path: root/include
diff options
authorMathias Agopian <>2011-04-20 14:20:59 -0700
committerMathias Agopian <>2011-06-13 15:51:35 -0700
commit7bb843ca0777111dae7daf8f1b0705817cf523c4 (patch)
tree10545edc3ce21f38282d5e67e5bc08ff729884b3 /include
parentdfc7958a2eafba52db90743a4707eed1d780b63b (diff)
unify SurfaceTexture and Surface
Add the concept of synchronous dequeueBuffer in SurfaceTexture Implement {Surface|SurfaceTextureClient}::setSwapInterval() Add SurfaceTexture logging fix onFrameAvailable
Diffstat (limited to 'include')
7 files changed, 15 insertions, 458 deletions
diff --git a/include/private/surfaceflinger/SharedBufferStack.h b/include/private/surfaceflinger/SharedBufferStack.h
index 717f837..0da03d1 100644
--- a/include/private/surfaceflinger/SharedBufferStack.h
+++ b/include/private/surfaceflinger/SharedBufferStack.h
@@ -20,355 +20,12 @@
#include <stdint.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <cutils/compiler.h>
#include <utils/Debug.h>
-#include <utils/threads.h>
-#include <utils/String8.h>
-#include <ui/Rect.h>
namespace android {
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * These classes manage a stack of buffers in shared memory.
- *
- * SharedClient: represents a client with several stacks
- * SharedBufferStack: represents a stack of buffers
- * SharedBufferClient: manipulates the SharedBufferStack from the client side
- * SharedBufferServer: manipulates the SharedBufferStack from the server side
- *
- * Buffers can be dequeued until there are none available, they can be locked
- * unless they are in use by the server, which is only the case for the last
- * dequeue-able buffer. When these various conditions are not met, the caller
- * waits until the condition is met.
- *
- */
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-class Region;
-class SharedBufferStack;
-class SharedClient;
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-class SharedBufferStack
- friend class SharedClient;
- friend class SharedBufferBase;
- friend class SharedBufferClient;
- friend class SharedBufferServer;
- // When changing these values, the COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT at the end of this
- // file need to be updated.
- static const unsigned int NUM_LAYERS_MAX = 31;
- static const unsigned int NUM_BUFFER_MAX = 32;
- static const unsigned int NUM_BUFFER_MIN = 2;
- static const unsigned int NUM_DISPLAY_MAX = 4;
- struct Statistics { // 4 longs
- typedef int32_t usecs_t;
- usecs_t totalTime;
- usecs_t reserved[3];
- };
- struct SmallRect {
- uint16_t l, t, r, b;
- };
- struct FlatRegion { // 52 bytes = 4 * (1 + 2*N)
- static const unsigned int NUM_RECT_MAX = 5;
- uint32_t count;
- SmallRect rects[NUM_RECT_MAX];
- };
- struct BufferData {
- FlatRegion dirtyRegion;
- SmallRect crop;
- uint8_t transform;
- uint8_t reserved[3];
- };
- SharedBufferStack();
- void init(int32_t identity);
- status_t setDirtyRegion(int buffer, const Region& reg);
- status_t setCrop(int buffer, const Rect& reg);
- status_t setTransform(int buffer, uint8_t transform);
- Region getDirtyRegion(int buffer) const;
- Rect getCrop(int buffer) const;
- uint32_t getTransform(int buffer) const;
- // these attributes are part of the conditions/updates
- volatile int32_t head; // server's current front buffer
- volatile int32_t available; // number of dequeue-able buffers
- volatile int32_t queued; // number of buffers waiting for post
- volatile int32_t reserved1;
- volatile status_t status; // surface's status code
- // not part of the conditions
- volatile int32_t reallocMask;
- volatile int8_t index[NUM_BUFFER_MAX];
- int32_t identity; // surface's identity (const)
