path: root/test/net/java/sip/communicator/slick/protocol/yahoo/TestOperationSetPresence.java
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1003 deletions
diff --git a/test/net/java/sip/communicator/slick/protocol/yahoo/TestOperationSetPresence.java b/test/net/java/sip/communicator/slick/protocol/yahoo/TestOperationSetPresence.java
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--- a/test/net/java/sip/communicator/slick/protocol/yahoo/TestOperationSetPresence.java
+++ /dev/null
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- * Jitsi, the OpenSource Java VoIP and Instant Messaging client.
- *
- * Copyright @ 2015 Atlassian Pty Ltd
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-package net.java.sip.communicator.slick.protocol.yahoo;
-import java.beans.*;
-import java.util.*;
-import junit.framework.*;
-import net.java.sip.communicator.service.protocol.*;
-import net.java.sip.communicator.service.protocol.event.*;
-import net.java.sip.communicator.service.protocol.yahooconstants.*;
-import net.java.sip.communicator.util.*;
- * Tests yahoo implementations of a Presence Operation Set. Tests in this class
- * verify functionality such as: Changing local (our own) status and
- * corresponding event dispatching; Querying status of contacts, Subscribing
- * for presence notifications upong status changes of specific contacts.
- * <p>
- * Using a custom suite() method, we make sure that apart from standard test
- * methods (those with a <tt>test</tt> prefix) we also execute those that
- * we want run in a specific order like for example - postTestSubscribe() and
- * postTestUnsubscribe().
- * <p>
- * @author Damian Minkov
- */
-public class TestOperationSetPresence
- extends TestCase
- private static final Logger logger =
- Logger.getLogger(TestOperationSetPresence.class);
- private YahooSlickFixture fixture = new YahooSlickFixture();
- private OperationSetPresence operationSetPresence1 = null;
- private OperationSetPresence operationSetPresence2 = null;
- private AuthHandler authHandler1 = null;
- private AuthHandler authHandler2 = null;
- public TestOperationSetPresence(String name)
- {
- super(name);
- }
- @Override
- protected void setUp() throws Exception
- {
- super.setUp();
- fixture.setUp();
- Map<String, OperationSet> supportedOperationSets1 =
- fixture.provider1.getSupportedOperationSets();
- if ( supportedOperationSets1 == null
- || supportedOperationSets1.size() < 1)
- throw new NullPointerException(
- "No OperationSet implementations are supported by "
- +"this implementation. ");
- //get the operation set presence here.
- operationSetPresence1 =
- (OperationSetPresence)supportedOperationSets1.get(
- OperationSetPresence.class.getName());
- //if the op set is null then the implementation doesn't offer a presence
- //operation set which is unacceptable for yahoo.
- if (operationSetPresence1 == null)
- {
- throw new NullPointerException(
- "An implementation of the yahoo service must provide an "
- + "implementation of at least the one of the Presence "
- + "Operation Sets");
- }
- // do it once again for the second provider
- Map<String, OperationSet> supportedOperationSets2 =
- fixture.provider2.getSupportedOperationSets();
- if ( supportedOperationSets2 == null
- || supportedOperationSets2.size() < 1)
- throw new NullPointerException(
- "No OperationSet implementations are supported by "
- +"this yahoo implementation. ");
- //get the operation set presence here.
- operationSetPresence2 =
- (OperationSetPresence)supportedOperationSets2.get(
- OperationSetPresence.class.getName());
- //if the op set is null then the implementation doesn't offer a presence
- //operation set which is unacceptable for yahoo.
