diff options
author | Vincent Lucas <chenzo@jitsi.org> | 2013-04-08 23:21:41 +0000 |
committer | Vincent Lucas <chenzo@jitsi.org> | 2013-04-08 23:21:41 +0000 |
commit | cf6543e01ab31b1316c37881bd46a99fbf7ca156 (patch) | |
tree | 8e5dde63d5e5508b26edc2347a4b92b72a27f4e5 /src/native/addrbook/msoutlook | |
parent | fc26a933f9ec7096fa93ffbbc76230de2ffce3a0 (diff) | |
download | jitsi-cf6543e01ab31b1316c37881bd46a99fbf7ca156.zip jitsi-cf6543e01ab31b1316c37881bd46a99fbf7ca156.tar.gz jitsi-cf6543e01ab31b1316c37881bd46a99fbf7ca156.tar.bz2 |
Corrects IMAPIProp_GetProps problem with outlook. Adds contact addition and deletion functionality for outlook and MacOsX contacts. Improves and corrects getting and setting contact details for outlook and MacOsX contacts.
Diffstat (limited to 'src/native/addrbook/msoutlook')
3 files changed, 2572 insertions, 1961 deletions
diff --git a/src/native/addrbook/msoutlook/MAPINotification.cxx b/src/native/addrbook/msoutlook/MAPINotification.cxx index 78c039f..3e0d749 100644 --- a/src/native/addrbook/msoutlook/MAPINotification.cxx +++ b/src/native/addrbook/msoutlook/MAPINotification.cxx @@ -1,555 +1,581 @@ -/*
- * Jitsi, the OpenSource Java VoIP and Instant Messaging client.
- *
- * Distributable under LGPL license.
- * See terms of license at gnu.org.
- */
-#include "MAPINotification.h"
-#include "MAPISession.h"
-#include "net_java_sip_communicator_plugin_addrbook_msoutlook_MsOutlookAddrBookContactSourceService.h"
-#include "net_java_sip_communicator_plugin_addrbook_msoutlook_MsOutlookAddrBookContactQuery.h"
-#include <mapidefs.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <unknwn.h>
- * Manages notification for the message data base (used to get the list of
- * contact).
- *
- * @author Vincent Lucas
- */
-void MAPINotification_registerNotifyAllMsgStores(LPMAPISESSION mapiSession);
-void MAPINotification_unregisterNotifyAllMsgStores(void);
- * The List of events we want to retrieve.
- */
-static ULONG MAPINotification_EVENT_MASK
- = fnevObjectCreated
- | fnevObjectDeleted
- | fnevObjectModified
- | fnevObjectMoved;
-static LPMDB * MAPINotification_msgStores = NULL;
-static ULONG * MAPINotification_msgStoresConnection = NULL;
-static LPMAPITABLE MAPINotification_msgStoresTable = NULL;
-static ULONG MAPINotification_msgStoresTableConnection = 0;
-static ULONG MAPINotification_nbMsgStores = 0;
-static jmethodID MAPINotification_notificationsDelegateMethodIdDeleted = NULL;
-static jmethodID MAPINotification_notificationsDelegateMethodIdInserted = NULL;
-static jmethodID MAPINotification_notificationsDelegateMethodIdUpdated = NULL;
-static jobject MAPINotification_notificationsDelegateObject = NULL;
-static ULONG MAPINotification_openEntryUlFlags = MAPI_BEST_ACCESS;
-static JavaVM * MAPINotification_VM = NULL;
-void MAPINotification_callDeletedMethod(LPSTR iUnknown);
-void MAPINotification_callInsertedMethod(LPUNKNOWN iUnknown);
-void MAPINotification_callUpdatedMethod(LPUNKNOWN iUnknown);
- (ULONG cbEntryID, LPENTRYID lpEntryID, LPVOID lpvContext);
-ULONG MAPINotification_registerNotifyTable(LPMAPITABLE iUnknown);
-LONG STDAPICALLTYPE MAPINotification_tableChanged
- (LPVOID lpvContext, ULONG cNotifications, LPNOTIFICATION lpNotifications);
- * Calls back the java side when a contact is deleted.
- *
- * @param iUnknown The string representation of the entry id of the deleted
- * contact.
- */
-void MAPINotification_callDeletedMethod(LPSTR iUnknown)
- JNIEnv *tmpJniEnv = NULL;
- if(MAPINotification_VM
- ->AttachCurrentThreadAsDaemon((void**) &tmpJniEnv, NULL) == 0)
- {
- jstring value = tmpJniEnv->NewStringUTF(iUnknown);
- tmpJniEnv->CallBooleanMethod(
- MAPINotification_notificationsDelegateObject,
- MAPINotification_notificationsDelegateMethodIdDeleted,
- value);
- MAPINotification_VM->DetachCurrentThread();
- }
- * Calls back the java side when a contact is inserted.
- *
- * @param iUnknown A pointer to the newly created contact.
- */
-void MAPINotification_callInsertedMethod(LPUNKNOWN iUnknown)
- JNIEnv *tmpJniEnv = NULL;
- if(MAPINotification_VM
- ->AttachCurrentThreadAsDaemon((void**) &tmpJniEnv, NULL) == 0)
- {
- tmpJniEnv->CallBooleanMethod(
- MAPINotification_notificationsDelegateObject,
- MAPINotification_notificationsDelegateMethodIdInserted,
- iUnknown);
- MAPINotification_VM->DetachCurrentThread();
- }
- * Calls back the java side when a contact is updated.
- *
- * @param iUnknown A pointer to the updated contact.
- */
-void MAPINotification_callUpdatedMethod(LPUNKNOWN iUnknown)
- JNIEnv *tmpJniEnv = NULL;
- if(MAPINotification_VM
- ->AttachCurrentThreadAsDaemon((void**) &tmpJniEnv, NULL) == 0)
- {
- tmpJniEnv->CallBooleanMethod(
- MAPINotification_notificationsDelegateObject,
- MAPINotification_notificationsDelegateMethodIdUpdated,
- iUnknown);
- MAPINotification_VM->DetachCurrentThread();
- }
- * Functions called when an event is fired from the message data base.
- *
- * @param lpvContext A pointer to the message data base.
- * @param cNotifications The number of event in this call.
- * @param lpNotifications The list of notifications.
- */
-STDAPICALLTYPE MAPINotification_onNotify
- (LPVOID lpvContext, ULONG cNotifications, LPNOTIFICATION lpNotifications)
- for(unsigned int i = 0; i < cNotifications; ++i)
- {
- LPUNKNOWN iUnknown = NULL;
- if(lpvContext != NULL)
- {
- iUnknown = MAPINotification_openEntry(
- lpNotifications[i].info.obj.cbEntryID,
- lpNotifications[i].info.obj.lpEntryID,
- lpvContext);
- }
- // A contact has been created
- if(lpNotifications[i].ulEventType == fnevObjectCreated)
- {
- if(lpNotifications[i].info.obj.ulObjType == MAPI_MESSAGE)
- {
- MAPINotification_callInsertedMethod(iUnknown);
- }
- }
- // A contact has been Modified
- else if(lpNotifications[i].ulEventType == fnevObjectModified)
- {
- if(lpNotifications[i].info.obj.ulObjType == MAPI_MESSAGE)
- {
- MAPINotification_callUpdatedMethod(iUnknown);
- }
- }
- // A contact has been deleted.
- else if(lpNotifications[i].ulEventType == fnevObjectDeleted)
- {
- if(lpvContext != NULL)
- {
- LPSTR entryIdStr = (LPSTR)::malloc(lpNotifications[i].info.obj.cbEntryID * 2 + 1);
- HexFromBin(
- (LPBYTE) lpNotifications[i].info.obj.lpEntryID,
- lpNotifications[i].info.obj.cbEntryID,
- entryIdStr);
- if(lpNotifications[i].info.obj.ulObjType == MAPI_MESSAGE)
- {
- MAPINotification_callDeletedMethod(entryIdStr);
- }
- ::free(entryIdStr);
- entryIdStr = NULL;
- }
- }
- // A contact has been deleted (moved to trash).
- else if(lpNotifications[i].ulEventType == fnevObjectMoved)
- {
- if(lpvContext != NULL)
- {
- LPSTR entryIdStr
- = (LPSTR)::malloc(lpNotifications[i].info.obj.cbEntryID * 2 + 1);
- HexFromBin(
- (LPBYTE) lpNotifications[i].info.obj.lpEntryID,
- lpNotifications[i].info.obj.cbEntryID,
- entryIdStr);
- LPSTR parentEntryIdStr
- = (LPSTR)::malloc(lpNotifications[i].info.obj.cbParentID * 2 + 1);
- HexFromBin(
- (LPBYTE) lpNotifications[i].info.obj.lpParentID,
- lpNotifications[i].info.obj.cbParentID,
- parentEntryIdStr);
- ULONG wasteBasketTags[] = {1, PR_IPM_WASTEBASKET_ENTRYID};
- ULONG wasteBasketNbValues = 0;
- LPSPropValue wasteBasketProps = NULL;
- ((LPMDB)lpvContext)->GetProps(
- (LPSPropTagArray) wasteBasketTags,
- &wasteBasketNbValues,
- &wasteBasketProps);
- LPSTR wasteBasketEntryIdStr
- = (LPSTR)::malloc(wasteBasketProps[0].Value.bin.cb * 2 + 1);
- HexFromBin(
- (LPBYTE) wasteBasketProps[0].Value.bin.lpb,
- wasteBasketProps[0].Value.bin.cb,
- wasteBasketEntryIdStr);
- MAPINotification_openEntry(
- lpNotifications[i].info.obj.cbParentID,
- lpNotifications[i].info.obj.lpParentID,
- lpvContext);
- if(lpNotifications[i].info.obj.ulObjType == MAPI_MESSAGE
- && strcmp(parentEntryIdStr, wasteBasketEntryIdStr) == 0)
- {
- MAPINotification_callDeletedMethod(entryIdStr);
- }
- ::free(entryIdStr);
- entryIdStr = NULL;
- ::free(parentEntryIdStr);
- parentEntryIdStr = NULL;
- ::free(wasteBasketEntryIdStr);
- wasteBasketEntryIdStr = NULL;
- }
- }
- if(iUnknown != NULL)
- {
- iUnknown->Release();
- }
- }
- // A client must always return a S_OK.
- return S_OK;
- * Opens an object from its entry id.
- */
- (ULONG cbEntryID, LPENTRYID lpEntryID, LPVOID lpvContext)
- if(lpvContext != NULL)
- {
- LPUNKNOWN iUnknown;
- ULONG objType;
- HRESULT hResult =
- ((LPMDB) lpvContext)->OpenEntry(
- cbEntryID,
- lpEntryID,
- MAPINotification_openEntryUlFlags,
- &objType,
- &iUnknown);
- if (HR_SUCCEEDED(hResult))
- {
- return iUnknown;
- }
- }
- return NULL;
- * Registers java callback functions when a contact is deleted, inserted or
- * updated.
- *
- * @param jniEnv The Java native interface environment.
- * @param mapiSession The current MAPI session.
- * @param notificationsDelegate The object called when a notification is fired
- * (contact updated, inserted or deleted).
- */
- (JNIEnv *jniEnv, LPMAPISESSION mapiSession, jobject notificationsDelegate)
- if(jniEnv->GetJavaVM(&MAPINotification_VM) < 0)
- {
- fprintf(stderr, "Failed to get the Java VM\n");
- fflush(stderr);
- }
- // If this function is called once again, then check first to unregister
- // previous notification advises.
- MAPINotification_unregisterNotificationsDelegate(jniEnv);
- if(notificationsDelegate != NULL && mapiSession != NULL)
- {
- MAPINotification_notificationsDelegateObject
- = jniEnv->NewGlobalRef(notificationsDelegate);
- if(MAPINotification_notificationsDelegateObject != NULL)
- {
- jclass callbackClass
- = jniEnv->GetObjectClass(notificationsDelegate);
- MAPINotification_notificationsDelegateMethodIdInserted
- = jniEnv->GetMethodID(
- callbackClass,
- "inserted",
- "(J)V");
- MAPINotification_notificationsDelegateMethodIdUpdated
- = jniEnv->GetMethodID(
- callbackClass,
- "updated",
- "(J)V");
- MAPINotification_notificationsDelegateMethodIdDeleted
- = jniEnv->GetMethodID(
- callbackClass,
- "deleted",
- "(Ljava/lang/String;)V");
- // Register the notification of contact changed, created and
- // deleted.
- MAPINotification_registerNotifyAllMsgStores(mapiSession);
- }
- }
- * Opens all the message store and register to notifications.
- */
-void MAPINotification_registerNotifyAllMsgStores(LPMAPISESSION mapiSession)
- HRESULT hResult;
- hResult = mapiSession->GetMsgStoresTable(
- 0,
- &MAPINotification_msgStoresTable);
- if(HR_SUCCEEDED(hResult) && MAPINotification_msgStoresTable)
- {
- MAPINotification_msgStoresTableConnection
- = MAPINotification_registerNotifyTable(
- MAPINotification_msgStoresTable);
- hResult = MAPINotification_msgStoresTable->SeekRow(
- 0,
- NULL);
- if (HR_SUCCEEDED(hResult))
- {
- LPSRowSet rows;
- hResult = HrQueryAllRows(
- MAPINotification_msgStoresTable,
- 0,
- &rows);
- if (HR_SUCCEEDED(hResult))
- {
- MAPINotification_nbMsgStores = rows->cRows;
- MAPINotification_msgStores
- = (LPMDB*) malloc(rows->cRows * sizeof(LPMDB));
- memset(
- MAPINotification_msgStores,
- 0,
- rows->cRows * sizeof(LPMDB));
- MAPINotification_msgStoresConnection
- = (ULONG*) malloc(rows->cRows * sizeof(ULONG));
- memset(
- MAPINotification_msgStoresConnection,
- 0,
- rows->cRows * sizeof(ULONG));
- if(MAPINotification_msgStores != NULL
- && MAPINotification_msgStoresConnection != NULL)
- {
- for(unsigned int r = 0; r < rows->cRows; ++r)
- {
- SRow row = rows->aRow[r];
- ULONG i;
- ULONG objType = 0;
- SBinary entryIDBinary = { 0, NULL };
- for(i = 0; i < row.cValues; ++i)
- {
- LPSPropValue prop = (row.lpProps) + i;
- switch (prop->ulPropTag)
- {
- objType = prop->Value.ul;
- break;
- case PR_ENTRYID:
- entryIDBinary = prop->Value.bin;
- break;
- }
- }
- if(objType && entryIDBinary.cb && entryIDBinary.lpb)
- {
- hResult = mapiSession->OpenMsgStore(
- 0,
- entryIDBinary.cb,
- (LPENTRYID) entryIDBinary.lpb,
- | MAPINotification_openEntryUlFlags,
- &MAPINotification_msgStores[r]);
- if (HR_SUCCEEDED(hResult))
- {
- MAPINotification_msgStoresConnection[r]
- = MAPINotification_registerNotifyMessageDataBase(
- MAPINotification_msgStores[r]);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- FreeProws(rows);
- }
- }
- }
- * Registers to notification for the given message data base.
- *
- * @param iUnknown The data base to register to in order to receive events.
- *
- * @return A unsigned long which is a token wich must be used to call the
- * unadvise function for the same message data base.
- */
-ULONG MAPINotification_registerNotifyMessageDataBase(LPMDB iUnknown)
- HrAllocAdviseSink(&MAPINotification_onNotify, iUnknown, &adviseSink);
- ULONG nbConnection = 0;
- iUnknown->Advise(
- (ULONG) 0,
- MAPINotification_EVENT_MASK,
- adviseSink,
- (ULONG *) &nbConnection);
- return nbConnection;
- * Registers a callback function for when the message store table changes.
- */
-ULONG MAPINotification_registerNotifyTable(LPMAPITABLE iUnknown)
- HrAllocAdviseSink(
- &MAPINotification_tableChanged,
- iUnknown,
- &adviseSink);
- ULONG nbConnection = 0;
- iUnknown->Advise(
- fnevTableModified,
- adviseSink,
- (ULONG *) &nbConnection);
- return nbConnection;
- * Function called when a message store table changed.
- */
-STDAPICALLTYPE MAPINotification_tableChanged
- (LPVOID lpvContext, ULONG cNotifications, LPNOTIFICATION lpNotifications)
- if(lpNotifications->ulEventType == fnevTableModified
- && (lpNotifications->info.tab.ulTableEvent == TABLE_CHANGED
- || lpNotifications->info.tab.ulTableEvent == TABLE_ERROR
- || lpNotifications->info.tab.ulTableEvent == TABLE_RELOAD
- || lpNotifications->info.tab.ulTableEvent == TABLE_ROW_ADDED
- || lpNotifications->info.tab.ulTableEvent == TABLE_ROW_DELETED))
- {
- // Frees and recreates all the notification for the table.
- MAPINotification_unregisterNotifyAllMsgStores();
- MAPINotification_registerNotifyAllMsgStores(
- MAPISession_getMapiSession());
- }
- // A client must always return a S_OK.
- return S_OK;
- * Unregisters java callback functions when a contact is deleted, inserted or
- * updated.
- *
- * @param jniEnv The Java native interface environment.
- */
-void MAPINotification_unregisterNotificationsDelegate(JNIEnv *jniEnv)
- MAPINotification_unregisterNotifyAllMsgStores();
- if(MAPINotification_notificationsDelegateObject != NULL)
- {
- jniEnv->DeleteGlobalRef(MAPINotification_notificationsDelegateObject);
- MAPINotification_notificationsDelegateObject = NULL;
- MAPINotification_notificationsDelegateMethodIdInserted = NULL;
- MAPINotification_notificationsDelegateMethodIdUpdated = NULL;
- MAPINotification_notificationsDelegateMethodIdDeleted = NULL;
- }
- * Frees all memory used to keep in mind the list of the message store and
- * unregister each of them from the notifications.