- int32_t token; // surface's token (for debugging)
- Statistics stats;
- int8_t headBuf; // last retired buffer
- uint8_t reservedBytes[3];
- int32_t reserved;
- BufferData buffers[NUM_BUFFER_MAX]; // 1024 bytes
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// 64 KB max
-class SharedClient
- SharedClient();
- ~SharedClient();
- status_t validate(size_t token) const;
- friend class SharedBufferBase;
- friend class SharedBufferClient;
- friend class SharedBufferServer;
- // FIXME: this should be replaced by a lock-less primitive
- Mutex lock;
- Condition cv;
- SharedBufferStack surfaces[ SharedBufferStack::NUM_LAYERS_MAX ];
-// ============================================================================
-class SharedBufferBase
- SharedBufferBase(SharedClient* sharedClient, int surface,
- int32_t identity);
- ~SharedBufferBase();
- status_t getStatus() const;
- int32_t getIdentity() const;
- String8 dump(char const* prefix) const;
- SharedClient* const mSharedClient;
- SharedBufferStack* const mSharedStack;
- const int mIdentity;
- friend struct Update;
- friend struct QueueUpdate;
- struct ConditionBase {
- SharedBufferStack& stack;
- inline ConditionBase(SharedBufferBase* sbc)
- : stack(*sbc->mSharedStack) { }
- virtual ~ConditionBase() { };
- virtual bool operator()() const = 0;
- virtual const char* name() const = 0;
- };
- status_t waitForCondition(const ConditionBase& condition);
- struct UpdateBase {
- SharedBufferStack& stack;
- inline UpdateBase(SharedBufferBase* sbb)
- : stack(*sbb->mSharedStack) { }
- };
- template <typename T>
- status_t updateCondition(T update);
-template <typename T>
-status_t SharedBufferBase::updateCondition(T update) {
- SharedClient& client( *mSharedClient );
- Mutex::Autolock _l(client.lock);
- ssize_t result = update();
- return result;
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-class SharedBufferClient : public SharedBufferBase
- SharedBufferClient(SharedClient* sharedClient, int surface, int num,
- int32_t identity);
- ssize_t dequeue();
- status_t undoDequeue(int buf);
- status_t lock(int buf);
- status_t cancel(int buf);
- status_t queue(int buf);
- bool needNewBuffer(int buffer) const;
- status_t setDirtyRegion(int buffer, const Region& reg);
- status_t setCrop(int buffer, const Rect& reg);
- status_t setTransform(int buffer, uint32_t transform);
- class SetBufferCountCallback {
- friend class SharedBufferClient;
- virtual status_t operator()(int bufferCount) const = 0;
- protected:
- virtual ~SetBufferCountCallback() { }
- };
- status_t setBufferCount(int bufferCount, const SetBufferCountCallback& ipc);
- friend struct Condition;
- friend struct DequeueCondition;
- friend struct LockCondition;
- struct QueueUpdate : public UpdateBase {
- inline QueueUpdate(SharedBufferBase* sbb);
- inline ssize_t operator()();
- };
- struct DequeueUpdate : public UpdateBase {
- inline DequeueUpdate(SharedBufferBase* sbb);
- inline ssize_t operator()();
- };
- struct CancelUpdate : public UpdateBase {
- int tail, buf;
- inline CancelUpdate(SharedBufferBase* sbb, int tail, int buf);
- inline ssize_t operator()();
- };
- // --
- struct DequeueCondition : public ConditionBase {
- inline DequeueCondition(SharedBufferClient* sbc);
- inline bool operator()() const;
- inline const char* name() const { return "DequeueCondition"; }
- };
- struct LockCondition : public ConditionBase {
- int buf;
- inline LockCondition(SharedBufferClient* sbc, int buf);
- inline bool operator()() const;
- inline const char* name() const { return "LockCondition"; }
- };
- int32_t computeTail() const;
- mutable RWLock mLock;
- int mNumBuffers;
- int32_t tail;
- int32_t queued_head;
- // statistics...