- if (operationSetPresence2 == null)
- {
- throw new NullPointerException(
- "An implementation of the yahoo service must provide an "
- + "implementation of at least the one of the Presence "
- + "Operation Sets");
- }
- if(authHandler1 == null)
- {
- authHandler1 = new AuthHandler(operationSetPresence1);
- operationSetPresence1.setAuthorizationHandler(authHandler1);
- }
- if(authHandler2 == null)
- {
- authHandler2 = new AuthHandler(operationSetPresence2);
- operationSetPresence2.setAuthorizationHandler(authHandler2);
- }
- }
- @Override
- protected void tearDown() throws Exception
- {
- super.tearDown();
- fixture.tearDown();
- }
- /**
- * Creates a test suite containing all tests of this class followed by
- * test methods that we want executed in a specified order.
- * @return Test
- */
- public static Test suite()
- {
- //return an (almost) empty suite if we're running in offline mode.
- if(YahooSlickFixture.onlineTestingDisabled)
- {
- TestSuite suite = new TestSuite();
- //the only test around here that we could run without net
- //connectivity
- suite.addTest(
- new TestOperationSetPresence(
- "testSupportedStatusSetForCompleteness"));
- return suite;
- }
- TestSuite suite = new TestSuite();
- // clear the lists before subscribing users
- suite.addTest(new TestOperationSetPresence("clearLists"));
- // first postTestSubscribe. to be sure that contacts are in the
- // list so we can further continue and test presences each other
- suite.addTest(new TestOperationSetPresence("postTestSubscribe"));
- // add other tests
- suite.addTestSuite(TestOperationSetPresence.class);
- // now test unsubscribe
- suite.addTest(new TestOperationSetPresence("postTestUnsubscribe"));
- return suite;
- }
- /**
- * Verifies that all necessary yahoo test states are supported by the
- * implementation.
- */
- public void testSupportedStatusSetForCompleteness()
- {
- //first create a local list containing the presence status instances
- //supported by the underlying implementation.
- Iterator<PresenceStatus> supportedStatusSetIter =
- operationSetPresence1.getSupportedStatusSet();
- List<PresenceStatus> supportedStatusSet
- = new LinkedList<PresenceStatus>();
- while (supportedStatusSetIter.hasNext()){
- supportedStatusSet.add(supportedStatusSetIter.next());
- }
- //create a copy of the MUST status set and remove any matching status
- //that is also present in the supported set.
- List<?> requiredStatusSetCopy
- = (List<?>) YahooStatusEnum.yahooStatusSet.clone();
- requiredStatusSetCopy.removeAll(supportedStatusSet);
- //if we have anything left then the implementation is wrong.
- int unsupported = requiredStatusSetCopy.size();
- assertTrue( "There are " + unsupported + " statuses as follows:"
- + requiredStatusSetCopy,
- unsupported == 0);
- }
- /**
- * Verify that changing state to STEPPED_OUT works as supposed to and that it
- * generates the corresponding event.
- * @throws Exception in case a failure occurs while the operation set
- * is switching to the new state.
- */
- public void testChangingStateToSteppedOut() throws Exception
- {
- subtestStateTransition(YahooStatusEnum.STEPPED_OUT);
- }
- /**
- * Verify that changing state to NOT_IN_OFFICE works as supposed to and that it
- * generates the corresponding event.
- * @throws Exception in case a failure occurs while the operation set
- * is switching to the new state.
- */
- public void testChangingStateToNotInOffice() throws Exception
- {
- subtestStateTransition(YahooStatusEnum.NOT_IN_OFFICE);
- }
- /**
- * Verify that changing state to BUSY works as supposed to and that it
- * generates the corresponding event.
- * @throws Exception in case a failure occurs while the operation set
- * is switching to the new state.
- */
- public void testChangingStateToBusy() throws Exception
- {
- subtestStateTransition(YahooStatusEnum.BUSY);
- }
- /**
- * Verify that changing state to FREE_FOR_CHAT works as supposed to and that it
- * generates the corresponding event.
- * @throws Exception in case a failure occurs while the operation set
- * is switching to the new state.
- */
- public void testChangingStateToIdle() throws Exception
- {
- subtestStateTransition(YahooStatusEnum.IDLE);
- }
- /**
- * Verify that changing state to BE_RIGHT_BACK works as supposed to and that it
- * generates the corresponding event.
