path: root/test
diff options
authorSymphorien Wanko <wsympho@gmail.com>2007-09-17 14:21:56 +0000
committerSymphorien Wanko <wsympho@gmail.com>2007-09-17 14:21:56 +0000
commit128f1285f6296f1b777a83d7b724da8d51aef96a (patch)
treee8faab3061d9962a7b58f103371def1b11701dbb /test
parent435670665568e076c4c0c1b6a9d28552c5eb326b (diff)
Jabber telephony tests. Not yet activated due to pending bugs in the lib
Diffstat (limited to 'test')
2 files changed, 1121 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/test/net/java/sip/communicator/slick/protocol/jabber/JabberProtocolProviderServiceLick.java b/test/net/java/sip/communicator/slick/protocol/jabber/JabberProtocolProviderServiceLick.java
index 07e0801..fb31eb9 100644
--- a/test/net/java/sip/communicator/slick/protocol/jabber/JabberProtocolProviderServiceLick.java
+++ b/test/net/java/sip/communicator/slick/protocol/jabber/JabberProtocolProviderServiceLick.java
@@ -93,6 +93,11 @@ public class JabberProtocolProviderServiceLick
+ //tests currently fails due to jingle lib bugs.
+ //will be activated as soon as bugs get fixed
+ //addTestSuite(TestOperationSetBasicTelephonyJabberImpl.class);
/** @todo UNCOMMENT */
// addTest(TestOperationSetMultiUserChat.suite());
diff --git a/test/net/java/sip/communicator/slick/protocol/jabber/TestOperationSetBasicTelephonyJabberImpl.java b/test/net/java/sip/communicator/slick/protocol/jabber/TestOperationSetBasicTelephonyJabberImpl.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3bebd49
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/net/java/sip/communicator/slick/protocol/jabber/TestOperationSetBasicTelephonyJabberImpl.java
@@ -0,0 +1,1116 @@
+ * SIP Communicator, the OpenSource Java VoIP and Instant Messaging client.
+ *
+ * Distributable under LGPL license.
+ * See terms of license at gnu.org.
+ */
+package net.java.sip.communicator.slick.protocol.jabber;
+import junit.framework.*;
+import net.java.sip.communicator.util.*;
+import net.java.sip.communicator.service.protocol.*;
+import java.text.ParseException;
+import net.java.sip.communicator.service.protocol.event.*;
+import java.util.*;
+ * Tests Basic telephony functionality by making one provider call the other.
+ *
+ * @author Emil Ivov
+ * @author Symphorien Wanko
+ */
+public class TestOperationSetBasicTelephonyJabberImpl
+ extends TestCase
+ private static final Logger logger
+ = Logger.getLogger(TestOperationSetBasicTelephonyJabberImpl.class);
+ /**
+ * Provides constants and some utilities method.
+ */
+ private JabberSlickFixture fixture = new JabberSlickFixture();
+ /**
+ * Initializes the test with the specified <tt>name</tt>.
+ *
+ * @param name the name of the test to initialize.
+ */
+ public TestOperationSetBasicTelephonyJabberImpl(String name)
+ {
+ super(name);
+ }
+ /**
+ * JUnit setup method.
+ * @throws Exception in case anything goes wrong.
+ */
+ protected void setUp() throws Exception
+ {
+ super.setUp();
+ fixture.setUp();
+ }
+ /**
+ * JUnit teardown method.
+ * @throws Exception in case anything goes wrong.
+ */
+ protected void tearDown() throws Exception
+ {
+ fixture.tearDown();
+ super.tearDown();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Creates a call from provider1 to provider2 then cancels it without
+ * waiting for provider1 to answer.
+ *
+ * @throws ParseException if we hand a malformed URI to someone
+ * @throws OperationFailedException if something weird happens.
+ */
+ public void testCreateCancelCall()
+ throws ParseException, OperationFailedException
+ {
+ OperationSetBasicTelephony basicTelephonyP1
+ = (OperationSetBasicTelephony)fixture.provider1.getOperationSet(
+ OperationSetBasicTelephony.class);
+ OperationSetBasicTelephony basicTelephonyP2
+ = (OperationSetBasicTelephony)fixture.provider2.getOperationSet(
+ OperationSetBasicTelephony.class);
+ CallEventCollector call1Listener
+ = new CallEventCollector(basicTelephonyP1);
+ CallEventCollector call2Listener
+ = new CallEventCollector(basicTelephonyP2);
+ //Provider1 calls Provider2
+ String provider2Address
+ = fixture.provider2.getAccountID().getAccountAddress();
+ Call callAtP1 = basicTelephonyP1.createCall(provider2Address);
+ call1Listener.waitForEvent(10000);
+ call2Listener.waitForEvent(10000);
+ //make sure that both listeners have received their events.
+ assertEquals("The provider that created the call did not dispatch "
+ + "an event that it has done so."
+ , 1, call1Listener.collectedEvents.size());
+ //call1 listener checks
+ CallEvent callCreatedEvent
+ = (CallEvent)call1Listener.collectedEvents.get(0);
+ assertEquals("CallEvent.getEventID()"
+ ,CallEvent.CALL_INITIATED, callCreatedEvent.getEventID());
+ assertSame("CallEvent.getSource()"
+ , callAtP1, callCreatedEvent.getSource());
+ //call2 listener checks
+ assertTrue("The callee provider did not receive a call or did "
+ +"not issue an event."