- */
-void MAPINotification_unregisterNotifyAllMsgStores(void)
- if(MAPINotification_msgStoresConnection != NULL)
- {
- for(unsigned int i = 0; i < MAPINotification_nbMsgStores; ++i)
- {
- if(MAPINotification_msgStoresConnection[i] != 0)
- {
- MAPINotification_msgStores[i]->Unadvise(
- MAPINotification_msgStoresConnection[i]);
- }
- }
- free(MAPINotification_msgStoresConnection);
- MAPINotification_msgStoresConnection = NULL;
- }
- if(MAPINotification_msgStores != NULL)
- {
- for(unsigned int i = 0; i < MAPINotification_nbMsgStores; ++i)
- {
- if(MAPINotification_msgStores[i] != NULL)
- {
- MAPINotification_msgStores[i]->Release();
- }
- }
- free(MAPINotification_msgStores);
- MAPINotification_msgStores = NULL;
- }
- if(MAPINotification_msgStoresTable != NULL)
- {
- MAPINotification_msgStoresTable->Unadvise(
- MAPINotification_msgStoresTableConnection);
- MAPINotification_msgStoresTable->Release();
- MAPINotification_msgStoresTable = NULL;
- }
+/* + * Jitsi, the OpenSource Java VoIP and Instant Messaging client. + * + * Distributable under LGPL license. + * See terms of license at gnu.org. + */ +#include "MAPINotification.h" + +#include "MAPISession.h" +#include "net_java_sip_communicator_plugin_addrbook_msoutlook_MsOutlookAddrBookContactSourceService.h" +#include "net_java_sip_communicator_plugin_addrbook_msoutlook_MsOutlookAddrBookContactQuery.h" + +#include <mapidefs.h> +#include <stdio.h> +#include <unknwn.h> + +/** + * Manages notification for the message data base (used to get the list of + * contact). + * + * @author Vincent Lucas + */ + +void MAPINotification_registerNotifyAllMsgStores(LPMAPISESSION mapiSession); + +void MAPINotification_unregisterNotifyAllMsgStores(void); + +/** + * The List of events we want to retrieve. + */ +static ULONG MAPINotification_EVENT_MASK + = fnevObjectCreated + | fnevObjectDeleted + | fnevObjectModified + | fnevObjectMoved; + +static LPMDB * MAPINotification_msgStores = NULL; +static ULONG * MAPINotification_msgStoresConnection = NULL; +static LPMAPITABLE MAPINotification_msgStoresTable = NULL; +static ULONG MAPINotification_msgStoresTableConnection = 0; +static ULONG MAPINotification_nbMsgStores = 0; +static jmethodID MAPINotification_notificationsDelegateMethodIdDeleted = NULL; +static jmethodID MAPINotification_notificationsDelegateMethodIdInserted = NULL; +static jmethodID MAPINotification_notificationsDelegateMethodIdUpdated = NULL; +static jobject MAPINotification_notificationsDelegateObject = NULL; +static ULONG MAPINotification_openEntryUlFlags = MAPI_BEST_ACCESS; +static JavaVM * MAPINotification_VM = NULL; + +void MAPINotification_callDeletedMethod(LPSTR iUnknown); +void MAPINotification_callInsertedMethod(LPSTR iUnknown); +void MAPINotification_callUpdatedMethod(LPSTR iUnknown); +LPUNKNOWN +MAPINotification_openEntry + (ULONG cbEntryID, LPENTRYID lpEntryID, LPVOID lpvContext); +ULONG MAPINotification_registerNotifyTable(LPMAPITABLE iUnknown); +LONG STDAPICALLTYPE MAPINotification_tableChanged + (LPVOID lpvContext, ULONG cNotifications, LPNOTIFICATION lpNotifications); + +/** + * Calls back the java side when a contact is deleted. + * + * @param iUnknown The string representation of the entry id of the deleted + * contact. + */ +void MAPINotification_callDeletedMethod(LPSTR iUnknown) +{ + JNIEnv *tmpJniEnv = NULL; + + if(MAPINotification_VM + ->AttachCurrentThreadAsDaemon((void**) &tmpJniEnv, NULL) == 0) + { + jstring value = tmpJniEnv->NewStringUTF(iUnknown); + + tmpJniEnv->CallBooleanMethod( + MAPINotification_notificationsDelegateObject, + MAPINotification_notificationsDelegateMethodIdDeleted, + value); + + MAPINotification_VM->DetachCurrentThread(); + } +} + +/** + * Calls back the java side when a contact is inserted. + * + * @param iUnknown A pointer to the newly created contact. + */ +void MAPINotification_callInsertedMethod(LPSTR iUnknown) +{ + JNIEnv *tmpJniEnv = NULL; + + if(MAPINotification_VM + ->AttachCurrentThreadAsDaemon((void**) &tmpJniEnv, NULL) == 0) + { + jstring value = tmpJniEnv->NewStringUTF(iUnknown); + + tmpJniEnv->CallBooleanMethod( + MAPINotification_notificationsDelegateObject, + MAPINotification_notificationsDelegateMethodIdInserted, + value); + + MAPINotification_VM->DetachCurrentThread(); + } +} + +/** + * Calls back the java side when a contact is updated. + * + * @param iUnknown A pointer to the updated contact. + */ +void MAPINotification_callUpdatedMethod(LPSTR iUnknown) +{ + JNIEnv *tmpJniEnv = NULL; + + if(MAPINotification_VM + ->AttachCurrentThreadAsDaemon((void**) &tmpJniEnv, NULL) == 0) + { + jstring value = tmpJniEnv->NewStringUTF(iUnknown); + + tmpJniEnv->CallBooleanMethod( + MAPINotification_notificationsDelegateObject, + MAPINotification_notificationsDelegateMethodIdUpdated, + value); + + MAPINotification_VM->DetachCurrentThread(); + } +} + +/** + * Functions called when an event is fired from the message data base. + * + * @param lpvContext A pointer to the message data base. + * @param cNotifications The number of event in this call. + * @param lpNotifications The list of notifications. + */ +LONG +STDAPICALLTYPE MAPINotification_onNotify + (LPVOID lpvContext, ULONG cNotifications, LPNOTIFICATION lpNotifications) +{ + for(unsigned int i = 0; i < cNotifications; ++i) + { + LPUNKNOWN iUnknown = NULL; + if(lpvContext != NULL) + { + iUnknown = MAPINotification_openEntry( + lpNotifications[i].info.obj.cbEntryID, + lpNotifications[i].info.obj.lpEntryID, + lpvContext); + } + + // A contact has been created + if(lpNotifications[i].ulEventType == fnevObjectCreated) + { + if(lpvContext != NULL) + { + LPSTR entryIdStr = (LPSTR)::malloc(lpNotifications[i].info.obj.cbEntryID * 2 + 1); + + HexFromBin( + (LPBYTE) lpNotifications[i].info.obj.lpEntryID, + lpNotifications[i].info.obj.cbEntryID, + entryIdStr); + + if(lpNotifications[i].info.obj.ulObjType == MAPI_MESSAGE) + { + MAPINotification_callInsertedMethod(entryIdStr); + } + + ::free(entryIdStr); + entryIdStr = NULL; + } + } + // A contact has been Modified + else if(lpNotifications[i].ulEventType == fnevObjectModified) + { + if(lpvContext != NULL) + { + LPSTR entryIdStr = (LPSTR)::malloc(lpNotifications[i].info.obj.cbEntryID * 2 + 1); + + HexFromBin( + (LPBYTE) lpNotifications[i].info.obj.lpEntryID, + lpNotifications[i].info.obj.cbEntryID, + entryIdStr); + + if(lpNotifications[i].info.obj.ulObjType == MAPI_MESSAGE) + { + MAPINotification_callUpdatedMethod(entryIdStr); + } + + ::free(entryIdStr); + entryIdStr = NULL; + } + } + // A contact has been deleted. + else if(lpNotifications[i].ulEventType == fnevObjectDeleted) + { + if(lpvContext != NULL) + { + LPSTR entryIdStr = (LPSTR)::malloc(lpNotifications[i].info.obj.cbEntryID * 2 + 1); + + HexFromBin( + (LPBYTE) lpNotifications[i].info.obj.lpEntryID, + lpNotifications[i].info.obj.cbEntryID, + entryIdStr); + + if(lpNotifications[i].info.obj.ulObjType == MAPI_MESSAGE) + { + MAPINotification_callDeletedMethod(entryIdStr); + } + + ::free(entryIdStr); + entryIdStr = NULL; + } + } + // A contact has been deleted (moved to trash). + else if(lpNotifications[i].ulEventType == fnevObjectMoved) + { + if(lpvContext != NULL) + { + LPSTR entryIdStr + = (LPSTR)::malloc(lpNotifications[i].info.obj.cbEntryID * 2 + 1); + HexFromBin( + (LPBYTE) lpNotifications[i].info.obj.lpEntryID, + lpNotifications[i].info.obj.cbEntryID, + entryIdStr); + LPSTR parentEntryIdStr + = (LPSTR)::malloc(lpNotifications[i].info.obj.cbParentID * 2 + 1); + HexFromBin( + (LPBYTE) lpNotifications[i].info.obj.lpParentID, + lpNotifications[i].info.obj.cbParentID, + parentEntryIdStr); + ULONG wasteBasketTags[] = {1, PR_IPM_WASTEBASKET_ENTRYID}; + ULONG wasteBasketNbValues = 0; + LPSPropValue wasteBasketProps = NULL; + ((LPMDB)lpvContext)->GetProps( + (LPSPropTagArray) wasteBasketTags, + MAPI_UNICODE, + &wasteBasketNbValues, + &wasteBasketProps); + LPSTR wasteBasketEntryIdStr + = (LPSTR)::malloc(wasteBasketProps[0].Value.bin.cb * 2 + 1); + HexFromBin( + (LPBYTE) wasteBasketProps[0].Value.bin.lpb, + wasteBasketProps[0].Value.bin.cb, + wasteBasketEntryIdStr); + + MAPINotification_openEntry( + lpNotifications[i].info.obj.cbParentID, + lpNotifications[i].info.obj.lpParentID, + lpvContext); + + + if(lpNotifications[i].info.obj.ulObjType == MAPI_MESSAGE + && strcmp(parentEntryIdStr, wasteBasketEntryIdStr) == 0) + { + MAPINotification_callDeletedMethod(entryIdStr); + } + + ::free(entryIdStr); + entryIdStr = NULL; + ::free(parentEntryIdStr); + parentEntryIdStr = NULL; + ::free(wasteBasketEntryIdStr); + wasteBasketEntryIdStr = NULL; + } + } + + if(iUnknown != NULL) + { + iUnknown->Release(); + } + } + + // A client must always return a S_OK. + return S_OK; +} + +/** + * Opens an object from its entry id. + */ +LPUNKNOWN +MAPINotification_openEntry + (ULONG cbEntryID, LPENTRYID lpEntryID, LPVOID lpvContext) +{ + if(lpvContext != NULL) + { + LPUNKNOWN iUnknown; + ULONG objType; + + HRESULT hResult = + ((LPMDB) lpvContext)->OpenEntry( + cbEntryID, + lpEntryID, + NULL, + MAPINotification_openEntryUlFlags, + &objType, + &iUnknown); + if (HR_SUCCEEDED(hResult)) + { + return iUnknown; + } + } + return NULL; +} + +/** + * Registers java callback functions when a contact is deleted, inserted or + * updated. + * + * @param jniEnv The Java native interface environment. + * @param mapiSession The current MAPI session. + * @param notificationsDelegate The object called when a notification is fired + * (contact updated, inserted or deleted). + */ +void +MAPINotification_registerNotificationsDelegate + (JNIEnv *jniEnv, LPMAPISESSION mapiSession, jobject notificationsDelegate) +{ + if(jniEnv->GetJavaVM(&MAPINotification_VM) < 0) + { + fprintf(stderr, "Failed to get the Java VM\n"); + fflush(stderr); + } + + // If this function is called once again, then check first to unregister + // previous notification advises. + MAPINotification_unregisterNotificationsDelegate(jniEnv); + + if(notificationsDelegate != NULL && mapiSession != NULL) + { + MAPINotification_notificationsDelegateObject + = jniEnv->NewGlobalRef(notificationsDelegate); + if(MAPINotification_notificationsDelegateObject != NULL) + { + jclass callbackClass + = jniEnv->GetObjectClass(notificationsDelegate); + MAPINotification_notificationsDelegateMethodIdInserted + = jniEnv->GetMethodID( + callbackClass, + "inserted", + "(Ljava/lang/String;)V"); + MAPINotification_notificationsDelegateMethodIdUpdated + = jniEnv->GetMethodID( + callbackClass, + "updated", + "(Ljava/lang/String;)V"); + MAPINotification_notificationsDelegateMethodIdDeleted + = jniEnv->GetMethodID( + callbackClass, + "deleted", + "(Ljava/lang/String;)V"); + // Register the notification of contact changed, created and + // deleted. + MAPINotification_registerNotifyAllMsgStores(mapiSession); + } + } +} + +/** + * Opens all the message store and register to notifications. + */ +void MAPINotification_registerNotifyAllMsgStores(LPMAPISESSION mapiSession) +{ + HRESULT hResult; + + hResult = mapiSession->GetMsgStoresTable( + 0, + &MAPINotification_msgStoresTable); + if(HR_SUCCEEDED(hResult) && MAPINotification_msgStoresTable) + { + MAPINotification_msgStoresTableConnection + = MAPINotification_registerNotifyTable( + MAPINotification_msgStoresTable); + hResult = MAPINotification_msgStoresTable->SeekRow( + BOOKMARK_BEGINNING, + 0, + NULL); + if (HR_SUCCEEDED(hResult)) + { + LPSRowSet rows; + hResult = HrQueryAllRows( + MAPINotification_msgStoresTable, + NULL, + NULL, + NULL, + 0, + &rows); + if (HR_SUCCEEDED(hResult)) + { + MAPINotification_nbMsgStores = rows->cRows; + MAPINotification_msgStores + = (LPMDB*) malloc(rows->cRows * sizeof(LPMDB)); + memset( + MAPINotification_msgStores, + 0, + rows->cRows * sizeof(LPMDB)); + MAPINotification_msgStoresConnection + = (ULONG*) malloc(rows->cRows * sizeof(ULONG)); + memset( + MAPINotification_msgStoresConnection, + 0, + rows->cRows * sizeof(ULONG)); + + if(MAPINotification_msgStores != NULL + && MAPINotification_msgStoresConnection != NULL) + { + for(unsigned int r = 0; r < rows->cRows; ++r) + { + SRow row = rows->aRow[r]; + ULONG i; + ULONG objType = 0; + SBinary entryIDBinary = { 0, NULL }; + + for(i = 0; i < row.cValues; ++i) + { + LPSPropValue prop = (row.lpProps) + i; + + switch (prop->ulPropTag) + { + case PR_OBJECT_TYPE: + objType = prop->Value.ul; + break; + case PR_ENTRYID: + entryIDBinary = prop->Value.bin; + break; + } + } + + if(objType && entryIDBinary.cb && entryIDBinary.lpb) + { + hResult = mapiSession->OpenMsgStore( + 0, + entryIDBinary.cb, + (LPENTRYID) entryIDBinary.lpb, + NULL, + MDB_NO_MAIL + | MAPINotification_openEntryUlFlags, + &MAPINotification_msgStores[r]); + if (HR_SUCCEEDED(hResult)) + { + MAPINotification_msgStoresConnection[r] + = MAPINotification_registerNotifyMessageDataBase( + MAPINotification_msgStores[r]); + } + } + } + } + FreeProws(rows); + } + } + } +} + + +/** + * Registers to notification for the given message data base. + * + * @param iUnknown The data base to register to in order to receive events. + * + * @return A unsigned long which is a token wich must be used to call the + * unadvise function for the same message data base. + */ +ULONG MAPINotification_registerNotifyMessageDataBase(LPMDB iUnknown) +{ + LPMAPIADVISESINK adviseSink; + + HrAllocAdviseSink(&MAPINotification_onNotify, iUnknown, &adviseSink); + + ULONG nbConnection = 0; + iUnknown->Advise( + (ULONG) 0, + (LPENTRYID) NULL, + MAPINotification_EVENT_MASK, + adviseSink, + (ULONG *) &nbConnection); + + return nbConnection; +} + +/** + * Registers a callback function for when the message store table changes. + */ +ULONG MAPINotification_registerNotifyTable(LPMAPITABLE iUnknown) +{ + LPMAPIADVISESINK adviseSink; + HrAllocAdviseSink( + &MAPINotification_tableChanged, + iUnknown, + &adviseSink); + ULONG nbConnection = 0; + iUnknown->Advise( + fnevTableModified, + adviseSink, + (ULONG *) &nbConnection); + + return nbConnection; +} + +/** + * Function called when a message store table changed. + */ +LONG +STDAPICALLTYPE MAPINotification_tableChanged + (LPVOID lpvContext, ULONG cNotifications, LPNOTIFICATION lpNotifications) +{ + if(lpNotifications->ulEventType == fnevTableModified + && (lpNotifications->info.tab.ulTableEvent == TABLE_CHANGED + || lpNotifications->info.tab.ulTableEvent == TABLE_ERROR + || lpNotifications->info.tab.ulTableEvent == TABLE_RELOAD + || lpNotifications->info.tab.ulTableEvent == TABLE_ROW_ADDED + || lpNotifications->info.tab.ulTableEvent == TABLE_ROW_DELETED)) + { + // Frees and recreates all the notification for the table. + MAPINotification_unregisterNotifyAllMsgStores(); + MAPINotification_registerNotifyAllMsgStores( + MAPISession_getMapiSession()); + } + + // A client must always return a S_OK. + return S_OK; +} + +/** + * Unregisters java callback functions when a contact is deleted, inserted or + * updated. + * + * @param jniEnv The Java native interface environment. + */ +void MAPINotification_unregisterNotificationsDelegate(JNIEnv *jniEnv) +{ + MAPINotification_unregisterNotifyAllMsgStores(); + if(MAPINotification_notificationsDelegateObject != NULL) + { + jniEnv->DeleteGlobalRef(MAPINotification_notificationsDelegateObject); + MAPINotification_notificationsDelegateObject = NULL; + MAPINotification_notificationsDelegateMethodIdInserted = NULL; + MAPINotification_notificationsDelegateMethodIdUpdated = NULL; + MAPINotification_notificationsDelegateMethodIdDeleted = NULL; + } +} + +/** + * Frees all memory used to keep in mind the list of the message store and + * unregister each of them from the notifications. + */ +void MAPINotification_unregisterNotifyAllMsgStores(void) +{ + if(MAPINotification_msgStoresConnection != NULL) + { + for(unsigned int i = 0; i < MAPINotification_nbMsgStores; ++i) + { + if(MAPINotification_msgStoresConnection[i] != 0) + { + MAPINotification_msgStores[i]->Unadvise( + MAPINotification_msgStoresConnection[i]); + } + } + free(MAPINotification_msgStoresConnection); + MAPINotification_msgStoresConnection = NULL; + } + + if(MAPINotification_msgStores != NULL) + { + for(unsigned int i = 0; i < MAPINotification_nbMsgStores; ++i) + { + if(MAPINotification_msgStores[i] != NULL) + { + MAPINotification_msgStores[i]->Release(); + } + } + free(MAPINotification_msgStores); + MAPINotification_msgStores = NULL; + } + + if(MAPINotification_msgStoresTable != NULL) + { + MAPINotification_msgStoresTable->Unadvise( + MAPINotification_msgStoresTableConnection); + MAPINotification_msgStoresTable->Release(); + MAPINotification_msgStoresTable = NULL; + } +} diff --git a/src/native/addrbook/msoutlook/net_java_sip_communicator_plugin_addrbook_msoutlook_MsOutlookAddrBookContactQuery.cxx b/src/native/addrbook/msoutlook/net_java_sip_communicator_plugin_addrbook_msoutlook_MsOutlookAddrBookContactQuery.cxx index 5eae7ed..31f048d 100644 --- a/src/native/addrbook/msoutlook/net_java_sip_communicator_plugin_addrbook_msoutlook_MsOutlookAddrBookContactQuery.cxx +++ b/src/native/addrbook/msoutlook/net_java_sip_communicator_plugin_addrbook_msoutlook_MsOutlookAddrBookContactQuery.cxx @@ -1,1370 +1,1949 @@ -/*
- * Jitsi, the OpenSource Java VoIP and Instant Messaging client.