- * @throws Exception in case a failure occurs while the operation set
- * is switching to the new state.
- */
- public void testChangingStateToBRB() throws Exception
- {
- subtestStateTransition(YahooStatusEnum.BE_RIGHT_BACK);
- }
- /**
- * Verify that changing state to OUT_TO_LUNCH works as supposed to and that it
- * generates the corresponding event.
- * @throws Exception in case a failure occurs while the operation set
- * is switching to the new state.
- */
- public void testChangingStateToOutToLunch() throws Exception
- {
- subtestStateTransition(YahooStatusEnum.OUT_TO_LUNCH);
- }
- /**
- * Verify that changing state to ON_THE_PHONE works as supposed to and that it
- * generates the corresponding event.
- * @throws Exception in case a failure occurs while the operation set
- * is switching to the new state.
- */
- public void testChangingStateToOnThePhone() throws Exception
- {
- subtestStateTransition(YahooStatusEnum.ON_THE_PHONE);
- }
- /**
- * Used by methods testing state transiotions
- *
- * @param newStatus the YahooStatusEnum field corresponding to the status
- * that we'd like the opeation set to enter.
- *
- * @throws Exception in case changing the state causes an exception
- */
- public void subtestStateTransition( YahooStatusEnum newStatus)
- throws Exception
- {
- logger.trace(" --=== beginning state transition test ===--");
- PresenceStatus oldStatus = operationSetPresence2.getPresenceStatus();
- logger.debug( "old status is=" + oldStatus.getStatusName()
- + " new status=" + newStatus.getStatusName()
- + " for contact : " + fixture.userID2);
- //First register a listener to make sure that all corresponding
- //events have been generated.
- PresenceStatusEventCollector statusEventCollector2
- = new PresenceStatusEventCollector();
- ContactPresenceEventCollector statusEventCollector1
- = new ContactPresenceEventCollector(fixture.userID2, newStatus);
- operationSetPresence2.addProviderPresenceStatusListener(
- statusEventCollector2);
- operationSetPresence1.addContactPresenceStatusListener(
- statusEventCollector1);
- //change the status
- operationSetPresence2.publishPresenceStatus(newStatus, null);
- //test event notification.
- statusEventCollector2.waitForPresEvent(10000);
- statusEventCollector1.waitForEvent(10000);
- operationSetPresence2.removeProviderPresenceStatusListener(
- statusEventCollector2);
- operationSetPresence1.removeContactPresenceStatusListener(
- statusEventCollector1);
- assertEquals("Events dispatched during an event transition.",
- 1, statusEventCollector2.collectedPresEvents.size());
- assertEquals("A status changed event contained wrong old status.",
- oldStatus,
- ((ProviderPresenceStatusChangeEvent)
- statusEventCollector2.collectedPresEvents.get(0))
- .getOldStatus());
- assertEquals("A status changed event contained wrong new status.",
- newStatus,
- ((ProviderPresenceStatusChangeEvent)
- statusEventCollector2.collectedPresEvents.get(0))
- .getNewStatus());
- // verify that the operation set itself is aware of the status change
- assertEquals("opSet.getPresenceStatus() did not return properly.",
- newStatus,
- operationSetPresence2.getPresenceStatus());
- YahooStatusEnum actualStatus = (YahooStatusEnum)
- operationSetPresence1.queryContactStatus(fixture.userID2);
- assertEquals("The underlying implementation did not switch to the "
- +"requested presence status.",
- newStatus,
- actualStatus);
- logger.trace(" --=== finished test ===--");
- }
- /**
- * The method would add a subscription for a contact, wait for a
- * subscription event confirming the subscription, then change the status
- * of the newly added contact (which is actually the testerAgent) and
- * make sure that the corresponding notification events have been generated.
- *
- * @throws java.lang.Exception if an exception occurs during testing.
