path: root/drivers/irda/ir_remote_con_mc96.c
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'drivers/irda/ir_remote_con_mc96.c')
1 files changed, 493 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/drivers/irda/ir_remote_con_mc96.c b/drivers/irda/ir_remote_con_mc96.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5c624c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/drivers/irda/ir_remote_con_mc96.c
@@ -0,0 +1,493 @@
+ * driver/irda IRDA driver
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2012 Samsung Electronics
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ *
+ */
+#include <linux/kernel.h>
+#include <linux/module.h>
+#include <linux/err.h>
+#include <linux/i2c.h>
+#include <linux/irq.h>
+#include <linux/interrupt.h>
+#include <linux/platform_device.h>
+#include <linux/slab.h>
+#include <linux/delay.h>
+#include <linux/workqueue.h>
+#include <linux/device.h>
+#include <linux/ir_remote_con_mc96.h>
+#include <linux/earlysuspend.h>
+#include <linux/spinlock.h>
+#include "irda_fw.h"
+#define MAX_SIZE 2048
+#define MC96_READ_LENGTH 8
+#define USE_STOP_MODE
+struct ir_remocon_data {
+ struct mutex mutex;
+ struct i2c_client *client;
+ struct mc96_platform_data *pdata;
+ struct early_suspend early_suspend;
+ spinlock_t lock;
+ char signal[MAX_SIZE];
+ int length;
+ int count;
+ int dev_id;
+ int ir_freq;
+ int ir_sum;
+ int on_off;
+static void ir_remocon_early_suspend(struct early_suspend *h);
+static void ir_remocon_late_resume(struct early_suspend *h);
+static int irda_fw_update(struct ir_remocon_data *ir_data)
+ struct ir_remocon_data *data = ir_data;
+ struct i2c_client *client = data->client;
+ int i, ret;
+ u8 buf_ir_test[8];
+ data->pdata->ir_vdd_onoff(0);
+ data->pdata->ir_wake_en(1);
+ data->pdata->ir_vdd_onoff(1);
+ msleep(100);
+ ret = i2c_master_recv(client, buf_ir_test, MC96_READ_LENGTH);
+ if (ret < 0) {
+ printk(KERN_ERR "1. %s: err %d\n", __func__, ret);
+ ret = i2c_master_recv(client, buf_ir_test, MC96_READ_LENGTH);
+ if (ret < 0)
+ goto err_i2c_fail;
+ }
+ ret = buf_ir_test[2] << 8 | buf_ir_test[3];
+ if (ret < FW_VERSION) {
+ printk(KERN_INFO "2. %s: chip : %04x, bin : %04x, need update!\n",
+ __func__, ret, FW_VERSION);
+ data->pdata->ir_vdd_onoff(0);
+ data->pdata->ir_wake_en(0);
+ data->pdata->ir_vdd_onoff(1);
+ msleep(100);
+ ret = i2c_master_recv(client, buf_ir_test, MC96_READ_LENGTH);
+ if (ret < 0)
+ printk(KERN_ERR "3. %s: err %d\n", __func__, ret);
+ ret = buf_ir_test[6] << 8 | buf_ir_test[7];
+ if (ret == 0x01fe)
+ printk(KERN_INFO "4. %s: boot mode, FW download start\n",
+ __func__);
+ else
+ goto err_bootmode;
+ msleep(30);
+ for (i = 0; i < FRAME_COUNT; i++) {
+ if (i == FRAME_COUNT-1) {
+ ret = i2c_master_send(client,
+ &IRDA_binary[i * 70], 6);
+ if (ret < 0)
+ goto err_update;
+ } else {
+ ret = i2c_master_send(client,
+ &IRDA_binary[i * 70], 70);
+ if (ret < 0)
+ goto err_update;
+ }
+ msleep(30);