- *
- * Distributable under LGPL license.
- * See terms of license at gnu.org.
- */
-#include "net_java_sip_communicator_plugin_addrbook_msoutlook_MsOutlookAddrBookContactQuery.h"
-#include "../AddrBookContactQuery.h"
-#include "MAPINotification.h"
-#include "MAPISession.h"
-#include "MsOutlookMAPIHResultException.h"
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <string.h>
- jboolean (*MsOutlookAddrBookContactQuery_ForeachRowInTableCallback)
- (LPUNKNOWN iUnknown,
- ULONG entryIDByteCount, LPENTRYID entryID, ULONG objType,
- JNIEnv *jniEnv,
- jstring query,
- jobject callback, jmethodID callbackMethodID);
-static ULONG MsOutlookAddrBookContactQuery_openEntryUlFlags = MAPI_BEST_ACCESS;
-static HRESULT MsOutlookAddrBookContactQuery_HrGetOneProp
- (LPMAPIPROP mapiProp, ULONG propTag, LPSPropValue *prop);
-static jboolean MsOutlookAddrBookContactQuery_foreachContactInMsgStoresTable
- (LPMAPISESSION mapiSession,
- JNIEnv *jniEnv,
- jstring query,
- jobject callback, jmethodID callbackMethodID);
-static jboolean MsOutlookAddrBookContactQuery_foreachMailUser
- (ULONG objType, LPUNKNOWN iUnknown,
- JNIEnv *jniEnv,
- jstring query,
- jobject callback, jmethodID callbackMethodID);
-static jboolean MsOutlookAddrBookContactQuery_foreachMailUserInAddressBook
- (LPMAPISESSION mapiSession,
- JNIEnv *jniEnv,
- jstring query,
- jobject callback, jmethodID callbackMethodID);
-static jboolean MsOutlookAddrBookContactQuery_foreachMailUserInContainerTable
- (LPMAPICONTAINER mapiContainer, LPMAPITABLE mapiTable,
- JNIEnv *jniEnv,
- jstring query,
- jobject callback, jmethodID callbackMethodID);
-static jboolean MsOutlookAddrBookContactQuery_foreachRowInTable
- (LPMAPITABLE mapiTable,
- MsOutlookAddrBookContactQuery_ForeachRowInTableCallback rowCallback,
- LPUNKNOWN iUnknown,
- JNIEnv *jniEnv, jstring query, jobject callback, jmethodID callbackMethodID);
-static void MsOutlookAddrBookContactQuery_freeSRowSet(LPSRowSet rows);
-static jbyteArray MsOutlookAddrBookContactQuery_getAttachmentContactPhoto
- (LPMESSAGE message,
- JNIEnv *jniEnv);
-static HRESULT MsOutlookAddrBookContactQuery_getContactsFolderEntryID
- (LPMDB msgStore,
- ULONG folderEntryIDByteCount, LPENTRYID folderEntryID,
- ULONG *contactsFolderEntryIDByteCount, LPENTRYID *contactsFolderEntryID);
-static ULONG MsOutlookAddrBookContactQuery_getPropTagFromLid
- (LPMAPIPROP mapiProp, LONG lid);
-static jboolean MsOutlookAddrBookContactQuery_mailUserMatches
- (LPMAPIPROP mailUser, JNIEnv *jniEnv, jstring query);
-static jboolean MsOutlookAddrBookContactQuery_onForeachContactInMsgStoresTableRow
- (LPUNKNOWN mapiSession,
- ULONG entryIDByteCount, LPENTRYID entryID, ULONG objType,
- JNIEnv *jniEnv, jstring query, jobject callback, jmethodID callbackMethodID);
-static jboolean MsOutlookAddrBookContactQuery_onForeachMailUserInContainerTableRow
- (LPUNKNOWN mapiContainer,
- ULONG entryIDByteCount, LPENTRYID entryID, ULONG objType,
- JNIEnv *jniEnv, jstring query, jobject callback, jmethodID callbackMethodID);
-LPUNKNOWN MsOutlookAddrBookContactQuery_openEntryId(const char* entryId);
-static jbyteArray MsOutlookAddrBookContactQuery_readAttachment
- (LPMESSAGE message, LONG method, ULONG num, JNIEnv *jniEnv, ULONG cond);
- JNIEnv *jniEnv,
- jclass clazz,
- jstring query,
- jobject callback)
- jmethodID callbackMethodID;
- MAPISession_lock();
- LPMAPISESSION mapiSession = MAPISession_getMapiSession();
- if (!mapiSession)
- {
- MAPISession_unlock();
- return;
- }
- callbackMethodID
- = AddrBookContactQuery_getPtrCallbackMethodID(jniEnv, callback);
- if (!callbackMethodID || jniEnv->ExceptionCheck())
- {
- MAPISession_unlock();
- return;
- }
- jboolean proceed
- = MsOutlookAddrBookContactQuery_foreachContactInMsgStoresTable(
- mapiSession,
- jniEnv,
- query,
- callback, callbackMethodID);
- if (proceed && !(jniEnv->ExceptionCheck()))
- {
- MsOutlookAddrBookContactQuery_foreachMailUserInAddressBook(
- mapiSession,
- jniEnv,
- query,
- callback, callbackMethodID);
- }
- MAPISession_unlock();
- * Deletes one property from a contact.
- *
- * @param jniEnv The Java native interface environment.
- * @param clazz A Java class Object.
- * @param propId The outlook property identifier.
- * @param entryId The identifer of the outlook entry to modify.
- *
- * @return JNI_TRUE if the deletion succeded. JNI_FALSE otherwise.
- */
- (JNIEnv *jniEnv, jclass clazz, jlong propId, jstring entryId)
- const char *nativeEntryId = jniEnv->GetStringUTFChars(entryId, NULL);
- LPUNKNOWN mapiProp;
- if((mapiProp = MsOutlookAddrBookContactQuery_openEntryId(nativeEntryId))
- == NULL)
- {
- return JNI_FALSE;
- }
- jniEnv->ReleaseStringUTFChars(entryId, nativeEntryId);
- ULONG baseGroupEntryIdProp = 0;
- switch(propId)
- {
- case 0x00008083: // dispidEmail1EmailAddress
- baseGroupEntryIdProp = 0x00008080;
- break;
- case 0x00008093: // dispidEmail2EmailAddress
- baseGroupEntryIdProp = 0x00008090;
- break;
- case 0x000080A3: // dispidEmail3EmailAddress
- baseGroupEntryIdProp = 0x000080A0;
- break;
- }
- // If this is a special entry (for email only), then deletes all the
- // corresponding properties to make it work.
- if(baseGroupEntryIdProp != 0)
- {
- ULONG nbProps = 5;
- ULONG propIds[] =
- {
- (baseGroupEntryIdProp + 0), //0x8080 PidLidEmail1DisplayName
- (baseGroupEntryIdProp + 2), // 0x8082 PidLidEmail1AddressType
- (baseGroupEntryIdProp + 3), // 0x8083 PidLidEmail1EmailAddress
- (baseGroupEntryIdProp + 4), // 0x8084 PidLidEmail1OriginalDisplayName
- (baseGroupEntryIdProp + 5) // 0x8085 PidLidEmail1OriginalEntryID
- };
- ULONG propTag;
- LPSPropTagArray propTagArray;
- MAPIAllocateBuffer(
- CbNewSPropTagArray(nbProps),
- (void **) &propTagArray);
- propTagArray->cValues = nbProps;
- for(unsigned int i = 0; i < nbProps; ++i)
- {
- propTag = MsOutlookAddrBookContactQuery_getPropTagFromLid(
- (LPMAPIPROP) mapiProp,
- propIds[i]);
- *(propTagArray->aulPropTag + i) = propTag;
- }
- HRESULT hResult
- = ((LPMAPIPROP) mapiProp)->DeleteProps(
- propTagArray,
- NULL);
- if (HR_SUCCEEDED(hResult))
- {
- hResult
- = ((LPMAPIPROP) mapiProp)->SaveChanges(
- if (HR_SUCCEEDED(hResult))
- {
- MAPIFreeBuffer(propTagArray);
- ((LPMAPIPROP) mapiProp)->Release();
- return JNI_TRUE;
- }
- }
- MAPIFreeBuffer(propTagArray);
- ((LPMAPIPROP) mapiProp)->Release();
- return JNI_FALSE;
- }
- SPropTagArray propToDelete;
- propToDelete.cValues = 1;
- propToDelete.aulPropTag[0] = PROP_TAG(PT_UNICODE, propId);
- HRESULT hResult
- = ((LPMAPIPROP) mapiProp)->DeleteProps(
- (LPSPropTagArray) &propToDelete,
- NULL);
- if (HR_SUCCEEDED(hResult))
- {
- hResult
- = ((LPMAPIPROP) mapiProp)->SaveChanges(
- if (HR_SUCCEEDED(hResult))
- {
- ((LPMAPIPROP) mapiProp)->Release();
- return JNI_TRUE;
- }
- }
- ((LPMAPIPROP) mapiProp)->Release();
- return JNI_FALSE;
- JNIEnv *jniEnv,
- jclass clazz,
- jlong mapiProp,
- jlongArray propIds,
- jlong flags)
- jsize propIdCount;
- LPSPropTagArray propTagArray;
- jobjectArray props = NULL;
- propIdCount = jniEnv->GetArrayLength(propIds);
- if (S_OK
- == MAPIAllocateBuffer(
- CbNewSPropTagArray(propIdCount),
- (void **) &propTagArray))
- {
- jsize i;
- propTagArray->cValues = propIdCount;
- for (i = 0; i < propIdCount; i++)
- {
- jlong propId;
- jniEnv->GetLongArrayRegion(propIds, i, 1, &propId);
- if (jniEnv->ExceptionCheck())
- {
- MAPIFreeBuffer(propTagArray);
- propTagArray = NULL;
- break;
- }
- else
- {
- ULONG propTag;
- if (propId < 0x8000)
- {
- propTag = PR_HASATTACH;
- else
- propTag = PROP_TAG(PT_UNSPECIFIED, propId);
- }
- else
- {
- propTag
- = MsOutlookAddrBookContactQuery_getPropTagFromLid(
- (LPMAPIPROP) mapiProp,
- (LONG)propId);
- }
- *(propTagArray->aulPropTag + i) = propTag;
- }
- }
- if (propTagArray)
- {
- HRESULT hResult;
- ULONG propCount;
- LPSPropValue propArray;
- hResult
- = ((LPMAPIPROP) mapiProp)->GetProps(
- propTagArray,
- (ULONG) flags,
- &propCount, &propArray);
- if (HR_SUCCEEDED(hResult))
- {
- jclass objectClass;
- ULONG j;
- objectClass = jniEnv->FindClass("java/lang/Object");
- if (objectClass)
- {
- props
- = jniEnv->NewObjectArray(
- (jsize) propCount,
- objectClass,
- NULL);
- }
- for (j = 0; j < propCount; j++)
- {
- LPSPropValue prop = propArray;
- if (props)
- {
- switch (PROP_TYPE(prop->ulPropTag))
- {
- case PT_BOOLEAN:
- {
- if ((PR_HASATTACH == prop->ulPropTag)
- && prop->Value.b)
- {
- jbyteArray value
- = MsOutlookAddrBookContactQuery_getAttachmentContactPhoto(
- (LPMESSAGE) mapiProp,
- jniEnv);
- if (value)
- {
- jniEnv->SetObjectArrayElement(
- props, j,
- value);
- if (jniEnv->ExceptionCheck())
- props = NULL;
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- case PT_LONG:
- {
- jclass longClass
- = jniEnv->FindClass("java/lang/Long");
- if (longClass)
- {
- jmethodID longMethodID
- = jniEnv->GetMethodID(
- longClass,
- "<init>", "(J)V");
- if (longMethodID)
- {
- jlong l = prop->Value.l;
- jobject value
- = jniEnv->NewObject(
- longClass, longMethodID,
- l);
- if (value)
- {
- jniEnv->SetObjectArrayElement(
- props, j,
- value);
- if (jniEnv->ExceptionCheck())
- props = NULL;
- }
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- case PT_STRING8:
- {
- if (prop->Value.lpszA)
- {
- jstring value;
- value = jniEnv->NewStringUTF(prop->Value.lpszA);
- if (value)
- {
- jniEnv->SetObjectArrayElement(
- props,
- j, value);
- if (jniEnv->ExceptionCheck())
- props = NULL;
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- case PT_UNICODE:
- {
- if (prop->Value.lpszW)
- {
- jstring value;
- value
- = jniEnv->NewString(
- (const jchar *) (prop->Value.lpszW),
- wcslen(prop->Value.lpszW));
- if (value)
- {
- jniEnv->SetObjectArrayElement(
- props,
- j, value);
- if (jniEnv->ExceptionCheck())
- props = NULL;
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- case PT_BINARY:
- {
- LPSTR entryIdStr = (LPSTR)::malloc(prop->Value.bin.cb * 2 + 1);
- HexFromBin(
- prop->Value.bin.lpb,
- prop->Value.bin.cb,
- entryIdStr);
- jstring value;
- value = jniEnv->NewStringUTF(entryIdStr);
- if(value)
- {
- jniEnv->SetObjectArrayElement(
- props,
- j, value);
- if (jniEnv->ExceptionCheck())
- props = NULL;
- }
- ::free(entryIdStr);
- entryIdStr = NULL;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- propArray++;
- MAPIFreeBuffer(prop);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- MsOutlookMAPIHResultException_throwNew(
- jniEnv,
- hResult,
- __FILE__, __LINE__);
- }
- MAPIFreeBuffer(propTagArray);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- MsOutlookMAPIHResultException_throwNew(
- jniEnv,
- __FILE__, __LINE__);
- }
- return props;
- * Saves one contact property.
- *
- * @param jniEnv The Java native interface environment.
- * @param clazz A Java class Object.
- * @param propId The outlook property identifier.
- * @param value The value to set to the outlook property.
- * @param entryId The identifer of the outlook entry to modify.
- *
- * @return JNI_TRUE if the modification succeded. JNI_FALSE otherwise.
- */
- (JNIEnv *jniEnv, jclass clazz, jlong propId, jstring value,
- jstring entryId)
- HRESULT hResult;
- const char *nativeEntryId = jniEnv->GetStringUTFChars(entryId, NULL);
- LPUNKNOWN mapiProp;
- if((mapiProp = MsOutlookAddrBookContactQuery_openEntryId(nativeEntryId))
- == NULL)
- {
- return JNI_FALSE;
- }
- jniEnv->ReleaseStringUTFChars(entryId, nativeEntryId);
- const char *nativeValue = jniEnv->GetStringUTFChars(value, NULL);
- size_t valueLength = strlen(nativeValue);
- LPWSTR wCharValue = (LPWSTR)::malloc((valueLength + 1) * sizeof(wchar_t));
- if(mbstowcs(wCharValue, nativeValue, valueLength + 1)
- != valueLength)
- {
- fprintf(stderr,
- "setPropUnicode (addrbook/MsOutlookAddrBookContactQuery.c): \
- \n\tmbstowcs\n");
- fflush(stderr);
- jniEnv->ReleaseStringUTFChars(value, nativeValue);
- ::free(wCharValue);
- wCharValue = NULL;
- return JNI_FALSE;
- }
- jniEnv->ReleaseStringUTFChars(value, nativeValue);
- ULONG baseGroupEntryIdProp = 0;
- switch(propId)
- {
- case 0x00008083: // dispidEmail1EmailAddress
- baseGroupEntryIdProp = 0x00008080;
- break;
- case 0x00008093: // dispidEmail2EmailAddress
- baseGroupEntryIdProp = 0x00008090;
- break;
- case 0x000080A3: // dispidEmail3EmailAddress
- baseGroupEntryIdProp = 0x000080A0;
- break;
- }
- // If this is a special entry (for email only), then updates all the
- // corresponding properties to make it work.