- nsecs_t mDequeueTime[SharedBufferStack::NUM_BUFFER_MAX];
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-class SharedBufferServer
- : public SharedBufferBase,
- public LightRefBase<SharedBufferServer>
- SharedBufferServer(SharedClient* sharedClient, int surface, int num,
- int32_t identity);
- ssize_t retireAndLock();
- void setStatus(status_t status);
- status_t reallocateAll();
- status_t reallocateAllExcept(int buffer);
- int32_t getQueuedCount() const;
- Region getDirtyRegion(int buffer) const;
- Rect getCrop(int buffer) const;
- uint32_t getTransform(int buffer) const;
- status_t resize(int newNumBuffers);
- status_t grow(int newNumBuffers);
- status_t shrink(int newNumBuffers);
- SharedBufferStack::Statistics getStats() const;
- friend class LightRefBase<SharedBufferServer>;
- ~SharedBufferServer();
- /*
- * BufferList is basically a fixed-capacity sorted-vector of
- * unsigned 5-bits ints using a 32-bits int as storage.
- * it has efficient iterators to find items in the list and not in the list.
- */
- class BufferList {
- size_t mCapacity;
- uint32_t mList;
- public:
- BufferList(size_t c = SharedBufferStack::NUM_BUFFER_MAX)
- : mCapacity(c), mList(0) { }
- status_t add(int value);
- status_t remove(int value);
- uint32_t getMask() const { return mList; }
- class const_iterator {
- friend class BufferList;
- uint32_t mask, curr;
- const_iterator(uint32_t mask) :
- mask(mask), curr(__builtin_clz(mask)) {
- }
- public:
- inline bool operator == (const const_iterator& rhs) const {
- return mask == rhs.mask;
- }
- inline bool operator != (const const_iterator& rhs) const {
- return mask != rhs.mask;
- }
- inline int operator *() const { return curr; }
- inline const const_iterator& operator ++() {
- mask &= ~(1<<(31-curr));
- curr = __builtin_clz(mask);
- return *this;
- }
- };
- inline const_iterator begin() const {
- return const_iterator(mList);
- }
- inline const_iterator end() const {
- return const_iterator(0);
- }
- inline const_iterator free_begin() const {
- uint32_t mask = (1 << (32-mCapacity)) - 1;
- return const_iterator( ~(mList | mask) );
- }
- };
- // this protects mNumBuffers and mBufferList
- mutable RWLock mLock;
- int mNumBuffers;
- BufferList mBufferList;
- struct BuffersAvailableCondition : public ConditionBase {
- int mNumBuffers;
- inline BuffersAvailableCondition(SharedBufferServer* sbs,
- int numBuffers);
- inline bool operator()() const;
- inline const char* name() const { return "BuffersAvailableCondition"; }
- };
- struct RetireUpdate : public UpdateBase {
- const int numBuffers;
- inline RetireUpdate(SharedBufferBase* sbb, int numBuffers);
- inline ssize_t operator()();
- };
- struct StatusUpdate : public UpdateBase {
- const status_t status;
- inline StatusUpdate(SharedBufferBase* sbb, status_t status);
- inline ssize_t operator()();
- };
-// ===========================================================================
+#define NUM_DISPLAY_MAX 4
struct display_cblk_t
@@ -389,12 +46,11 @@ struct surface_flinger_cblk_t // 4KB max
uint8_t connected;
uint8_t reserved[3];
uint32_t pad[7];
- display_cblk_t displays[SharedBufferStack::NUM_DISPLAY_MAX];
+ display_cblk_t displays[NUM_DISPLAY_MAX];
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT(sizeof(SharedClient) <= 65536)
COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT(sizeof(surface_flinger_cblk_t) <= 4096)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/include/surfaceflinger/IGraphicBufferAlloc.h b/include/surfaceflinger/IGraphicBufferAlloc.h
index 01e4bd9..e1b6b57 100644
--- a/include/surfaceflinger/IGraphicBufferAlloc.h
+++ b/include/surfaceflinger/IGraphicBufferAlloc.h
@@ -27,6 +27,8 @@
namespace android {
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+class GraphicBuffer;
class IGraphicBufferAlloc : public IInterface
diff --git a/include/surfaceflinger/ISurface.h b/include/surfaceflinger/ISurface.h
index cd0ee40..5fdf234 100644
--- a/include/surfaceflinger/ISurface.h
+++ b/include/surfaceflinger/ISurface.h
@@ -27,42 +27,23 @@
#include <ui/PixelFormat.h>
-#include <hardware/hardware.h>
-#include <hardware/gralloc.h>
namespace android {
typedef int32_t SurfaceID;
-class GraphicBuffer;
+class ISurfaceTexture;
class ISurface : public IInterface
enum {
- /*
- * requests a new buffer for the given index. If w, h, or format are
- * null the buffer is created with the parameters assigned to the
- * surface it is bound to. Otherwise the buffer's parameters are
- * set to those specified.