+ , call2Listener.collectedEvents.size() > 0);
+ CallEvent callReceivedEvent
+ = (CallEvent)call2Listener.collectedEvents.get(0);
+ Call callAtP2 = callReceivedEvent.getSourceCall();
+ assertEquals("CallEvent.getEventID()"
+ ,CallEvent.CALL_RECEIVED, callReceivedEvent.getEventID());
+ assertNotNull("CallEvent.getSource()", callAtP2);
+ //verify that call participants are properly created
+ assertEquals("callAtP1.getCallParticipantsCount()"
+ , 1, callAtP1.getCallParticipantsCount());
+ assertEquals("callAtP2.getCallParticipantsCount()"
+ , 1, callAtP2.getCallParticipantsCount());
+ CallParticipant participantAtP1
+ = (CallParticipant)callAtP1.getCallParticipants().next();
+ CallParticipant participantAtP2
+ = (CallParticipant)callAtP2.getCallParticipants().next();
+ //now add listeners to the participants and make sure they have entered
+ //the states they were expected to.
+ //check states for call participants at both parties
+ CallParticipantStateEventCollector stateCollectorForPp1
+ = new CallParticipantStateEventCollector(
+ participantAtP1, CallParticipantState.ALERTING_REMOTE_SIDE);
+ CallParticipantStateEventCollector stateCollectorForPp2
+ = new CallParticipantStateEventCollector(
+ participantAtP2, CallParticipantState.INCOMING_CALL);
+ stateCollectorForPp1.waitForEvent(10000, true);
+ stateCollectorForPp2.waitForEvent(10000, true);
+ assertSame("participantAtP1.getCall"
+ , participantAtP1.getCall(), callAtP1);
+ assertSame("participantAtP2.getCall"
+ , participantAtP2.getCall(), callAtP2);
+ //make sure that the participants are in the proper state
+ assertEquals("The participant at provider one was not in the "
+ +"right state."
+ , CallParticipantState.ALERTING_REMOTE_SIDE
+ , participantAtP1.getState());
+ assertEquals("The participant at provider two was not in the "
+ +"right state."
+ , CallParticipantState.INCOMING_CALL
+ , participantAtP2.getState());
+ //test whether caller/callee info is properly distributed in case
+ //the server is said to support it.
+ if(Boolean.getBoolean("accounts.jabber.PRESERVE_PARTICIPANT_INFO"))
+ {
+ //check properties on the remote call participant for the party that
+ //initiated the call.
+ String expectedParticipant1Address
+ = fixture.provider2.getAccountID().getAccountAddress();
+ String expectedParticipant1DisplayName
+ = System.getProperty(
+ JabberProtocolProviderServiceLick.ACCOUNT_2_PREFIX
+ + ProtocolProviderFactory.DISPLAY_NAME);
+ //do not asser equals here since one of the addresses may contain a
+ //display name or something of the kind
+ assertTrue("Provider 2 did not advertise their "
+ + "accountID.getAccoutAddress() address."
+ , expectedParticipant1Address.indexOf(
+ participantAtP1.getAddress()) != -1
+ || participantAtP1.getAddress().indexOf(
+ expectedParticipant1Address) != -1);
+ assertEquals("Provider 2 did not properly advertise their "
+ + "display name."
+ , expectedParticipant1DisplayName
+ , participantAtP1.getDisplayName());
+ //check properties on the remote call participant for the party that
+ //receives the call.
+ String expectedParticipant2Address
+ = fixture.provider1.getAccountID().getAccountAddress();
+ String expectedParticipant2DisplayName
+ = System.getProperty(
+ JabberProtocolProviderServiceLick.ACCOUNT_1_PREFIX
+ + ProtocolProviderFactory.DISPLAY_NAME);
+ //do not asser equals here since one of the addresses may contain a
+ //display name or something of the kind
+ assertTrue("Provider 1 did not advertise their "
+ + "accountID.getAccoutAddress() address."
+ , expectedParticipant2Address.indexOf(
+ participantAtP2.getAddress()) != -1
+ || participantAtP2.getAddress().indexOf(
+ expectedParticipant2Address) != -1);
+ assertEquals("Provider 1 did not properly advertise their "
+ + "display name."
+ , expectedParticipant2DisplayName
+ , participantAtP2.getDisplayName());
+ }
+ //we'll now try to cancel the call
+ //listeners monitoring state change of the participant
+ stateCollectorForPp1 = new CallParticipantStateEventCollector(
+ participantAtP1, CallParticipantState.DISCONNECTED);
+ stateCollectorForPp2 = new CallParticipantStateEventCollector(
+ participantAtP2, CallParticipantState.DISCONNECTED);
+ //listeners waiting for the op set to announce the end of the call
+ call1Listener = new CallEventCollector(basicTelephonyP1);
+ call2Listener = new CallEventCollector(basicTelephonyP2);
+ //listeners monitoring the state of the call
+ CallStateEventCollector call1StateCollector
+ = new CallStateEventCollector(callAtP1, CallState.CALL_ENDED);
+ CallStateEventCollector call2StateCollector
+ = new CallStateEventCollector(callAtP2, CallState.CALL_ENDED);
+ //Now make the caller CANCEL the call.