- if(baseGroupEntryIdProp != 0)
- {
- ULONG nbProps = 7;
- ULONG propIds[] =
- {
- 0x8028, // PidLidAddressBookProviderEmailList
- 0x8029, // PidLidAddressBookProviderArrayType
- (baseGroupEntryIdProp + 0), //0x8080 PidLidEmail1DisplayName
- (baseGroupEntryIdProp + 2), // 0x8082 PidLidEmail1AddressType
- (baseGroupEntryIdProp + 3), // 0x8083 PidLidEmail1EmailAddress
- (baseGroupEntryIdProp + 4), // 0x8084 PidLidEmail1OriginalDisplayName
- (baseGroupEntryIdProp + 5) // 0x8085 PidLidEmail1OriginalEntryID
- };
- ULONG propTag;
- ULONG propCount;
- LPSPropValue propArray;
- LPSPropTagArray propTagArray;
- MAPIAllocateBuffer(
- CbNewSPropTagArray(nbProps),
- (void **) &propTagArray);
- propTagArray->cValues = nbProps;
- for(unsigned int i = 0; i < nbProps; ++i)
- {
- propTag = MsOutlookAddrBookContactQuery_getPropTagFromLid(
- (LPMAPIPROP) mapiProp,
- propIds[i]);
- *(propTagArray->aulPropTag + i) = propTag;
- }
- hResult = ((LPMAPIPROP) mapiProp)->GetProps(
- propTagArray,
- &propCount,
- &propArray);
- if(SUCCEEDED(hResult))
- {
- propArray[2].Value.lpszW = wCharValue;
- propArray[4].Value.lpszW = wCharValue;
- propArray[5].Value.lpszW = wCharValue;
- if(SUCCEEDED(hResult))
- {
- hResult = ((LPMAPIPROP) mapiProp)->SetProps(
- nbProps,
- propArray,
- NULL);
- if(SUCCEEDED(hResult))
- {
- hResult = ((LPMAPIPROP) mapiProp)->SaveChanges(
- if (HR_SUCCEEDED(hResult))
- {
- MAPIFreeBuffer(propTagArray);
- ((LPMAPIPROP) mapiProp)->Release();
- return JNI_TRUE;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- MAPIFreeBuffer(propTagArray);
- ((LPMAPIPROP) mapiProp)->Release();
- return JNI_FALSE;
- }
- SPropValue updateValue;
- updateValue.ulPropTag = PROP_TAG(PT_UNICODE, propId);
- updateValue.Value.lpszW = wCharValue;
- hResult = ((LPMAPIPROP) mapiProp)->SetProps(
- 1,
- (LPSPropValue) &updateValue,
- NULL);
- if (HR_SUCCEEDED(hResult))
- {
- HRESULT hResult
- = ((LPMAPIPROP) mapiProp)->SaveChanges(
- if (HR_SUCCEEDED(hResult))
- {
- ((LPMAPIPROP) mapiProp)->Release();
- ::free(wCharValue);
- wCharValue = NULL;
- return JNI_TRUE;
- }
- }
- ((LPMAPIPROP) mapiProp)->Release();
- ::free(wCharValue);
- wCharValue = NULL;
- return JNI_FALSE;
-static HRESULT
- LPMAPIPROP mapiProp,
- ULONG propTag,
- LPSPropValue *prop)
- SPropTagArray propTagArray;
- HRESULT hResult;
- ULONG valueCount;
- LPSPropValue values;
- propTagArray.cValues = 1;
- propTagArray.aulPropTag[0] = propTag;
- hResult = mapiProp->GetProps(&propTagArray, 0, &valueCount, &values);
- if (HR_SUCCEEDED(hResult))
- {
- ULONG i;
- jboolean propHasBeenAssignedTo = JNI_FALSE;
- for (i = 0; i < valueCount; i++)
- {
- LPSPropValue value = values;
- values++;
- if (value->ulPropTag == propTag)
- {
- *prop = value;
- propHasBeenAssignedTo = JNI_TRUE;
- }
- else
- MAPIFreeBuffer(value);
- }
- if (!propHasBeenAssignedTo)
- hResult = MAPI_E_NOT_FOUND;
- }
- return hResult;
-static jboolean
- (LPMAPISESSION mapiSession,
- JNIEnv *jniEnv, jstring query, jobject callback, jmethodID callbackMethodID)
- HRESULT hResult;
- LPMAPITABLE msgStoresTable = NULL;
- jboolean proceed;
- hResult = mapiSession->GetMsgStoresTable(0, &msgStoresTable);
- if (HR_SUCCEEDED(hResult) && msgStoresTable)
- {
- proceed
- = MsOutlookAddrBookContactQuery_foreachRowInTable(
- msgStoresTable,
- MsOutlookAddrBookContactQuery_onForeachContactInMsgStoresTableRow,
- (LPUNKNOWN) mapiSession,
- jniEnv, query, callback, callbackMethodID);
- msgStoresTable->Release();
- }
- else
- {
- MsOutlookMAPIHResultException_throwNew(
- jniEnv,
- hResult,
- __FILE__, __LINE__);
- proceed = JNI_TRUE;
- }
- return proceed;
-static jboolean
- (ULONG objType, LPUNKNOWN iUnknown,
- JNIEnv *jniEnv, jstring query, jobject callback, jmethodID callbackMethodID)
- jboolean proceed = JNI_TRUE;
- switch (objType)
- {
- {
- HRESULT hResult;
- LPMAPITABLE mapiTable;
- /* Look for MAPI_MAILUSER through the contents. */
- mapiTable = NULL;
- hResult = mapiContainer->GetContentsTable(0, &mapiTable);
- if (HR_SUCCEEDED(hResult) && mapiTable)
- {
- proceed
- = MsOutlookAddrBookContactQuery_foreachMailUserInContainerTable(
- mapiContainer, mapiTable,
- jniEnv, query, callback, callbackMethodID);
- mapiTable->Release();
- }
- /* Drill down the hierarchy. */
- if (proceed)
- {
- mapiTable = NULL;
- hResult = mapiContainer->GetHierarchyTable(0, &mapiTable);
- if (HR_SUCCEEDED(hResult) && mapiTable)
- {
- proceed
- = MsOutlookAddrBookContactQuery_foreachMailUserInContainerTable(
- mapiContainer, mapiTable,
- jniEnv, query, callback, callbackMethodID);
- mapiTable->Release();
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- {
- if (MsOutlookAddrBookContactQuery_mailUserMatches(
- (LPMAPIPROP) iUnknown,
- jniEnv, query))
- {
- /* Report the MAPI_MAILUSER to the callback. */
- proceed
- = jniEnv->CallBooleanMethod(
- callback, callbackMethodID,
- iUnknown);
- /*
- * XXX When an exception is thrown in the callback, does proceed get
- * assigned JNI_FALSE?
- */
- if (proceed && jniEnv->ExceptionCheck())
- proceed = JNI_FALSE;
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- return proceed;
-static jboolean
- (LPMAPISESSION mapiSession,
- JNIEnv *jniEnv, jstring query, jobject callback, jmethodID callbackMethodID)
- HRESULT hResult;
- LPADRBOOK adrBook;
- jboolean proceed;
- hResult = mapiSession->OpenAddressBook(0, NULL, AB_NO_DIALOG, &adrBook);
- if (HR_SUCCEEDED(hResult))
- {
- ULONG objType;
- LPUNKNOWN iUnknown;
- hResult = adrBook->OpenEntry(
- 0,
- MsOutlookAddrBookContactQuery_openEntryUlFlags,
- &objType,
- &iUnknown);
- if (HR_SUCCEEDED(hResult))
- {
- proceed
- = MsOutlookAddrBookContactQuery_foreachMailUser(
- objType, iUnknown,
- jniEnv, query, callback, callbackMethodID);
- iUnknown->Release();
- }
- else
- {
- MsOutlookMAPIHResultException_throwNew(
- jniEnv,
- hResult,
- __FILE__, __LINE__);
- proceed = JNI_TRUE;
- }
- adrBook->Release();
- }
- else
- {
- MsOutlookMAPIHResultException_throwNew(
- jniEnv,
- hResult,
- __FILE__, __LINE__);
- proceed = JNI_TRUE;
- }
- return proceed;
-static jboolean
- (LPMAPICONTAINER mapiContainer, LPMAPITABLE mapiTable,
- JNIEnv *jniEnv, jstring query, jobject callback, jmethodID callbackMethodID)
- return
- MsOutlookAddrBookContactQuery_foreachRowInTable(
- mapiTable,
- MsOutlookAddrBookContactQuery_onForeachMailUserInContainerTableRow,
- (LPUNKNOWN) mapiContainer,
- jniEnv, query, callback, callbackMethodID);
-static jboolean
- (LPMAPITABLE mapiTable,
- MsOutlookAddrBookContactQuery_ForeachRowInTableCallback rowCallback,
- LPUNKNOWN iUnknown,
- JNIEnv *jniEnv, jstring query, jobject callback, jmethodID callbackMethodID)
- HRESULT hResult;
- jboolean proceed;
- hResult = mapiTable->SeekRow(BOOKMARK_BEGINNING, 0, NULL);
- if (HR_SUCCEEDED(hResult))
- {
- proceed = JNI_TRUE;
- while (proceed)
- {
- LPSRowSet rows;
- hResult = mapiTable->QueryRows(1, 0, &rows);
- if (HR_FAILED(hResult))
- break;
- if (rows->cRows == 1)
- {
- ULONG i;
- LPSRow row = rows->aRow;
- ULONG objType = 0;
- SBinary entryIDBinary = { 0, NULL };
- for (i = 0; i < row->cValues; i++)
- {
- LPSPropValue prop = (row->lpProps) + i;
- switch (prop->ulPropTag)
- {
- objType = prop->Value.ul;
- break;
- case PR_ENTRYID:
- entryIDBinary = prop->Value.bin;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (objType && entryIDBinary.cb && entryIDBinary.lpb)
- {
- if (S_OK
- == MAPIAllocateBuffer(
- entryIDBinary.cb,
- (void **) &entryID))
- {
- CopyMemory(
- entryID,
- entryIDBinary.lpb,
- entryIDBinary.cb);
- /*
- * We no longer need the rows at this point so free them
- * before we drill down the hierarchy and allocate even more rows.
- */
- MsOutlookAddrBookContactQuery_freeSRowSet(rows);
- proceed
- = rowCallback(
- iUnknown,
- entryIDBinary.cb, entryID, objType,
- jniEnv, query, callback, callbackMethodID);
- MAPIFreeBuffer(entryID);
- if (proceed && jniEnv->ExceptionCheck())
- proceed = JNI_FALSE;
- }
- else
- MsOutlookAddrBookContactQuery_freeSRowSet(rows);
- }
- else
- MsOutlookAddrBookContactQuery_freeSRowSet(rows);
- }
- else
- {
- MAPIFreeBuffer(rows);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- /* We've failed but other parts of the hierarchy may still succeed. */
- proceed = JNI_TRUE;
- }
- return proceed;
-static void
-MsOutlookAddrBookContactQuery_freeSRowSet(LPSRowSet rows)
- ULONG i;
- for (i = 0; i < rows->cRows; i++)
- {
- LPSRow row = (rows->aRow) + i;
- ULONG j;
- for (j = 0; j < row->cValues; j++)
- {
- LPSPropValue prop = (row->lpProps) + j;
- MAPIFreeBuffer(prop);
- }
- }
- MAPIFreeBuffer(rows);
-static jbyteArray
- (LPMESSAGE message, JNIEnv *jniEnv)
- HRESULT hResult;
- LPMAPITABLE attachmentTable;
- jbyteArray attachmentContactPhoto = NULL;
- hResult = message->GetAttachmentTable(0, &attachmentTable);
- if (HR_SUCCEEDED(hResult))
- {
- hResult = attachmentTable->SeekRow(BOOKMARK_BEGINNING, 0, NULL);
- if (HR_SUCCEEDED(hResult))
- {
- while (1)
- {
- LPSRowSet rows;
- hResult = attachmentTable->QueryRows(1, 0, &rows);
- if (HR_FAILED(hResult))
- break;
- if (rows->cRows == 1)
- {
- ULONG i;
- LPSRow row = rows->aRow;
- jboolean isAttachmentContactPhotoRow = JNI_FALSE;
- jboolean hasAttachmentContactPhoto = JNI_FALSE;
- ULONG attachNum = 0;
- LONG attachMethod = NO_ATTACHMENT;
- for (i = 0; i < row->cValues; i++)
- {
- LPSPropValue prop = (row->lpProps) + i;
- switch (prop->ulPropTag)
- {
- isAttachmentContactPhotoRow = JNI_TRUE;
- hasAttachmentContactPhoto
- = prop->Value.b ? JNI_TRUE : JNI_FALSE;
- break;
- attachMethod = prop->Value.l;
- break;
- attachNum = prop->Value.l;
- break;
- }
- }
- MsOutlookAddrBookContactQuery_freeSRowSet(rows);
- /*
- * As the reference says and as discovered in practice,
- * PR_ATTACHMENT_CONTACTPHOTO is sometimes in IAttach.
- */
- if ((isAttachmentContactPhotoRow
- && hasAttachmentContactPhoto)
- || !isAttachmentContactPhotoRow)
- {
- attachmentContactPhoto
- = MsOutlookAddrBookContactQuery_readAttachment(
- message,
- attachMethod, attachNum,
- jniEnv,
- (!isAttachmentContactPhotoRow)
- }
- if (isAttachmentContactPhotoRow
- || attachmentContactPhoto)
- {
- /*
- * The reference says there can be only 1
- */
- break;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- MAPIFreeBuffer(rows);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- attachmentTable->Release();
- }
- return attachmentContactPhoto;
-static HRESULT
- (LPMDB msgStore,
- ULONG folderEntryIDByteCount, LPENTRYID folderEntryID,
- ULONG *contactsFolderEntryIDByteCount, LPENTRYID *contactsFolderEntryID)
- HRESULT hResult;
- ULONG objType;
- LPUNKNOWN folder;
- hResult = msgStore->OpenEntry(
- folderEntryIDByteCount,
- folderEntryID,
- MsOutlookAddrBookContactQuery_openEntryUlFlags,
- &objType,
- &folder);
- if (HR_SUCCEEDED(hResult))
- {
- LPSPropValue prop;
- hResult
- = MsOutlookAddrBookContactQuery_HrGetOneProp(
- (LPMAPIPROP) folder,
- 0x36D10102 /* PR_IPM_CONTACT_ENTRYID */,
- &prop);
- if (HR_SUCCEEDED(hResult))
- {
- LPSBinary bin = &(prop->Value.bin);
- if (S_OK
- == MAPIAllocateBuffer(
- bin->cb,
- (void **) contactsFolderEntryID))
- {
- hResult = S_OK;
- *contactsFolderEntryIDByteCount = bin->cb;
- CopyMemory(*contactsFolderEntryID, bin->lpb, bin->cb);
- }
- else
- MAPIFreeBuffer(prop);
- }
- folder->Release();
- }
- return hResult;
-static ULONG
-MsOutlookAddrBookContactQuery_getPropTagFromLid(LPMAPIPROP mapiProp, LONG lid)
- = {0x00062004, 0x0000, 0x0000, {0xC0, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x46}};
- MAPINAMEID propName;
- HRESULT hResult;
- LPSPropTagArray propTagArray;
- propName.lpguid = (LPGUID) &PSETID_Address;
- propName.ulKind = MNID_ID;
- propName.Kind.lID = lid;
- propNamePtr = &propName;
- hResult
- = mapiProp->GetIDsFromNames(
- 1, &propNamePtr,
- 0,
- &propTagArray);
- if (HR_SUCCEEDED(hResult) && (1 == propTagArray->cValues))
- {
- ULONG propTag = propTagArray->aulPropTag[0];
- if (PT_ERROR == PROP_TYPE(propTag))
- propTag = PROP_TAG(PT_UNSPECIFIED, lid);
- MAPIFreeBuffer(propTagArray);
- return propTag;
- }
- else
-static jboolean
- (LPMAPIPROP mailUser, JNIEnv *jniEnv, jstring query)
- // TODO Auto-generated method stub
- return JNI_TRUE;
-static jboolean
- (LPUNKNOWN mapiSession,
- ULONG entryIDByteCount, LPENTRYID entryID, ULONG objType,
- JNIEnv *jniEnv, jstring query, jobject callback, jmethodID callbackMethodID)
- HRESULT hResult;
- LPMDB msgStore;
- jboolean proceed;
- hResult
- = ((LPMAPISESSION) mapiSession)->OpenMsgStore(
- 0,
- entryIDByteCount, entryID,
- MDB_NO_MAIL | MsOutlookAddrBookContactQuery_openEntryUlFlags,
- &msgStore);
- if (HR_SUCCEEDED(hResult))
- {
- LPENTRYID receiveFolderEntryID = NULL;
- ULONG contactsFolderEntryIDByteCount = 0;
- LPENTRYID contactsFolderEntryID = NULL;
- hResult
- = msgStore->GetReceiveFolder(
- 0,
- &entryIDByteCount, &receiveFolderEntryID,
- NULL);
- if (HR_SUCCEEDED(hResult))
- {
- hResult
- = MsOutlookAddrBookContactQuery_getContactsFolderEntryID(
- msgStore,
- entryIDByteCount, receiveFolderEntryID,
- &contactsFolderEntryIDByteCount, &contactsFolderEntryID);
- MAPIFreeBuffer(receiveFolderEntryID);
- }
- if (HR_FAILED(hResult))
- {
- hResult
- = MsOutlookAddrBookContactQuery_getContactsFolderEntryID(
- msgStore,
- 0, NULL,
- &contactsFolderEntryIDByteCount, &contactsFolderEntryID);
- }
- if (HR_SUCCEEDED(hResult))
- {
- ULONG contactsFolderObjType;
- LPUNKNOWN contactsFolder;
- hResult
- = msgStore->OpenEntry(
- contactsFolderEntryIDByteCount, contactsFolderEntryID,
- MsOutlookAddrBookContactQuery_openEntryUlFlags,
- &contactsFolderObjType, &contactsFolder);
- if (HR_SUCCEEDED(hResult))
- {
- proceed
- = MsOutlookAddrBookContactQuery_foreachMailUser(
- contactsFolderObjType, contactsFolder,
- jniEnv, query, callback, callbackMethodID);
- contactsFolder->Release();
- }
- else
- {
- /*
- * We've failed but other parts of the hierarchy may still
- * succeed.
