path: root/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/debug.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/debug.c')
1 files changed, 276 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/debug.c b/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/debug.c
index 3586c43..f0c80ec 100644
--- a/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/debug.c
+++ b/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/debug.c
@@ -587,26 +587,60 @@ static const struct file_operations fops_wiphy = {
sc->debug.stats.txstats[WME_AC_BK].elem, \
sc->debug.stats.txstats[WME_AC_VI].elem, \
sc->debug.stats.txstats[WME_AC_VO].elem); \
+ if (len >= size) \
+ goto done; \
} while(0)
+#define PRX(str, elem) \
+do { \
+ len += snprintf(buf + len, size - len, \
+ "%s%13u%11u%10u%10u\n", str, \
+ (unsigned int)(sc->tx.txq[ATH_TXQ_AC_BE].elem), \
+ (unsigned int)(sc->tx.txq[ATH_TXQ_AC_BK].elem), \
+ (unsigned int)(sc->tx.txq[ATH_TXQ_AC_VI].elem), \
+ (unsigned int)(sc->tx.txq[ATH_TXQ_AC_VO].elem)); \
+ if (len >= size) \
+ goto done; \
+} while(0)
+#define PRQLE(str, elem) \
+do { \
+ len += snprintf(buf + len, size - len, \
+ "%s%13i%11i%10i%10i\n", str, \
+ list_empty(&sc->tx.txq[ATH_TXQ_AC_BE].elem), \
+ list_empty(&sc->tx.txq[ATH_TXQ_AC_BK].elem), \
+ list_empty(&sc->tx.txq[ATH_TXQ_AC_VI].elem), \
+ list_empty(&sc->tx.txq[ATH_TXQ_AC_VO].elem)); \
+ if (len >= size) \
+ goto done; \
+} while (0)
static ssize_t read_file_xmit(struct file *file, char __user *user_buf,
size_t count, loff_t *ppos)
struct ath_softc *sc = file->private_data;
char *buf;
- unsigned int len = 0, size = 2048;
+ unsigned int len = 0, size = 8000;
+ int i;
ssize_t retval = 0;
+ char tmp[32];
buf = kzalloc(size, GFP_KERNEL);
if (buf == NULL)
return -ENOMEM;
- len += sprintf(buf, "%30s %10s%10s%10s\n\n", "BE", "BK", "VI", "VO");
+ len += sprintf(buf, "Num-Tx-Queues: %i tx-queues-setup: 0x%x"
+ " poll-work-seen: %u\n"
+ "%30s %10s%10s%10s\n\n",
+ ATH9K_NUM_TX_QUEUES, sc->tx.txqsetup,
+ sc->tx_complete_poll_work_seen,
+ "BE", "BK", "VI", "VO");
PR("MPDUs Queued: ", queued);
PR("MPDUs Completed: ", completed);
PR("Aggregates: ", a_aggr);
- PR("AMPDUs Queued: ", a_queued);
+ PR("AMPDUs Queued HW:", a_queued_hw);
+ PR("AMPDUs Queued SW:", a_queued_sw);
PR("AMPDUs Completed:", a_completed);
PR("AMPDUs Retried: ", a_retries);
PR("AMPDUs XRetried: ", a_xretries);
@@ -618,6 +652,223 @@ static ssize_t read_file_xmit(struct file *file, char __user *user_buf,
PR("DELIM Underrun: ", delim_underrun);
PR("TX-Pkts-All: ", tx_pkts_all);
PR("TX-Bytes-All: ", tx_bytes_all);
+ PR("hw-put-tx-buf: ", puttxbuf);
+ PR("hw-tx-start: ", txstart);
+ PR("hw-tx-proc-desc: ", txprocdesc);
+ len += snprintf(buf + len, size - len,
+ "%s%11p%11p%10p%10p\n", "txq-memory-address:",
+ &(sc->tx.txq[ATH_TXQ_AC_BE]),
+ &(sc->tx.txq[ATH_TXQ_AC_BK]),
+ &(sc->tx.txq[ATH_TXQ_AC_VI]),
+ &(sc->tx.txq[ATH_TXQ_AC_VO]));
+ if (len >= size)
+ goto done;
+ PRX("axq-qnum: ", axq_qnum);
+ PRX("axq-depth: ", axq_depth);
+ PRX("axq-ampdu_depth: ", axq_ampdu_depth);
+ PRX("axq-stopped ", stopped);
+ PRX("tx-in-progress ", axq_tx_inprogress);
+ PRX("pending-frames ", pending_frames);