+ basicTelephonyP1.hangupCallParticipant(participantAtP1);
+ //wait for everything to happen
+ call1Listener.waitForEvent(10000);
+ call2Listener.waitForEvent(10000);
+ stateCollectorForPp1.waitForEvent(10000);
+ stateCollectorForPp2.waitForEvent(10000);
+ call1StateCollector.waitForEvent(10000);
+ call2StateCollector.waitForEvent(10000);
+ //make sure that the participant is disconnected
+ assertEquals("The participant at provider one was not in the "
+ +"right state."
+ , CallParticipantState.DISCONNECTED
+ , participantAtP1.getState());
+ //make sure the telephony operation set distributed an event for the end
+ //of the call
+ assertEquals("The basic telephony operation set did not distribute "
+ +"an event to notify us that a call has been ended."
+ , 1
+ , call1Listener.collectedEvents.size());
+ CallEvent collectedEvent
+ = (CallEvent)call1Listener.collectedEvents.get(0);
+ assertEquals("The basic telephony operation set did not distribute "
+ +"an event to notify us that a call has been ended."
+ , CallEvent.CALL_ENDED
+ , collectedEvent.getEventID());
+ //same for provider 2
+ //make sure that the participant is disconnected
+ assertEquals("The participant at provider one was not in the "
+ +"right state."
+ , CallParticipantState.DISCONNECTED
+ , participantAtP2.getState());
+ //make sure the telephony operation set distributed an event for the end
+ //of the call
+ assertEquals("The basic telephony operation set did not distribute "
+ +"an event to notify us that a call has been ended."
+ , 1
+ , call2Listener.collectedEvents.size());
+ collectedEvent
+ = (CallEvent)call2Listener.collectedEvents.get(0);
+ assertEquals("The basic telephony operation set did not distribute "
+ +"an event to notify us that a call has been ended."
+ , CallEvent.CALL_ENDED
+ , collectedEvent.getEventID());
+ //make sure that the call objects are in an ENDED state.
+ assertEquals("A call did not change its state to CallState.CALL_ENDED "
+ +"when it ended."
+ , CallState.CALL_ENDED
+ , callAtP1.getCallState());
+ assertEquals("A call did not change its state to CallState.CALL_ENDED "
+ +"when it ended."
+ , CallState.CALL_ENDED
+ , callAtP2.getCallState());
+ }
+ /**
+ * Creates a call from provider1 to provider2 then rejects the call from the
+ * side of provider2 (provider2 replies with busy-tone).
+ *
+ * @throws ParseException if we hand a malformed URI to someone
+ * @throws OperationFailedException if something weird happens.
+ */
+ public void testCreateRejectCall()
+ throws ParseException, OperationFailedException
+ {
+ OperationSetBasicTelephony basicTelephonyP1
+ = (OperationSetBasicTelephony)fixture.provider1.getOperationSet(
+ OperationSetBasicTelephony.class);
+ OperationSetBasicTelephony basicTelephonyP2
+ = (OperationSetBasicTelephony)fixture.provider2.getOperationSet(
+ OperationSetBasicTelephony.class);
+ CallEventCollector call1Listener
+ = new CallEventCollector(basicTelephonyP1);
+ CallEventCollector call2Listener
+ = new CallEventCollector(basicTelephonyP2);
+ //Provider1 calls Provider2
+ String provider2Address
+ = fixture.provider2.getAccountID().getAccountAddress();
+ Call callAtP1 = basicTelephonyP1.createCall(provider2Address);
+ call1Listener.waitForEvent(10000);
+ call2Listener.waitForEvent(10000);
+ //make sure that both listeners have received their events.
+ assertEquals("The provider that created the call did not dispatch "
+ + "an event that it has done so."
+ , 1, call1Listener.collectedEvents.size());
+ //call1 listener checks
+ CallEvent callCreatedEvent
+ = (CallEvent)call1Listener.collectedEvents.get(0);
+ assertEquals("CallEvent.getEventID()"
+ ,CallEvent.CALL_INITIATED, callCreatedEvent.getEventID());
+ assertSame("CallEvent.getSource()"
+ , callAtP1, callCreatedEvent.getSource());
+ //call2 listener checks
+ assertTrue("The callee provider did not receive a call or did "
+ +"not issue an event."
+ , call2Listener.collectedEvents.size() > 0);
+ CallEvent callReceivedEvent
+ = (CallEvent)call2Listener.collectedEvents.get(0);
+ Call callAtP2 = callReceivedEvent.getSourceCall();
+ assertEquals("CallEvent.getEventID()"
+ ,CallEvent.CALL_RECEIVED, callReceivedEvent.getEventID());
+ assertNotNull("CallEvent.getSource()", callAtP2);
+ //verify that call participants are properly created
+ assertEquals("callAtP1.getCallParticipantsCount()"
+ , 1, callAtP1.getCallParticipantsCount());
+ assertEquals("callAtP2.getCallParticipantsCount()"
+ , 1, callAtP2.getCallParticipantsCount());
+ CallParticipant participantAtP1
+ = (CallParticipant)callAtP1.getCallParticipants().next();
+ CallParticipant participantAtP2
+ = (CallParticipant)callAtP2.getCallParticipants().next();
+ //now add listeners to the participants and make sure they have entered
+ //the states they were expected to.