+ }
+ ret = i2c_master_recv(client, buf_ir_test, MC96_READ_LENGTH);
+ if (ret < 0)
+ printk(KERN_ERR "5. %s: err %d\n", __func__, ret);
+ ret = buf_ir_test[6] << 8 | buf_ir_test[7];
+ if (ret == 0x02a3)
+ printk(KERN_INFO "6. %s: boot down complete\n",
+ __func__);
+ else
+ goto err_bootmode;
+ data->pdata->ir_vdd_onoff(0);
+ data->pdata->ir_wake_en(1);
+ data->pdata->ir_vdd_onoff(1);
+ msleep(60);
+ ret = i2c_master_recv(client, buf_ir_test, MC96_READ_LENGTH);
+ ret = buf_ir_test[2] << 8 | buf_ir_test[3];
+ printk(KERN_INFO "7. %s: user mode dev: %04x\n", __func__, ret);
+ data->pdata->ir_vdd_onoff(0);
+ data->on_off = 0;
+ } else {
+ printk(KERN_INFO "8. %s: chip : %04x, bin : %04x, latest FW_version now\n",
+ __func__, ret, FW_VERSION);
+ data->pdata->ir_wake_en(0);
+ data->pdata->ir_vdd_onoff(0);
+ data->on_off = 0;
+ }
+ return 0;
+ printk(KERN_ERR "%s: update fail! i2c ret : %x\n",
+ __func__, ret);
+ printk(KERN_ERR "%s: update fail! count : %x, ret = %x\n",
+ __func__, i, ret);
+ printk(KERN_ERR "%s: update fail, ret = %x\n", __func__, ret);
+ data->pdata->ir_vdd_onoff(0);
+ data->on_off = 0;
+ return ret;
+static void irda_add_checksum_length(struct ir_remocon_data *ir_data, int count)
+ struct ir_remocon_data *data = ir_data;
+ int i = 0, csum = 0;
+ printk(KERN_INFO "%s: length: %04x\n", __func__, count);
+ data->signal[0] = count >> 8;
+ data->signal[1] = count & 0xff;
+ while (i < count) {
+ csum += data->signal[i];
+ i++;
+ }
+ printk(KERN_INFO "%s: checksum: %04x\n", __func__, csum);
+ data->signal[count] = csum >> 8;
+ data->signal[count+1] = csum & 0xff;
+static int irda_read_device_info(struct ir_remocon_data *ir_data)
+ struct ir_remocon_data *data = ir_data;
+ struct i2c_client *client = data->client;
+ u8 buf_ir_test[8];
+ int ret;
+ printk(KERN_INFO"%s called\n", __func__);
+ data->pdata->ir_wake_en(1);
+ data->pdata->ir_vdd_onoff(1);
+ msleep(60);
+ ret = i2c_master_recv(client, buf_ir_test, MC96_READ_LENGTH);
+ if (ret < 0)
+ dev_err(&client->dev, "%s: err %d\n", __func__, ret);
+ printk(KERN_INFO "%s: buf_ir dev_id: 0x%02x, 0x%02x\n", __func__,
+ buf_ir_test[2], buf_ir_test[3]);
+ ret = data->dev_id = (buf_ir_test[2] << 8 | buf_ir_test[3]);
+ data->pdata->ir_wake_en(0);
+ data->pdata->ir_vdd_onoff(0);
+ data->on_off = 0;
+ return ret;
+static void ir_remocon_work(struct ir_remocon_data *ir_data, int count)
+ struct ir_remocon_data *data = ir_data;
+ struct i2c_client *client = data->client;
+ int buf_size = count+2;
+ int ret, i;
+ int sleep_timing;
+ int end_data;
+ int emission_time;
+ unsigned long flags;
+ printk(KERN_INFO "%s: total buf_size: %d\n", __func__, buf_size);
+ irda_add_checksum_length(data, count);
+ spin_lock_irqsave(&data->lock, flags);
+ ret = i2c_master_send(client, data->signal, buf_size);
+ if (ret < 0) {
+ dev_err(&client->dev, "%s: err1 %d\n", __func__, ret);
+ ret = i2c_master_send(client, data->signal, buf_size);