- */
- proceed = JNI_TRUE;
- }
- MAPIFreeBuffer(contactsFolderEntryID);
- }
- else
- {
- /*
- * We've failed but other parts of the hierarchy may still succeed.
- */
- proceed = JNI_TRUE;
- }
- msgStore->Release();
- }
- else
- {
- /* We've failed but other parts of the hierarchy may still succeed. */
- proceed = JNI_TRUE;
- }
- return proceed;
-static jboolean
- (LPUNKNOWN mapiContainer,
- ULONG entryIDByteCount, LPENTRYID entryID, ULONG objType,
- JNIEnv *jniEnv, jstring query, jobject callback, jmethodID callbackMethodID)
- HRESULT hResult;
- LPUNKNOWN iUnknown;
- jboolean proceed;
- // Make write failed and image load.
- hResult
- = ((LPMAPICONTAINER) mapiContainer)->OpenEntry(
- entryIDByteCount, entryID,
- MsOutlookAddrBookContactQuery_openEntryUlFlags,
- &objType, &iUnknown);
- if (HR_SUCCEEDED(hResult))
- {
- proceed
- = MsOutlookAddrBookContactQuery_foreachMailUser(
- objType, iUnknown,
- jniEnv, query, callback, callbackMethodID);
- iUnknown->Release();
- }
- else
- {
- /* We've failed but other parts of the hierarchy may still succeed. */
- proceed = JNI_TRUE;
- }
- return proceed;
- * Opens an object based on the string representation of its entry id.
- *
- * @param entryId The identifier of the entry to open.
- *
- * @return A pointer to the opened entry. NULL if anything goes wrong.
- */
-LPUNKNOWN MsOutlookAddrBookContactQuery_openEntryId(const char* entryId)
- ULONG tmpEntryIdSize = strlen(entryId) / 2;
- LPENTRYID tmpEntryId = (LPENTRYID) malloc(tmpEntryIdSize * sizeof(char));
- if(FBinFromHex((LPSTR) entryId, (LPBYTE) tmpEntryId))
- {
- LPMAPISESSION mapiSession = MAPISession_getMapiSession();
- ULONG objType;
- LPUNKNOWN iUnknown;
- HRESULT hResult = mapiSession->OpenEntry(
- tmpEntryIdSize,
- tmpEntryId,
- &objType,
- &iUnknown);
- if(hResult == S_OK)
- {
- ::free(tmpEntryId);
- return iUnknown;
- }
- }
- ::free(tmpEntryId);
- return NULL;
-static jbyteArray
- (LPMESSAGE message, LONG method, ULONG num, JNIEnv *jniEnv, ULONG cond)
- jbyteArray attachment = NULL;
- if (ATTACH_BY_VALUE == method)
- {
- HRESULT hResult;
- LPATTACH attach;
- hResult = message->OpenAttach(num, NULL, 0, &attach);
- if (HR_SUCCEEDED(hResult))
- {
- IStream *stream = NULL;
- if (PT_BOOLEAN == PROP_TYPE(cond))
- {
- LPSPropValue condValue;
- hResult = MsOutlookAddrBookContactQuery_HrGetOneProp(
- (LPMAPIPROP) attach,
- cond,
- &condValue);
- if (HR_SUCCEEDED(hResult))
- {
- if ((PT_BOOLEAN != PROP_TYPE(condValue->ulPropTag))
- || !(condValue->Value.b))
- hResult = MAPI_E_NOT_FOUND;
- MAPIFreeBuffer(condValue);
- }
- }
- if (HR_SUCCEEDED(hResult))
- {
- hResult
- = ((LPMAPIPROP) attach)->OpenProperty(
- &IID_IStream, 0,
- 0,
- (LPUNKNOWN *) &stream);
- }
- if (HR_SUCCEEDED(hResult) && stream)
- {
- STATSTG statstg;
- ULONGLONG length;
- hResult = stream->Stat(&statstg, STATFLAG_NONAME);
- if ((S_OK == hResult) && ((length = statstg.cbSize.QuadPart)))
- {
- attachment = jniEnv->NewByteArray((jsize) length);
- if (attachment)
- {
- jbyte *bytes
- = jniEnv->GetByteArrayElements(attachment, NULL);
- if (bytes)
- {
- ULONG read;
- jint mode;
- hResult
- = stream->Read(bytes, (ULONG) length, &read);
- mode
- = ((S_OK == hResult) || (S_FALSE == hResult))
- ? 0
- jniEnv->ReleaseByteArrayElements(
- attachment, bytes,
- mode);
- if (0 != mode)
- attachment = NULL;
- }
- }
- }
- stream->Release();
- }
- attach->Release();
- }
- }
- return attachment;
+/* + * Jitsi, the OpenSource Java VoIP and Instant Messaging client. + * + * Distributable under LGPL license. + * See terms of license at gnu.org. + */ + +#include "net_java_sip_communicator_plugin_addrbook_msoutlook_MsOutlookAddrBookContactQuery.h" + +#include "../AddrBookContactQuery.h" +#include "MAPINotification.h" +#include "MAPISession.h" +#include "MsOutlookMAPIHResultException.h" +#include <initguid.h> +#include <stdio.h> +#include <string.h> + +#define BODY_ENCODING_TEXT_AND_HTML ((ULONG) 0x00100000) +#define DELETE_HARD_DELETE ((ULONG) 0x00000010) +#define ENCODING_PREFERENCE ((ULONG) 0x00020000) +#define ENCODING_MIME ((ULONG) 0x00040000) +#define OOP_DONT_LOOKUP ((ULONG) 0x10000000) +#define PR_ATTACHMENT_CONTACTPHOTO PROP_TAG(PT_BOOLEAN, 0x7FFF) + +DEFINE_OLEGUID(PSETID_Address, MAKELONG(0x2000+(0x04),0x0006),0,0); + +const MAPIUID MsOutlookAddrBookContactQuery_MuidOneOffEntryID = +{ + 0x81, 0x2b, 0x1f, 0xa4, 0xbe, 0xa3, 0x10, 0x19, + 0x9d, 0x6e, 0x00, 0xdd, 0x01, 0x0f, 0x54, 0x02 +}; + +typedef struct MsOutlookAddrBookContactQuery_OneOffEntryID +{ + ULONG ulFlags; + MAPIUID muid; + ULONG ulBitMask; + BYTE bData[]; +} ONEOFFENTRYID; + +typedef UNALIGNED ONEOFFENTRYID *MsOutlookAddrBookContactQuery_LPONEOFFENTRYID; + +typedef + jboolean (*MsOutlookAddrBookContactQuery_ForeachRowInTableCallback) + (LPUNKNOWN iUnknown, + ULONG entryIDByteCount, LPENTRYID entryID, ULONG objType, + JNIEnv *jniEnv, + jstring query, + jobject callback, jmethodID callbackMethodID); + +static ULONG MsOutlookAddrBookContactQuery_openEntryUlFlags = MAPI_BEST_ACCESS; + +static HRESULT MsOutlookAddrBookContactQuery_HrGetOneProp + (LPMAPIPROP mapiProp, ULONG propTag, LPSPropValue *prop); + +HRESULT MsOutlookAddrBookContactQuery_buildOneOff + (LPWSTR displayName, LPWSTR addressType, LPWSTR emailAddress, + ULONG* oneOffEntryIdLength, LPBYTE* oneOffEntryId); +HRESULT MsOutlookAddrBookContactQuery_createEmailAddress + (LPMESSAGE contact, LPWSTR displayName, LPWSTR addressType, + LPWSTR emailAddress, LPWSTR originalDisplayName, LONG providerEmailList[], + LONG providerArrayType, ULONG propIds[], int nbPropId); +static jboolean MsOutlookAddrBookContactQuery_foreachContactInMsgStoresTable + (LPMAPISESSION mapiSession, + JNIEnv *jniEnv, + jstring query, + jobject callback, jmethodID callbackMethodID); +static jboolean MsOutlookAddrBookContactQuery_foreachMailUser + (ULONG objType, LPUNKNOWN iUnknown, + JNIEnv *jniEnv, + jstring query, + jobject callback, jmethodID callbackMethodID); +static jboolean MsOutlookAddrBookContactQuery_foreachMailUserInAddressBook + (LPMAPISESSION mapiSession, + JNIEnv *jniEnv, + jstring query, + jobject callback, jmethodID callbackMethodID); +static jboolean MsOutlookAddrBookContactQuery_foreachMailUserInContainerTable + (LPMAPICONTAINER mapiContainer, LPMAPITABLE mapiTable, + JNIEnv *jniEnv, + jstring query, + jobject callback, jmethodID callbackMethodID); +static jboolean MsOutlookAddrBookContactQuery_foreachRowInTable + (LPMAPITABLE mapiTable, + MsOutlookAddrBookContactQuery_ForeachRowInTableCallback rowCallback, + LPUNKNOWN iUnknown, + JNIEnv *jniEnv, jstring query, jobject callback, jmethodID callbackMethodID); +static void MsOutlookAddrBookContactQuery_freeSRowSet(LPSRowSet rows); +static jbyteArray MsOutlookAddrBookContactQuery_getAttachmentContactPhoto + (LPMESSAGE message, JNIEnv *jniEnv); +void MsOutlookAddrBookContactQuery_getBinaryProp + (LPMAPIPROP entry, ULONG propId, LPSBinary binaryProp); +static HRESULT MsOutlookAddrBookContactQuery_getContactsFolderEntryID + (LPMDB msgStore, + ULONG folderEntryIDByteCount, LPENTRYID folderEntryID, + ULONG *contactsFolderEntryIDByteCount, LPENTRYID *contactsFolderEntryID); +LPSTR MsOutlookAddrBookContactQuery_getContactId(LPMAPIPROP contact); +LPMAPIFOLDER MsOutlookAddrBookContactQuery_getDefaultContactFolderId(void); +LPMDB MsOutlookAddrBookContactQuery_getDefaultMsgStores(void); +static ULONG MsOutlookAddrBookContactQuery_getPropTagFromLid + (LPMAPIPROP mapiProp, LONG lid); +static jboolean MsOutlookAddrBookContactQuery_mailUserMatches + (LPMAPIPROP mailUser, JNIEnv *jniEnv, jstring query); +static jboolean MsOutlookAddrBookContactQuery_onForeachContactInMsgStoresTableRow + (LPUNKNOWN mapiSession, + ULONG entryIDByteCount, LPENTRYID entryID, ULONG objType, + JNIEnv *jniEnv, jstring query, jobject callback, jmethodID callbackMethodID); +static jboolean MsOutlookAddrBookContactQuery_onForeachMailUserInContainerTableRow + (LPUNKNOWN mapiContainer, + ULONG entryIDByteCount, LPENTRYID entryID, ULONG objType, + JNIEnv *jniEnv, jstring query, jobject callback, jmethodID callbackMethodID); +LPUNKNOWN MsOutlookAddrBookContactQuery_openEntryId + (ULONG entryIdSize, LPENTRYID entryId); +LPUNKNOWN MsOutlookAddrBookContactQuery_openEntryIdStr(const char* entryId); +static jbyteArray MsOutlookAddrBookContactQuery_readAttachment + (LPMESSAGE message, LONG method, ULONG num, JNIEnv *jniEnv, ULONG cond); + +/** + * creates a new contact from the outlook database. + * + * @param jniEnv The Java native interface environment. + * @param clazz A Java class Object. + * + * @return The identifer of the created outlook contact. NULL on failure. + */ +JNIEXPORT jstring JNICALL Java_net_java_sip_communicator_plugin_addrbook_msoutlook_MsOutlookAddrBookContactQuery_createContact + (JNIEnv *jniEnv, jclass clazz) +{ + jstring value = NULL; + + LPMAPIFOLDER parentEntry + = MsOutlookAddrBookContactQuery_getDefaultContactFolderId(); + + LPMESSAGE message; + if(parentEntry->CreateMessage(NULL, 0, &message) == S_OK) + { + SPropValue updateValue; + + // PR_MESSAGE_CLASS_W + updateValue.ulPropTag = PROP_TAG(PT_UNICODE, 0x001A); + updateValue.Value.lpszW = (LPWSTR) L"IPM.Contact"; + if(((LPMAPIPROP) message)->SetProps( + 1, + (LPSPropValue) &updateValue, + NULL) == S_OK) + { + ((LPMAPIPROP) message)->SaveChanges( + FORCE_SAVE | KEEP_OPEN_READWRITE); + } + + updateValue.ulPropTag = PROP_TAG(PT_LONG, 0x1080); // PR_ICON_INDEX + updateValue.Value.l = 512; + if(((LPMAPIPROP) message)->SetProps( + 1, + (LPSPropValue) &updateValue, + NULL) == S_OK) + { + ((LPMAPIPROP) message)->SaveChanges( + FORCE_SAVE | KEEP_OPEN_READWRITE); + } + + LPSTR messageIdStr + = MsOutlookAddrBookContactQuery_getContactId((LPMAPIPROP) message); + value = jniEnv->NewStringUTF(messageIdStr); + ::free(messageIdStr); + messageIdStr = NULL; + + ((LPMAPIPROP) message)->Release(); + } + parentEntry->Release(); + + return value; +} + +/** + * Delete the given contact from the outlook database. + * + * @param jniEnv The Java native interface environment. + * @param clazz A Java class Object. + * @param id The identifer of the outlook contact to remove. + * + * @return JNI_TRUE if the deletion succeded. JNI_FALSE otherwise. + */ +JNIEXPORT jboolean JNICALL Java_net_java_sip_communicator_plugin_addrbook_msoutlook_MsOutlookAddrBookContactQuery_deleteContact + (JNIEnv *jniEnv, jclass clazz, jstring id) +{ + jboolean res = JNI_FALSE; + + const char *nativeEntryId = jniEnv->GetStringUTFChars(id, NULL); + LPUNKNOWN mapiProp; + if((mapiProp = MsOutlookAddrBookContactQuery_openEntryIdStr(nativeEntryId)) + == NULL) + { + return JNI_FALSE; + } + jniEnv->ReleaseStringUTFChars(id, nativeEntryId); + + SBinary contactId; + contactId.cb = 0; + MsOutlookAddrBookContactQuery_getBinaryProp( + (LPMAPIPROP) mapiProp, + 0x0FFF, + &contactId); + + SBinary parentId; + parentId.cb = 0; + MsOutlookAddrBookContactQuery_getBinaryProp( + (LPMAPIPROP) mapiProp, + 0x0E09, //PR_PARENT_ENTRYID, + &parentId); + LPUNKNOWN parentEntry = MsOutlookAddrBookContactQuery_openEntryId( + parentId.cb, (LPENTRYID) parentId.lpb); + + SBinaryArray deleteIdArray; + deleteIdArray.cValues = 1; + deleteIdArray.lpbin = &contactId; + res = (((LPMAPIFOLDER) parentEntry)->DeleteMessages( + &deleteIdArray, + 0, + NULL, + DELETE_HARD_DELETE) == S_OK); + + ((LPMAPIPROP) parentEntry)->Release(); + MAPIFreeBuffer(&parentId); + MAPIFreeBuffer(&contactId); + ((LPMAPIPROP) mapiProp)->Release(); + + return res; +} + +JNIEXPORT void JNICALL +Java_net_java_sip_communicator_plugin_addrbook_msoutlook_MsOutlookAddrBookContactQuery_foreachMailUser( + JNIEnv *jniEnv, + jclass clazz, + jstring query, + jobject callback) +{ + jmethodID callbackMethodID; + + MAPISession_lock(); + LPMAPISESSION mapiSession = MAPISession_getMapiSession(); + if (!mapiSession) + { + MAPISession_unlock(); + return; + } + + callbackMethodID + = AddrBookContactQuery_getStringCallbackMethodID(jniEnv, callback); + if (!callbackMethodID || jniEnv->ExceptionCheck()) + { + MAPISession_unlock(); + return; + } + + jboolean proceed + = MsOutlookAddrBookContactQuery_foreachContactInMsgStoresTable( + mapiSession, + jniEnv, + query, + callback, callbackMethodID); + + if (proceed && !