc(kConstC_BlendCoeff, kISC_BlendCoeff);
+ // don't modulate by the paint's color in the frag since we're
+ // already doing it via the blend const.
+ drawState->setColor(0xffffffff);
+ } else {
+ // set back to normal in case we took LCD path previously.
+ drawState->setBlendFunc(fPaint.fSrcBlendCoeff, fPaint.fDstBlendCoeff);
+ drawState->setColor(fPaint.fColor);
+ }
+ fDrawTarget->setIndexSourceToBuffer(fContext->getQuadIndexBuffer());
+ fDrawTarget->drawIndexed(kTriangles_PrimitiveType,
+ 0, 0, fCurrVertex, nIndices);
+ fDrawTarget->resetVertexSource();
+ fVertices = NULL;
+ fMaxVertices = 0;
+ fCurrVertex = 0;
+ fCurrTexture->unref();
+ fCurrTexture = NULL;
+ }
+GrTextContext::GrTextContext(GrContext* context,
+ const GrPaint& paint,
+ const GrMatrix* extMatrix) : fPaint(paint) {
+ fContext = context;
+ fStrike = NULL;
+ fCurrTexture = NULL;
+ fCurrVertex = 0;
+ if (NULL != extMatrix) {
+ fExtMatrix = *extMatrix;
+ } else {
+ fExtMatrix = GrMatrix::I();
+ }
+ if (context->getClip().hasConservativeBounds()) {
+ if (!fExtMatrix.isIdentity()) {
+ GrMatrix inverse;
+ GrRect r = context->getClip().getConservativeBounds();
+ if (fExtMatrix.invert(&inverse)) {
+ inverse.mapRect(&r);
+ r.roundOut(&fClipRect);
+ }
+ } else {
+ context->getClip().getConservativeBounds().roundOut(&fClipRect);
+ }
+ } else {
+ fClipRect.setLargest();
+ }
+ // save the context's original matrix off and restore in destructor
+ // this must be done before getTextTarget.
+ fOrigViewMatrix = fContext->getMatrix();
+ fContext->setMatrix(fExtMatrix);
+ /*
+ We need to call preConcatMatrix with our viewmatrix's inverse, for each
+ texture and mask in the paint. However, computing the inverse can be
+ expensive, and its possible we may not have any textures or masks, so these
+ two loops are written such that we only compute the inverse (once) if we
+ need it. We do this on our copy of the paint rather than directly on the
+ draw target because we re-provide the paint to the context when we have
+ to flush our glyphs or draw a glyph as a path midstream.
+ */
+ bool invVMComputed = false;
+ GrMatrix invVM;
+ for (int t = 0; t < GrPaint::kMaxTextures; ++t) {
+ if (NULL != fPaint.getTexture(t)) {
+ if (invVMComputed || fOrigViewMatrix.invert(&invVM)) {
+ invVMComputed = true;
+ fPaint.textureSampler(t)->preConcatMatrix(invVM);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for (int m = 0; m < GrPaint::kMaxMasks; ++m) {
+ if (NULL != fPaint.getMask(m)) {
+ if (invVMComputed || fOrigViewMatrix.invert(&invVM)) {
+ invVMComputed = true;
+ fPaint.maskSampler(m)->preConcatMatrix(invVM);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ fDrawTarget = fContext->getTextTarget(fPaint);
+ fVertices = NULL;
+ fMaxVertices = 0;
+ fVertexLayout =
+ GrDrawTarget::kTextFormat_VertexLayoutBit |
+ GrDrawTarget::StageTexCoordVertexLayoutBit(kGlyphMaskStage, 0);
+ int stageMask = paint.getActiveStageMask();
+ if (stageMask) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < GrPaint::kTotalStages; ++i) {
+ if ((1 << i) & stageMask) {
+ fVertexLayout |=
+ GrDrawTarget::StagePosAsTexCoordVertexLayoutBit(i);
+ GrAssert(i != kGlyphMaskStage);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+GrTextContext::~GrTextContext() {
+ this->flushGlyphs();
+ fContext->setMatrix(fOrigViewMatrix);
+void GrTextContext::flush() {
+ this->flushGlyphs();
+static inline void setRectFan(GrGpuTextVertex v[4], int l, int t, int r, int b,
+ int stride) {
+ v[0 * stride].setI(l, t);
+ v[1 * stride].setI(l, b);
+ v[2 * stride].setI(r, b);
+ v[3 * stride].setI(r, t);
+void GrTextContext::drawPackedGlyph(GrGlyph::PackedID packed,
+ GrFixed vx, GrFixed vy,
+ GrFontScaler* scaler) {
+ if (NULL == fStrike) {
+ fStrike = fContext->getFontCache()->getStrike(scaler);
+ }
+ GrGlyph* glyph = fStrike->getGlyph(packed, scaler);
+ if (NULL == glyph || glyph->fBounds.isEmpty()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ vx += GrIntToFixed(glyph->fBounds.fLeft);
+ vy += GrIntToFixed(glyph->fBounds.fTop);
+ // keep them as ints until we've done the clip-test
+ GrFixed width = glyph->fBounds.width();
+ GrFixed height = glyph->fBounds.height();
+ // check if we clipped out
+ if (true || NULL == glyph->fAtlas) {
+ int x = vx >> 16;
+ int y = vy >> 16;
+ if (fClipRect.quickReject(x, y, x + width, y + height)) {
+// Gr_clz(3); // so we can set a break-point in the debugger
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ if (NULL == glyph->fAtlas) {
+ if (fStrike->getGlyphAtlas(glyph, scaler)) {
+ goto HAS_ATLAS;
+ }
+ // before we purge the cache, we must flush any accumulated draws
+ this->flushGlyphs();
+ fContext->flushText();
+ // try to purge
+ fContext->getFontCache()->purgeExceptFor(fStrike);
+ if (fStrike->getGlyphAtlas(glyph, scaler)) {
+ goto HAS_ATLAS;
+ }
+ if (NULL == glyph->fPath) {
+ GrPath* path = new GrPath;
+ if (!scaler->getGlyphPath(glyph->glyphID(), path)) {
+ // flag the glyph as being dead?