+ //check states for call participants at both parties
+ CallParticipantStateEventCollector stateCollectorForPp1
+ = new CallParticipantStateEventCollector(
+ participantAtP1, CallParticipantState.ALERTING_REMOTE_SIDE);
+ CallParticipantStateEventCollector stateCollectorForPp2
+ = new CallParticipantStateEventCollector(
+ participantAtP2, CallParticipantState.INCOMING_CALL);
+ stateCollectorForPp1.waitForEvent(10000, true);
+ stateCollectorForPp2.waitForEvent(10000, true);
+ assertSame("participantAtP1.getCall"
+ , participantAtP1.getCall(), callAtP1);
+ assertSame("participantAtP2.getCall"
+ , participantAtP2.getCall(), callAtP2);
+ //make sure that the participants are in the proper state
+ assertEquals("The participant at provider one was not in the "
+ +"right state."
+ , CallParticipantState.ALERTING_REMOTE_SIDE
+ , participantAtP1.getState());
+ assertEquals("The participant at provider two was not in the "
+ +"right state."
+ , CallParticipantState.INCOMING_CALL
+ , participantAtP2.getState());
+ //test whether caller/callee info is properly distributed in case
+ //the server is said to support it.
+ if(Boolean.getBoolean("accounts.jabber.PRESERVE_PARTICIPANT_INFO"))
+ {
+ //check properties on the remote call participant for the party that
+ //initiated the call.
+ String expectedParticipant1Address
+ = fixture.provider2.getAccountID().getAccountAddress();
+ String expectedParticipant1DisplayName
+ = System.getProperty(
+ JabberProtocolProviderServiceLick.ACCOUNT_2_PREFIX
+ + ProtocolProviderFactory.DISPLAY_NAME);
+ //do not asser equals here since one of the addresses may contain a
+ //display name or something of the kind
+ assertTrue("Provider 2 did not advertise their "
+ + "accountID.getAccoutAddress() address."
+ , expectedParticipant1Address.indexOf(
+ participantAtP1.getAddress()) != -1
+ || participantAtP1.getAddress().indexOf(
+ expectedParticipant1Address) != -1);
+ assertEquals("Provider 2 did not properly advertise their "
+ + "display name."
+ , expectedParticipant1DisplayName
+ , participantAtP1.getDisplayName());
+ //check properties on the remote call participant for the party that
+ //receives the call.
+ String expectedParticipant2Address
+ = fixture.provider1.getAccountID().getAccountAddress();
+ String expectedParticipant2DisplayName
+ = System.getProperty(
+ JabberProtocolProviderServiceLick.ACCOUNT_1_PREFIX
+ + ProtocolProviderFactory.DISPLAY_NAME);
+ //do not asser equals here since one of the addresses may contain a
+ //display name or something of the kind
+ assertTrue("Provider 1 did not advertise their "
+ + "accountID.getAccoutAddress() address."
+ , expectedParticipant2Address.indexOf(
+ participantAtP2.getAddress()) != -1
+ || participantAtP2.getAddress().indexOf(
+ expectedParticipant2Address) != -1);
+ assertEquals("Provider 1 did not properly advertise their "
+ + "display name."
+ , expectedParticipant2DisplayName
+ , participantAtP2.getDisplayName());
+ }
+ //we'll now try to send busy tone.
+ //listeners monitoring state change of the participant
+ CallParticipantStateEventCollector busyStateCollectorForPp1
+ = new CallParticipantStateEventCollector(
+ participantAtP1, CallParticipantState.BUSY);
+ stateCollectorForPp1 = new CallParticipantStateEventCollector(
+ participantAtP1, CallParticipantState.DISCONNECTED);
+ stateCollectorForPp2 = new CallParticipantStateEventCollector(
+ participantAtP2, CallParticipantState.DISCONNECTED);
+ //listeners waiting for the op set to announce the end of the call
+ call1Listener = new CallEventCollector(basicTelephonyP1);
+ call2Listener = new CallEventCollector(basicTelephonyP2);
+ //listeners monitoring the state of the call
+ CallStateEventCollector call1StateCollector
+ = new CallStateEventCollector(callAtP1, CallState.CALL_ENDED);
+ CallStateEventCollector call2StateCollector
+ = new CallStateEventCollector(callAtP2, CallState.CALL_ENDED);
+ //Now make the caller CANCEL the call.