- */
- virtual sp<GraphicBuffer> requestBuffer(int bufferIdx,
- uint32_t w, uint32_t h, uint32_t format, uint32_t usage) = 0;
- /*
- * sets the number of buffers dequeuable for this surface.
- */
- virtual status_t setBufferCount(int bufferCount) = 0;
+ virtual sp<ISurfaceTexture> getSurfaceTexture() const = 0;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/include/surfaceflinger/ISurfaceComposer.h b/include/surfaceflinger/ISurfaceComposer.h
index dea1b10..03fd01b 100644
--- a/include/surfaceflinger/ISurfaceComposer.h
+++ b/include/surfaceflinger/ISurfaceComposer.h
@@ -33,6 +33,8 @@
namespace android {
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+class IMemoryHeap;
class ISurfaceComposer : public IInterface
@@ -95,10 +97,6 @@ public:
virtual sp<ISurfaceComposerClient> createConnection() = 0;
- /* create a client connection with surface flinger
- */
- virtual sp<ISurfaceComposerClient> createClientConnection() = 0;
/* create a graphic buffer allocator
virtual sp<IGraphicBufferAlloc> createGraphicBufferAlloc() = 0;
@@ -134,11 +132,6 @@ public:
virtual status_t turnElectronBeamOff(int32_t mode) = 0;
virtual status_t turnElectronBeamOn(int32_t mode) = 0;
- /* Signal surfaceflinger that there might be some work to do
- * This is an ASYNCHRONOUS call.
- */
- virtual void signal() const = 0;
/* verify that an ISurface was created by SurfaceFlinger.
virtual bool authenticateSurface(const sp<ISurface>& surface) const = 0;
@@ -154,7 +147,6 @@ public:
// Java by ActivityManagerService.
@@ -162,7 +154,6 @@ public:
diff --git a/include/surfaceflinger/ISurfaceComposerClient.h b/include/surfaceflinger/ISurfaceComposerClient.h
index 46b1bb7..2e75a0e 100644
--- a/include/surfaceflinger/ISurfaceComposerClient.h
+++ b/include/surfaceflinger/ISurfaceComposerClient.h
@@ -33,9 +33,6 @@ namespace android {
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-class IMemoryHeap;
-typedef int32_t ClientID;
typedef int32_t DisplayID;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -57,9 +54,6 @@ public:
status_t writeToParcel(Parcel* parcel) const;
- virtual sp<IMemoryHeap> getControlBlock() const = 0;
- virtual ssize_t getTokenForSurface(const sp<ISurface>& sur) const = 0;
* Requires ACCESS_SURFACE_FLINGER permission
diff --git a/include/surfaceflinger/Surface.h b/include/surfaceflinger/Surface.h
index ab30f45..8845dc9 100644
--- a/include/surfaceflinger/Surface.h
+++ b/include/surfaceflinger/Surface.h
@@ -43,9 +43,7 @@ class IOMX;
class Rect;
class Surface;
class SurfaceComposerClient;
-class SharedClient;
-class SharedBufferClient;
-class SurfaceClient;
+class SurfaceTextureClient;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -162,9 +160,6 @@ public:
status_t lock(SurfaceInfo* info, Region* dirty, bool blocking = true);
status_t unlockAndPost();
- // setSwapRectangle() is intended to be used by GL ES clients
- void setSwapRectangle(const Rect& r);
sp<IBinder> asBinder() const;
@@ -209,6 +204,7 @@ private:
static int query(const ANativeWindow* window, int what, int* value);
static int perform(ANativeWindow* window, int operation, ...);
+ int setSwapInterval(int interval);
int dequeueBuffer(ANativeWindowBuffer** buffer);
int lockBuffer(ANativeWindowBuffer* buffer);
int queueBuffer(ANativeWindowBuffer* buffer);
@@ -216,83 +212,23 @@ private:
int query(int what, int* value) const;
int perform(int operation, va_list args);
- void dispatch_setUsage(va_list args);
- int dispatch_connect(va_list args);
- int dispatch_disconnect(va_list args);
- int dispatch_crop(va_list args);
- int dispatch_set_buffer_count(va_list args);
- int dispatch_set_buffers_geometry(va_list args);
- int dispatch_set_buffers_transform(va_list args);
- int dispatch_set_buffers_timestamp(va_list args);
- void setUsage(uint32_t reqUsage);
- int connect(int api);
- int disconnect(int api);
- int crop(Rect const* rect);
- int setBufferCount(int bufferCount);
- int setBuffersGeometry(int w, int h, int format);
- int setBuffersTransform(int transform);
- int setBuffersTimestamp(int64_t timestamp);
* private stuff...