- */
- public void postTestSubscribe()
- throws Exception
- {
- logger.debug("Testing Subscription and Subscription Event Dispatch.");
- dumplists();
- SubscriptionEventCollector subEvtCollector
- = new SubscriptionEventCollector();
- operationSetPresence1.addSubscriptionListener(subEvtCollector);
- synchronized (subEvtCollector){
- operationSetPresence1.subscribe(fixture.userID2);
- //we may already have the event, but it won't hurt to check.
- subEvtCollector.waitForEvent(10000);
- operationSetPresence1.removeSubscriptionListener(subEvtCollector);
- }
- assertEquals("Subscription event dispatching failed."
- , 1, subEvtCollector.collectedEvents.size());
- SubscriptionEvent subEvt =
- (SubscriptionEvent)subEvtCollector.collectedEvents.get(0);
- assertEquals("SubscriptionEvent Source:",
- fixture.userID2,
- ((Contact)subEvt.getSource()).getAddress());
- assertEquals("SubscriptionEvent Source Contact:",
- fixture.userID2,
- subEvt.getSourceContact().getAddress());
- assertSame("SubscriptionEvent Source Provider:",
- fixture.provider1,
- subEvt.getSourceProvider());
- subEvtCollector.collectedEvents.clear();
- // make the user agent tester change its states and make sure we are
- // notified
- logger.debug("Testing presence notifications.");
- YahooStatusEnum oldStatus
- = (YahooStatusEnum)operationSetPresence2.getPresenceStatus();
- YahooStatusEnum newStatus = YahooStatusEnum.ON_THE_PHONE;
- //in case we are by any chance already in a ON_THE_PHONE status, we'll
- //be changing to something else
- if(oldStatus.equals(newStatus)){
- newStatus = YahooStatusEnum.BUSY;
- }
- //now do the actual status notification testing
- ContactPresenceEventCollector contactPresEvtCollector
- = new ContactPresenceEventCollector(
- fixture.userID2, newStatus);
- operationSetPresence1.addContactPresenceStatusListener(
- contactPresEvtCollector);
- synchronized (contactPresEvtCollector){
- operationSetPresence2.publishPresenceStatus(newStatus, "new status");
- //we may already have the event, but it won't hurt to check.
- contactPresEvtCollector.waitForEvent(10000);
- operationSetPresence1
- .removeContactPresenceStatusListener(contactPresEvtCollector);
- }
- // something happened. the friend is not added correctly will
- // try to remove it and add it again
- if(contactPresEvtCollector.collectedEvents.size() == 0)
- {
- logger.info("ATTENTION: Yahoo friend not added correctly will remove and add him again");
- // remove it
- operationSetPresence1.unsubscribe(subEvt.getSourceContact());
- // wait remove to be finished
- Object lock = new Object();
- synchronized(lock){
- try{
- lock.wait(3000);
- }catch (Exception e){}
- }
- // add it
- operationSetPresence1.addSubscriptionListener(subEvtCollector);
- subEvtCollector.collectedEvents.clear();
- synchronized (subEvtCollector){
- operationSetPresence1.subscribe(fixture.userID2);
- //we may already have the event, but it won't hurt to check.
- subEvtCollector.waitForEvent(10000);
- operationSetPresence1.removeSubscriptionListener(subEvtCollector);
- }
- subEvtCollector.collectedEvents.clear();
- if(newStatus.equals(YahooStatusEnum.BUSY)){
- newStatus = YahooStatusEnum.OUT_TO_LUNCH;
- }
- else
- newStatus = YahooStatusEnum.BUSY;
- // query it again for the status
- contactPresEvtCollector = new ContactPresenceEventCollector(
- fixture.userID2, newStatus);
- operationSetPresence1.addContactPresenceStatusListener(
- contactPresEvtCollector);
- synchronized (contactPresEvtCollector){
-// operationSetPresence2.publishPresenceStatus(newStatus, "new status");
- operationSetPresence2.publishPresenceStatus(newStatus, null);
- //we may already have the event, but it won't hurt to check.