+ delete path;
+ return;
+ }
+ glyph->fPath = path;
+ }
+ GrPoint translate;
+ translate.set(GrFixedToScalar(vx - GrIntToFixed(glyph->fBounds.fLeft)),
+ GrFixedToScalar(vy - GrIntToFixed(glyph->fBounds.fTop)));
+ fContext->drawPath(fPaint, *glyph->fPath, kWinding_PathFill,
+ &translate);
+ return;
+ }
+ GrAssert(glyph->fAtlas);
+ // now promote them to fixed
+ width = GrIntToFixed(width);
+ height = GrIntToFixed(height);
+ GrTexture* texture = glyph->fAtlas->texture();
+ GrAssert(texture);
+ if (fCurrTexture != texture || fCurrVertex + 4 > fMaxVertices) {
+ this->flushGlyphs();
+ fCurrTexture = texture;
+ fCurrTexture->ref();
+ }
+ if (NULL == fVertices) {
+ // If we need to reserve vertices allow the draw target to suggest
+ // a number of verts to reserve and whether to perform a flush.
+ fMaxVertices = kMinRequestedVerts;
+ bool flush = fDrawTarget->geometryHints(fVertexLayout,
+ &fMaxVertices,
+ NULL);
+ if (flush) {
+ this->flushGlyphs();
+ fContext->flushText();
+ fDrawTarget = fContext->getTextTarget(fPaint);
+ fMaxVertices = kDefaultRequestedVerts;
+ // ignore return, no point in flushing again.
+ fDrawTarget->geometryHints(fVertexLayout,
+ &fMaxVertices,
+ NULL);
+ }
+ int maxQuadVertices = 4 * fContext->getQuadIndexBuffer()->maxQuads();
+ if (fMaxVertices < kMinRequestedVerts) {
+ fMaxVertices = kDefaultRequestedVerts;
+ } else if (fMaxVertices > maxQuadVertices) {
+ // don't exceed the limit of the index buffer
+ fMaxVertices = maxQuadVertices;
+ }
+ bool success = fDrawTarget->reserveVertexSpace(fVertexLayout,
+ fMaxVertices,
+ GrTCast<void**>(&fVertices));
+ GrAlwaysAssert(success);
+ }
+ GrFixed tx = GrIntToFixed(glyph->fAtlasLocation.fX);
+ GrFixed ty = GrIntToFixed(glyph->fAtlasLocation.fY);
+ int x = vx >> 16;
+ int y = vy >> 16;
+ int w = width >> 16;
+ int h = height >> 16;
+ setRectFan(&fVertices[2*fCurrVertex], x, y, x + w, y + h, 2);
+ setRectFan(&fVertices[2*fCurrVertex+1],
+ texture->normalizeFixedX(tx),
+ texture->normalizeFixedY(ty),
+ texture->normalizeFixedX(tx + width),
+ texture->normalizeFixedY(ty + height),
+ 2);
+ fVertices[2*fCurrVertex].setXRectFan(vx, vy, vx + width, vy + height,
+ 2 * sizeof(GrGpuTextVertex));
+ fVertices[2*fCurrVertex+1].setXRectFan(texture->normalizeFixedX(tx),
+ texture->normalizeFixedY(ty),
+ texture->normalizeFixedX(tx + width),
+ texture->normalizeFixedY(ty + height),
+ 2 * sizeof(GrGpuTextVertex));
+ fCurrVertex += 4;