(jniEnv->ExceptionCheck())) + { + MsOutlookAddrBookContactQuery_foreachMailUserInAddressBook( + mapiSession, + jniEnv, + query, + callback, callbackMethodID); + } + + MAPISession_unlock(); +} + +/** + * Deletes one property from a contact. + * + * @param jniEnv The Java native interface environment. + * @param clazz A Java class Object. + * @param propId The outlook property identifier. + * @param entryId The identifer of the outlook entry to modify. + * + * @return JNI_TRUE if the deletion succeded. JNI_FALSE otherwise. + */ +JNIEXPORT jboolean JNICALL +Java_net_java_sip_communicator_plugin_addrbook_msoutlook_MsOutlookAddrBookContactQuery_IMAPIProp_1DeleteProp + (JNIEnv *jniEnv, jclass clazz, jlong propId, jstring entryId) +{ + const char *nativeEntryId = jniEnv->GetStringUTFChars(entryId, NULL); + LPUNKNOWN mapiProp; + if((mapiProp = MsOutlookAddrBookContactQuery_openEntryIdStr(nativeEntryId)) + == NULL) + { + return JNI_FALSE; + } + jniEnv->ReleaseStringUTFChars(entryId, nativeEntryId); + + ULONG baseGroupEntryIdProp = 0; + switch(propId) + { + case 0x00008083: // dispidEmail1EmailAddress + baseGroupEntryIdProp = 0x00008080; + break; + case 0x00008093: // dispidEmail2EmailAddress + baseGroupEntryIdProp = 0x00008090; + break; + case 0x000080A3: // dispidEmail3EmailAddress + baseGroupEntryIdProp = 0x000080A0; + break; + } + // If this is a special entry (for email only), then deletes all the + // corresponding properties to make it work. + if(baseGroupEntryIdProp != 0) + { + ULONG nbProps = 5; + ULONG propIds[] = + { + (baseGroupEntryIdProp + 0), //0x8080 PidLidEmail1DisplayName + (baseGroupEntryIdProp + 2), // 0x8082 PidLidEmail1AddressType + (baseGroupEntryIdProp + 3), // 0x8083 PidLidEmail1EmailAddress + (baseGroupEntryIdProp + 4), // 0x8084 PidLidEmail1OriginalDisplayName + (baseGroupEntryIdProp + 5) // 0x8085 PidLidEmail1OriginalEntryID + }; + ULONG propTag; + LPSPropTagArray propTagArray; + MAPIAllocateBuffer( + CbNewSPropTagArray(nbProps), + (void **) &propTagArray); + propTagArray->cValues = nbProps; + for(unsigned int i = 0; i < nbProps; ++i) + { + propTag = MsOutlookAddrBookContactQuery_getPropTagFromLid( + (LPMAPIPROP) mapiProp, + propIds[i]); + *(propTagArray->aulPropTag + i) = propTag; + } + + HRESULT hResult + = ((LPMAPIPROP) mapiProp)->DeleteProps( + propTagArray, + NULL); + + if (HR_SUCCEEDED(hResult)) + { + hResult + = ((LPMAPIPROP) mapiProp)->SaveChanges( + FORCE_SAVE | KEEP_OPEN_READWRITE); + + if (HR_SUCCEEDED(hResult)) + { + MAPIFreeBuffer(propTagArray); + ((LPMAPIPROP) mapiProp)->Release(); + + return JNI_TRUE; + } + } + MAPIFreeBuffer(propTagArray); + ((LPMAPIPROP) mapiProp)->Release(); + + return JNI_FALSE; + } + + SPropTagArray propToDelete; + propToDelete.cValues = 1; + if(propId == 0x8062) // PidLidInstantMessagingAddress + { + propToDelete.aulPropTag[0] = 0x8046001F; + } + else + { + propToDelete.aulPropTag[0] = PROP_TAG(PT_UNICODE, propId); + } + + HRESULT hResult + = ((LPMAPIPROP) mapiProp)->DeleteProps( + (LPSPropTagArray) &propToDelete, + NULL); + + if (HR_SUCCEEDED(hResult)) + { + hResult + = ((LPMAPIPROP) mapiProp)->SaveChanges( + FORCE_SAVE | KEEP_OPEN_READWRITE); + + if (HR_SUCCEEDED(hResult)) + { + ((LPMAPIPROP) mapiProp)->Release(); + + return JNI_TRUE; + } + } + ((LPMAPIPROP) mapiProp)->Release(); + + return JNI_FALSE; +} + +JNIEXPORT jobjectArray JNICALL +Java_net_java_sip_communicator_plugin_addrbook_msoutlook_MsOutlookAddrBookContactQuery_IMAPIProp_1GetProps( + JNIEnv *jniEnv, + jclass clazz, + jstring entryId, + jlongArray propIds, + jlong flags) +{ + jsize propIdCount; + LPSPropTagArray propTagArray; + jobjectArray props = NULL; + + const char *nativeEntryId = jniEnv->GetStringUTFChars(entryId, NULL); + LPUNKNOWN mapiProp; + if((mapiProp = MsOutlookAddrBookContactQuery_openEntryIdStr(nativeEntryId)) + == NULL) + { + return NULL; + } + jniEnv->ReleaseStringUTFChars(entryId, nativeEntryId); + + propIdCount = jniEnv->GetArrayLength(propIds); + if (S_OK + == MAPIAllocateBuffer( + CbNewSPropTagArray(propIdCount), + (void **) &propTagArray)) + { + jsize i; + + propTagArray->cValues = propIdCount; + for (i = 0; i < propIdCount; i++) + { + jlong propId; + + jniEnv->GetLongArrayRegion(propIds, i, 1, &propId); + if (jniEnv->ExceptionCheck()) + { + MAPIFreeBuffer(propTagArray); + propTagArray = NULL; + break; + } + else + { + ULONG propTag; + + if (propId < 0x8000) + { + if (propId == PROP_ID(PR_ATTACHMENT_CONTACTPHOTO)) + propTag = PR_HASATTACH; + else + propTag = PROP_TAG(PT_UNSPECIFIED, propId); + } + else + { + propTag + = MsOutlookAddrBookContactQuery_getPropTagFromLid( + (LPMAPIPROP) mapiProp, + (LONG)propId); + } + *(propTagArray->aulPropTag + i) = propTag; + } + } + if (propTagArray) + { + HRESULT hResult; + ULONG propCount; + LPSPropValue propArray; + + hResult + = ((LPMAPIPROP) mapiProp)->GetProps( + propTagArray, + (ULONG) flags, + &propCount, &propArray); + if (HR_SUCCEEDED(hResult)) + { + jclass objectClass; + ULONG j; + + objectClass = jniEnv->FindClass("java/lang/Object"); + if (objectClass) + { + props + = jniEnv->NewObjectArray( + (jsize) propCount, + objectClass, + NULL); + } + for (j = 0; j < propCount; j++) + { + LPSPropValue prop = propArray; + + if (props) + { + switch (PROP_TYPE(prop->ulPropTag)) + { + case PT_BOOLEAN: + { + if ((PR_HASATTACH == prop->ulPropTag) + && prop->Value.b) + { + jbyteArray value + = MsOutlookAddrBookContactQuery_getAttachmentContactPhoto( + (LPMESSAGE) mapiProp, + jniEnv); + + if (value) + { + jniEnv->SetObjectArrayElement( + props, j, + value); + if (jniEnv->ExceptionCheck()) + props = NULL; + } + } + break; + } + + case PT_LONG: + { + jclass longClass + = jniEnv->FindClass("java/lang/Long"); + + if (longClass) + { + jmethodID longMethodID + = jniEnv->GetMethodID( + longClass, + "<init>", "(J)V"); + + if (longMethodID) + { + jlong l = prop->Value.l; + jobject value + = jniEnv->NewObject( + longClass, longMethodID, + l); + + if (value) + { + jniEnv->SetObjectArrayElement( + props, j, + value); + if (jniEnv->ExceptionCheck()) + props = NULL; + } + } + } + break; + } + + case PT_STRING8: + { + if (prop->Value.lpszA) + { + jstring value; + + value = jniEnv->NewStringUTF(prop->Value.lpszA); + if (value) + { + jniEnv->SetObjectArrayElement( + props, + j, value); + if (jniEnv->ExceptionCheck()) + props = NULL; + } + } + break; + } + + case PT_UNICODE: + { + if (prop->Value.lpszW) + { + jstring value; + + value + = jniEnv->NewString( + (const jchar *) (prop->Value.lpszW), + wcslen(prop->Value.lpszW)); + if (value) + { + jniEnv->SetObjectArrayElement( + props, + j, value); + if (jniEnv->ExceptionCheck()) + props = NULL; + } + } + break; + } + + case PT_BINARY: + { + LPSTR entryIdStr = (LPSTR)::malloc(prop->Value.bin.cb * 2 + 1); + + HexFromBin( + prop->Value.bin.lpb, + prop->Value.bin.cb, + entryIdStr); + + jstring value; + value = jniEnv->NewStringUTF(entryIdStr); + if(value) + { + jniEnv->SetObjectArrayElement( + props, + j, value); + if (jniEnv->ExceptionCheck()) + props = NULL; + } + + ::free(entryIdStr); + entryIdStr = NULL; + break; + } + } + } + propArray++; + MAPIFreeBuffer(prop); + } + } + else + { + MsOutlookMAPIHResultException_throwNew( + jniEnv, + hResult, + __FILE__, __LINE__); + } + MAPIFreeBuffer(propTagArray); + } + } + else + { + MsOutlookMAPIHResultException_throwNew( + jniEnv, + MAPI_E_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY, + __FILE__, __LINE__); + } + ((LPMAPIPROP) mapiProp)->Release(); + + return props; +} + +/** + * Saves one contact property. + * + * @param jniEnv The Java native interface environment. + * @param clazz A Java class Object. + * @param propId The outlook property identifier. + * @param value The value to set to the outlook property. + * @param entryId The identifer of the outlook entry to modify. + * + * @return JNI_TRUE if the modification succeded. JNI_FALSE otherwise. + */ +JNIEXPORT jboolean JNICALL +Java_net_java_sip_communicator_plugin_addrbook_msoutlook_MsOutlookAddrBookContactQuery_IMAPIProp_1SetPropString + (JNIEnv *jniEnv, jclass clazz, jlong propId, jstring value, + jstring entryId) +{ + HRESULT hResult; + + const char *nativeEntryId = jniEnv->GetStringUTFChars(entryId, NULL); + LPUNKNOWN mapiProp; + if((mapiProp = MsOutlookAddrBookContactQuery_openEntryIdStr(nativeEntryId)) + == NULL) + { + return JNI_FALSE; + } + jniEnv->ReleaseStringUTFChars(entryId, nativeEntryId); + + const char *nativeValue = jniEnv->GetStringUTFChars(value, NULL); + size_t valueLength = strlen(nativeValue); + LPWSTR wCharValue = (LPWSTR)::malloc((valueLength + 1) * sizeof(wchar_t)); + if(mbstowcs(wCharValue, nativeValue, valueLength + 1) + != valueLength) + { + fprintf(stderr, + "setPropUnicode (addrbook/MsOutlookAddrBookContactQuery.c): \ + \n\tmbstowcs\n"); + fflush(stderr); + jniEnv->ReleaseStringUTFChars(value, nativeValue); + ::free(wCharValue); + wCharValue = NULL; + return JNI_FALSE; + } + jniEnv->ReleaseStringUTFChars(value, nativeValue); + + ULONG baseGroupEntryIdProp = 0; + switch(propId) + { + case 0x00008083: // dispidEmail1EmailAddress + baseGroupEntryIdProp = 0x00008080; + break; + case 0x00008093: // dispidEmail2EmailAddress + baseGroupEntryIdProp = 0x00008090; + break; + case 0x000080A3: // dispidEmail3EmailAddress + baseGroupEntryIdProp = 0x000080A0; + break; + } + // If this is a special entry (for email only), then updates all the + // corresponding properties to make it work. + if(baseGroupEntryIdProp != 0) + { + ULONG nbProps = 7; + ULONG propIds[] = + { + 0x8028, // PidLidAddressBookProviderEmailList + 0x8029, // PidLidAddressBookProviderArrayType + (baseGroupEntryIdProp + 0), //0x8080 PidLidEmail1DisplayName + (baseGroupEntryIdProp + 2), // 0x8082 PidLidEmail1AddressType + (baseGroupEntryIdProp + 3), // 0x8083 PidLidEmail1EmailAddress + (baseGroupEntryIdProp + 4), // 0x8084 PidLidEmail1OriginalDisplayName + (baseGroupEntryIdProp + 5) // 0x8085 PidLidEmail1OriginalEntryID + }; + ULONG propTag; + ULONG propCount; + LPSPropValue propArray; + LPSPropTagArray propTagArray; + MAPIAllocateBuffer( + CbNewSPropTagArray(nbProps), + (void **) &propTagArray); + propTagArray->cValues = nbProps; + for(unsigned int i = 0; i < nbProps; ++i) + { + propTag = MsOutlookAddrBookContactQuery_getPropTagFromLid( + (LPMAPIPROP) mapiProp, + propIds[i]); + *(propTagArray->aulPropTag + i) = propTag; + } + hResult = ((LPMAPIPROP) mapiProp)->GetProps( + propTagArray, + MAPI_UNICODE, + &propCount, + &propArray); + + if(SUCCEEDED(hResult)) + { + LPWSTR addressType = (LPWSTR) L"SMTP"; + LONG providerEmailList[1]; + switch(propId) + { + case 0x00008083: // dispidEmail1EmailAddress + providerEmailList[0] = 0x00000000; + propArray[1].Value.l |= 0x00000001; + break; + case 0x00008093: // dispidEmail2EmailAddress + providerEmailList[0] = 0x00000001; + propArray[1].Value.l |= 0x00000002; + break; + case 0x000080A3: // dispidEmail3EmailAddress + providerEmailList[0] = 0x00000002; + propArray[1].Value.l |= 0x00000004; + break; + } + propArray[0].Value.MVl.cValues = 1; + propArray[0].Value.MVl.lpl = providerEmailList; + + propArray[2].Value.lpszW = wCharValue; + propArray[3].Value.lpszW = addressType; + propArray[4].Value.lpszW = wCharValue; + propArray[5].Value.lpszW = wCharValue; + + if(MsOutlookAddrBookContactQuery_createEmailAddress( + (LPMESSAGE) mapiProp, + wCharValue, // displayName + addressType, // addressType + wCharValue, // emailAddress + wCharValue, // originalDisplayName + providerEmailList, + propArray[1].Value.l, + propIds, + 7) == S_OK) + { + MAPIFreeBuffer(propTagArray); + ((LPMAPIPROP) mapiProp)->Release(); + return JNI_TRUE; + } + } + MAPIFreeBuffer(propTagArray); + ((LPMAPIPROP) mapiProp)->Release(); + return JNI_FALSE; + } + + SPropValue updateValue; + if(propId == 0x8062) // PidLidInstantMessagingAddress + { + updateValue.ulPropTag = 0x8046001F; + } + else + { + updateValue.ulPropTag = PROP_TAG(PT_UNICODE, propId); + } + updateValue.Value.lpszW = wCharValue; + + hResult = ((LPMAPIPROP) mapiProp)->SetProps( + 1, + (LPSPropValue) &updateValue, + NULL); + + if (HR_SUCCEEDED(hResult)) + { + HRESULT hResult + = ((LPMAPIPROP) mapiProp)->SaveChanges( + FORCE_SAVE | KEEP_OPEN_READWRITE); + + if (HR_SUCCEEDED(hResult)) + { + ((LPMAPIPROP) mapiProp)->Release(); + ::free(wCharValue); + wCharValue = NULL; + return JNI_TRUE; + } + } + + ((LPMAPIPROP) mapiProp)->Release(); + ::free(wCharValue); + wCharValue = NULL; + return JNI_FALSE; +} + +static HRESULT +MsOutlookAddrBookContactQuery_HrGetOneProp( + LPMAPIPROP mapiProp, + ULONG propTag, + LPSPropValue *prop) +{ + SPropTagArray propTagArray; + HRESULT hResult; + ULONG valueCount; + LPSPropValue values; + + propTagArray.cValues = 1; + propTagArray.aulPropTag[0] = propTag; + + hResult = mapiProp->GetProps(&propTagArray, 0, &valueCount, &values); + if (HR_SUCCEEDED(hResult)) + { + ULONG i; + jboolean propHasBeenAssignedTo = JNI_FALSE; + + for (i = 0; i < valueCount; i++) + { + LPSPropValue value = values; + + values++; + if (value->ulPropTag == propTag) + { + *prop = value; + propHasBeenAssignedTo = JNI_TRUE; + } + else + MAPIFreeBuffer(value); + } + if (!propHasBeenAssignedTo) + hResult = MAPI_E_NOT_FOUND; + } + return hResult; +} + +/** + * Creates a One-Off entry to register an email address. + * + * @param displayName The display name corresponding to the new email address. + * @param addressType The address type corresponding to the new email address + * (SMTP). + * @param emailAddress The email address string. + * @param oneOffEntryIdLength The length of the One-Off entry id once created. + * @param oneOffEntriId Pointer used to store the One-Off entry id created. + * + * @return S_OK if everything was fine. MAPI_E_INVALID_PARAMETER, if there was + * an invalid argument. MAPI_E_CALL_FAILED otherwise. + */ +HRESULT MsOutlookAddrBookContactQuery_buildOneOff + (LPWSTR displayName, LPWSTR addressType, LPWSTR emailAddress, + ULONG* oneOffEntryIdLength, LPBYTE* oneOffEntryId) +{ + if (!displayName || !addressType || !emailAddress + || !oneOffEntryIdLength || !oneOffEntryId) + { + return MAPI_E_INVALID_PARAMETER; + } + + // Calculate how large our EID will be + size_t cbDisplayName + = wcslen(displayName) * sizeof(WCHAR) + sizeof(WCHAR); + size_t cbAddressType + = wcslen(addressType) * sizeof(WCHAR) + sizeof(WCHAR); + size_t cbEmailAddress + = wcslen(emailAddress) * sizeof(WCHAR) + sizeof(WCHAR); + size_t cbEID = sizeof(ONEOFFENTRYID) + + cbDisplayName + cbAddressType + cbEmailAddress; + + // Allocate our buffer + MsOutlookAddrBookContactQuery_LPONEOFFENTRYID lpEID + = (MsOutlookAddrBookContactQuery_LPONEOFFENTRYID) + malloc(cbEID * sizeof(BYTE)); + + // Populate it + if (lpEID) + { + memset(lpEID,0,cbEID); + lpEID->muid = MsOutlookAddrBookContactQuery_MuidOneOffEntryID; + lpEID->ulBitMask |= MAPI_UNICODE; // Set U, the unicode bit + lpEID->ulBitMask |= OOP_DONT_LOOKUP; // Set L, the no lookup bit + lpEID->ulBitMask |= MAPI_SEND_NO_RICH_INFO; // Set M, the mime bit + // Set the encoding format + lpEID->ulBitMask |= + ENCODING_PREFERENCE | ENCODING_MIME | BODY_ENCODING_TEXT_AND_HTML; + + LPBYTE pb = lpEID->bData; + // this will copy the string and the NULL terminator together + memcpy(pb, displayName, cbDisplayName); + pb += cbDisplayName; + memcpy(pb, addressType, cbAddressType); + pb += cbAddressType; + memcpy(pb, emailAddress, cbEmailAddress); + pb += cbEmailAddress; + + // Return it + *oneOffEntryIdLength = cbEID; + *oneOffEntryId = (LPBYTE) lpEID; + + return S_OK; + } + + return MAPI_E_CALL_FAILED; +} + +/** + * Creates or modifies an email address. + * + * @param contact The contact to add the email address. + * @param displayName The display name for the email address. + * @param