- contactPresEvtCollector.waitForEvent(10000);
- operationSetPresence1
- .removeContactPresenceStatusListener(contactPresEvtCollector);
- }
- }
- assertEquals("Presence Notif. event dispatching failed."
- , 1, contactPresEvtCollector.collectedEvents.size());
- ContactPresenceStatusChangeEvent presEvt =
- (ContactPresenceStatusChangeEvent)
- contactPresEvtCollector.collectedEvents.get(0);
- assertEquals("Presence Notif. event Source:",
- fixture.userID2,
- ((Contact)presEvt.getSource()).getAddress());
- assertEquals("Presence Notif. event Source Contact:",
- fixture.userID2,
- presEvt.getSourceContact().getAddress());
- assertSame("Presence Notif. event Source Provider:",
- fixture.provider1,
- presEvt.getSourceProvider());
- PresenceStatus reportedNewStatus = presEvt.getNewStatus();
- PresenceStatus reportedOldStatus = presEvt.getOldStatus();
- assertEquals( "Reported new PresenceStatus: ",
- newStatus, reportedNewStatus );
- //don't require equality between the reported old PresenceStatus and
- //the actual presence status of the tester agent because a first
- //notification is not supposed to have the old status as it really was.
- assertNotNull( "Reported old PresenceStatus: ", reportedOldStatus );
- try
- {
- // add the the user to the reverse side needed for status tests
- subEvtCollector.collectedEvents.clear();
- operationSetPresence2.addSubscriptionListener(subEvtCollector);
- synchronized (subEvtCollector)
- {
- operationSetPresence2.subscribe(fixture.userID1);
- //we may already have the event, but it won't hurt to check.
- subEvtCollector.waitForEvent(10000);
- operationSetPresence2.removeSubscriptionListener(
- subEvtCollector);
- }
- }
- catch (OperationFailedException ex)
- {
- // happens if the user is already subscribed
- }
- }
- /**
- * We unsubscribe from presence notification deliveries concerning
- * testerAgent's presence status and verify that we receive the
- * subscription removed event. We then make the tester agent change status
- * and make sure that no notifications are delivered.
- *
- * @throws java.lang.Exception in case unsubscribing fails.
- */
- public void postTestUnsubscribe()
- throws Exception
- {
- logger.debug("Testing Unsubscribe and unsubscription event dispatch.");
- // First create a subscription and verify that it really gets created.
- SubscriptionEventCollector subEvtCollector
- = new SubscriptionEventCollector();
- operationSetPresence1.addSubscriptionListener(subEvtCollector);
- Contact yahooTesterAgentContact = operationSetPresence1
- .findContactByID(fixture.userID2);
- assertNotNull(
- "Failed to find an existing subscription for the tester agent"
- , yahooTesterAgentContact);
- synchronized(subEvtCollector){
- operationSetPresence1.unsubscribe(yahooTesterAgentContact);
- subEvtCollector.waitForEvent(10000);
- //don't want any more events
- operationSetPresence1.removeSubscriptionListener(subEvtCollector);
- }
- assertEquals("Subscription event dispatching failed."
- , 1, subEvtCollector.collectedEvents.size());
- SubscriptionEvent subEvt =
- (SubscriptionEvent)subEvtCollector.collectedEvents.get(0);
- assertEquals("SubscriptionEvent Source:",
- yahooTesterAgentContact, subEvt.getSource());
- assertEquals("SubscriptionEvent Source Contact:",
- yahooTesterAgentContact, subEvt.getSourceContact());
- assertSame("SubscriptionEvent Source Provider:",
- fixture.provider1,
- subEvt.getSourceProvider());
- subEvtCollector.collectedEvents.clear();
- // make the user agent tester change its states and make sure we don't
- // get notifications as we're now unsubscribed.