void init();
status_t validate(bool inCancelBuffer = false) const;
- // When the buffer pool is a fixed size we want to make sure SurfaceFlinger
- // won't stall clients, so we require an extra buffer.
- inline const GraphicBufferMapper& getBufferMapper() const { return mBufferMapper; }
- inline GraphicBufferMapper& getBufferMapper() { return mBufferMapper; }
- status_t getBufferLocked(int index,
- uint32_t w, uint32_t h, uint32_t format, uint32_t usage);
- int getBufferIndex(const sp<GraphicBuffer>& buffer) const;
int getConnectedApi() const;
- bool needNewBuffer(int bufIdx,
- uint32_t *pWidth, uint32_t *pHeight,
- uint32_t *pFormat, uint32_t *pUsage) const;
static void cleanCachedSurfacesLocked();
- class BufferInfo {
- uint32_t mWidth;
- uint32_t mHeight;
- uint32_t mFormat;
- uint32_t mUsage;
- mutable uint32_t mDirty;
- enum {
- GEOMETRY = 0x01
- };
- public:
- BufferInfo();
- void set(uint32_t w, uint32_t h, uint32_t format);
- void set(uint32_t usage);
- void get(uint32_t *pWidth, uint32_t *pHeight,
- uint32_t *pFormat, uint32_t *pUsage) const;
- bool validateBuffer(const sp<GraphicBuffer>& buffer) const;
- };
// constants
- GraphicBufferMapper& mBufferMapper;
- SurfaceClient& mClient;
- SharedBufferClient* mSharedBufferClient;
status_t mInitCheck;
sp<ISurface> mSurface;
+ sp<SurfaceTextureClient> mSurfaceTextureClient;
uint32_t mIdentity;
PixelFormat mFormat;
uint32_t mFlags;
- // protected by mSurfaceLock
- Rect mSwapRectangle;
- int mConnected;
- Rect mNextBufferCrop;
- uint32_t mNextBufferTransform;
- BufferInfo mBufferInfo;
// protected by mSurfaceLock. These are also used from lock/unlock
// but in that case, they must be called form the same thread.
@@ -304,9 +240,6 @@ private:
mutable Region mOldDirtyRegion;
bool mReserved;
- // only used from dequeueBuffer()
- Vector< sp<GraphicBuffer> > mBuffers;
// query() must be called from dequeueBuffer() thread
uint32_t mWidth;
uint32_t mHeight;
diff --git a/include/surfaceflinger/SurfaceComposerClient.h b/include/surfaceflinger/SurfaceComposerClient.h
index c61a5bf..140b9f8 100644
--- a/include/surfaceflinger/SurfaceComposerClient.h
+++ b/include/surfaceflinger/SurfaceComposerClient.h
@@ -36,10 +36,10 @@ namespace android {
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-class Region;
-class SharedClient;
-class ISurfaceComposer;
class DisplayInfo;
+class IMemoryHeap;
+class ISurfaceComposer;
+class Region;
class surface_flinger_cblk_t;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------