addressType the address type for the email address (SMTP). + * @param emailAddress The email address. + * @param originalDisplayName The original display name for the email address. + * @param providerEmailList A list of values used to define which email address + * is set. + * @param providerArrayType A bitsmask used to define which email address is + * set. + * @param propIds A list of property to set for this email address. + * @param nbPropId The number of properties contained in propIds. + * + * @return S_OK if the email address was created/modified. + */ +HRESULT MsOutlookAddrBookContactQuery_createEmailAddress + (LPMESSAGE contact, LPWSTR displayName, LPWSTR addressType, + LPWSTR emailAddress, LPWSTR originalDisplayName, LONG providerEmailList[], + LONG providerArrayType, ULONG propIds[], int nbPropId) +{ + SBinary parentId; + parentId.cb = 0; + MsOutlookAddrBookContactQuery_getBinaryProp( + (LPMAPIPROP) contact, + 0x0E09, //PR_PARENT_ENTRYID, + &parentId); + LPMAPIFOLDER parentEntry + = (LPMAPIFOLDER) MsOutlookAddrBookContactQuery_openEntryId( + parentId.cb, (LPENTRYID) parentId.lpb); + HRESULT hRes = S_OK; + MAPINAMEID rgnmid[nbPropId]; + LPMAPINAMEID rgpnmid[nbPropId]; + LPSPropTagArray lpNamedPropTags = NULL; + + for(int i = 0 ; i < nbPropId ; i++) + { + rgnmid[i].lpguid = (LPGUID) &PSETID_Address; + rgnmid[i].ulKind = MNID_ID; + rgnmid[i].Kind.lID = propIds[i]; + rgpnmid[i] = &rgnmid[i]; + } + hRes = parentEntry->GetIDsFromNames( + nbPropId, + (LPMAPINAMEID*) &rgpnmid, + 0, + &lpNamedPropTags); + + if (SUCCEEDED(hRes) && lpNamedPropTags) + { + SPropValue spvProps[nbPropId]; + spvProps[0].ulPropTag + = CHANGE_PROP_TYPE(lpNamedPropTags->aulPropTag[0], PT_MV_LONG); + spvProps[1].ulPropTag + = CHANGE_PROP_TYPE(lpNamedPropTags->aulPropTag[1], PT_LONG); + spvProps[2].ulPropTag + = CHANGE_PROP_TYPE(lpNamedPropTags->aulPropTag[2], PT_UNICODE); + spvProps[3].ulPropTag + = CHANGE_PROP_TYPE(lpNamedPropTags->aulPropTag[3], PT_UNICODE); + spvProps[4].ulPropTag + = CHANGE_PROP_TYPE(lpNamedPropTags->aulPropTag[4], PT_UNICODE); + spvProps[5].ulPropTag + = CHANGE_PROP_TYPE(lpNamedPropTags->aulPropTag[5], PT_UNICODE); + spvProps[6].ulPropTag + = CHANGE_PROP_TYPE(lpNamedPropTags->aulPropTag[6], PT_BINARY); + + spvProps[0].Value.MVl.cValues = 1; + spvProps[0].Value.MVl.lpl = providerEmailList; + + spvProps[1].Value.l = providerArrayType; + + spvProps[2].Value.lpszW = displayName; + spvProps[3].Value.lpszW = addressType; + spvProps[4].Value.lpszW = emailAddress; + spvProps[5].Value.lpszW = originalDisplayName; + + hRes = MsOutlookAddrBookContactQuery_buildOneOff( + displayName, + addressType, + emailAddress, + &spvProps[6].Value.bin.cb, + &spvProps[6].Value.bin.lpb); + + if (SUCCEEDED(hRes)) + { + hRes = contact->SetProps(nbPropId, spvProps, NULL); + if (SUCCEEDED(hRes)) + { + hRes = contact->SaveChanges(FORCE_SAVE); + } + } + + if (spvProps[6].Value.bin.lpb) + free(spvProps[6].Value.bin.lpb); + } + + MAPIFreeBuffer(lpNamedPropTags); + MAPIFreeBuffer(&parentId); + parentEntry->Release(); + + return hRes; +} + +static jboolean +MsOutlookAddrBookContactQuery_foreachContactInMsgStoresTable + (LPMAPISESSION mapiSession, + JNIEnv *jniEnv, jstring query, jobject callback, jmethodID callbackMethodID) +{ + HRESULT hResult; + LPMAPITABLE msgStoresTable = NULL; + jboolean proceed; + + hResult = mapiSession->GetMsgStoresTable(0, &msgStoresTable); + if (HR_SUCCEEDED(hResult) && msgStoresTable) + { + proceed + = MsOutlookAddrBookContactQuery_foreachRowInTable( + msgStoresTable, + MsOutlookAddrBookContactQuery_onForeachContactInMsgStoresTableRow, + (LPUNKNOWN) mapiSession, + jniEnv, query, callback, callbackMethodID); + msgStoresTable->Release(); + } + else + { + MsOutlookMAPIHResultException_throwNew( + jniEnv, + hResult, + __FILE__, __LINE__); + proceed = JNI_TRUE; + } + return proceed; +} + +static jboolean +MsOutlookAddrBookContactQuery_foreachMailUser + (ULONG objType, LPUNKNOWN iUnknown, + JNIEnv *jniEnv, jstring query, jobject callback, jmethodID callbackMethodID) +{ + jboolean proceed = JNI_TRUE; + + switch (objType) + { + case MAPI_ABCONT: + case MAPI_FOLDER: + { + LPMAPICONTAINER mapiContainer = (LPMAPICONTAINER) iUnknown; + + HRESULT hResult; + LPMAPITABLE mapiTable; + + /* Look for MAPI_MAILUSER through the contents. */ + mapiTable = NULL; + hResult = mapiContainer->GetContentsTable(0, &mapiTable); + if (HR_SUCCEEDED(hResult) && mapiTable) + { + proceed + = MsOutlookAddrBookContactQuery_foreachMailUserInContainerTable( + mapiContainer, mapiTable, + jniEnv, query, callback, callbackMethodID); + mapiTable->Release(); + } + + /* Drill down the hierarchy. */ + if (proceed) + { + mapiTable = NULL; + hResult = mapiContainer->GetHierarchyTable(0, &mapiTable); + if (HR_SUCCEEDED(hResult) && mapiTable) + { + proceed + = MsOutlookAddrBookContactQuery_foreachMailUserInContainerTable( + mapiContainer, mapiTable, + jniEnv, query, callback, callbackMethodID); + mapiTable->Release(); + } + } + + break; + } + + case MAPI_MAILUSER: + case MAPI_MESSAGE: + { + if (MsOutlookAddrBookContactQuery_mailUserMatches( + (LPMAPIPROP) iUnknown, + jniEnv, query)) + { + LPSTR contactId = MsOutlookAddrBookContactQuery_getContactId( + (LPMAPIPROP) iUnknown); + jstring value = jniEnv->NewStringUTF(contactId); + + // Report the MAPI_MAILUSER to the callback. + proceed + = jniEnv->CallBooleanMethod(callback, callbackMethodID, value); + + ::free(contactId); + contactId = NULL; + + /* + * XXX When an exception is thrown in the callback, does proceed get + * assigned JNI_FALSE? + */ + if (proceed && jniEnv->ExceptionCheck()) + proceed = JNI_FALSE; + } + break; + } + } + return proceed; +} + +static jboolean +MsOutlookAddrBookContactQuery_foreachMailUserInAddressBook + (LPMAPISESSION mapiSession, + JNIEnv *jniEnv, jstring query, jobject callback, jmethodID callbackMethodID) +{ + HRESULT hResult; + LPADRBOOK adrBook; + jboolean proceed; + + hResult = mapiSession->OpenAddressBook(0, NULL, AB_NO_DIALOG, &adrBook); + if (HR_SUCCEEDED(hResult)) + { + ULONG objType; + LPUNKNOWN iUnknown; + + hResult = adrBook->OpenEntry( + 0, + NULL, + NULL, + MsOutlookAddrBookContactQuery_openEntryUlFlags, + &objType, + &iUnknown); + + if (HR_SUCCEEDED(hResult)) + { + proceed + = MsOutlookAddrBookContactQuery_foreachMailUser( + objType, iUnknown, + jniEnv, query, callback, callbackMethodID); + + iUnknown->Release(); + } + else + { + MsOutlookMAPIHResultException_throwNew( + jniEnv, + hResult, + __FILE__, __LINE__); + proceed = JNI_TRUE; + } + + adrBook->Release(); + } + else + { + MsOutlookMAPIHResultException_throwNew( + jniEnv, + hResult, + __FILE__, __LINE__); + proceed = JNI_TRUE; + } + return proceed; +} + +static jboolean +MsOutlookAddrBookContactQuery_foreachMailUserInContainerTable + (LPMAPICONTAINER mapiContainer, LPMAPITABLE mapiTable, + JNIEnv *jniEnv, jstring query, jobject callback, jmethodID callbackMethodID) +{ + return + MsOutlookAddrBookContactQuery_foreachRowInTable( + mapiTable, + MsOutlookAddrBookContactQuery_onForeachMailUserInContainerTableRow, + (LPUNKNOWN) mapiContainer, + jniEnv, query, callback, callbackMethodID); +} + +static jboolean +MsOutlookAddrBookContactQuery_foreachRowInTable + (LPMAPITABLE mapiTable, + MsOutlookAddrBookContactQuery_ForeachRowInTableCallback rowCallback, + LPUNKNOWN iUnknown, + JNIEnv *jniEnv, jstring query, jobject callback, jmethodID callbackMethodID) +{ + HRESULT hResult; + jboolean proceed; + + hResult = mapiTable->SeekRow(BOOKMARK_BEGINNING, 0, NULL); + if (HR_SUCCEEDED(hResult)) + { + proceed = JNI_TRUE; + while (proceed) + { + LPSRowSet rows; + + hResult = mapiTable->QueryRows(1, 0, &rows); + if (HR_FAILED(hResult)) + break; + + if (rows->cRows == 1) + { + ULONG i; + LPSRow row = rows->aRow; + ULONG objType = 0; + SBinary entryIDBinary = { 0, NULL }; + + for (i = 0; i < row->cValues; i++) + { + LPSPropValue prop = (row->lpProps) + i; + + switch (prop->ulPropTag) + { + case PR_OBJECT_TYPE: + objType = prop->Value.ul; + break; + case PR_ENTRYID: + entryIDBinary = prop->Value.bin; + break; + } + } + + if (objType && entryIDBinary.cb && entryIDBinary.lpb) + { + LPENTRYID entryID = NULL; + + if (S_OK + == MAPIAllocateBuffer( + entryIDBinary.cb, + (void **) &entryID)) + { + CopyMemory( + entryID, + entryIDBinary.lpb, + entryIDBinary.cb); + + /* + * We no longer need the rows at this point so free them + * before we drill down the hierarchy and allocate even + * more rows. + */ + MsOutlookAddrBookContactQuery_freeSRowSet(rows); + + proceed + = rowCallback( + iUnknown, + entryIDBinary.cb, entryID, objType, + jniEnv, query, callback, callbackMethodID); + + MAPIFreeBuffer(entryID); + + if (proceed && jniEnv->ExceptionCheck()) + proceed = JNI_FALSE; + } + else + MsOutlookAddrBookContactQuery_freeSRowSet(rows); + } + else + MsOutlookAddrBookContactQuery_freeSRowSet(rows); + } + else + { + MAPIFreeBuffer(rows); + break; + } + } + } + else + { + /* We've failed but other parts of the hierarchy may still succeed. */ + proceed = JNI_TRUE; + } + return proceed; +} + +static void +MsOutlookAddrBookContactQuery_freeSRowSet(LPSRowSet rows) +{ + ULONG i; + + for (i = 0; i < rows->cRows; i++) + { + LPSRow row = (rows->aRow) + i; + ULONG j; + + for (j = 0; j < row->cValues; j++) + { + LPSPropValue prop = (row->lpProps) + j; + + MAPIFreeBuffer(prop); + } + } + MAPIFreeBuffer(rows); +} + +static jbyteArray +MsOutlookAddrBookContactQuery_getAttachmentContactPhoto + (LPMESSAGE message, JNIEnv *jniEnv) +{ + HRESULT hResult; + LPMAPITABLE attachmentTable; + jbyteArray attachmentContactPhoto = NULL; + + hResult = message->GetAttachmentTable(0, &attachmentTable); + if (HR_SUCCEEDED(hResult)) + { + hResult = attachmentTable->SeekRow(BOOKMARK_BEGINNING, 0, NULL); + if (HR_SUCCEEDED(hResult)) + { + while (1) + { + LPSRowSet rows; + + hResult = attachmentTable->QueryRows(1, 0, &rows); + if (HR_FAILED(hResult)) + break; + + if (rows->cRows == 1) + { + ULONG i; + LPSRow row = rows->aRow; + jboolean isAttachmentContactPhotoRow = JNI_FALSE; + jboolean hasAttachmentContactPhoto = JNI_FALSE; + ULONG attachNum = 0; + LONG attachMethod = NO_ATTACHMENT; + + for (i = 0; i < row->cValues; i++) + { + LPSPropValue prop = (row->lpProps) + i; + + switch (prop->ulPropTag) + { + case PR_ATTACHMENT_CONTACTPHOTO: + isAttachmentContactPhotoRow = JNI_TRUE; + hasAttachmentContactPhoto + = prop->Value.b ? JNI_TRUE : JNI_FALSE; + break; + case PR_ATTACH_METHOD: + attachMethod = prop->Value.l; + break; + case PR_ATTACH_NUM: + attachNum = prop->Value.l; + break; + } + } + + MsOutlookAddrBookContactQuery_freeSRowSet(rows); + + /* + * As the reference says and as discovered in practice, + * PR_ATTACHMENT_CONTACTPHOTO is sometimes in IAttach. + */ + if ((isAttachmentContactPhotoRow + && hasAttachmentContactPhoto) + || !isAttachmentContactPhotoRow) + { + attachmentContactPhoto + = MsOutlookAddrBookContactQuery_readAttachment( + message, + attachMethod, attachNum, + jniEnv, + (!isAttachmentContactPhotoRow) + ? PR_ATTACHMENT_CONTACTPHOTO + : PROP_TAG(PT_UNSPECIFIED, 0)); + } + if (isAttachmentContactPhotoRow + || attachmentContactPhoto) + { + /* + * The reference says there can be only 1 + * PR_ATTACHMENT_CONTACTPHOTO. + */ + break; + } + } + else + { + MAPIFreeBuffer(rows); + break; + } + } + } + + attachmentTable->Release(); + } + return attachmentContactPhoto; +} + +/** + * Gets a binary property for a given entry. + * + * @param entry The entry to red the property from. + * @param propId The property identifier. + * @param binaryProp A pointer to a SBinary to store the property value + * retrieved. + */ +void MsOutlookAddrBookContactQuery_getBinaryProp + (LPMAPIPROP entry, ULONG propId, LPSBinary binaryProp) +{ + SPropTagArray tagArray; + tagArray.cValues = 1; + tagArray.aulPropTag[0] = PROP_TAG(PT_BINARY, propId); + + ULONG propCount; + LPSPropValue propArray; + HRESULT hResult = entry->GetProps( + &tagArray, + 0x80000000, // MAPI_UNICODE. + &propCount, + &propArray); + + if (HR_SUCCEEDED(hResult)) + { + SPropValue prop = propArray[0]; + binaryProp->cb = prop.Value.bin.cb; + binaryProp->lpb = prop.Value.bin.lpb; + } +} + + +static HRESULT +MsOutlookAddrBookContactQuery_getContactsFolderEntryID + (LPMDB msgStore, + ULONG folderEntryIDByteCount, LPENTRYID folderEntryID, + ULONG *contactsFolderEntryIDByteCount, LPENTRYID *contactsFolderEntryID) +{ + HRESULT hResult; + ULONG objType; + LPUNKNOWN folder; + + hResult = msgStore->OpenEntry( + folderEntryIDByteCount, + folderEntryID, + NULL, + MsOutlookAddrBookContactQuery_openEntryUlFlags, + &objType, + &folder); + + if (HR_SUCCEEDED(hResult)) + { + LPSPropValue prop; + + hResult + = MsOutlookAddrBookContactQuery_HrGetOneProp( + (LPMAPIPROP) folder, + 0x36D10102 /* PR_IPM_CONTACT_ENTRYID */, + &prop); + if (HR_SUCCEEDED(hResult)) + { + LPSBinary bin = &(prop->Value.bin); + if (S_OK + == MAPIAllocateBuffer( + bin->cb, + (void **) contactsFolderEntryID)) + { + hResult = S_OK; + *contactsFolderEntryIDByteCount = bin->cb; + CopyMemory(*contactsFolderEntryID, bin->lpb, bin->cb); + } + else + hResult = MAPI_E_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; + MAPIFreeBuffer(prop); + } + folder->Release(); + } + return hResult; +} + +/** + * Returns a pointer to the default contact folder. + * + * @return A pointer to the default contact folder. Or NULL if unavailable. + */ +LPMAPIFOLDER MsOutlookAddrBookContactQuery_getDefaultContactFolderId(void) +{ + LPMAPIFOLDER rootFolder = NULL; + LPMDB msgStore = MsOutlookAddrBookContactQuery_getDefaultMsgStores(); + + if(msgStore != NULL) + { + ULONG entryIdLength = 0; + LPENTRYID receiveFolderEntryID = NULL; + + ULONG contactEntryIdLength = 0; + LPENTRYID contactsFolderEntryID = NULL; + + HRESULT hResult = msgStore->GetReceiveFolder( + NULL, + 0, + &entryIdLength, + &receiveFolderEntryID, + NULL); + + if(HR_SUCCEEDED(hResult)) + { + hResult = MsOutlookAddrBookContactQuery_getContactsFolderEntryID( + msgStore, + entryIdLength, + receiveFolderEntryID, + &contactEntryIdLength, + &contactsFolderEntryID); + MAPIFreeBuffer(receiveFolderEntryID); + } + + ULONG objType; + hResult = msgStore->OpenEntry( + contactEntryIdLength, + contactsFolderEntryID, + NULL, + MsOutlookAddrBookContactQuery_openEntryUlFlags, + &objType, + (LPUNKNOWN *) &rootFolder); + if(contactsFolderEntryID != NULL) + { + MAPIFreeBuffer(contactsFolderEntryID); + } + + msgStore->Release(); + } + + return rootFolder; +} + +/** + * Open the default message store. + * + * @return The default message store. Or NULL if unavailable. + */ +LPMDB MsOutlookAddrBookContactQuery_getDefaultMsgStores(void) +{ + LPMDB msgStore = NULL; + LPMAPITABLE msgStoresTable; + LPMAPISESSION mapiSession = MAPISession_getMapiSession(); + HRESULT hResult; + + hResult = mapiSession->GetMsgStoresTable(0, &msgStoresTable); + if(HR_SUCCEEDED(hResult) && msgStoresTable) + { + hResult = msgStoresTable->SeekRow(BOOKMARK_BEGINNING, 0, NULL); + if (HR_SUCCEEDED(hResult)) + { + LPSRowSet rows; + + SBitMaskRestriction bitMaskRestriction; + bitMaskRestriction.relBMR = BMR_NEZ; + bitMaskRestriction.ulPropTag = PR_RESOURCE_FLAGS; + bitMaskRestriction.ulMask = STATUS_DEFAULT_STORE; + + SRestriction defaultFolderRestriction; + memset( + &defaultFolderRestriction, + 0, + sizeof(defaultFolderRestriction)); + defaultFolderRestriction.rt = RES_BITMASK; + defaultFolderRestriction.res.resBitMask = bitMaskRestriction; + hResult = HrQueryAllRows( + msgStoresTable, + NULL, + &defaultFolderRestriction, // restriction + NULL, + 0, + &rows); + if (HR_SUCCEEDED(hResult) && rows->cRows == 1) + { + SRow row = rows->aRow[0]; + SBinary entryIDBinary = { 0, NULL }; + + for(ULONG i = 0; i < row.cValues; ++i) + { + LPSPropValue prop = (row.lpProps) + i; + switch (prop->ulPropTag) + { + case PR_ENTRYID: + entryIDBinary = prop->Value.bin; + break; + } + } + + if(entryIDBinary.cb && entryIDBinary.lpb) + { + hResult = mapiSession->OpenMsgStore( + 0, + entryIDBinary.cb, + (LPENTRYID) entryIDBinary.lpb, + NULL, + MDB_NO_MAIL + | MsOutlookAddrBookContactQuery_openEntryUlFlags, + &msgStore); + } + } + FreeProws(rows); + } + msgStoresTable->Release(); + } + + return msgStore; +} + +static ULONG +MsOutlookAddrBookContactQuery_getPropTagFromLid(LPMAPIPROP mapiProp, LONG lid) +{ + GUID PSETID_Address + = {0x00062004, 0x0000, 0x0000, + {0xC0, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x46}}; + MAPINAMEID propName; + LPMAPINAMEID propNamePtr; + HRESULT hResult; + LPSPropTagArray propTagArray; + + propName.lpguid = (LPGUID) &PSETID_Address; + propName.ulKind = MNID_ID; + propName.Kind.lID = lid; + propNamePtr = &propName; + hResult + = mapiProp->GetIDsFromNames( + 1, &propNamePtr, + 0, + &propTagArray); + if (HR_SUCCEEDED(hResult) && (1 == propTagArray->cValues)) + { + ULONG propTag = propTagArray->aulPropTag[0]; + + if (PT_ERROR == PROP_TYPE(propTag)) + propTag = PROP_TAG(PT_UNSPECIFIED, lid); + MAPIFreeBuffer(propTagArray); + return propTag; + } + else + return PROP_TAG(PT_UNSPECIFIED, lid); +} + +static jboolean +MsOutlookAddrBookContactQuery_mailUserMatches + (LPMAPIPROP mailUser, JNIEnv *jniEnv, jstring query) +{ + // TODO Auto-generated method stub + return JNI_TRUE; +} + +static jboolean +MsOutlookAddrBookContactQuery_onForeachContactInMsgStoresTableRow + (LPUNKNOWN mapiSession, + ULONG entryIDByteCount, LPENTRYID entryID, ULONG objType, + JNIEnv *jniEnv, jstring query, jobject callback, jmethodID callbackMethodID) +{ + HRESULT hResult; + LPMDB msgStore; + jboolean proceed; + + hResult + = ((LPMAPISESSION) mapiSession)->OpenMsgStore( + 0, + entryIDByteCount, entryID, + NULL, + MDB_NO_MAIL | MsOutlookAddrBookContactQuery_openEntryUlFlags, + &msgStore); + if (HR_SUCCEEDED(hResult)) + { + LPENTRYID receiveFolderEntryID = NULL; + ULONG contactsFolderEntryIDByteCount = 0; + LPENTRYID contactsFolderEntryID = NULL; + + hResult + = msgStore->GetReceiveFolder( + NULL, + 0, + &entryIDByteCount, &receiveFolderEntryID, + NULL); + if (HR_SUCCEEDED(hResult)) + { + hResult + = MsOutlookAddrBookContactQuery_getContactsFolderEntryID( + msgStore, + entryIDByteCount, receiveFolderEntryID, + &contactsFolderEntryIDByteCount, &contactsFolderEntryID); + MAPIFreeBuffer(receiveFolderEntryID); + } + if (HR_FAILED(hResult)) + { + hResult + = MsOutlookAddrBookContactQuery_getContactsFolderEntryID( + msgStore, + 0, NULL, + &contactsFolderEntryIDByteCount, &contactsFolderEntryID); + } + if (HR_SUCCEEDED(hResult)) + { + ULONG contactsFolderObjType; + LPUNKNOWN contactsFolder; + + hResult + = msgStore->OpenEntry( + contactsFolderEntryIDByteCount, contactsFolderEntryID, + NULL, + MsOutlookAddrBookContactQuery_openEntryUlFlags, + &contactsFolderObjType, &contactsFolder); + if (HR_SUCCEEDED(hResult)) + { + proceed + = MsOutlookAddrBookContactQuery_foreachMailUser( + contactsFolderObjType, contactsFolder, + jniEnv, query, callback, callbackMethodID); + contactsFolder->Release(); + } + else + { + /* + * We've failed but other parts of the hierarchy may still + * succeed. + */ + proceed = JNI_TRUE; + } + MAPIFreeBuffer(contactsFolderEntryID); + } + else + { + /* + * We've failed but other parts of the hierarchy may still succeed. + */ + proceed = JNI_TRUE; + } + msgStore->Release(); + } + else + { + /* We've failed but other parts of the hierarchy may still succeed. */ + proceed = JNI_TRUE; + } + return proceed; +} + +static jboolean +MsOutlookAddrBookContactQuery_onForeachMailUserInContainerTableRow + (LPUNKNOWN mapiContainer, + ULONG entryIDByteCount, LPENTRYID entryID, ULONG objType, + JNIEnv *jniEnv, jstring query, jobject callback, jmethodID callbackMethodID) +{ + HRESULT hResult; + LPUNKNOWN iUnknown; + jboolean proceed; + + // Make write failed and image load. + hResult + = ((LPMAPICONTAINER) mapiContainer)->OpenEntry( + entryIDByteCount, entryID, + NULL, + MsOutlookAddrBookContactQuery_openEntryUlFlags, + &objType, &iUnknown); + if (HR_SUCCEEDED(hResult)) + { + proceed + = MsOutlookAddrBookContactQuery_foreachMailUser( + objType, iUnknown, + jniEnv, query, callback, callbackMethodID); + iUnknown->Release(); + } + else + { + /* We've failed but other parts of the hierarchy may still succeed. */ + proceed = JNI_TRUE; + } + return proceed; +} + +/** + * Opens an object based on the string representation of its entry id. + * + * @param entryIdStr The identifier of the entry to open. + * + * @return A pointer to the opened entry. NULL if anything goes wrong. + */ +LPUNKNOWN MsOutlookAddrBookContactQuery_openEntryIdStr(const char* entryIdStr) +{ + LPUNKNOWN entry = NULL; + ULONG entryIdSize = strlen(entryIdStr) / 2; + LPENTRYID entryId = (LPENTRYID) malloc(entryIdSize * sizeof(char)); + + if(FBinFromHex((LPSTR) entryIdStr, (LPBYTE) entryId)) + { + entry = MsOutlookAddrBookContactQuery_openEntryId(entryIdSize, entryId); + } + + ::free(entryId); + return entry; +} + +/** + * Opens an object based on its entry id. + * + * @param entryIdSize The size of the identifier of the entry to open. + * @param entryId The identifier of the entry to open. + * + * @return A pointer to the opened entry. NULL if anything goes wrong. + */ +LPUNKNOWN MsOutlookAddrBookContactQuery_openEntryId + (ULONG entryIdSize, LPENTRYID entryId) +{ + LPMAPISESSION mapiSession = MAPISession_getMapiSession(); + ULONG objType; + LPUNKNOWN entry = NULL; + + mapiSession->OpenEntry( + entryIdSize, + entryId, + NULL, + MAPI_BEST_ACCESS, + &objType, + &entry); + + return entry; +} + +static jbyteArray +MsOutlookAddrBookContactQuery_readAttachment + (LPMESSAGE message, LONG method, ULONG num, JNIEnv *jniEnv, ULONG cond) +{ + jbyteArray attachment = NULL; + + if (ATTACH_BY_VALUE == method) + { + HRESULT hResult; + LPATTACH attach; + + hResult = message->OpenAttach(num, NULL, 0, &attach); + if (HR_SUCCEEDED(hResult)) + { + IStream *stream = NULL; + + if (PT_BOOLEAN == PROP_TYPE(cond)) + { + LPSPropValue condValue; + + hResult = MsOutlookAddrBookContactQuery_HrGetOneProp( + (LPMAPIPROP) attach, + cond, + &condValue); + if (HR_SUCCEEDED(hResult)) + { + if ((PT_BOOLEAN != PROP_TYPE(condValue->ulPropTag)) + || !(condValue->Value.b)) + hResult = MAPI_E_NOT_FOUND; + MAPIFreeBuffer(condValue); + } + } + + if (HR_SUCCEEDED(hResult)) + { + hResult + = ((LPMAPIPROP) attach)->OpenProperty( + PR_ATTACH_DATA_BIN, + &IID_IStream, 0, + 0, + (LPUNKNOWN *) &stream); + } + if (HR_SUCCEEDED(hResult) && stream) + { + STATSTG statstg; + ULONGLONG length; + + hResult = stream->Stat(&statstg, STATFLAG_NONAME); + if ((S_OK == hResult) && ((length = statstg.cbSize.QuadPart))) + { + attachment = jniEnv->NewByteArray((jsize) length); + if (attachment) + { + jbyte *bytes + = jniEnv->GetByteArrayElements(attachment, NULL); + + if (bytes) + { + ULONG read; + jint mode; + + hResult + = stream->Read(bytes, (ULONG) length, &read); + mode + = ((S_OK == hResult) || (S_FALSE == hResult)) + ? 0 + : JNI_ABORT; + jniEnv->ReleaseByteArrayElements( + attachment, bytes, + mode); + if (0 != mode) + attachment = NULL; + } + } + } + + stream->Release(); + } + + attach->Release(); + } + } + return attachment; +} + +/** + * Retrieves a string representation of the contact id. This string must be + * freed by the caller. + * + * @param contact A pointer to the instance of the contact. + * + * @return A string representation of the contact id. NULL if failed. This + * string must be freed by yhe caller. + */ +LPSTR MsOutlookAddrBookContactQuery_getContactId(LPMAPIPROP contact) +{ + LPSTR entryId = NULL; + + SBinary binaryProp; + binaryProp.cb = 0; + MsOutlookAddrBookContactQuery_getBinaryProp(contact, 0x0FFF, &binaryProp); + + if(binaryProp.cb != 0) + { + entryId = (LPSTR)::malloc(binaryProp.cb * 2 + 1); + HexFromBin(binaryProp.lpb, binaryProp.cb, entryId); + } + + return entryId; +} diff --git a/src/native/addrbook/msoutlook/net_java_sip_communicator_plugin_addrbook_msoutlook_MsOutlookAddrBookContactQuery.h b/src/native/addrbook/msoutlook/net_java_sip_communicator_plugin_addrbook_msoutlook_MsOutlookAddrBookContactQuery.h index c1a310c..3225853 100644 --- a/src/native/addrbook/msoutlook/net_java_sip_communicator_plugin_addrbook_msoutlook_MsOutlookAddrBookContactQuery.h +++ b/src/native/addrbook/msoutlook/net_java_sip_communicator_plugin_addrbook_msoutlook_MsOutlookAddrBookContactQuery.h @@ -1,36 +1,42 @@ -/* DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE - it is machine generated */
-#include <jni.h>
-/* Header for class net_java_sip_communicator_plugin_addrbook_msoutlook_MsOutlookAddrBookContactQuery */
-#ifndef _Included_net_java_sip_communicator_plugin_addrbook_msoutlook_MsOutlookAddrBookContactQuery
-#define _Included_net_java_sip_communicator_plugin_addrbook_msoutlook_MsOutlookAddrBookContactQuery
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
- * Class: net_java_sip_communicator_plugin_addrbook_msoutlook_MsOutlookAddrBookContactQuery
- * Method: foreachMailUser
- * Signature: (Ljava/lang/String;Lnet/java/sip/communicator/plugin/addrbook/PtrCallback;)V
- */
-JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_net_java_sip_communicator_plugin_addrbook_msoutlook_MsOutlookAddrBookContactQuery_foreachMailUser
- (JNIEnv *, jclass, jstring, jobject);
-JNIEXPORT jboolean JNICALL Java_net_java_sip_communicator_plugin_addrbook_msoutlook_MsOutlookAddrBookContactQuery_IMAPIProp_1DeleteProp
- (JNIEnv *, jclass, jlong, jstring);
- * Class: net_java_sip_communicator_plugin_addrbook_msoutlook_MsOutlookAddrBookContactQuery
- * Method: IMAPIProp_GetProps
- * Signature: (J[JJ)[Ljava/lang/Object;
- */
-JNIEXPORT jobjectArray JNICALL Java_net_java_sip_communicator_plugin_addrbook_msoutlook_MsOutlookAddrBookContactQuery_IMAPIProp_1GetProps
- (JNIEnv *, jclass, jlong, jlongArray, jlong);
-JNIEXPORT jboolean JNICALL Java_net_java_sip_communicator_plugin_addrbook_msoutlook_MsOutlookAddrBookContactQuery_IMAPIProp_1SetPropString
- (JNIEnv *, jclass, jlong, jstring, jstring);
-#ifdef __cplusplus
+/* DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE - it is machine generated */ +#include <jni.h> +/* Header for class net_java_sip_communicator_plugin_addrbook_msoutlook_MsOutlookAddrBookContactQuery */ + +#ifndef _Included_net_java_sip_communicator_plugin_addrbook_msoutlook_MsOutlookAddrBookContactQuery +#define _Included_net_java_sip_communicator_plugin_addrbook_msoutlook_MsOutlookAddrBookContactQuery +#ifdef __cplusplus +extern "C" { +#endif + +JNIEXPORT jstring JNICALL Java_net_java_sip_communicator_plugin_addrbook_msoutlook_MsOutlookAddrBookContactQuery_createContact + (JNIEnv *jniEnv, jclass clazz); + +JNIEXPORT jboolean JNICALL Java_net_java_sip_communicator_plugin_addrbook_msoutlook_MsOutlookAddrBookContactQuery_deleteContact + (JNIEnv *jniEnv, jclass clazz, jstring id); + +/* + * Class: net_java_sip_communicator_plugin_addrbook_msoutlook_MsOutlookAddrBookContactQuery + * Method: foreachMailUser + * Signature: (Ljava/lang/String;Lnet/java/sip/communicator/plugin/addrbook/PtrCallback;)V + */ +JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_net_java_sip_communicator_plugin_addrbook_msoutlook_MsOutlookAddrBookContactQuery_foreachMailUser + (JNIEnv *, jclass, jstring, jobject); + +JNIEXPORT jboolean JNICALL Java_net_java_sip_communicator_plugin_addrbook_msoutlook_MsOutlookAddrBookContactQuery_IMAPIProp_1DeleteProp + (JNIEnv *, jclass, jlong, jstring); + +/* + * Class: net_java_sip_communicator_plugin_addrbook_msoutlook_MsOutlookAddrBookContactQuery + * Method: IMAPIProp_GetProps + * Signature: (J[JJ)[Ljava/lang/Object; + */ +JNIEXPORT jobjectArray JNICALL Java_net_java_sip_communicator_plugin_addrbook_msoutlook_MsOutlookAddrBookContactQuery_IMAPIProp_1GetProps + (JNIEnv *, jclass, jstring, jlongArray, jlong); + +JNIEXPORT jboolean JNICALL Java_net_java_sip_communicator_plugin_addrbook_msoutlook_MsOutlookAddrBookContactQuery_IMAPIProp_1SetPropString + (JNIEnv *, jclass, jlong, jstring, jstring); + +#ifdef __cplusplus +} +#endif +#endif |