path: root/core/java/android/content/
diff options
authorJeff Brown <>2011-10-10 14:50:10 -0700
committerJeff Brown <>2011-10-11 11:03:19 -0700
commit0cde89f5f025b7826be009ebb9673b970e180e32 (patch)
treeee6a4c95c0b07890353a813afb15a52334384f0d /core/java/android/content/
parent99f36683a4f2c218d52922ae7c2a0c0b3f2890ed (diff)
Use ashmem for CursorWindows.
Bug: 5332296 The memory dealer introduces additional delays for reclaiming the memory owned by CursorWindows because the Binder object must be finalized. Using ashmem instead gives CursorWindow more direct control over the lifetime of the shared memory region. The provider now allocates the CursorWindows and returns them to clients with a read-only protection bit set on the ashmem region. Improved the encapsulation of CursorWindow. Callers shouldn't need to care about details like how string fields are allocated. Removed the compile-time configuration of string and numeric storage modes to remove some dead weight. Change-Id: I07c2bc2a9c573d7e435dcaecd269d25ea9807acd
Diffstat (limited to 'core/java/android/content/')
1 files changed, 51 insertions, 59 deletions
diff --git a/core/java/android/content/ b/core/java/android/content/
index 064755e..b089bf2 100644
--- a/core/java/android/content/
+++ b/core/java/android/content/
@@ -108,21 +108,22 @@ abstract public class ContentProviderNative extends Binder implements IContentPr
String sortOrder = data.readString();
IContentObserver observer = IContentObserver.Stub.asInterface(
- CursorWindow window = CursorWindow.CREATOR.createFromParcel(data);
Cursor cursor = query(url, projection, selection, selectionArgs, sortOrder);
if (cursor != null) {
CursorToBulkCursorAdaptor adaptor = new CursorToBulkCursorAdaptor(
- cursor, observer, getProviderName(), window);
+ cursor, observer, getProviderName());
final IBinder binder = adaptor.asBinder();
final int count = adaptor.count();
final int index = BulkCursorToCursorAdaptor.findRowIdColumnIndex(
+ final boolean wantsAllOnMoveCalls = adaptor.getWantsAllOnMoveCalls();
+ reply.writeInt(wantsAllOnMoveCalls ? 1 : 0);
} else {
@@ -324,67 +325,58 @@ final class ContentProviderProxy implements IContentProvider
public Cursor query(Uri url, String[] projection, String selection,
String[] selectionArgs, String sortOrder) throws RemoteException {
- CursorWindow window = new CursorWindow(false /* window will be used remotely */);
+ BulkCursorToCursorAdaptor adaptor = new BulkCursorToCursorAdaptor();
+ Parcel data = Parcel.obtain();
+ Parcel reply = Parcel.obtain();
try {
- BulkCursorToCursorAdaptor adaptor = new BulkCursorToCursorAdaptor();
- Parcel data = Parcel.obtain();
- Parcel reply = Parcel.obtain();
- try {
- data.writeInterfaceToken(IContentProvider.descriptor);
- url.writeToParcel(data, 0);
- int length = 0;
- if (projection != null) {
- length = projection.length;
- }
- data.writeInt(length);
- for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
- data.writeString(projection[i]);
- }
- data.writeString(selection);
- if (selectionArgs != null) {
- length = selectionArgs.length;
- } else {
- length = 0;
- }
- data.writeInt(length);
- for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
- data.writeString(selectionArgs[i]);
- }
- data.writeString(sortOrder);
- data.writeStrongBinder(adaptor.getObserver().asBinder());
- window.writeToParcel(data, 0);
- mRemote.transact(IContentProvider.QUERY_TRANSACTION, data, reply, 0);
- DatabaseUtils.readExceptionFromParcel(reply);
- IBulkCursor bulkCursor = BulkCursorNative.asInterface(reply.readStrongBinder());
- if (bulkCursor != null) {
- int rowCount = reply.readInt();
- int idColumnPosition = reply.readInt();
- adaptor.initialize(bulkCursor, rowCount, idColumnPosition);
- } else {
- adaptor.close();
- adaptor = null;
- }
- return adaptor;
- } catch (RemoteException ex) {
- adaptor.close();
- throw ex;
- } catch (RuntimeException ex) {
+ data.writeInterfaceToken(IContentProvider.descriptor);
+ url.writeToParcel(data, 0);
+ int length = 0;
+ if (projection != null) {
+ length = projection.length;
+ }
+ data.writeInt(length);
+ for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
+ data.writeString(projection[i]);
+ }
+ data.writeString(selection);
+ if (selectionArgs != null) {
+ length = selectionArgs.length;
+ } else {
+ length = 0;
+ }
+ data.writeInt(length);
+ for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
+ data.writeString(selectionArgs[i]);
+ }
+ data.writeString(sortOrder);
+ data.writeStrongBinder(adaptor.getObserver().asBinder());
+ mRemote.transact(IContentProvider.QUERY_TRANSACTION, data, reply, 0);
+ DatabaseUtils.readExceptionFromParcel(reply);
+ IBulkCursor bulkCursor = BulkCursorNative.asInterface(reply.readStrongBinder());
+ if (bulkCursor != null) {
+ int rowCount = reply.readInt();
+ int idColumnPosition = reply.readInt();
+ boolean wantsAllOnMoveCalls = reply.readInt() != 0;
+ adaptor.initialize(bulkCursor, rowCount, idColumnPosition, wantsAllOnMoveCalls);
+ } else {
- throw ex;
- } finally {
- data.recycle();
- reply.recycle();
+ adaptor = null;
+ return adaptor;
+ } catch (RemoteException ex) {
+ adaptor.close();
+ throw ex;
+ } catch (RuntimeException ex) {
+ adaptor.close();
+ throw ex;
} finally {
- // We close the window now because the cursor adaptor does not
- // take ownership of the window until the first call to onMove.
- // The adaptor will obtain a fresh reference to the window when
- // it is filled.
- window.close();
+ data.recycle();
+ reply.recycle();