+ if (ret < 0)
+ dev_err(&client->dev, "%s: err2 %d\n", __func__, ret);
+ }
+ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&data->lock, flags);
+ for (i = 0; i < buf_size; i++) {
+ printk(KERN_INFO "%s: data[%d] : 0x%02x\n", __func__, i,
+ data->signal[i]);
+ }
+ data->count = 2;
+ end_data = data->signal[count-2] << 8 | data->signal[count-1];
+ emission_time = \
+ (1000 * (data->ir_sum - end_data) / (data->ir_freq)) + 10;
+ sleep_timing = emission_time - 130;
+ if (sleep_timing > 0)
+ msleep(sleep_timing);
+ printk(KERN_INFO "%s: sleep_timing = %d\n", __func__, sleep_timing);
+#ifndef USE_STOP_MODE
+ data->pdata->ir_vdd_onoff(0);
+ data->on_off = 0;
+ data->pdata->ir_wake_en(0);
+ data->ir_freq = 0;
+ data->ir_sum = 0;
+static ssize_t remocon_store(struct device *dev, struct device_attribute *attr,
+ const char *buf, size_t size)
+ struct ir_remocon_data *data = dev_get_drvdata(dev);
+ unsigned int _data;
+ int count, i;
+ for (i = 0; i < MAX_SIZE; i++) {
+ if (sscanf(buf++, "%u", &_data) == 1) {
+ if (_data == 0 || buf == '\0')
+ break;
+ if (data->count == 2) {
+ data->ir_freq = _data;
+ if (data->on_off) {
+ data->pdata->ir_wake_en(0);
+ data->pdata->ir_wake_en(1);
+ msleep(20);
+ } else {
+ data->pdata->ir_wake_en(1);
+ data->pdata->ir_vdd_onoff(1);
+ msleep(60);
+ data->on_off = 1;
+ }
+ data->signal[2] = _data >> 16;
+ data->signal[3] = (_data >> 8) & 0xFF;
+ data->signal[4] = _data & 0xFF;
+ data->count += 3;
+ } else {
+ data->ir_sum += _data;
+ count = data->count;
+ data->signal[count] = _data >> 8;
+ data->signal[count+1] = _data & 0xFF;
+ data->count += 2;
+ }
+ while (_data > 0) {
+ buf++;
+ _data /= 10;
+ }
+ } else {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ ir_remocon_work(data, data->count);
+ return size;
+static ssize_t remocon_show(struct device *dev, struct device_attribute *attr,
+ char *buf)
+ struct ir_remocon_data *data = dev_get_drvdata(dev);
+ int i;
+ char *bufp = buf;
+ for (i = 5; i < MAX_SIZE - 1; i++) {
+ if (data->signal[i] == 0 && data->signal[i+1] == 0)
+ break;
+ else
+ bufp += sprintf(bufp, "%u,", data->signal[i]);
+ }
+ return strlen(buf);
+static DEVICE_ATTR(ir_send, 0664, remocon_show, remocon_store);
+static ssize_t check_ir_show(struct device *dev, struct device_attribute *attr,
+ char *buf)
+ struct ir_remocon_data *data = dev_get_drvdata(dev);
+ int ret;
+ ret = irda_read_device_info(data);
+ return snprintf(buf, 4, "%d\n", ret);
+static DEVICE_ATTR(check_ir, 0664, check_ir_show, NULL);
+static int __devinit ir_remocon_probe(struct i2c_client *client,
+ const struct i2c_device_id *id)
+ struct i2c_adapter *adapter = to_i2c_adapter(client->dev.parent);
+ struct ir_remocon_data *data;
+ struct device *ir_remocon_dev;
+ int error;
+ printk(KERN_INFO "%s probe!\n", __func__);
+ if (!i2c_check_functionality(adapter, I2C_FUNC_I2C))
+ return -EIO;
+ data = kzalloc(sizeof(struct ir_remocon_data), GFP_KERNEL);