- logger.debug("Testing (lack of) presence notifications.");
- YahooStatusEnum oldStatus
- = (YahooStatusEnum)operationSetPresence2.getPresenceStatus();
- YahooStatusEnum newStatus = YahooStatusEnum.ON_THE_PHONE;
- //in case we are by any chance already in a ON_THE_PHONE status, we'll
- //be changing to something else
- if(oldStatus.equals(newStatus)){
- newStatus = YahooStatusEnum.BUSY;
- }
- //now do the actual status notification testing
- ContactPresenceEventCollector contactPresEvtCollector
- = new ContactPresenceEventCollector(fixture.userID2, null);
- operationSetPresence1.addContactPresenceStatusListener(
- contactPresEvtCollector);
- synchronized (contactPresEvtCollector){
- operationSetPresence2.publishPresenceStatus(newStatus, "new status");
- //we may already have the event, but it won't hurt to check.
- contactPresEvtCollector.waitForEvent(10000);
- operationSetPresence1
- .removeContactPresenceStatusListener(contactPresEvtCollector);
- }
- assertEquals("Presence Notifications were received after unsubscibing."
- , 0, contactPresEvtCollector.collectedEvents.size());
- }
- public void clearLists()
- throws Exception
- {
- logger.debug("Clear the two lists before tests");
- // wait a moment if any event hes left from the previous tests
- Object o = new Object();
- synchronized(o)
- {
- o.wait(2000);
- }
- // wait for a moment
- // give time the impl to get the lists
- logger.debug("start clearing");
- fixture.clearProvidersLists();
- synchronized(o)
- {
- o.wait(3000);
- }
- }
- /**
- * An event collector that would collect all events generated by a
- * provider after a status change. The collector would also do a notidyAll
- * every time it receives an event.
- */
- private class PresenceStatusEventCollector
- implements ProviderPresenceStatusListener
- {
- public ArrayList<EventObject> collectedPresEvents = new ArrayList<EventObject>();
- public ArrayList<EventObject> collectedStatMsgEvents = new ArrayList<EventObject>();
- public void providerStatusChanged(ProviderPresenceStatusChangeEvent evt)
- {
- synchronized(this)
- {
- logger.debug("Collected evt("+collectedPresEvents.size()+")= "+evt);
- collectedPresEvents.add(evt);
- notifyAll();
- }
- }
- public void providerStatusMessageChanged(PropertyChangeEvent evt)
- {
- synchronized(this)
- {
- logger.debug("Collected stat.msg. evt("
- +collectedPresEvents.size()+")= "+evt);
- collectedStatMsgEvents.add(evt);
- notifyAll();
- }
- }
- /**
- * Blocks until at least one event is received or until waitFor
- * miliseconds pass (whicever happens first).
- *
- * @param waitFor the number of miliseconds that we should be waiting
- * for an event before simply bailing out.
- */
- public void waitForPresEvent(long waitFor)
- {
- logger.trace("Waiting for a change in provider status.");
- synchronized(this)
- {
- if(collectedPresEvents.size() > 0){
- logger.trace("Change already received. " + collectedPresEvents);
- return;
- }
- try{
- wait(waitFor);
- if(collectedPresEvents.size() > 0)
- logger.trace("Received a change in provider status.");
- else
- logger.trace("No change received for "+waitFor+"ms.");
- }
- catch (InterruptedException ex){
- logger.debug("Interrupted while waiting for a provider evt"
- , ex);
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * Blocks until at least one staus message event is received or until
- * waitFor miliseconds pass (whichever happens first).
- *
- * @param waitFor the number of miliseconds that we should be waiting
- * for a status message event before simply bailing out.