+ basicTelephonyP2.hangupCallParticipant(participantAtP2);
+ busyStateCollectorForPp1.waitForEvent(10000);
+ basicTelephonyP1.hangupCallParticipant(participantAtP1);
+ //wait for everything to happen
+ call1Listener.waitForEvent(10000);
+ call2Listener.waitForEvent(10000);
+ stateCollectorForPp1.waitForEvent(10000);
+ stateCollectorForPp2.waitForEvent(10000);
+ call1StateCollector.waitForEvent(10000);
+ call2StateCollector.waitForEvent(10000);
+ //make sure that the participant is disconnected
+ assertEquals("The participant at provider one was not in the "
+ +"right state."
+ , CallParticipantState.DISCONNECTED
+ , participantAtP1.getState());
+ //make sure the telephony operation set distributed an event for the end
+ //of the call
+ assertEquals("The basic telephony operation set did not distribute "
+ +"an event to notify us that a call has been ended."
+ , 1
+ , call1Listener.collectedEvents.size());
+ CallEvent collectedEvent
+ = (CallEvent)call1Listener.collectedEvents.get(0);
+ assertEquals("The basic telephony operation set did not distribute "
+ +"an event to notify us that a call has been ended."
+ , CallEvent.CALL_ENDED
+ , collectedEvent.getEventID());
+ //same for provider 2
+ //make sure that the participant is disconnected
+ assertEquals("The participant at provider one was not in the "
+ +"right state."
+ , CallParticipantState.DISCONNECTED
+ , participantAtP2.getState());
+ //make sure the telephony operation set distributed an event for the end
+ //of the call
+ assertEquals("The basic telephony operation set did not distribute "
+ +"an event to notify us that a call has been ended."
+ , 1
+ , call2Listener.collectedEvents.size());
+ collectedEvent
+ = (CallEvent)call2Listener.collectedEvents.get(0);
+ assertEquals("The basic telephony operation set did not distribute "
+ +"an event to notify us that a call has been ended."
+ , CallEvent.CALL_ENDED
+ , collectedEvent.getEventID());
+ //make sure that the call objects are in an ENDED state.
+ assertEquals("A call did not change its state to CallState.CALL_ENDED "
+ +"when it ended."
+ , CallState.CALL_ENDED
+ , callAtP1.getCallState());
+ assertEquals("A call did not change its state to CallState.CALL_ENDED "
+ +"when it ended."
+ , CallState.CALL_ENDED
+ , callAtP2.getCallState());
+ }
+ /**
+ * Creates a call from provider1 to provider2, makes provider2 answer it
+ * and then reject it.
+ *
+ * @throws ParseException if we hand a malformed URI to someone
+ * @throws OperationFailedException if something weird happens.
+ */
+ public void aTestCreateAnswerHangupCall()
+ throws ParseException, OperationFailedException
+ {
+ OperationSetBasicTelephony basicTelephonyP1
+ = (OperationSetBasicTelephony)fixture.provider1.getOperationSet(
+ OperationSetBasicTelephony.class);
+ OperationSetBasicTelephony basicTelephonyP2
+ = (OperationSetBasicTelephony)fixture.provider2.getOperationSet(
+ OperationSetBasicTelephony.class);
+ CallEventCollector call1Listener
+ = new CallEventCollector(basicTelephonyP1);
+ CallEventCollector call2Listener
+ = new CallEventCollector(basicTelephonyP2);
+ //Provider1 calls Provider2
+ String provider2Address
+ = fixture.provider2.getAccountID().getAccountAddress();
+ Call callAtP1 = basicTelephonyP1.createCall(provider2Address);
+ call1Listener.waitForEvent(10000);
+ call2Listener.waitForEvent(10000);
+ //make sure that both listeners have received their events.
+ assertEquals("The provider that created the call did not dispatch "
+ + "an event that it has done so."
+ , 1, call1Listener.collectedEvents.size());
+ //call1 listener checks
+ CallEvent callCreatedEvent
+ = (CallEvent)call1Listener.collectedEvents.get(0);
+ assertEquals("CallEvent.getEventID()"
+ ,CallEvent.CALL_INITIATED, callCreatedEvent.getEventID());
+ assertSame("CallEvent.getSource()"
+ , callAtP1, callCreatedEvent.getSource());
+ //call2 listener checks
+ assertTrue("The callee provider did not receive a call or did "
+ +"not issue an event."
+ , call2Listener.collectedEvents.size() > 0);
+ CallEvent callReceivedEvent
+ = (CallEvent)call2Listener.collectedEvents.get(0);
+ Call callAtP2 = callReceivedEvent.getSourceCall();
+ assertEquals("CallEvent.getEventID()"
+ ,CallEvent.CALL_RECEIVED, callReceivedEvent.getEventID());
+ assertNotNull("CallEvent.getSource()", callAtP2);
+ //verify that call participants are properly created
+ assertEquals("callAtP1.getCallParticipantsCount()"
+ , 1, callAtP1.getCallParticipantsCount());
+ assertEquals("callAtP2.getCallParticipantsCount()"
+ , 1, callAtP2.getCallParticipantsCount());
+ CallParticipant participantAtP1
+ = (CallParticipant)callAtP1.getCallParticipants().next();
+ CallParticipant participantAtP2
+ = (CallParticipant)callAtP2.getCallParticipants().next();
+ //now add listeners to the participants and make sure they have entered
+ //the states they were expected to.