+ if (NULL == data) {
+ pr_err("Failed to data allocate %s\n", __func__);
+ error = -ENOMEM;
+ goto err_free_mem;
+ }
+ data->client = client;
+ data->pdata = client->dev.platform_data;
+ data->pdata->ir_remote_init();
+ mutex_init(&data->mutex);
+ data->count = 2;
+ data->on_off = 0;
+ i2c_set_clientdata(client, data);
+ irda_fw_update(data);
+ spin_lock_init(&data->lock);
+ irda_read_device_info(data);
+ ir_remocon_dev = device_create(sec_class, NULL, 0, data, "sec_ir");
+ if (IS_ERR(ir_remocon_dev))
+ pr_err("Failed to create ir_remocon_dev device\n");
+ if (device_create_file(ir_remocon_dev, &dev_attr_ir_send) < 0)
+ pr_err("Failed to create device file(%s)!\n",
+ dev_attr_ir_send.attr.name);
+ if (device_create_file(ir_remocon_dev, &dev_attr_check_ir) < 0)
+ pr_err("Failed to create device file(%s)!\n",
+ dev_attr_check_ir.attr.name);
+ data->early_suspend.level = EARLY_SUSPEND_LEVEL_BLANK_SCREEN + 1;
+ data->early_suspend.suspend = ir_remocon_early_suspend;
+ data->early_suspend.resume = ir_remocon_late_resume;
+ register_early_suspend(&data->early_suspend);
+ return 0;
+ kfree(data);
+ return error;
+#if defined(CONFIG_PM) || defined(CONFIG_HAS_EARLYSUSPEND)
+static int ir_remocon_suspend(struct device *dev)
+ struct i2c_client *client = to_i2c_client(dev);
+ struct ir_remocon_data *data = i2c_get_clientdata(client);
+ data->pdata->ir_vdd_onoff(0);
+ data->on_off = 0;
+ data->pdata->ir_wake_en(0);
+ return 0;
+static int ir_remocon_resume(struct device *dev)
+ return 0;
+static void ir_remocon_early_suspend(struct early_suspend *h)
+ struct ir_remocon_data *data;
+ data = container_of(h, struct ir_remocon_data, early_suspend);
+ ir_remocon_suspend(&data->client->dev);
+static void ir_remocon_late_resume(struct early_suspend *h)
+ struct ir_remocon_data *data;
+ data = container_of(h, struct ir_remocon_data, early_suspend);
+ ir_remocon_resume(&data->client->dev);
+#if defined(CONFIG_PM) && !defined(CONFIG_HAS_EARLYSUSPEND)
+static const struct dev_pm_ops ir_remocon_pm_ops = {
+ .suspend = ir_remocon_suspend,
+ .resume = ir_remocon_resume,
+static int __devexit ir_remocon_remove(struct i2c_client *client)
+ struct ir_remocon_data *data = i2c_get_clientdata(client);
+ mutex_destroy(&data->mutex);
+ i2c_set_clientdata(client, NULL);
+ kfree(data);
+ return 0;
+static const struct i2c_device_id mc96_id[] = {
+ {"mc96", 0},
+ {}
+MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE(i2c, mc96_id);
+static struct i2c_driver mc96_i2c_driver = {
+ .driver = {
+ .name = "mc96",
+ },
+ .probe = ir_remocon_probe,
+ .remove = __devexit_p(ir_remocon_remove),
+#if defined(CONFIG_PM) && !defined(CONFIG_HAS_EARLYSUSPEND)
+ .pm = &ir_remocon_pm_ops,
+ .id_table = mc96_id,
+static int __init ir_remocon_init(void)
+ return i2c_add_driver(&mc96_i2c_driver);
+static void __exit ir_remocon_exit(void)
+ i2c_del_driver(&mc96_i2c_driver);
+MODULE_DESCRIPTION("SEC IR remote controller");