- */
- public void waitForStatMsgEvent(long waitFor)
- {
- logger.trace("Waiting for a provider status message event.");
- synchronized(this)
- {
- if(collectedStatMsgEvents.size() > 0){
- logger.trace("Stat msg. evt already received. "
- + collectedStatMsgEvents);
- return;
- }
- try{
- wait(waitFor);
- if(collectedStatMsgEvents.size() > 0)
- logger.trace("Received a prov. stat. msg. evt.");
- else
- logger.trace("No prov. stat msg. received for "
- +waitFor+"ms.");
- }
- catch (InterruptedException ex){
- logger.debug("Interrupted while waiting for a status msg evt"
- , ex);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * The class would listen for and store received subscription modification
- * events.
- */
- private class SubscriptionEventCollector implements SubscriptionListener
- {
- public ArrayList<EventObject> collectedEvents = new ArrayList<EventObject>();
- /**
- * Blocks until at least one event is received or until waitFor
- * miliseconds pass (whicever happens first).
- *
- * @param waitFor the number of miliseconds that we should be waiting
- * for an event before simply bailing out.
- */
- public void waitForEvent(long waitFor)
- {
- synchronized(this)
- {
- if(collectedEvents.size() > 0)
- {
- logger.trace("Event already received. " + collectedEvents);
- return;
- }
- try{
- wait(waitFor);
- }
- catch (InterruptedException ex)
- {
- logger.debug(
- "Interrupted while waiting for a subscription evt", ex);
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * Stores the received subsctiption and notifies all waiting on this
- * object
- * @param evt the SubscriptionEvent containing the corresponding contact
- */
- public void subscriptionCreated(SubscriptionEvent evt)
- {
- synchronized(this)
- {
- logger.debug("Collected evt("+collectedEvents.size()+")= "+evt);
- collectedEvents.add(evt);
- notifyAll();
- }
- }
- /**
- * Stores the received subsctiption and notifies all waiting on this
- * object
- * @param evt the SubscriptionEvent containing the corresponding contact
- */
- public void subscriptionRemoved(SubscriptionEvent evt)
- {
- synchronized(this)
- {
- logger.debug("Collected evt("+collectedEvents.size()+")= "+evt);
- collectedEvents.add(evt);
- notifyAll();
- }
- }
- /**
- * Stores the received subsctiption and notifies all waiting on this
- * object
- * @param evt the SubscriptionEvent containing the corresponding contact
- */
- public void contactModified(ContactPropertyChangeEvent evt)
- {
- synchronized(this)
- {
- logger.debug("Collected evt("+collectedEvents.size()+")= "+evt);
- collectedEvents.add(evt);
- notifyAll();
- }
- }
- /**
- * Stores the received subsctiption and notifies all waiting on this
- * object
- * @param evt the SubscriptionEvent containing the corresponding contact
- */
- public void subscriptionMoved(SubscriptionMovedEvent evt)
- {
- synchronized(this)
- {
- logger.debug("Collected evt("+collectedEvents.size()+")= "+evt);
- collectedEvents.add(evt);
- notifyAll();
- }
- }
- /**
- * Stores the received subsctiption and notifies all waiting on this
- * object
- * @param evt the SubscriptionEvent containing the corresponding contact
- */
- public void subscriptionFailed(SubscriptionEvent evt)
- {
- synchronized(this)
- {
- logger.debug("Collected evt("+collectedEvents.size()+")= "+evt);
- collectedEvents.add(evt);
- notifyAll();
- }
- }
- /**
- * Stores the received subsctiption and notifies all waiting on this
- * object
- * @param evt the SubscriptionEvent containing the corresponding contact
- */
- public void subscriptionResolved(SubscriptionEvent evt)
- {
- synchronized(this)
- {
- logger.debug("Collected evt("+collectedEvents.size()+")= "+evt);
- collectedEvents.add(evt);
- notifyAll();
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * The class would listen for and store received events caused by changes
- * in contact presence states.