+ PRX("txq_headidx: ", txq_headidx);
+ PRX("txq_tailidx: ", txq_headidx);
+ PRQLE("axq_q empty: ", axq_q);
+ PRQLE("axq_acq empty: ", axq_acq);
+ PRQLE("txq_fifo_pending: ", txq_fifo_pending);
+ for (i = 0; i < ATH_TXFIFO_DEPTH; i++) {
+ snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp) - 1, "txq_fifo[%i] empty: ", i);
+ PRQLE(tmp, txq_fifo[i]);
+ }
+ /* Print out more detailed queue-info */
+ for (i = 0; i <= WME_AC_BK; i++) {
+ struct ath_txq *txq = &(sc->tx.txq[i]);
+ struct ath_atx_ac *ac;
+ struct ath_atx_tid *tid;
+ if (len >= size)
+ goto done;
+ spin_lock_bh(&txq->axq_lock);
+ if (!list_empty(&txq->axq_acq)) {
+ ac = list_first_entry(&txq->axq_acq, struct ath_atx_ac,
+ list);
+ len += snprintf(buf + len, size - len,
+ "txq[%i] first-ac: %p sched: %i\n",
+ i, ac, ac->sched);
+ if (list_empty(&ac->tid_q) || (len >= size))
+ goto done_for;
+ tid = list_first_entry(&ac->tid_q, struct ath_atx_tid,
+ list);
+ len += snprintf(buf + len, size - len,
+ " first-tid: %p sched: %i paused: %i\n",
+ tid, tid->sched, tid->paused);
+ }
+ done_for:
+ spin_unlock_bh(&txq->axq_lock);
+ }
+ if (len > size)
+ len = size;
+ retval = simple_read_from_buffer(user_buf, count, ppos, buf, len);
+ kfree(buf);
+ return retval;
+static ssize_t read_file_stations(struct file *file, char __user *user_buf,
+ size_t count, loff_t *ppos)
+ struct ath_softc *sc = file->private_data;
+ char *buf;
+ unsigned int len = 0, size = 64000;
+ struct ath_node *an = NULL;
+ ssize_t retval = 0;
+ int q;
+ buf = kzalloc(size, GFP_KERNEL);
+ if (buf == NULL)
+ return -ENOMEM;
+ len += snprintf(buf + len, size - len,
+ "Stations:\n"
+ " tid: addr sched paused buf_q-empty an ac\n"
+ " ac: addr sched tid_q-empty txq\n");
+ spin_lock(&sc->nodes_lock);
+ list_for_each_entry(an, &sc->nodes, list) {
+ len += snprintf(buf + len, size - len,
+ "%pM\n", an->sta->addr);
+ if (len >= size)
+ goto done;
+ for (q = 0; q < WME_NUM_TID; q++) {
+ struct ath_atx_tid *tid = &(an->tid[q]);
+ len += snprintf(buf + len, size - len,
+ " tid: %p %s %s %i %p %p\n",
+ tid, tid->sched ? "sched" : "idle",
+ tid->paused ? "paused" : "running",
+ list_empty(&tid->buf_q),
+ tid->an, tid->ac);
+ if (len >= size)
+ goto done;
+ }
+ for (q = 0; q < WME_NUM_AC; q++) {
+ struct ath_atx_ac *ac = &(an->ac[q]);
+ len += snprintf(buf + len, size - len,
+ " ac: %p %s %i %p\n",
+ ac, ac->sched ? "sched" : "idle",
+ list_empty(&ac->tid_q), ac->txq);
+ if (len >= size)
+ goto done;
+ }
+ }
+ spin_unlock(&sc->nodes_lock);
+ if (len > size)
+ len = size;
+ retval = simple_read_from_buffer(user_buf, count, ppos, buf, len);
+ kfree(buf);
+ return retval;
+static ssize_t read_file_misc(struct file *file, char __user *user_buf,
+ size_t count, loff_t *ppos)
+ struct ath_softc *sc = file->private_data;
+ struct ath_common *common = ath9k_hw_common(sc->sc_ah);
+ struct ath_hw *ah = sc->sc_ah;
+ struct ieee80211_hw *hw = sc->hw;
+ char *buf;
+ unsigned int len = 0, size = 8000;
+ ssize_t retval = 0;
+ const char *tmp;
+ unsigned int reg;
+ struct ath9k_vif_iter_data iter_data;
+ ath9k_calculate_iter_data(hw, NULL, &iter_data);
+ buf = kzalloc(size, GFP_KERNEL);
+ if (buf == NULL)