+ //check states for call participants at both parties
+ CallParticipantStateEventCollector stateCollectorForPp1
+ = new CallParticipantStateEventCollector(
+ participantAtP1, CallParticipantState.ALERTING_REMOTE_SIDE);
+ CallParticipantStateEventCollector stateCollectorForPp2
+ = new CallParticipantStateEventCollector(
+ participantAtP2, CallParticipantState.INCOMING_CALL);
+ stateCollectorForPp1.waitForEvent(10000, true);
+ stateCollectorForPp2.waitForEvent(10000, true);
+ assertSame("participantAtP1.getCall"
+ , participantAtP1.getCall(), callAtP1);
+ assertSame("participantAtP2.getCall"
+ , participantAtP2.getCall(), callAtP2);
+ //make sure that the participants are in the proper state
+ assertEquals("The participant at provider one was not in the "
+ +"right state."
+ , CallParticipantState.ALERTING_REMOTE_SIDE
+ , participantAtP1.getState());
+ assertEquals("The participant at provider two was not in the "
+ +"right state."
+ , CallParticipantState.INCOMING_CALL
+ , participantAtP2.getState());
+ //test whether caller/callee info is properly distributed in case
+ //the server is said to support it.
+ if(Boolean.getBoolean("accounts.jabber.PRESERVE_PARTICIPANT_INFO"))
+ {
+ //check properties on the remote call participant for the party that
+ //initiated the call.
+ String expectedParticipant1Address
+ = fixture.provider2.getAccountID().getAccountAddress();
+ String expectedParticipant1DisplayName
+ = System.getProperty(
+ JabberProtocolProviderServiceLick.ACCOUNT_2_PREFIX
+ + ProtocolProviderFactory.DISPLAY_NAME);
+ //do not asser equals here since one of the addresses may contain a
+ //display name or something of the kind
+ assertTrue("Provider 2 did not advertise their "
+ + "accountID.getAccoutAddress() address."
+ , expectedParticipant1Address.indexOf(
+ participantAtP1.getAddress()) != -1
+ || participantAtP1.getAddress().indexOf(
+ expectedParticipant1Address) != -1);
+ assertEquals("Provider 2 did not properly advertise their "
+ + "display name."
+ , expectedParticipant1DisplayName
+ , participantAtP1.getDisplayName());
+ //check properties on the remote call participant for the party that
+ //receives the call.
+ String expectedParticipant2Address
+ = fixture.provider1.getAccountID().getAccountAddress();
+ String expectedParticipant2DisplayName
+ = System.getProperty(
+ JabberProtocolProviderServiceLick.ACCOUNT_1_PREFIX
+ + ProtocolProviderFactory.DISPLAY_NAME);
+ //do not asser equals here since one of the addresses may contain a
+ //display name or something of the kind
+ assertTrue("Provider 1 did not advertise their "
+ + "accountID.getAccoutAddress() address."
+ , expectedParticipant2Address.indexOf(
+ participantAtP2.getAddress()) != -1
+ || participantAtP2.getAddress().indexOf(
+ expectedParticipant2Address) != -1);
+ assertEquals("Provider 1 did not properly advertise their "
+ + "display name."
+ , expectedParticipant2DisplayName
+ , participantAtP2.getDisplayName());
+ }
+ //add listeners to the participants and make sure enter
+ //a connected state after we answer
+ stateCollectorForPp1
+ = new CallParticipantStateEventCollector(
+ participantAtP1, CallParticipantState.CONNECTED);
+ stateCollectorForPp2
+ = new CallParticipantStateEventCollector(
+ participantAtP2, CallParticipantState.CONNECTED);
+ //we will now anser the call and verify that both parties change states
+ //accordingly.
+ basicTelephonyP2.answerCallParticipant(participantAtP2);
+ stateCollectorForPp1.waitForEvent(10000);
+ stateCollectorForPp2.waitForEvent(10000);
+ //make sure that the participants are in the proper state
+ assertEquals("The participant at provider one was not in the "
+ +"right state."
+ , CallParticipantState.CONNECTED
+ , participantAtP1.getState());
+ assertEquals("The participant at provider two was not in the "
+ +"right state."
+ , CallParticipantState.CONNECTED
+ , participantAtP2.getState());
+ //make sure that events have been distributed when states were changed.
+ assertEquals("No event was dispatched when a call participant changed "
+ +"its state."
+ , 1
+ , stateCollectorForPp1.collectedEvents.size());
+ assertEquals("No event was dispatched when a call participant changed "
+ +"its state."
+ , 1
+ , stateCollectorForPp2.collectedEvents.size());
+ //add listeners to the participants and make sure they have entered
+ //the states they are expected to.
+ stateCollectorForPp1
+ = new CallParticipantStateEventCollector(
+ participantAtP1, CallParticipantState.DISCONNECTED);
+ stateCollectorForPp2
+ = new CallParticipantStateEventCollector(
+ participantAtP2, CallParticipantState.DISCONNECTED);
+ //we will now end the call and verify that both parties change states
+ //accordingly.