- */
- private class ContactPresenceEventCollector
- implements ContactPresenceStatusListener
- {
- public ArrayList<EventObject> collectedEvents = new ArrayList<EventObject>();
- private String trackedScreenName = null;
- private YahooStatusEnum status = null;
- ContactPresenceEventCollector(String screenname,
- YahooStatusEnum wantedStatus)
- {
- this.trackedScreenName = screenname;
- this.status = wantedStatus;
- }
- /**
- * Blocks until at least one event is received or until waitFor
- * miliseconds pass (whicever happens first).
- *
- * @param waitFor the number of miliseconds that we should be waiting
- * for an event before simply bailing out.
- */
- public void waitForEvent(long waitFor)
- {
- synchronized(this)
- {
- if(collectedEvents.size() > 0)
- return;
- try{
- wait(waitFor);
- if(collectedEvents.size() > 0)
- logger.trace("Received a change in contact status.");
- else
- logger.trace("No change received for "+waitFor+"ms.");
- }
- catch (InterruptedException ex)
- {
- logger.debug(
- "Interrupted while waiting for a subscription evt", ex);
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * Stores the received status change event and notifies all waiting on
- * this object
- * @param evt the SubscriptionEvent containing the corresponding contact
- */
- public void contactPresenceStatusChanged(
- ContactPresenceStatusChangeEvent evt)
- {
- synchronized(this)
- {
- //if the user has specified event details and the received
- //event does not match - then ignore it.
- if( this.trackedScreenName != null
- && !evt.getSourceContact().getAddress()
- .equals(trackedScreenName))
- return;
- if( status != null
- && status != evt.getNewStatus())
- return;
- logger.debug("Collected evt("+collectedEvents.size()+")= "+evt);
- collectedEvents.add(evt);
- notifyAll();
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * AuthorizationHandler which accepts all requests!
- */
- private class AuthHandler
- implements AuthorizationHandler
- {
- private OperationSetPresence opset = null;
- AuthHandler(OperationSetPresence opset)
- {
- this.opset = opset;
- }
- public AuthorizationResponse processAuthorisationRequest(
- AuthorizationRequest req, Contact sourceContact)
- {
-// try{
-// opset.subscribe(sourceContact.getAddress());
-// }catch(Exception ex){}
- return
- new AuthorizationResponse(AuthorizationResponse.ACCEPT, "");
- }
- public AuthorizationRequest createAuthorizationRequest(Contact contact )
- {
- return new AuthorizationRequest();
- }
- public void processAuthorizationResponse(
- AuthorizationResponse response, Contact sourceContact){}
- }
- private void dumplists()
- {
- // just wait a little all modification events to be received
- Object o = new Object();
- synchronized(o)
- {
- try{o.wait(3000);}catch (InterruptedException ex){}
- }
- OperationSetPersistentPresence op1 = (OperationSetPersistentPresence)operationSetPresence1;
- OperationSetPersistentPresence op2 = (OperationSetPersistentPresence)operationSetPresence2;
- logger.info("------------ START DUMP LIST " + fixture.userID1 + " ------------");
- ContactGroup rootGroup = op1.getServerStoredContactListRoot();
- Iterator<ContactGroup> groups = rootGroup.subgroups();
- while (groups.hasNext() )
- {
- ContactGroup group = groups.next();
- logger.info("group " + group.getGroupName());
- Iterator<Contact> contactsIter = group.contacts();
- while(contactsIter.hasNext())
- {
- logger.info("\tcontact " + contactsIter.next());
- }
- }
- logger.info("------------ END DUMP LIST " + fixture.userID1 + " ------------");
- logger.info("------------ START DUMP LIST " + fixture.userID2 + " ------------");
- rootGroup = op2.getServerStoredContactListRoot();
- groups = rootGroup.subgroups();
- while (groups.hasNext() )
- {
- ContactGroup group = groups.next();
- logger.info("group " + group.getGroupName());
- Iterator<Contact> contactsIter = group.contacts();
- while(contactsIter.hasNext())
- {
- logger.info("\tcontact " + contactsIter.next());
- }
- }
- logger.info("------------ END DUMP LIST " + fixture.userID2 + " ------------");
- }