+ return -ENOMEM;
+ switch (sc->sc_ah->opmode) {
+ case NL80211_IFTYPE_ADHOC:
+ tmp = "ADHOC";
+ break;
+ tmp = "MESH";
+ break;
+ case NL80211_IFTYPE_AP:
+ tmp = "AP";
+ break;
+ case NL80211_IFTYPE_STATION:
+ tmp = "STATION";
+ break;
+ default:
+ tmp = "???";
+ break;
+ }
+ len += snprintf(buf + len, size - len,
+ "curbssid: %pM\n"
+ "OP-Mode: %s(%i)\n"
+ "Beacon-Timer-Register: 0x%x\n",
+ common->curbssid,
+ tmp, (int)(sc->sc_ah->opmode),
+ reg = REG_READ(ah, AR_TIMER_MODE);
+ len += snprintf(buf + len, size - len, "Timer-Mode-Register: 0x%x (",
+ reg);
+ if (reg & AR_TBTT_TIMER_EN)
+ len += snprintf(buf + len, size - len, "TBTT ");
+ if (reg & AR_DBA_TIMER_EN)
+ len += snprintf(buf + len, size - len, "DBA ");
+ if (reg & AR_SWBA_TIMER_EN)
+ len += snprintf(buf + len, size - len, "SWBA ");
+ if (reg & AR_HCF_TIMER_EN)
+ len += snprintf(buf + len, size - len, "HCF ");
+ if (reg & AR_TIM_TIMER_EN)
+ len += snprintf(buf + len, size - len, "TIM ");
+ if (reg & AR_DTIM_TIMER_EN)
+ len += snprintf(buf + len, size - len, "DTIM ");
+ len += snprintf(buf + len, size - len, ")\n");
+ reg = sc->sc_ah->imask;
+ len += snprintf(buf + len, size - len, "imask: 0x%x (", reg);
+ if (reg & ATH9K_INT_SWBA)
+ len += snprintf(buf + len, size - len, "SWBA ");
+ if (reg & ATH9K_INT_BMISS)
+ len += snprintf(buf + len, size - len, "BMISS ");
+ if (reg & ATH9K_INT_CST)
+ len += snprintf(buf + len, size - len, "CST ");
+ if (reg & ATH9K_INT_RX)
+ len += snprintf(buf + len, size - len, "RX ");
+ if (reg & ATH9K_INT_RXHP)
+ len += snprintf(buf + len, size - len, "RXHP ");
+ if (reg & ATH9K_INT_RXLP)
+ len += snprintf(buf + len, size - len, "RXLP ");
+ if (reg & ATH9K_INT_BB_WATCHDOG)
+ len += snprintf(buf + len, size - len, "BB_WATCHDOG ");
+ /* there are other IRQs if one wanted to add them. */
+ len += snprintf(buf + len, size - len, ")\n");
+ len += snprintf(buf + len, size - len,
+ "VIF Counts: AP: %i STA: %i MESH: %i WDS: %i"
+ " ADHOC: %i OTHER: %i nvifs: %hi beacon-vifs: %hi\n",
+ iter_data.naps, iter_data.nstations, iter_data.nmeshes,
+ iter_data.nwds, iter_data.nadhocs, iter_data.nothers,
+ sc->nvifs, sc->nbcnvifs);
+ len += snprintf(buf + len, size - len,
+ "Calculated-BSSID-Mask: %pM\n",
+ iter_data.mask);
if (len > size)
len = size;
@@ -666,6 +917,20 @@ static const struct file_operations fops_xmit = {
.llseek = default_llseek,
+static const struct file_operations fops_stations = {
+ .read = read_file_stations,
+ .open = ath9k_debugfs_open,
+ .owner = THIS_MODULE,
+ .llseek = default_llseek,
+static const struct file_operations fops_misc = {
+ .read = read_file_misc,
+ .open = ath9k_debugfs_open,
+ .owner = THIS_MODULE,
+ .llseek = default_llseek,
static ssize_t read_file_recv(struct file *file, char __user *user_buf,
size_t count, loff_t *ppos)
@@ -903,6 +1168,14 @@ int ath9k_init_debug(struct ath_hw *ah)
sc, &fops_xmit))
goto err;
+ if (!debugfs_create_file("stations", S_IRUSR, sc->debug.debugfs_phy,
+ sc, &fops_stations))
+ goto err;
+ if (!debugfs_create_file("misc", S_IRUSR, sc->debug.debugfs_phy,
+ sc, &fops_misc))
+ goto err;
if (!debugfs_create_file("recv", S_IRUSR, sc->debug.debugfs_phy,
sc, &fops_recv))
goto err;