+ basicTelephonyP2.hangupCallParticipant(participantAtP2);
+ stateCollectorForPp1.waitForEvent(10000);
+ stateCollectorForPp2.waitForEvent(10000);
+ //make sure that the participants are in the proper state
+ assertEquals("The participant at provider one was not in the "
+ +"right state."
+ , CallParticipantState.DISCONNECTED
+ , participantAtP1.getState());
+ assertEquals("The participant at provider two was not in the "
+ +"right state."
+ , CallParticipantState.DISCONNECTED
+ , participantAtP2.getState());
+ //make sure that the corresponding events were delivered.
+ assertEquals("a provider did not distribute an event when a call "
+ +"participant changed states."
+ , 1
+ , stateCollectorForPp1.collectedEvents.size());
+ assertEquals("a provider did not distribute an event when a call "
+ +"participant changed states."
+ , 1
+ , stateCollectorForPp2.collectedEvents.size());
+ }
+ /**
+ * Allows tests to wait for and collect events issued upon creation and
+ * reception of calls.
+ */
+ public class CallEventCollector implements CallListener
+ {
+ public ArrayList collectedEvents = new ArrayList();
+ public OperationSetBasicTelephony listenedOpSet = null;
+ /**
+ * Creates an instance of this call event collector and registers it
+ * with listenedOpSet.
+ * @param listenedOpSet the operation set that we will be scanning for
+ * new calls.
+ */
+ public CallEventCollector(OperationSetBasicTelephony listenedOpSet)
+ {
+ this.listenedOpSet = listenedOpSet;
+ this.listenedOpSet.addCallListener(this);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Blocks until at least one event is received or until waitFor
+ * miliseconds pass (whichever happens first).
+ *
+ * @param waitFor the number of miliseconds that we should be waiting
+ * for an event before simply bailing out.
+ */
+ public void waitForEvent(long waitFor)
+ {
+ logger.trace("Waiting for a CallEvent");
+ synchronized(this)
+ {
+ if(collectedEvents.size() > 0){
+ logger.trace("Event already received. " + collectedEvents);
+ listenedOpSet.removeCallListener(this);
+ return;
+ }
+ try{
+ wait(waitFor);
+ if(collectedEvents.size() > 0)
+ logger.trace("Received a CallEvent.");
+ else
+ logger.trace("No CallEvent received for "+waitFor+"ms.");
+ listenedOpSet.removeCallListener(this);
+ }
+ catch (InterruptedException ex)
+ {
+ logger.debug(
+ "Interrupted while waiting for a call event", ex);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Stores the received event and notifies all waiting on this object
+ * @param event the event containing the source call.
+ */
+ public void incomingCallReceived(CallEvent event)
+ {
+ synchronized(this)
+ {
+ logger.debug(
+ "Collected evt("+collectedEvents.size()+")= "+event);
+ this.collectedEvents.add(event);
+ notifyAll();
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Stores the received event and notifies all waiting on this object
+ * @param event the event containing the source call.
+ */
+ public void outgoingCallCreated(CallEvent event)
+ {
+ synchronized(this)
+ {
+ logger.debug(
+ "Collected evt("+collectedEvents.size()+")= "+event);
+ this.collectedEvents.add(event);
+ notifyAll();
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Stores the received event and notifies all waiting on this object
+ * @param event the event containing the source call.
+ */
+ public void callEnded(CallEvent event)
+ {
+ synchronized(this)
+ {
+ logger.debug(
+ "Collected evt("+collectedEvents.size()+")= "+event);
+ this.collectedEvents.add(event);
+ notifyAll();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Allows tests to wait for and collect events issued upon call participant
+ * status changes.
+ */
+ public class CallParticipantStateEventCollector
+ implements CallParticipantListener
+ {
+ public ArrayList collectedEvents = new ArrayList();
+ private CallParticipant listenedCallParticipant = null;
+ public CallParticipantState awaitedState = null;
+ /**
+ * Creates an instance of this collector and adds it as a listener
+ * to <tt>callParticipant</tt>.
+ * @param callParticipant the CallParticipant that we will be listening
+ * to.
+ * @param awaitedState the state that we will be waiting for inside
+ * this collector.
+ */
+ public CallParticipantStateEventCollector(
+ CallParticipant callParticipant,
+ CallParticipantState awaitedState)
+ {
+ this.listenedCallParticipant = callParticipant;
+ this.listenedCallParticipant.addCallParticipantListener(this);
+ this.awaitedState = awaitedState;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Stores the received event and notifies all waiting on this object
+ *
+ * @param event the event containing the source call.
+ */
+ public void participantStateChanged(CallParticipantChangeEvent event)
+ {
+ synchronized(this)
+ {
+ logger.debug(
+ "Collected evt("+collectedEvents.size()+")= "+event);
+ if(((CallParticipantState)event.getNewValue())
+ .equals(awaitedState))
+ {
+ this.collectedEvents.add(event);
+ notifyAll();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Unused by this collector.
+ * @param event ignored.
+ */
+ public void participantImageChanged(CallParticipantChangeEvent event)
+ {}
+ /**
+ * Unused by this collector
+ * @param event ignored.
+ */
+ public void participantAddressChanged(CallParticipantChangeEvent event)
+ {}
+ /**
+ * Unused by this collector
+ * @param event ignored.
+ */
+ public void participantTransportAddressChanged(
+ CallParticipantChangeEvent event)
+ {}
+ /**
+ * Unused by this collector
+ * @param event ignored.
+ */
+ public void participantDisplayNameChanged(
+ CallParticipantChangeEvent event)
+ {}
+ /**
+ * Blocks until an event notifying us of the awaited state change is
+ * received or until waitFor miliseconds pass (whichever happens first).
+ *
+ * @param waitFor the number of miliseconds that we should be waiting
+ * for an event before simply bailing out.
+ */
+ public void waitForEvent(long waitFor)
+ {
+ waitForEvent(waitFor, false);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Blocks until an event notifying us of the awaited state change is
+ * received or until waitFor miliseconds pass (whichever happens first).
+ *
+ * @param waitFor the number of miliseconds that we should be waiting
+ * for an event before simply bailing out.
+ * @param exitIfAlreadyInState specifies whether the method is to return
+ * if the call participant is already in such a state even if no event
+ * has been received for the sate change.
+ */
+ public void waitForEvent(long waitFor, boolean exitIfAlreadyInState)
+ {
+ logger.trace("Waiting for a CallParticipantEvent with newState="
+ + awaitedState + " for participant "
+ + this.listenedCallParticipant);
+ synchronized (this)
+ {
+ if(exitIfAlreadyInState
+ && listenedCallParticipant.getState().equals(awaitedState))
+ {
+ logger.trace("Src participant is already in the awaited "
+ + "state."
+ + collectedEvents);
+ listenedCallParticipant.removeCallParticipantListener(this);
+ return;
+ }
+ if(collectedEvents.size() > 0)
+ {
+ CallParticipantChangeEvent lastEvent
+ = (CallParticipantChangeEvent) collectedEvents
+ .get(collectedEvents.size() - 1);
+ if (lastEvent.getNewValue().equals(awaitedState))
+ {
+ logger.trace("Event already received. " +
+ collectedEvents);
+ listenedCallParticipant
+ .removeCallParticipantListener(this);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ try
+ {
+ wait(waitFor);
+ if (collectedEvents.size() > 0)
+ logger.trace("Received a CallParticpantStateEvent.");
+ else
+ logger.trace("No CallParticpantStateEvent received for "
+ + waitFor + "ms.");
+ listenedCallParticipant
+ .removeCallParticipantListener(this);
+ }
+ catch (InterruptedException ex)
+ {
+ logger.debug("Interrupted while waiting for a "
+ + "CallParticpantEvent"
+ , ex);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Allows tests to wait for and collect events issued upon call state
+ * changes.
+ */
+ public class CallStateEventCollector
+ implements CallChangeListener
+ {
+ public ArrayList collectedEvents = new ArrayList();
+ private Call listenedCall = null;
+ public CallState awaitedState = null;
+ /**
+ * Creates an instance of this collector and adds it as a listener
+ * to <tt>call</tt>.
+ * @param call the Call that we will be listening to.
+ * @param awaitedState the state that we will be waiting for inside
+ * this collector.
+ */
+ public CallStateEventCollector(Call call,
+ CallState awaitedState)
+ {
+ this.listenedCall = call;
+ this.listenedCall.addCallChangeListener(this);
+ this.awaitedState = awaitedState;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Stores the received event and notifies all waiting on this object
+ *
+ * @param event the event containing the source call.
+ */
+ public void callStateChanged(CallChangeEvent event)
+ {
+ synchronized(this)
+ {
+ logger.debug(
+ "Collected evt("+collectedEvents.size()+")= "+event);
+ if(((CallState)event.getNewValue()).equals(awaitedState))
+ {
+ this.collectedEvents.add(event);
+ notifyAll();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Unused by this collector.
+ * @param event ignored.
+ */
+ public void callParticipantAdded(CallParticipantEvent event)
+ {
+ }
+ /**
+ * Unused by this collector.
+ * @param event ignored.
+ */
+ public void callParticipantRemoved(CallParticipantEvent event)
+ {
+ }
+ /**
+ * Blocks until an event notifying us of the awaited state change is
+ * received or until waitFor miliseconds pass (whichever happens first).
+ *
+ * @param waitFor the number of miliseconds that we should be waiting
+ * for an event before simply bailing out.
+ */
+ public void waitForEvent(long waitFor)
+ {
+ logger.trace("Waiting for a CallParticpantEvent");
+ synchronized (this)
+ {
+ if (listenedCall.getCallState() == awaitedState)
+ {
+ logger.trace("Event already received. " +
+ collectedEvents);
+ listenedCall.removeCallChangeListener(this);
+ return;
+ }
+ try
+ {
+ wait(waitFor);
+ if (collectedEvents.size() > 0)
+ logger.trace("Received a CallChangeEvent.");
+ else
+ logger.trace("No CallChangeEvent received for "
+ + waitFor + "ms.");
+ listenedCall.removeCallChangeListener(this);
+ }
+ catch (InterruptedException ex)
+ {
+ logger.debug("Interrupted while waiting for a "
+ + "CallParticpantEvent"
+ , ex);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }